# Xash3D FWGS Engine
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Xash3D FWGS is a fork of Xash3D Engine by Unkle Mike with extended features and crossplatform.
Xash3D is a game engine, aimed to provide compatibility with Half-Life Engine,
as well as to give game developers well known workflow and extend it.
Read more about Xash3D on ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/engines/xash3d-engine
## Fork features
* HLSDK 2.4 support.
* Crossplatform: supported x86 and ARM on Windows/Linux/BSD/Android. ([see docs for more info](Documentation/ports.md))
* Modern compilers support: say no more to MSVC6.
* Better multiplayer support: multiple master servers, headless dedicated server.
* Mobility API: allows better game integration on mobile devices(vibration, touch controls)
* Different input methods: touch, gamepad and classic mouse & keyboard.
* TrueType font rendering, as a part of mainui_cpp.
* Multiple renderers support: OpenGL, GLESv1, GLESv2, Software
* A set of small improvements, without broken compatibility.
## Planned fork features
* Virtual Reality support and game API
* Voice support
* Vulkan renderer
## Installation & Running
0) Get Xash3D binaries: you can use [testing ](https://github.com/FWGS/xash3d-fwgs/releases/tag/continuous ) build or you can compile engine from source code.
Choose proper build package depending on which platform you're using.
1) Copy engine binaries to some directory.
2) Copy `valve` directory from [Half-Life ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/70/HalfLife/ ) to directory with engine binaries.
Also if you're using Windows: you should copy `vgui.dll` library from Half-Life directory to Xash3D directory.
As alternative, you can compile [hlsdk-xash3d ](https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d ) instead of using official Valve game binaries, but you still needed to copy `valve` directory as all game resources located in there.
3) Download [extras.pak ](https://github.com/FWGS/xash-extras/releases/tag/v0.19.2 ) and place it to `valve` directory.
4) Run `xash3d.exe` /`xash3d.sh`/`xash3d` depending on which platform you're using.
For additional info, run Xash3D with `-help` command line key.
## Contributing
* Before sending an issue, check if someone already reported your issue. Make sure you're following "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" guide by Eric Steven Raymond. Read more: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
* Issues are accepted in both English and Russian
* Before sending a PR, check if you followed our contribution guide in CONTRIBUTING.md file.
## Build instructions
We are using Waf build system. If you have some Waf-related questions, I recommend you to read https://waf.io/book/
NOTE: NEVER USE GitHub's ZIP ARCHIVES. GitHub doesn't include external dependencies we're using!
### Prerequisites
#### Windows (Visual Studio)
* Install Visual Studio.
* Install latest [Python ](https://python.org ) **OR** run `cinst python.install` if you have Chocolatey.
* Install latest [Git ](https://git-scm.com/download/win ) **OR** run `cinst git.install` if you have Chocolatey.
* Download [SDL2 ](https://libsdl.org/download-2.0.php ) development package for Visual Studio.
* Clone this repository: `git clone --recursive https://github.com/FWGS/xash3d-fwgs` .
* Make sure you have at least 12GB of free space to store all build-time dependencies: ~10GB for Visual Studio, 300 MB for Git, 100 MB for Python and other.
#### GNU/Linux
We have forced Waf to throw an error, if you're trying to build 64-bit engine. This was done for keeping compatibility with Steam releases of Half-Life and based on it's engine games.
Even if Xash3D FWGS does support targetting 64-bit, you can't load games without recompiling them from source code!
##### Debian/Ubuntu
* Enable i386 on your system, if you're compiling 32-bit engine on amd64. If not, skip this
`$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386`
* Install development tools
* For 32-bit engine on amd64: \
`$ sudo apt install build-essential gcc-multilib g++-multilib python libsdl2-dev:i386 libfontconfig-dev:i386 libfreetype6-dev:i386`
* For everything else: \
`$ sudo apt install build-essential python libsdl2-dev libfontconfig-dev libfreetype6-dev`
* Clone this repostory:
`$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/FWGS/xash3d-fwgs`
### Building
#### Windows (Visual Studio)
0) Open command line
1) Navigate to `xash3d-fwgs` directory.
2) Carefully examine which build options are available: `waf --help`
3) Configure build: `waf configure -T release --sdl2=c:/path/to/SDL2 --prefix=c:/path/to/any/output/directory`
4) Compile: `waf build`
5) Install: `waf install`
#### Linux
0) Examine which build options are available: `./waf --help`
1) Configure build: `./waf configure -T release --prefix=/path/to/any/output/directory`
(You need to pass `-8` to compile 64-bit engine on 64-bit x86 processor)
2) Compile: `./waf build`
3) Install(optional): `./waf install`