Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
3.5 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
2 years ago
import placeCaretAtEnd from '../helpers/dom/placeCaretAtEnd';
import {formatPhoneNumber} from '../helpers/formatPhoneNumber';
import {IS_APPLE, IS_ANDROID, IS_APPLE_MOBILE} from '../environment/userAgent';
import {HelpCountry, HelpCountryCode} from '../layer';
import InputField, {InputFieldOptions} from './inputField';
export default class TelInputField extends InputField {
private pasted = false;
public lastValue = '';
2 years ago
constructor(options: InputFieldOptions & {
onInput?: (formatted: ReturnType<typeof formatPhoneNumber>) => void
} = {}) {
label: 'Contacts.PhoneNumber.Placeholder',
2 years ago
// plainText: true,
name: 'phone',
2 years ago
const telEl = this.input;
if(telEl instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
telEl.type = 'tel';
telEl.autocomplete = 'rr55RandomRR55';
} else {
telEl.inputMode = 'decimal';
const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
if(pixelRatio > 1) {
let letterSpacing: number;
if(IS_APPLE) {
letterSpacing = pixelRatio * -.16;
} else if(IS_ANDROID) {
letterSpacing = 0;
}'--letter-spacing', letterSpacing + 'px');
const originalFunc = this.setValueSilently.bind(this);
this.setValueSilently = (value) => {
placeCaretAtEnd(this.input, true);
telEl.addEventListener('input', () => {
2 years ago
// console.log('input', this.value);
2 years ago
const value = this.value;
const diff = Math.abs(value.length - this.lastValue.length);
if(diff > 1 && !this.pasted && IS_APPLE_MOBILE) {
this.setValueSilently(this.lastValue + value);
2 years ago
this.pasted = false;
2 years ago
2 years ago
let formattedPhoneNumber: ReturnType<typeof formatPhoneNumber>;
let formatted: string, country: HelpCountry, countryCode: HelpCountryCode, leftPattern = '';
if(this.value.replace(/\++/, '+') === '+') {
} else {
formattedPhoneNumber = formatPhoneNumber(this.value);
formatted = formattedPhoneNumber.formatted;
country =;
leftPattern = formattedPhoneNumber.leftPattern;
countryCode = formattedPhoneNumber.code;
this.setValueSilently(this.lastValue = formatted ? '+' + formatted : '');
2 years ago
telEl.dataset.leftPattern = leftPattern/* .replace(/X/g, '0') */;
2 years ago
// console.log(formatted, country);
options.onInput && options.onInput(formattedPhoneNumber);
2 years ago
telEl.addEventListener('paste', () => {
this.pasted = true;
2 years ago
// console.log('paste', telEl.value);
2 years ago
/* telEl.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
console.log('change', telEl.value);
}); */
2 years ago
telEl.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => {
2 years ago
// console.log('keypress', this.value);
3 years ago
const key = e.key;
if(/\D/.test(key) && !(e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && key !== 'Backspace' && !(key === '+' && e.shiftKey/* && !this.value */)) {
return false;
2 years ago
/* telEl.addEventListener('focus', function(this: typeof telEl, e) {
this.removeAttribute('readonly'); // fix autocomplete