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cl_pmove.c - client-side player physic
Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "cl_tent.h"
#include "pm_local.h"
#include "particledef.h"
#include "studio.h"
#define MAX_FORWARD 6 // forward probes for set idealpitch
#define MIN_CORRECTION_DISTANCE 0.25f // use smoothing if error is > this
#define MIN_PREDICTION_EPSILON 0.5f // complain if error is > this and we have cl_showerror set
#define MAX_PREDICTION_ERROR 64.0f // above this is assumed to be a teleport, don't smooth, etc.
void GAME_EXPORT CL_PushPMStates( void )
if( clgame.pushed ) return;
clgame.oldphyscount = clgame.pmove->numphysent;
clgame.oldviscount = clgame.pmove->numvisent;
clgame.pushed = true;
void GAME_EXPORT CL_PopPMStates( void )
if( !clgame.pushed ) return;
clgame.pmove->numphysent = clgame.oldphyscount;
clgame.pmove->numvisent = clgame.oldviscount;
clgame.pushed = false;
void GAME_EXPORT CL_PushTraceBounds( int hullnum, const float *mins, const float *maxs )
hullnum = bound( 0, hullnum, 3 );
VectorCopy( mins, clgame.pmove->player_mins[hullnum] );
VectorCopy( maxs, clgame.pmove->player_maxs[hullnum] );
void GAME_EXPORT CL_PopTraceBounds( void )
memcpy( clgame.pmove->player_mins, host.player_mins, sizeof( host.player_mins ));
memcpy( clgame.pmove->player_maxs, host.player_maxs, sizeof( host.player_maxs ));
qboolean CL_IsPredicted( void )
if( cl_nopred.value || cl.intermission )
return false;
// never predict the quake demos
if( cls.demoplayback == DEMO_QUAKE1 )
return false;
return true;
void CL_SetLastUpdate( void )
cls.lastupdate_sequence = cls.netchan.incoming_sequence;
void CL_RedoPrediction( void )
if ( cls.netchan.incoming_sequence != cls.lastupdate_sequence )
CL_PredictMovement( true );
void CL_SetIdealPitch( void )
float angleval, sinval, cosval;
int i, j, step, dir, steps;
float z[MAX_FORWARD];
vec3_t top, bottom;
pmtrace_t tr;
if( cl.local.onground == -1 )
angleval = cl.viewangles[YAW] * M_PI2 / 360.0f;
SinCos( angleval, &sinval, &cosval );
// Now move forward by 36, 48, 60, etc. units from the eye position and drop lines straight down
// 160 or so units to see what's below
for( i = 0; i < MAX_FORWARD; i++ )
top[0] = cl.simorg[0] + cosval * (i + 3.0f) * 12.0f;
top[1] = cl.simorg[1] + sinval * (i + 3.0f) * 12.0f;
top[2] = cl.simorg[2] + cl.viewheight[2];
bottom[0] = top[0];
bottom[1] = top[1];
bottom[2] = top[2] - 160.0f;
// skip any monsters (only world and brush models)
tr = CL_TraceLine( top, bottom, PM_STUDIO_BOX );
if( tr.allsolid ) return; // looking at a wall, leave ideal the way is was
if( tr.fraction == 1.0f )
return; // near a dropoff
z[i] = top[2] + tr.fraction * (bottom[2] - top[2]);
dir = 0;
steps = 0;
for( j = 1; j < i; j++ )
step = z[j] - z[j-1];
if( step > -ON_EPSILON && step < ON_EPSILON )
if( dir && ( step-dir > ON_EPSILON || step-dir < -ON_EPSILON ))
return; // mixed changes
dir = step;
if( !dir )
cl.local.idealpitch = 0.0f;
if( steps < 2 ) return;
cl.local.idealpitch = -dir * cl_idealpitchscale.value;
check for instant movement in case
we don't want interpolate this
static qboolean CL_PlayerTeleported( local_state_t *from, local_state_t *to )
int len, maxlen;
vec3_t delta;
VectorSubtract( to->playerstate.origin, from->playerstate.origin, delta );
// compute potential max movement in units per frame and compare with entity movement
maxlen = ( clgame.movevars.maxvelocity * ( 1.0f / GAME_FPS ));
len = VectorLength( delta );
return (len > maxlen);
void CL_CheckPredictionError( void )
int frame, cmd;
static int pos = 0;
vec3_t delta;
float dist;
if( !CL_IsPredicted( ))
// calculate the last usercmd_t we sent that the server has processed
frame = ( cls.netchan.incoming_acknowledged ) & CL_UPDATE_MASK;
cmd = cl.parsecountmod;
// compare what the server returned with what we had predicted it to be
VectorSubtract( cl.frames[cmd].playerstate[cl.playernum].origin, cl.local.predicted_origins[frame], delta );
dist = VectorLength( delta );
// save the prediction error for interpolation
if( cl_showerror.value && host_developer.value )
Con_NPrintf( 10 + ( ++pos & 3 ), "^3player teleported:^7 %.3f units\n", dist );
// a teleport or something or gamepaused
VectorClear( cl.local.prediction_error );
if( cl_showerror.value && dist > MIN_PREDICTION_EPSILON && host_developer.value )
Con_NPrintf( 10 + ( ++pos & 3 ), "^1prediction error:^7 %.3f units\n", dist );
VectorCopy( cl.frames[cmd].playerstate[cl.playernum].origin, cl.local.predicted_origins[frame] );
// save for error interpolation
VectorCopy( delta, cl.local.prediction_error );
// GoldSrc checks for singleplayer
// we would check for local server
if( dist > MIN_CORRECTION_DISTANCE && !SV_Active() )
cls.correction_time = cl_smoothtime.value;
Calculate the new position of players, without other player clipping
We do this to set up real player prediction.
Players are predicted twice, first without clipping other players,
then with clipping against them.
This sets up the first phase.
void GAME_EXPORT CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction( int dopred, int bIncludeLocalClient )
entity_state_t *state;
predicted_player_t *player;
cl_entity_t *ent;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ )
state = &cl.frames[cl.parsecountmod].playerstate[i];
player = &cls.predicted_players[i];
player->active = false;
if( state->messagenum != cl.parsecount )
continue; // not present this frame
if( !state->modelindex )
player->active = true;
player->movetype = state->movetype;
player->solid = state->solid;
player->usehull = state->usehull;
if( FBitSet( state->effects, EF_NODRAW ) && !bIncludeLocalClient && ( cl.playernum == i ))
// note that the local player is special, since he moves locally
// we use his last predicted postition
if( cl.playernum == i )
VectorCopy( state->origin, player->origin );
VectorCopy( state->angles, player->angles );
ent = CL_GetEntityByIndex( i + 1 );
CL_ComputePlayerOrigin( ent );
VectorCopy( ent->origin, player->origin );
VectorCopy( ent->angles, player->angles );
void CL_ClipPMoveToEntity( physent_t *pe, const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, pmtrace_t *tr )
Assert( tr != NULL );
if( clgame.dllFuncs.pfnClipMoveToEntity != NULL )
// do custom sweep test
clgame.dllFuncs.pfnClipMoveToEntity( pe, start, mins, maxs, end, tr );
// function is missed, so we didn't hit anything
tr->allsolid = false;
static void CL_CopyEntityToPhysEnt( physent_t *pe, entity_state_t *state, qboolean visent )
model_t *mod = CL_ModelHandle( state->modelindex );
pe->player = 0;
if( state->number >= 1 && state->number <= cl.maxclients )
pe->player = state->number;
if( pe->player )
// client or bot
Q_snprintf( pe->name, sizeof( pe->name ), "player %i", pe->player - 1 );
// otherwise copy the modelname
Q_strncpy( pe->name, mod->name, sizeof( pe->name ));
pe->model = pe->studiomodel = NULL;
VectorCopy( state->mins, pe->mins );
VectorCopy( state->maxs, pe->maxs );
if( state->solid == SOLID_BBOX )
if( FBitSet( mod->flags, STUDIO_TRACE_HITBOX ))
pe->studiomodel = mod;
if( pe->solid != SOLID_BSP && ( mod != NULL ) && ( mod->type == mod_studio ))
pe->studiomodel = mod;
else pe->model = mod;
// rare case: not solid entities in vistrace
if( visent && VectorIsNull( pe->mins ))
VectorCopy( mod->mins, pe->mins );
VectorCopy( mod->maxs, pe->maxs );
pe->info = state->number;
VectorCopy( state->origin, pe->origin );
VectorCopy( state->angles, pe->angles );
pe->solid = state->solid;
pe->rendermode = state->rendermode;
pe->skin = state->skin;
pe->frame = state->frame;
pe->sequence = state->sequence;
memcpy( &pe->controller[0], &state->controller[0], sizeof( pe->controller ));
memcpy( &pe->blending[0], &state->blending[0], sizeof( pe->blending ));
pe->movetype = state->movetype;
pe->takedamage = (pe->player) ? DAMAGE_YES : DAMAGE_NO;
pe->team = state->team;
pe->classnumber = state->playerclass;
pe->blooddecal = 0; // unused in GoldSrc
// for mods
pe->iuser1 = state->iuser1;
pe->iuser2 = state->iuser2;
pe->iuser3 = state->iuser3;
pe->iuser4 = state->iuser4;
pe->fuser1 = state->fuser1;
pe->fuser2 = state->fuser2;
pe->fuser3 = state->fuser3;
pe->fuser4 = state->fuser4;
VectorCopy( state->vuser1, pe->vuser1 );
VectorCopy( state->vuser2, pe->vuser2 );
VectorCopy( state->vuser3, pe->vuser3 );
VectorCopy( state->vuser4, pe->vuser4 );
collect solid entities
void CL_AddLinksToPmove( frame_t *frame )
entity_state_t *state;
model_t *model;
physent_t *pe;
int i;
if( !frame->valid ) return;
for( i = 0; i < frame->num_entities; i++ )
state = &cls.packet_entities[(frame->first_entity + i) % cls.num_client_entities];
if( state->number >= 1 && state->number <= cl.maxclients )
if( !state->modelindex )
model = CL_ModelHandle( state->modelindex );
if( !model ) continue;
if(( state->owner != 0 ) && ( state->owner == cl.playernum + 1 ))
if(( model->hulls[1].lastclipnode || model->type == mod_studio ) && clgame.pmove->numvisent < MAX_PHYSENTS )
pe = &clgame.pmove->visents[clgame.pmove->numvisent];
CL_CopyEntityToPhysEnt( pe, state, true );
if( state->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER || ( state->solid == SOLID_NOT && state->skin >= CONTENTS_EMPTY ))
// dead body
if( state->mins[2] == 0.0f && state->maxs[2] == 1.0f )
// can't collide with zeroed hull
if( VectorIsNull( state->mins ) && VectorIsNull( state->maxs ))
if( state->solid == SOLID_NOT && state->skin == CONTENTS_LADDER )
if( clgame.pmove->nummoveent >= MAX_MOVEENTS )
pe = &clgame.pmove->moveents[clgame.pmove->nummoveent];
CL_CopyEntityToPhysEnt( pe, state, false );
if( !model->hulls[1].lastclipnode && model->type != mod_studio )
// reserve slots for all the clients
if( clgame.pmove->numphysent >= ( MAX_PHYSENTS - cl.maxclients ))
pe = &clgame.pmove->physents[clgame.pmove->numphysent];
CL_CopyEntityToPhysEnt( pe, state, false );
Builds all the pmove physents for the current frame
void CL_SetSolidEntities( void )
physent_t *pe = clgame.pmove->physents;
// setup physents
clgame.pmove->numvisent = 1;
clgame.pmove->numphysent = 1;
clgame.pmove->nummoveent = 0;
memset( clgame.pmove->physents, 0, sizeof( physent_t ));
memset( clgame.pmove->visents, 0, sizeof( physent_t ));
pe->model = cl.worldmodel;
if( pe->model ) Q_strncpy( pe->name, pe->model->name, sizeof( pe->name ));
pe->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
pe->solid = SOLID_BSP;
// share to visents
clgame.pmove->visents[0] = clgame.pmove->physents[0];
// add all other entities exlucde players
CL_AddLinksToPmove( &cl.frames[cl.parsecountmod] );
Builds all the pmove physents for the current frame
Note that CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction() must be called first!
pmove must be setup with world and solid entity hulls before calling
(via CL_PredictMove)
void GAME_EXPORT CL_SetSolidPlayers( int playernum )
entity_state_t *state;
predicted_player_t *player;
physent_t *pe;
int i;
if( !cl_solid_players.value )
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ )
state = &cl.frames[cl.parsecountmod].playerstate[i];
player = &cls.predicted_players[i];
if( playernum == -1 )
if( i != cl.playernum && !player->active )
if( !player->active )
continue; // not present this frame
// the player object never gets added
if( playernum == i )
if( player->solid == SOLID_NOT )
continue; // dead body
if( clgame.pmove->numphysent >= MAX_PHYSENTS )
pe = &clgame.pmove->physents[clgame.pmove->numphysent];
CL_CopyEntityToPhysEnt( pe, state, false );
// some fields needs to be override from cls.predicted_players
VectorCopy( player->origin, pe->origin );
VectorCopy( player->angles, pe->angles );
VectorCopy( clgame.pmove->player_mins[player->usehull], pe->mins );
VectorCopy( clgame.pmove->player_maxs[player->usehull], pe->maxs );
pe->movetype = player->movetype;
pe->solid = player->solid;
int GAME_EXPORT CL_WaterEntity( const float *rgflPos )
physent_t *pe;
hull_t *hull;
vec3_t test, offset;
int i, oldhull;
if( !rgflPos ) return -1;
oldhull = clgame.pmove->usehull;
for( i = 0; i < clgame.pmove->numphysent; i++ )
pe = &clgame.pmove->physents[i];
if( pe->solid != SOLID_NOT ) // disabled ?
// only brushes can have special contents
if( !pe->model || pe->model->type != mod_brush )
// check water brushes accuracy
clgame.pmove->usehull = 2;
hull = PM_HullForBsp( pe, clgame.pmove, offset );
clgame.pmove->usehull = oldhull;
// offset the test point appropriately for this hull.
VectorSubtract( rgflPos, offset, test );
if( FBitSet( pe->model->flags, MODEL_HAS_ORIGIN ) && !VectorIsNull( pe->angles ))
matrix4x4 matrix;
Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( matrix, pe->angles, offset, 1.0f );
Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( matrix, rgflPos, test );
// test hull for intersection with this model
if( PM_HullPointContents( hull, hull->firstclipnode, test ) == CONTENTS_EMPTY )
// found water entity
return pe->info;
return -1;
a simple engine traceline
pmtrace_t CL_TraceLine( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int flags )
int old_usehull;
pmtrace_t tr;
old_usehull = clgame.pmove->usehull;
clgame.pmove->usehull = 2;
tr = PM_PlayerTraceExt( clgame.pmove, start, end, flags, clgame.pmove->numphysent, clgame.pmove->physents, -1, NULL );
clgame.pmove->usehull = old_usehull;
return tr;
trace by visible objects (thats can be non-solid)
pmtrace_t *CL_VisTraceLine( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int flags )
int old_usehull;
static pmtrace_t tr;
old_usehull = clgame.pmove->usehull;
clgame.pmove->usehull = 2;
tr = PM_PlayerTraceExt( clgame.pmove, start, end, flags, clgame.pmove->numvisent, clgame.pmove->visents, -1, NULL );
clgame.pmove->usehull = old_usehull;
return &tr;
returns water brush where inside pos
cl_entity_t *CL_GetWaterEntity( const float *rgflPos )
int entnum;
entnum = CL_WaterEntity( rgflPos );
if( entnum <= 0 ) return NULL; // world or not water
return CL_GetEntityByIndex( entnum );
int GAME_EXPORT CL_TestLine( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int flags )
return PM_TestLineExt( clgame.pmove, clgame.pmove->physents, clgame.pmove->numphysent, start, end, flags );
static int GAME_EXPORT pfnTestPlayerPosition( float *pos, pmtrace_t *ptrace )
return PM_TestPlayerPosition( clgame.pmove, pos, ptrace, NULL );
static void GAME_EXPORT pfnStuckTouch( int hitent, pmtrace_t *tr )
PM_StuckTouch( clgame.pmove, hitent, tr );
static int GAME_EXPORT pfnTruePointContents( float *p )
return PM_TruePointContents( clgame.pmove, p );
static pmtrace_t GAME_EXPORT pfnPlayerTrace( float *start, float *end, int traceFlags, int ignore_pe )
return PM_PlayerTraceExt( clgame.pmove, start, end, traceFlags, clgame.pmove->numphysent, clgame.pmove->physents, ignore_pe, NULL );
static void *pfnHullForBsp( physent_t *pe, float *offset )
return PM_HullForBsp( pe, clgame.pmove, offset );
static float GAME_EXPORT pfnTraceModel( physent_t *pe, float *start, float *end, trace_t *trace )
return PM_TraceModel( clgame.pmove, pe, start, end, trace );
static void GAME_EXPORT pfnPlaySound( int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch )
if( !clgame.pmove->runfuncs )
S_StartSound( NULL, clgame.pmove->player_index + 1, channel, S_RegisterSound( sample ), volume, attenuation, pitch, fFlags );
static void GAME_EXPORT pfnPlaybackEventFull( int flags, int clientindex, word eventindex, float delay, float *origin,
float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2 )
CL_PlaybackEvent( flags, NULL, eventindex, delay, origin, angles, fparam1, fparam2, iparam1, iparam2, bparam1, bparam2 );
static pmtrace_t GAME_EXPORT pfnPlayerTraceEx( float *start, float *end, int traceFlags, pfnIgnore pmFilter )
return PM_PlayerTraceExt( clgame.pmove, start, end, traceFlags, clgame.pmove->numphysent, clgame.pmove->physents, -1, pmFilter );
static int GAME_EXPORT pfnTestPlayerPositionEx( float *pos, pmtrace_t *ptrace, pfnIgnore pmFilter )
return PM_TestPlayerPosition( clgame.pmove, pos, ptrace, pmFilter );
static pmtrace_t *pfnTraceLineEx( float *start, float *end, int flags, int usehull, pfnIgnore pmFilter )
return PM_TraceLineEx( clgame.pmove, start, end, flags, usehull, pmFilter );
void CL_InitClientMove( void )
int i;
Pmove_Init ();
clgame.pmove->server = false; // running at client
clgame.pmove->movevars = &clgame.movevars;
clgame.pmove->runfuncs = false;
// enumerate client hulls
for( i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_HULLS; i++ )
if( clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetHullBounds( i, host.player_mins[i], host.player_maxs[i] ))
Con_Reportf( "CL: hull%i, player_mins: %g %g %g, player_maxs: %g %g %g\n", i,
host.player_mins[i][0], host.player_mins[i][1], host.player_mins[i][2],
host.player_maxs[i][0], host.player_maxs[i][1], host.player_maxs[i][2] );
memcpy( clgame.pmove->player_mins, host.player_mins, sizeof( host.player_mins ));
memcpy( clgame.pmove->player_maxs, host.player_maxs, sizeof( host.player_maxs ));
// common utilities
clgame.pmove->PM_Info_ValueForKey = Info_ValueForKey;
clgame.pmove->PM_Particle = CL_Particle; // ref should be initialized here already
clgame.pmove->PM_TestPlayerPosition = pfnTestPlayerPosition;
clgame.pmove->Con_NPrintf = Con_NPrintf;
clgame.pmove->Con_DPrintf = Con_DPrintf;
clgame.pmove->Con_Printf = Con_Printf;
clgame.pmove->Sys_FloatTime = Sys_DoubleTime;
clgame.pmove->PM_StuckTouch = pfnStuckTouch;
clgame.pmove->PM_PointContents = (void*)PM_CL_PointContents;
clgame.pmove->PM_TruePointContents = pfnTruePointContents;
clgame.pmove->PM_HullPointContents = (void*)PM_HullPointContents;
clgame.pmove->PM_PlayerTrace = pfnPlayerTrace;
clgame.pmove->PM_TraceLine = PM_CL_TraceLine;
clgame.pmove->RandomLong = COM_RandomLong;
clgame.pmove->RandomFloat = COM_RandomFloat;
clgame.pmove->PM_GetModelType = pfnGetModelType;
clgame.pmove->PM_GetModelBounds = pfnGetModelBounds;
clgame.pmove->PM_HullForBsp = pfnHullForBsp;
clgame.pmove->PM_TraceModel = pfnTraceModel;
clgame.pmove->COM_FileSize = COM_FileSize;
clgame.pmove->COM_LoadFile = COM_LoadFile;
clgame.pmove->COM_FreeFile = COM_FreeFile;
clgame.pmove->memfgets = COM_MemFgets;
clgame.pmove->PM_PlaySound = pfnPlaySound;
clgame.pmove->PM_TraceTexture = PM_CL_TraceTexture;
clgame.pmove->PM_PlaybackEventFull = pfnPlaybackEventFull;
clgame.pmove->PM_PlayerTraceEx = pfnPlayerTraceEx;
clgame.pmove->PM_TestPlayerPositionEx = pfnTestPlayerPositionEx;
clgame.pmove->PM_TraceLineEx = pfnTraceLineEx;
clgame.pmove->PM_TraceSurface = pfnTraceSurface;
// initalize pmove
clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerMoveInit( clgame.pmove );
static void CL_SetupPMove( playermove_t *pmove, const local_state_t *from, const usercmd_t *ucmd, qboolean runfuncs, double time )
const entity_state_t *ps;
const clientdata_t *cd;
ps = &from->playerstate;
cd = &from->client;
pmove->player_index = ps->number - 1;
// a1ba: workaround bug on old protocol where the server refuse to send
// our local player in delta. cl.playernum, in theory, must be equal
// to our local player index anyway
// this might not be a real solution, since everything else will be bogus
// but we need to properly run prediction and avoid potential memory
// corruption
// either debug this, or remove when old protocol will be dropped!!!
if( cls.legacymode )
if( pmove->player_index < 0 )
pmove->player_index = bound( 0, cl.playernum, cl.maxclients - 1 );
// if this happens, record a demo and send it to a1ba
Host_Error( "%s: ps->number == %d\n", __func__, ps->number );
pmove->multiplayer = (cl.maxclients > 1);
pmove->runfuncs = runfuncs;
pmove->time = time * 1000.0f;
pmove->frametime = ucmd->msec / 1000.0f;
VectorCopy( ps->origin, pmove->origin );
VectorCopy( ps->angles, pmove->angles );
VectorCopy( pmove->angles, pmove->oldangles );
VectorCopy( cd->velocity, pmove->velocity );
VectorCopy( ps->basevelocity, pmove->basevelocity );
VectorCopy( cd->view_ofs, pmove->view_ofs );
VectorClear( pmove->movedir );
pmove->flDuckTime = (float)cd->flDuckTime;
pmove->bInDuck = cd->bInDuck;
pmove->usehull = ps->usehull;
pmove->flTimeStepSound = cd->flTimeStepSound;
pmove->iStepLeft = ps->iStepLeft;
pmove->flFallVelocity = ps->flFallVelocity;
pmove->flSwimTime = (float)cd->flSwimTime;
VectorCopy( cd->punchangle, pmove->punchangle );
pmove->flNextPrimaryAttack = 0.0f; // not used by PM_ code
pmove->effects = ps->effects;
pmove->flags = cd->flags;
pmove->gravity = ps->gravity;
pmove->friction = ps->friction;
pmove->oldbuttons = ps->oldbuttons;
pmove->waterjumptime = (float)cd->waterjumptime;
pmove->dead = (cl.local.health <= 0);
pmove->deadflag = cd->deadflag;
pmove->spectator = (cls.spectator != 0);
pmove->movetype = ps->movetype;
pmove->onground = ps->onground;
pmove->waterlevel = cd->waterlevel;
pmove->watertype = cd->watertype;
pmove->maxspeed = clgame.movevars.maxspeed;
pmove->clientmaxspeed = cd->maxspeed;
pmove->iuser1 = cd->iuser1;
pmove->iuser2 = cd->iuser2;
pmove->iuser3 = cd->iuser3;
pmove->iuser4 = cd->iuser4;
pmove->fuser1 = cd->fuser1;
pmove->fuser2 = cd->fuser2;
pmove->fuser3 = cd->fuser3;
pmove->fuser4 = cd->fuser4;
VectorCopy( cd->vuser1, pmove->vuser1 );
VectorCopy( cd->vuser2, pmove->vuser2 );
VectorCopy( cd->vuser3, pmove->vuser3 );
VectorCopy( cd->vuser4, pmove->vuser4 );
pmove->cmd = *ucmd; // copy current cmds
Q_strncpy( pmove->physinfo, cls.physinfo, MAX_INFO_STRING );
const void CL_FinishPMove( const playermove_t *pmove, local_state_t *to )
entity_state_t *ps;
clientdata_t *cd;
ps = &to->playerstate;
cd = &to->client;
cd->flags = pmove->flags;
cd->bInDuck = pmove->bInDuck;
cd->flTimeStepSound = pmove->flTimeStepSound;
cd->flDuckTime = (int)pmove->flDuckTime;
cd->flSwimTime = (int)pmove->flSwimTime;
cd->waterjumptime = (int)pmove->waterjumptime;
cd->watertype = pmove->watertype;
cd->waterlevel = pmove->waterlevel;
cd->maxspeed = pmove->clientmaxspeed;
cd->deadflag = pmove->deadflag;
VectorCopy( pmove->velocity, cd->velocity );
VectorCopy( pmove->view_ofs, cd->view_ofs );
VectorCopy( pmove->origin, ps->origin );
VectorCopy( pmove->angles, ps->angles );
VectorCopy( pmove->basevelocity, ps->basevelocity );
VectorCopy( pmove->punchangle, cd->punchangle );
ps->oldbuttons = (uint)pmove->cmd.buttons;
ps->friction = pmove->friction;
ps->movetype = pmove->movetype;
ps->onground = pmove->onground;
ps->effects = pmove->effects;
ps->usehull = pmove->usehull;
ps->iStepLeft = pmove->iStepLeft;
ps->flFallVelocity = pmove->flFallVelocity;
cd->iuser1 = pmove->iuser1;
cd->iuser2 = pmove->iuser2;
cd->iuser3 = pmove->iuser3;
cd->iuser4 = pmove->iuser4;
cd->fuser1 = pmove->fuser1;
cd->fuser2 = pmove->fuser2;
cd->fuser3 = pmove->fuser3;
cd->fuser4 = pmove->fuser4;
VectorCopy( pmove->vuser1, cd->vuser1 );
VectorCopy( pmove->vuser2, cd->vuser2 );
VectorCopy( pmove->vuser3, cd->vuser3 );
VectorCopy( pmove->vuser4, cd->vuser4 );
Runs prediction code for user cmd
void CL_RunUsercmd( local_state_t *from, local_state_t *to, usercmd_t *u, qboolean runfuncs, double *time, unsigned int random_seed )
usercmd_t cmd;
if( u->msec > 50 )
local_state_t temp;
usercmd_t split;
memset( &temp, 0, sizeof( temp ));
split = *u;
split.msec /= 2;
CL_RunUsercmd( from, &temp, &split, runfuncs, time, random_seed );
split.impulse = split.weaponselect = 0;
CL_RunUsercmd( &temp, to, &split, runfuncs, time, random_seed );
cmd = *u; // deal with local copy
*to = *from;
if( CL_IsPredicted( ))
// setup playermove state
CL_SetupPMove( clgame.pmove, from, &cmd, runfuncs, *time );
// motor!
clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPlayerMove( clgame.pmove, false );
// copy results back to client
CL_FinishPMove( clgame.pmove, to );
if( clgame.pmove->onground > 0 && clgame.pmove->onground < clgame.pmove->numphysent )
cl.local.lastground = clgame.pmove->physents[clgame.pmove->onground].info;
else cl.local.lastground = clgame.pmove->onground; // world(0) or in air(-1)
clgame.dllFuncs.pfnPostRunCmd( from, to, &cmd, runfuncs, *time, random_seed );
*time += (double)cmd.msec / 1000.0;
spectator movement code
void CL_MoveSpectatorCamera( void )
double time = cl.time;
if( !cls.spectator )
CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true );
CL_SetSolidPlayers( cl.playernum );
CL_RunUsercmd( &cls.spectator_state, &cls.spectator_state, cl.cmd, true, &time, (uint)( time * 100.0 ));
VectorCopy( cls.spectator_state.client.velocity, cl.simvel );
VectorCopy( cls.spectator_state.client.origin, cl.simorg );
VectorCopy( cls.spectator_state.client.punchangle, cl.punchangle );
VectorCopy( cls.spectator_state.client.view_ofs, cl.viewheight );
Sets cl.predicted.origin and cl.predicted.angles
void CL_PredictMovement( qboolean repredicting )
runcmd_t *to_cmd = NULL, *from_cmd;
local_state_t *from = NULL, *to = NULL;
frame_t *frame = NULL;
uint i, stoppoint;
double f = 1.0;
double time;
if( cls.state != ca_active || cls.spectator )
if( cls.demoplayback && !repredicting )
CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, false );
if( !cl.validsequence )
if(( cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - cls.netchan.incoming_acknowledged ) >= CL_UPDATE_MASK )
// this is the last frame received from the server
frame = &cl.frames[cl.parsecountmod];
if( !CL_IsPredicted( ))
VectorCopy( frame->clientdata.velocity, cl.simvel );
VectorCopy( frame->clientdata.origin, cl.simorg );
VectorCopy( frame->clientdata.punchangle, cl.punchangle );
VectorCopy( frame->clientdata.view_ofs, cl.viewheight );
cl.local.usehull = frame->playerstate[cl.playernum].usehull;
cl.local.waterlevel = frame->clientdata.waterlevel;
if( FBitSet( frame->clientdata.flags, FL_ONGROUND ))
cl.local.onground = frame->playerstate[cl.playernum].onground;
else cl.local.onground = -1;
from = &cl.predicted_frames[cl.parsecountmod];
from_cmd = &cl.commands[cls.netchan.incoming_acknowledged & CL_UPDATE_MASK];
memcpy( from->weapondata, frame->weapondata, sizeof( from->weapondata ));
from->playerstate = frame->playerstate[cl.playernum];
from->client = frame->clientdata;
if( !frame->valid ) return;
time = frame->time;
stoppoint = ( repredicting ) ? 0 : 1;
cl.local.repredicting = repredicting;
cl.local.onground = -1;
// predict forward until cl.time <= to->senttime
CL_SetSolidPlayers( cl.playernum );
for( i = 1; i < CL_UPDATE_MASK && cls.netchan.incoming_acknowledged + i < cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence + stoppoint; i++ )
uint current_command;
uint current_command_mod;
qboolean runfuncs;
current_command = cls.netchan.incoming_acknowledged + i;
current_command_mod = current_command & CL_UPDATE_MASK;
to = &cl.predicted_frames[(cl.parsecountmod + i) & CL_UPDATE_MASK];
to_cmd = &cl.commands[current_command_mod];
runfuncs = ( !repredicting && !to_cmd->processedfuncs );
CL_RunUsercmd( from, to, &to_cmd->cmd, runfuncs, &time, current_command );
VectorCopy( to->playerstate.origin, cl.local.predicted_origins[current_command_mod] );
to_cmd->processedfuncs = true;
if( to_cmd->senttime >= host.realtime )
from = to;
from_cmd = to_cmd;
if(( i == CL_UPDATE_MASK ) || ( !to && !repredicting ))
cl.local.repredicting = false;
return; // net hasn't deliver packets in a long time...
if( !to )
to = from;
to_cmd = from_cmd;
if( !CL_IsPredicted( ))
// keep onground actual
if( FBitSet( frame->clientdata.flags, FL_ONGROUND ))
cl.local.onground = frame->playerstate[cl.playernum].onground;
else cl.local.onground = -1;
if( !repredicting || !cl_lw.value )
cl.local.viewmodel = to->client.viewmodel;
cl.local.repredicting = false;
cl.local.moving = false;
// now interpolate some fraction of the final frame
if( to_cmd->senttime != from_cmd->senttime )
f = bound( 0.0, (host.realtime - from_cmd->senttime) / (to_cmd->senttime - from_cmd->senttime) * 0.1, 1.0 );
else f = 0.0;
if( CL_PlayerTeleported( from, to ))
VectorCopy( to->client.velocity, cl.simvel );
VectorCopy( to->playerstate.origin, cl.simorg );
VectorCopy( to->client.punchangle, cl.punchangle );
VectorCopy( to->client.view_ofs, cl.viewheight );
VectorLerp( from->playerstate.origin, f, to->playerstate.origin, cl.simorg );
VectorLerp( from->client.velocity, f, to->client.velocity, cl.simvel );
VectorLerp( from->client.punchangle, f, to->client.punchangle, cl.punchangle );
if( from->playerstate.usehull == to->playerstate.usehull )
VectorLerp( from->client.view_ofs, f, to->client.view_ofs, cl.viewheight );
else VectorCopy( to->client.view_ofs, cl.viewheight );
cl.local.waterlevel = to->client.waterlevel;
cl.local.usehull = to->playerstate.usehull;
if( !repredicting || !cl_lw.value )
cl.local.viewmodel = to->client.viewmodel;
if( FBitSet( to->client.flags, FL_ONGROUND ))
cl_entity_t *ent = CL_GetEntityByIndex( cl.local.lastground );
cl.local.onground = cl.local.lastground;
cl.local.moving = false;
if( ent )
vec3_t delta;
delta[0] = ent->curstate.origin[0] - ent->prevstate.origin[0];
delta[1] = ent->curstate.origin[1] - ent->prevstate.origin[1];
delta[2] = 0.0f;
if( VectorLength( delta ) > 0.0f )
cls.correction_time = 0;
cl.local.moving = true;
cl.local.onground = -1;
cl.local.moving = false;
if( cls.correction_time > 0 && !cl_nosmooth.value && cl_smoothtime.value )
vec3_t delta;
float frac;
// only decay timer once per frame
if( !repredicting )
cls.correction_time -= host.frametime;
// Make sure smoothtime is postive
if( cl_smoothtime.value <= 0.0f )
Cvar_DirectSet( &cl_smoothtime, "0.1" );
// Clamp from 0 to cl_smoothtime.value
cls.correction_time = bound( 0.0, cls.correction_time, cl_smoothtime.value );
// Compute backward interpolation fraction along full correction
frac = 1.0f - cls.correction_time / cl_smoothtime.value;
// Determine how much error we still have to make up for
VectorSubtract( cl.simorg, cl.local.lastorigin, delta );
// Scale the error by the backlerp fraction
VectorScale( delta, frac, delta );
// Go some fraction of the way
// FIXME, Probably can't do this any more
VectorAdd( cl.local.lastorigin, delta, cl.simorg );
VectorCopy( cl.simorg, cl.local.lastorigin );
cl.local.repredicting = false;