4 years ago
27 changed files with 845 additions and 1341 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
import { isInDOM, $rootScope, cancelEvent } from "../lib/utils"; |
import appDownloadManager, { Progress } from "../lib/appManagers/appDownloadManager"; |
export default class ProgressivePreloader { |
public preloader: HTMLDivElement; |
private circle: SVGCircleElement; |
//private tempID = 0;
private detached = true; |
private fileName: string; |
public controller: AbortController; |
constructor(elem?: Element, private cancelable = true) { |
this.preloader = document.createElement('div'); |
this.preloader.classList.add('preloader-container'); |
this.preloader.innerHTML = ` |
<div class="you-spin-me-round"> |
<svg xmlns="" class="preloader-circular" viewBox="25 25 50 50"> |
<circle class="preloader-path-new" cx="50" cy="50" r="23" fill="none" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> |
</svg> |
if(cancelable) { |
this.preloader.innerHTML += ` |
<svg xmlns="" class="preloader-close" viewBox="0 0 20 20"> |
<line x1="0" y1="20" x2="20" y2="0" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"></line> |
<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="20" y2="20" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"></line> |
} else { |
this.preloader.classList.add('preloader-swing'); |
} |
| = this.preloader.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild as SVGCircleElement; |
if(elem) { |
this.attach(elem); |
} |
if(this.cancelable) { |
this.preloader.addEventListener('click', (e) => { |
cancelEvent(e); |
this.detach(); |
if(!this.fileName) { |
return; |
} |
const download = appDownloadManager.getDownload(this.fileName); |
if(download && download.controller && !download.controller.signal.aborted) { |
download.controller.abort(); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
downloadProgressHandler = (details: Progress) => { |
if(details.done >= { |
this.detach(); |
} |
//console.log('preloader download', promise, details);
let percents = details.done / * 100; |
this.setProgress(percents); |
}; |
public attach(elem: Element, reset = true, fileName?: string, append = true) { |
this.fileName = fileName; |
if(this.fileName) { |
const download = appDownloadManager.getDownload(fileName); |
download.promise.catch(() => { |
this.detach(); |
}); |
appDownloadManager.addProgressCallback(this.fileName, this.downloadProgressHandler); |
} |
this.detached = false; |
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { |
if(this.detached) return; |
this.detached = false; |
elem[append ? 'append' : 'prepend'](this.preloader); |
if(this.cancelable && reset) { |
this.setProgress(0); |
} |
}); |
} |
public detach() { |
this.detached = true; |
if(this.preloader.parentElement) { |
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { |
if(!this.detached) return; |
this.detached = true; |
if(this.preloader.parentElement) { |
this.preloader.parentElement.removeChild(this.preloader); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
public setProgress(percents: number) { |
if(!isInDOM( { |
return; |
} |
if(percents == 0) { |
| = ''; |
return; |
} |
try { |
let totalLength =; |
//console.log('setProgress', (percents / 100 * totalLength));
| = '' + Math.max(5, percents / 100 * totalLength) + ', 200'; |
} catch(err) {} |
} |
} |
@ -1,326 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Evgeny Nadymov |
* |
* This source code is licensed under the GPL v.3.0 license found in the |
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. |
*/ |
// @ts-ignore
//import MP4Box from 'mp4box/dist/mp4box.all.min';
import { logger, LogLevels } from './logger'; |
export default class MP4Source { |
private mp4file: any; |
private nextBufferStart = 0; |
private mediaSource: MediaSource = null; |
private ready = false; |
private bufferedTime = 40; |
private beforeMoovBufferSize = 32 * 1024; |
private moovBufferSize = 512 * 1024; |
private bufferSize = 512 * 1024; |
private seekBufferSize = 256 * 1024; |
private currentBufferSize = this.beforeMoovBufferSize; |
private nbSamples = 10; |
private expectedSize: number; |
private seeking = false; |
private loading = false; |
private url: string; |
private log = logger('MP4'/* , LogLevels.error */); |
//public onLoadBuffer: (offset: number)
constructor(private video: {duration: number, video: {expected_size: number}}, private getBufferAsync: (start: number, end: number) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>) { |
this.expectedSize =; |
this.init(video.duration); |
} |
init(videoDuration: number) { |
const mediaSource = new MediaSource(); |
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', () => { |
this.log('[MediaSource] sourceopen start', this.mediaSource, this); |
if(this.mediaSource.sourceBuffers.length > 0) return; |
//const mp4File = MP4Box.createFile();
const mp4File = (window as any).MP4Box.createFile(); |
mp4File.onMoovStart = () => { |
this.log('[MP4Box] onMoovStart'); |
this.currentBufferSize = this.moovBufferSize; |
}; |
mp4File.onError = (error: Error) => { |
this.log('[MP4Box] onError', error); |
}; |
mp4File.onReady = (info: any) => { |
this.log('[MP4Box] onReady', info); |
this.ready = true; |
this.currentBufferSize = this.bufferSize; |
const { isFragmented, timescale, fragment_duration, duration } = info; |
if(!fragment_duration && !duration) { |
this.mediaSource.duration = videoDuration; |
this.bufferedTime = videoDuration; |
} else { |
this.mediaSource.duration = isFragmented |
? fragment_duration / timescale |
: duration / timescale; |
} |
this.initializeAllSourceBuffers(info); |
}; |
mp4File.onSegment = (id: number, sb: any, buffer: ArrayBuffer, sampleNum: number, is_last: boolean) => { |
const isLast = (sampleNum + this.nbSamples) > sb.nb_samples; |
this.log('[MP4Box] onSegment', id, buffer, `${sampleNum}/${sb.nb_samples}`, isLast, sb.timestampOffset, mediaSource, is_last); |
sb.segmentIndex++; |
sb.pendingAppends.push({ id, buffer, sampleNum, is_last: isLast }); |
this.onUpdateEnd(sb, true, false); |
}; |
this.mp4file = mp4File; |
this.log('[MediaSource] sourceopen end', this, this.mp4file); |
this.loadNextBuffer(); |
}); |
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceended', () => { |
this.log('[MediaSource] sourceended', mediaSource.readyState); |
//this.getBufferAsync = null;
}); |
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceclose', () => { |
this.log('[MediaSource] sourceclose', mediaSource.readyState); |
//this.getBufferAsync = null;
}); |
this.mediaSource = mediaSource; |
} |
private onInitAppended(sb: any) { |
sb.sampleNum = 0; |
sb.addEventListener('updateend', () => this.onUpdateEnd(sb, true, true)); |
/* In case there are already pending buffers we call onUpdateEnd to start appending them*/ |
this.onUpdateEnd(sb, false, true); |
// @ts-ignore
this.mediaSource.pendingInits--; |
// @ts-ignore
if(this.mediaSource.pendingInits === 0) { |
this.log('onInitAppended start!'); |
this.mp4file.start(); |
if(this.expectedSize > this.bufferSize) { |
this.nextBufferStart = this.bufferSize; |
} else { |
return; |
} |
/* setInterval(() => { |
this.loadNextBuffer(); |
}, 1e3); */ |
this.loadNextBuffer(); |
} |
}; |
private onUpdateEnd(sb: any, isNotInit: boolean, isEndOfAppend: boolean) { |
//console.this.log('onUpdateEnd', sb, isNotInit, isEndOfAppend, sb.sampleNum, sb.is_last);
if(isEndOfAppend === true) { |
if(sb.sampleNum) { |
this.mp4file.releaseUsedSamples(, sb.sampleNum); |
delete sb.sampleNum; |
} |
if(sb.is_last) { |
this.log('onUpdateEnd', sb, isNotInit, isEndOfAppend, sb.sampleNum, sb.is_last); |
this.mediaSource.endOfStream(); |
} |
} |
if(this.mediaSource.readyState === "open" && sb.updating === false && sb.pendingAppends.length > 0) { |
const obj = sb.pendingAppends.shift(); |
this.log("MSE - SourceBuffer #", "Appending new buffer, pending: "+sb.pendingAppends.length); |
sb.sampleNum = obj.sampleNum; |
sb.is_last = obj.is_last; |
sb.appendBuffer(obj.buffer); |
} |
} |
private initializeAllSourceBuffers(info: any) { |
for(let i = 0; i < info.tracks.length; i++) { |
this.addSourceBuffer(info.tracks[i]); |
} |
this.initializeSourceBuffers(); |
} |
private initializeSourceBuffers() { |
const initSegs = this.mp4file.initializeSegmentation(); |
this.log('[MP4Box] initializeSegmentation', initSegs); |
for(let i = 0; i < initSegs.length; i++) { |
const sb: any = initSegs[i].user; |
if(i === 0) { |
// @ts-ignore
this.mediaSource.pendingInits = 0; |
} |
let onInitAppended = () => { |
if(this.mediaSource.readyState === "open") { |
sb.removeEventListener('updateend', onInitAppended); |
this.onInitAppended(sb); |
} |
}; |
sb.addEventListener('updateend', onInitAppended); |
sb.appendBuffer(initSegs[i].buffer); |
sb.segmentIndex = 0; |
// @ts-ignore
this.mediaSource.pendingInits++; |
} |
} |
private addSourceBuffer(track: {id: number, codec: string, type: 'video', nb_samples: number}) { |
const file = this.mp4file; |
const ms = this.mediaSource; |
if(!track) return; |
const { id, codec, type: trackType, nb_samples } = track; |
const mime = `video/mp4; codecs="${codec}"`; |
this.log('mimetype:', mime); |
if(!MediaSource.isTypeSupported(mime)) { |
this.log('[addSourceBuffer] not supported', mime); |
return; |
} |
const sb: any = ms.addSourceBuffer(mime); |
|||||| = id; |
sb.pendingAppends = []; |
sb.nb_samples = nb_samples; |
file.setSegmentOptions(id, sb, { nbSamples: this.nbSamples }); |
this.log('[addSourceBuffer] add', id, codec, trackType, sb); |
sb.addEventListener("error", (e: Event) => { |
this.log("MSE SourceBuffer #" + id, e); |
}); |
} |
stop() { |
this.mp4file.stop(); |
this.mp4file = null; |
this.getBufferAsync = null; |
} |
getURL() { |
return this.url ?? (this.url = URL.createObjectURL(this.mediaSource)); |
} |
seek(currentTime: number/* , buffered: any */) { |
const seekInfo: {offset: number, time: number} =, true); |
this.nextBufferStart = seekInfo.offset; |
const loadNextBuffer = true; |
/* let loadNextBuffer = buffered.length === 0; |
for(let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) { |
const start = buffered.start(i); |
const end = buffered.end(i); |
if(start <= currentTime && currentTime + this.bufferedTime > end) { |
loadNextBuffer = true; |
break; |
} |
} */ |
this.log('[player] onSeeked', loadNextBuffer, currentTime, seekInfo, this.nextBufferStart); |
if(loadNextBuffer) { |
this.loadNextBuffer(true); |
} |
return seekInfo.offset; |
} |
timeUpdate(currentTime: number, duration: number, buffered: any) { |
const ranges = []; |
for(let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) { |
ranges.push({ start: buffered.start(i), end: buffered.end(i)}) |
} |
let loadNextBuffer = buffered.length === 0; |
let hasRange = false; |
for(let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) { |
const start = buffered.start(i); |
const end = buffered.end(i); |
if (start <= currentTime && currentTime <= end) { |
hasRange = true; |
if (end < duration && currentTime + this.bufferedTime > end) { |
loadNextBuffer = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if(!hasRange) { |
loadNextBuffer = true; |
} |
this.log('[player] timeUpdate', loadNextBuffer, currentTime, duration, JSON.stringify(ranges)); |
if(loadNextBuffer) { |
this.loadNextBuffer(); |
} |
} |
async loadNextBuffer(seek = false) { |
const { nextBufferStart, loading, currentBufferSize, mp4file } = this; |
this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer', nextBufferStart === undefined, loading, !mp4file); |
if(!mp4file) return; |
if(nextBufferStart === undefined) return; |
if(loading) return; |
this.loading = true; |
let bufferSize = seek ? this.seekBufferSize : this.bufferSize; |
if(nextBufferStart + bufferSize > this.expectedSize) { |
bufferSize = this.expectedSize - nextBufferStart; |
} |
const nextBuffer = await this.getBufferAsync(nextBufferStart, nextBufferStart + bufferSize); |
// @ts-ignore
nextBuffer.fileStart = nextBufferStart; |
const end = (nextBuffer.byteLength !== bufferSize)/* || (nextBuffer.byteLength === this.expectedSize) */; |
this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer start', nextBuffer.byteLength, nextBufferStart, end); |
if(nextBuffer.byteLength) { |
this.nextBufferStart = mp4file.appendBuffer(nextBuffer/* , end */); |
} else { |
this.nextBufferStart = undefined; |
} |
if(end) { |
this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer flush'); |
this.mp4file.flush(); |
} |
this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer stop', nextBuffer.byteLength, nextBufferStart, this.nextBufferStart); |
this.loading = false; |
if(!this.ready || !end) { |
this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer next'); |
this.loadNextBuffer(); |
} |
} |
} |
(window as any).MP4Source = MP4Source; |
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ |
import { $rootScope } from "../utils"; |
import apiManager from "../mtproto/mtprotoworker"; |
export type Download = {promise: Promise<Blob>, controller: AbortController}; |
export type Progress = {done: number, fileName: string, total: number, offset: number}; |
export type ProgressCallback = (details: Progress) => void; |
export class AppDownloadManager { |
private downloads: {[fileName: string]: Download} = {}; |
private progress: {[fileName: string]: Progress} = {}; |
private progressCallbacks: {[fileName: string]: Array<ProgressCallback>} = {}; |
constructor() { |
$rootScope.$on('download_progress', (e) => { |
const details = e.detail as {done: number, fileName: string, total: number, offset: number}; |
this.progress[details.fileName] = details; |
const callbacks = this.progressCallbacks[details.fileName]; |
if(callbacks) { |
callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(details)); |
} |
}); |
} |
public download(fileName: string, url: string) { |
if(this.downloads.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) return this.downloads[fileName]; |
const controller = new AbortController(); |
const promise = fetch(url, {signal: controller.signal}) |
.then(res => res.blob()) |
.catch(err => { // Только потому что event.request.signal не работает в SW, либо я кривой?
if( === 'AbortError') { |
//console.log('Fetch aborted');
apiManager.cancelDownload(fileName); |
delete this.downloads[fileName]; |
delete this.progress[fileName]; |
delete this.progressCallbacks[fileName]; |
} else { |
//console.error('Uh oh, an error!', err);
} |
throw err; |
}); |
//console.log('Will download file:', fileName, url);
promise.finally(() => { |
delete this.progressCallbacks[fileName]; |
}); |
return this.downloads[fileName] = {promise, controller}; |
} |
public getDownload(fileName: string) { |
return this.downloads[fileName]; |
} |
public addProgressCallback(fileName: string, callback: ProgressCallback) { |
const progress = this.progress[fileName]; |
(this.progressCallbacks[fileName] ?? (this.progressCallbacks[fileName] = [])).push(callback); |
if(progress) { |
callback(progress); |
} |
} |
private createDownloadAnchor(url: string, onRemove?: () => void) { |
const a = document.createElement('a'); |
a.href = url; |
| = 'absolute'; |
| = '1px'; |
| = '1px'; |
document.body.append(a); |
try { |
var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); |
clickEvent.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); |
a.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); |
} catch (e) { |
console.error('Download click error', e); |
try { |
|; |
} catch (e) { |
| as string, '_blank'); |
} |
} |
setTimeout(() => { |
a.remove(); |
onRemove && onRemove(); |
}, 100); |
} |
/* public downloadToDisc(fileName: string, url: string) { |
this.createDownloadAnchor(url); |
return, url); |
} */ |
public downloadToDisc(fileName: string, url: string) { |
const download =, url); |
download.promise.then(blob => { |
const objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
this.createDownloadAnchor(objectURL, () => { |
URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL); |
}); |
}); |
return download; |
} |
} |
export default new AppDownloadManager(); |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,461 +0,0 @@ |
import { isInDOM } from "./utils"; |
let convert = (value: number) => { |
return Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 1) * 255); |
}; |
type RLottiePlayerListeners = 'firstFrame' | 'enterFrame'; |
export class RLottiePlayer { |
public static reqId = 0; |
public reqId = 0; |
public curFrame: number; |
public worker: QueryableWorker; |
public el: HTMLElement; |
public width: number; |
public height: number; |
public listeners: Partial<{ |
[k in RLottiePlayerListeners]: (res: any) => void |
}> = {}; |
public listenerResults: Partial<{ |
[k in RLottiePlayerListeners]: any |
}> = {}; |
public canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; |
public context: CanvasRenderingContext2D; |
public paused = false; |
public direction = 1; |
public speed = 1; |
public autoplay = true; |
constructor({el, width, height, worker}: { |
el: HTMLElement, |
width: number, |
height: number, |
worker: QueryableWorker |
}) { |
this.reqId = ++RLottiePlayer['reqId']; |
this.el = el; |
this.width = width; |
this.height = height; |
this.worker = worker; |
} |
public addListener(name: RLottiePlayerListeners, callback: (res?: any) => void) { |
if(this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty(name)) return Promise.resolve(this.listenerResults[name]); |
this.listeners[name] = callback; |
} |
public setListenerResult(name: RLottiePlayerListeners, value?: any) { |
this.listenerResults[name] = value; |
if(this.listeners[name]) { |
this.listeners[name](value); |
} |
} |
private sendQuery(methodName: string, ...args: any[]) { |
this.worker.sendQuery(methodName, this.reqId, ...args); |
} |
public loadFromData(json: any) { |
this.sendQuery('loadFromData', json, this.width, this.height, { |
paused: this.paused, |
direction: this.direction, |
speed: this.speed |
}); |
} |
public play() { |
this.sendQuery('play'); |
this.paused = false; |
} |
public pause() { |
this.sendQuery('pause'); |
this.paused = true; |
} |
public stop() { |
this.sendQuery('stop'); |
this.paused = true; |
} |
public restart() { |
this.sendQuery('restart'); |
} |
public setSpeed(speed: number) { |
this.sendQuery('setSpeed', speed); |
} |
public setDirection(direction: number) { |
this.direction = direction; |
this.sendQuery('setDirection', direction); |
} |
public destroy() { |
lottieLoader.onDestroy(this.reqId); |
this.sendQuery('destroy'); |
} |
private attachPlayer() { |
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); |
this.canvas.width = this.width; |
this.canvas.height = this.height; |
this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); |
} |
public renderFrame(frame: Uint8ClampedArray, frameNo: number) { |
if(!this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty('firstFrame')) { |
this.attachPlayer(); |
this.el.appendChild(this.canvas); |
this.setListenerResult('firstFrame'); |
} |
this.context.putImageData(new ImageData(frame, this.width, this.height), 0, 0); |
this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo); |
} |
} |
class QueryableWorker { |
private worker: Worker; |
private listeners: {[name: string]: (...args: any[]) => void} = {}; |
constructor(url: string, private defaultListener: (data: any) => void = () => {}, onError?: (error: any) => void) { |
this.worker = new Worker(url); |
if(onError) { |
this.worker.onerror = onError; |
} |
this.worker.onmessage = (event) => { |
if( instanceof Object && |
||||||'queryMethodListener') && |
||||||'queryMethodArguments')) { |
this.listeners[].apply(this,; |
} else { |
||||||,; |
} |
} |
} |
public postMessage(message: any) { |
this.worker.postMessage(message); |
} |
public terminate() { |
this.worker.terminate(); |
} |
public addListener(name: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void) { |
this.listeners[name] = listener; |
} |
public removeListener(name: string) { |
delete this.listeners[name]; |
} |
public sendQuery(queryMethod: string, ...args: any[]) { |
this.worker.postMessage({ |
'queryMethod': queryMethod, |
'queryMethodArguments': args |
}); |
} |
} |
class LottieLoader { |
public loadPromise: Promise<void>; |
public loaded = false; |
private static COLORREPLACEMENTS = [ |
[ |
[0xf77e41, 0xca907a], |
[0xffb139, 0xedc5a5], |
[0xffd140, 0xf7e3c3], |
[0xffdf79, 0xfbefd6], |
], |
[ |
[0xf77e41, 0xaa7c60], |
[0xffb139, 0xc8a987], |
[0xffd140, 0xddc89f], |
[0xffdf79, 0xe6d6b2], |
], |
[ |
[0xf77e41, 0x8c6148], |
[0xffb139, 0xad8562], |
[0xffd140, 0xc49e76], |
[0xffdf79, 0xd4b188], |
], |
[ |
[0xf77e41, 0x6e3c2c], |
[0xffb139, 0x925a34], |
[0xffd140, 0xa16e46], |
[0xffdf79, 0xac7a52], |
] |
]; |
private workersLimit = 4; |
private players: {[reqId: number]: RLottiePlayer} = {}; |
private byGroups: {[group: string]: RLottiePlayer[]} = {}; |
private workers: QueryableWorker[] = []; |
private curWorkerNum = 0; |
private observer: IntersectionObserver; |
private visible: Set<RLottiePlayer> = new Set(); |
private debug = true; |
constructor() { |
|||||| = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { |
for(const entry of entries) { |
const target =; |
for(const group in this.byGroups) { |
const player = this.byGroups[group].find(p => p.el == target); |
if(player) { |
if(entry.isIntersecting) { |
this.visible.add(player); |
if(player.paused) { |
||||||; |
} |
} else { |
this.visible.delete(player); |
if(!player.paused) { |
player.pause(); |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
public loadLottieWorkers() { |
if(this.loadPromise) return this.loadPromise; |
const onFrame = this.onFrame.bind(this); |
return this.loadPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
let remain = this.workersLimit; |
for(let i = 0; i < this.workersLimit; ++i) { |
const worker = this.workers[i] = new QueryableWorker('rlottie.worker.js'); |
worker.addListener('ready', () => { |
console.log('worker #' + i + ' ready'); |
worker.addListener('frame', onFrame); |
--remain; |
if(!remain) { |
console.log('workers ready'); |
resolve(); |
this.loaded = true; |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
private applyReplacements(object: any, toneIndex: number) { |
const replacements = LottieLoader.COLORREPLACEMENTS[toneIndex - 2]; |
const iterateIt = (it: any) => { |
for(let smth of it) { |
switch(smth.ty) { |
case 'st': |
case 'fl': |
let k = smth.c.k; |
let color = convert(k[2]) | (convert(k[1]) << 8) | (convert(k[0]) << 16); |
let foundReplacement = replacements.find(p => p[0] == color); |
if(foundReplacement) { |
k[0] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 16) & 255) / 255; |
k[1] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 8) & 255) / 255; |
k[2] = (foundReplacement[1] & 255) / 255; |
} |
//console.log('foundReplacement!', foundReplacement, color.toString(16), k);
break; |
} |
if(smth.hasOwnProperty('it')) { |
iterateIt(; |
} |
} |
}; |
for(let layer of object.layers) { |
if(!layer.shapes) continue; |
for(let shape of layer.shapes) { |
iterateIt(; |
} |
} |
} |
public async loadAnimationWorker(params: { |
container: HTMLElement, |
autoplay?: boolean, |
animationData: any, |
loop?: boolean, |
renderer?: string, |
width?: number, |
height?: number |
}, group = '', toneIndex = -1) { |
//params.autoplay = false;
if(toneIndex >= 1 && toneIndex <= 5) { |
this.applyReplacements(params.animationData, toneIndex); |
} |
if(!this.loaded) { |
await this.loadLottieWorkers(); |
} |
||||||; |
const width = params.width || parseInt(; |
const height = params.height || parseInt(; |
const player = this.initPlayer(params.container, params.animationData, width, height); |
for(let i in params) { |
// @ts-ignore
if(player.hasOwnProperty(i)) { |
// @ts-ignore
player[i] = params[i]; |
} |
} |
(this.byGroups[group] ?? (this.byGroups[group] = [])).push(player); |
return player; |
} |
public checkAnimations(blurred?: boolean, group?: string, destroy = false) { |
const groups = group && false ? [group] : Object.keys(this.byGroups); |
if(group && !this.byGroups[group]) { |
console.warn('no animation group:', group); |
this.byGroups[group] = []; |
} |
for(const group of groups) { |
const animations = this.byGroups[group]; |
const length = animations.length; |
for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { |
const player = animations[i]; |
if(destroy || (!isInDOM(player.el) && player.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty('firstFrame'))) { |
//console.log('destroy animation');
player.destroy(); |
continue; |
} |
if(blurred) { |
if(!player.paused) { |
this.debug && console.log('pause animation', player); |
player.pause(); |
} |
} else if(player.paused && this.visible.has(player)) { |
this.debug && console.log('play animation', player); |
||||||; |
} |
/* if(canvas) { |
let c = container.firstElementChild as HTMLCanvasElement; |
if(!c) { |
console.warn('no canvas element for check!', container, animations[i]); |
continue; |
} |
if(!c.height && !c.width && isElementInViewport(container)) { |
//console.log('lottie need resize');
animation.resize(); |
} |
} */ |
//if(!autoplay) continue;
/* if(blurred || !isElementInViewport(container)) { |
if(!paused) { |
this.debug && console.log('pause animation', isElementInViewport(container), container); |
animation.pause(); |
animations[i].paused = true; |
} |
} else if(paused) { |
this.debug && console.log('play animation', container); |
||||||; |
animations[i].paused = false; |
} */ |
} |
} |
} |
private onFrame(reqId: number, frameNo: number, frame: Uint8ClampedArray, width: number, height: number) { |
const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId]; |
if(!rlPlayer) { |
this.debug && console.warn('onFrame on destroyed player:', reqId, frameNo); |
return; |
} |
rlPlayer.renderFrame(frame, frameNo); |
} |
public onDestroy(reqId: number) { |
let player = this.players[reqId]; |
for(let group in this.byGroups) { |
this.byGroups[group].findAndSplice(p => p == player); |
} |
delete this.players[player.reqId]; |
||||||; |
this.visible.delete(player); |
} |
public destroyWorkers() { |
this.workers.forEach((worker, idx) => { |
worker.terminate(); |
console.log('worker #' + idx + ' terminated'); |
}); |
console.log('workers destroyed'); |
this.workers.length = 0; |
} |
private initPlayer(el: HTMLElement, json: any, width: number, height: number) { |
const rlPlayer = new RLottiePlayer({ |
el, |
width, |
height, |
worker: this.workers[this.curWorkerNum++] |
}); |
this.players[rlPlayer.reqId] = rlPlayer; |
if(this.curWorkerNum >= this.workers.length) { |
this.curWorkerNum = 0; |
} |
rlPlayer.loadFromData(json); |
return rlPlayer; |
} |
} |
const lottieLoader = new LottieLoader(); |
(window as any).LottieLoader = lottieLoader; |
export default lottieLoader; |
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ |
import insideWorker from 'offscreen-canvas/inside-worker'; |
console.log(self); |
import { Webp } from "./libwebp.js"; |
let webp = new Webp(); |
webp.Module.doNotCaptureKeyboard = true; |
webp.Module.noImageDecoding = true; |
let canvas = null; |
const worker = insideWorker(e => { |
if( { |
canvas =; |
console.log(e, canvas); |
webp.setCanvas(canvas); |
// Draw on the canvas
} else if( == 'webpBytes') { |
webp.webpToSdl(,; |
self.postMessage({converted: true}); |
} |
}); |
Reference in new issue