@ -373,7 +373,24 @@ function htmlFormatMsg(msg, mentions) { |
msg = escapeHtmlEntities(msg); |
msg = escapeHtmlEntities(msg); |
for (var i = 0; i < msg.length - 7; i++) { |
for (var i = 0; i < msg.length - 7; i++) { |
if (msg.slice(i, i + 4).toLowerCase() === 'http') { |
if (msg.slice(i, i + 2) === '](') { |
// FIXME there can be text with [] inside [] or links with () wee need to handle it too
j = getStrStart(msg, i - 1, '[', ''); |
if (j < i) { |
var k = getStrEnd(msg, i + 2, ')', ''); |
if (k > i + 1) { |
html.push($('#external-page-link-template')[0].outerHTML |
.replace(/\bid\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('id')
//.replace(/\bhref\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('href')
.replace(/<a\s+/ig, '<a href="' + proxyURL(msg.slice(i + 2, k + 1)) + '" ') // $().closest('a').attr('href', proxyURL(url))
.replace(/(<a\s+[^]*?>)[^]*?(<\/a>)/ig, '$1' + msg.slice(j, i) + '$2') // $().closest('a').text(url)
); |
strEncoded = '>' + (html.length - 1).toString() + '<'; |
msg = msg.slice(0, j - 1) + strEncoded + msg.slice(k + 2); |
i = j + strEncoded.length - 1; |
} |
} |
} else if (msg.slice(i, i + 4).toLowerCase() === 'http') { |
if (msg.slice(i + 4, i + 7) === '://' && stopCharsRight.indexOf(msg[i + 7]) === -1) { |
if (msg.slice(i + 4, i + 7) === '://' && stopCharsRight.indexOf(msg[i + 7]) === -1) { |
j = getStrEnd(msg, i + 7, stopCharsRight, stopCharsTrailingUrl); |
j = getStrEnd(msg, i + 7, stopCharsRight, stopCharsTrailingUrl); |
if (j > i + 6) { |
if (j > i + 6) { |