mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:51:03 +00:00
Merge pull request #372 from hant-l10n/blaster
Localization for traditional Mandarin and Yue Chinese
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// uses Polyglot.js ( https://github.com/airbnb/polyglot.js ) to translate interface
// translators: add your language code here such as "es" for Spanish, "ru" for Russian
var knownLanguages = ["en","es","nl","it","fr","ru","de","zh-CN","ja","pt-BR","tr","uk","cs"];
var knownLanguages = ["en","es","nl","it","fr","ru","de","zh-CN","ja","pt-BR","tr","uk","cs","cmn","yue"];
if ($.Options.locLang.val === 'auto') {
// detect language with JavaScript
@ -4806,6 +4806,764 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "cs"){
if(preferredLanguage == "cmn"){
wordset = {
"Maximum post size to show": "可顯示的最長推文",
"Maximum post size to send": "可發送的最長推文",
"characters": "字元",
"WebTorrent": "網頁訊流",
"WebTorrent support to display shortened URL media": "網頁訊流支援顯示短版網址媒體",
"External IP:": "外部網路位址:",
"External Port 1 (TCP):": "外部通訊埠一(TCP):",
"External Port 2 (TCP+UDP):": "外部通訊埠二(TCP+UDP):",
"Test open port (external site)": "測試打開的通訊埠(外部站臺)",
"Actions ▼": "動作 ▼",
"Active DHT nodes:": "分散式雜湊表活躍節點:",
"Add DNS": "加入 DNS",
"Add peer": "加入對等點",
"ajax_error": "Ajax 錯誤:%{error}", // JavaScript error
"All users publicly followed by": "所有使用者被公開跟隨自",
"Available": "可用", // username is available
"Appearance": "外觀",
"Apply": "套用",
"Block chain information": "區塊鏈資訊",
"Block chain is up-to-date, twister is ready to use!": "區塊鏈已更新,Twister 備妥待用!",
"Block generation": "區塊生成:",
"busted_oh": "噢,不!",
"busted_avowal": "檢測到有人嘗試注入惡意材料",
"btn_ok": "沒問題",
"Cancel": "取消",
'cant_get_requested_resourse': "無法於 %{link} 取得資源\n 狀態:%{status}。",
"clear_cache": "清空快取",
"Confirm": "確認",
"сonfirm_group_leaving_header": "確認要離開群組",
"сonfirm_group_leaving_body": "確定要離開 %{alias} 群組?",
"本地守護程式還未連線到網路,或者區塊鏈已經過期。\n" +
"如果您待在這個頁面,您的動作可能沒有效用。\n" +
"您要檢查 [網路] 狀態頁面(%{page}) 做為替代嗎?",
"confirm_terminate_daemon": "確定要退離守護程式?\nTwister 客戶端將停止作用。",
"confirm_unfollow_@": "確定要取消跟隨 @%{alias}?",
"confirm_uri_shortener_clear_cache": "確定要清空瀏覽器的短版網址快取?",
"Change user": "變更使用者",
"Checking...": "檢查…", // checking if username is available
"Collapse": "塌縮", // smaller view of a post
"Configure block generation": "組配區塊生成",
"Connections:": "連接:", // to network
"Connection lost.": "連線已經中斷。",
"daemon_is_obsolete": "Twister 守護程式已過時,必須使用 %{versionReq} 或更高版本",
"days": "%{smart_count} 天",
"Detailed information": "詳細資訊",
"DHT network down.": "分散式雜湊表 網路斷線。",
"Direct Messages": "私人訊息",
"Group Messages": "群組訊息",
"Group Messages — New Group Creation": "群組訊息 — 新群組建立",
"Group Messages — Join Group": "群組訊息 — 參與群組",
"group_key_cant_import": "無法匯入私人訊息的群組金鑰",
"group_key_is_invalid_perhaps": "也許金鑰無效",
"group_key_was_imported": "已匯入私人訊息群組 %{alias} 的金鑰。\n"
"direct_messages_with": "與 %{username} 的私人訊息",
"Disable": "停用",
"display_mentions": "顯示提及次數",
"Display retransmissions": "顯示轉推次數",
"DNS to obtain list of peers:": "用來取得對等點列表的 DNS:",
"do_not_show_it_again": "再也不要顯示它",
"downloading_block_chain": "正在下載區塊鏈,繼續之前請稍待 (區塊鏈仍落後 %{days} 天)。",
"download_posts_status": "已下載 %{portion} 則推文", // Downloaded 10/30 posts
"Enable": "啟用",
"error": "錯誤:%{error}",
"error_connecting_to_daemon": "連線到本地 Twister 守護程式時發生錯誤。",
"Error in 'createwalletuser' RPC.": "在 createwalletuser RPC 時發生錯誤。",
"Error in 'importprivkey'": "在 importprivkey RPC 時發生錯誤:%{rpc}",
"Error in 'sendnewusertransaction' RPC.": "在 sendnewusertransaction RPC 時發生錯誤。",
"Expand": "展開", // larger view of a post
"Favorite": "收藏",
"File APIs not supported in this browser.": "這個瀏覽器不支援檔案應用程式介面。",
"Follow": "跟隨",
"Following config": "跟隨組配",
"select_way_to_follow_@": "您想以哪種方式跟隨 @%{alias}",
"Followed by": "跟隨者",
"followed_by": "被 %{username} 跟隨",
"Followers": "跟隨者",
"Followers_of": "@%{alias} 的跟隨者",
"Following": "跟隨中",
"Following users": "跟隨的使用者",
"Force connection to peer:": "強制連接到對等點:",
"General information": "一般資訊",
"Generate blocks (send promoted messages)": "產生區塊 (發送推廣訊息)",
"Home": "首頁", // homepage
"hours": "%{smart_count} 小時",
"Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)": "內部錯誤:lastPostId 不明 (跟隨您自己也許就能修正!)",
"Known peers:": "已知對等點:",
"Last block is ahead of your computer time, check your clock.": "最後一段區塊已經超前了您的電腦時間,請檢查您的系統時鐘。",
"mentions_at": "提及 @%{user}",
"minutes": "%{smart_count} 分鐘",
"Must be 16 characters or less.": "必須是 16 個字元或更少。", // username
"Network": "網路",
"Network config": "網路組配",
"Network status": "網路狀態",
"New direct message...": "新的私人訊息…",
"New Post...": "新推文…",
"New group": "新群組",
"Group description": "群組描述",
"Peers to invite": "可邀請的對等點",
"Join group": "參與群組",
"Select group(s)": "選取群組",
"Create": "建立",
"Join": "參與",
"Invite": "邀請",
"Invite peers": "邀請對等點",
"Leave group": "離開群組",
"You got": "您得到",
"in postboard": "於推布欄",
"in search result": "於搜尋結果",
"in top trends": "於熱門趨勢",
"new_posts": "%{smart_count} 則新推文",
"new_mentions": "%{smart_count} 次新提及",
"new_direct_messages": "%{smart_count} 則新的私人訊息",
"new_group_messages": "%{smart_count} 則新的群組訊息",
"nobody": "沒有人", // used to promote a post without attaching the user
"Not available": "無名可用", // username is not available
"warn_following_not_any": "沒有跟隨任何推友!\n請搜尋並跟隨某人。",
"warn_followers_not_all": "好吧,目前還沒有容易的方式,可以知道所有跟隨您的人。\n"
"warn_followers_not_all_of": "好吧,目前還沒有容易的方式,可以知道某人的所有跟隨者。\n"
+"以下列表衹包括幾個,或許是公開跟隨 @%{alias} 的人。",
"notify_desktop_error": "Twister 無法進行桌面通知:發生不明錯誤。",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied": "Twister 無法進行桌面通知:權限被拒。\n\n如果您要獲得通知,請在您的瀏覽器設定值中,允許它們用於 %{this_domain}。",
"notify_desktop_test": "所有人都在推文。\n歡迎您的加入。",
"notify_desktop_title": "注意,這裡是 Twister!",
"post_preview_dummy": '這裡有 *粗體*、~斜體~、-刪除線- 以及 _加底線_ 的文字。\n'
+ '同樣但是例外排除的:`*粗體*、~斜體~、-刪除線- 以及 _加底線_`。\n'
+ '鏈結到 [最棒的圖標](%{logo}) 以及我們華麗的站臺:%{site}。',
"Number of blocks in block chain:": "區塊鏈中的區塊數量:",
"Number of CPUs to use": "使用的中央處理器數量:",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.": "衹允許文數字與底線。",
"peer address": "對等點位址",
"Private": "私人的",
"Profile": "側寫",
"Postboard": "推布欄",
"post": "推文", // verb - button to post a message
"Post to promote:": "用來推廣的推文:",
"Posts": "推文",
"propagating_nickname": "將暱稱 %{username} 傳播到網路…",
"Public": "公開",
"Refresh": "重新整理",
"retransmit_this": "轉發這則推文給您的跟隨者?",
"Reply": "回覆",
"Reply...": "回覆…",
"reply_to": "回覆給 %{fullname}",
"Retransmit": "轉發",
"Retransmits": "轉發",
"Retransmitted by": "轉發自",
"Switch to Reply": "切換為回覆",
"Switch to Retransmit": "切換為轉發",
"search": "搜尋",
"seconds": "%{smart_count} 秒",
"send": "發送",
"Send post with username": "發送推文所用的使用者名稱:",
"send_DM": "發送私人訊息",
"Sent Post to @": "已發送推文給 @",
"Setup account": "設定帳號",
"shorten_URI": "短版網址",
"shorten_URI_enter_link": "輸入長版網址鏈結。\n"
+"這一則特殊推文不會顯示於 Twister 客戶端,但是您的推文計數將會增加。",
"shorten_URI_its_public_is_it_ok": "您的鏈結將是公開可讀的!確定這樣可以嗎?",
"URI_shortener": "網址縮短器",
"The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.": "這個瀏覽器並不完全支援檔案應用軟體介面。",
"time_ago": "%{time} 之前", // 5 minutes ago
"Time of the last block:": "最後一段區塊的時間:",
"Type message here": "在這裡輸入訊息",
"Unfollow": "取消跟隨",
"Update": "更新",
"Auto updating": "自動更新",
'updates_are_available': '有可用更新',
'updates_not_available': '沒有可用更新',
'updates_check_client': '檢查有無客戶端軟體更新',
'updates_repo_overview': '目前我們是基於 %{repo} 分支 %{branch} 上於\n %{date} 的定案 %{commit}\n'
+'但是原始碼的最前緣已經位於\n 定案 %{commitUpstream} 的 %{dateUpstream}。',
'updates_checkout_diff': '簽出 [GitHub 上的差異](%{link}) 來瞭解變更了什麼。',
'updates_checkout_diff_nfmt': '簽出 GitHub 上的差異來瞭解變更了什麼:\n %{link}',
'updates_upstream_isnt_changed': '相應分支的原始碼儲存庫似乎沒有變更。',
"Updating status...": "更新狀態…", // status of block chain
'new_account_briefing': '正在將新建立的帳號傳播到網路中。'
+'請稍待。當您還沒唸完 ~decentralization~ 之前,就會顯示「確定」按鈕。',
"user_not_yet_accepted": "其他對等點尚未接受這位新使用者。\n"+
"使用 Twister 之前的最後一次\n"+
"users_mentions": "@%{username} 的提及次數",
"users_profile": "%{username} 的側寫",
"username_undefined": "未定義的使用者名稱,這是登入必要項目。",
"View": "檢視",
"View All": "檢視全部",
"Who to Follow": "可以跟隨誰",
"Your message was sent!": "您的訊息已發送!",
"twister login": "Twister 登入",
"Existing local users": "既有本地使用者",
"Or...": "或…",
"Create a new user": "建立新使用者",
"Login": "登入",
"Check availability": "檢查可用程度",
"Create this nickname": "建立這個暱稱",
"Type nickname here": "在這裡輸入暱稱",
"Import secret key": "匯入密鑰",
"52-characters secret": "52 個字元的密鑰",
"With nickname": "與暱稱",
"Import key": "匯入金鑰",
"Client Version:": "客戶端版本:",
"Mining difficulty:": "挖礦難度:",
"Block generation status": "區塊生成狀態",
"Current hash rate:": "目前雜湊比率:",
"Terminate Daemon:": "終止守護程式:",
"Exit": "退離",
"Save Changes": "儲存變更",
"profile_saved": "側寫資料已被儲存到分散式雜湊表。",
"profile_not_saved": "無法儲存側寫資料。",
"Secret key:": "密鑰:",
"You have to log in to post messages.": "您必須登入才能推送訊息。",
"You have to log in to post replies.": "您必須登入才能回覆訊息。",
"You have to log in to retransmit messages.": "您必須登入才能轉發訊息。",
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "您必須登入才能使用私人訊息。",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "您必須登入才能跟隨使用者。",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "您沒有跟隨任何人因為您還未登入。",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "您沒有任何跟隨者因為您還未登入。",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "沒有人可以提及您因為您還未登入。",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "您沒有任何側寫因為您還未登入。",
"Options": "選項",
"Switch to Promoted posts": "切換至推廣推文",
"Switch to Normal posts": "切換至一般推文",
"Use language": "使用語言",
"Ignore": "忽略",
"Ignore and clear out": "忽略並清空",
"Theme": "布景主題",
"Keys": "金鑰",
"Notifications": "通知",
"Desktop notifications": "桌面通知",
"Sound notifications": "聲音通知",
"Volume": "音量",
"Test": "測試",
"Send key": "發送金鑰",
"Posts display": "推文顯示",
"Post editor": "推文編輯器",
"Post preview": "推文預覽",
"Inline image preview": "內聯影像預覽",
"Display": "顯示",
"Line feeds": "送列符號",
"Markout": "註明標記",
"Supported punctuations:": "支援的標點符號:",
"Supported emotions:": "支援的表情符號:",
"Supported signs:": "支援的符號:",
"Supported fractions:": "支援的分數:",
"Automatic unicode conversion options": "萬國碼自動轉換選項",
"Convert punctuations to unicode": "轉換標點符號為萬國碼",
"Convert emotions codes to unicode symbols": "轉換表情符號編碼為萬國碼符號",
"Convert common signs to unicode": "轉換一般符號為萬國碼",
"Convert fractions to unicode": "轉換分數為萬國碼",
"Convert all": "轉換全部",
"Auto": "自動",
"Original": "原版",
"none": "無",
"Custom": "自訂",
"Mentions": "提及",
"Use proxy for image preview only": "代理伺服器衹用於影像預覽",
"Use external links behind a proxy": "使用代理伺服器後方的外部鏈結",
"There aren't any posts with this hashtag.": "沒有任何推文包含這個雜湊標籤。",
"Split only new post": "衹分割新的推文",
"Split all": "分割全部",
"Don't split": "不要分割",
"Split long posts": "分割長的推文",
"Posts that begin with mention": "以提及做為開頭的推文",
"Show all": "全部顯示",
"Show only if I am in": "衹顯示有我的推文",
"Show if it's between users I follow": "如果是我跟隨的使用者才顯示",
"Postboard displays": "推布欄顯示",
"RTs those are close to original twist": "與原始推文相近的轉推",
"Show if the original is older than": "衹顯示原始推文出現超過",
"hour(s)": "小時",
"second(s)": "秒",
"only positive numbers!": "衹允許正數!",
"Language filtering": "語言篩選",
"By blacklist": "依照黑名單",
"By whitelist": "依照白名單",
"Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes": "逗號分隔的 ISO 639-3 語言編碼",
"Accuracy": "準確度",
"Simulation mode": "模擬模式",
"This post is treated by language filter": "這則推文由語言篩選器所 %{treated}。",
"blocked": "阻斷",
"passed": "傳遞",
"not analyzed": "無法分析",
"Reason: this": "原因:%{this}",
"this doesnt contain that": "%{this} 不包含 %{that}",
"this is undefined": "%{this} 未定義",
"blacklist": "黑名單",
"whitelist": "白名單",
"language of this": "語言所屬",
"its undefined language": "它是種未定義的語言",
"its this, blacklisted": "它是 %{this},已列入黑名單",
"its this, whitelisted": "它是 %{this},已列入白名單",
"Most possible language: this": "最可能的語言:%{this}",
"Scope of usage": "使用的範圍",
"Show with every user name": "每位使用者都要顯示",
"Show at profile modal only": "衹有側寫頁面才要顯示",
"Show if a user follows me": "跟隨我的使用者才顯示",
"follows you": "跟隨您",
"Show conversation": "顯示會話",
"Mark all as read": "標記所有為已讀",
"show_more_count": "%{smart_count} 更多…",
"hide": "隱藏",
"Show more in this conversation...": "顯示更多會話內容…",
"conversation_title": "@%{username} 的會話",
"copy_to_clipboard": "按下 Ctrl/Cmd+C 來拷貝,然後按下 Enter 來關閉",
"Normal posts": "一般推文",
"Promoted posts": "推廣推文",
"Messages": "訊息",
"Edit profile": "編輯側寫",
"Top Trends": "熱門趨勢",
"Twistday Reminder": "開推周年紀念日提醒訊息",
"Show upcoming in near future": "顯示不久即將迎來慶祝的人",
"Who's celebrating Twistday": "誰正在慶祝開推周年紀念日",
"Today's luckies:": "今天的幸運兒:",
"Upcoming ones:": "即將迎來慶祝的人:",
"post_rt_sign_prep": "再次推文自",
"post_rt_time_prep": "於",
"undo": "復原",
"Daemon exited...": "已退離守護程式…",
"Secret Key": "密鑰",
"Copy to clipboard": "拷貝到剪貼簿",
"Full name here": "全名",
"Describe yourself": "描述您自己",
"Location": "位置",
"website": "網站",
"Tox address": "Tox 位址",
"Bitmessage address": "Bitmessage 位址",
"Language": "語言",
"Sound": "聲音",
"Users": "使用者",
"Direct Message's copy to self": "私人訊息拷貝給自己",
"Terminate Daemon": "終止守護程式",
"New post": "新推文",
"Search": "搜尋",
"Direct Msg": "私人訊息",
"Traffic information": "流量資訊",
"DHT Torrents:": "分散式雜湊表訊流:",
"Peers:": "對等點:",
"Peer List Size:": "對等點列表大小:",
"Active Requests:": "活躍請求:",
"Download:": "下載:",
"Upload:": "上傳:",
"DHT Download:": "分散式雜湊表下載:",
"DHT Upload:": "分散式雜湊表上傳:",
"IP Overhead Download:": "網際網路協定耗費下載:",
"IP Overhead Upload:": "網際網路協定耗費上傳:",
"Payload Download:": "酬載下載:",
"Payload Upload:": "酬載上傳:",
"No favs here because you are not logged in.": "因為您還沒登入,這裡不會顯示收藏。",
"users_favs": "@%{username} 的收藏",
"Favorites": "收藏",
"You have to log in to favorite messages.": "您必須登入以收藏訊息。",
"fav_this": "它為您所獨有?",
"Last activity": "最近一次活動",
"New Users": "新近使用者",
"Live tracking" : "即時追蹤"
if(preferredLanguage == "yue"){
wordset = {
"Maximum post size to show": "可顯示其至長推文",
"Maximum post size to send": "可寄個其至長推文",
"characters": "字符",
"WebTorrent": "網頁訊流",
"WebTorrent support to display shortened URL media": "網頁訊流支援顯示短版網址媒體",
"External IP:": "外部網絡位址:",
"External Port 1 (TCP):": "外部通訊接口一(TCP):",
"External Port 2 (TCP+UDP):": "外部通訊接口二(TCP+UDP):",
"Test open port (external site)": "測試開其通訊接口(外部站台)",
"Actions ▼": "動作 ▼",
"Active DHT nodes:": "分散式雜湊表生猛節點:",
"Add DNS": "添加 DNS",
"Add peer": "添加對等點",
"ajax_error": "Ajax 錯誤:%{error}", // JavaScript error
"All users publicly followed by": "所有用家畀公開發摟自",
"Available": "可用", // username is available
"Appearance": "外觀",
"Apply": "改實",
"Block chain information": "區塊捵資訊",
"Block chain is up-to-date, twister is ready to use!": "區塊捵已更加新,Twister 備妥待用!",
"Block generation": "區塊生成:",
"busted_oh": "噢,毋!",
"busted_avowal": "檢測到有人嘗試斟惡意材料",
"btn_ok": "無問題",
"Cancel": "毋做",
'cant_get_requested_resourse': "無法嚮 %{link} 攎資源\n 狀態:%{status}。",
"clear_cache": "清空快取",
"Confirm": "落實",
"сonfirm_group_leaving_header": "落實要行開谷",
"сonfirm_group_leaving_body": "直煞要行開 %{alias} 谷嘛?",
"本地守護程式尚未連綫到網絡,定抑區塊捵經已過期。\n" +
"若果閣下待繫個頁面,閣下其動作似無效用。\n" +
"閣下要檢查 [網絡] 狀態頁面(%{page}) 做為幫代啊?",
"confirm_terminate_daemon": "直煞要退出守護程式嘛?\nTwister 客戶端將閘住作用。",
"confirm_unfollow_@": "直煞要毋做發摟 @%{alias}嘛?",
"confirm_uri_shortener_clear_cache": "直煞要清空瀏覽器其短版網址快取嘛?",
"Change user": "更改用家",
"Checking...": "檢查…", // checking if username is available
"Collapse": "塌縮", // smaller view of a post
"Configure block generation": "組襯區塊生成",
"Connections:": "接通:", // to network
"Connection lost.": "連綫經已掹開。",
"daemon_is_obsolete": "Twister 守護程式過着時,必須用 %{versionReq} 或更加高版本",
"days": "%{smart_count} 天",
"Detailed information": "詳細資訊",
"DHT network down.": "分散式雜湊表 網絡斷綫。",
"Direct Messages": "私人口訊",
"Group Messages": "谷口訊",
"Group Messages — New Group Creation": "谷口訊 — 新谷建立",
"Group Messages — Join Group": "谷口訊 — 埋份谷",
"group_key_cant_import": "無法匯入私人口訊其谷密碼匙",
"group_key_is_invalid_perhaps": "亦許密碼匙無效",
"group_key_was_imported": "已匯入私人口訊谷 %{alias} 其密碼匙。\n"
"direct_messages_with": "同 %{username} 其私人口訊",
"Disable": "停用",
"display_mentions": "顯示提及次數",
"Display retransmissions": "顯示轉推次數",
"DNS to obtain list of peers:": "用來攎對等點列表其 DNS:",
"do_not_show_it_again": "再亦毋好顯示佢",
"downloading_block_chain": "取得緊區塊捵,繼續之前請稍待 (區塊捵仍落後 %{days} 天)。",
"download_posts_status": "已取得 %{portion} 則推文", // Downloaded 10/30 posts
"Enable": "啟用",
"error": "錯誤:%{error}",
"error_connecting_to_daemon": "連綫到本地 Twister 守護程式時發生錯誤。",
"Error in 'createwalletuser' RPC.": "繫 createwalletuser RPC 時發生錯誤。",
"Error in 'importprivkey'": "繫 importprivkey RPC 時發生錯誤:%{rpc}",
"Error in 'sendnewusertransaction' RPC.": "繫 sendnewusertransaction RPC 時發生錯誤。",
"Expand": "展開", // larger view of a post
"Favorite": "收匿",
"File APIs not supported in this browser.": "個瀏覽器毋支援快勞應用程式界面。",
"Follow": "發摟",
"Following config": "發摟組襯",
"select_way_to_follow_@": "閣下諗俾焉種方式發摟 @%{alias}",
"Followed by": "發摟者",
"followed_by": "畀 %{username} 發摟",
"Followers": "發摟者",
"Followers_of": "@%{alias} 其發摟者",
"Following": "發摟中",
"Following users": "發摟其用家",
"Force connection to peer:": "夾硬接通到對等點:",
"General information": "一般資訊",
"Generate blocks (send promoted messages)": "產生區塊 (寄個推廣口訊)",
"Home": "頭版", // homepage
"hours": "%{smart_count} 個鐘",
"Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)": "內部錯誤:lastPostId 未知 (發摟閣下自己亦許就能修正!)",
"Known peers:": "已知對等點:",
"Last block is ahead of your computer time, check your clock.": "最後一橛區塊經已超前着閣下其電腦時間,請檢查閣下其系統時鐘。",
"mentions_at": "提及 @%{user}",
"minutes": "%{smart_count} 分鐘",
"Must be 16 characters or less.": "必須係 16 個字符或更加少。", // username
"Network": "網絡",
"Network config": "網絡組襯",
"Network status": "網絡狀態",
"New direct message...": "新淨私人口訊…",
"New Post...": "新推文…",
"New group": "新谷",
"Group description": "谷斟",
"Peers to invite": "可邀請其對等點",
"Join group": "埋份谷",
"Select group(s)": "繫度揀谷",
"Create": "建立",
"Join": "埋份",
"Invite": "邀請",
"Invite peers": "邀請對等點",
"Leave group": "行開谷",
"You got": "閣下得到",
"in postboard": "嚮推布欄",
"in search result": "嚮揾結果",
"in top trends": "嚮熱門趨勢",
"new_posts": "%{smart_count} 則新推文",
"new_mentions": "%{smart_count} 次新提及",
"new_direct_messages": "%{smart_count} 則新淨私人口訊",
"new_group_messages": "%{smart_count} 則新淨谷口訊",
"nobody": "無人", // used to promote a post without attaching the user
"Not available": "無名可用", // username is not available
"warn_following_not_any": "無發摟任何推友!\n請揾兼發摟某人。",
"warn_followers_not_all": "好吧,而今尚未易其方式,得知所有發摟閣下其人。\n"
"warn_followers_not_all_of": "好吧,而今尚未易其方式,得知某人其所有發摟者。\n"
+"以下列表衹埋幾個,一係係公開發摟 @%{alias} 其人。",
"notify_desktop_error": "Twister 無法去枱面通知:發生未知錯誤。",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied": "Twister 無法去枱面通知:權限畀拒。\n\n若果閣下要攎到通知,請繫閣下其瀏覽器設定值中,允許佢用嚮 %{this_domain}。",
"notify_desktop_test": "冚不論都繫推文。\n歡迎閣下其添加。",
"notify_desktop_title": "留意,呢度係 Twister!",
"post_preview_dummy": '呢度有 *粗字*、~斜字~、-刪清綫- 同埋 _加底綫_ 其文字。\n'
+ '同樣但例外飛起其:`*粗字*、~斜字~、-刪清綫- 同埋 _加底綫_`。\n'
+ '連結到 [一流其圖標](%{logo}) 同埋我地華麗其站台:%{site}。',
"Number of blocks in block chain:": "區塊捵中其區塊數量:",
"Number of CPUs to use": "用其中央處理器數量:",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.": "衹允許文數字同底綫。",
"peer address": "對等點位址",
"Private": "私人其",
"Profile": "個人資料",
"Postboard": "推布欄",
"post": "推文", // verb - button to post a message
"Post to promote:": "用來推廣其推文:",
"Posts": "推文",
"propagating_nickname": "將網名 %{username} 傳播到網絡…",
"Public": "公開",
"Refresh": "整返",
"retransmit_this": "轉發呢則推文畀閣下其發摟者嘛?",
"Reply": "覆返",
"Reply...": "覆返…",
"reply_to": "覆返畀 %{fullname}",
"Retransmit": "轉發",
"Retransmits": "轉發",
"Retransmitted by": "轉發自",
"Switch to Reply": "切換為覆返",
"Switch to Retransmit": "切換為轉發",
"search": "揾耶",
"seconds": "%{smart_count} 秒",
"send": "寄個",
"Send post with username": "寄個推文所用其用家名稱:",
"send_DM": "寄個私人口訊",
"Sent Post to @": "已寄個推文畀 @",
"Setup account": "設定戶口",
"shorten_URI": "短版網址",
"shorten_URI_enter_link": "輸入長版網址連結。\n"
+"則特意推文毋會顯示嚮 Twister 客戶端,但閣下其推文計數會提返。",
"shorten_URI_its_public_is_it_ok": "閣下其連結將係公開可讀其!直煞敢得啩?",
"URI_shortener": "網址縮短器",
"The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.": "個瀏覽器兼毋完全支援快勞應用軟件界面。",
"time_ago": "%{time} 之前", // 5 minutes ago
"Time of the last block:": "最後一橛區塊其時間:",
"Type message here": "繫度輸入口訊",
"Unfollow": "毋做發摟",
"Update": "更加新",
"Auto updating": "自動更加新",
'updates_are_available': '有可用更加新 ',
'updates_not_available': '無可用更加新 ',
'updates_check_client': '檢查有無客戶端軟件更加新 ',
'updates_repo_overview': '而今我地係跟埋 %{repo} 分支 %{branch} 上嚮\n %{date} 其定案 %{commit}\n'
+'但原始碼其至前緣經已位嚮\n 定案 %{commitUpstream} 其 %{dateUpstream}。',
'updates_checkout_diff': '簽走 [GitHub 上其差異](%{link}) 來知更改着麼耶。',
'updates_checkout_diff_nfmt': '簽走 GitHub 上其差異來知更改着麼:\n %{link}',
'updates_upstream_isnt_changed': '相應分支其原始碼保存庫似乎無更改。',
"Updating status...": "更加新狀態…", // status of block chain
'new_account_briefing': '正係將新建立其戶口傳播到網絡中。'
+'若果閣下一旦遺失密碼匙,閣下其戶口將永遠畀鎖住 '
+'(註記:~ 呢係開發中軟件,佢亦許會冧而做成資料漏失 ~)。\n\n'
+'請稍待。當閣下尚未讀煞 ~decentralization~ 之前,就會顯示「直煞」掣。',
"user_not_yet_accepted": "遞滴對等點未接受呢位新用家。\n"+
"用 Twister 之前其最後一次\n"+
"users_mentions": "@%{username} 其提及次數",
"users_profile": "%{username} 其個人資料",
"username_undefined": "未定義其用家名稱,呢係登入要寫項目。",
"View": "查看",
"View All": "查看煞",
"Who to Follow": "得發摟焉位",
"Your message was sent!": "閣下其口訊已寄個!",
"twister login": "Twister 登入",
"Existing local users": "既有本地用家",
"Or...": "或…",
"Create a new user": "建立新用家",
"Login": "登入",
"Check availability": "檢查可用程度",
"Create this nickname": "建立個網名",
"Type nickname here": "繫度輸入網名",
"Import secret key": "匯入密碼匙",
"52-characters secret": "52 個字符其密碼匙",
"With nickname": "同網名",
"Import key": "匯入密碼匙",
"Client Version:": "客戶端版本:",
"Mining difficulty:": "掘礦難度:",
"Block generation status": "區塊生成狀態",
"Current hash rate:": "而今雜湊比率:",
"Terminate Daemon:": "終止守護程式:",
"Exit": "退出",
"Save Changes": "保存更改",
"profile_saved": "個人資料資料已畀保存到分散式雜湊表。",
"profile_not_saved": "無法保存個人資料資料。",
"Secret key:": "密碼匙:",
"You have to log in to post messages.": "閣下必須登入先能推送口訊。",
"You have to log in to post replies.": "閣下必須登入先能覆返口訊。",
"You have to log in to retransmit messages.": "閣下必須登入先能轉發口訊。",
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "閣下必須登入先能用私人口訊。",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "閣下必須登入先能發摟用家。",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "閣下無發摟任何人因為閣下尚未登入。",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "閣下無發摟者因為閣下尚未登入。",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "無人得提及閣下因為閣下尚未登入。",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "閣下無個人資料因為閣下尚未登入。",
"Options": "隨寫",
"Switch to Promoted posts": "切換至推廣推文",
"Switch to Normal posts": "切換至一般推文",
"Use language": "用語言",
"Ignore": "毋理",
"Ignore and clear out": "毋理兼清空",
"Theme": "布景主題",
"Keys": "密碼匙",
"Notifications": "通知",
"Desktop notifications": "枱面通知",
"Sound notifications": "聲音通知",
"Volume": "音量",
"Test": "測試",
"Send key": "寄個密碼匙",
"Posts display": "推文顯示",
"Post editor": "推文編輯器",
"Post preview": "推文預覽",
"Inline image preview": "內聯錄像預覽",
"Display": "顯示",
"Line feeds": "送列符號",
"Markout": "註明嘜頭",
"Supported punctuations:": "支援其標點符號:",
"Supported emotions:": "支援其表情符號:",
"Supported signs:": "支援其符號:",
"Supported fractions:": "支援其分數:",
"Automatic unicode conversion options": "萬國碼自動轉換隨寫",
"Convert punctuations to unicode": "轉換標點符號為萬國碼",
"Convert emotions codes to unicode symbols": "轉換表情符號編碼為萬國碼符號",
"Convert common signs to unicode": "轉換一般符號為萬國碼",
"Convert fractions to unicode": "轉換分數為萬國碼",
"Convert all": "轉換煞",
"Auto": "自動",
"Original": "原版",
"none": "無",
"Custom": "自訂",
"Mentions": "提及",
"Use proxy for image preview only": "代理伺服器衹用嚮錄像預覽",
"Use external links behind a proxy": "用代理伺服器後方其外部連結",
"There aren't any posts with this hashtag.": "無推文埋個雜湊標籤。",
"Split only new post": "衹斬開新淨推文",
"Split all": "斬開煞",
"Don't split": "毋好斬開",
"Split long posts": "斬開長其推文",
"Posts that begin with mention": "俾提及做為開頭其推文",
"Show all": "冚顯示",
"Show only if I am in": "衹顯示有我其推文",
"Show if it's between users I follow": "若果係我發摟其用家先顯示",
"Postboard displays": "推布欄顯示",
"RTs those are close to original twist": "同原始推文相近其轉推",
"Show if the original is older than": "衹顯示原始推文浮頭超過",
"hour(s)": "個鐘",
"second(s)": "秒",
"only positive numbers!": "衹允許正數!",
"Language filtering": "語言篩揀",
"By blacklist": "依照黑名單",
"By whitelist": "依照白名單",
"Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes": "撩下號分隔其 ISO 639-3 語言編碼",
"Accuracy": "準確度",
"Simulation mode": "模擬模式",
"This post is treated by language filter": "呢則推文由語言篩揀器所 %{treated}。",
"blocked": "杯葛",
"passed": "傳遞",
"not analyzed": "無法分析",
"Reason: this": "因由:%{this}",
"this doesnt contain that": "%{this} 毋埋 %{that}",
"this is undefined": "%{this} 未定義",
"blacklist": "黑名單",
"whitelist": "白名單",
"language of this": "語言所屬",
"its undefined language": "佢係種未定義其語言",
"its this, blacklisted": "佢係 %{this},已列入黑名單",
"its this, whitelisted": "佢係 %{this},已列入白名單",
"Most possible language: this": "至似其語言:%{this}",
"Scope of usage": "用其範圍",
"Show with every user name": "每位用家都要顯示",
"Show at profile modal only": "惟有個人資料頁面先要顯示",
"Show if a user follows me": "發摟我其用家先顯示",
"follows you": "發摟閣下",
"Show conversation": "顯示會話",
"Mark all as read": "嘜頭所有為已讀",
"show_more_count": "%{smart_count} 更加多…",
"hide": "匿埋",
"Show more in this conversation...": "顯示更加多會話內容…",
"conversation_title": "@%{username} 其會話",
"copy_to_clipboard": "撳 Ctrl/Cmd+C 來複製,跟住撳 Enter 來閂埋",
"Normal posts": "一般推文",
"Promoted posts": "推廣推文",
"Messages": "口訊",
"Edit profile": "編輯個人資料",
"Top Trends": "熱門趨勢",
"Twistday Reminder": "開推周年紀念日提醒口訊",
"Show upcoming in near future": "顯示毋耐來緊迎來慶祝其人",
"Who's celebrating Twistday": "焉位正係慶祝開推周年紀念日",
"Today's luckies:": "今天其幸逳兒:",
"Upcoming ones:": "來緊迎來慶祝其人:",
"post_rt_sign_prep": "再次推文自",
"post_rt_time_prep": "嚮",
"undo": "揾返",
"Daemon exited...": "已退出守護程式…",
"Secret Key": "密碼匙",
"Copy to clipboard": "複製到剪貼簿",
"Full name here": "冚名",
"Describe yourself": "斟閣下自己",
"Location": "地步",
"website": "網站",
"Tox address": "Tox 位址",
"Bitmessage address": "Bitmessage 位址",
"Language": "語言",
"Sound": "聲音",
"Users": "用家",
"Direct Message's copy to self": "私人口訊複製畀自己",
"Terminate Daemon": "終止守護程式",
"New post": "新推文",
"Search": "揾耶",
"Direct Msg": "私人口訊",
"Traffic information": "流量資訊",
"DHT Torrents:": "分散式雜湊表訊流:",
"Peers:": "對等點:",
"Peer List Size:": "對等點列表大細:",
"Active Requests:": "生猛請求:",
"Download:": "取得:",
"Upload:": "上傳:",
"DHT Download:": "分散式雜湊表取得:",
"DHT Upload:": "分散式雜湊表上傳:",
"IP Overhead Download:": "互聯網協定耗費取得:",
"IP Overhead Upload:": "互聯網協定耗費上傳:",
"Payload Download:": "酬載取得:",
"Payload Upload:": "酬載上傳:",
"No favs here because you are not logged in.": "因為閣下尚未登入,呢度毋會顯示收匿。",
"users_favs": "@%{username} 其收匿",
"Favorites": "收匿",
"You have to log in to favorite messages.": "閣下必須登入俾收匿口訊。",
"fav_this": "佢為閣下所獨有嘛?",
"Last activity": "最近一次活動",
"New Users": "新近用家",
"Live tracking" : "即時追蹤"
// uncomment to see all translated words replaced with filler
//for(var word in wordset){
// wordset[word] = "AAAA";
@ -81,10 +81,12 @@
<option value="de">German</option>
<option value="it">Italian</option>
<option value="ja">Japanese</option>
<option value="cmn">Mandarin Chinese</option>
<option value="ru">Russian</option>
<option value="es">Spanish</option>
<option value="tr">Turkish</option>
<option value="uk">Ukrainian</option>
<option value="yue">Yue Chinese</option>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user