Xash3D FWGS engine.
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#pragma once
#ifndef VID_COMMON
#define VID_COMMON
typedef struct vidmode_s
const char *desc;
int width;
int height;
} vidmode_t;
typedef enum
SAFE_NO = 0,
SAFE_NOMSAA, // skip msaa
SAFE_NOACC, // don't set acceleration flag
SAFE_NOSTENCIL, // don't set stencil bits
SAFE_NOALPHA, // don't set alpha bits
SAFE_NODEPTH, // don't set depth bits
SAFE_NOCOLOR, // don't set color bits
SAFE_DONTCARE // ignore everything, let SDL/EGL decide
} safe_context_t;
typedef struct
void* context; // handle to GL rendering context
int safe;
int desktopBitsPixel;
int desktopWidth;
int desktopHeight;
qboolean initialized; // OpenGL subsystem started
qboolean extended; // extended context allows to GL_Debug
} glwstate_t;
typedef struct vidstate_s
int width, height;
int prev_width, prev_height;
qboolean fullScreen;
qboolean wideScreen;
} vidstate_t;
// engine will manage opengl contexts with window system (egl/sdl or wgl/glx if needed)
typedef struct glcontext_s
/// make renderapi defs acessible here?
// gl_context_type_t context;
// gles_wrapper_t wrapper;
int color_bits;
int alpha_bits;
int depth_bits;
int stencil_bits;
int msaasamples;
int max_multisamples;
} glcontext_t;
extern vidstate_t vidState;
extern glwstate_t glw_state;
extern glcontext_t glContext;
#define VID_MIN_HEIGHT 200
#define VID_MIN_WIDTH 320
extern convar_t *vid_fullscreen;
extern convar_t *vid_displayfrequency;
extern convar_t *vid_highdpi;
extern convar_t *gl_wgl_msaa_samples;
void R_SaveVideoMode( int w, int h );
void VID_CheckChanges( void );
const char *VID_GetModeString( int vid_mode );
void VID_StartupGamma( void );
#endif // VID_COMMON