Proxy tunnels checker for I2P written on python
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993 B

; Other fields is not required
; Указание полей PORT и TYPE обязательно!
; Остальные можно заполнять чем угодно,
; они используются только для вывода информации в таблицу
; [PORT]
; type = type of proxy (http - using SocksiPyHandler, http0 - using urllib, socks - only 5th version using SocksiPyHandler)
; address = base32 address
; name = name of tunnel
; owner = name of owner
; info = some info
type = http
address = 77mpz4z6s4eenjexleclqb36uxvqjtztqikjfqa4sovojh6gwwha.b32.i2p
name = false.i2p
owner = meeh
info = httpproxy
type = socks
address = hob3qpw7c6yaurusuzlden66tp4opksrqqukywefnqyj6lhauhoa.b32.i2p
name = public
owner = r4sas
info = client
type = http
address = wfigbdfs6tvajiw24xwohbwwy5pq3jcgzevwnsky2ucwzwgodumq.b32.i2p
name = blue
owner = arctic
info = httpproxy