// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
# include "base58.h"
# include "clientversion.h"
# include "init.h"
# include "validation.h"
# include "net.h"
# include "netbase.h"
# include "rpc/blockchain.h"
# include "rpc/server.h"
# include "timedata.h"
# include "util.h"
# include "utilstrencodings.h"
# include "wallet/rpcwallet.h"
# include "wallet/wallet.h"
# include "wallet/walletdb.h"
# endif
# include <stdint.h>
# include <malloc.h>
# endif
# include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
# include <univalue.h>
* @ note Do not add or change anything in the information returned by this
* method . ` getinfo ` exists for backwards - compatibility only . It combines
* information from wildly different sources in the program , which is a mess ,
* and is thus planned to be deprecated eventually .
* Based on the source of the information , new information should be added to :
* - ` getblockchaininfo ` ,
* - ` getnetworkinfo ` or
* - ` getwalletinfo `
* Or alternatively , create a specific query method for the information .
* */
UniValue getinfo ( const JSONRPCRequest & request )
if ( request . fHelp | | request . params . size ( ) ! = 0 )
throw std : : runtime_error (
" getinfo \n "
" \n DEPRECATED. Returns an object containing various state info. \n "
" \n Result: \n "
" { \n "
" \" version \" : xxxxx, (numeric) the server version \n "
" \" protocolversion \" : xxxxx, (numeric) the protocol version \n "
" \" walletversion \" : xxxxx, (numeric) the wallet version \n "
" \" balance \" : xxxxxxx, (numeric) the total bitcoin balance of the wallet \n "
" \" blocks \" : xxxxxx, (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server \n "
" \" timeoffset \" : xxxxx, (numeric) the time offset \n "
" \" connections \" : xxxxx, (numeric) the number of connections \n "
" \" proxy \" : \" host:port \" , (string, optional) the proxy used by the server \n "
" \" difficulty \" : xxxxxx, (numeric) the current difficulty \n "
" \" testnet \" : true|false, (boolean) if the server is using testnet or not \n "
" \" keypoololdest \" : xxxxxx, (numeric) the timestamp (seconds since Unix epoch) of the oldest pre-generated key in the key pool \n "
" \" keypoolsize \" : xxxx, (numeric) how many new keys are pre-generated \n "
" \" unlocked_until \" : ttt, (numeric) the timestamp in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT) that the wallet is unlocked for transfers, or 0 if the wallet is locked \n "
" \" paytxfee \" : x.xxxx, (numeric) the transaction fee set in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " /kB \n "
" \" relayfee \" : x.xxxx, (numeric) minimum relay fee for transactions in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " /kB \n "
" \" errors \" : \" ... \" (string) any error messages \n "
" } \n "
" \n Examples: \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " getinfo " , " " )
+ HelpExampleRpc ( " getinfo " , " " )
) ;
CWallet * const pwallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest ( request ) ;
LOCK2 ( cs_main , pwallet ? & pwallet - > cs_wallet : NULL ) ;
# else
LOCK ( cs_main ) ;
# endif
proxyType proxy ;
GetProxy ( NET_IPV4 , proxy ) ;
UniValue obj ( UniValue : : VOBJ ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " version " , CLIENT_VERSION ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " protocolversion " , PROTOCOL_VERSION ) ) ;
if ( pwallet ) {
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " walletversion " , pwallet - > GetVersion ( ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " balance " , ValueFromAmount ( pwallet - > GetBalance ( ) ) ) ) ;
# endif
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " blocks " , ( int ) chainActive . Height ( ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " timeoffset " , GetTimeOffset ( ) ) ) ;
if ( g_connman )
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " connections " , ( int ) g_connman - > GetNodeCount ( CConnman : : CONNECTIONS_ALL ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " proxy " , ( proxy . IsValid ( ) ? proxy . proxy . ToStringIPPort ( ) : std : : string ( ) ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " difficulty " , ( double ) GetDifficulty ( ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " testnet " , Params ( ) . NetworkIDString ( ) = = CBaseChainParams : : TESTNET ) ) ;
if ( pwallet ) {
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " keypoololdest " , pwallet - > GetOldestKeyPoolTime ( ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " keypoolsize " , ( int ) pwallet - > GetKeyPoolSize ( ) ) ) ;
if ( pwallet & & pwallet - > IsCrypted ( ) ) {
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " unlocked_until " , pwallet - > nRelockTime ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " paytxfee " , ValueFromAmount ( payTxFee . GetFeePerK ( ) ) ) ) ;
# endif
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " relayfee " , ValueFromAmount ( : : minRelayTxFee . GetFeePerK ( ) ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " errors " , GetWarnings ( " statusbar " ) ) ) ;
return obj ;
class DescribeAddressVisitor : public boost : : static_visitor < UniValue >
public :
CWallet * const pwallet ;
DescribeAddressVisitor ( CWallet * _pwallet ) : pwallet ( _pwallet ) { }
UniValue operator ( ) ( const CNoDestination & dest ) const { return UniValue ( UniValue : : VOBJ ) ; }
UniValue operator ( ) ( const CKeyID & keyID ) const {
UniValue obj ( UniValue : : VOBJ ) ;
CPubKey vchPubKey ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " isscript " , false ) ) ;
if ( pwallet & & pwallet - > GetPubKey ( keyID , vchPubKey ) ) {
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " pubkey " , HexStr ( vchPubKey ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " iscompressed " , vchPubKey . IsCompressed ( ) ) ) ;
return obj ;
UniValue operator ( ) ( const CScriptID & scriptID ) const {
UniValue obj ( UniValue : : VOBJ ) ;
Return all available information via validateaddress
`"validateaddress"` omits some information, even in cases where is it available.
The primary motivation is to be able to retrieve redeemScripts, after using `"addmultisigaddress"`, when not all keys are available in the keystore, but the redeemScript actually is.
The output of `"validateaddress"` with this commit:
Keys not available:
validateaddress "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3",
"scriptPubKey": "76a914fa20d564550b105787f7ce3a9ad7fd9a45cd407088ac",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": false
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true
After adding the redeemScript:
addmultisigaddress 2 '["02537357B156A33306A7A014A3748631C59DF405B56F11BA4AA4A3CE81501AF095","02F1FB200390E7864EF4450C07B15988179A57C3CF3A878F668E1070CB615749FE"]'
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true,
"script": "multisig",
"hex": "522102537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af0952102f1fb200390e7864ef4450c07b15988179a57c3cf3a878f668e1070cb615749fe52ae",
"addresses": [
"sigsrequired": 2,
"account": ""
All keys available:
validateaddress "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3",
"scriptPubKey": "76a914fa20d564550b105787f7ce3a9ad7fd9a45cd407088ac",
"ismine": true,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": false,
"pubkey": "02537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af095",
"iscompressed": true,
"account": ""
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": true,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true,
"script": "multisig",
"hex": "522102537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af0952102f1fb200390e7864ef4450c07b15988179a57c3cf3a878f668e1070cb615749fe52ae",
"addresses": [
"sigsrequired": 2,
"account": ""
10 years ago
CScript subscript ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " isscript " , true ) ) ;
if ( pwallet & & pwallet - > GetCScript ( scriptID , subscript ) ) {
std : : vector < CTxDestination > addresses ;
txnouttype whichType ;
int nRequired ;
ExtractDestinations ( subscript , whichType , addresses , nRequired ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " script " , GetTxnOutputType ( whichType ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " hex " , HexStr ( subscript . begin ( ) , subscript . end ( ) ) ) ) ;
UniValue a ( UniValue : : VARR ) ;
BOOST_FOREACH ( const CTxDestination & addr , addresses )
a . push_back ( CBitcoinAddress ( addr ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " addresses " , a ) ) ;
if ( whichType = = TX_MULTISIG )
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " sigsrequired " , nRequired ) ) ;
return obj ;
} ;
# endif
UniValue validateaddress ( const JSONRPCRequest & request )
if ( request . fHelp | | request . params . size ( ) ! = 1 )
throw std : : runtime_error (
" validateaddress \" address \" \n "
" \n Return information about the given bitcoin address. \n "
" \n Arguments: \n "
" 1. \" address \" (string, required) The bitcoin address to validate \n "
" \n Result: \n "
" { \n "
" \" isvalid \" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is valid or not. If not, this is the only property returned. \n "
" \" address \" : \" address \" , (string) The bitcoin address validated \n "
" \" scriptPubKey \" : \" hex \" , (string) The hex encoded scriptPubKey generated by the address \n "
" \" ismine \" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is yours or not \n "
" \" iswatchonly \" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is watchonly \n "
" \" isscript \" : true|false, (boolean) If the key is a script \n "
" \" pubkey \" : \" publickeyhex \" , (string) The hex value of the raw public key \n "
" \" iscompressed \" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is compressed \n "
" \" account \" : \" account \" (string) DEPRECATED. The account associated with the address, \" \" is the default account \n "
" \" timestamp \" : timestamp, (number, optional) The creation time of the key if available in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT) \n "
" \" hdkeypath \" : \" keypath \" (string, optional) The HD keypath if the key is HD and available \n "
" \" hdmasterkeyid \" : \" <hash160> \" (string, optional) The Hash160 of the HD master pubkey \n "
" } \n "
" \n Examples: \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " validateaddress " , " \" 1PSSGeFHDnKNxiEyFrD1wcEaHr9hrQDDWc \" " )
+ HelpExampleRpc ( " validateaddress " , " \" 1PSSGeFHDnKNxiEyFrD1wcEaHr9hrQDDWc \" " )
) ;
CWallet * const pwallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest ( request ) ;
LOCK2 ( cs_main , pwallet ? & pwallet - > cs_wallet : NULL ) ;
# else
LOCK ( cs_main ) ;
# endif
CBitcoinAddress address ( request . params [ 0 ] . get_str ( ) ) ;
bool isValid = address . IsValid ( ) ;
UniValue ret ( UniValue : : VOBJ ) ;
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " isvalid " , isValid ) ) ;
if ( isValid )
CTxDestination dest = address . Get ( ) ;
std : : string currentAddress = address . ToString ( ) ;
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " address " , currentAddress ) ) ;
CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination ( dest ) ;
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " scriptPubKey " , HexStr ( scriptPubKey . begin ( ) , scriptPubKey . end ( ) ) ) ) ;
isminetype mine = pwallet ? IsMine ( * pwallet , dest ) : ISMINE_NO ;
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " ismine " , ( mine & ISMINE_SPENDABLE ) ? true : false ) ) ;
Return all available information via validateaddress
`"validateaddress"` omits some information, even in cases where is it available.
The primary motivation is to be able to retrieve redeemScripts, after using `"addmultisigaddress"`, when not all keys are available in the keystore, but the redeemScript actually is.
The output of `"validateaddress"` with this commit:
Keys not available:
validateaddress "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3",
"scriptPubKey": "76a914fa20d564550b105787f7ce3a9ad7fd9a45cd407088ac",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": false
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true
After adding the redeemScript:
addmultisigaddress 2 '["02537357B156A33306A7A014A3748631C59DF405B56F11BA4AA4A3CE81501AF095","02F1FB200390E7864EF4450C07B15988179A57C3CF3A878F668E1070CB615749FE"]'
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true,
"script": "multisig",
"hex": "522102537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af0952102f1fb200390e7864ef4450c07b15988179a57c3cf3a878f668e1070cb615749fe52ae",
"addresses": [
"sigsrequired": 2,
"account": ""
All keys available:
validateaddress "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3",
"scriptPubKey": "76a914fa20d564550b105787f7ce3a9ad7fd9a45cd407088ac",
"ismine": true,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": false,
"pubkey": "02537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af095",
"iscompressed": true,
"account": ""
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": true,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true,
"script": "multisig",
"hex": "522102537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af0952102f1fb200390e7864ef4450c07b15988179a57c3cf3a878f668e1070cb615749fe52ae",
"addresses": [
"sigsrequired": 2,
"account": ""
10 years ago
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " iswatchonly " , ( mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY ) ? true : false ) ) ;
UniValue detail = boost : : apply_visitor ( DescribeAddressVisitor ( pwallet ) , dest ) ;
Return all available information via validateaddress
`"validateaddress"` omits some information, even in cases where is it available.
The primary motivation is to be able to retrieve redeemScripts, after using `"addmultisigaddress"`, when not all keys are available in the keystore, but the redeemScript actually is.
The output of `"validateaddress"` with this commit:
Keys not available:
validateaddress "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3",
"scriptPubKey": "76a914fa20d564550b105787f7ce3a9ad7fd9a45cd407088ac",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": false
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true
After adding the redeemScript:
addmultisigaddress 2 '["02537357B156A33306A7A014A3748631C59DF405B56F11BA4AA4A3CE81501AF095","02F1FB200390E7864EF4450C07B15988179A57C3CF3A878F668E1070CB615749FE"]'
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true,
"script": "multisig",
"hex": "522102537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af0952102f1fb200390e7864ef4450c07b15988179a57c3cf3a878f668e1070cb615749fe52ae",
"addresses": [
"sigsrequired": 2,
"account": ""
All keys available:
validateaddress "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "n4KWZKx349gdMQGgTnZ8W6WfgSwybkGSK3",
"scriptPubKey": "76a914fa20d564550b105787f7ce3a9ad7fd9a45cd407088ac",
"ismine": true,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": false,
"pubkey": "02537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af095",
"iscompressed": true,
"account": ""
validateaddress "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK"
"isvalid": true,
"address": "2N2g2H7gjA8a11g1yKBgh5VTqndyvbnWpBK",
"scriptPubKey": "a9146769c19a16c9400b908756e19a4d2afb9e9760e187",
"ismine": true,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true,
"script": "multisig",
"hex": "522102537357b156a33306a7a014a3748631c59df405b56f11ba4aa4a3ce81501af0952102f1fb200390e7864ef4450c07b15988179a57c3cf3a878f668e1070cb615749fe52ae",
"addresses": [
"sigsrequired": 2,
"account": ""
10 years ago
ret . pushKVs ( detail ) ;
if ( pwallet & & pwallet - > mapAddressBook . count ( dest ) ) {
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " account " , pwallet - > mapAddressBook [ dest ] . name ) ) ;
CKeyID keyID ;
if ( pwallet ) {
const auto & meta = pwallet - > mapKeyMetadata ;
auto it = address . GetKeyID ( keyID ) ? meta . find ( keyID ) : meta . end ( ) ;
if ( it = = meta . end ( ) ) {
it = meta . find ( CScriptID ( scriptPubKey ) ) ;
if ( it ! = meta . end ( ) ) {
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " timestamp " , it - > second . nCreateTime ) ) ;
if ( ! it - > second . hdKeypath . empty ( ) ) {
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " hdkeypath " , it - > second . hdKeypath ) ) ;
ret . push_back ( Pair ( " hdmasterkeyid " , it - > second . hdMasterKeyID . GetHex ( ) ) ) ;
# endif
return ret ;
// Needed even with !ENABLE_WALLET, to pass (ignored) pointers around
class CWallet ;
* Used by addmultisigaddress / createmultisig :
CScript _createmultisig_redeemScript ( CWallet * const pwallet , const UniValue & params )
int nRequired = params [ 0 ] . get_int ( ) ;
const UniValue & keys = params [ 1 ] . get_array ( ) ;
// Gather public keys
if ( nRequired < 1 )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " a multisignature address must require at least one key to redeem " ) ;
if ( ( int ) keys . size ( ) < nRequired )
throw std : : runtime_error (
strprintf ( " not enough keys supplied "
" (got %u keys, but need at least %d to redeem) " , keys . size ( ) , nRequired ) ) ;
if ( keys . size ( ) > 16 )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Number of addresses involved in the multisignature address creation > 16 \n Reduce the number " ) ;
std : : vector < CPubKey > pubkeys ;
pubkeys . resize ( keys . size ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < keys . size ( ) ; i + + )
const std : : string & ks = keys [ i ] . get_str ( ) ;
// Case 1: Bitcoin address and we have full public key:
CBitcoinAddress address ( ks ) ;
if ( pwallet & & address . IsValid ( ) ) {
CKeyID keyID ;
if ( ! address . GetKeyID ( keyID ) )
throw std : : runtime_error (
strprintf ( " %s does not refer to a key " , ks ) ) ;
CPubKey vchPubKey ;
if ( ! pwallet - > GetPubKey ( keyID , vchPubKey ) ) {
throw std : : runtime_error (
strprintf ( " no full public key for address %s " , ks ) ) ;
if ( ! vchPubKey . IsFullyValid ( ) )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Invalid public key: " + ks ) ;
pubkeys [ i ] = vchPubKey ;
// Case 2: hex public key
# endif
if ( IsHex ( ks ) )
CPubKey vchPubKey ( ParseHex ( ks ) ) ;
if ( ! vchPubKey . IsFullyValid ( ) )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Invalid public key: " + ks ) ;
pubkeys [ i ] = vchPubKey ;
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Invalid public key: " + ks ) ;
CScript result = GetScriptForMultisig ( nRequired , pubkeys ) ;
if ( result . size ( ) > MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE )
throw std : : runtime_error (
strprintf ( " redeemScript exceeds size limit: %d > %d " , result . size ( ) , MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE ) ) ;
return result ;
UniValue createmultisig ( const JSONRPCRequest & request )
CWallet * const pwallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest ( request ) ;
# else
CWallet * const pwallet = NULL ;
# endif
if ( request . fHelp | | request . params . size ( ) < 2 | | request . params . size ( ) > 2 )
std : : string msg = " createmultisig nrequired [ \" key \" ,...] \n "
" \n Creates a multi-signature address with n signature of m keys required. \n "
" It returns a json object with the address and redeemScript. \n "
" \n Arguments: \n "
" 1. nrequired (numeric, required) The number of required signatures out of the n keys or addresses. \n "
" 2. \" keys \" (string, required) A json array of keys which are bitcoin addresses or hex-encoded public keys \n "
" [ \n "
" \" key \" (string) bitcoin address or hex-encoded public key \n "
" ,... \n "
" ] \n "
" \n Result: \n "
" { \n "
" \" address \" : \" multisigaddress \" , (string) The value of the new multisig address. \n "
" \" redeemScript \" : \" script \" (string) The string value of the hex-encoded redemption script. \n "
" } \n "
" \n Examples: \n "
" \n Create a multisig address from 2 addresses \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " createmultisig " , " 2 \" [ \\ \" 16sSauSf5pF2UkUwvKGq4qjNRzBZYqgEL5 \\ \" , \\ \" 171sgjn4YtPu27adkKGrdDwzRTxnRkBfKV \\ \" ] \" " ) +
" \n As a json rpc call \n "
+ HelpExampleRpc ( " createmultisig " , " 2, \" [ \\ \" 16sSauSf5pF2UkUwvKGq4qjNRzBZYqgEL5 \\ \" , \\ \" 171sgjn4YtPu27adkKGrdDwzRTxnRkBfKV \\ \" ] \" " )
throw std : : runtime_error ( msg ) ;
// Construct using pay-to-script-hash:
CScript inner = _createmultisig_redeemScript ( pwallet , request . params ) ;
CScriptID innerID ( inner ) ;
CBitcoinAddress address ( innerID ) ;
UniValue result ( UniValue : : VOBJ ) ;
result . push_back ( Pair ( " address " , address . ToString ( ) ) ) ;
result . push_back ( Pair ( " redeemScript " , HexStr ( inner . begin ( ) , inner . end ( ) ) ) ) ;
return result ;
UniValue verifymessage ( const JSONRPCRequest & request )
if ( request . fHelp | | request . params . size ( ) ! = 3 )
throw std : : runtime_error (
" verifymessage \" address \" \" signature \" \" message \" \n "
" \n Verify a signed message \n "
" \n Arguments: \n "
" 1. \" address \" (string, required) The bitcoin address to use for the signature. \n "
" 2. \" signature \" (string, required) The signature provided by the signer in base 64 encoding (see signmessage). \n "
" 3. \" message \" (string, required) The message that was signed. \n "
" \n Result: \n "
" true|false (boolean) If the signature is verified or not. \n "
" \n Examples: \n "
" \n Unlock the wallet for 30 seconds \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " walletpassphrase " , " \" mypassphrase \" 30 " ) +
" \n Create the signature \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " signmessage " , " \" 1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XX \" \" my message \" " ) +
" \n Verify the signature \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " verifymessage " , " \" 1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XX \" \" signature \" \" my message \" " ) +
" \n As json rpc \n "
+ HelpExampleRpc ( " verifymessage " , " \" 1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XX \" , \" signature \" , \" my message \" " )
) ;
LOCK ( cs_main ) ;
std : : string strAddress = request . params [ 0 ] . get_str ( ) ;
std : : string strSign = request . params [ 1 ] . get_str ( ) ;
std : : string strMessage = request . params [ 2 ] . get_str ( ) ;
CBitcoinAddress addr ( strAddress ) ;
if ( ! addr . IsValid ( ) )
throw JSONRPCError ( RPC_TYPE_ERROR , " Invalid address " ) ;
CKeyID keyID ;
if ( ! addr . GetKeyID ( keyID ) )
throw JSONRPCError ( RPC_TYPE_ERROR , " Address does not refer to key " ) ;
bool fInvalid = false ;
std : : vector < unsigned char > vchSig = DecodeBase64 ( strSign . c_str ( ) , & fInvalid ) ;
if ( fInvalid )
throw JSONRPCError ( RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY , " Malformed base64 encoding " ) ;
CHashWriter ss ( SER_GETHASH , 0 ) ;
ss < < strMessageMagic ;
ss < < strMessage ;
CPubKey pubkey ;
if ( ! pubkey . RecoverCompact ( ss . GetHash ( ) , vchSig ) )
return false ;
return ( pubkey . GetID ( ) = = keyID ) ;
UniValue signmessagewithprivkey ( const JSONRPCRequest & request )
if ( request . fHelp | | request . params . size ( ) ! = 2 )
throw std : : runtime_error (
" signmessagewithprivkey \" privkey \" \" message \" \n "
" \n Sign a message with the private key of an address \n "
" \n Arguments: \n "
" 1. \" privkey \" (string, required) The private key to sign the message with. \n "
" 2. \" message \" (string, required) The message to create a signature of. \n "
" \n Result: \n "
" \" signature \" (string) The signature of the message encoded in base 64 \n "
" \n Examples: \n "
" \n Create the signature \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " signmessagewithprivkey " , " \" privkey \" \" my message \" " ) +
" \n Verify the signature \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " verifymessage " , " \" 1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XX \" \" signature \" \" my message \" " ) +
" \n As json rpc \n "
+ HelpExampleRpc ( " signmessagewithprivkey " , " \" privkey \" , \" my message \" " )
) ;
std : : string strPrivkey = request . params [ 0 ] . get_str ( ) ;
std : : string strMessage = request . params [ 1 ] . get_str ( ) ;
CBitcoinSecret vchSecret ;
bool fGood = vchSecret . SetString ( strPrivkey ) ;
if ( ! fGood )
throw JSONRPCError ( RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY , " Invalid private key " ) ;
CKey key = vchSecret . GetKey ( ) ;
if ( ! key . IsValid ( ) )
throw JSONRPCError ( RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY , " Private key outside allowed range " ) ;
CHashWriter ss ( SER_GETHASH , 0 ) ;
ss < < strMessageMagic ;
ss < < strMessage ;
std : : vector < unsigned char > vchSig ;
if ( ! key . SignCompact ( ss . GetHash ( ) , vchSig ) )
throw JSONRPCError ( RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY , " Sign failed " ) ;
return EncodeBase64 ( & vchSig [ 0 ] , vchSig . size ( ) ) ;
UniValue setmocktime ( const JSONRPCRequest & request )
if ( request . fHelp | | request . params . size ( ) ! = 1 )
throw std : : runtime_error (
" setmocktime timestamp \n "
" \n Set the local time to given timestamp (-regtest only) \n "
" \n Arguments: \n "
" 1. timestamp (integer, required) Unix seconds-since-epoch timestamp \n "
" Pass 0 to go back to using the system time. "
) ;
if ( ! Params ( ) . MineBlocksOnDemand ( ) )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " setmocktime for regression testing (-regtest mode) only " ) ;
// For now, don't change mocktime if we're in the middle of validation, as
// this could have an effect on mempool time-based eviction, as well as
// IsCurrentForFeeEstimation() and IsInitialBlockDownload().
// TODO: figure out the right way to synchronize around mocktime, and
// ensure all call sites of GetTime() are accessing this safely.
LOCK ( cs_main ) ;
RPCTypeCheck ( request . params , boost : : assign : : list_of ( UniValue : : VNUM ) ) ;
SetMockTime ( request . params [ 0 ] . get_int64 ( ) ) ;
return NullUniValue ;
static UniValue RPCLockedMemoryInfo ( )
LockedPool : : Stats stats = LockedPoolManager : : Instance ( ) . stats ( ) ;
UniValue obj ( UniValue : : VOBJ ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " used " , uint64_t ( stats . used ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " free " , uint64_t ( stats . free ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " total " , uint64_t ( stats . total ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " locked " , uint64_t ( stats . locked ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " chunks_used " , uint64_t ( stats . chunks_used ) ) ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " chunks_free " , uint64_t ( stats . chunks_free ) ) ) ;
return obj ;
static std : : string RPCMallocInfo ( )
char * ptr = nullptr ;
size_t size = 0 ;
FILE * f = open_memstream ( & ptr , & size ) ;
if ( f ) {
malloc_info ( 0 , f ) ;
fclose ( f ) ;
if ( ptr ) {
std : : string rv ( ptr , size ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;
return rv ;
return " " ;
# endif
UniValue getmemoryinfo ( const JSONRPCRequest & request )
/* Please, avoid using the word "pool" here in the RPC interface or help,
* as users will undoubtedly confuse it with the other " memory pool "
if ( request . fHelp | | request . params . size ( ) > 1 )
throw std : : runtime_error (
" getmemoryinfo ( \" mode \" ) \n "
" Returns an object containing information about memory usage. \n "
" Arguments: \n "
" 1. \" mode \" determines what kind of information is returned. This argument is optional, the default mode is \" stats \" . \n "
" - \" stats \" returns general statistics about memory usage in the daemon. \n "
" - \" mallocinfo \" returns an XML string describing low-level heap state (only available if compiled with glibc 2.10+). \n "
" \n Result (mode \" stats \" ): \n "
" { \n "
" \" locked \" : { (json object) Information about locked memory manager \n "
" \" used \" : xxxxx, (numeric) Number of bytes used \n "
" \" free \" : xxxxx, (numeric) Number of bytes available in current arenas \n "
" \" total \" : xxxxxxx, (numeric) Total number of bytes managed \n "
" \" locked \" : xxxxxx, (numeric) Amount of bytes that succeeded locking. If this number is smaller than total, locking pages failed at some point and key data could be swapped to disk. \n "
" \" chunks_used \" : xxxxx, (numeric) Number allocated chunks \n "
" \" chunks_free \" : xxxxx, (numeric) Number unused chunks \n "
" } \n "
" } \n "
" \n Result (mode \" mallocinfo \" ): \n "
" \" <malloc version= \" 1 \" >... \" \n "
" \n Examples: \n "
+ HelpExampleCli ( " getmemoryinfo " , " " )
+ HelpExampleRpc ( " getmemoryinfo " , " " )
) ;
std : : string mode = ( request . params . size ( ) < 1 | | request . params [ 0 ] . isNull ( ) ) ? " stats " : request . params [ 0 ] . get_str ( ) ;
if ( mode = = " stats " ) {
UniValue obj ( UniValue : : VOBJ ) ;
obj . push_back ( Pair ( " locked " , RPCLockedMemoryInfo ( ) ) ) ;
return obj ;
} else if ( mode = = " mallocinfo " ) {
return RPCMallocInfo ( ) ;
# else
throw JSONRPCError ( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER , " mallocinfo is only available when compiled with glibc 2.10+ " ) ;
# endif
} else {
throw JSONRPCError ( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER , " unknown mode " + mode ) ;
UniValue echo ( const JSONRPCRequest & request )
if ( request . fHelp )
throw std : : runtime_error (
" echo|echojson \" message \" ... \n "
" \n Simply echo back the input arguments. This command is for testing. \n "
" \n The difference between echo and echojson is that echojson has argument conversion enabled in the client-side table in "
" bitcoin-cli and the GUI. There is no server-side difference. "
) ;
return request . params ;
static const CRPCCommand commands [ ] =
{ // category name actor (function) okSafeMode
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
{ " control " , " getinfo " , & getinfo , true , { } } , /* uses wallet if enabled */
{ " control " , " getmemoryinfo " , & getmemoryinfo , true , { " mode " } } ,
{ " util " , " validateaddress " , & validateaddress , true , { " address " } } , /* uses wallet if enabled */
{ " util " , " createmultisig " , & createmultisig , true , { " nrequired " , " keys " } } ,
{ " util " , " verifymessage " , & verifymessage , true , { " address " , " signature " , " message " } } ,
{ " util " , " signmessagewithprivkey " , & signmessagewithprivkey , true , { " privkey " , " message " } } ,
/* Not shown in help */
{ " hidden " , " setmocktime " , & setmocktime , true , { " timestamp " } } ,
{ " hidden " , " echo " , & echo , true , { " arg0 " , " arg1 " , " arg2 " , " arg3 " , " arg4 " , " arg5 " , " arg6 " , " arg7 " , " arg8 " , " arg9 " } } ,
{ " hidden " , " echojson " , & echo , true , { " arg0 " , " arg1 " , " arg2 " , " arg3 " , " arg4 " , " arg5 " , " arg6 " , " arg7 " , " arg8 " , " arg9 " } } ,
} ;
void RegisterMiscRPCCommands ( CRPCTable & t )
for ( unsigned int vcidx = 0 ; vcidx < ARRAYLEN ( commands ) ; vcidx + + )
t . appendCommand ( commands [ vcidx ] . name , & commands [ vcidx ] ) ;