Portable Half-Life SDK. GoldSource and Xash3D. Crossplatform.
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9 years ago
* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
// Robin, 4-22-98: Moved set_suicide_frame() here from player.cpp to allow us to
// have one without a hardcoded player.mdl in tf_client.cpp
===== client.cpp ========================================================
client/server game specific stuff
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "saverestore.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "spectator.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "customentity.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "weaponinfo.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "netadr.h"
#include "pm_shared.h"
#include <ctime>
#include "bot.h"
#include "botcam.h"
void BotCreate(const char *skin, const char *name, const char *skill);
extern int f_Observer; // flag for observer mode
extern int f_botskill; // default bot skill level
extern int f_botdontshoot; // flag to disable targeting other bots
extern respawn_t bot_respawn[32];
float bot_check_time = 10.0;
int min_bots = 0;
int max_bots = 0;
extern cvar_t shtugn;
9 years ago
extern DLL_GLOBAL ULONG g_ulModelIndexPlayer;
extern DLL_GLOBAL BOOL g_fGameOver;
extern DLL_GLOBAL int g_iSkillLevel;
extern DLL_GLOBAL ULONG g_ulFrameCount;
8 years ago
extern void CopyToBodyQue( entvars_t* pev );
//extern int giPrecacheGrunt;
9 years ago
extern int gmsgSayText;
extern int gmsgStopMP3;
extern int gmsgBhopcap;
9 years ago
extern cvar_t allow_spectators;
extern cvar_t multibyte_only;
extern int g_gameplay;
9 years ago
extern cvar_t bhopcap;
extern "C" int g_bhopcap;
9 years ago
void LinkUserMessages( void );
* used by kill command and disconnect command
* ROBIN: Moved here from player.cpp, to allow multiple player models
8 years ago
void set_suicide_frame( entvars_t *pev )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( !FStrEq( STRING( pev->model ), "models/player.mdl" ) )
9 years ago
return; // allready gibbed
8 years ago
//pev->frame = $deatha11;
pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
pev->nextthink = -1.0f;
9 years ago
called when a player connects to a server
8 years ago
BOOL ClientConnect( edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char szRejectReason[128] )
int i;
int count = 0;
// check if this is NOT a bot joining the server...
if( strcmp( pszAddress, "" ) != 0 )
// don't try to add bots for 30 seconds, give client time to get added
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 30.0f;
for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
if( bot_respawn[i].is_used ) // count the number of bots in use
// if there are currently more than the minimum number of bots running
// then kick one of the bots off the server...
if( ( min_bots != 0 ) && ( count > min_bots ) )
for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
if( bot_respawn[i].is_used ) // is this slot used?
char cmd[40];
sprintf( cmd, "kick \"%s\"\n", bot_respawn[i].name );
bot_respawn[i].state = BOT_IDLE;
SERVER_COMMAND( cmd ); // kick the bot using (kick "name")
9 years ago
return g_pGameRules->ClientConnected( pEntity, pszName, pszAddress, szRejectReason );
// a client connecting during an intermission can cause problems
8 years ago
// if( intermission_running )
// ExitIntermission();
9 years ago
called when a player disconnects from a server
void ClientDisconnect( edict_t *pEntity )
8 years ago
if( g_fGameOver )
9 years ago
char text[256] = "";
8 years ago
if( pEntity->v.netname )
switch( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 3 ) )
case 0:
snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "- %s has busted the fuck out\n", STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) );
case 1:
snprintf( text, sizeof(text),"- %s has ran away\n", STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) );
case 2:
snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "- %s ragequitted.\n", STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) );
case 3:
snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "- %s is out.\n", STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
CSound *pSound = CSoundEnt::SoundPointerForIndex( CSoundEnt::ClientSoundIndex( pEntity ) );
// since this client isn't around to think anymore, reset their sound.
if( pSound )
9 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
// since the edict doesn't get deleted, fix it so it doesn't interfere.
9 years ago
pEntity->v.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;// don't attract autoaim
pEntity->v.solid = SOLID_NOT;// nonsolid
pEntity->v.effects = 0;// clear any effects
8 years ago
UTIL_SetOrigin( &pEntity->v, pEntity->v.origin );
9 years ago
g_pGameRules->ClientDisconnected( pEntity );
// called by ClientKill and DeadThink
8 years ago
void respawn( entvars_t *pev, BOOL fCopyCorpse )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( gpGlobals->coop || gpGlobals->deathmatch )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( fCopyCorpse )
9 years ago
// make a copy of the dead body for appearances sake
8 years ago
CopyToBodyQue( pev );
9 years ago
// respawn player
8 years ago
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->Spawn();
9 years ago
{ // restart the entire server
8 years ago
SERVER_COMMAND( "reload\n" );
9 years ago
Player entered the suicide command
GLOBALS ASSUMED SET: g_ulModelIndexPlayer
void ClientKill( edict_t *pEntity )
entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v;
8 years ago
CBasePlayer *pl = (CBasePlayer*)CBasePlayer::Instance( pev );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pl->m_fNextSuicideTime > gpGlobals->time )
9 years ago
return; // prevent suiciding too ofter
pl->m_fNextSuicideTime = gpGlobals->time + 1.0f; // don't let them suicide for 5 seconds after suiciding
9 years ago
// have the player kill themself
pev->health = 0;
switch( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 1 ) )
case 0:
pl->Killed( pev, GIB_NEVER );
case 1:
pl->Killed( pev, GIB_ALWAYS );
8 years ago
//pev->modelindex = g_ulModelIndexPlayer;
//pev->frags -= 2; // extra penalty
//respawn( pev );
9 years ago
called each time a player is spawned
void ClientPutInServer( edict_t *pEntity )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer;
entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v;
8 years ago
pPlayer = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev );
pPlayer->SetCustomDecalFrames( -1 ); // Assume none;
pPlayer->SetPrefsFromUserinfo( g_engfuncs.pfnGetInfoKeyBuffer( pEntity ) );
9 years ago
// Allocate a CBasePlayer for pev, and call spawn
8 years ago
9 years ago
// Reset interpolation during first frame
pPlayer->pev->effects |= EF_NOINTERP;
pPlayer->pev->iuser1 = 0;
pPlayer->pev->iuser2 = 0;
9 years ago
4 years ago
9 years ago
#include "voice_gamemgr.h"
extern CVoiceGameMgr g_VoiceGameMgr;
// Purpose: determine if a uchar32 represents a valid Unicode code point
bool Q_IsValidUChar32( unsigned int uVal )
// Values > 0x10FFFF are explicitly invalid; ditto for UTF-16 surrogate halves,
// values ending in FFFE or FFFF, or values in the 0x00FDD0-0x00FDEF reserved range
return ( ( uVal - 0x0u ) < 0x110000u ) && ( (uVal - 0x00D800u) > 0x7FFu ) && ( (uVal & 0xFFFFu) < 0xFFFEu ) && ( ( uVal - 0x00FDD0u ) > 0x1Fu );
// Decode one character from a UTF-8 encoded string. Treats 6-byte CESU-8 sequences
// as a single character, as if they were a correctly-encoded 4-byte UTF-8 sequence.
int Q_UTF8ToUChar32( const char *pUTF8_, unsigned int &uValueOut, bool &bErrorOut )
const unsigned char *pUTF8 = (const unsigned char*)pUTF8_;
int nBytes = 1;
unsigned int uValue = pUTF8[0];
unsigned int uMinValue = 0;
// 0....... single byte
if( uValue < 0x80 )
goto decodeFinishedNoCheck;
// Expecting at least a two-byte sequence with 0xC0 <= first <= 0xF7 (110...... and 11110...)
if( ( uValue - 0xC0u ) > 0x37u || ( pUTF8[1] & 0xC0 ) != 0x80 )
goto decodeError;
uValue = ( uValue << 6 ) - ( 0xC0 << 6 ) + pUTF8[1] - 0x80;
nBytes = 2;
uMinValue = 0x80;
// 110..... two-byte lead byte
if( !( uValue & ( 0x20 << 6 ) ) )
goto decodeFinished;
// Expecting at least a three-byte sequence
if( ( pUTF8[2] & 0xC0 ) != 0x80 )
goto decodeError;
uValue = ( uValue << 6 ) - ( 0x20 << 12 ) + pUTF8[2] - 0x80;
nBytes = 3;
uMinValue = 0x800;
// 1110.... three-byte lead byte
if( uValue >= uMinValue && Q_IsValidUChar32( uValue ) )
uValueOut = uValue;
bErrorOut = false;
return nBytes;
uValueOut = '?';
bErrorOut = true;
return nBytes;
#if 0
// Do we have a full UTF-16 surrogate pair that's been UTF-8 encoded afterwards?
// That is, do we have 0xD800-0xDBFF followed by 0xDC00-0xDFFF? If so, decode it all.
if( ( uValue - 0xD800u ) < 0x400u && pUTF8[3] == 0xED && (unsigned char)( pUTF8[4] - 0xB0 ) < 0x10 && ( pUTF8[5] & 0xC0 ) == 0x80 )
uValue = 0x10000 + ( ( uValue - 0xD800u ) << 10 ) + ( (unsigned char)( pUTF8[4] - 0xB0 ) << 6 ) + pUTF8[5] - 0x80;
nBytes = 6;
uMinValue = 0x10000;
goto decodeFinished;
// Purpose: Returns true if UTF-8 string contains invalid sequences.
bool Q_UnicodeValidate( const char *pUTF8 )
bool bError = false;
if( !multibyte_only.value )
return true;
while( *pUTF8 )
unsigned int uVal;
// Our UTF-8 decoder silently fixes up 6-byte CESU-8 (improperly re-encoded UTF-16) sequences.
// However, these are technically not valid UTF-8. So if we eat 6 bytes at once, it's an error.
int nCharSize = Q_UTF8ToUChar32( pUTF8, uVal, bError );
if( bError || nCharSize == 6 )
return false;
pUTF8 += nCharSize;
return true;
9 years ago
// String comes in as
// say blah blah blah
// or as
// blah blah blah
void Host_Say( edict_t *pEntity, int teamonly )
CBasePlayer *client;
int j;
char *p; //, *pc;
9 years ago
char text[128];
char szTemp[256];
const char *cpSay = "say";
const char *cpSayTeam = "say_team";
8 years ago
const char *pcmd = CMD_ARGV( 0 );
9 years ago
// We can get a raw string now, without the "say " prepended
8 years ago
if( CMD_ARGC() == 0 )
9 years ago
entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v;
8 years ago
CBasePlayer* player = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev );
9 years ago
//Not yet.
8 years ago
if( player->m_flNextChatTime > gpGlobals->time )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( !stricmp( pcmd, cpSay ) || !stricmp( pcmd, cpSayTeam ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( CMD_ARGC() >= 2 )
9 years ago
p = (char *)CMD_ARGS();
// say with a blank message, nothing to do
else // Raw text, need to prepend argv[0]
8 years ago
if( CMD_ARGC() >= 2 )
9 years ago
8 years ago
sprintf( szTemp, "%s %s", (char *)pcmd, (char *)CMD_ARGS() );
9 years ago
// Just a one word command, use the first word...sigh
8 years ago
sprintf( szTemp, "%s", (char *)pcmd );
9 years ago
p = szTemp;
8 years ago
// remove quotes if present
if( p && *p == '"' )
9 years ago
8 years ago
p[strlen( p ) - 1] = 0;
9 years ago
if( !p || !p[0] || !Q_UnicodeValidate ( p ) )
9 years ago
return; // no character found, so say nothing
time_t tTime = time( 0 );
struct tm *stTimeNow = localtime( &tTime );
6 years ago
const char *dd = "AM";
if( stTimeNow->tm_hour > 11 )
dd = "PM";
stTimeNow->tm_hour -= 12;
if( stTimeNow->tm_hour == 0 )
stTimeNow->tm_hour = 12;
8 years ago
// turn on color set 2 (color on, no sound)
if( player->IsObserver() && ( teamonly ) )
sprintf( text, "[%d:%d %s] %c(SPEC) %s: ", stTimeNow->tm_hour, stTimeNow->tm_min, dd, 2, STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) );
else if( teamonly )
sprintf( text, "[%d:%d %s] %c(TEAM) %s: ", stTimeNow->tm_hour, stTimeNow->tm_min, dd, 2, STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) );
9 years ago
sprintf( text, "[%d:%d %s] %c%s: ", stTimeNow->tm_hour, stTimeNow->tm_min, dd, 2, STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
j = sizeof( text ) - 2 - strlen( text ); // -2 for /n and null terminator
if( (int)strlen( p ) > j )
9 years ago
p[j] = 0;
strcat( text, p );
strcat( text, "\n" );
player->m_flNextChatTime = gpGlobals->time + CHAT_INTERVAL;
// loop through all players
// Start with the first player.
// This may return the world in single player if the client types something between levels or during spawn
// so check it, or it will infinite loop
client = NULL;
8 years ago
while( ( ( client = (CBasePlayer*)UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( client, "player" ) ) != NULL ) && ( !FNullEnt( client->edict() ) ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( !client->pev )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( client->edict() == pEntity )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( !( client->IsNetClient() ) ) // Not a client ? (should never be true)
4 years ago
9 years ago
// can the receiver hear the sender? or has he muted him?
8 years ago
if( g_VoiceGameMgr.PlayerHasBlockedPlayer( client, player ) )
9 years ago
if( !player->IsObserver() && teamonly && g_pGameRules->PlayerRelationship( client, CBaseEntity::Instance( pEntity ) ) != GR_TEAMMATE )
9 years ago
// Spectators can only talk to other specs
if( player->IsObserver() && teamonly )
if ( !client->IsObserver() )
9 years ago
MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, NULL, client->pev );
8 years ago
9 years ago
// print to the sending client
MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, NULL, &pEntity->v );
8 years ago
9 years ago
// echo to server console
g_engfuncs.pfnServerPrint( text );
const char *temp;
8 years ago
if( teamonly )
9 years ago
temp = "say_team";
temp = "say";
8 years ago
9 years ago
// team match?
if( g_gameplay == HL_TEAMPLAY || HS_SHYTPLAY )
9 years ago
UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" %s \"%s\"\n",
STRING( pEntity->v.netname ),
g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( g_engfuncs.pfnGetInfoKeyBuffer( pEntity ), "model" ),
p );
UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i><%s><%i>\" %s \"%s\"\n",
STRING( pEntity->v.netname ),
p );
called each time a player uses a "cmd" command
extern cvar_t *g_enable_cheats;
extern int gmsgPlayMP3; // AJH - Killars MP3player
9 years ago
// Use CMD_ARGV, CMD_ARGV, and CMD_ARGC to get pointers the character string command.
void ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity )
8 years ago
const char *pcmd = CMD_ARGV( 0 );
9 years ago
const char *pstr;
int Evangelions = 0;
extern cvar_t enablebots;
9 years ago
// Is the client spawned yet?
8 years ago
if( !pEntity->pvPrivateData )
9 years ago
entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v;
8 years ago
if( FStrEq( pcmd, "say" ) )
9 years ago
Host_Say( pEntity, 0 );
8 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "say_team" ) )
9 years ago
Host_Say( pEntity, 1 );
8 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "fullupdate" ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->ForceClientDllUpdate();
9 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "playaudio" ) ) // AJH - MP3/OGG player (based on killars MP3)
MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgPlayMP3, NULL, ENT( pev ) );
WRITE_STRING( (char *)CMD_ARGV( 1 ) );
8 years ago
else if( FStrEq(pcmd, "give" ) )
9 years ago
if( g_enable_cheats->value != 0 )
9 years ago
8 years ago
int iszItem = ALLOC_STRING( CMD_ARGV( 1 ) ); // Make a copy of the classname
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->GiveNamedItem( STRING( iszItem ) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "fire" ) )
9 years ago
if( g_enable_cheats->value != 0 )
9 years ago
8 years ago
CBaseEntity *pPlayer = CBaseEntity::Instance( pEntity );
if( CMD_ARGC() > 1 )
9 years ago
8 years ago
FireTargets( CMD_ARGV( 1 ), pPlayer, pPlayer, USE_TOGGLE, 0 );
9 years ago
TraceResult tr;
8 years ago
UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->v_angle );
9 years ago
pev->origin + pev->view_ofs,
pev->origin + pev->view_ofs + gpGlobals->v_forward * 1000,
dont_ignore_monsters, pEntity, &tr
8 years ago
if( tr.pHit )
9 years ago
8 years ago
CBaseEntity *pHitEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance( tr.pHit );
if( pHitEnt )
9 years ago
8 years ago
pHitEnt->Use( pPlayer, pPlayer, USE_TOGGLE, 0 );
ClientPrint( &pEntity->v, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, UTIL_VarArgs( "Fired %s \"%s\"\n", STRING( pHitEnt->pev->classname ), STRING( pHitEnt->pev->targetname ) ) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "drop" ) )
9 years ago
// player is dropping an item.
8 years ago
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->DropPlayerItem( (char *)CMD_ARGV( 1 ) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "fov" ) )
9 years ago
if( g_enable_cheats->value != 0 && CMD_ARGC() > 1 )
9 years ago
8 years ago
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->m_iFOV = atoi( CMD_ARGV( 1 ) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"fov\" is \"%d\"\n", (int)GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->m_iFOV ) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "use" ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->SelectItem( (char *)CMD_ARGV( 1 ) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
else if( ( ( pstr = strstr( pcmd, "weapon_" ) ) != NULL ) && ( pstr == pcmd ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->SelectItem( pcmd );
9 years ago
8 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "lastinv" ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->SelectLastItem();
9 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "evangelion" ) )
char text[256];
sprintf( text, "%c%s: Evangelion Unit 01 is active!\n", 2, STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "tester" ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev );
char buf[128];
sprintf( buf, "Steam ID: %s\n", GETPLAYERAUTHID( pEntity ) ); //WORKS!
UTIL_SayTextAllHS( buf );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "make" ) )
3 years ago
if( g_pGameRules->IsMonster() && !g_enable_cheats->value )
int iszItem = ALLOC_STRING( CMD_ARGV( 1 ) ); // Make a copy of the classname
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->SpawnNamedItem( STRING( iszItem ) );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "spectate" ) ) // clients wants to become a spectator
9 years ago
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev );
if( !pPlayer->IsObserver() )
// always allow proxies to become a spectator
if( ( pev->flags & FL_PROXY ) || allow_spectators.value )
edict_t *pentSpawnSpot = g_pGameRules->GetPlayerSpawnSpot( pPlayer );
pPlayer->StartObserver( pev->origin, VARS( pentSpawnSpot )->angles );
// notify other clients of player switching to spectator mode
UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, UTIL_VarArgs( "%s switched to spectator mode\n",
( pev->netname && ( STRING( pev->netname ) )[0] != 0 ) ? STRING( pev->netname ) : "unconnected" ) );
ClientPrint( pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "Spectator mode is disabled.\n" );
// notify other clients of player left spectators
UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, UTIL_VarArgs( "%s has left spectator mode\n",
( pev->netname && ( STRING( pev->netname ) )[0] != 0 ) ? STRING( pev->netname ) : "unconnected" ) );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "specmode" ) ) // new spectator mode
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev );
9 years ago
if( pPlayer->IsObserver() )
pPlayer->Observer_SetMode( atoi( CMD_ARGV( 1 ) ) );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "closemenus" ) )
// just ignore it
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "follownext" ) ) // follow next player
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev );
9 years ago
if( pPlayer->IsObserver() )
pPlayer->Observer_FindNextPlayer( atoi( CMD_ARGV( 1 ) ) ? true : false );
9 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "addbot" ) )
9 years ago
if( enablebots.value == 1 )
//If user types "addbot" in console, add a bot with skin and name
BotCreate( CMD_ARGV( 1 ), CMD_ARGV( 2 ), CMD_ARGV( 3 ) );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, "addbot not allowed from client!\n" );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, "Admins has disabled adding bots!\n" );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "observer" ) )
9 years ago
if( CMD_ARGC() > 1 ) // is there an argument to the command?
f_Observer = atoi( CMD_ARGV( 1 ) ); // set observer flag
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"observer\" set to %d\n", (int)f_Observer ) );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"observer\" is %d\n", (int)f_Observer ) );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, "observer not allowed from client!\n" );
9 years ago
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "botskill" ) )
if( CMD_ARGC() > 1 )
f_botskill = atoi( CMD_ARGV( 1 ) ); // set default bot skill level
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"botskill\" set to %d\n", (int)f_botskill ) );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"botskill\" is %d\n", (int)f_botskill ) );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, "botskill not allowed from client!\n" );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "botdontshoot" ) )
9 years ago
if( CMD_ARGC() > 1 ) // is there an argument to the command?
f_botdontshoot = atoi( CMD_ARGV( 1 ) ); // set bot shoot flag
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"botdontshoot\" set to %d\n", (int)f_botdontshoot ) );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"botdontshoot\" is %d\n", (int)f_botdontshoot ) );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, "botdontshoot not allowed from client!\n" );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "botcam" ) )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev );
CBasePlayer *pBot = NULL;
char botname[BOT_NAME_LEN + 1];
int index;
botname[0] = 0;
if( CMD_ARGC() > 1 ) // is there an argument to the command?
if( strstr( CMD_ARGV( 1 ), "\"" ) == NULL )
strcpy( botname, CMD_ARGV( 1 ) );
sscanf( CMD_ARGV( 1 ), "\"%s\"", &botname[0] );
index = 0;
while( index < 32 )
if( ( bot_respawn[index].is_used ) && ( stricmp( bot_respawn[index].name, botname ) == 0 ) )
if( index < 32 )
pBot = bot_respawn[index].pBot;
index = 0;
while( ( bot_respawn[index].is_used == FALSE ) && ( index < 32 ) )
if( index < 32 )
pBot = bot_respawn[index].pBot;
if( pBot == NULL )
if( botname[0] )
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "there is no bot named \"%s\"!\n", botname ) );
CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "there are no bots!\n" ) );
if( pPlayer->pBotCam ) // if botcam in use, disconnect first...
9 years ago
pPlayer->pBotCam = CBotCam::Create( pPlayer, pBot );
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "nobotcam" ) )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev );
9 years ago
if( pPlayer->pBotCam )
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "use_starman" ) )
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->UseMarioStar();
else if( FStrEq( pcmd, "what_a_shame" ) )
GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)pev )->WhatAShame();
9 years ago
called after the player changes
userinfo - gives dll a chance to modify it before
it gets sent into the rest of the engine.
void ClientUserInfoChanged( edict_t *pEntity, char *infobuffer )
// Is the client spawned yet?
8 years ago
if( !pEntity->pvPrivateData )
9 years ago
// msg everyone if someone changes their name, and it isn't the first time (changing no name to current name)
if( pEntity->v.netname && ( STRING( pEntity->v.netname ) )[0] != 0 && !FStrEq( STRING( pEntity->v.netname ), g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer, "name" ) ) )
9 years ago
char sName[256];
char *pName = g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer, "name" );
strncpy( sName, pName, sizeof(sName) - 1 );
8 years ago
sName[sizeof(sName) - 1] = '\0';
9 years ago
// First parse the name and remove any %'s
8 years ago
for( char *pApersand = sName; pApersand != NULL && *pApersand != 0; pApersand++ )
9 years ago
// Replace it with a space
8 years ago
if( *pApersand == '%' )
9 years ago
*pApersand = ' ';
// Set the name
8 years ago
g_engfuncs.pfnSetClientKeyValue( ENTINDEX( pEntity ), infobuffer, "name", sName );
9 years ago
if( gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 )
char text[256];
_snprintf( text, 256, "* %s changed name to %s\n", STRING( pEntity->v.netname ), g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer, "name" ) );
9 years ago
// team match?
8 years ago
if( g_gameplay )
9 years ago
UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" DEFECTED, just kidding, he wants to be called \"%s\"\n",
9 years ago
STRING( pEntity->v.netname ),
g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer, "model" ),
g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer, "name" ) );
UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i><%s><%i>\" thought it was fun to change his name to \"%s\"\n",
9 years ago
STRING( pEntity->v.netname ),
g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer, "name" ) );
8 years ago
g_pGameRules->ClientUserInfoChanged( GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)&pEntity->v ), infobuffer );
9 years ago
static int g_serveractive = 0;
void ServerDeactivate( void )
8 years ago
//ALERT( at_console, "ServerDeactivate()\n" );
9 years ago
// It's possible that the engine will call this function more times than is necessary
// Therefore, only run it one time for each call to ServerActivate
8 years ago
if( g_serveractive != 1 )
9 years ago
g_serveractive = 0;
// Peform any shutdown operations here...
void ServerActivate( edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax )
8 years ago
int i;
CBaseEntity *pClass;
9 years ago
8 years ago
//ALERT( at_console, "ServerActivate()\n" );
9 years ago
// Every call to ServerActivate should be matched by a call to ServerDeactivate
g_serveractive = 1;
// Clients have not been initialized yet
8 years ago
for( i = 0; i < edictCount; i++ )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pEdictList[i].free )
9 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
// Clients aren't necessarily initialized until ClientPutInServer()
if( (i > 0 && i <= clientMax) || !pEdictList[i].pvPrivateData )
9 years ago
pClass = CBaseEntity::Instance( &pEdictList[i] );
// Activate this entity if it's got a class & isn't dormant
8 years ago
if( pClass && !( pClass->pev->flags & FL_DORMANT ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
ALERT( at_console, "Can't instance %s\n", STRING( pEdictList[i].v.classname ) );
9 years ago
// Link user messages here to make sure first client can get them...
Called every frame before physics are run
void PlayerPreThink( edict_t *pEntity )
8 years ago
//ALERT( at_console, "PreThink( %g, frametime %g )\n", gpGlobals->time, gpGlobals->frametime );
9 years ago
8 years ago
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)GET_PRIVATE( pEntity );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pPlayer )
9 years ago
Called every frame after physics are run
void PlayerPostThink( edict_t *pEntity )
8 years ago
//ALERT( at_console, "PostThink( %g, frametime %g )\n", gpGlobals->time, gpGlobals->frametime );
9 years ago
8 years ago
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)GET_PRIVATE( pEntity );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pPlayer )
9 years ago
void ParmsNewLevel( void )
void ParmsChangeLevel( void )
// retrieve the pointer to the save data
8 years ago
if( pSaveData )
9 years ago
pSaveData->connectionCount = BuildChangeList( pSaveData->levelList, MAX_LEVEL_CONNECTIONS );
// GLOBALS ASSUMED SET: g_ulFrameCount
void StartFrame( void )
static BOOL file_opened = FALSE;
static int length;
static char *pFileList, *aFileList;
static char cmd_line[80];
static char server_cmd[80];
static int index, i;
static float pause_time;
static float check_server_cmd = 0;
char *cmd, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3;
static float respawn_time = 0;
static float previous_time = 0.0;
char msg[120];
// START BOT - thanks Jehannum!
// loop through all the players...
for( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBaseEntity *pPlayer;
pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if( !pPlayer ) // if invalid then continue with next index...
// check if this is a FAKECLIENT (i.e. is it a bot?)
if( FBitSet( pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT ) )
CBot *pBot = (CBot *)pPlayer;
// call the think function for the bot...
if( ( g_fGameOver ) && ( respawn_time < 1.0f ) )
// if the game is over (time/frag limit) set the respawn time...
respawn_time = 5.0f;
// check if any players are using the botcam...
for( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer;
pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if( !pPlayer )
continue; // if invalid then continue with next index...
if( pPlayer->pBotCam )
// check if a map was changed via "map" without kicking bots...
if( previous_time > gpGlobals->time )
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 10.0f;
for( index = 0; index < 32; index++ )
if( ( bot_respawn[index].is_used ) && // is this slot used?
( bot_respawn[index].state != BOT_NEED_TO_RESPAWN ) )
// bot has already been "kicked" by server so just set flag
bot_respawn[index].state = BOT_NEED_TO_RESPAWN;
// if the map was changed set the respawn time...
respawn_time = 5.0;
// is new game started and time to respawn bots yet?
if( ( !g_fGameOver ) && ( respawn_time > 1.0f ) &&
( gpGlobals->time >= respawn_time ) )
int index = 0;
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0f;
// find bot needing to be respawned...
while( ( index < 32 ) && ( bot_respawn[index].state != BOT_NEED_TO_RESPAWN ) )
if( index < 32 )
bot_respawn[index].state = BOT_IS_RESPAWNING;
bot_respawn[index].is_used = FALSE; // free up this slot
// respawn 1 bot then wait a while (otherwise engine crashes)
BotCreate( bot_respawn[index].skin, bot_respawn[index].name,
bot_respawn[index].skill );
respawn_time = gpGlobals->time + 1.0f; // set next respawn time
respawn_time = 0.0;
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( g_pGameRules )
9 years ago
if( !file_opened ) // have we open bot.cfg file yet?
ALERT( at_console, "Executing bot.cfg\n" );
pFileList = (char *)LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME( "bot.cfg", &length );
file_opened = TRUE;
if( pFileList == NULL )
ALERT( at_console, "bot.cfg file not found\n" );
pause_time = gpGlobals->time;
index = 0;
cmd_line[index] = 0; // null out command line
// if the bot.cfg file is still open and time to execute command...
while( ( pFileList && *pFileList ) && ( pause_time <= gpGlobals->time ) )
while( *pFileList == ' ' ) // skip any leading blanks
while( ( *pFileList != '\r' ) && ( *pFileList != '\n' ) && ( *pFileList != 0 ) )
if( *pFileList == '\t' ) // convert tabs to spaces
*pFileList = ' ';
cmd_line[index] = *pFileList;
while( ( cmd_line[index] == ' ') && ( *pFileList == ' ' ) )
pFileList++; // skip multiple spaces
if( *pFileList == '\r' )
pFileList++; // skip the carriage return
pFileList++; // skip the linefeed
else if (*pFileList == '\n')
pFileList++; // skip the newline
cmd_line[index] = 0; // terminate the command line
// copy the command line to a server command buffer...
strcpy( server_cmd, cmd_line );
strcat( server_cmd, "\n" );
index = 0;
cmd = cmd_line;
arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = NULL;
// skip to blank or end of string...
while( ( cmd_line[index] != ' ' ) && ( cmd_line[index] != 0 ) )
if( cmd_line[index] == ' ' )
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg1 = &cmd_line[index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while( ( cmd_line[index] != ' ' ) && ( cmd_line[index] != 0 ) )
if( cmd_line[index] == ' ' )
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg2 = &cmd_line[index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while( ( cmd_line[index] != ' ' ) && ( cmd_line[index] != 0 ) )
if( cmd_line[index] == ' ' )
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg3 = &cmd_line[index];
index = 0; // reset for next input line
if( ( cmd_line[0] == '#' ) || ( cmd_line[0] == 0 ) )
continue; // ignore comments or blank lines
else if( strcmp(cmd, "addbot") == 0 )
BotCreate( arg1, arg2, arg3 );
// have to delay here or engine gives "Tried to write to
// uninitialized sizebuf_t" error and crashes...
pause_time = gpGlobals->time + 1;
else if( strcmp( cmd, "botskill" ) == 0 )
f_botskill = atoi( arg1 ); // set default bot skill level
else if( strcmp( cmd, "observer" ) == 0 )
f_Observer = atoi( arg1 ); // set observer flag
else if( strcmp( cmd, "botdontshoot" ) == 0 )
f_botdontshoot = atoi( arg1 ); // set bot shoot flag
else if( strcmp( cmd, "min_bots" ) == 0 )
min_bots = atoi( arg1 );
if( min_bots < 0 )
min_bots = 0;
sprintf( msg, "min_bots set to %d\n", min_bots );
printf( "%s", msg );
else if( strcmp( cmd, "max_bots" ) == 0 )
max_bots = atoi( arg1 );
if( max_bots >= gpGlobals->maxClients )
max_bots = gpGlobals->maxClients - 1;
sprintf( msg, "max_bots set to %d\n", max_bots );
printf( "%s", msg );
else if( strcmp( cmd, "pause" ) == 0 )
pause_time = gpGlobals->time + atoi( arg1 );
sprintf( msg, "executing server command: %s\n", server_cmd );
ALERT( at_console, msg );
printf( "%s", msg );
SERVER_COMMAND( server_cmd );
// if bot.cfg file is open and reached end of file, then close and free it
if( pFileList && ( *pFileList == 0 ) )
FREE_FILE( aFileList );
pFileList = NULL;
// if time to check for server commands then do so...
if( check_server_cmd <= gpGlobals->time )
check_server_cmd = gpGlobals->time + 1.0f;
char *cvar_bot = (char *)CVAR_GET_STRING( "bot" );
if( cvar_bot && cvar_bot[0] )
strcpy( cmd_line, cvar_bot );
index = 0;
cmd = cmd_line;
arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = NULL;
// skip to blank or end of string...
while( ( cmd_line[index] != ' ' ) && ( cmd_line[index] != 0 ) )
if( cmd_line[index] == ' ' )
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg1 = &cmd_line[index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while( ( cmd_line[index] != ' ' ) && ( cmd_line[index] != 0 ) )
if( cmd_line[index] == ' ' )
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg2 = &cmd_line[index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while( ( cmd_line[index] != ' ' ) && ( cmd_line[index] != 0 ) )
if( cmd_line[index] == ' ' )
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg3 = &cmd_line[index];
if( strcmp( cmd, "addbot" ) == 0 )
printf( "adding new bot...\n" );
BotCreate( arg1, arg2, arg3 );
else if( strcmp( cmd, "botskill" ) == 0 )
if( arg1 != NULL )
printf( "setting botskill to %d\n", atoi( arg1 ) );
f_botskill = atoi( arg1 ); // set default bot skill level
printf( "botskill is %d\n", f_botskill );
else if( strcmp( cmd, "botdontshoot" ) == 0 )
if( arg1 != NULL )
printf( "setting botdontshoot to %d\n", atoi( arg1 ) );
f_botdontshoot = atoi( arg1 ); // set bot shoot flag
printf( "botdontshoot is %d\n", f_botdontshoot );
CVAR_SET_STRING( "bot", "" );
8 years ago
if( g_fGameOver )
9 years ago
check_server_cmd = 0;
gpGlobals->gameplay = gameplay.value;
9 years ago
// check if time to see if a bot needs to be created...
if( bot_check_time < gpGlobals->time )
int count = 0;
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0f;
for( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBaseEntity *pPlayer;
pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if( !pPlayer )
continue; // if invalid then continue with next index...
if( pPlayer->pev->takedamage == DAMAGE_NO )
continue; // if bot was kicked, don't count as a player...
count++; // count the number of bots and players
// if there are currently less than the maximum number of "players"
// then add another bot using the default skill level...
if( count < max_bots )
BotCreate( NULL, NULL, NULL );
previous_time = gpGlobals->time; // keep track of last time in StartFrame()
9 years ago
int oldBhopcap = g_bhopcap;
g_bhopcap = ( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() && bhopcap.value != 0.0f ) ? 1 : 0;
if( g_bhopcap != oldBhopcap )
WRITE_BYTE( g_bhopcap );
9 years ago
void ClientPrecache( void )
PRECACHE_SOUND( "ambience/warn1.wav" );
9 years ago
// setup precaches always needed
8 years ago
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/sprayer.wav" ); // spray paint sound for PreAlpha
// PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_jumpland2.wav" ); // UNDONE: play 2x step sound
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_fallpain2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_fallpain3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_step1.wav" ); // walk on concrete
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_step2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_step3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_step4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/npc_step1.wav" ); // NPC walk on concrete
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/npc_step2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/npc_step3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/npc_step4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_metal1.wav" ); // walk on metal
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_metal2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_metal3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_metal4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_dirt1.wav" ); // walk on dirt
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_dirt2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_dirt3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_dirt4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_duct1.wav" ); // walk in duct
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_duct2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_duct3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_duct4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_grate1.wav" ); // walk on grate
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_grate2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_grate3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_grate4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_slosh1.wav" ); // walk in shallow water
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_slosh2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_slosh3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_slosh4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_tile1.wav" ); // walk on tile
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_tile2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_tile3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_tile4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_tile5.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_swim1.wav" ); // breathe bubbles
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_swim2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_swim3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_swim4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_ladder1.wav" ); // climb ladder rung
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_ladder2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_ladder3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_ladder4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_wade1.wav" ); // wade in water
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_wade2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_wade3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_wade4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/plyrjmp8.wav" );
8 years ago
PRECACHE_SOUND( "debris/wood1.wav" ); // hit wood texture
PRECACHE_SOUND( "debris/wood2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "debris/wood3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "plats/train_use1.wav" ); // use a train
PRECACHE_SOUND( "buttons/spark5.wav" ); // hit computer texture
PRECACHE_SOUND( "buttons/spark6.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "debris/glass1.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "debris/glass2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "debris/glass3.wav" );
9 years ago
PRECACHE_SOUND( "starman.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "item/cv2_get.wav" );
9 years ago
8 years ago
// player gib sounds
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/bodysplat.wav" );
9 years ago
8 years ago
// player pain sounds
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_pain2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_pain4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_pain5.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_pain6.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/pl_pain7.wav" );
9 years ago
// Half-screwed Death Sounds
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/death1.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/death2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/death3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/death4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/death5.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/death6.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/death7.wav" );
// What a shame
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/shame.wav" );
// Christmas Time Sounds
PRECACHE_SOUND( "misc/b2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "misc/party2.wav" );
// Test Zom
PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/zombie.mdl" );
8 years ago
PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/player.mdl" );
9 years ago
// hud sounds
8 years ago
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/wpn_hudoff.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/wpn_hudon.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/wpn_moveselect.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/wpn_select.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/wpn_denyselect.wav" );
9 years ago
// geiger sounds
8 years ago
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/geiger6.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/geiger5.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/geiger4.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/geiger3.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/geiger2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "player/geiger1.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "bcry/battlecry1.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "bcry/battlecry2.wav" );
PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/jingle1.wav" );
//if( giPrecacheGrunt )
8 years ago
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_human_grunt" );
//if( giPrecacheScientist )
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_scientist" );
//if( giPrecacheTree )
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_xmast" );
//if( giPrecacheBarney )
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_barney" );
//if( giPrecacheGlenn )
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_gay" );
//if( giPrecacheCreeper )
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_creeper" );
//if( giPrecacheSinistar )
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_sinistar" );
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_chrischan" );
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_homestuck" );
UTIL_PrecacheOther( "entity_botcam" );
PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/mechgibs.mdl" );
9 years ago
Returns the descriptive name of this .dll. E.g., Half-Life, or Team Fortress 2
const char *GetGameDescription()
8 years ago
if( g_pGameRules ) // this function may be called before the world has spawned, and the game rules initialized
9 years ago
return g_pGameRules->GetGameDescription();
return "Half-Screwed";
9 years ago
Engine is going to shut down, allows setting a breakpoint in game .dll to catch that occasion
void Sys_Error( const char *error_string )
// Default case, do nothing. MOD AUTHORS: Add code ( e.g., _asm { int 3 }; here to cause a breakpoint for debugging your game .dlls
A new player customization has been registered on the server
UNDONE: This only sets the # of frames of the spray can logo
animation right now.
void PlayerCustomization( edict_t *pEntity, customization_t *pCust )
8 years ago
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)GET_PRIVATE( pEntity );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( !pPlayer )
9 years ago
8 years ago
ALERT( at_console, "PlayerCustomization: Couldn't get player!\n" );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( !pCust )
9 years ago
8 years ago
ALERT( at_console, "PlayerCustomization: NULL customization!\n" );
9 years ago
8 years ago
switch( pCust->resource.type )
9 years ago
case t_decal:
8 years ago
pPlayer->SetCustomDecalFrames( pCust->nUserData2 ); // Second int is max # of frames.
9 years ago
case t_sound:
case t_skin:
case t_model:
// Ignore for now.
8 years ago
ALERT( at_console, "PlayerCustomization: Unknown customization type!\n" );
9 years ago
A spectator has joined the game
void SpectatorConnect( edict_t *pEntity )
8 years ago
CBaseSpectator *pPlayer = (CBaseSpectator *)GET_PRIVATE( pEntity );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pPlayer )
9 years ago
A spectator has left the game
void SpectatorDisconnect( edict_t *pEntity )
8 years ago
CBaseSpectator *pPlayer = (CBaseSpectator *)GET_PRIVATE( pEntity );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pPlayer )
9 years ago
A spectator has sent a usercmd
void SpectatorThink( edict_t *pEntity )
8 years ago
CBaseSpectator *pPlayer = (CBaseSpectator *)GET_PRIVATE( pEntity );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pPlayer )
9 years ago
// PAS and PVS routines for client messaging
A client can have a separate "view entity" indicating that his/her view should depend on the origin of that
view entity. If that's the case, then pViewEntity will be non-NULL and will be used. Otherwise, the current
entity's origin is used. Either is offset by the view_ofs to get the eye position.
From the eye position, we set up the PAS and PVS to use for filtering network messages to the client. At this point, we could
override the actual PAS or PVS values, or use a different origin.
NOTE: Do not cache the values of pas and pvs, as they depend on reusable memory in the engine, they are only good for this one frame
void SetupVisibility( edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char **pvs, unsigned char **pas )
Vector org;
edict_t *pView = pClient;
// Find the client's PVS
8 years ago
if( pViewEntity )
9 years ago
pView = pViewEntity;
8 years ago
if( pClient->v.flags & FL_PROXY )
9 years ago
*pvs = NULL; // the spectator proxy sees
*pas = NULL; // and hears everything
if( pView->v.effects & EF_MERGE_VISIBILITY )
8 years ago
if( FClassnameIs( pView, "env_sky" ) )
9 years ago
org = pView->v.origin;
else return; // don't merge pvs
org = pView->v.origin + pView->v.view_ofs;
8 years ago
if( pView->v.flags & FL_DUCKING )
9 years ago
org = org + ( VEC_HULL_MIN - VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN );
*pvs = ENGINE_SET_PVS( org );
*pas = ENGINE_SET_PAS( org );
9 years ago
#include "entity_state.h"
Return 1 if the entity state has been filled in for the ent and the entity will be propagated to the client, 0 otherwise
state is the server maintained copy of the state info that is transmitted to the client
a MOD could alter values copied into state to send the "host" a different look for a particular entity update, etc.
e and ent are the entity that is being added to the update, if 1 is returned
host is the player's edict of the player whom we are sending the update to
player is 1 if the ent/e is a player and 0 otherwise
pSet is either the PAS or PVS that we previous set up. We can use it to ask the engine to filter the entity against the PAS or PVS.
we could also use the pas/ pvs that we set in SetupVisibility, if we wanted to. Caching the value is valid in that case, but still only for the current frame
int AddToFullPack( struct entity_state_s *state, int e, edict_t *ent, edict_t *host, int hostflags, int player, unsigned char *pSet )
8 years ago
int i;
9 years ago
// don't send if flagged for NODRAW and it's not the host getting the message
if( ( ent->v.effects & EF_NODRAW ) && ( ent != host ) )
9 years ago
return 0;
// Ignore ents without valid / visible models
8 years ago
if( !ent->v.modelindex || !STRING( ent->v.model ) )
9 years ago
return 0;
// Don't send spectators to other players
8 years ago
if( ( ent->v.flags & FL_SPECTATOR ) && ( ent != host ) )
9 years ago
return 0;
// Ignore if not the host and not touching a PVS/PAS leaf
// If pSet is NULL, then the test will always succeed and the entity will be added to the update
8 years ago
if( ent != host )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( !ENGINE_CHECK_VISIBILITY( (const struct edict_s *)ent, pSet ) )
9 years ago
// env_sky is visible always
8 years ago
if( !FClassnameIs( ent, "env_sky" ) )
9 years ago
return 0;
// Don't send entity to local client if the client says it's predicting the entity itself.
8 years ago
if( ent->v.flags & FL_SKIPLOCALHOST )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( hostflags & 4 )
return 0; // it's a portal pass
if( ( hostflags & 1 ) && ( ent->v.owner == host ) )
9 years ago
return 0;
8 years ago
if( host->v.groupinfo )
9 years ago
UTIL_SetGroupTrace( host->v.groupinfo, GROUP_OP_AND );
// Should always be set, of course
8 years ago
if( ent->v.groupinfo )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( g_groupop == GROUP_OP_AND )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( !( ent->v.groupinfo & host->v.groupinfo ) )
9 years ago
return 0;
8 years ago
else if( g_groupop == GROUP_OP_NAND )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( ent->v.groupinfo & host->v.groupinfo )
9 years ago
return 0;
8 years ago
memset( state, 0, sizeof(*state) );
9 years ago
// Assign index so we can track this entity from frame to frame and
// delta from it.
8 years ago
state->number = e;
9 years ago
state->entityType = ENTITY_NORMAL;
8 years ago
9 years ago
// Flag custom entities.
8 years ago
if( ent->v.flags & FL_CUSTOMENTITY )
9 years ago
state->entityType = ENTITY_BEAM;
// Copy state data
// Round animtime to nearest millisecond
state->animtime = (int)( 1000.0f * ent->v.animtime ) / 1000.0f;
9 years ago
8 years ago
memcpy( state->origin, ent->v.origin, 3 * sizeof(float) );
memcpy( state->angles, ent->v.angles, 3 * sizeof(float) );
memcpy( state->mins, ent->v.mins, 3 * sizeof(float) );
memcpy( state->maxs, ent->v.maxs, 3 * sizeof(float) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
memcpy( state->startpos, ent->v.startpos, 3 * sizeof(float) );
memcpy( state->endpos, ent->v.endpos, 3 * sizeof(float) );
memcpy( state->velocity, ent->v.velocity, 3 * sizeof(float) );
9 years ago
state->impacttime = ent->v.impacttime;
state->starttime = ent->v.starttime;
state->modelindex = ent->v.modelindex;
8 years ago
state->frame = ent->v.frame;
state->skin = ent->v.skin;
state->effects = ent->v.effects;
9 years ago
// This non-player entity is being moved by the game .dll and not the physics simulation system
// make sure that we interpolate it's position on the client if it moves
8 years ago
if( !player &&
9 years ago
ent->v.animtime &&
8 years ago
ent->v.velocity[0] == 0 &&
ent->v.velocity[1] == 0 &&
ent->v.velocity[2] == 0 )
9 years ago
state->eflags |= EFLAG_SLERP;
8 years ago
state->scale = ent->v.scale;
state->solid = ent->v.solid;
state->colormap = ent->v.colormap;
9 years ago
8 years ago
state->movetype = ent->v.movetype;
state->sequence = ent->v.sequence;
state->framerate = ent->v.framerate;
state->body = ent->v.body;
9 years ago
8 years ago
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
9 years ago
state->controller[i] = ent->v.controller[i];
8 years ago
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
9 years ago
8 years ago
state->blending[i] = ent->v.blending[i];
9 years ago
8 years ago
state->rendermode = ent->v.rendermode;
state->renderamt = (int)ent->v.renderamt;
8 years ago
state->renderfx = ent->v.renderfx;
state->rendercolor.r = (byte)ent->v.rendercolor.x;
state->rendercolor.g = (byte)ent->v.rendercolor.y;
state->rendercolor.b = (byte)ent->v.rendercolor.z;
9 years ago
state->aiment = 0;
8 years ago
if( ent->v.aiment )
9 years ago
state->aiment = ENTINDEX( ent->v.aiment );
state->owner = 0;
8 years ago
if( ent->v.owner )
9 years ago
int owner = ENTINDEX( ent->v.owner );
8 years ago
9 years ago
// Only care if owned by a player
8 years ago
if( owner >= 1 && owner <= gpGlobals->maxClients )
9 years ago
state->owner = owner;
state->onground = 0;
8 years ago
if( ent->v.groundentity )
9 years ago
state->onground = ENTINDEX( ent->v.groundentity );
// HACK: Somewhat...
// Class is overridden for non-players to signify a breakable glass object ( sort of a class? )
8 years ago
if( !player )
9 years ago
state->playerclass = ent->v.playerclass;
// Special stuff for players only
8 years ago
if( player )
9 years ago
8 years ago
memcpy( state->basevelocity, ent->v.basevelocity, 3 * sizeof(float) );
9 years ago
8 years ago
state->weaponmodel = MODEL_INDEX( STRING( ent->v.weaponmodel ) );
state->gaitsequence = ent->v.gaitsequence;
state->spectator = ent->v.flags & FL_SPECTATOR;
state->friction = ent->v.friction;
9 years ago
8 years ago
state->gravity = ent->v.gravity;
//state->team = ent->v.team;
state->usehull = ( ent->v.flags & FL_DUCKING ) ? 1 : 0;
state->health = (int)ent->v.health;
9 years ago
return 1;
// defaults for clientinfo messages
Creates baselines used for network encoding, especially for player data since players are not spawned until connect time.
void CreateBaseline( int player, int eindex, struct entity_state_s *baseline, struct edict_s *entity, int playermodelindex, vec3_t player_mins, vec3_t player_maxs )
baseline->origin = entity->v.origin;
baseline->angles = entity->v.angles;
baseline->frame = entity->v.frame;
baseline->skin = (short)entity->v.skin;
// render information
8 years ago
baseline->rendermode = (byte)entity->v.rendermode;
9 years ago
baseline->renderamt = (byte)entity->v.renderamt;
8 years ago
baseline->rendercolor.r = (byte)entity->v.rendercolor.x;
baseline->rendercolor.g = (byte)entity->v.rendercolor.y;
baseline->rendercolor.b = (byte)entity->v.rendercolor.z;
9 years ago
baseline->renderfx = (byte)entity->v.renderfx;
8 years ago
if( player )
9 years ago
8 years ago
baseline->mins = player_mins;
baseline->maxs = player_maxs;
9 years ago
8 years ago
baseline->colormap = eindex;
9 years ago
baseline->modelindex = playermodelindex;
8 years ago
baseline->friction = 1.0;
baseline->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
9 years ago
8 years ago
baseline->scale = entity->v.scale;
baseline->solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
baseline->framerate = 1.0;
baseline->gravity = 1.0;
9 years ago
8 years ago
baseline->mins = entity->v.mins;
baseline->maxs = entity->v.maxs;
9 years ago
8 years ago
baseline->colormap = 0;
9 years ago
baseline->modelindex = entity->v.modelindex;//SV_ModelIndex(pr_strings + entity->v.model);
8 years ago
baseline->movetype = entity->v.movetype;
9 years ago
8 years ago
baseline->scale = entity->v.scale;
baseline->solid = entity->v.solid;
baseline->framerate = entity->v.framerate;
baseline->gravity = entity->v.gravity;
9 years ago
typedef struct
char name[32];
8 years ago
int field;
9 years ago
} entity_field_alias_t;
#define FIELD_ORIGIN0 0
#define FIELD_ORIGIN1 1
#define FIELD_ORIGIN2 2
#define FIELD_ANGLES0 3
#define FIELD_ANGLES1 4
#define FIELD_ANGLES2 5
8 years ago
static entity_field_alias_t entity_field_alias[] =
9 years ago
{ "origin[0]", 0 },
{ "origin[1]", 0 },
{ "origin[2]", 0 },
{ "angles[0]", 0 },
{ "angles[1]", 0 },
{ "angles[2]", 0 },
void Entity_FieldInit( struct delta_s *pFields )
8 years ago
entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].name );
entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].name );
entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].name );
entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES0].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES0].name );
entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES1].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES1].name );
entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES2].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES2].name );
9 years ago
Callback for sending entity_state_t info over network.
FIXME: Move to script
void Entity_Encode( struct delta_s *pFields, const unsigned char *from, const unsigned char *to )
entity_state_t *f, *t;
int localplayer = 0;
static int initialized = 0;
8 years ago
if( !initialized )
9 years ago
Entity_FieldInit( pFields );
initialized = 1;
f = (entity_state_t *)from;
t = (entity_state_t *)to;
// Never send origin to local player, it's sent with more resolution in clientdata_t structure
8 years ago
localplayer = ( t->number - 1 ) == ENGINE_CURRENT_PLAYER();
if( localplayer )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( ( t->impacttime != 0 ) && ( t->starttime != 0 ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES0].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES1].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ANGLES2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( ( t->movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW ) &&
( t->aiment != 0 ) )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
else if( t->aiment != f->aiment )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_SETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field );
DELTA_SETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field );
DELTA_SETBYINDEX( pFields, entity_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
static entity_field_alias_t player_field_alias[] =
9 years ago
{ "origin[0]", 0 },
{ "origin[1]", 0 },
{ "origin[2]", 0 },
void Player_FieldInit( struct delta_s *pFields )
8 years ago
player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].name );
player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].name );
player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].name );
9 years ago
Callback for sending entity_state_t for players info over network.
void Player_Encode( struct delta_s *pFields, const unsigned char *from, const unsigned char *to )
entity_state_t *f, *t;
int localplayer = 0;
static int initialized = 0;
8 years ago
if( !initialized )
9 years ago
Player_FieldInit( pFields );
initialized = 1;
f = (entity_state_t *)from;
t = (entity_state_t *)to;
// Never send origin to local player, it's sent with more resolution in clientdata_t structure
8 years ago
localplayer = ( t->number - 1 ) == ENGINE_CURRENT_PLAYER();
if( localplayer )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( ( t->movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW ) &&
9 years ago
( t->aiment != 0 ) )
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
else if( t->aiment != f->aiment )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_SETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN0].field );
DELTA_SETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN1].field );
DELTA_SETBYINDEX( pFields, player_field_alias[FIELD_ORIGIN2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
entity_field_alias_t custom_entity_field_alias[] =
9 years ago
{ "origin[0]", 0 },
{ "origin[1]", 0 },
{ "origin[2]", 0 },
{ "angles[0]", 0 },
{ "angles[1]", 0 },
{ "angles[2]", 0 },
8 years ago
{ "skin", 0 },
9 years ago
{ "sequence", 0 },
{ "animtime", 0 },
void Custom_Entity_FieldInit( struct delta_s *pFields )
8 years ago
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0].name );
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1].name );
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2].name );
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0].name );
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1].name );
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2].name );
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN].name );
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE].name );
custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME].name );
9 years ago
Callback for sending entity_state_t info ( for custom entities ) over network.
FIXME: Move to script
void Custom_Encode( struct delta_s *pFields, const unsigned char *from, const unsigned char *to )
entity_state_t *f, *t;
int beamType;
static int initialized = 0;
8 years ago
if( !initialized )
9 years ago
Custom_Entity_FieldInit( pFields );
initialized = 1;
f = (entity_state_t *)from;
t = (entity_state_t *)to;
beamType = t->rendermode & 0x0f;
8 years ago
if( beamType != BEAM_POINTS && beamType != BEAM_ENTPOINT )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( beamType != BEAM_POINTS )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2].field );
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( beamType != BEAM_ENTS && beamType != BEAM_ENTPOINT )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN].field );
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE].field );
9 years ago
// animtime is compared by rounding first
// see if we really shouldn't actually send it
8 years ago
if( (int)f->animtime == (int)t->animtime )
9 years ago
8 years ago
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX( pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME].field );
9 years ago
Allows game .dll to override network encoding of certain types of entities and tweak values, etc.
void RegisterEncoders( void )
DELTA_ADDENCODER( "Entity_Encode", Entity_Encode );
DELTA_ADDENCODER( "Custom_Encode", Custom_Encode );
DELTA_ADDENCODER( "Player_Encode", Player_Encode );
int GetWeaponData( struct edict_s *player, struct weapon_data_s *info )
memset( info, 0, MAX_WEAPONS * sizeof(weapon_data_t) );
9 years ago
int i;
weapon_data_t *item;
entvars_t *pev = &player->v;
8 years ago
CBasePlayer *pl = (CBasePlayer *)CBasePlayer::Instance( pev );
9 years ago
CBasePlayerWeapon *gun;
8 years ago
if( !pl )
9 years ago
return 1;
// go through all of the weapons and make a list of the ones to pack
8 years ago
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES; i++ )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pl->m_rgpPlayerItems[i] )
9 years ago
// there's a weapon here. Should I pack it?
8 years ago
CBasePlayerItem *pPlayerItem = pl->m_rgpPlayerItems[i];
9 years ago
8 years ago
while( pPlayerItem )
9 years ago
gun = (CBasePlayerWeapon *)pPlayerItem->GetWeaponPtr();
8 years ago
if( gun && gun->UseDecrement() )
9 years ago
ItemInfo II = {0};
9 years ago
// Get The ID.
gun->GetItemInfo( &II );
if( II.iId >= 0 && II.iId < MAX_WEAPONS )
9 years ago
8 years ago
item = &info[II.iId];
9 years ago
8 years ago
item->m_iId = II.iId;
item->m_iClip = gun->m_iClip;
9 years ago
item->m_flTimeWeaponIdle = Q_max( gun->m_flTimeWeaponIdle, -0.001f );
item->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = Q_max( gun->m_flNextPrimaryAttack, -0.001f );
item->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = Q_max( gun->m_flNextSecondaryAttack, -0.001f );
8 years ago
item->m_fInReload = gun->m_fInReload;
item->m_fInSpecialReload = gun->m_fInSpecialReload;
item->fuser1 = Q_max( gun->pev->fuser1, -0.001f );
8 years ago
item->fuser2 = gun->m_flStartThrow;
item->fuser3 = gun->m_flReleaseThrow;
item->iuser1 = gun->m_chargeReady;
item->iuser2 = gun->m_fInAttack;
item->iuser3 = gun->m_fireState;
//item->m_flPumpTime = max( gun->m_flPumpTime, -0.001 );
9 years ago
pPlayerItem = pPlayerItem->m_pNext;
return 1;
Data sent to current client only
engine sets cd to 0 before calling.
8 years ago
void UpdateClientData( const struct edict_s *ent, int sendweapons, struct clientdata_s *cd )
9 years ago
if( !ent || !ent->pvPrivateData )
entvars_t *pev = (entvars_t *)&ent->v;
CBasePlayer *pl = (CBasePlayer *)( CBasePlayer::Instance( pev ) );
entvars_t *pevOrg = NULL;
// if user is spectating different player in First person, override some vars
if( pl && pl->pev->iuser1 == OBS_IN_EYE )
if( pl->m_hObserverTarget )
pevOrg = pev;
pev = pl->m_hObserverTarget->pev;
pl = (CBasePlayer *)(CBasePlayer::Instance( pev ) );
9 years ago
cd->flags = pev->flags;
cd->health = pev->health;
9 years ago
cd->viewmodel = MODEL_INDEX( STRING( pev->viewmodel ) );
cd->waterlevel = pev->waterlevel;
cd->watertype = pev->watertype;
cd->weapons = pev->weapons;
9 years ago
// Vectors
cd->origin = pev->origin;
cd->velocity = pev->velocity;
cd->view_ofs = pev->view_ofs;
cd->punchangle = pev->punchangle;
9 years ago
cd->bInDuck = pev->bInDuck;
cd->flTimeStepSound = pev->flTimeStepSound;
cd->flDuckTime = pev->flDuckTime;
cd->flSwimTime = pev->flSwimTime;
cd->waterjumptime = pev->teleport_time;
9 years ago
strcpy( cd->physinfo, ENGINE_GETPHYSINFO( ent ) );
cd->maxspeed = pev->maxspeed;
cd->fov = pev->fov;
cd->weaponanim = pev->weaponanim;
9 years ago
cd->pushmsec = pev->pushmsec;
9 years ago
// Spectator mode
if( pevOrg != NULL )
// don't use spec vars from chased player
cd->iuser1 = pevOrg->iuser1;
cd->iuser2 = pevOrg->iuser2;
cd->iuser1 = pev->iuser1;
cd->iuser2 = pev->iuser2;
8 years ago
if( sendweapons )
9 years ago
8 years ago
if( pl )
9 years ago
8 years ago
cd->m_flNextAttack = pl->m_flNextAttack;
cd->fuser2 = pl->m_flNextAmmoBurn;
cd->fuser3 = pl->m_flAmmoStartCharge;
cd->vuser1.x = pl->ammo_9mm;
cd->vuser1.y = pl->ammo_357;
cd->vuser1.z = pl->ammo_argrens;
cd->ammo_nails = pl->ammo_bolts;
cd->ammo_shells = pl->ammo_buckshot;
cd->ammo_rockets = pl->ammo_rockets;
cd->ammo_cells = pl->ammo_uranium;
cd->vuser2.x = pl->ammo_hornets;
if( pl->m_pActiveItem )
9 years ago
CBasePlayerWeapon *gun;
gun = (CBasePlayerWeapon *)pl->m_pActiveItem->GetWeaponPtr();
8 years ago
if( gun && gun->UseDecrement() )
9 years ago
ItemInfo II = {0};
9 years ago
gun->GetItemInfo( &II );
cd->m_iId = II.iId;
8 years ago
cd->vuser3.z = gun->m_iSecondaryAmmoType;
cd->vuser4.x = gun->m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
cd->vuser4.y = pl->m_rgAmmo[gun->m_iPrimaryAmmoType];
cd->vuser4.z = pl->m_rgAmmo[gun->m_iSecondaryAmmoType];
if( pl->m_pActiveItem->m_iId == WEAPON_RPG )
9 years ago
8 years ago
cd->vuser2.y = ( (CRpg *)pl->m_pActiveItem )->m_fSpotActive;
cd->vuser2.z = ( (CRpg *)pl->m_pActiveItem )->m_cActiveRockets;
9 years ago
We're about to run this usercmd for the specified player. We can set up groupinfo and masking here, etc.
This is the time to examine the usercmd for anything extra. This call happens even if think does not.
void CmdStart( const edict_t *player, const struct usercmd_s *cmd, unsigned int random_seed )
entvars_t *pev = (entvars_t *)&player->v;
8 years ago
CBasePlayer *pl = (CBasePlayer *)CBasePlayer::Instance( pev );
9 years ago
if( !pl )
8 years ago
if( pl->pev->groupinfo != 0 )
9 years ago
UTIL_SetGroupTrace( pl->pev->groupinfo, GROUP_OP_AND );
pl->random_seed = random_seed;
Each cmdstart is exactly matched with a cmd end, clean up any group trace flags, etc. here
8 years ago
void CmdEnd( const edict_t *player )
9 years ago
entvars_t *pev = (entvars_t *)&player->v;
8 years ago
CBasePlayer *pl = (CBasePlayer *)CBasePlayer::Instance( pev );
9 years ago
if( !pl )
8 years ago
if( pl->pev->groupinfo != 0 )
9 years ago
Return 1 if the packet is valid. Set response_buffer_size if you want to send a response packet. Incoming, it holds the max
size of the response_buffer, so you must zero it out if you choose not to respond.
8 years ago
int ConnectionlessPacket( const struct netadr_s *net_from, const char *args, char *response_buffer, int *response_buffer_size )
9 years ago
// Parse stuff from args
//int max_buffer_size = *response_buffer_size;
9 years ago
// Zero it out since we aren't going to respond.
// If we wanted to response, we'd write data into response_buffer
*response_buffer_size = 0;
// Since we don't listen for anything here, just respond that it's a bogus message
// If we didn't reject the message, we'd return 1 for success instead.
return 0;
Engine calls this to enumerate player collision hulls, for prediction. Return 0 if the hullnumber doesn't exist.
int GetHullBounds( int hullnumber, float *mins, float *maxs )
int iret = 0;
8 years ago
switch( hullnumber )
9 years ago
case 0: // Normal player
9 years ago
iret = 1;
case 1: // Crouched player
9 years ago
iret = 1;
case 2: // Point based hull
Vector( 0, 0, 0 ).CopyToArray(mins);
Vector( 0, 0, 0 ).CopyToArray(maxs);
9 years ago
iret = 1;
return iret;
Create pseudo-baselines for items that aren't placed in the map at spawn time, but which are likely
to be created during play ( e.g., grenades, ammo packs, projectiles, corpses, etc. )
8 years ago
void CreateInstancedBaselines( void )
9 years ago
/*int iret = 0;
9 years ago
entity_state_t state;
memset( &state, 0, sizeof(state) );*/
9 years ago
// Create any additional baselines here for things like grendates, etc.
// iret = ENGINE_INSTANCE_BASELINE( pc->pev->classname, &state );
// Destroy objects.
//UTIL_Remove( pc );
One of the ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED files failed the consistency check for the specified player
Return 0 to allow the client to continue, 1 to force immediate disconnection ( with an optional disconnect message of up to 256 characters )
8 years ago
int InconsistentFile( const edict_t *player, const char *filename, char *disconnect_message )
9 years ago
// Server doesn't care?
if( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "mp_consistency" ) != 1.0f )
9 years ago
return 0;
// Default behavior is to kick the player
sprintf( disconnect_message, "Server is enforcing file consistency for %s\n", filename );
// Kick now with specified disconnect message.
return 1;
The game .dll should return 1 if lag compensation should be allowed ( could also just set
the sv_unlag cvar.
Most games right now should return 0, until client-side weapon prediction code is written
and tested for them ( note you can predict weapons, but not do lag compensation, too,
if you want.
int AllowLagCompensation( void )
return 1;