strUsage+=" -disablewallet "+_("Do not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -mintxfee=<amt> "+strprintf(_("Fees (in BTC/Kb) smaller than this are considered zero fee for transaction creation (default: %s)"),FormatMoney(CWallet::minTxFee.GetFeePerK()))+"\n";
strUsage+=" -paytxfee=<amt> "+strprintf(_("Fee (in BTC/kB) to add to transactions you send (default: %s)"),FormatMoney(payTxFee.GetFeePerK()))+"\n";
strUsage+=" -txconfirmtarget=<n> "+_("If paytxfee is not set, include enough fee so transactions are confirmed on average within n blocks (default: 1)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -rescan "+_("Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions")+""+_("on startup")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -respendnotify=<cmd> "+_("Execute command when a network tx respends wallet tx input (%s=respend TxID, %t=wallet TxID)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -salvagewallet "+_("Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet.dat")+""+_("on startup")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -spendzeroconfchange "+_("Spend unconfirmed change when sending transactions (default: 1)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -txconfirmtarget=<n> "+_("If paytxfee is not set, include enough fee so transactions are confirmed on average within n blocks (default: 1)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -upgradewallet "+_("Upgrade wallet to latest format")+""+_("on startup")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -wallet=<file> "+_("Specify wallet file (within data directory)")+""+_("(default: wallet.dat)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -walletnotify=<cmd> "+_("Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -respendnotify=<cmd> "+_("Execute command when a network tx respends wallet tx input (%s=respend TxID, %t=wallet TxID)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -zapwallettxes=<mode> "+_("Delete all wallet transactions and only recover those part of the blockchain through -rescan on startup")+"\n";
strUsage+=""+_("(default: 1, 1 = keep tx meta data e.g. account owner and payment request information, 2 = drop tx meta data)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -limitfreerelay=<n> "+_("Continuously rate-limit free transactions to <n>*1000 bytes per minute (default:15)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -maxsigcachesize=<n> "+_("Limit size of signature cache to <n> entries (default: 50000)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -mintxfee=<amt> "+strprintf(_("Fees (in BTC/Kb) smaller than this are considered zero fee for transaction creation (default: %s)"),FormatMoney(CTransaction::minTxFee.GetFeePerK()))+"\n";
strUsage+=" -minrelaytxfee=<amt> "+strprintf(_("Fees (in BTC/Kb) smaller than this are considered zero fee for relaying (default: %s)"),FormatMoney(CTransaction::minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK()))+"\n";
strUsage+=" -minrelaytxfee=<amt> "+strprintf(_("Fees (in BTC/Kb) smaller than this are considered zero fee for relaying (default: %s)"),FormatMoney(::minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK()))+"\n";
strUsage+=" -printtoconsole "+_("Send trace/debug info to console instead of debug.log file")+"\n";
QStringtoolTip1=tr("This label turns red, if the transaction size is greater than 1000 bytes.")+"<br /><br />";
toolTip1+=tr("This means a fee of at least %1 per kB is required.").arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit,CTransaction::minTxFee.GetFeePerK()))+"<br /><br />";
toolTip1+=tr("This means a fee of at least %1 per kB is required.").arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit,CWallet::minTxFee.GetFeePerK()))+"<br /><br />";
toolTip1+=tr("Can vary +/- 1 byte per input.");
QStringtoolTip2=tr("Transactions with higher priority are more likely to get included into a block.")+"<br /><br />";
toolTip2+=tr("This label turns red, if the priority is smaller than \"medium\".")+"<br /><br />";
toolTip2+=tr("This means a fee of at least %1 per kB is required.").arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit,CTransaction::minTxFee.GetFeePerK()));
toolTip2+=tr("This means a fee of at least %1 per kB is required.").arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit,CWallet::minTxFee.GetFeePerK()));
QStringtoolTip3=tr("This label turns red, if any recipient receives an amount smaller than %1.").arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit,CTransaction::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(546)));
QStringtoolTip3=tr("This label turns red, if any recipient receives an amount smaller than %1.").arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit,::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(546)));
// how many satoshis the estimated fee can vary per byte we guess wrong