Alibek Omarov
engine: font: fix inverted check, fix potential division by zero
11 months ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: as an experiment, let users override default font rendermode through hud_fontrender and con_fontrender cvars
11 months ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: request if font texture has nearest filtering from the renderer
11 months ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: add CL_DrawStringf wrapper
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: finally add support for tab character in engine
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: fix consecutive newlines skipped, add flag to reset color after a newline
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: fix another inverted check
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: make client string drawing functions ignore linefeeds
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: fix CL_DrawStringLen
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: add special flag to ignore linefeeds when drawing strings
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: fix colorcodes, don't reset Colo4ub, it will be reset by consequent draw calls anyway
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: do not apply filtering hack when fonts aren't upscaled
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: font: do not use OpenFile on WADs >_<
2 years ago
Alibek Omarov
engine: client: introduce bare-bones font manager and text drawing manager
* wire hud_fontscale so HUD font scaling can be used independently from
* allow small optimizatinons, like optional UTF-8 decoding, or not calling
SetRenderMode for each character
* even less copypasted code in text drawing between client code and console
* get rid of direct DrawCharacter calls when it can be just DrawString
* fix net_speeds, r_speeds with scaled console fonts
* try to fix MobilityAPI's pfnDrawCharacterScaled
* center keyboard keys in OSK code
2 years ago