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synced 2025-03-12 13:31:14 +00:00
Merge branch 'i18n'
Conflicts: interface_localization.js
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// uses Polyglot.js ( https://github.com/airbnb/polyglot.js ) to translate interface
// uses Polyglot.js ( https://github.com/airbnb/polyglot.js ) to translate interface
// translators: add your language code here such as "es" for Spanish, "ru" for Russian
// translators: add your language code here such as "es" for Spanish, "ru" for Russian
var knownLanguages = ["en","es","nl","it","fr","ru","de","zh"];
var knownLanguages = ["en","es","nl","it","fr","ru","de","zh","ja"];
// detect language with JavaScript
// detect language with JavaScript
var preferredLanguage = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language || "en";
var preferredLanguage = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language || "en";
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "es"){
"Followers": "Seguidores",
"Followers": "Seguidores",
"Following": "Siguiendo",
"Following": "Siguiendo",
"Following users": "Siguiendo los usuarios",
"Following users": "Siguiendo los usuarios",
"Force connection to peer:": "Forzar la conexión a los pares:",
"Force connection to peer:": "Forzar la conexión a los pares:",
"General information": "Información general",
"General information": "Información general",
"Generate blocks (send promoted messages)": "Generar bloques (enviar mensajes promovidos)",
"Generate blocks (send promoted messages)": "Generar bloques (enviar mensajes promovidos)",
"Home": "Inicio", // homepage
"Home": "Inicio", // homepage
@ -1164,6 +1164,147 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "de"){
if(preferredLanguage == "ja"){
wordset = {
"Actions ▼": "アクション ▼",
"Active DHT nodes:": "アクティブなDHTノード: ",
"Add DNS": "DNSを追加",
"Add peer": "ピアを追加",
"ajax_error": "Ajax error: %{error}", // JavaScript error
"All users publicly followed by": "All users publicly followed by",
"Available": "Available", // username is available
"Block chain information": "ブロックチェイン",
"Block chain is up-to-date, twister is ready to use!": "ブロックチェインは最新の状態です。",
"Block generation": "ブロック生成",
"Cancel": "キャンセル",
"Change user": "ユーザーを変更",
"Checking...": "チェック...", // checking if username is available
"Collapse": "閉じる", // smaller view of a post
"Configure block generation": "ブロック生成の設定",
"Connections:": "接続数: ", // to network
"Connection lost.": "Connection lost.",
"days": "%{smart_count} day |||| %{smart_count} days",
"Detailed information": "詳細",
"DHT network down.": "DHTネットワークがダウンしています",
"Direct Messages": "ダイレクトメッセージ",
"Disable": "停止",
"Display mentions to @": "メンションを表示する",
"Display retransmissions": "リトランスミットを表示する",
"DNS to obtain list of peers:": "ピア取得のためのDNS:",
"downloading_block_chain": "ブロックチェインをダウンロードしています。しばらくお待ちください。(block chain is %{days} days old).",
"download_posts_status": "ダウンロード済みの投稿 %{portion}", // Downloaded 10/30 posts
"Enable": "有効",
"error": "Error: %{error}",
"error_connecting_to_daemon": "Error connecting to local twister daemon.",
"Error in 'createwalletuser' RPC.": "Error in 'createwalletuser' RPC.",
"Error in 'importprivkey'": "Error in 'importprivkey' RPC: %{rpc}",
"Error in 'sendnewusertransaction' RPC.": "Error in 'sendnewusertransaction' RPC.",
"Expand": "開く", // larger view of a post
"Favorite": "お気に入り",
"File APIs not supported in this browser.": "利用しているブラウザはファイルAPIをサポートしていません。",
"Follow": "フォロー",
"Followed by": "Followed by",
"followed_by": "Followed by %{username}",
"Followers": "フォロワー",
"Following": "フォロー",
"Following users": "フォローしているユーザー",
"Force connection to peer:": "強制的に経由するピア:",
"General information": "概略",
"Generate blocks (send promoted messages)": "ブロックチェインを生成する (プロモートメッセージを送信する)",
"Home": "ホーム", // homepage
"hours": "%{smart_count} hour |||| %{smart_count} hours",
"Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)": "Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)",
"Known peers:": "ネットワーク全体のピア: ",
"Last block is ahead of your computer time, check your clock.": "Last block is ahead of your computer time, check your clock.",
"mentions_at": "@%{user}へのメンション",
"minutes": "%{smart_count} minute |||| %{smart_count} minutes",
"Must be 16 characters or less.": "Must be 16 characters or less.", // username
"Network": "ネットワーク",
"Network config": "ネットワーク設定",
"Network status": "ネットワークステータス",
"New direct message...": "ダイレクトメッセージ...",
"New Post...": "投稿する",
"new_posts": "%{smart_count} new post |||| %{smart_count} new posts",
"nobody": "nobody", // used to promote a post without attaching the user
"Not available": "Not available", // username is not available
"Number of blocks in block chain:": "全ブロック数: ",
"Number of CPUs to use": "利用するCPUの数",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.": "アルファベットとアンダースコア(_)が利用可能です",
"peer address": "ピア・アドレス",
"Private": "プライベート",
"Profile": "プロフィール",
"Postboard": "Postboard",
"post": "投稿する", // verb - button to post a message
"Post to promote:": "プロモートメッセージ: ",
"Posts": "投稿",
"propagating_nickname": "Propagating nickname %{username} to the network...",
"Public": "公開",
"Refresh": "リフレッシュ",
"retransmit_this": "この投稿をリトランスミットしますか?",
"Reply": "返信",
"Reply...": "返信...",
"reply_to": "%{fullname}への返信",
"Retransmit": "リトランスミット",
"Retransmits": "リトランスミット",
"Retransmitted by": "Retransmitted by",
"search": "検索",
"seconds": "%{smart_count} second |||| %{smart_count} seconds",
"send": "送信",
"Send post with username": "プロモートメッセージの送信元",
"Sent Direct Message": "ダイレクトメッセージを送る",
"Sent Post to @": "メンションを投稿する",
"Setup account": "アカウント設定",
"switch_to_network": "Local daemon is not connected to the network or\n" +
"block chain is outdated. If you stay in this page\n" +
"your actions may not work.\n" +
"Do you want to check Network Status page instead?",
"The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.": "The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.",
"time_ago": "%{time} ago", // 5 minutes ago
"Time of the last block:": "最新ブロックの生成日時: ",
"Type message here": "ここにメッセージを書いてね",
"Unfollow": "解除",
"Update": "アップデート",
"Updating status...": "Updating status...", // status of block chain
"user_not_yet_accepted": "Other peers have not yet accepted this new user.\n" +
"Unfortunately it is not possible to save profile\n" +
"or send any posts in this state.\n\n" +
"Please wait a few minutes to continue.\n\n" +
"The 'Save Changes' will be automatically enabled\n" +
"when the process completes. (I promise this is\n"+
"the last time you will have to wait before using\n" +
"twister).\n\n" +
"Tip: choose your avatar in the meantime!",
"users_mentions": "@%{username}へのメンション",
"users_profile": "%{username}のプロフィール",
"username_undefined": "ログインしてください。",
"View": "見る",
"View All": "すべて見る",
"Who to Follow": "おすすめユーザー",
"Your message was sent!": "投稿が送信されました!",
"twister login": "Twisterログイン",
"Existing local users": "既存のローカルユーザー",
"Or...": "もしくは...",
"Create a new user": "新規ユーザーを作成",
"Login": "ログイン",
"Check availability": "取得可能かチェック",
"Create this nickname": "作成",
"Type nickname here": "ニックネーム",
"Import secret key": "シークレットキーをインポートする",
"52-characters secret": "52文字からなるシークレット",
"With nickname": "このニックネームで",
"Import key": "キーをインポートする",
"Client Version:": "クライアントのヴァージョン:",
"Mining difficulty:": "採掘の難しさ:",
"Block generation status": "ブロック生成の状態",
"Current hash rate:": "現在のハッシュレート:",
"Terminate Daemon:": "デーモンを終了する:",
"Exit": "終了",
"Save Changes": "変更を保存",
"Secret key:": "シークレットキー:"
// uncomment to see all translated words replaced with filler
// uncomment to see all translated words replaced with filler
//for(var word in wordset){
//for(var word in wordset){
// wordset[word] = "AAAA";
// wordset[word] = "AAAA";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user