#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "coop_util.h"
#include "gravgunmod.h"
bool g_fPause;
// offset for all maps relative to current map
struct COOPMapState
struct COOPMapPersist
char szMapName[32];
Vector vecOffset;
struct COOPCheckpoint {
char szDisplayName[32];
float flTime;
struct GGMPosition pos;
} rgCheckpoints[5];
} p;
struct COOPMapState *pNext;
struct COOPLandmarkTransition {
char szSourceMap[32];
char szTargetMap[32];
char szLandmarkName[32];
Vector vecLandmark;
bool fTriggerUsed;
bool fSavedPos;
struct GGMPosition pos;
bool fLoading;
enum COOPSaveSlot
struct COOPState
// will be saved
struct COOPPersist
// weapon list
char rgszWeapons[64][32];
int iWeaponCount;
// data for spawnpoint
struct GGMPosition savedPos;
bool fSaved;
char rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_COUNT][32];
char iLastAutoSave;
} p;
// runtime state
struct COOPMapState *pMapStates;
struct COOPMapState *pCurrentMap;
// translate GGMMapState during changelevel
struct COOPLandmarkTransition landmarkTransition;
int iVote;
float flMsgLimit1, flMsgLimit2;
} g_CoopState;
cvar_t mp_coop = { "mp_coop", "0", FCVAR_SERVER };
cvar_t mp_coop_nofriendlyfire = { "mp_coop_nofriendlyfire", "0", FCVAR_SERVER };
cvar_t mp_coop_reconnect_hack = { "mp_coop_reconnect_hack", "0", FCVAR_SERVER };
cvar_t mp_coop_noangry = { "mp_coop_noangry", "0", FCVAR_SERVER };
cvar_t mp_coop_checkpoints = { "mp_coop_checkpoints", "1", FCVAR_SERVER };
cvar_t mp_coop_strongcheckpoints = { "mp_coop_strongcheckpoints", "0", FCVAR_SERVER };
cvar_t mp_semclip = { "mp_semclip", "0", FCVAR_SERVER };
cvar_t materials_txt = { "materials_txt", "sound/materials.txt", FCVAR_SERVER };
cvar_t sentences_txt = { "sentences_txt", "sound/sentences.txt", FCVAR_SERVER };
void COOP_CheckpointMenu( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
Write COOP state to file
void COOP_WriteState( const char *path )
FILE *f = fopen( path, "wb" );
unsigned int tsize = sizeof( g_CoopState.p );
struct COOPMapState *pState = g_CoopState.pMapStates;
if( !f )
// keep size to allow extent struct
fwrite( &tsize, 4, 1, f );
fwrite( &g_CoopState.p, tsize, 1, f );
tsize = sizeof( pState->p );
fwrite( &tsize, 4, 1, f );
while( pState )
fwrite( &pState->p, tsize, 1, f );
pState = pState->pNext;
fclose( f );
Read COOP state from file
bool COOP_ReadState( const char *path )
FILE *f = fopen( path, "rb" );
unsigned int tsize;
if( !f )
return false;
g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading = true;
if( !fread( &tsize, 4, 1, f ) )
return false;
// do not allow shrink structure
if( tsize > sizeof( g_CoopState.p ) )
return false;
if( !fread( &g_CoopState.p, tsize, 1, f ) )
return false;
if( !fread( &tsize, 4, 1, f ) )
ALERT( at_error, "Could not read map states from %s\n", path );
return true;
g_CoopState.pCurrentMap = NULL;
while( g_CoopState.pMapStates )
struct COOPMapState *pState = g_CoopState.pMapStates;
g_CoopState.pMapStates = pState->pNext;
free( pState );
while( true )
struct COOPMapState *pState = (struct COOPMapState *)calloc( 1, sizeof( struct COOPMapState ) );
memset( pState, 0, sizeof( struct COOPMapState ) );
fread( &pState->p, tsize, 1, f );
if( feof(f) || ferror( f ) )
free( pState );
pState->pNext = g_CoopState.pMapStates;
g_CoopState.pMapStates = pState;
fclose( f );
return true;
Helper for trigger_autosave
void COOP_AutoSave( void )
strncpy( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_AUTO2], g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_AUTO1], 31 );
g_CoopState.p.iLastAutoSave ^= 1;
snprintf( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_AUTO1], 31, "%s-auto%d", STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ), g_CoopState.p.iLastAutoSave );
GGM_Save( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_AUTO1] );
Create save when reaching new map
void COOP_MapStartSave( void )
char szSavename[32] = "";
snprintf( szSavename, 31, "%s-start", STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) );
// moving to previous map and returning back should not trigger save
if( !strcmp( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_START1], szSavename ) || !strcmp( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_START2], szSavename ) )
strncpy( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_START2], g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_START1], 31 );
strncpy( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_START1], szSavename, 31 );
SERVER_COMMAND( UTIL_VarArgs( "wait;wait;ggm_save %s\n", g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[COOP_SAVE_START1] ) );
return info_landmark pointer
edict_t *COOP_FindLandmark( const char *pLandmarkName )
edict_t *pentLandmark;
pentLandmark = FIND_ENTITY_BY_STRING( NULL, "targetname", pLandmarkName );
while( !FNullEnt( pentLandmark ) )
// Found the landmark
if( FClassnameIs( pentLandmark, "info_landmark" ) )
return pentLandmark;
pentLandmark = FIND_ENTITY_BY_STRING( pentLandmark, "targetname", pLandmarkName );
ALERT( at_error, "Can't find landmark %s\n", pLandmarkName );
return NULL;
void UTIL_CoopPlayerMessage( CBaseEntity *pPlayer, int channel, float time, unsigned int color1, unsigned int color2, float x, float y, const char *format, ... )
if( !pPlayer )
hudtextparms_t params;
params.x = x, params.y = y;
params.fadeinTime = params.fadeoutTime = .5f;
params.holdTime = time;
params.r1 = (color1 >> 24) & 0xFF, params.g1 = (color1 >> 16) & 0xFF, params.b1 = (color1 >> 8) & 0xFF, params.a1 = color1 & 0xFF;
params.r2 = (color2 >> 24) & 0xFF, params.g2 = (color2 >> 16) & 0xFF, params.b2 = (color2 >> 8) & 0xFF, params.a2 = color2 & 0xFF;
params.channel = channel;
va_list argptr;
char string[256];
va_start( argptr, format );
int len = vsnprintf( string, 256, format, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
string[len] = 0;
char *pstr = string;
// set line breaks
for( int i = 0; *pstr; pstr++,i++ )
if( *pstr == '\n' )
i = 0;
if( i >= 79 )
*pstr = '\n', i = 0;
UTIL_HudMessage( pPlayer, params, string );
void UTIL_CoopHudMessage( int channel, float time, unsigned int color1, unsigned int color2, float x, float y, const char *format, ... )
if( gpGlobals->time < g_CoopState.flMsgLimit1 )
g_CoopState.flMsgLimit1 = gpGlobals->time + 0.4;
hudtextparms_t params;
params.x = x, params.y = y;
params.fadeinTime = params.fadeoutTime = .5f;
params.holdTime = time;
params.r1 = (color1 >> 24) & 0xFF, params.g1 = (color1 >> 16) & 0xFF, params.b1 = (color1 >> 8) & 0xFF, params.a1 = color1 & 0xFF;
params.r2 = (color2 >> 24) & 0xFF, params.g2 = (color2 >> 16) & 0xFF, params.b2 = (color2 >> 8) & 0xFF, params.a2 = color2 & 0xFF;
params.channel = channel;
va_list argptr;
char string[256];
va_start( argptr, format );
int len = vsnprintf( string, 256, format, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
string[len] = 0;
char *pstr = string;
// set line breaks
for( int i = 0; *pstr; pstr++,i++ )
if( *pstr == '\n' )
i = 0;
if( i >= 79 )
*pstr = '\n', i = 0;
UTIL_HudMessageAll( params, string );
void UTIL_CoopPrintMessage( const char *format, ... )
if( gpGlobals->time < g_CoopState.flMsgLimit2 )
g_CoopState.flMsgLimit2 = gpGlobals->time + 0.4;
va_list argptr;
char string[256] = "^2";
va_start( argptr, format );
int len = vsnprintf( string + 2, 253, format, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
string[len+2] = 0;
UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTTALK, string );
Move all players near specified origin to prevent stucking
void UTIL_CleanSpawnPoint( Vector origin, float dist )
CBaseEntity *ent = NULL;
while( ( ent = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( ent, origin, dist ) ) != NULL )
if( ent->IsPlayer() )
TraceResult tr;
UTIL_TraceHull( ent->pev->origin + Vector( 0, 0, 36), ent->pev->origin + Vector( RANDOM_FLOAT( -150, 150 ), RANDOM_FLOAT( -150, 150 ), 0 ), dont_ignore_monsters, human_hull, ent->edict(), &tr);
//UTIL_TraceModel( ent->pev->origin + Vector( 0, 0, 36), ent->pev->origin + Vector( RANDOM_FLOAT( -150, 150 ), RANDOM_FLOAT( -150, 150 ), 0 ), 0, ent->edict(), &tr);
if( !tr.fAllSolid )
UTIL_SetOrigin(ent->pev, tr.vecEndPos);
Trace and fix origin to prevent stuch (unused)
Vector COOP_FixupSpawnPoint( Vector vecOrigin, bool fDuck )
int i = 0;
// predict that spawn point is almost correct
while( i < 2 ) // 2 player heights
Vector point = vecOrigin + Vector( 0, 0, 36 * i );
TraceResult tr;
UTIL_TraceHull( point, point, ignore_monsters, (mp_unduck.value&&fDuck)?head_hull:human_hull, NULL, &tr );
if( !tr.fStartSolid && !tr.fAllSolid )
return point;
i = -i;
if( i >= 0 )
return vecOrigin;
Set noclip and invisibility
void UTIL_BecomeSpectator( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
//pPlayer->m_bDoneFirstSpawn = true;
pPlayer->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
pPlayer->pev->flags |= FL_SPECTATOR;
pPlayer->pev->flags |= FL_NOTARGET;
pPlayer->pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW;
pPlayer->pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
pPlayer->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
pPlayer->pev->modelindex = 0;
pPlayer->pev->health = 1;
pPlayer->m_pGoalEnt = NULL;
//while( !pPlayer->IsObserver() )
//pPlayer->StartObserver(pPlayer->pev->origin, pPlayer->pev->angles);
Spawn player which is marked as spectator
void UTIL_SpawnPlayer( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState == STATE_SPECTATOR )
pPlayer->m_ggm.iState = STATE_SPAWNED;
pPlayer->m_iRespawnFrames = 0;
pPlayer->pev->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
pPlayer->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
pPlayer->pev->flags &= ~FL_SPECTATOR;
pPlayer->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
if( mp_coop.value )
CLIENT_COMMAND( pPlayer->edict(), "touch_show _coopm*\n" );
Give each item in weapon list
void COOP_GiveDefaultWeapons(CBasePlayer *pPlayer)
for(int i = 0; i < g_CoopState.p.iWeaponCount;i++)
Write weapon name to weapon list
void COOP_AddDefaultWeapon( const char *classname )
int i;
//if( !strcmp( classname, "item_suit") )
if( !strcmp( classname, "item_healthkit") )
for(i = 0; i < g_CoopState.p.iWeaponCount;i++)
if(!strcmp(g_CoopState.p.rgszWeapons[i], classname))
strcpy(g_CoopState.p.rgszWeapons[g_CoopState.p.iWeaponCount++], classname);
for( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBasePlayer *plr = (CBasePlayer*)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
// broadcast to active players
if( plr && plr->pev->modelindex )
plr->GiveNamedItem( classname );
Setup trigger_changelevel color and direction
void COOP_MarkTriggers( void )
CBaseEntity *pTrigger = NULL;
while( pTrigger = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pTrigger, "trigger_changelevel" ) )
struct COOPChangelevelData *pData = COOP_GetTriggerData( pTrigger );
//pData->fIsBack = !strcmp( pData->pszMapName, g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szSourceMap );
pData->fIsBack = false;
if( !strcmp(pData->pszLandmarkName, g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szLandmarkName) )
pData->fIsBack = true;
pTrigger->pev->renderamt = 127;
pTrigger->pev->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
pTrigger->pev->rendermode = kRenderTransColor;
pTrigger->pev->rendercolor = g_vecZero;
if( pData->fIsBack )
pTrigger->pev->rendercolor.z = 255;
pTrigger->pev->rendercolor.y = 255;
Process landmark transition
return false to start new game
bool COOP_ProcessTransition( void )
bool fAddCurrent = true;
edict_t *landmark;
// only set pCurrentMap when loading
if( g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading )
for( struct COOPMapState *pMapState = g_CoopState.pMapStates; pMapState; pMapState = pMapState->pNext )
if( !strcmp( pMapState->p.szMapName, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname) ) )
g_CoopState.pCurrentMap = pMapState;
return true;
return false;
memset( &g_CoopState.p.savedPos, 0, sizeof( struct GGMPosition ) );
g_CoopState.p.fSaved = false;
g_CoopState.p.savedPos = g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.pos;
g_CoopState.p.fSaved = g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fSavedPos;
if( !mp_coop.value )
return false;
if( !g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szLandmarkName[0] )
return false;
if( strcmp( g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szTargetMap, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname) ) )
return false;
landmark = COOP_FindLandmark( g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szLandmarkName );
if( !landmark )
return false;
Vector &lm = landmark->v.origin;
for( struct COOPMapState *pMapState = g_CoopState.pMapStates; pMapState; pMapState = pMapState->pNext )
if( !strcmp( pMapState->p.szMapName, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname) ) )
pMapState->p.vecOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
fAddCurrent = false;
g_CoopState.pCurrentMap = pMapState;
pMapState->p.vecOffset = pMapState->p.vecOffset - g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.vecLandmark + lm;
if( fAddCurrent )
COOPMapState *pNewState = (COOPMapState *)calloc(1, sizeof( struct COOPMapState ) );
pNewState->pNext = g_CoopState.pMapStates;
pNewState->p.vecOffset = Vector(0, 0, 0);
strncpy(pNewState->p.szMapName, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), 31);
g_CoopState.pMapStates = g_CoopState.pCurrentMap = pNewState;
return true;
set cross-level state
void COOP_SetupLandmarkTransition( const char *szNextMap, const char *szNextSpot, Vector vecLandmarkOffset, struct GGMPosition *pPos )
g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading = false;
strncpy(g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szSourceMap, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), 31 );
strncpy(g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szTargetMap, szNextMap, 31 );
strncpy(g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szLandmarkName, szNextSpot, 31 );
g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.vecLandmark = vecLandmarkOffset;
if( pPos )
g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.pos = *pPos;
g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fSavedPos = true;
static float g_flDupCheck;
handle load fix. return true to refuse state change
bool COOP_PlayerSpawn( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
if( !g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading )
g_flDupCheck = 0.0f;
if( g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading && pPlayer )
pPlayer->m_ggm.iState = STATE_LOAD_FIX;
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState == STATE_LOAD_FIX )
return true;
return false;
Handle landmark transition, load or game restart
void COOP_ServerActivate( void )
if( !mp_coop.value )
if( !gpGlobals->mapname )
ALERT( at_error, "NULL mapname\n" );
ALERT( at_console, "COOP_ServerActivate: %s\n", STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) );
if( g_flDupCheck && gpGlobals->time && ( fabs( g_flDupCheck -gpGlobals->time ) < 1 || g_flDupCheck == 1 ) )
g_flDupCheck = 0.0f;
if( g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading )
g_flDupCheck = gpGlobals->time;
if( !COOP_ProcessTransition() )
ALERT( at_console, "Transition failed, new game started\n");
while( g_CoopState.pMapStates )
COOPMapState *pMapState = g_CoopState.pMapStates;
g_CoopState.pMapStates = pMapState->pNext;
free( pMapState );
COOPMapState *pNewState = (COOPMapState *)calloc(1, sizeof( struct COOPMapState ) );
memset( &g_CoopState.p, 0, sizeof( g_CoopState.p ) );
pNewState->pNext = g_CoopState.pMapStates;
pNewState->p.vecOffset = Vector(0, 0, 0);
strncpy(pNewState->p.szMapName, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), 31);
g_CoopState.pMapStates = g_CoopState.pCurrentMap = pNewState;
g_fPause = false;
g_CoopState.flMsgLimit1 = g_CoopState.flMsgLimit2 = 0;
for( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBasePlayer *plr = (CBasePlayer*)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
// reset all players state
if( plr )
plr->m_ggm.iState = STATE_UNINITIALIZED;
plr->m_ggm.pState = NULL;
plr->RemoveAllItems( TRUE );
UTIL_BecomeSpectator( plr );
if( g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading )
// plr->Spawn();
// CLIENT_COMMAND( plr->edict(), "reconnect\n");
plr->m_ggm.iState = STATE_LOAD_FIX;
if( !g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading && g_CoopState.p.fSaved && mp_coop_checkpoints.value )
memmove( &g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[1], &g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0], sizeof ( g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0] ) * 3 );
g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].flTime = gpGlobals->time;
snprintf( g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].szDisplayName, 31, "From %s", g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.szSourceMap );
g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].pos = g_CoopState.p.savedPos;
if( !g_CoopState.landmarkTransition.fLoading )
memset( &g_CoopState.landmarkTransition, 0, sizeof( struct COOPLandmarkTransition ) );
Compute origin by landmarks
bool COOP_GetOrigin( Vector *pvecNewOrigin, const Vector &vecOrigin, const char *pszMapName )
if( !mp_coop.value )
if( !strcmp( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ), pszMapName ) )
*pvecNewOrigin = vecOrigin;
return true;
return false;
for( COOPMapState *pOffset = g_CoopState.pMapStates; pOffset; pOffset = pOffset->pNext )
if( !strcmp( pOffset->p.szMapName, pszMapName ) )
*pvecNewOrigin = vecOrigin + pOffset->p.vecOffset;
return true;
return false;
Check if player allowed to make checkpoint and create it
void COOP_NewCheckpoint( entvars_t *pevPlayer )
if( !pevPlayer->netname || pevPlayer->health <= 0 )
memmove( &g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[1], &g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0], sizeof ( g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0] ) * 3 );
g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].flTime = gpGlobals->time;
snprintf( g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].szDisplayName, 31, "%5s %d", STRING( pevPlayer->netname ), (int)( gpGlobals->time / 60 ) );
GGM_SavePosition( (CBasePlayer*)CBaseEntity::Instance( pevPlayer ), &g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].pos );
UTIL_CoopPrintMessage("New checkpoint by %s!\n", STRING( pevPlayer->netname ) );
Show checkpoints menu for dead player
bool COOP_PlayerDeath( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
static bool st_fSkipNext;
if( st_fSkipNext )
st_fSkipNext = false;
return false;
if( pPlayer->pev->health > 0 || pPlayer->m_ggm.iState != STATE_SPAWNED )
return true;
// if( pPlayer->gravgunmod_data.m_iMenuState == MENUSTATE_CHECKPOINT )
// return true;
if( g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].flTime )
COOP_CheckpointMenu( pPlayer );
st_fSkipNext = true;
return true;
return false;
Set position got from landmark transition
bool COOP_SetDefaultSpawnPosition( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
if( !g_CoopState.p.fSaved )
return false;
return GGM_RestorePosition( pPlayer, &g_CoopState.p.savedPos );
Check if player on global platform and return pointer
CBaseEntity *UTIL_CoopGetPlayerTrain( CBaseEntity *pPlayer)
CBaseEntity *train = NULL;
if( !pPlayer)
return NULL;
if( !pPlayer->IsPlayer() )
// activated by path track
train = pPlayer;
if( FNullEnt(pPlayer->pev->groundentity))
return NULL;
train = CBaseEntity::Instance(pPlayer->pev->groundentity);
if( !train )
return NULL;
if( !train->pev->globalname ||!STRING(train->pev->globalname) || !STRING(train->pev->globalname)[0] )
return NULL;
// doors are elevators
if( strcmp( STRING( train->pev->classname ), "func_train") && strcmp( STRING( train->pev->classname ), "func_tracktrain") && strcmp( STRING( train->pev->classname ), "func_door") )
return NULL;
return train;
Check blue triggers and ask for changelevel confirmation
bool COOP_ConfirmMenu( CBaseEntity *pTrigger, CBaseEntity *pActivator, int count2, char *mapname )
if( mp_coop_strongcheckpoints.value )
// do not allow go back if there are checkpoints, but not near changelevel
if( g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].flTime && (g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].pos.vecOrigin - VecBModelOrigin(pTrigger->pev)).Length() > 150 )
ClientPrint( pActivator->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Changelevel back locked by checkpoint\nCheckpoint here to activate trigger!");
return false;
if( GGM_ChangelevelVote((CBasePlayer*)pActivator, pTrigger->edict(), mapname ) < count2 )
return false;
return true;
Build and show checkpoint menu for player
void COOP_CheckpointMenu( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
int i;
if( !mp_coop_checkpoints.value )
if( !g_CoopState.pCurrentMap )
GGM_PlayerMenu &m = pPlayer->m_ggm.menu.New("Select checkpoint", false);
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState == STATE_SPECTATOR || pPlayer->m_ggm.iState == STATE_SPECTATOR_BEGIN || pPlayer->pev->health <= 0 )
m.Add("Default", "respawn");
m.Add("New checkpoint", "newcheckpoint");
for( i = 1; g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[i-1].flTime; i++ )
char cmd[32];
sprintf(cmd, "loadcheckpoint %d", i-1 );
m.Add(g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[i-1].szDisplayName, cmd);
bool COOP_ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity )
const char *pcmd = CMD_ARGV(0);
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer*)GET_PRIVATE(pEntity);
entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v;
if( !mp_coop.value )
return false;
else if( FStrEq(pcmd, "unblock") )
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState != STATE_SPAWNED )
return false;
UTIL_CleanSpawnPoint( pev->origin, 150 );
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "joincoop" ) )
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState == STATE_SPAWNED )
return false;
if( mp_coop_checkpoints.value && g_CoopState.pCurrentMap && g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[0].szDisplayName[0] )
COOP_CheckpointMenu( pPlayer );
pPlayer->RemoveAllItems( TRUE );
UTIL_SpawnPlayer( pPlayer );
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "coopmenu" ) )
//UTIL_CoopMenu( pPlayer );
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState == STATE_SPAWNED )
GGM_PlayerMenu &m = pPlayer->m_ggm.menu.New( "COOP MENU" )
.Add( "Unblock", "unblock" )
/// TODO: statistics button here
.Add( "Respawn", "respawn" )
.Add( "Other", "coopmenu1");
if( mp_coop_checkpoints.value )
m.Add( "Checkpoints", "checkpointmenu" );
m.Add( "Cancel", "" );
return true;
else if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState == STATE_SPECTATOR )
pPlayer->m_ggm.menu.New( "COOP MENU" )
.Add( "Join game", "joincoop" )
.Add( "Cancel", "" )
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "coopmenu1" ) )
//UTIL_CoopMenu( pPlayer );
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState == STATE_SPAWNED )
pPlayer->m_ggm.menu.New( "COOP MENU" )
.Add( "Force respawn", "respawn" )
.Add( "Spectate", "spectate" )
.Add( "Vote load", "voteload")
.Add( "Cancel", "" )
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "respawn" ) )
pPlayer->RemoveAllItems( TRUE );
UTIL_SpawnPlayer( pPlayer );
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "checkpointmenu") )
if( !mp_coop_checkpoints.value )
return false;
COOP_CheckpointMenu( pPlayer );
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "loadcheckpoint") )
int i = atoi(CMD_ARGV(1));
if( i > 4 || i < 0 )
return false;
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState != STATE_SPAWNED || pPlayer->pev->health < 1 )
UTIL_SpawnPlayer( pPlayer );
GGM_RestorePosition( pPlayer, &g_CoopState.pCurrentMap->p.rgCheckpoints[i].pos );
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "newcheckpoint") )
if( !mp_coop_checkpoints.value )
return false;
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState != STATE_SPAWNED )
return false;
if( !GGM_IsTempBanned( pPlayer ) )
COOP_NewCheckpoint( pPlayer->pev );
return false;
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "voteload") )
if( !mp_coop_checkpoints.value )
return false;
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iState != STATE_SPAWNED )
return false;
if( !GGM_IsTempBanned( pPlayer ) )
if( CMD_ARGC() == 1)
GGM_PlayerMenu &menu = pPlayer->m_ggm.menu.New("Select save", false );
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[i][0] )
menu.Add( g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[i], UTIL_VarArgs("voteload %s",g_CoopState.p.rgszSaveSlots[i]) );
menu.Add( "Cancel", "" ).Show();
char szCommand[32];
snprintf( szCommand, 31, "ggm_load %s", CMD_ARGV(1) );
GGM_StartVoteCommand( pPlayer, szCommand, UTIL_VarArgs("Load save %s", CMD_ARGV(1) ));
return false;
return true;
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "confirmchangelevel" ) )
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.iLocalConfirm )
if( pPlayer->m_ggm.pChangeLevel )
edict_t *pChangeLevel = pPlayer->m_ggm.pChangeLevel;
pPlayer->m_ggm.pChangeLevel = NULL;
DispatchTouch( pChangeLevel, pPlayer->edict() );
return true;
return false;
return false;
Register console vars and commands for COOP
void COOP_RegisterCVars()
CVAR_REGISTER( &mp_coop );
CVAR_REGISTER( &mp_coop_nofriendlyfire );
CVAR_REGISTER( &mp_semclip );
CVAR_REGISTER( &mp_coop_reconnect_hack );
CVAR_REGISTER( &mp_coop_noangry );
CVAR_REGISTER( &mp_coop_checkpoints );
CVAR_REGISTER( &mp_coop_strongcheckpoints );
CVAR_REGISTER( &sentences_txt );
CVAR_REGISTER( &materials_txt );