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filesystem.c - game filesystem based on DP fs
Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Mathieu Olivier
Copyright (C) 2000-2007 DarkPlaces contributors
Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike
Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Xash3D FWGS contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "build.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#if XASH_WIN32
7 years ago
#include <direct.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <errno.h>
7 years ago
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "port.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "crtlib.h"
#include "crclib.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem_internal.h"
#include "xash3d_mathlib.h"
#include "common/com_strings.h"
#include "common/protocol.h"
#define FILE_COPY_SIZE (1024 * 1024)
fs_globals_t FI;
qboolean fs_ext_path = false; // attempt to read\write from ./ or ../ pathes
poolhandle_t fs_mempool;
char fs_rodir[MAX_SYSPATH];
char fs_rootdir[MAX_SYSPATH];
searchpath_t *fs_writepath;
static searchpath_t *fs_searchpaths = NULL; // chain
static char fs_basedir[MAX_SYSPATH]; // base game directory
static char fs_gamedir[MAX_SYSPATH]; // game current directory
// add archives in specific order PAK -> PK3 -> WAD
// so raw WADs takes precedence over WADs included into PAKs and PK3s
const fs_archive_t g_archives[] =
{ "pak", SEARCHPATH_PAK, FS_AddPak_Fullpath, true },
{ "pk3", SEARCHPATH_ZIP, FS_AddZip_Fullpath, true },
{ "pk3dir", SEARCHPATH_PK3DIR, FS_AddDir_Fullpath, true },
{ "wad", SEARCHPATH_WAD, FS_AddWad_Fullpath, false },
{ NULL }, // end marker
// special fs_archive_t for plain directories
static const fs_archive_t g_directory_archive =
{ NULL, SEARCHPATH_PLAIN, FS_AddDir_Fullpath, false };
static const fs_archive_t g_android_archive =
{ NULL, SEARCHPATH_ANDROID_ASSETS, FS_AddAndroidAssets_Fullpath, false };
static file_t *fs_last_readfile;
static zip_t *fs_last_zip;
static void FS_EnsureOpenFile( file_t *file )
if( fs_last_readfile == file )
if( file && !file->backup_path )
if( fs_last_readfile && (fs_last_readfile->handle != -1) )
fs_last_readfile->backup_position = lseek( fs_last_readfile->handle, 0, SEEK_CUR );
close( fs_last_readfile->handle );
fs_last_readfile->handle = -1;
fs_last_readfile = file;
if( file && (file->handle == -1) )
file->handle = open( file->backup_path, file->backup_options );
lseek( file->handle, file->backup_position, SEEK_SET );
static void FS_BackupFileName( file_t *file, const char *path, uint options )
if( path == NULL )
if( file->backup_path )
Mem_Free( (void*)file->backup_path );
if( file == fs_last_readfile )
FS_EnsureOpenFile( NULL );
else if( options == O_RDONLY || options == (O_RDONLY|O_BINARY) )
file->backup_path = copystring( path );
file->backup_options = options;
static void FS_EnsureOpenFile( file_t *file ) {}
static void FS_BackupFileName( file_t *file, const char *path, uint options ) {}
static void FS_InitMemory( void );
static void FS_Purge( file_t* file );
void stringlistinit( stringlist_t *list )
memset( list, 0, sizeof( *list ));
void stringlistfreecontents( stringlist_t *list )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < list->numstrings; i++ )
if( list->strings[i] )
Mem_Free( list->strings[i] );
list->strings[i] = NULL;
if( list->strings )
Mem_Free( list->strings );
list->numstrings = 0;
list->maxstrings = 0;
list->strings = NULL;
void stringlistappend( stringlist_t *list, const char *text )
size_t textlen;
if( !Q_strcmp( text, "." ) || !Q_strcmp( text, ".." ))
return; // ignore the virtual directories
if( list->numstrings >= list->maxstrings )
list->maxstrings += 4096;
list->strings = Mem_Realloc( fs_mempool, list->strings, list->maxstrings * sizeof( *list->strings ));
textlen = Q_strlen( text ) + 1;
list->strings[list->numstrings] = Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, textlen );
memcpy( list->strings[list->numstrings], text, textlen );
void stringlistsort( stringlist_t *list )
char *temp;
int i, j;
// this is a selection sort (finds the best entry for each slot)
for( i = 0; i < list->numstrings - 1; i++ )
for( j = i + 1; j < list->numstrings; j++ )
if( Q_strcmp( list->strings[i], list->strings[j] ) > 0 )
temp = list->strings[i];
list->strings[i] = list->strings[j];
list->strings[j] = temp;
// convert names to lowercase because dos doesn't care, but pattern matching code often does
static void listlowercase( stringlist_t *list )
char *c;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < list->numstrings; i++ )
for( c = list->strings[i]; *c; c++ )
*c = Q_tolower( *c );
void listdirectory( stringlist_t *list, const char *path )
#if XASH_WIN32
7 years ago
char pattern[4096];
struct _finddata_t n_file;
intptr_t hFile;
7 years ago
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *entry;
#if XASH_WIN32
Q_snprintf( pattern, sizeof( pattern ), "%s/*", path );
// ask for the directory listing handle
hFile = _findfirst( pattern, &n_file );
if( hFile == -1 ) return;
// start a new chain with the the first name
stringlistappend( list, n_file.name );
// iterate through the directory
while( _findnext( hFile, &n_file ) == 0 )
stringlistappend( list, n_file.name );
_findclose( hFile );
7 years ago
if( !( dir = opendir( path ) ) )
// iterate through the directory
while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ))
stringlistappend( list, entry->d_name );
closedir( dir );
// convert names to lowercase because 8.3 always in CAPS
listlowercase( list );
#if XASH_WIN32
Converts input UTF-8 string to wide char string.
static const wchar_t *FS_PathToWideChar( const char *path )
static wchar_t pathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH );
return pathBuffer;
Only used for FS_Open.
void FS_CreatePath( char *path )
char *ofs, save;
for( ofs = path + 1; *ofs; ofs++ )
if( *ofs == '/' || *ofs == '\\' )
// create the directory
save = *ofs;
*ofs = 0;
_mkdir( path );
*ofs = save;
searchpath_t *FS_AddArchive_Fullpath( const fs_archive_t *archive, const char *file, int flags )
searchpath_t *search;
for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next )
if( search->type == archive->type && !Q_stricmp( search->filename, file ))
return search; // already loaded
search = archive->pfnAddArchive_Fullpath( file, flags );
if( !search )
return NULL;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
fs_searchpaths = search;
// time to add in search list all the wads from this archive
if( archive->load_wads && !FBitSet( flags, FS_SKIP_ARCHIVED_WADS ))
stringlist_t list;
int i;
stringlistinit( &list );
search->pfnSearch( search, &list, "*.wad", true );
stringlistsort( &list ); // keep always sorted
for( i = 0; i < list.numstrings; i++ )
searchpath_t *wad;
char fullpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
Q_snprintf( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), "%s/%s", file, list.strings[i] );
if(( wad = FS_AddWad_Fullpath( fullpath, flags )))
wad->next = fs_searchpaths;
fs_searchpaths = wad;
stringlistfreecontents( &list );
return search;
static searchpath_t *FS_MountArchive_Fullpath( const char *file, int flags )
const fs_archive_t *archive;
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( file );
for( archive = g_archives; archive->ext; archive++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, archive->ext ))
return FS_AddArchive_Fullpath( archive, file, flags );
return NULL;
Sets fs_writepath, adds the directory to the head of the path,
then loads and adds pak1.pak pak2.pak ...
void FS_AddGameDirectory( const char *dir, uint flags )
const fs_archive_t *archive;
stringlist_t list;
searchpath_t *search;
char fullpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
int i;
stringlistinit( &list );
listdirectory( &list, dir );
stringlistsort( &list );
for( archive = g_archives; archive->ext; archive++ )
if( archive->type == SEARCHPATH_WAD ) // HACKHACK: wads need direct paths but only in this function
FS_AllowDirectPaths( true );
for( i = 0; i < list.numstrings; i++ )
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( list.strings[i] );
if( Q_stricmp( ext, archive->ext ))
Q_snprintf( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), "%s%s", dir, list.strings[i] );
FS_AddArchive_Fullpath( archive, fullpath, flags );
FS_AllowDirectPaths( false );
stringlistfreecontents( &list );
FS_AddArchive_Fullpath( &g_android_archive, dir, flags );
// add the directory to the search path
// (unpacked files have the priority over packed files)
search = FS_AddArchive_Fullpath( &g_directory_archive, dir, flags );
if( !FBitSet( flags, FS_NOWRITE_PATH ))
fs_writepath = search;
void FS_ClearSearchPath( void )
searchpath_t *cur, **prev;
prev = &fs_searchpaths;
while( true )
cur = *prev;
if( !cur )
// never delete static paths
if( FBitSet( cur->flags, FS_STATIC_PATH ))
prev = &cur->next;
*prev = cur->next;
cur->pfnClose( cur );
Mem_Free( cur );
Return true if the path should be rejected due to one of the following:
1: path elements that are non-portable
2: path elements that would allow access to files outside the game directory,
or are just not a good idea for a mod to be using.
static int FS_CheckNastyPath( const char *path )
// all: never allow an empty path, as for gamedir it would access the parent directory and a non-gamedir path it is just useless
if( !COM_CheckString( path )) return 2;
if( fs_ext_path ) return 0; // allow any path
// Mac: don't allow Mac-only filenames - : is a directory separator
// instead of /, but we rely on / working already, so there's no reason to
// support a Mac-only path
// Amiga and Windows: : tries to go to root of drive
if( Q_strchr( path, ':' )) return 1; // non-portable attempt to go to root of drive
// Amiga: // is parent directory
if( Q_strstr( path, "//")) return 1; // non-portable attempt to go to parent directory
// all: don't allow going to parent directory (../ or /../)
if( Q_strstr( path, "..")) return 2; // attempt to go outside the game directory
// Windows and UNIXes: don't allow absolute paths
if( path[0] == '/') return 2; // attempt to go outside the game directory
#if 0
// all: forbid trailing slash on gamedir
if( isgamedir && path[Q_strlen(path)-1] == '/' ) return 2;
// all: forbid leading dot on any filename for any reason
if( Q_strstr(path, "/.")) return 2; // attempt to go outside the game directory
// after all these checks we're pretty sure it's a / separated filename
// and won't do much if any harm
return false;
assume GameInfo is valid
static void FS_WriteGameInfo( const char *filepath, gameinfo_t *GameInfo )
file_t *f = FS_Open( filepath, "w", false ); // we in binary-mode
int i, write_ambients = false;
if( !f ) Sys_Error( "FS_WriteGameInfo: can't write %s\n", filepath ); // may be disk-space is out?
FS_Printf( f, "// generated by " XASH_ENGINE_NAME " " XASH_VERSION "-%s (%s-%s)\n\n\n", Q_buildcommit(), Q_buildos(), Q_buildarch() );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->basedir ) )
FS_Printf( f, "basedir\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->basedir );
// DEPRECATED: gamedir key isn't supported by FWGS fork
// but write it anyway to keep compability with original Xash3D
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->gamefolder ) )
FS_Printf( f, "gamedir\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->gamefolder );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->falldir ) )
FS_Printf( f, "fallback_dir\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->falldir );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->title ) )
FS_Printf( f, "title\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->title );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->startmap ) )
FS_Printf( f, "startmap\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->startmap );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->trainmap ) )
FS_Printf( f, "trainmap\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->trainmap );
if( GameInfo->version != 0.0f )
FS_Printf( f, "version\t\t%g\n", GameInfo->version );
if( GameInfo->size != 0 )
FS_Printf( f, "size\t\t%lu\n", GameInfo->size );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->game_url ) )
FS_Printf( f, "url_info\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->game_url );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->update_url ) )
FS_Printf( f, "url_update\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->update_url );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->type ) )
FS_Printf( f, "type\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->type );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->date ) )
FS_Printf( f, "date\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->date );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->dll_path ) )
FS_Printf( f, "dllpath\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->dll_path );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->game_dll ) )
FS_Printf( f, "gamedll\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->game_dll );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->game_dll_linux ) )
FS_Printf( f, "gamedll_linux\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->game_dll_linux );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->game_dll_osx ) )
FS_Printf( f, "gamedll_osx\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->game_dll_osx );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->iconpath ))
FS_Printf( f, "icon\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->iconpath );
switch( GameInfo->gamemode )
case 1: FS_Print( f, "gamemode\t\t\"singleplayer_only\"\n" ); break;
case 2: FS_Print( f, "gamemode\t\t\"multiplayer_only\"\n" ); break;
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->sp_entity ))
FS_Printf( f, "sp_entity\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->sp_entity );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->mp_entity ))
FS_Printf( f, "mp_entity\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->mp_entity );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( GameInfo->mp_filter ))
FS_Printf( f, "mp_filter\t\t\"%s\"\n", GameInfo->mp_filter );
if( GameInfo->secure )
FS_Printf( f, "secure\t\t\"%i\"\n", GameInfo->secure );
if( GameInfo->nomodels )
FS_Printf( f, "nomodels\t\t\"%i\"\n", GameInfo->nomodels );
if( GameInfo->max_edicts > 0 )
FS_Printf( f, "max_edicts\t%i\n", GameInfo->max_edicts );
if( GameInfo->max_tents > 0 )
FS_Printf( f, "max_tempents\t%i\n", GameInfo->max_tents );
if( GameInfo->max_beams > 0 )
FS_Printf( f, "max_beams\t\t%i\n", GameInfo->max_beams );
if( GameInfo->max_particles > 0 )
FS_Printf( f, "max_particles\t%i\n", GameInfo->max_particles );
for( i = 0; i < NUM_AMBIENTS; i++ )
if( *GameInfo->ambientsound[i] )
if( !write_ambients )
FS_Print( f, "\n" );
write_ambients = true;
FS_Printf( f, "ambient%i\t\t%s\n", i, GameInfo->ambientsound[i] );
if( GameInfo->noskills )
FS_Printf( f, "noskills\t\t\"%i\"\n", GameInfo->nomodels );
#define SAVE_AGED_COUNT 2 // the default count of quick and auto saves
if( GameInfo->quicksave_aged_count != SAVE_AGED_COUNT )
FS_Printf( f, "quicksave_aged_count\t\t%d\n", GameInfo->quicksave_aged_count );
if( GameInfo->autosave_aged_count != SAVE_AGED_COUNT )
FS_Printf( f, "autosave_aged_count\t\t%d\n", GameInfo->autosave_aged_count );
// always expose our extensions :)
FS_Printf( f, "internal_vgui_support\t\t%s\n", GameInfo->internal_vgui_support ? "1" : "0" );
FS_Printf( f, "render_picbutton_text\t\t%s\n", GameInfo->render_picbutton_text ? "1" : "0" );
FS_Close( f ); // all done
void FS_InitGameInfo( gameinfo_t *GameInfo, const char *gamedir )
memset( GameInfo, 0, sizeof( *GameInfo ));
// filesystem info
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->gamefolder, gamedir, sizeof( GameInfo->gamefolder ));
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->basedir, "valve", sizeof( GameInfo->basedir ));
GameInfo->falldir[0] = 0;
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->startmap, "c0a0", sizeof( GameInfo->startmap ));
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->trainmap, "t0a0", sizeof( GameInfo->trainmap ));
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->title, "New Game", sizeof( GameInfo->title ));
GameInfo->version = 1.0f;
// .dll pathes
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->dll_path, "cl_dlls", sizeof( GameInfo->dll_path ));
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->game_dll, "dlls/hl.dll", sizeof( GameInfo->game_dll ));
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->game_dll_linux, "dlls/hl.so", sizeof( GameInfo->game_dll_linux ));
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->game_dll_osx, "dlls/hl.dylib", sizeof( GameInfo->game_dll_osx ));
// .ico path
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->iconpath, "game.ico", sizeof( GameInfo->iconpath ));
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->sp_entity, "info_player_start", sizeof( GameInfo->sp_entity ));
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->mp_entity, "info_player_deathmatch", sizeof( GameInfo->mp_entity ));
GameInfo->max_edicts = 900; // default value if not specified
GameInfo->max_tents = 500;
GameInfo->max_beams = 128;
GameInfo->max_particles = 4096;
void FS_ParseGenericGameInfo( gameinfo_t *GameInfo, const char *buf, const qboolean isGameInfo )
char *pfile = (char*) buf;
qboolean found_linux = false, found_osx = false;
string token;
while(( pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ))) != NULL )
// different names in liblist/gameinfo
if( !Q_stricmp( token, isGameInfo ? "title" : "game" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->title, sizeof( GameInfo->title ));
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "fallback_dir" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->falldir, sizeof( GameInfo->falldir ));
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "startmap" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->startmap, sizeof( GameInfo->startmap ));
COM_StripExtension( GameInfo->startmap ); // HQ2:Amen has extension .bsp
// only trainmap is valid for gameinfo
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "trainmap" ) ||
(!isGameInfo && !Q_stricmp( token, "trainingmap" )))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->trainmap, sizeof( GameInfo->trainmap ));
COM_StripExtension( GameInfo->trainmap ); // HQ2:Amen has extension .bsp
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "url_info" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->game_url, sizeof( GameInfo->game_url ));
// different names
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, isGameInfo ? "url_update" : "url_dl" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->update_url, sizeof( GameInfo->update_url ));
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "gamedll" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->game_dll, sizeof( GameInfo->game_dll ));
COM_FixSlashes( GameInfo->game_dll );
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "gamedll_linux" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->game_dll_linux, sizeof( GameInfo->game_dll_linux ));
found_linux = true;
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "gamedll_osx" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->game_dll_osx, sizeof( GameInfo->game_dll_osx ));
found_osx = true;
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "icon" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->iconpath, sizeof( GameInfo->iconpath ));
COM_FixSlashes( GameInfo->iconpath );
COM_DefaultExtension( GameInfo->iconpath, ".ico", sizeof( GameInfo->iconpath ));
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "type" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
if( isGameInfo )
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->type, token, sizeof( GameInfo->type ));
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "singleplayer_only" ))
// TODO: Remove this ugly hack too.
// This was made because Half-Life has multiplayer,
// but for some reason it's marked as singleplayer_only.
// Old WON version is fine.
if( !Q_stricmp( GameInfo->gamefolder, "valve") )
GameInfo->gamemode = GAME_NORMAL;
GameInfo->gamemode = GAME_SINGLEPLAYER_ONLY;
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->type, "Single", sizeof( GameInfo->type ));
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "multiplayer_only" ))
GameInfo->gamemode = GAME_MULTIPLAYER_ONLY;
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->type, "Multiplayer", sizeof( GameInfo->type ));
// pass type without changes
if( !isGameInfo )
GameInfo->gamemode = GAME_NORMAL;
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->type, token, sizeof( GameInfo->type ));
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "version" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->version = Q_atof( token );
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "size" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->size = Q_atoi( token );
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, isGameInfo ? "mp_entity" : "mpentity" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->mp_entity, sizeof( GameInfo->mp_entity ));
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, isGameInfo ? "mp_filter" : "mpfilter" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->mp_filter, sizeof( GameInfo->mp_filter ));
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "secure" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->secure = Q_atoi( token ) ? true : false;
// valid for both
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "nomodels" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->nomodels = Q_atoi( token ) ? true : false;
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, isGameInfo ? "max_edicts" : "edicts" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->max_edicts = bound( MIN_EDICTS, Q_atoi( token ), MAX_EDICTS );
// only for gameinfo
else if( isGameInfo )
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "basedir" ))
string fs_path;
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, fs_path, sizeof( fs_path ));
if( Q_stricmp( fs_path, GameInfo->basedir ) || Q_stricmp( fs_path, GameInfo->gamefolder ))
Q_strncpy( GameInfo->basedir, fs_path, sizeof( GameInfo->basedir ));
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "sp_entity" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->sp_entity, sizeof( GameInfo->sp_entity ));
else if( isGameInfo && !Q_stricmp( token, "dllpath" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->dll_path, sizeof( GameInfo->dll_path ));
else if( isGameInfo && !Q_stricmp( token, "date" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->date, sizeof( GameInfo->date ));
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "max_tempents" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->max_tents = bound( 300, Q_atoi( token ), 2048 );
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "max_beams" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->max_beams = bound( 64, Q_atoi( token ), 512 );
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "max_particles" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->max_particles = bound( 1024, Q_atoi( token ), 131072 );
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "gamemode" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
// TODO: Remove this ugly hack too.
// This was made because Half-Life has multiplayer,
// but for some reason it's marked as singleplayer_only.
// Old WON version is fine.
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "singleplayer_only" ) && Q_stricmp( GameInfo->gamefolder, "valve") )
GameInfo->gamemode = GAME_SINGLEPLAYER_ONLY;
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "multiplayer_only" ))
GameInfo->gamemode = GAME_MULTIPLAYER_ONLY;
else if( !Q_strnicmp( token, "ambient", 7 ))
int ambientNum = Q_atoi( token + 7 );
if( ambientNum < 0 || ambientNum > ( NUM_AMBIENTS - 1 ))
ambientNum = 0;
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, GameInfo->ambientsound[ambientNum],
sizeof( GameInfo->ambientsound[ambientNum] ));
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "noskills" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->noskills = Q_atoi( token ) ? true : false;
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "render_picbutton_text" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->render_picbutton_text = Q_atoi( token ) ? true : false;
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "internal_vgui_support" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->internal_vgui_support = Q_atoi( token ) ? true : false;
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "quicksave_aged_count" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->quicksave_aged_count = bound( 2, Q_atoi( token ), 99 );
else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "autosave_aged_count" ))
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token, sizeof( token ));
GameInfo->autosave_aged_count = bound( 2, Q_atoi( token ), 99 );
if( !found_linux || !found_osx )
// just replace extension from dll to so/dylib
char gamedll[64];
Q_strncpy( gamedll, GameInfo->game_dll, sizeof( gamedll ));
COM_StripExtension( gamedll );
if( !found_linux )
Q_snprintf( GameInfo->game_dll_linux, sizeof( GameInfo->game_dll_linux ), "%s.so", gamedll );
if( !found_osx )
Q_snprintf( GameInfo->game_dll_osx, sizeof( GameInfo->game_dll_osx ), "%s.dylib", gamedll );
// make sure what gamedir is really exist
Q_snprintf( token, sizeof( token ), "%s/%s", fs_rootdir, GameInfo->falldir );
if( !FS_SysFolderExists( token ))
GameInfo->falldir[0] = '\0';
void FS_CreateDefaultGameInfo( const char *filename )
gameinfo_t defGI;
FS_InitGameInfo( &defGI, fs_basedir );
// make simple gameinfo.txt
FS_WriteGameInfo( filename, &defGI );
static qboolean FS_ParseLiblistGam( const char *filename, const char *gamedir, gameinfo_t *GameInfo )
char *afile;
if( !GameInfo ) return false;
afile = (char *)FS_LoadDirectFile( filename, NULL );
if( !afile ) return false;
FS_InitGameInfo( GameInfo, gamedir );
FS_ParseGenericGameInfo( GameInfo, afile, false );
Mem_Free( afile );
return true;
static qboolean FS_ConvertGameInfo( const char *gamedir, const char *gameinfo_path, const char *liblist_path )
gameinfo_t GameInfo;
memset( &GameInfo, 0, sizeof( GameInfo ));
if( FS_ParseLiblistGam( liblist_path, gamedir, &GameInfo ))
Con_DPrintf( "Convert %s to %s\n", liblist_path, gameinfo_path );
FS_WriteGameInfo( gameinfo_path, &GameInfo );
return true;
return false;
static qboolean FS_ReadGameInfo( const char *filepath, const char *gamedir, gameinfo_t *GameInfo )
char *afile;
afile = (char *)FS_LoadFile( filepath, NULL, false );
if( !afile )
return false;
FS_InitGameInfo( GameInfo, gamedir );
FS_ParseGenericGameInfo( GameInfo, afile, true );
Mem_Free( afile );
return true;
Checks if game directory resembles Quake Engine game directory
(some of checks may as well work with Xash gamedirs, it's not a bug)
static qboolean FS_CheckForQuakeGameDir( const char *gamedir, qboolean direct )
// if directory contain config.cfg or progs.dat it's 100% gamedir
// quake mods probably always archived but can missed config.cfg before first running
const char *files[] = { "config.cfg", "progs.dat", "pak0.pak" };
int i;
for( i = 0; i < sizeof( files ) / sizeof( files[0] ); i++ )
char buf[MAX_VA_STRING];
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s/%s", gamedir, files[i] );
if( direct ? FS_SysFileExists( buf ) : FS_FileExists( buf, false ))
return true;
return false;
Checks if game directory resembles Xash3D game directory
static qboolean FS_CheckForXashGameDir( const char *gamedir, qboolean direct )
// if directory contain gameinfo.txt or liblist.gam it's 100% gamedir
const char *files[] = { "gameinfo.txt", "liblist.gam" };
int i;
for( i = 0; i < sizeof( files ) / sizeof( files[0] ); i++ )
char buf[MAX_SYSPATH];
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s/%s", gamedir, files[i] );
if( direct ? FS_SysFileExists( buf ) : FS_FileExists( buf, false ))
return true;
return false;
static qboolean FS_ParseGameInfo( const char *gamedir, gameinfo_t *GameInfo )
string liblist_path, gameinfo_path;
string default_gameinfo_path;
qboolean haveUpdate = false;
Q_snprintf( default_gameinfo_path, sizeof( default_gameinfo_path ), "%s/gameinfo.txt", fs_basedir );
Q_snprintf( gameinfo_path, sizeof( gameinfo_path ), "%s/gameinfo.txt", gamedir );
Q_snprintf( liblist_path, sizeof( liblist_path ), "%s/liblist.gam", gamedir );
// here goes some RoDir magic...
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( fs_rodir ))
string gameinfo_ro, liblist_ro;
fs_offset_t roLibListTime, roGameInfoTime, rwGameInfoTime;
FS_AllowDirectPaths( true );
Q_snprintf( gameinfo_ro, sizeof( gameinfo_ro ), "%s/%s/gameinfo.txt", fs_rodir, gamedir );
Q_snprintf( liblist_ro, sizeof( liblist_ro ), "%s/%s/liblist.gam", fs_rodir, gamedir );
roLibListTime = FS_SysFileTime( liblist_ro );
roGameInfoTime = FS_SysFileTime( gameinfo_ro );
rwGameInfoTime = FS_SysFileTime( gameinfo_path );
if( roLibListTime > rwGameInfoTime )
haveUpdate = FS_ConvertGameInfo( gamedir, gameinfo_path, liblist_ro );
else if( roGameInfoTime > rwGameInfoTime )
fs_offset_t len;
char *afile_ro = (char *)FS_LoadDirectFile( gameinfo_ro, &len );
if( afile_ro )
Con_DPrintf( "Copy rodir %s to rwdir %s\n", gameinfo_ro, gameinfo_path );
haveUpdate = true;
FS_WriteFile( gameinfo_path, afile_ro, len );
Mem_Free( afile_ro );
FS_AllowDirectPaths( false );
// if user change liblist.gam update the gameinfo.txt
if( FS_FileTime( liblist_path, false ) > FS_FileTime( gameinfo_path, false ))
FS_ConvertGameInfo( gamedir, gameinfo_path, liblist_path );
// force to create gameinfo for specified game if missing
if(( FS_CheckForQuakeGameDir( gamedir, false ) || !Q_stricmp( fs_gamedir, gamedir )) && !FS_FileExists( gameinfo_path, false ))
gameinfo_t tmpGameInfo;
memset( &tmpGameInfo, 0, sizeof( tmpGameInfo ));
if( FS_ReadGameInfo( default_gameinfo_path, gamedir, &tmpGameInfo ))
// now we have copy of game info from basedir but needs to change gamedir
Con_DPrintf( "Convert %s to %s\n", default_gameinfo_path, gameinfo_path );
Q_strncpy( tmpGameInfo.gamefolder, gamedir, sizeof( tmpGameInfo.gamefolder ));
FS_WriteGameInfo( gameinfo_path, &tmpGameInfo );
else FS_CreateDefaultGameInfo( gameinfo_path );
if( !GameInfo || !FS_FileExists( gameinfo_path, false ))
return false; // no dest
return FS_ReadGameInfo( gameinfo_path, gamedir, GameInfo );
void FS_AddGameHierarchy( const char *dir, uint flags )
int i;
qboolean isGameDir = flags & FS_GAMEDIR_PATH;
char buf[MAX_VA_STRING];
GI->added = true;
if( !COM_CheckString( dir ))
// add the common game directory
// recursive gamedirs
// for example, czeror->czero->cstrike->valve
for( i = 0; i < FI.numgames; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( FI.games[i]->gamefolder, dir ))
dir = FI.games[i]->gamefolder; // fixup directory case
Con_Reportf( "FS_AddGameHierarchy: adding recursive basedir %s\n", FI.games[i]->basedir );
if( !FI.games[i]->added && Q_stricmp( FI.games[i]->gamefolder, FI.games[i]->basedir ))
FI.games[i]->added = true;
FS_AddGameHierarchy( FI.games[i]->basedir, flags & (~FS_GAMEDIR_PATH) );
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( fs_rodir ) )
// append new flags to rodir, except FS_GAMEDIR_PATH and FS_CUSTOM_PATH
uint newFlags = FS_NOWRITE_PATH | (flags & (~FS_GAMEDIR_PATH|FS_CUSTOM_PATH));
if( isGameDir )
FS_AllowDirectPaths( true );
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s/%s/", fs_rodir, dir );
FS_AddGameDirectory( buf, newFlags );
FS_AllowDirectPaths( false );
if( isGameDir )
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s/downloaded/", dir );
FS_AddGameDirectory( buf, FS_NOWRITE_PATH | FS_CUSTOM_PATH );
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s/", dir );
FS_AddGameDirectory( buf, flags );
if( isGameDir )
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s/custom/", dir );
FS_AddGameDirectory( buf, FS_NOWRITE_PATH | FS_CUSTOM_PATH );
void FS_Rescan( void )
const char *str;
const int extrasFlags = FS_NOWRITE_PATH | FS_CUSTOM_PATH;
Con_Reportf( "FS_Rescan( %s )\n", GI->title );
str = getenv( "XASH3D_EXTRAS_PAK1" );
if( COM_CheckString( str ))
FS_MountArchive_Fullpath( str, extrasFlags );
str = getenv( "XASH3D_EXTRAS_PAK2" );
if( COM_CheckString( str ))
FS_MountArchive_Fullpath( str, extrasFlags );
if( Q_stricmp( GI->basedir, GI->gamefolder ))
FS_AddGameHierarchy( GI->basedir, 0 );
if( Q_stricmp( GI->basedir, GI->falldir ) && Q_stricmp( GI->gamefolder, GI->falldir ))
FS_AddGameHierarchy( GI->falldir, 0 );
FS_AddGameHierarchy( GI->gamefolder, FS_GAMEDIR_PATH );
can be passed null arg
void FS_LoadGameInfo( const char *rootfolder )
int i;
// lock uplevel of gamedir for read\write
fs_ext_path = false;
if( rootfolder ) Q_strncpy( fs_gamedir, rootfolder, sizeof( fs_gamedir ));
Con_Reportf( "FS_LoadGameInfo( %s )\n", fs_gamedir );
// clear any old pathes
// validate gamedir
for( i = 0; i < FI.numgames; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( FI.games[i]->gamefolder, fs_gamedir ))
if( i == FI.numgames )
Sys_Error( "Couldn't find game directory '%s'\n", fs_gamedir );
FI.GameInfo = FI.games[i];
FS_Rescan(); // create new filesystem
return true if library is crypted
static qboolean FS_CheckForCrypt( const char *dllname )
file_t *f;
int key;
// this encryption is specific to DLLs
if( Q_stricmp( COM_FileExtension( dllname ), "dll" ))
return false;
f = FS_Open( dllname, "rb", false );
if( !f ) return false;
FS_Seek( f, 64, SEEK_SET ); // skip first 64 bytes
FS_Read( f, &key, sizeof( key ));
FS_Close( f );
return ( key == 0x12345678 ) ? true : false;
search for library, assume index is valid
static qboolean FS_FindLibrary( const char *dllname, qboolean directpath, fs_dllinfo_t *dllInfo )
string fixedname;
searchpath_t *search;
int index, start = 0, i, len;
// check for bad exports
if( !COM_CheckString( dllname ))
return false;
fs_ext_path = directpath;
// HACKHACK remove absoulte path to valve folder
if( !Q_strnicmp( dllname, "..\\valve\\", 9 ) || !Q_strnicmp( dllname, "../valve/", 9 ))
start += 9;
// replace all backward slashes
len = Q_strlen( dllname );
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
if( dllname[i+start] == '\\' ) dllInfo->shortPath[i] = '/';
else dllInfo->shortPath[i] = Q_tolower( dllname[i+start] );
dllInfo->shortPath[i] = '\0';
COM_DefaultExtension( dllInfo->shortPath, "."OS_LIB_EXT, sizeof( dllInfo->shortPath )); // apply ext if forget
search = FS_FindFile( dllInfo->shortPath, &index, fixedname, sizeof( fixedname ), false );
if( search )
Q_strncpy( dllInfo->shortPath, fixedname, sizeof( dllInfo->shortPath ));
else if( !directpath )
fs_ext_path = false;
// trying check also 'bin' folder for indirect paths
search = FS_FindFile( dllname, &index, fixedname, sizeof( fixedname ), false );
if( !search )
return false; // unable to find
Q_strncpy( dllInfo->shortPath, fixedname, sizeof( dllInfo->shortPath ));
dllInfo->encrypted = FS_CheckForCrypt( dllInfo->shortPath );
if( index >= 0 && !dllInfo->encrypted && search )
Q_snprintf( dllInfo->fullPath, sizeof( dllInfo->fullPath ),
"%s%s", search->filename, dllInfo->shortPath );
dllInfo->custom_loader = false; // we can loading from disk and use normal debugging
// NOTE: if search is NULL let the OS found library himself
Q_strncpy( dllInfo->fullPath, dllInfo->shortPath, sizeof( dllInfo->fullPath ));
if( search && search->type != SEARCHPATH_PLAIN )
#if XASH_WIN32 && XASH_X86 // a1ba: custom loader is non-portable (I just don't want to touch it)
Con_Printf( S_WARN "%s: loading libraries from packs is deprecated "
"and will be removed in the future\n", __FUNCTION__ );
dllInfo->custom_loader = true;
Con_Printf( S_WARN "%s: loading libraries from packs is unsupported on "
"this platform\n", __FUNCTION__ );
dllInfo->custom_loader = false;
dllInfo->custom_loader = false;
fs_ext_path = false; // always reset direct paths
return true;
static poolhandle_t _Mem_AllocPool( const char *name, const char *filename, int fileline )
return (poolhandle_t)0xDEADC0DE;
static void _Mem_FreePool( poolhandle_t *poolptr, const char *filename, int fileline )
// stub
static void *_Mem_Alloc( poolhandle_t poolptr, size_t size, qboolean clear, const char *filename, int fileline )
void *ptr = malloc( size );
if( clear ) memset( ptr, 0, size );
return ptr;
static void *_Mem_Realloc( poolhandle_t poolptr, void *memptr, size_t size, qboolean clear, const char *filename, int fileline )
return realloc( memptr, size );
static void _Mem_Free( void *data, const char *filename, int fileline )
free( data );
static void _Con_Printf( const char *fmt, ... )
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, fmt );
vprintf( fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
static void _Sys_Error( const char *fmt, ... )
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, fmt );
vfprintf( stderr, fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
exit( 1 );
static void *Sys_GetNativeObject_stub( const char *object )
return NULL;
qboolean FS_InitStdio( qboolean unused_set_to_true, const char *rootdir, const char *basedir, const char *gamedir, const char *rodir )
stringlist_t dirs;
qboolean hasBaseDir = false;
qboolean hasGameDir = false;
int i;
char buf[MAX_VA_STRING];
Q_strncpy( fs_rootdir, rootdir, sizeof( fs_rootdir ));
Q_strncpy( fs_gamedir, gamedir, sizeof( fs_gamedir ));
Q_strncpy( fs_basedir, basedir, sizeof( fs_basedir ));
Q_strncpy( fs_rodir, rodir, sizeof( fs_rodir ));
// add readonly directories first
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( fs_rodir ))
if( !Q_stricmp( fs_rodir, fs_rootdir ))
Sys_Error( "RoDir and default rootdir can't point to same directory!" );
return false;
stringlistinit( &dirs );
listdirectory( &dirs, fs_rodir );
stringlistsort( &dirs );
for( i = 0; i < dirs.numstrings; i++ )
char roPath[MAX_SYSPATH];
Q_snprintf( roPath, sizeof( roPath ), "%s/%s/", fs_rodir, dirs.strings[i] );
// check if it's a directory
if( !FS_SysFolderExists( roPath ))
// check if it's gamedir
if( FS_CheckForXashGameDir( roPath, true ) || FS_CheckForQuakeGameDir( roPath, true ))
char rwPath[MAX_SYSPATH];
Q_snprintf( rwPath, sizeof( rwPath ), "%s/%s/", fs_rootdir, dirs.strings[i] );
FS_CreatePath( rwPath );
stringlistfreecontents( &dirs );
// validate directories
stringlistinit( &dirs );
listdirectory( &dirs, "./" );
stringlistsort( &dirs );
for( i = 0; i < dirs.numstrings; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( fs_basedir, dirs.strings[i] ))
hasBaseDir = true;
if( !Q_stricmp( fs_gamedir, dirs.strings[i] ))
hasGameDir = true;
if( !hasGameDir )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "game directory \"%s\" not exist\n", fs_gamedir );
if( hasBaseDir ) Q_strncpy( fs_gamedir, fs_basedir, sizeof( fs_gamedir ));
// build list of game directories here
if( COM_CheckStringEmpty( fs_rodir ))
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s/", fs_rodir );
FS_AddGameDirectory( "./", FS_STATIC_PATH );
for( i = 0; i < dirs.numstrings; i++ )
if( !FS_SysFolderExists( dirs.strings[i] ))
if( FI.games[FI.numgames] == NULL )
FI.games[FI.numgames] = (gameinfo_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( gameinfo_t ));
if( FS_ParseGameInfo( dirs.strings[i], FI.games[FI.numgames] ))
FI.numgames++; // added
stringlistfreecontents( &dirs );
Con_Reportf( "FS_Init: done\n" );
return true;
void FS_AllowDirectPaths( qboolean enable )
fs_ext_path = enable;
void FS_ShutdownStdio( void )
int i;
// release gamedirs
for( i = 0; i < FI.numgames; i++ )
if( FI.games[i] )
Mem_Free( FI.games[i] );
FS_ClearSearchPath(); // release all wad files too
Mem_FreePool( &fs_mempool );
debug info
void FS_Path_f( void )
searchpath_t *s;
Con_Printf( "Current search path:\n" );
for( s = fs_searchpaths; s; s = s->next )
string info;
s->pfnPrintInfo( s, info, sizeof(info) );
Con_Printf( "%s", info );
if( s->flags & FS_GAMERODIR_PATH ) Con_Printf( " ^2rodir^7" );
if( s->flags & FS_GAMEDIR_PATH ) Con_Printf( " ^2gamedir^7" );
if( s->flags & FS_CUSTOM_PATH ) Con_Printf( " ^2custom^7" );
if( s->flags & FS_NOWRITE_PATH ) Con_Printf( " ^2nowrite^7" );
if( s->flags & FS_STATIC_PATH ) Con_Printf( " ^2static^7" );
Con_Printf( "\n" );
Internal function used to determine filetime
int FS_SysFileTime( const char *filename )
#if XASH_WIN32
struct _stat buf;
if( _wstat( FS_PathToWideChar( filename ), &buf ) < 0 )
struct stat buf;
if( stat( filename, &buf ) < 0 )
return -1;
return buf.st_mtime;
Internal function used to create a file_t and open the relevant non-packed file on disk
file_t *FS_SysOpen( const char *filepath, const char *mode )
file_t *file;
int mod, opt;
uint ind;
// Parse the mode string
switch( mode[0] )
case 'r': // read
mod = O_RDONLY;
opt = 0;
case 'w': // write
mod = O_WRONLY;
opt = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
case 'a': // append
mod = O_WRONLY;
case 'e': // edit
mod = O_WRONLY;
opt = O_CREAT;
return NULL;
for( ind = 1; mode[ind] != '\0'; ind++ )
switch( mode[ind] )
case '+':
mod = O_RDWR;
case 'b':
opt |= O_BINARY;
file = (file_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( *file ));
file->filetime = FS_SysFileTime( filepath );
file->ungetc = EOF;
#if XASH_WIN32
file->handle = _wopen( FS_PathToWideChar( filepath ), mod | opt, 0666 );
file->handle = open( filepath, mod|opt, 0666 );
#if !XASH_WIN32
7 years ago
if( file->handle < 0 )
FS_BackupFileName( file, filepath, mod|opt );
7 years ago
if( file->handle < 0 )
Mem_Free( file );
return NULL;
file->real_length = lseek( file->handle, 0, SEEK_END );
// uncomment do disable write
//if( opt & O_CREAT )
// return NULL;
// For files opened in append mode, we start at the end of the file
if( opt & O_APPEND ) file->position = file->real_length;
else lseek( file->handle, 0, SEEK_SET );
return file;
static int FS_DuplicateHandle( const char *filename, int handle, fs_offset_t pos )
#ifdef HAVE_DUP
return dup( handle );
int newhandle = open( filename, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY );
lseek( newhandle, pos, SEEK_SET );
return newhandle;
file_t *FS_OpenHandle( const char *syspath, int handle, fs_offset_t offset, fs_offset_t len )
file_t *file = (file_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( file_t ));
#ifdef HAVE_DUP
file->handle = dup( handle );
file->handle = open( syspath, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY );
if( lseek( file->handle, offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
Mem_Free( file );
return NULL;
file->backup_position = offset;
file->backup_path = copystring( syspath );
file->backup_options = O_RDONLY|O_BINARY;
file->handle = -1;
file->real_length = len;
file->offset = offset;
file->position = 0;
file->ungetc = EOF;
return file;
#if !defined( S_ISREG )
#define S_ISREG( m ) ( FBitSet( m, S_IFMT ) == S_IFREG )
#if !defined( S_ISDIR )
#define S_ISDIR( m ) ( FBitSet( m, S_IFMT ) == S_IFDIR )
Look for a file in the filesystem only
qboolean FS_SysFileExists( const char *path )
#if XASH_WIN32
struct _stat buf;
if( _wstat( FS_PathToWideChar( path ), &buf ) < 0 )
struct stat buf;
if( stat( path, &buf ) < 0 )
return false;
return S_ISREG( buf.st_mode );
Look for a existing folder
qboolean FS_SysFolderExists( const char *path )
#if XASH_WIN32
struct _stat buf;
if( _wstat( FS_PathToWideChar( path ), &buf ) < 0 )
struct stat buf;
if( stat( path, &buf ) < 0 )
7 years ago
return false;
return S_ISDIR( buf.st_mode );
Check if filesystem entry exists at all, don't mind the type
qboolean FS_SysFileOrFolderExists( const char *path )
#if XASH_WIN32
struct _stat buf;
return _wstat( FS_PathToWideChar( path ), &buf ) >= 0;
struct stat buf;
return stat( path, &buf ) >= 0;
Sets current directory, path should be in UTF-8 encoding
TODO: make this non-fatal
int FS_SetCurrentDirectory( const char *path )
#if XASH_WIN32
if( !SetCurrentDirectoryW( FS_PathToWideChar( path )))
char buf[1024];
buf, sizeof( buf ), NULL );
Sys_Error( "Changing directory to %s failed: %s\n", path, buf );
return false;
if( chdir( path ) < 0 )
Sys_Error( "Changing directory to %s failed: %s\n", path, strerror( errno ));
return false;
// it may be fine for some systems to skip chdir
Con_Printf( "FS_SetCurrentDirectory: not implemented, ignoring...\n" );
return true;
Con_Printf( "%s is working directory now\n", path );
return true;
Look for a file in the packages and in the filesystem
Return the searchpath where the file was found (or NULL)
and the file index in the package if relevant
searchpath_t *FS_FindFile( const char *name, int *index, char *fixedname, size_t len, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
// search through the path, one element at a time
for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next )
int pack_ind;
if( gamedironly & !FBitSet( search->flags, FS_GAMEDIRONLY_SEARCH_FLAGS ))
pack_ind = search->pfnFindFile( search, name, fixedname, len );
if( pack_ind >= 0 )
if( index )
*index = pack_ind;
return search;
if( fs_ext_path )
char netpath[MAX_SYSPATH], dirpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
Q_snprintf( dirpath, sizeof( dirpath ), "%s/", fs_rootdir );
Q_snprintf( netpath, sizeof( netpath ), "%s%s", dirpath, name );
if( FS_SysFileExists( netpath ))
static searchpath_t fs_directpath;
// clear old dir cache, if needed
if( 0 != Q_strcmp( fs_directpath.filename, dirpath ))
if( fs_directpath.pfnClose )
fs_directpath.pfnClose( &fs_directpath );
FS_InitDirectorySearchpath( &fs_directpath, dirpath, 0 );
// just copy the name, we don't do case sensitivity fix there
if( fixedname )
Q_strncpy( fixedname, name, len );
if( index != NULL )
*index = 0;
return &fs_directpath;
if( index != NULL )
*index = -1;
return NULL;
Converts full path to the relative path considering current searchpaths
(do not use this function, implemented only for VFileSystem009)
qboolean FS_FullPathToRelativePath( char *dst, const char *src, size_t size )
searchpath_t *sp;
for( sp = fs_searchpaths; sp; sp = sp->next )
size_t splen = Q_strlen( sp->filename );
if( !Q_strnicmp( sp->filename, src, splen ))
Q_strncpy( dst, src + splen + 1, size );
return true;
Q_strncpy( dst, src, size );
return false;
Look for a file in the search paths and open it in read-only mode
file_t *FS_OpenReadFile( const char *filename, const char *mode, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
char netpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
int pack_ind;
search = FS_FindFile( filename, &pack_ind, netpath, sizeof( netpath ), gamedironly );
// not found?
if( search == NULL )
return NULL;
return search->pfnOpenFile( search, netpath, mode, pack_ind );
Open a file. The syntax is the same as fopen
file_t *FS_Open( const char *filepath, const char *mode, qboolean gamedironly )
if( !fs_searchpaths )
return NULL;
// some mappers used leading '/' or '\' in path to models or sounds
if( filepath[0] == '/' || filepath[0] == '\\' )
if( filepath[0] == '/' || filepath[0] == '\\' )
if( FS_CheckNastyPath( filepath ))
return NULL;
// if the file is opened in "write", "append", or "read/write" mode
if( mode[0] == 'w' || mode[0] == 'a'|| mode[0] == 'e' || Q_strchr( mode, '+' ))
char real_path[MAX_SYSPATH];
// open the file on disk directly
if( !FS_FixFileCase( fs_writepath->dir, filepath, real_path, sizeof( real_path ), true ))
return NULL;
FS_CreatePath( real_path ); // Create directories up to the file
return FS_SysOpen( real_path, mode );
// else, we look at the various search paths and open the file in read-only mode
return FS_OpenReadFile( filepath, mode, gamedironly );
Close a file
int FS_Close( file_t *file )
if( !file ) return 0;
FS_BackupFileName( file, NULL, 0 );
if( file->handle >= 0 )
if( close( file->handle ))
return EOF;
Mem_Free( file );
return 0;
flushes written data to disk
int FS_Flush( file_t *file )
if( !file ) return 0;
// purge cached data
FS_Purge( file );
// sync
if( fsync( file->handle ) < 0 )
return EOF;
if( _commit( file->handle ) < 0 )
return EOF;
return 0;
Write "datasize" bytes into a file
fs_offset_t FS_Write( file_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize )
fs_offset_t result;
if( !file ) return 0;
// if necessary, seek to the exact file position we're supposed to be
if( file->buff_ind != file->buff_len )
lseek( file->handle, file->buff_ind - file->buff_len, SEEK_CUR );
// purge cached data
FS_Purge( file );
// write the buffer and update the position
result = write( file->handle, data, (fs_offset_t)datasize );
file->position = lseek( file->handle, 0, SEEK_CUR );
if( file->real_length < file->position )
file->real_length = file->position;
if( result < 0 )
return 0;
return result;
Read up to "buffersize" bytes from a file
fs_offset_t FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize )
fs_offset_t done;
fs_offset_t nb;
size_t count;
// nothing to copy
if( buffersize == 0 ) return 1;
// Get rid of the ungetc character
if( file->ungetc != EOF )
((char*)buffer)[0] = file->ungetc;
file->ungetc = EOF;
done = 1;
else done = 0;
// first, we copy as many bytes as we can from "buff"
if( file->buff_ind < file->buff_len )
count = file->buff_len - file->buff_ind;
done += ( buffersize > count ) ? (fs_offset_t)count : (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
memcpy( buffer, &file->buff[file->buff_ind], done );
file->buff_ind += done;
buffersize -= done;
if( buffersize == 0 )
return done;
// NOTE: at this point, the read buffer is always empty
FS_EnsureOpenFile( file );
// we must take care to not read after the end of the file
count = file->real_length - file->position;
// if we have a lot of data to get, put them directly into "buffer"
if( buffersize > sizeof( file->buff ) / 2 )
if( count > buffersize )
count = buffersize;
lseek( file->handle, file->offset + file->position, SEEK_SET );
nb = read( file->handle, (byte *)buffer + done, count );
if( nb > 0 )
done += nb;
file->position += nb;
// purge cached data
FS_Purge( file );
if( count > sizeof( file->buff ))
count = sizeof( file->buff );
lseek( file->handle, file->offset + file->position, SEEK_SET );
nb = read( file->handle, file->buff, count );
if( nb > 0 )
file->buff_len = nb;
file->position += nb;
// copy the requested data in "buffer" (as much as we can)
count = (fs_offset_t)buffersize > file->buff_len ? file->buff_len : (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
memcpy( &((byte *)buffer)[done], file->buff, count );
file->buff_ind = count;
done += count;
return done;
Print a string into a file
int FS_Print( file_t *file, const char *msg )
return FS_Write( file, msg, Q_strlen( msg ));
Print a string into a file
int FS_Printf( file_t *file, const char *format, ... )
int result;
va_list args;
va_start( args, format );
result = FS_VPrintf( file, format, args );
va_end( args );
return result;
Print a string into a file
int FS_VPrintf( file_t *file, const char *format, va_list ap )
int len;
fs_offset_t buff_size = MAX_SYSPATH;
char *tempbuff;
if( !file ) return 0;
while( 1 )
tempbuff = (char *)Mem_Malloc( fs_mempool, buff_size );
len = Q_vsnprintf( tempbuff, buff_size, format, ap );
if( len >= 0 && len < buff_size )
Mem_Free( tempbuff );
buff_size *= 2;
len = write( file->handle, tempbuff, len );
Mem_Free( tempbuff );
return len;
Get the next character of a file
int FS_Getc( file_t *file )
char c;
if( FS_Read( file, &c, 1 ) != 1 )
return EOF;
return c;
Put a character back into the read buffer (only supports one character!)
int FS_UnGetc( file_t *file, char c )
// If there's already a character waiting to be read
if( file->ungetc != EOF )
return EOF;
file->ungetc = c;
return c;
Same as fgets
int FS_Gets( file_t *file, char *string, size_t bufsize )
int c, end = 0;
while( 1 )
c = FS_Getc( file );
if( c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c < 0 )
if( end < bufsize - 1 )
string[end++] = c;
string[end] = 0;
// remove \n following \r
if( c == '\r' )
c = FS_Getc( file );
if( c != '\n' )
FS_UnGetc( file, c );
return c;
Move the position index in a file
int FS_Seek( file_t *file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence )
// compute the file offset
switch( whence )
case SEEK_CUR:
offset += file->position - file->buff_len + file->buff_ind;
case SEEK_SET:
case SEEK_END:
offset += file->real_length;
return -1;
if( offset < 0 || offset > file->real_length )
return -1;
// if we have the data in our read buffer, we don't need to actually seek
if( file->position - file->buff_len <= offset && offset <= file->position )
file->buff_ind = offset + file->buff_len - file->position;
return 0;
FS_EnsureOpenFile( file );
// Purge cached data
FS_Purge( file );
if( lseek( file->handle, file->offset + offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
return -1;
file->position = offset;
return 0;
Give the current position in a file
fs_offset_t FS_Tell( file_t *file )
if( !file ) return 0;
return file->position - file->buff_len + file->buff_ind;
indicates at reached end of file
qboolean FS_Eof( file_t *file )
if( !file ) return true;
return (( file->position - file->buff_len + file->buff_ind ) == file->real_length ) ? true : false;
Erases any buffered input or output data
static void FS_Purge( file_t *file )
file->buff_len = 0;
file->buff_ind = 0;
file->ungetc = EOF;
Filename are relative to the xash directory.
Always appends a 0 byte.
byte *FS_LoadFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *filesizeptr, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
file_t *file;
char netpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
int pack_ind;
// some mappers used leading '/' or '\' in path to models or sounds
if( path[0] == '/' || path[0] == '\\' )
if( path[0] == '/' || path[0] == '\\' )
if( !fs_searchpaths || FS_CheckNastyPath( path ))
return NULL;
search = FS_FindFile( path, &pack_ind, netpath, sizeof( netpath ), gamedironly );
if( !search )
return NULL;
// custom load file function for compressed files
if( search->pfnLoadFile )
return search->pfnLoadFile( search, netpath, pack_ind, filesizeptr );
file = search->pfnOpenFile( search, netpath, "rb", pack_ind );
if( file )
fs_offset_t filesize = file->real_length;
byte *buf;
buf = (byte *)Mem_Malloc( fs_mempool, filesize + 1 );
buf[filesize] = '\0';
FS_Read( file, buf, filesize );
FS_Close( file );
if( filesizeptr )
*filesizeptr = filesize;
return buf;
return NULL;
qboolean CRC32_File( dword *crcvalue, const char *filename )
char buffer[1024];
int num_bytes;
file_t *f;
f = FS_Open( filename, "rb", false );
if( !f ) return false;
CRC32_Init( crcvalue );
while( 1 )
num_bytes = FS_Read( f, buffer, sizeof( buffer ));
if( num_bytes > 0 )
CRC32_ProcessBuffer( crcvalue, buffer, num_bytes );
if( FS_Eof( f )) break;
FS_Close( f );
return true;
qboolean MD5_HashFile( byte digest[16], const char *pszFileName, uint seed[4] )
file_t *file;
byte buffer[1024];
MD5Context_t MD5_Hash;
int bytes;
if(( file = FS_Open( pszFileName, "rb", false )) == NULL )
return false;
memset( &MD5_Hash, 0, sizeof( MD5Context_t ));
MD5Init( &MD5_Hash );
if( seed )
MD5Update( &MD5_Hash, (const byte *)seed, 16 );
while( 1 )
bytes = FS_Read( file, buffer, sizeof( buffer ));
if( bytes > 0 )
MD5Update( &MD5_Hash, buffer, bytes );
if( FS_Eof( file ))
FS_Close( file );
MD5Final( digest, &MD5_Hash );
return true;
Filename are relative to the xash directory.
Always appends a 0 byte.
byte *FS_LoadDirectFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *filesizeptr )
file_t *file;
byte *buf = NULL;
fs_offset_t filesize = 0;
file = FS_SysOpen( path, "rb" );
if( !file )
return NULL;
// Try to load
filesize = file->real_length;
buf = (byte *)Mem_Malloc( fs_mempool, filesize + 1 );
buf[filesize] = '\0';
FS_Read( file, buf, filesize );
FS_Close( file );
if( filesizeptr )
*filesizeptr = filesize;
return buf;
The filename will be prefixed by the current game directory
qboolean FS_WriteFile( const char *filename, const void *data, fs_offset_t len )
file_t *file;
file = FS_Open( filename, "wb", false );
if( !file )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_WriteFile: failed on %s\n", filename);
return false;
FS_Write( file, data, len );
FS_Close( file );
return true;
Look for a file in the packages and in the filesystem
int GAME_EXPORT FS_FileExists( const char *filename, int gamedironly )
return FS_FindFile( filename, NULL, NULL, 0, gamedironly ) != NULL;
Build direct path for file in the filesystem
return NULL for file in pack
const char *FS_GetDiskPath( const char *name, qboolean gamedironly )
static char diskpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
char fullpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
searchpath_t *search;
search = FS_FindFile( name, NULL, fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), gamedironly );
if( search )
if( search->type != SEARCHPATH_PLAIN ) // file in pack or wad
return NULL;
Q_snprintf( diskpath, sizeof( diskpath ), "%s/%s", search->filename, fullpath );
return diskpath;
return NULL;
Build full path for file on disk
return false for file in pack
qboolean FS_GetFullDiskPath( char *buffer, size_t size, const char *name, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
char temp[MAX_SYSPATH];
search = FS_FindFile( name, NULL, temp, sizeof( temp ), gamedironly );
if( search && search->type == SEARCHPATH_PLAIN )
Q_snprintf( buffer, size, "%s/%s", search->filename, temp );
return true;
return false;
return size of file in bytes
fs_offset_t FS_FileSize( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly )
int length = -1; // in case file was missed
file_t *fp;
fp = FS_Open( filename, "rb", gamedironly );
if( fp )
// it exists
FS_Seek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
length = FS_Tell( fp );
FS_Close( fp );
return length;
return size of file in bytes
fs_offset_t FS_FileLength( file_t *f )
if( !f ) return 0;
return f->real_length;
return time of creation file in seconds
int FS_FileTime( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
char netpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
int pack_ind;
search = FS_FindFile( filename, &pack_ind, netpath, sizeof( netpath ), gamedironly );
if( !search ) return -1; // doesn't exist
return search->pfnFileTime( search, netpath );
rename specified file from gamefolder
qboolean FS_Rename( const char *oldname, const char *newname )
char oldname2[MAX_SYSPATH], newname2[MAX_SYSPATH], oldpath[MAX_SYSPATH], newpath[MAX_SYSPATH];
int ret;
if( !fs_writepath )
return false;
if( !COM_CheckString( oldname ) || !COM_CheckString( newname ))
return false;
// no work done
if( !Q_stricmp( oldname, newname ))
return true;
// fix up slashes
Q_strncpy( oldname2, oldname, sizeof( oldname2 ));
Q_strncpy( newname2, newname, sizeof( newname2 ));
COM_FixSlashes( oldname2 );
COM_FixSlashes( newname2 );
// file does not exist
if( !FS_FixFileCase( fs_writepath->dir, oldname2, oldpath, sizeof( oldpath ), false ))
return false;
// exit if overflowed
if( !FS_FixFileCase( fs_writepath->dir, newname2, newpath, sizeof( newpath ), true ))
return false;
ret = rename( oldpath, newpath );
if( ret < 0 )
Con_Printf( "%s: failed to rename file %s (%s) to %s (%s): %s\n",
__FUNCTION__, oldpath, oldname2, newpath, newname2, strerror( errno ));
return false;
return true;
delete specified file from gamefolder
qboolean GAME_EXPORT FS_Delete( const char *path )
char path2[MAX_SYSPATH], real_path[MAX_SYSPATH];
int ret;
if( !fs_writepath || !COM_CheckString( path ))
return false;
Q_strncpy( path2, path, sizeof( path2 ));
COM_FixSlashes( path2 );
if( !FS_FixFileCase( fs_writepath->dir, path2, real_path, sizeof( real_path ), true ))
return true;
ret = remove( real_path );
if( ret < 0 && errno != ENOENT )
Con_Printf( "%s: failed to delete file %s (%s): %s\n", __FUNCTION__, real_path, path, strerror( errno ));
return false;
return true;
qboolean FS_FileCopy( file_t *pOutput, file_t *pInput, int fileSize )
char *buf = Mem_Malloc( fs_mempool, FILE_COPY_SIZE );
int size, readSize;
qboolean done = true;
while( fileSize > 0 )
if( fileSize > FILE_COPY_SIZE )
else size = fileSize;
if(( readSize = FS_Read( pInput, buf, size )) < size )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_FileCopy: unexpected end of input file (%d < %d)\n", readSize, size );
fileSize = 0;
done = false;
FS_Write( pOutput, buf, readSize );
fileSize -= size;
Mem_Free( buf );
return done;
Allocate and fill a search structure with information on matching filenames.
search_t *FS_Search( const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive, int gamedironly )
search_t *search = NULL;
searchpath_t *searchpath;
int i, numfiles, numchars;
stringlist_t resultlist;
if( pattern[0] == '.' || pattern[0] == ':' || pattern[0] == '/' || pattern[0] == '\\' )
return NULL; // punctuation issues
stringlistinit( &resultlist );
// search through the path, one element at a time
for( searchpath = fs_searchpaths; searchpath; searchpath = searchpath->next )
if( gamedironly && !FBitSet( searchpath->flags, FS_GAMEDIRONLY_SEARCH_FLAGS ))
searchpath->pfnSearch( searchpath, &resultlist, pattern, caseinsensitive );
if( resultlist.numstrings )
stringlistsort( &resultlist );
numfiles = resultlist.numstrings;
numchars = 0;
for( i = 0; i < resultlist.numstrings; i++ )
numchars += (int)Q_strlen( resultlist.strings[i]) + 1;
search = Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof(search_t) + numchars + numfiles * sizeof( char* ));
search->filenames = (char **)((char *)search + sizeof( search_t ));
search->filenamesbuffer = (char *)((char *)search + sizeof( search_t ) + numfiles * sizeof( char* ));
search->numfilenames = (int)numfiles;
numfiles = numchars = 0;
for( i = 0; i < resultlist.numstrings; i++ )
size_t textlen;
search->filenames[numfiles] = search->filenamesbuffer + numchars;
textlen = Q_strlen(resultlist.strings[i]) + 1;
memcpy( search->filenames[numfiles], resultlist.strings[i], textlen );
numchars += (int)textlen;
stringlistfreecontents( &resultlist );
return search;
void FS_InitMemory( void )
fs_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "FileSystem Pool" );
fs_searchpaths = NULL;
fs_interface_t g_engfuncs =
static qboolean FS_InitInterface( int version, fs_interface_t *engfuncs )
// to be extended in future interface revisions
if( version != FS_API_VERSION )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "filesystem optional interface version mismatch: expected %d, got %d\n",
FS_API_VERSION, version );
return false;
if( engfuncs->_Con_Printf )
g_engfuncs._Con_Printf = engfuncs->_Con_Printf;
if( engfuncs->_Con_DPrintf )
g_engfuncs._Con_DPrintf = engfuncs->_Con_DPrintf;
if( engfuncs->_Con_Reportf )
g_engfuncs._Con_Reportf = engfuncs->_Con_Reportf;
if( engfuncs->_Sys_Error )
g_engfuncs._Sys_Error = engfuncs->_Sys_Error;
if( engfuncs->_Mem_AllocPool && engfuncs->_Mem_FreePool )
g_engfuncs._Mem_AllocPool = engfuncs->_Mem_AllocPool;
g_engfuncs._Mem_FreePool = engfuncs->_Mem_FreePool;
Con_Reportf( "filesystem_stdio: custom pool allocation functions found\n" );
if( engfuncs->_Mem_Alloc && engfuncs->_Mem_Realloc && engfuncs->_Mem_Free )
g_engfuncs._Mem_Alloc = engfuncs->_Mem_Alloc;
g_engfuncs._Mem_Realloc = engfuncs->_Mem_Realloc;
g_engfuncs._Mem_Free = engfuncs->_Mem_Free;
Con_Reportf( "filesystem_stdio: custom memory allocation functions found\n" );
if( engfuncs->_Sys_GetNativeObject )
g_engfuncs._Sys_GetNativeObject = engfuncs->_Sys_GetNativeObject;
Con_Reportf( "filesystem_stdio: custom platform-specific functions found\n" );
return true;
fs_api_t g_api =
// search path utils
// gameinfo utils
// file ops
// file buffer ops
// file hashing
// filesystem ops
(void *)FS_MountArchive_Fullpath,
int EXPORT GetFSAPI( int version, fs_api_t *api, fs_globals_t **globals, fs_interface_t *engfuncs )
if( engfuncs && !FS_InitInterface( version, engfuncs ))
return 0;
memcpy( api, &g_api, sizeof( *api ));
*globals = &FI;
7 years ago