Twister is a fast and light-weight micro-framework.
Actually, a more precise definition of this code would be;
`Twister is a set of fast and light-weight components around which a framework can be written`
Actually, a more precise definition of this code release would be;
Twister is a set of fast and light-weight components around which a framework can be written
At the heart of the framework, sits a very flexible, simple and elegant Inversion-of-Control (IoC) Container.
In fact, there are NO global variables, NO define's, NO pipeline, NO Kernel and NO App; just the Container.
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Along with the Container, comes a very flexible and fast router (inside the Requ
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Along with the Container, comes a very flexible and fast router (inside the Requ
It includes the ability to filter by method (GET/POST), and optional parameters like `/user/{id}[/{name}]`
Another somewhat unique capability is the ability to pre-define the patterns associated with named parameters eg. `id`->`\d+`
So everytime you specify {id}, {date} etc. in any route, the same patterns are re-used,
or you can specify custom patterns with {id:[0-9]+} or {id:uuid} where 'uuid'=>'[A-F0-9-]+' etc.
or you can specify custom patterns with `{id:[0-9]+}` or `{id:uuid}` where `uuid`=>`[A-F0-9-]+` etc.
Two design choices make the router fast:
1) Everything is configured/loaded from a `config` array (which is usually cached by APC/Xcode/PHP7)
2) The router splits the request uri by '/', doing an `isset` array lookup for the first path segment