@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ |
<<<<<<< HEAD |
/* |
/* |
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko |
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko |
@ -439,445 +438,3 @@ console.timeEnd('get storage1'); */ |
======= |
/* |
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko |
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE
*/ |
import App from './config/app'; |
import blurActiveElement from './helpers/dom/blurActiveElement'; |
import { cancelEvent } from './helpers/dom/cancelEvent'; |
import findUpClassName from './helpers/dom/findUpClassName'; |
import fixSafariStickyInput from './helpers/dom/fixSafariStickyInput'; |
import loadFonts from './helpers/dom/loadFonts'; |
import IS_EMOJI_SUPPORTED from './helpers/emojiSupport'; |
import { isMobileSafari } from './helpers/userAgent'; |
import './materialize.scss'; |
import './scss/style.scss'; |
import './scss/tgico.scss'; |
/* import { computeCheck } from './lib/crypto/srp'; |
import { salt1, salt2, g, p, srp_id, secure_random, srp_B, password } from './mock/srp'; */ |
//console.log('pineapples are in my head');
/* console.time('get storage1'); |
import * as a from './lib/config'; |
import * as b from './lib/mtproto/mtproto_config'; |
import * as c from './helpers/userAgent'; |
import * as d from './lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker'; |
import * as e from './lib/polyfill'; |
import * as f from './lib/storage'; |
a && b && c && d && e && f; |
console.timeEnd('get storage1'); */ |
/* Promise.all([ |
import('./components/pageIm'), |
import('./components/pageSignIn'), |
import('./components/misc'), |
import('./lib/storage') |
]).then(imports => { |
let [pageIm, pageSignIn, misc, AppStorage] = imports; */ |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async() => { |
//let socket = new Socket(2);
if(!Element.prototype.toggleAttribute) { |
Element.prototype.toggleAttribute = function(name, force) { |
if(force !== void 0) force = !!force; |
if(this.hasAttribute(name)) { |
if(force) return true; |
this.removeAttribute(name); |
return false; |
} |
if(force === false) return false; |
this.setAttribute(name, ""); |
return true; |
}; |
} |
// We listen to the resize event (https://css-tricks.com/the-trick-to-viewport-units-on-mobile/)
// @ts-ignore
const w = window.visualViewport || window; // * handle iOS keyboard
let setViewportVH = false; |
let lastVH: number; |
const setVH = () => { |
// @ts-ignore
const vh = (setViewportVH && !rootScope.default.overlayIsActive ? w.height || w.innerHeight : window.innerHeight) * 0.01; |
if(lastVH === vh) { |
return; |
} else if(lastVH < vh) { |
blurActiveElement(); // (Android) fix blur when keyboard is being closed
} |
lastVH = vh; |
//const vh = document.documentElement.scrollHeight * 0.01;
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`); |
//console.log('setVH', vh, setViewportVH ? w : window);
/* if(setViewportVH && userAgent.isSafari && touchSupport.isTouchSupported && document.activeElement && (document.activeElement as HTMLElement).blur) { |
const rect = document.activeElement.getBoundingClientRect(); |
if(rect.top < 0 || rect.bottom >= (w as any).height) { |
fastSmoothScroll(findUpClassName(document.activeElement, 'scrollable-y') || window as any, document.activeElement as HTMLElement, 'center', 4, undefined, FocusDirection.Static); |
} |
} */ |
}; |
window.addEventListener('resize', setVH); |
setVH(); |
// * hook worker constructor to set search parameters (test, debug, etc)
const workerHandler = { |
construct(target: any, args: any) { |
//console.log(target, args);
const url = args[0] + location.search; |
return new target(url); |
} |
}; |
const workerProxy = new Proxy(Worker, workerHandler); |
Worker = workerProxy; |
const [_, touchSupport, userAgent, rootScope, appStateManager, I18n] = await Promise.all([ |
import('./lib/polyfill'), |
import('./helpers/touchSupport'), |
import('./helpers/userAgent'), |
import('./lib/rootScope'), |
import('./lib/appManagers/appStateManager'), |
import('./lib/langPack'), |
]) |
//console.timeEnd('get storage');
//console.log(new Uint8Array([255, 200, 145]).hex);
const toggleResizeMode = () => { |
setViewportVH = tabId === 1 && userAgent.isSafari && touchSupport.isTouchSupported && !rootScope.default.overlayIsActive; |
setVH(); |
if(w !== window) { |
if(setViewportVH) { |
window.removeEventListener('resize', setVH); |
w.addEventListener('resize', setVH); |
} else { |
w.removeEventListener('resize', setVH); |
window.addEventListener('resize', setVH); |
} |
} |
}; |
let tabId: number; |
rootScope.default.addEventListener('im_tab_change', (id) => { |
const wasTabId = tabId !== undefined; |
tabId = id; |
if(wasTabId || tabId === 1) { |
toggleResizeMode(); |
} |
}); |
rootScope.default.addEventListener('overlay_toggle', () => { |
toggleResizeMode(); |
}); |
if(userAgent.isFirefox && !IS_EMOJI_SUPPORTED) { |
document.addEventListener('dragstart', (e) => { |
const target = e.target as HTMLElement; |
if(target.tagName === 'IMG' && target.classList.contains('emoji')) { |
cancelEvent(e); |
return false; |
} |
}); |
} |
// prevent firefox image dragging
document.addEventListener('dragstart', (e) => { |
if((e.target as HTMLElement)?.tagName === "IMG") { |
e.preventDefault(); |
return false; |
} |
}); |
if(userAgent.isApple) { |
if(userAgent.isSafari) { |
document.documentElement.classList.add('is-safari'); |
if(userAgent.isMobile && touchSupport.isTouchSupported) { |
let key: 'clientY' | 'pageY' = 'clientY'; |
let startY = 0; |
const o = {capture: true, passive: false}; |
const onTouchMove = (e: TouchEvent) => { |
const touch = e.touches[0]; |
//console.log('touchmove y', touch[key], startY);
const scrollable = findUpClassName(touch.target, 'scrollable-y'); |
if(scrollable) { |
const y = touch[key]; |
const scrolled = startY - y; |
/* if(y < startY) { |
startY = y; |
} */ |
const scrollTop = scrollable.scrollTop; |
const scrollHeight = scrollable.scrollHeight; |
const clientHeight = scrollable.clientHeight; |
const nextScrollTop = scrollTop ? Math.round(scrollTop + scrollable.clientHeight + scrolled) : scrollTop + scrolled; |
//const needCancel = scrollHeight !== clientHeight ? (scrollTop && diff <= 1) || (scrollTop - diff) < 0 : true;
const needCancel = scrollHeight === clientHeight || nextScrollTop >= scrollHeight || nextScrollTop <= 0; |
if(needCancel) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
} |
//console.log('touchmove with scrollable', scrollTop, startY, scrolled, nextScrollTop, needCancel, e.cancelable);
} else { |
e.preventDefault(); |
//console.log('touchmove no scrollable', e, touch);
} |
//if(e.target === document.documentElement || e.target === document.body) e.preventDefault();
}; |
// let isOpened = false;
document.addEventListener('focusin', (e) => { |
if(!setViewportVH) return; |
// isOpened = true;
// document.body.classList.add('is-keyboard-opened');
fixSafariStickyInput(e.target as HTMLElement); |
document.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove, o); |
document.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => { |
if(e.touches.length > 1) return; |
const touchStart = e.touches[0]; |
startY = touchStart[key]; |
}); |
}); |
document.addEventListener('focusout', () => { |
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove, o); |
// if(isOpened) {
// isOpened = false;
// document.body.classList.remove('is-keyboard-opened');
// }
}); |
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => { |
if(!setViewportVH) return; |
//console.log('window visibilitychange');
if(document.activeElement && (document.activeElement as HTMLElement).blur) { |
fixSafariStickyInput(document.activeElement as HTMLElement); |
} |
/* blurActiveElement(); |
window.scrollTo(0, 0); |
setVH(); */ |
}); |
} |
} |
document.documentElement.classList.add('is-mac', 'emoji-supported'); |
if(userAgent.isAppleMobile) { |
document.documentElement.classList.add('is-ios'); |
} |
} else if(userAgent.isAndroid) { |
document.documentElement.classList.add('is-android'); |
} |
if(!touchSupport.isTouchSupported) { |
document.documentElement.classList.add('no-touch'); |
} else { |
document.documentElement.classList.add('is-touch'); |
/* document.addEventListener('touchmove', (event: any) => { |
event = event.originalEvent || event; |
if(event.scale && event.scale !== 1) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
} |
}, {capture: true, passive: false}); */ |
} |
/* if(config.isServiceWorkerSupported) { |
await navigator.serviceWorker.ready; |
navigator.serviceWorker.controller ? true : await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', resolve); |
}); |
} */ |
//console.time('get storage');
const perf = performance.now(); |
const langPromise = I18n.default.getCacheLangPack(); |
const [state, langPack] = await Promise.all([ |
appStateManager.default.getState(), |
langPromise |
]); |
//console.log('got auth:', auth);
//console.timeEnd('get storage');
rootScope.default.setThemeListener(); |
if(langPack.appVersion !== App.langPackVersion) { |
I18n.default.getLangPack(langPack.lang_code); |
} |
/** |
* won't fire if font is loaded too fast |
*/ |
function fadeInWhenFontsReady(elem: HTMLElement, promise: Promise<any>) { |
elem.style.opacity = '0'; |
promise.then(() => { |
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { |
elem.style.opacity = ''; |
}); |
}); |
} |
console.log('got state, time:', performance.now() - perf); |
const authState = state.authState; |
if(authState._ !== 'authStateSignedIn'/* || 1 === 1 */) { |
console.log('Will mount auth page:', authState._, Date.now() / 1000); |
const el = document.getElementById('auth-pages'); |
let scrollable: HTMLElement; |
if(el) { |
scrollable = el.querySelector('.scrollable') as HTMLElement; |
if((!touchSupport.isTouchSupported || isMobileSafari)) { |
scrollable.classList.add('no-scrollbar'); |
} |
// * don't remove this line
scrollable.style.opacity = '0'; |
const placeholder = document.createElement('div'); |
placeholder.classList.add('auth-placeholder'); |
scrollable.prepend(placeholder); |
scrollable.append(placeholder.cloneNode()); |
} |
try { |
await Promise.all([ |
import('./lib/mtproto/telegramMeWebManager'), |
import('./lib/mtproto/webPushApiManager') |
]).then(([meModule, pushModule]) => { |
meModule.default.setAuthorized(false); |
pushModule.default.forceUnsubscribe(); |
}); |
} catch(err) { |
} |
let pagePromise: Promise<void>; |
//langPromise.then(async() => {
switch(authState._) { |
case 'authStateSignIn': |
pagePromise = (await import('./pages/pageSignIn')).default.mount(); |
break; |
case 'authStateSignQr': |
pagePromise = (await import('./pages/pageSignQR')).default.mount(); |
break; |
case 'authStateAuthCode': |
pagePromise = (await import('./pages/pageAuthCode')).default.mount(authState.sentCode); |
break; |
case 'authStatePassword': |
pagePromise = (await import('./pages/pagePassword')).default.mount(); |
break; |
case 'authStateSignUp': |
pagePromise = (await import('./pages/pageSignUp')).default.mount(authState.authCode); |
break; |
} |
if(scrollable) { |
// wait for text appear
if(pagePromise) { |
await pagePromise; |
} |
const promise = 'fonts' in document ? |
Promise.race([ |
new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1e3)), |
// @ts-ignore
document.fonts.ready |
]) : |
Promise.resolve(); |
fadeInWhenFontsReady(scrollable, promise); |
} |
/* computeCheck(password, { |
current_algo: { |
salt1, |
salt2, |
p, |
g |
}, |
srp_id, |
srp_B, |
secure_random, |
}).then(res => { |
console.log(res); |
}); */ |
/* setTimeout(async() => { |
(await import('./pages/pageAuthCode')).default.mount({ |
"_": "auth.sentCode", |
"pFlags": {}, |
"flags": 6, |
"type": { |
"_": "auth.sentCodeTypeSms", |
"length": 5 |
}, |
"phone_code_hash": "", |
"next_type": { |
"_": "auth.codeTypeCall" |
}, |
"timeout": 120, |
"phone_number": "" |
}); |
}, 500); */ |
/* setTimeout(async() => { |
(await import('./pages/pageSignQR')).default.mount(); |
}, 500); */ |
/* setTimeout(async() => { |
(await import('./pages/pagePassword')).default.mount(); |
}, 500); */ |
/* setTimeout(async() => { |
(await import('./pages/pageSignUp')).default.mount({ |
"phone_code_hash": "", |
"phone_number": "" |
}); |
}, 500); */ |
} else { |
console.log('Will mount IM page:', Date.now() / 1000); |
fadeInWhenFontsReady(document.getElementById('main-columns'), loadFonts()); |
(await import('./pages/pageIm')).default.mount(); |
} |
const ripple = (await import('./components/ripple')).ripple; |
(Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('rp')) as HTMLElement[]).forEach(el => ripple(el)); |
}); |
>>>>>>> a3a258651320e5e8e7903d8bfe1cb222d84de6dc |