Also: support for mounting at non-root level (e.g. /swizzler)
via nginx etc. [might come in handy for public instances]
User search only returns @usernames, because it took too long to
get full name and avatar for all users (ah, the joys of NoJS).
Working on an iframe-based solution.
Don't get your hopes too high. It's not like swizzler now showing
unicode tags [yet]. It's just that it doesn't crash if there are
unicode errors (i.e. some weird pre-unicode codepage).
How does such a thing become a trending hashtag? I wonder :)
Now that we no longer have "??? users" (i.e. in no case can a
twist "look bad"), caching forever can boost things up seriously
*and* it's cool to see how someone's avatar changes over time :)
First, chill:
After you pull this, your current installation is supposed to
work fine *as is* (please let me know if it doesn't).
Nevertheless, it is recommended to enable basic auth by adding
these 2 lines to the `[swizzler]` section of `cherrypy.config`
(also documented at `cherrypy.config.example`)
browser_user: 'someuser'
browser_password: 'somepassword'
User and password don't need to be too long and funky
(or have anything to do with the user:pasword at rpc_url).
It's just a line of defense against [for example] trojans
who may not have significant file system rights,
but can still TCP-connect to localhost ;)
Existng apps should also `chmod 600 cherrypy.config`
(running `/` again will do this as well),
because it would now contain a plaintext password
(and we don't want trojans yada yada).
Swizzle safely.