2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"modal_search" : "Suchen" ,
"modal_cancel" : "Abbrechen" ,
"modal_next" : "Weiter" ,
"modal_ok" : "OK" ,
"modal_done" : "Fertig" ,
"group_modal_info" : "Gruppeninfo" ,
"group_modal_pluralize_participants" : "{'0': 'Keine Mitglieder', 'one': '1 Mitglied', 'other': '{} Mitglieder'}" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"group_modal_add_member" : "Person hinzufügen" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"group_modal_return" : "Zurück zur Gruppe" ,
2014-10-03 10:34:13 +04:00
"group_modal_update_photo" : "Neues Bild" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"group_modal_update_active" : "Aktualisiere" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"group_modal_menu_more" : "Weiteres" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"group_modal_menu_delete_photo" : "Bild löschen" ,
"group_modal_menu_edit_group" : "Gruppe bearbeiten" ,
"group_modal_menu_leave_group" : "Gruppe verlassen" ,
"group_modal_menu_delete_chat" : "Chat löschen" ,
"group_modal_settings" : "Einstellungen" ,
"group_modal_notifications" : "Benachrichtigungen" ,
"group_modal_members" : "Mitglieder" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"group_modal_members_kick" : "Entfernen" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"group_modal_members_unavailable" : "Liste der Gruppenmitglieder ist nicht verfügbar." ,
"country_select_modal_title" : "Land" ,
"settings_modal_title" : "Einstellungen" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"settings_modal_menu_more" : "Weiteres" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"settings_modal_delete_photo" : "Profilbild löschen" ,
"settings_modal_set_photo" : "Profilbild setzen" ,
"settings_modal_photo_updating" : "Aktualisiere" ,
"settings_modal_edit_profile" : "Profil bearbeiten" ,
2014-10-15 16:00:12 +04:00
"settings_modal_edit_username" : "Change username" ,
"settings_modal_empty_username_set" : "Set username" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"settings_modal_terminate_sessions" : "Alle Sitzungen beenden" ,
"settings_modal_settings" : "Einstellungen" ,
"settings_modal_notification_alert" : "Benachrichtigungen" ,
"settings_modal_vibrate" : "Vibrieren" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"settings_modal_sounds" : "Töne" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"settings_modal_language" : "Spache" ,
"settings_modal_notifications" : "Desktopbenachrichtigungen" ,
"settings_modal_sound" : "Ton" ,
"settings_modal_enter_send_description_md" : "**Enter** - Nachricht senden, **Shift + Enter** - Zeilenumbruch" ,
"settings_modal_ctrl_enter_send_description_md" : "**Strg + Enter** - Nachricht senden, **Enter** - Zeilenumbruch" ,
"settings_modal_send_on_enter" : "Senden mit Enter" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"settings_modal_about" : "Info" ,
"settings_modal_source_code_github" : "Quelltext bei GitHub" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"settings_modal_follow_us_twitter" : "Folge uns auf Twitter!" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"settings_modal_recent_updates" : "Aktuelle Version: {version}" ,
2014-10-15 16:00:12 +04:00
"page_title_pluralize_notifications" : "{'0': 'No notifications', 'one': '1 notification', 'other': '{} notifications'}" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"profile_edit_modal_title" : "Profil bearbeiten" ,
"profile_edit_first_name" : "Vorname" ,
"profile_edit_last_name" : "Nachname" ,
"profile_edit_submit" : "Speichern" ,
"profile_edit_submit_active" : "Speichere..." ,
2014-10-15 16:00:12 +04:00
"username_edit_modal_title" : "Change username" ,
"username_edit_placeholder" : "Username" ,
"username_edit_description_md" : "Choose a username so that other people can find you on **Telegram** and message you without knowing your phone number.\n\nYou can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores." ,
"username_edit_submit" : "Save" ,
"username_edit_submit_active" : "Saving..." ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"user_modal_menu_more" : "Weiteres" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"user_modal_send_message" : "Nachricht senden" ,
"user_modal_edit_contact" : "Kontakt bearbeiten" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"user_modal_delete_contact" : "Kontakt entfernen" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"user_modal_add_contact" : "Zu Kontakten hinzufügen" ,
"user_modal_share_contact" : "Kontakt teilen" ,
"user_modal_delete_chat" : "Chat löschen" ,
2014-10-15 16:00:12 +04:00
"user_modal_info" : "Info" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"user_modal_phone" : "Telefon" ,
2014-10-15 16:00:12 +04:00
"user_modal_username" : "Username" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"user_modal_settings" : "Einstellungen" ,
"user_modal_notifications" : "Benachrichtigungen" ,
"user_modal_contact_info" : "Kontaktdetails" ,
"media_modal_forward" : "Weiterleiten" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"media_modal_download" : "Download" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"media_modal_delete" : "Löschen" ,
"error_browser_no_local_file_system_image_md" : "Dein Browser unterstützt nicht die {moz-link: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/LocalFileSystem | LocalFileSystem}-Funktion, welche zum Darstellen dieses Bildes benötigt wird.\nBitte installiere {chrome-link: http://google.com/chrome | Google Chrome} oder benutze stattdessen die {telegram-link: https://telegram.org/ | mobile App}." ,
"error_image_download_failed" : "Download fehlgeschlagen" ,
"error_browser_no_local_file_system_video_md" : "Dein Browser unterstützt nicht die {moz-link: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/LocalFileSystem | LocalFileSystem}-Funktion, welche zum Abspielen dieses Videos benötigt wird.\nBitte installiere {chrome-link: http://google.com/chrome | Google Chrome} oder benutze stattdessen die {telegram-link: https://telegram.org/ | mobile App}." ,
"error_video_download_failed" : "Videodownload fehlgeschlagen" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"unread_messages_split" : "Ungelesene Nachrichten" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"user_name_deleted" : "GELÖSCHT" ,
"user_first_name_deleted" : "GELÖSCHT" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"user_status_offline" : "offline" ,
"user_status_online" : "online" ,
"user_status_last_seen" : "zuletzt gesehen: {0}" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"chat_title_deleted" : "GELÖSCHT" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"format_size_progress_mulitple" : "{done} von {total} {parts}" ,
"format_size_progress" : "{done} von {total}" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"relative_time_pluralize_minutes_ago" : "{'one': 'vor 1 Minute', 'other': 'vor {} Minuten'}" ,
"relative_time_pluralize_hours_ago" : "{'one': 'vor 1 Stunde', 'other': 'vor {} Stunden'}" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"relative_time_just_now" : "gerade eben" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"changelog_modal_header_recent_updates_md" : "Aktualisierungen bei **Telegram Web**" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"changelog_modal_header_new_updates_md" : "**Telegram Web** wurde aktualisiert!" ,
"changelog_modal_title_current_version" : "aktuelle Version" ,
"group_create_contacts_modal_title" : "Neue Gruppe" ,
"group_create_modal_title" : "Gruppe erstellen" ,
"group_create_name" : "Gruppenname" ,
"group_create_submit" : "Gruppe erstellen" ,
"group_create_submit_active" : "Erstelle..." ,
"group_edit_modal_title" : "Gruppe bearbeiten" ,
"group_edit_name" : "Gruppenname" ,
"group_edit_submit" : "Speichern" ,
"group_edit_submit_active" : "Speichere..." ,
"confirm_modal_logout" : "Willst du dich wirklich abmelden?" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"confirm_modal_update_reload" : "Eine neue Telegram Web Version wurde geladen. Jetzt starten?" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"confirm_modal_history_flush" : "Sicher? Es kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"confirm_modal_terminate_sessions" : "Bist du sicher, dass du alle Geräte bis auf dieses hier abmelden willst?" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"confirm_modal_mixed_content_fail_http_redirect_md" : "Dein Browser {moz-link: unterstützt nicht} http und https gleichzeitig, was jedoch für die MTProto-Unterstützung über https nötig ist. {issue-link: Erfahre mehr}\n\nWillst du stattdessen die http-Version verwenden?" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"confirm_modal_clipboard_file_send" : "Willst du wirklich die Datei(en) aus der Zwischenablage senden?" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"confirm_modal_clipboard_X_files_send" : "{'one': 'Wirklich die Datei aus der Zwischenablage senden?', 'other': 'Wirklich die {} Dateien aus der Zwischenablage senden?'}" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"confirm_modal_message_delete" : "Willst du diese Nachricht wirklich löschen?" ,
"confirm_modal_contacts_import" : "Telegram wird nun deine Kontakte synchronisieren, um deine Freundesliste zusammenzustellen." ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"confirm_modal_login_phone_correct" : "Stimmt die Nummer wirklich?" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"confirm_modal_forward_to_peer" : "An {peer} weiterleiten?" ,
"confirm_modal_send_to_peer" : "An {peer} senden?" ,
"confirm_modal_share_file_peer" : "Mit {peer} teilen?" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"confirm_modal_apply_lang_with_reload_md" : "Spracheinstellungen gespeichert.\nTelegram Web jetzt neustarten?" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"confirm_modal_are_u_sure" : "Bist du sicher?" ,
"confirm_modal_logout_submit" : "Abmelden" ,
"confirm_modal_history_flush_submit" : "Chat löschen" ,
"confirm_modal_clipboard_files_send_submit" : "Senden" ,
"confirm_modal_clipboard_file_send_submit" : "Senden" ,
"confirm_modal_message_delete_submit" : "Löschen" ,
"confirm_modal_forward_message_submit" : "Nachricht weiterleiten" ,
"confirm_modal_share_photo_submit" : "Bild weiterleiten" ,
"confirm_modal_share_video_submit" : "Video weiterleiten" ,
"confirm_modal_share_contact_submit" : "Kontakt senden" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"confirm_modal_share_file_submit" : "Datei teilen" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"contacts_modal_edit_list" : "Bearbeiten" ,
"contacts_modal_edit_cancel" : "Abbrechen" ,
"contacts_modal_edit_delete" : "Löschen" ,
"contacts_modal_pluralize_new_group_members" : "{'one': '1 Teilnehmer', 'other': '{} Teilnehmer'}" ,
"contacts_modal_title" : "Kontakte" ,
"contacts_modal_new_contact" : "Neuer Kontakt" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"contacts_modal_empty_list" : "Deine Kontaktliste ist leer. Du kannst {import-link: einen neuen Kontakt} per Telefonnumer hinzufügen." ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"contact_edit_modal_first_name" : "Vorname" ,
"contact_edit_modal_last_name" : "Nachname" ,
"contact_edit_modal_title" : "Kontakt bearbeiten" ,
"contact_edit_modal_submit" : "Speichern" ,
"contact_edit_modal_submit_active" : "Speichere..." ,
"contact_import_modal_title" : "Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen" ,
"contact_import_modal_phone" : "Telefonnummer" ,
"contact_import_modal_phonebook" : "Telefonbuch" ,
"contact_import_modal_submit" : "Speichern" ,
"contact_import_modal_submit_active" : "Importiere..." ,
"conversation_message_deleted" : "gelöschte Nachricht" ,
"conversation_you" : "Du" ,
"conversation_media_photo" : "Bild" ,
"conversation_media_video" : "Video" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"conversation_media_document" : "Datei" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"conversation_media_audio" : "Audio" ,
"conversation_media_location" : "Standort" ,
"conversation_media_contact" : "Kontakt" ,
"conversation_media_attachment" : "Anhang" ,
"conversation_group_created" : "hat die Gruppe erstellt" ,
"conversation_group_renamed" : "hat den Gruppennamen geändert" ,
"conversation_group_photo_updated" : "hat das Gruppenbild geändert" ,
"conversation_group_photo_removed" : "hat das Gruppenbild entfernt" ,
"conversation_returned_to_group" : "ist zur Gruppe zurückgekehrt" ,
"conversation_invited_user" : "hat {user} eingeladen" ,
"conversation_left_group" : "hat die Gruppe verlassen" ,
"conversation_kicked_user" : "hat {user} entfernt" ,
"conversation_invited_user_message" : "hat Benutzer eingeladen" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"conversation_kicked_user_message" : "hat Benutzer entfernt" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"conversation_unknown_user" : "Jemand" ,
"conversation_unknown_chat" : "Unbekannte Unterhaltung" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"message_service_created_group" : "hat die Gruppe {group-name} erstellt" ,
"message_service_changed_group_name" : "hat den Gruppennamen zu {group-name} geändert" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"message_service_changed_group_photo" : "hat das Gruppenbild geändert" ,
"message_service_removed_group_photo" : "hat das Gruppenbild entfernt" ,
"message_service_invited_user" : "hat {user} eingeladen" ,
"message_service_returned_to_group" : "ist zur Gruppe zurückgekehrt" ,
"message_service_kicked_user" : "hat {user} entfernt" ,
"message_service_left_group" : "hat die Gruppe verlassen" ,
"message_service_unsupported_action" : "Nicht unterstützte Aktion {action}" ,
"error_modal_bad_request_title" : "Fehler" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"error_modal_unauthorized_title" : "Nicht autorisiert" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"error_modal_forbidden_title" : "Zugang verweigert" ,
"error_modal_not_found_title" : "Nicht gefunden" ,
"error_modal_network_title" : "Netzwerkfehler" ,
"error_modal_flood_title" : "Zu schnell" ,
"error_modal_internal_title" : "Serverfehler" ,
"error_modal_alert" : "Warnung" ,
"error_modal_network_description" : "Bitte überprüfe deine Internetverbindung." ,
"error_modal_firstname_invali_description" : "Der eingegebene Vorname ist ungültig." ,
"error_modal_lastname_invalid_description" : "Der eingegebene Nachname ist ungültig." ,
"error_modal_phone_invalid_description" : "Die eingegebene Telefonnummer ist ungültig." ,
"error_modal_users_too_much_description" : "Du hast zu viele Benutzer ausgewählt." ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"error_modal_photo_dimensions_invalid_description" : "Die Bildabmessungen sind ungültig, bitte andere Datei auswählen." ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"error_modal_video_file_invalid_description" : "Das Videoformat ist ungültig oder wird nicht unterstützt, bitte wähle eine andere Datei aus." ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"error_modal_photo_too_small_description" : "Das ausgewählte Bild ist zu klein." ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"error_modal_no_phone_user_description_md" : "Es gibt leider kein **Telegram** Konto mit der angegebenen Nummer." ,
"error_modal_no_phone_users_description_md" : "Es gibt gibt leider keine **Telegram** Konten mit den angegebenen Nummern." ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"error_modal_phonebook_required_description" : "Telegram benötigt Zugriff auf das Telefonbuch, um Kontakte importieren zu können." ,
"error_modal_bad_request_description" : "Eine Parameter fehlt oder ist ungültig." ,
"error_modal_unauthorized_description" : "Diese Aktion benötigt autorisierten Zugriff. Bitte {login-link: melde dich an}." ,
"error_modal_forbidden_description" : "Diese Aktion ist für dich nicht erlaubt." ,
"error_modal_not_found_description" : "Die Seite wurde nicht gefunden." ,
"error_modal_flood_description" : "Du führst zu viele Anfragen durch. Bitte versuche es später wieder." ,
"error_modal_internal_description" : "Ein interner Serverfehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später wieder." ,
"error_modal_tech_details" : "Hier gibt es die technischen Details" ,
"head_new_group" : "Neue Gruppe" ,
"head_new_contact" : "Neuer Kontakt" ,
"head_contacts" : "Kontakte" ,
"head_contacts_title" : "Kontakte" ,
2014-10-15 16:00:12 +04:00
"im_found_title" : "Global search" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"head_settings" : "Einstellungen" ,
"head_log_out" : "Abmelden" ,
"head_edit_messages" : "Nachrichten bearbeiten" ,
"head_media_photos" : "Bilder" ,
"head_media_video" : "Videos" ,
"head_media_documents" : "Dokumente" ,
"head_media_audio" : "Sprachnachrichten" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"head_about" : "Info" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"head_clear_all" : "Alle löschen" ,
"head_edit" : "Bearbeiten" ,
"head_typing" : "schreibt" ,
"head_pluralize_participants" : "{'0': 'Keine Mitglieder', 'one': '1 Mitglied', 'other': '{} Mitglieder'}" ,
"head_one_typing" : "{name1} schreibt{dots}" ,
"head_two_typing" : "{name1}, {name2}{dots}" ,
"head_many_typing" : "{name1}+{names}{dots}" ,
"head_waiting_for_network" : "Warte auf Verbindung" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"head_retry" : "Erneut versuchen" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"head_connecting" : "Verbinde" ,
"im_new_group" : "Neue Gruppe" ,
"im_new_contact" : "Neuer Kontakt" ,
"im_contacts" : "Kontakte" ,
"im_contacts_title" : "Kontakte" ,
"im_settings" : "Einstellungen" ,
"im_conversations" : "Unterhaltungen" ,
"im_messages" : "Nachrichten" ,
"im_no_contacts" : "Noch keine Kontakte" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"im_get_started_long" : "Beginne mit dem Hinzufügen von Kontakten" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"im_add_contact" : "Konktakt hinzufügen" ,
"im_import_phonebook" : "Telefonbuch importieren" ,
"im_get_started" : "Schnelleinstieg" ,
"im_welcome_text" : "Willkommen bei Telegram Web. Du kannst jederzeit dein Profilbild und deinen Namen in den Einstellungen ändern." ,
"im_open_settings" : "Einstellungen öffnen" ,
"im_select_a_chat" : "Bitte wähle einen Chat aus, um eine Unterhaltung zu beginnen" ,
"im_loading_history" : "Lade Verlauf" ,
"im_info" : "Info" ,
"im_edit" : "Bearbeiten" ,
"im_media" : "Medien" ,
"im_media_photos" : "Bilder" ,
"im_media_video" : "Videos" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"im_media_documents" : "Dateien" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"im_media_audio" : "Sprachnachrichten" ,
"im_pluralize_participants" : "{'0': 'Keine Mitglieder', 'one': '1 Mitglied', 'other': '{} Mitglieder'}" ,
"im_show_recent_messages" : "Zeige aktuelle Nachrichten" ,
"im_show_all_messages" : "Zeige alle Nachrichten" ,
"im_no_messages" : "Noch keine Nachrichten vorhanden..." ,
"im_one_typing" : "{name1} schreibt{dots}" ,
"im_two_typing" : "{name1} und {name2} schreiben{dots}" ,
"im_many_typing" : "{name1}, {name2} und {count} weiter schreiben{dots}" ,
"im_delete_chat" : "Chat löschen" ,
"im_clear_history" : "Verlauf löschen" ,
"im_delete" : "Lösche {count}" ,
"im_forward" : "{count} weiterleiten" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"im_photos_drop_text" : "Bilder hier reinschieben um sie zu verschicken" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"im_message_field_placeholder" : "Schreibe eine Nachricht..." ,
"im_media_attach_title" : "Medien senden" ,
"im_attach_file_title" : "Datei senden" ,
"im_emoji_btn_title" : "Emoticon einfügen" ,
"im_submit_message" : "Senden" ,
"login_sign_in" : "Anmelden" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"login_enter_number_description" : "Land auswählen und Nummer eintragen" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"login_incorrect_number" : "Falsche Telefonnummer" ,
"login_tel_input_placeholder" : "Telefonnumer eingeben" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"login_generating_key" : "Schlüssel werden erstellt" ,
"login_generating_keys_info" : "Schlüssel werden nur einmalig generiert, was auf langsamen Geräten eine Weile dauern könnte. Bitte ein wenig Geduld haben." ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"login_edit_number" : "Telefonnummer bearbeiten" ,
"login_enter_code_label_md" : "Bitte gebe den Code ein, den du gerade über deine andere **Telegram** App erhalten hast" ,
"login_code_not_received" : "Keinen Code erhalten?" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"login_enter_sms_code_label_md" : "Code wurde dir soeben per SMS gesendet.\nBitte diesen unten eingeben." ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"login_call_remaining" : "Telegram wird dich in {remaining} anrufen" ,
"login_calling" : "Telegram ruft dich an" ,
"login_number_dialed" : "Telegram hat deine Nummer gewählt" ,
"login_incorrect_sms_code" : "Falscher SMS-Code" ,
"login_number_input_placeholder" : "Code eingeben" ,
"login_checking_code" : "Überprüfe Code" ,
"login_your_info" : "Deine Angaben" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"login_fulll_name_label" : "Bitte Vor- und Nachnamen eingeben, um ein Telegram-Konto einzurichten." ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"login_incorrect_first_name" : "Falscher Vorname" ,
"login_first_name" : "Vorname" ,
"login_incorrect_last_name" : "Falscher Nachname" ,
"login_last_name" : "Nachname" ,
"login_signing_up" : "Registriere" ,
"login_sign_up" : "Registrieren" ,
"login_controller_unknown_country" : "Unbekannt" ,
"message_forwarded_message" : "Weitergeleitete Nachricht" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"message_forwarded_message_mobile" : "Weitergeleitet von {from}, {date}" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"message_attach_audio_message" : "Sprachnachricht" ,
"message_attach_audio_play" : "Abspielen" ,
"message_attach_document_open" : "Öffnen" ,
"message_attach_document_download" : "Download" ,
"message_attach_video_video" : "Video" ,
"message_attach_video_download" : "Download" ,
"message_attach_video_play" : "Video abspielen" ,
"conversation_select_modal_title" : "Unterhaltung auswählen" ,
"conversation_select_modal_contacts" : "Kontakte" ,
"phonebook_modal_title" : "Telefonbuch" ,
"phonebook_modal_deselect_all" : "Auswahl aufheben" ,
"phonebook_modal_select_all" : "Alle auswählen" ,
"phonebook_modal_empty" : "Dein Telefonbuch ist leer." ,
"phonebook_modal_submit_active" : "Importiere" ,
"phonebook_modal_submit" : "Kontakte importieren" ,
"welcome_header_md" : "**Telegram** Web" ,
2014-09-30 14:19:19 +04:00
"welcome_text_1_md" : "Das ist eine inoffizielle Webversion für den **Telegram Messenger**" ,
"welcome_text_2_md" : "Es ist noch eine **Alpha-Version** und noch nicht 200% zuverlässig" ,
"welcome_start_messaging" : "Los geht's" ,
"welcome_fast_messaging_header" : "Schnelles Messaging" ,
"welcome_fast_messaging_text" : "Nachrichten mit Emojis direkt vom PC-Desktop oder Laptop verschicken" ,
"welcome_easy_sharing_header" : "Einfach Dateien teilen" ,
"welcome_easy_sharing_text" : "Teile Dateien jeder Art per Drag & Drop oder über das Anhangsymbol" ,
"welcome_powerful_tools_header" : "Nützliche Funktionen" ,
"welcome_powerful_tools_text_md" : "Durchsuche geteilte Medien und \nsetze individuelle Benachrichtigungen" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ab" : "Abchasien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_af" : "Afghanistan" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ax" : "Åland-Inseln" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_al" : "Albanien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_dz" : "Algerien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_as" : "Amerikanisch-Samoa" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ad" : "Andorra" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ao" : "Angola" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ai" : "Anguilla" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ag" : "Antigua und Barbuda" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ar" : "Argentinien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_am" : "Armenien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_aw" : "Aruba" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sh_ac" : "Ascension" ,
"country_select_modal_country_au" : "Australien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_au_et" : "Australisches externes Territorium" ,
"country_select_modal_country_at" : "Österreich" ,
"country_select_modal_country_az" : "Aserbaidschan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bs" : "Bahamas" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bh" : "Bahrain" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bd" : "Bangladesch" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bb" : "Barbados" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ag_bar" : "Barbuda" ,
"country_select_modal_country_by" : "Belarus" ,
"country_select_modal_country_be" : "Belgien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bz" : "Belize" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bj" : "Benin" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bm" : "Bermuda" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bt" : "Bhutan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bo" : "Bolivien" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_bq" : "Karibische Niederlande" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ba" : "Bosnien und Herzegowina" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_bw" : "Botsuana" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_br" : "Brasilien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_io" : "Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean" ,
"country_select_modal_country_vg" : "Britische Jungferninseln" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_bn" : "Brunei Darussalam" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_bg" : "Bulgarien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_bf" : "Burkina Faso" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_mm" : "Myanmar" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_bi" : "Burundi" ,
"country_select_modal_country_kh" : "Kambodscha" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cm" : "Kamerun" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ca" : "Kanada" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cv" : "Kap Verde" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ky" : "Kaimaninseln" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cf" : "Zentralafrikanische Republik" ,
"country_select_modal_country_td" : "Tschad" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cl" : "Chile" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cn" : "China" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cx" : "Weihnachtsinsel" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cc" : "Kokosinseln" ,
"country_select_modal_country_co" : "Kolumbien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_km" : "Komoren" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_cg" : "Kongo-Brazzaville" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cd" : "Kongo-Kinshasa" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ck" : "Cookinseln" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cr" : "Costa Rica" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ci" : "Côte d’ Ivoire" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_hr" : "Kroatien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cu" : "Kuba" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cw" : "Curaçao" ,
"country_select_modal_country_cy" : "Zypern" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_cz" : "Tschechische Republik" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_dk" : "Dänemark" ,
"country_select_modal_country_dg" : "Diego Garcia" ,
"country_select_modal_country_dj" : "Dschibuti" ,
"country_select_modal_country_dm" : "Dominica" ,
"country_select_modal_country_do" : "Dominikanische Republik" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_tl" : "Timor-Leste" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ec" : "Ecuador" ,
"country_select_modal_country_eg" : "Ägypten" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sv" : "El Salvador" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gq" : "Äquatorialguinea" ,
"country_select_modal_country_er" : "Eritrea" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ee" : "Estland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_et" : "Äthiopien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_fk" : "Falklandinseln" ,
"country_select_modal_country_fo" : "Färöer" ,
"country_select_modal_country_fj" : "Fidschi" ,
"country_select_modal_country_fi" : "Finnland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_fr" : "Frankreich" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gf" : "Französisch-Guayana" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pf" : "Französisch-Polynesien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ga" : "Gabun" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gm" : "Gambia" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ge" : "Georgien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_de" : "Deutschland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gh" : "Ghana" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gi" : "Gibraltar" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gr" : "Griechenland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gl" : "Grönland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gd" : "Grenada" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gp" : "Guadeloupe" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gu" : "Guam" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gt" : "Guatemala" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gg" : "Guernsey" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gn" : "Guinea" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gw" : "Guinea-Bissau" ,
"country_select_modal_country_gy" : "Guyana" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ht" : "Haiti" ,
"country_select_modal_country_hn" : "Honduras" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_hk" : "Hongkong (Sonderverwaltungszone)" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_hu" : "Ungarn" ,
"country_select_modal_country_is" : "Island" ,
"country_select_modal_country_in" : "Indien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_id" : "Indonesien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ir" : "Iran" ,
"country_select_modal_country_iq" : "Irak" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ie" : "Irland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_il" : "Israel" ,
"country_select_modal_country_it" : "Italien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_jm" : "Jamaika" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_sj" : "Svalbard und Jan Mayen" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_jp" : "Japan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_je" : "Jersey" ,
"country_select_modal_country_jo" : "Jordanien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_kz" : "Kasachstan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ke" : "Kenia" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ki" : "Kiribati" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_kp" : "Nordkorea" ,
"country_select_modal_country_kr" : "Südkorea" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_kw" : "Kuwait" ,
"country_select_modal_country_kg" : "Kirgisistan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_la" : "Laos" ,
"country_select_modal_country_lv" : "Lettland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_lb" : "Libanon" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ls" : "Lesotho" ,
"country_select_modal_country_lr" : "Liberia" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ly" : "Libyen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_li" : "Liechtenstein" ,
"country_select_modal_country_lt" : "Litauen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_lu" : "Luxemburg" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_mo" : "Sonderverwaltungsregion Macau" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_mk" : "Mazedonien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mg" : "Madagaskar" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mw" : "Malawi" ,
"country_select_modal_country_my" : "Malaysia" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mv" : "Malediven" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ml" : "Mali" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mt" : "Malta" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mh" : "Marshallinseln" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mq" : "Martinique" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_mr" : "Mauretanien" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_mu" : "Mauritius" ,
"country_select_modal_country_yt" : "Mayotte" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mx" : "Mexiko" ,
"country_select_modal_country_fm" : "Mikronesien" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_md" : "Republik Moldau" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_mc" : "Monaco" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mn" : "Mongolei" ,
"country_select_modal_country_me" : "Montenegro" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ms" : "Montserrat" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ma" : "Marokko" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_mz" : "Mosambik" ,
"country_select_modal_country_na" : "Namibia" ,
"country_select_modal_country_nr" : "Nauru" ,
"country_select_modal_country_np" : "Nepal" ,
"country_select_modal_country_nl" : "Niederlande" ,
"country_select_modal_country_nc" : "Neukaledonien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_nz" : "Neuseeland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ni" : "Nicaragua" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ne" : "Niger" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ng" : "Nigeria" ,
"country_select_modal_country_nu" : "Niue" ,
"country_select_modal_country_nf" : "Norfolkinsel" ,
"country_select_modal_country_mp" : "Nördliche Marianen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_no" : "Norwegen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_om" : "Oman" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pk" : "Pakistan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pw" : "Palau" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ps" : "Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pa" : "Panama" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pg" : "Papua-Neuguinea" ,
"country_select_modal_country_py" : "Paraguay" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pe" : "Peru" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ph" : "Philippinen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pn" : "Pitcairninseln" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pl" : "Polen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pt" : "Portugal" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pr" : "Puerto Rico" ,
"country_select_modal_country_qa" : "Katar" ,
"country_select_modal_country_re" : "Réunion" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ro" : "Rumänien" ,
2014-10-01 15:16:37 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_ru" : "Russland" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_rw" : "Ruanda" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_bl" : "St. Barthélemy" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_sh" : "St. Helena" ,
"country_select_modal_country_kn" : "St. Kitts und Nevis" ,
"country_select_modal_country_lc" : "St. Lucia" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_mf" : "St. Martin" ,
"country_select_modal_country_pm" : "St. Pierre und Miquelon" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_vc" : "St. Vincent und die Grenadinen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ws" : "Samoa" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sm" : "San Marino" ,
"country_select_modal_country_st" : "São Tomé und Príncipe" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sa" : "Saudi-Arabien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sn" : "Senegal" ,
"country_select_modal_country_rs" : "Serbien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sc" : "Seychellen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sl" : "Sierra Leone" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sg" : "Singapur" ,
"country_select_modal_country_nl_bq3" : "Sint Eustatius" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_sx" : "Sint Maarten" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_sk" : "Slowakei" ,
"country_select_modal_country_si" : "Slowenien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sb" : "Salomonen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_so" : "Somalia" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_za" : "Südafrika" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_gs" : "Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ge_so" : "Südossetien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ss" : "Südsudan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_es" : "Spanien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_lk" : "Sri Lanka" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sd" : "Sudan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sr" : "Suriname" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sj_no" : "Svalbard" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sz" : "Swasiland" ,
"country_select_modal_country_se" : "Schweden" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ch" : "Schweiz" ,
"country_select_modal_country_sy" : "Syrien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tw" : "Taiwan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tj" : "Tadschikistan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tz" : "Tansania" ,
"country_select_modal_country_th" : "Thailand" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tg" : "Togo" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tk" : "Tokelau" ,
"country_select_modal_country_to" : "Tonga" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tt" : "Trinidad und Tobago" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tn" : "Tunesien" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tr" : "Türkei" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tm" : "Turkmenistan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tc" : "Turks- und Caicosinseln" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tv" : "Tuvalu" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ug" : "Uganda" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ua" : "Ukraine" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ae" : "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate" ,
"country_select_modal_country_uk" : "Vereinigtes Königreich" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_us" : "Vereinigte Staaten" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_uy" : "Uruguay" ,
2014-09-28 23:23:40 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_vi" : "Amerikanische Jungferninseln" ,
2014-09-19 16:13:18 +04:00
"country_select_modal_country_uz" : "Usbekistan" ,
"country_select_modal_country_vu" : "Vanuatu" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ve" : "Venezuela" ,
"country_select_modal_country_va" : "Vatikanstadt" ,
"country_select_modal_country_vn" : "Vietnam" ,
"country_select_modal_country_wf" : "Wallis und Futuna" ,
"country_select_modal_country_ye" : "Jemen" ,
"country_select_modal_country_zm" : "Sambia" ,
"country_select_modal_country_tz_uk" : "Sansibar" ,
"country_select_modal_country_zw" : "Simbabwe"