Jeff Garzik
13 years ago
7 changed files with 395 additions and 356 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "main.h" |
#include "db.h" |
#include "init.h" |
#include "bitcoinrpc.h" |
using namespace json_spirit; |
using namespace std; |
extern double GetDifficulty(const CBlockIndex* blockindex = NULL); |
extern std::string HexBits(unsigned int nBits); |
Value getgenerate(const Array& params, bool fHelp) |
{ |
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0) |
throw runtime_error( |
"getgenerate\n" |
"Returns true or false."); |
return GetBoolArg("-gen"); |
} |
Value setgenerate(const Array& params, bool fHelp) |
{ |
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2) |
throw runtime_error( |
"setgenerate <generate> [genproclimit]\n" |
"<generate> is true or false to turn generation on or off.\n" |
"Generation is limited to [genproclimit] processors, -1 is unlimited."); |
bool fGenerate = true; |
if (params.size() > 0) |
fGenerate = params[0].get_bool(); |
if (params.size() > 1) |
{ |
int nGenProcLimit = params[1].get_int(); |
mapArgs["-genproclimit"] = itostr(nGenProcLimit); |
if (nGenProcLimit == 0) |
fGenerate = false; |
} |
mapArgs["-gen"] = (fGenerate ? "1" : "0"); |
GenerateBitcoins(fGenerate, pwalletMain); |
return Value::null; |
} |
Value gethashespersec(const Array& params, bool fHelp) |
{ |
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0) |
throw runtime_error( |
"gethashespersec\n" |
"Returns a recent hashes per second performance measurement while generating."); |
if (GetTimeMillis() - nHPSTimerStart > 8000) |
return (boost::int64_t)0; |
return (boost::int64_t)dHashesPerSec; |
} |
Value getmininginfo(const Array& params, bool fHelp) |
{ |
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0) |
throw runtime_error( |
"getmininginfo\n" |
"Returns an object containing mining-related information."); |
Object obj; |
obj.push_back(Pair("blocks", (int)nBestHeight)); |
obj.push_back(Pair("currentblocksize",(uint64_t)nLastBlockSize)); |
obj.push_back(Pair("currentblocktx",(uint64_t)nLastBlockTx)); |
obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty", (double)GetDifficulty())); |
obj.push_back(Pair("errors", GetWarnings("statusbar"))); |
obj.push_back(Pair("generate", GetBoolArg("-gen"))); |
obj.push_back(Pair("genproclimit", (int)GetArg("-genproclimit", -1))); |
obj.push_back(Pair("hashespersec", gethashespersec(params, false))); |
obj.push_back(Pair("pooledtx", (uint64_t)mempool.size())); |
obj.push_back(Pair("testnet", fTestNet)); |
return obj; |
} |
Value getwork(const Array& params, bool fHelp) |
{ |
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) |
throw runtime_error( |
"getwork [data]\n" |
"If [data] is not specified, returns formatted hash data to work on:\n" |
" \"midstate\" : precomputed hash state after hashing the first half of the data (DEPRECATED)\n" // deprecated
" \"data\" : block data\n" |
" \"hash1\" : formatted hash buffer for second hash (DEPRECATED)\n" // deprecated
" \"target\" : little endian hash target\n" |
"If [data] is specified, tries to solve the block and returns true if it was successful."); |
if (vNodes.empty()) |
throw JSONRPCError(-9, "Bitcoin is not connected!"); |
if (IsInitialBlockDownload()) |
throw JSONRPCError(-10, "Bitcoin is downloading blocks..."); |
typedef map<uint256, pair<CBlock*, CScript> > mapNewBlock_t; |
static mapNewBlock_t mapNewBlock; // FIXME: thread safety
static vector<CBlock*> vNewBlock; |
static CReserveKey reservekey(pwalletMain); |
if (params.size() == 0) |
{ |
// Update block
static unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLast; |
static CBlockIndex* pindexPrev; |
static int64 nStart; |
static CBlock* pblock; |
if (pindexPrev != pindexBest || |
(nTransactionsUpdated != nTransactionsUpdatedLast && GetTime() - nStart > 60)) |
{ |
if (pindexPrev != pindexBest) |
{ |
// Deallocate old blocks since they're obsolete now
mapNewBlock.clear(); |
BOOST_FOREACH(CBlock* pblock, vNewBlock) |
delete pblock; |
vNewBlock.clear(); |
} |
// Clear pindexPrev so future getworks make a new block, despite any failures from here on
pindexPrev = NULL; |
// Store the pindexBest used before CreateNewBlock, to avoid races
nTransactionsUpdatedLast = nTransactionsUpdated; |
CBlockIndex* pindexPrevNew = pindexBest; |
nStart = GetTime(); |
// Create new block
pblock = CreateNewBlock(reservekey); |
if (!pblock) |
throw JSONRPCError(-7, "Out of memory"); |
vNewBlock.push_back(pblock); |
// Need to update only after we know CreateNewBlock succeeded
pindexPrev = pindexPrevNew; |
} |
// Update nTime
pblock->UpdateTime(pindexPrev); |
pblock->nNonce = 0; |
// Update nExtraNonce
static unsigned int nExtraNonce = 0; |
IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, pindexPrev, nExtraNonce); |
// Save
mapNewBlock[pblock->hashMerkleRoot] = make_pair(pblock, pblock->vtx[0].vin[0].scriptSig); |
// Pre-build hash buffers
char pmidstate[32]; |
char pdata[128]; |
char phash1[64]; |
FormatHashBuffers(pblock, pmidstate, pdata, phash1); |
uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(pblock->nBits).getuint256(); |
Object result; |
result.push_back(Pair("midstate", HexStr(BEGIN(pmidstate), END(pmidstate)))); // deprecated
result.push_back(Pair("data", HexStr(BEGIN(pdata), END(pdata)))); |
result.push_back(Pair("hash1", HexStr(BEGIN(phash1), END(phash1)))); // deprecated
result.push_back(Pair("target", HexStr(BEGIN(hashTarget), END(hashTarget)))); |
return result; |
} |
else |
{ |
// Parse parameters
vector<unsigned char> vchData = ParseHex(params[0].get_str()); |
if (vchData.size() != 128) |
throw JSONRPCError(-8, "Invalid parameter"); |
CBlock* pdata = (CBlock*)&vchData[0]; |
// Byte reverse
for (int i = 0; i < 128/4; i++) |
((unsigned int*)pdata)[i] = ByteReverse(((unsigned int*)pdata)[i]); |
// Get saved block
if (!mapNewBlock.count(pdata->hashMerkleRoot)) |
return false; |
CBlock* pblock = mapNewBlock[pdata->hashMerkleRoot].first; |
pblock->nTime = pdata->nTime; |
pblock->nNonce = pdata->nNonce; |
pblock->vtx[0].vin[0].scriptSig = mapNewBlock[pdata->hashMerkleRoot].second; |
pblock->hashMerkleRoot = pblock->BuildMerkleTree(); |
return CheckWork(pblock, *pwalletMain, reservekey); |
} |
} |
Value getblocktemplate(const Array& params, bool fHelp) |
{ |
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) |
throw runtime_error( |
"getblocktemplate [params]\n" |
"Returns data needed to construct a block to work on:\n" |
" \"version\" : block version\n" |
" \"previousblockhash\" : hash of current highest block\n" |
" \"transactions\" : contents of non-coinbase transactions that should be included in the next block\n" |
" \"coinbaseaux\" : data that should be included in coinbase\n" |
" \"coinbasevalue\" : maximum allowable input to coinbase transaction, including the generation award and transaction fees\n" |
" \"target\" : hash target\n" |
" \"mintime\" : minimum timestamp appropriate for next block\n" |
" \"curtime\" : current timestamp\n" |
" \"mutable\" : list of ways the block template may be changed\n" |
" \"noncerange\" : range of valid nonces\n" |
" \"sigoplimit\" : limit of sigops in blocks\n" |
" \"sizelimit\" : limit of block size\n" |
" \"bits\" : compressed target of next block\n" |
" \"height\" : height of the next block\n" |
"See for full specification."); |
std::string strMode = "template"; |
if (params.size() > 0) |
{ |
const Object& oparam = params[0].get_obj(); |
const Value& modeval = find_value(oparam, "mode"); |
if (modeval.type() == str_type) |
strMode = modeval.get_str(); |
else |
throw JSONRPCError(-8, "Invalid mode"); |
} |
if (strMode != "template") |
throw JSONRPCError(-8, "Invalid mode"); |
if (vNodes.empty()) |
throw JSONRPCError(-9, "Bitcoin is not connected!"); |
if (IsInitialBlockDownload()) |
throw JSONRPCError(-10, "Bitcoin is downloading blocks..."); |
static CReserveKey reservekey(pwalletMain); |
// Update block
static unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLast; |
static CBlockIndex* pindexPrev; |
static int64 nStart; |
static CBlock* pblock; |
if (pindexPrev != pindexBest || |
(nTransactionsUpdated != nTransactionsUpdatedLast && GetTime() - nStart > 5)) |
{ |
// Clear pindexPrev so future calls make a new block, despite any failures from here on
pindexPrev = NULL; |
// Store the pindexBest used before CreateNewBlock, to avoid races
nTransactionsUpdatedLast = nTransactionsUpdated; |
CBlockIndex* pindexPrevNew = pindexBest; |
nStart = GetTime(); |
// Create new block
if(pblock) |
{ |
delete pblock; |
pblock = NULL; |
} |
pblock = CreateNewBlock(reservekey); |
if (!pblock) |
throw JSONRPCError(-7, "Out of memory"); |
// Need to update only after we know CreateNewBlock succeeded
pindexPrev = pindexPrevNew; |
} |
// Update nTime
pblock->UpdateTime(pindexPrev); |
pblock->nNonce = 0; |
Array transactions; |
map<uint256, int64_t> setTxIndex; |
int i = 0; |
CTxDB txdb("r"); |
BOOST_FOREACH (CTransaction& tx, pblock->vtx) |
{ |
uint256 txHash = tx.GetHash(); |
setTxIndex[txHash] = i++; |
if (tx.IsCoinBase()) |
continue; |
Object entry; |
ssTx << tx; |
entry.push_back(Pair("data", HexStr(ssTx.begin(), ssTx.end()))); |
entry.push_back(Pair("hash", txHash.GetHex())); |
MapPrevTx mapInputs; |
map<uint256, CTxIndex> mapUnused; |
bool fInvalid = false; |
if (tx.FetchInputs(txdb, mapUnused, false, false, mapInputs, fInvalid)) |
{ |
entry.push_back(Pair("fee", (int64_t)(tx.GetValueIn(mapInputs) - tx.GetValueOut()))); |
Array deps; |
BOOST_FOREACH (MapPrevTx::value_type& inp, mapInputs) |
{ |
if (setTxIndex.count(inp.first)) |
deps.push_back(setTxIndex[inp.first]); |
} |
entry.push_back(Pair("depends", deps)); |
int64_t nSigOps = tx.GetLegacySigOpCount(); |
nSigOps += tx.GetP2SHSigOpCount(mapInputs); |
entry.push_back(Pair("sigops", nSigOps)); |
} |
transactions.push_back(entry); |
} |
Object aux; |
aux.push_back(Pair("flags", HexStr(COINBASE_FLAGS.begin(), COINBASE_FLAGS.end()))); |
uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(pblock->nBits).getuint256(); |
static Array aMutable; |
if (aMutable.empty()) |
{ |
aMutable.push_back("time"); |
aMutable.push_back("transactions"); |
aMutable.push_back("prevblock"); |
} |
Object result; |
result.push_back(Pair("version", pblock->nVersion)); |
result.push_back(Pair("previousblockhash", pblock->hashPrevBlock.GetHex())); |
result.push_back(Pair("transactions", transactions)); |
result.push_back(Pair("coinbaseaux", aux)); |
result.push_back(Pair("coinbasevalue", (int64_t)pblock->vtx[0].vout[0].nValue)); |
result.push_back(Pair("target", hashTarget.GetHex())); |
result.push_back(Pair("mintime", (int64_t)pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()+1)); |
result.push_back(Pair("mutable", aMutable)); |
result.push_back(Pair("noncerange", "00000000ffffffff")); |
result.push_back(Pair("sigoplimit", (int64_t)MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS)); |
result.push_back(Pair("sizelimit", (int64_t)MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)); |
result.push_back(Pair("curtime", (int64_t)pblock->nTime)); |
result.push_back(Pair("bits", HexBits(pblock->nBits))); |
result.push_back(Pair("height", (int64_t)(pindexPrev->nHeight+1))); |
return result; |
} |
Value submitblock(const Array& params, bool fHelp) |
{ |
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2) |
throw runtime_error( |
"submitblock <hex data> [optional-params-obj]\n" |
"[optional-params-obj] parameter is currently ignored.\n" |
"Attempts to submit new block to network.\n" |
"See for full specification."); |
vector<unsigned char> blockData(ParseHex(params[0].get_str())); |
CDataStream ssBlock(blockData, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
CBlock block; |
try { |
ssBlock >> block; |
} |
catch (std::exception &e) { |
throw JSONRPCError(-22, "Block decode failed"); |
} |
bool fAccepted = ProcessBlock(NULL, &block); |
if (!fAccepted) |
return "rejected"; |
return Value::null; |
} |
Reference in new issue