
779 lines
22 KiB
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2020-10-10 00:35:46 +03:00
import RLottieWorker from 'worker-loader!./rlottie/rlottie.worker';
import animationIntersector from "../components/animationIntersector";
2021-02-13 19:32:10 +04:00
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../config/debug';
import EventListenerBase from "../helpers/eventListenerBase";
import mediaSizes from "../helpers/mediaSizes";
import { clamp } from '../helpers/number';
import { pause } from '../helpers/schedulers';
import { isAndroid, isApple, isAppleMobile, isSafari } from "../helpers/userAgent";
2020-10-10 00:35:46 +03:00
import { logger, LogLevels } from "./logger";
import apiManager from "./mtproto/mtprotoworker";
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
let convert = (value: number) => {
return Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 1) * 255);
type RLottiePlayerListeners = 'enterFrame' | 'ready' | 'firstFrame' | 'cached';
type RLottieOptions = {
container: HTMLElement,
autoplay?: boolean,
animationData: string,
loop?: boolean,
width?: number,
height?: number,
2020-06-20 04:11:24 +03:00
group?: string,
noCache?: true,
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
needUpscale?: true,
skipRatio?: number
export class RLottiePlayer extends EventListenerBase<{
enterFrame: (frameNo: number) => void,
ready: () => void,
firstFrame: () => void,
cached: () => void
}> {
public static reqId = 0;
public reqId = 0;
public curFrame: number;
public frameCount: number;
public fps: number;
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
public skipDelta: number;
public worker: QueryableWorker;
public width = 0;
public height = 0;
public el: HTMLElement;
public canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
public context: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
public paused = true;
//public paused = false;
public direction = 1;
public speed = 1;
public autoplay = true;
2021-01-04 14:09:48 +04:00
public _autoplay: boolean; // ! will be used to store original value for settings.stickers.loop
public loop = true;
2021-01-04 14:09:48 +04:00
public _loop: boolean; // ! will be used to store original value for settings.stickers.loop
public group = '';
private frInterval: number;
private frThen: number;
private rafId: number;
//private caching = false;
//private removed = false;
private frames: {[frameNo: string]: Uint8ClampedArray} = {};
public imageData: ImageData;
public clamped: Uint8ClampedArray;
public cachingDelta = 0;
//private playedTimes = 0;
private currentMethod: RLottiePlayer['mainLoopForwards'] | RLottiePlayer['mainLoopBackwards'];
private frameListener: () => void;
constructor({el, worker, options}: {
el: HTMLElement,
worker: QueryableWorker,
options: RLottieOptions
}) {
this.reqId = ++RLottiePlayer['reqId'];
this.el = el;
this.worker = worker;
for(let i in options) {
if(this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// @ts-ignore
this[i] = options[i];
2021-01-04 14:09:48 +04:00
this._loop = this.loop;
this._autoplay = this.autoplay;
// * Skip ratio (30fps)
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
let skipRatio: number;
if(options.skipRatio !== undefined) skipRatio = options.skipRatio;
2020-10-10 00:35:46 +03:00
else if((isAndroid || isAppleMobile || (isApple && !isSafari)) && this.width < 100 && this.height < 100) {
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
skipRatio = 0.5;
this.skipDelta = skipRatio !== undefined ? 1 / skipRatio | 0 : 1;
//options.needUpscale = true;
// * Pixel ratio
//const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
const pixelRatio = clamp(window.devicePixelRatio, 1, 2);
if(pixelRatio > 1) {
//this.cachingEnabled = true;//this.width < 100 && this.height < 100;
if(options.needUpscale) {
this.width = Math.round(this.width * pixelRatio);
this.height = Math.round(this.height * pixelRatio);
} else if(pixelRatio > 1) {
if(this.width > 100 && this.height > 100) {
if(isApple || !mediaSizes.isMobile) {
/* this.width = Math.round(this.width * (pixelRatio - 1));
this.height = Math.round(this.height * (pixelRatio - 1)); */
this.width = Math.round(this.width * pixelRatio);
this.height = Math.round(this.height * pixelRatio);
} else if(pixelRatio > 2.5) {
this.width = Math.round(this.width * (pixelRatio - 1.5));
this.height = Math.round(this.height * (pixelRatio - 1.5));
} else {
this.width = Math.round(this.width * Math.max(1.5, pixelRatio - 1.5));
this.height = Math.round(this.height * Math.max(1.5, pixelRatio - 1.5));
//options.noCache = true;
// * Cache frames params
2020-12-11 04:26:28 +02:00
if(!options.noCache/* && false */) {
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
// проверка на размер уже после скейлинга, сделано для попапа и сайдбара, где стикеры 80х80 и 68х68, туда нужно 75%
2020-06-20 04:11:24 +03:00
if(isApple && this.width > 100 && this.height > 100) {
this.cachingDelta = 2; //2 // 50%
} else if(this.width < 100 && this.height < 100) {
this.cachingDelta = Infinity; // 100%
} else {
this.cachingDelta = 4; // 75%
// this.cachingDelta = Infinity;
// if(isApple) {
// this.cachingDelta = 0; //2 // 50%
// }
/* this.width *= 0.8;
this.height *= 0.8; */
//console.log("RLottiePlayer width:", this.width, this.height, options);
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas.width = this.width;
this.canvas.height = this.height;
this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
this.clamped = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.width * this.height * 4);
this.imageData = new ImageData(this.width, this.height);
public clearCache() {
this.frames = {};
public sendQuery(methodName: string, ...args: any[]) {
//console.trace('RLottie sendQuery:', methodName);
this.worker.sendQuery(methodName, this.reqId, ...args);
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
public loadFromData(jsonString: string) {
this.sendQuery('loadFromData', jsonString, this.width, this.height/* , this.canvas.transferControlToOffscreen() */);
public play() {
if(!this.paused) return;
//console.log('RLOTTIE PLAY' + this.reqId);
this.paused = false;
2020-10-31 04:09:57 +02:00
public pause(clearPendingRAF = true) {
if(this.paused) return;
this.paused = true;
2020-10-31 04:09:57 +02:00
if(clearPendingRAF) {
public stop(renderFirstFrame = true) {
2021-02-04 02:30:23 +02:00
this.curFrame = this.direction === 1 ? 0 : this.frameCount;
if(renderFirstFrame) {
//this.sendQuery('renderFrame', this.curFrame);
public restart() {
public setSpeed(speed: number) {
this.speed = speed;
if(!this.paused) {
public setDirection(direction: number) {
this.direction = direction;
if(!this.paused) {
public remove() {
//this.removed = true;
public renderFrame2(frame: Uint8ClampedArray, frameNo: number) {
/* this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo);
return; */
try {;
//this.context.putImageData(new ImageData(frame, this.width, this.height), 0, 0);
//let perf =;
this.context.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);
//console.log('renderFrame2 perf:', - perf);
} catch(err) {
console.error('RLottiePlayer renderFrame error:', err/* , frame */, this.width, this.height);
this.autoplay = false;
//console.log('set result enterFrame', frameNo);
2021-03-16 20:50:25 +04:00
this.dispatchEvent('enterFrame', frameNo);
public renderFrame(frame: Uint8ClampedArray, frameNo: number) {
//console.log('renderFrame', frameNo, this);
if(this.cachingDelta && (frameNo % this.cachingDelta || !frameNo) && !this.frames[frameNo]) {
this.frames[frameNo] = new Uint8ClampedArray(frame);//frame;
/* if(!this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty('cached')) {
this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo);
2021-02-04 02:30:23 +02:00
if(frameNo === (this.frameCount - 1)) {
} */
if(this.frInterval) {
const now =, delta = now - this.frThen;
//console.log(`renderFrame delta${this.reqId}:`, this, delta, this.frInterval);
if(delta < 0) {
if(this.rafId) clearTimeout(this.rafId);
2020-09-20 01:38:00 +03:00
return this.rafId = window.setTimeout(() => {
this.renderFrame2(frame, frameNo);
}, this.frInterval > -delta ? -delta % this.frInterval : this.frInterval);
//await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, -delta % this.frInterval));
this.renderFrame2(frame, frameNo);
public requestFrame(frameNo: number) {
if(this.frames[frameNo]) {
this.renderFrame(this.frames[frameNo], frameNo);
} else if(isSafari) {
this.sendQuery('renderFrame', frameNo);
} else {
2020-06-20 04:11:24 +03:00
if(!this.clamped.length) { // fix detached
this.clamped = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.width * this.height * 4);
this.sendQuery('renderFrame', frameNo, this.clamped);
private mainLoopForwards() {
2020-12-11 04:26:28 +02:00
const frame = (this.curFrame + this.skipDelta) >= this.frameCount ? this.curFrame = 0 : this.curFrame += this.skipDelta;
2020-10-31 04:09:57 +02:00
//console.log('mainLoopForwards', this.curFrame, this.skipDelta, frame);
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
2020-10-31 04:09:57 +02:00
if((frame + this.skipDelta) >= this.frameCount) {
if(!this.loop) {
2020-10-31 04:09:57 +02:00
return false;
return true;
private mainLoopBackwards() {
2020-12-11 04:26:28 +02:00
const frame = (this.curFrame - this.skipDelta) < 0 ? this.curFrame = this.frameCount - 1 : this.curFrame -= this.skipDelta;
2020-10-31 04:09:57 +02:00
//console.log('mainLoopBackwards', this.curFrame, this.skipDelta, frame);
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
2020-10-31 04:09:57 +02:00
if((frame - this.skipDelta) < 0) {
if(!this.loop) {
2020-10-31 04:09:57 +02:00
return false;
return true;
public setMainLoop() {
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
this.frInterval = 1000 / this.fps / this.speed * this.skipDelta;
this.frThen = - this.frInterval;
//console.trace('setMainLoop', this.frInterval, this.direction, this, JSON.stringify(this.listenerResults), this.listenerResults);
2021-02-04 02:30:23 +02:00
const method = (this.direction === 1 ? this.mainLoopForwards : this.mainLoopBackwards).bind(this);
this.currentMethod = method;
//this.frameListener && this.removeListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);
//setTimeout(() => {
//this.addListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);
//}, 0);
if(this.frameListener && this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty('enterFrame')) {
public async onLoad(frameCount: number, fps: number) {
2021-02-04 02:30:23 +02:00
this.curFrame = this.direction === 1 ? 0 : frameCount - 1;
this.frameCount = frameCount;
this.fps = fps;
// * Handle 30fps stickers if 30fps set
if(this.fps < 60 && this.skipDelta !== 1) {
const diff = 60 / fps;
this.skipDelta = this.skipDelta / diff | 0;
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
this.frInterval = 1000 / this.fps / this.speed * this.skipDelta;
this.frThen = - this.frInterval;
//this.sendQuery('renderFrame', 0);
// Кешировать сразу не получится, рендер стикера (тайгер) занимает 519мс,
// если рендерить 75% с получением каждого кадра из воркера, будет 475мс, т.е. при 100% было бы 593мс, потеря на передаче 84мс.
/* console.time('cache' + this.reqId);
for(let i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i) {
//if(this.removed) return;
if(i % 4) {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
delete this.listenerResults.enterFrame;
this.addListener('enterFrame', resolve, true);
console.timeEnd('cache' + this.reqId); */
/* this.el.innerHTML = '';
return; */
2021-03-16 20:50:25 +04:00
this.addEventListener('enterFrame', () => {
//console.log('enterFrame firstFrame');
//let lastTime = this.frThen;
this.frameListener = () => {
if(this.paused) {
const time =;
//console.log(`enterFrame handle${this.reqId}`, time, (time - lastTime), this.frInterval);
/* if(Math.round(time - lastTime + this.frInterval * 0.25) < Math.round(this.frInterval)) {
} */
//lastTime = time;
this.frThen = time + this.frInterval;
const canContinue = this.currentMethod();
if(!canContinue && !this.loop && this.autoplay) {
this.autoplay = false;
2021-03-16 20:50:25 +04:00
this.addEventListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);
}, true);
class QueryableWorker extends EventListenerBase<any> {
constructor(private worker: Worker, private defaultListener: (data: any) => void = () => {}, onError?: (error: any) => void) {
if(onError) {
this.worker.onerror = onError;
this.worker.onmessage = (event) => {
//console.log('worker onmessage',;
if( instanceof Object &&'queryMethodListener') &&'queryMethodArguments')) {
2021-02-04 02:30:23 +02:00
/* if( === 'frame') {
} */
2021-03-16 20:50:25 +04:00
} else {,;
public postMessage(message: any) {
public terminate() {
public sendQuery(queryMethod: string, ...args: any[]) {
if(isSafari) {
'queryMethod': queryMethod,
'queryMethodArguments': args
} else {
//const transfer: (ArrayBuffer | OffscreenCanvas)[] = [];
const transfer: ArrayBuffer[] = [];
args.forEach(arg => {
if(arg instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
if(arg.buffer && arg.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
2020-06-20 04:11:24 +03:00
//console.log('transfer', transfer);
'queryMethod': queryMethod,
'queryMethodArguments': args
}, transfer as PostMessageOptions);
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
class LottieLoader {
public isWebAssemblySupported = typeof(WebAssembly) !== 'undefined';
public loadPromise: Promise<void> = !this.isWebAssemblySupported ? Promise.reject() : undefined;
public loaded = false;
2021-03-10 19:51:05 +04:00
private static COLORREPLACEMENTS = [
2021-03-10 19:51:05 +04:00
[0xf77e41, 0xcb7b55],
[0xffb139, 0xf6b689],
[0xffd140, 0xffcda7],
[0xffdf79, 0xffdfc5],
2021-03-10 19:51:05 +04:00
[0xf77e41, 0xa45a38],
[0xffb139, 0xdf986b],
[0xffd140, 0xedb183],
[0xffdf79, 0xf4c3a0],
2021-03-10 19:51:05 +04:00
[0xf77e41, 0x703a17],
[0xffb139, 0xab673d],
[0xffd140, 0xc37f4e],
[0xffdf79, 0xd89667],
2021-03-10 19:51:05 +04:00
[0xf77e41, 0x4a2409],
[0xffb139, 0x7d3e0e],
[0xffd140, 0x965529],
[0xffdf79, 0xa96337],
2020-06-16 23:48:08 +03:00
2021-03-10 19:51:05 +04:00
[0xf77e41, 0x200f0a],
[0xffb139, 0x412924],
[0xffd140, 0x593d37],
[0xffdf79, 0x63453f],
private workersLimit = 4;
private players: {[reqId: number]: RLottiePlayer} = {};
private workers: QueryableWorker[] = [];
private curWorkerNum = 0;
private log = logger('LOTTIE', LogLevels.error);
2020-04-14 18:46:31 +03:00
public getAnimation(element: HTMLElement) {
2021-01-04 14:09:48 +04:00
for(const i in this.players) {
if(this.players[i].el === element) {
return this.players[i];
return null;
2020-04-14 18:46:31 +03:00
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
2021-01-04 14:09:48 +04:00
public setLoop(loop: boolean) {
for(const i in this.players) {
const player = this.players[i];
player.loop = loop;
player.autoplay = player._autoplay;
public loadLottieWorkers() {
if(this.loadPromise) {
return this.loadPromise;
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
return this.loadPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let remain = this.workersLimit;
for(let i = 0; i < this.workersLimit; ++i) {
const worker = this.workers[i] = new QueryableWorker(new RLottieWorker());
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
2021-03-16 20:50:25 +04:00
worker.addEventListener('ready', () => {
this.log('worker #' + i + ' ready');
2021-03-16 20:50:25 +04:00
worker.addEventListener('frame', this.onFrame);
worker.addEventListener('loaded', this.onPlayerLoaded);
worker.addEventListener('error', this.onPlayerError);
2020-04-14 18:46:31 +03:00
if(!remain) {
this.log('workers ready');
this.loaded = true;
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
private applyReplacements(object: any, toneIndex: number) {
2020-06-16 23:48:08 +03:00
const replacements = LottieLoader.COLORREPLACEMENTS[Math.max(toneIndex - 1, 0)];
const iterateIt = (it: any) => {
for(let smth of it) {
switch(smth.ty) {
case 'st':
case 'fl':
let k = smth.c.k;
let color = convert(k[2]) | (convert(k[1]) << 8) | (convert(k[0]) << 16);
2021-02-04 02:30:23 +02:00
let foundReplacement = replacements.find(p => p[0] === color);
if(foundReplacement) {
k[0] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 16) & 255) / 255;
k[1] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 8) & 255) / 255;
k[2] = (foundReplacement[1] & 255) / 255;
//console.log('foundReplacement!', foundReplacement, color.toString(16), k);
if(smth.hasOwnProperty('it')) {
for(let layer of object.layers) {
if(!layer.shapes) continue;
for(let shape of layer.shapes) {
public loadAnimationFromURL(params: Omit<RLottieOptions, 'animationData'>, url: string): Promise<RLottiePlayer> {
if(!this.isWebAssemblySupported) {
return this.loadPromise as any;
2020-06-19 14:49:55 +03:00
if(!this.loaded) {
return fetch(url)
.then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
.then(data => apiManager.gzipUncompress<string>(data, true))
/* .then(str => {
return new Promise<string>((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(str), 2e3));
}) */
2020-06-19 14:49:55 +03:00
.then(str => {
return this.loadAnimationWorker(Object.assign(params, {animationData: str/* JSON.parse(str) */, needUpscale: true}));
2020-06-19 14:49:55 +03:00
public waitForFirstFrame(player: RLottiePlayer): Promise<void> {
return Promise.race([
/* new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
player.addEventListener('firstFrame', () => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1500);
}, true);
}) */
new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
player.addEventListener('firstFrame', resolve, true);
public async loadAnimationWorker(params: RLottieOptions, group = '', toneIndex = -1): Promise<RLottiePlayer> {
if(!this.isWebAssemblySupported) {
return this.loadPromise as any;
//params.autoplay = true;
if(toneIndex >= 1 && toneIndex <= 5) {
/* params.animationData = copy(params.animationData);
this.applyReplacements(params.animationData, toneIndex); */
const newAnimationData = JSON.parse(params.animationData);
this.applyReplacements(newAnimationData, toneIndex);
params.animationData = JSON.stringify(newAnimationData);
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
if(!this.loaded) {
await this.loadLottieWorkers();
if(!params.width || !params.height) {
params.width = parseInt(;
params.height = parseInt(;
if(!params.width || !params.height) {
throw new Error('No size for sticker!');
} = group;
const player = this.initPlayer(params.container, params);
animationIntersector.addAnimation(player, group);
return player;
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
private onPlayerLoaded = (reqId: number, frameCount: number, fps: number) => {
const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];
if(!rlPlayer) {
this.log.warn('onPlayerLoaded on destroyed player:', reqId, frameCount);
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
2020-06-19 14:49:55 +03:00
rlPlayer.onLoad(frameCount, fps);
//rlPlayer.addListener('firstFrame', () => {
//animationIntersector.addAnimation(player, group);
//}, true);
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
2020-04-14 18:46:31 +03:00
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
private onFrame = (reqId: number, frameNo: number, frame: Uint8ClampedArray) => {
const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];
if(!rlPlayer) {
this.log.warn('onFrame on destroyed player:', reqId, frameNo);
2020-04-14 18:46:31 +03:00
rlPlayer.clamped = frame;
rlPlayer.renderFrame(frame, frameNo);
2020-09-26 01:47:43 +03:00
private onPlayerError = (reqId: number, error: Error) => {
const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];
if(rlPlayer) {
// ! will need refactoring later, this is not the best way to remove the animation
const animations = animationIntersector.getAnimations(rlPlayer.el);
animations.forEach(animation => {
animationIntersector.checkAnimation(animation, true, true);
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
public onDestroy(reqId: number) {
delete this.players[reqId];
public destroyWorkers() {
this.workers.forEach((worker, idx) => {
this.log('worker #' + idx + ' terminated');
this.log('workers destroyed');
this.workers.length = 0;
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
private initPlayer(el: HTMLElement, options: RLottieOptions) {
const rlPlayer = new RLottiePlayer({
worker: this.workers[this.curWorkerNum++],
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
this.players[rlPlayer.reqId] = rlPlayer;
if(this.curWorkerNum >= this.workers.length) {
this.curWorkerNum = 0;
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
return rlPlayer;
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
const lottieLoader = new LottieLoader();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO.lottieLoader = lottieLoader;
2020-02-06 22:43:07 +07:00
export default lottieLoader;