@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
# include <QCloseEvent>
# include <QLabel>
# include <QRegExp>
# include <QTextTable>
# include <QTextCursor>
# include <QVBoxLayout>
/** "Help message" or "About" dialog box */
@ -52,28 +54,82 @@ HelpMessageDialog::HelpMessageDialog(QWidget *parent, bool about) :
@@ -52,28 +54,82 @@ HelpMessageDialog::HelpMessageDialog(QWidget *parent, bool about) :
// Replace newlines with HTML breaks
licenseInfoHTML . replace ( " \n \n " , " <br><br> " ) ;
ui - > helpMessageLabel - > setTextFormat ( Qt : : RichText ) ;
ui - > aboutMessage - > setTextFormat ( Qt : : RichText ) ;
ui - > scrollArea - > setVerticalScrollBarPolicy ( Qt : : ScrollBarAsNeeded ) ;
text = version + " \n " + licenseInfo ;
ui - > helpMessageLabel - > setText ( version + " <br><br> " + licenseInfoHTML ) ;
ui - > helpMessageLabel - > setWordWrap ( true ) ;
ui - > aboutMessage - > setText ( version + " <br><br> " + licenseInfoHTML ) ;
ui - > aboutMessage - > setWordWrap ( true ) ;
ui - > helpMessage - > setVisible ( false ) ;
} else {
setWindowTitle ( tr ( " Command-line options " ) ) ;
QString header = tr ( " Usage: " ) + " \n " +
" bitcoin-qt [ " + tr ( " command-line options " ) + " ] " + " \n " ;
QTextCursor cursor ( ui - > helpMessage - > document ( ) ) ;
cursor . insertText ( version ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( tr ( " Usage: " ) + ' \n ' +
" bitcoin-qt [ " + tr ( " command-line options " ) + " ] \n " ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
QTextTableFormat tf ;
tf . setBorderStyle ( QTextFrameFormat : : BorderStyle_None ) ;
tf . setCellPadding ( 2 ) ;
QVector < QTextLength > widths ;
widths < < QTextLength ( QTextLength : : PercentageLength , 20 ) ;
widths < < QTextLength ( QTextLength : : PercentageLength , 80 ) ;
tf . setColumnWidthConstraints ( widths ) ;
QTextTable * table = cursor . insertTable ( 2 , 2 , tf ) ;
QString coreOptions = QString : : fromStdString ( HelpMessage ( HMM_BITCOIN_QT ) ) ;
bool first = true ;
QTextCharFormat bold ;
bold . setFontWeight ( QFont : : Bold ) ;
// note that coreOptions is not translated.
foreach ( const QString & line , coreOptions . split ( ' \n ' ) ) {
if ( ! first ) {
table - > appendRows ( 1 ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextRow ) ;
first = false ;
if ( line . startsWith ( " " ) ) {
int index = line . indexOf ( ' ' , 3 ) ;
if ( index > 0 ) {
cursor . insertText ( line . left ( index ) . trimmed ( ) ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( line . mid ( index ) . trimmed ( ) ) ;
continue ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell , QTextCursor : : KeepAnchor ) ;
table - > mergeCells ( cursor ) ;
cursor . insertText ( line . trimmed ( ) , bold ) ;
QString uiOptions = tr ( " UI options " ) + " : \n " +
" -choosedatadir " + tr ( " Choose data directory on startup (default: 0) " ) + " \n " +
" -lang=<lang> " + tr ( " Set language, for example \" de_DE \" (default: system locale) " ) + " \n " +
" -min " + tr ( " Start minimized " ) + " \n " +
" -rootcertificates=<file> " + tr ( " Set SSL root certificates for payment request (default: -system-) " ) + " \n " +
" -splash " + tr ( " Show splash screen on startup (default: 1) " ) ;
ui - > helpMessageLabel - > setFont ( GUIUtil : : bitcoinAddressFont ( ) ) ;
text = version + " \n " + header + " \n " + coreOptions + " \n " + uiOptions ;
ui - > helpMessageLabel - > setText ( text ) ;
table - > appendRows ( 6 ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextRow ) ;
cursor . insertText ( tr ( " UI options " ) + " : " , bold ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextRow ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " -choosedatadir " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( tr ( " Choose data directory on startup (default: 0) " ) ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " -lang=<lang> " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( tr ( " Set language, for example \" de_DE \" (default: system locale) " ) ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " -min " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( tr ( " Start minimized " ) ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " -rootcertificates=<file> " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( tr ( " Set SSL root certificates for payment request (default: -system-) " ) ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " -splash " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( tr ( " Show splash screen on startup (default: 1) " ) ) ;
ui - > helpMessage - > moveCursor ( QTextCursor : : Start ) ;
ui - > scrollArea - > setVisible ( false ) ;