Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

243 lines
6.8 KiB

//import { isInDOM } from "./utils";
5 years ago
import LottiePlayer, { AnimationConfigWithPath, AnimationConfigWithData, AnimationItem } from "lottie-web/build/player/lottie.d";
5 years ago
let convert = (value: number) => {
return Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 1) * 255);
5 years ago
class LottieLoader {
public lottie: /* any */ typeof LottiePlayer = null;
5 years ago
private animations: {
[group: string]: {
5 years ago
animation: /* any */AnimationItem,
5 years ago
container: HTMLDivElement,
paused: boolean,
autoplay: boolean,
canvas: boolean
5 years ago
} = {};
private debug = false;
5 years ago
public loaded: Promise<void>;
private lastTimeLoad = 0;
private waitingTimeouts = 0;
private static COLORREPLACEMENTS = [
[0xf77e41, 0xca907a],
[0xffb139, 0xedc5a5],
[0xffd140, 0xf7e3c3],
[0xffdf79, 0xfbefd6],
[0xf77e41, 0xaa7c60],
[0xffb139, 0xc8a987],
[0xffd140, 0xddc89f],
[0xffdf79, 0xe6d6b2],
[0xf77e41, 0x8c6148],
[0xffb139, 0xad8562],
[0xffd140, 0xc49e76],
[0xffdf79, 0xd4b188],
[0xf77e41, 0x6e3c2c],
[0xffb139, 0x925a34],
[0xffd140, 0xa16e46],
[0xffdf79, 0xac7a52],
5 years ago
public loadLottie() {
if(this.loaded) return this.loaded;
return this.loaded = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5 years ago
(window as any).lottieLoaded = () => {
console.log('lottie loaded');
this.lottie = (window as any).lottie;
let sc = document.createElement('script');
sc.src = 'npm.lottie-web.chunk.js';
sc.async = true;
sc.onload = (window as any).lottieLoaded;
5 years ago
public checkAnimations(blurred?: boolean, group?: string, destroy = false) {
5 years ago
let groups = group ? [group] : Object.keys(this.animations);
if(group && !this.animations[group]) {
console.warn('no animation group:', group);
this.animations[group] = [];
for(let group of groups) {
let animations = this.animations[group];
let length = animations.length;
for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
let {animation, container, paused, autoplay, canvas} = animations[i];
if(destroy && !container.parentElement/* !isInDOM(container) */) {
5 years ago
this.debug && console.log('destroy animation');
animations.splice(i, 1);
/* if(canvas) {
let c = container.firstElementChild as HTMLCanvasElement;
if(!c) {
console.warn('no canvas element for check!', container, animations[i]);
5 years ago
if(!c.height && !c.width && isElementInViewport(container)) {
//console.log('lottie need resize');
} */
5 years ago
if(!autoplay) continue;
/* if(blurred || !isElementInViewport(container)) {
5 years ago
if(!paused) {
this.debug && console.log('pause animation', isElementInViewport(container), container);
animations[i].paused = true;
} else if(paused) {
this.debug && console.log('play animation', container);;
animations[i].paused = false;
} */
5 years ago
private applyReplacements(object: any, toneIndex: number) {
const replacements = LottieLoader.COLORREPLACEMENTS[toneIndex - 2];
const iterateIt = (it: any) => {
for(let smth of it) {
switch(smth.ty) {
case 'st':
case 'fl':
let k = smth.c.k;
let color = convert(k[2]) | (convert(k[1]) << 8) | (convert(k[0]) << 16);
let foundReplacement = replacements.find(p => p[0] == color);
if(foundReplacement) {
k[0] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 16) & 255) / 255;
k[1] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 8) & 255) / 255;
k[2] = (foundReplacement[1] & 255) / 255;
//console.log('foundReplacement!', foundReplacement, color.toString(16), k);
if(smth.hasOwnProperty('it')) {
for(let layer of object.layers) {
if(!layer.shapes) continue;
for(let shape of layer.shapes) {
public async loadAnimation(params: /* any */AnimationConfigWithPath & AnimationConfigWithData, group = '', toneIndex = -1) {
5 years ago
//params.autoplay = false;
//if(group != 'auth') {
//params.renderer = 'canvas';
params.renderer = 'svg';
if(toneIndex >= 1 && toneIndex <= 5) {
this.applyReplacements(params.animationData, toneIndex);
let rendererSettings = {
5 years ago
//context: context, // the canvas context
5 years ago
//preserveAspectRatio: 'xMinYMin slice', // Supports the same options as the svg element's preserveAspectRatio property
clearCanvas: true,
progressiveLoad: true, // Boolean, only svg renderer, loads dom elements when needed. Might speed up initialization for large number of elements.
hideOnTransparent: true, //Boolean, only svg renderer, hides elements when opacity reaches 0 (defaults to true),
5 years ago
if(params.rendererSettings) {
params.rendererSettings = Object.assign(params.rendererSettings, rendererSettings);
} else {
params.rendererSettings = rendererSettings;
5 years ago
if(!this.lottie) {
5 years ago
if(!this.loaded) this.loadLottie();
await this.loaded;
let time =;
let diff = time - this.lastTimeLoad;
let delay = 150;
if(diff < delay) {
delay *= ++this.waitingTimeouts;
console.log('lottieloader delay:', delay);
//await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
5 years ago
let animation = this.lottie.loadAnimation(params);
5 years ago
this.lastTimeLoad =;
5 years ago
if(!this.animations[group]) this.animations[group] = [];
container: params.container as HTMLDivElement,
paused: !params.autoplay,
autoplay: params.autoplay,
canvas: false//params.renderer == 'canvas'
5 years ago
if(params.autoplay) {
5 years ago
5 years ago
return animation;
public getAnimation(el: HTMLElement, group = '') {
let groups = group ? [group] : Object.keys(this.animations);
//console.log('getAnimation', groups, this.animations);
5 years ago
for(let group of groups) {
let animations = this.animations[group];
5 years ago
let animation = animations.find(a => a.container === el);
if(animation) return animation.animation;
return null;
const lottieLoader = new LottieLoader();
(window as any).LottieLoader = lottieLoader;
5 years ago
export default lottieLoader;