// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#ifndef BITCOIN_UINT256_H
#define BITCOIN_UINT256_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
extern const signed char p_util_hexdigit[256]; // defined in util.cpp
inline signed char HexDigit(char c)
return p_util_hexdigit[(unsigned char)c];
/** Base class without constructors for uint256 and uint160.
* This makes the compiler let you use it in a union.
template<unsigned int BITS>
class base_uint
enum { WIDTH=BITS/32 };
uint32_t pn[WIDTH];
bool operator!() const
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
if (pn[i] != 0)
return false;
return true;
const base_uint operator~() const
base_uint ret;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
ret.pn[i] = ~pn[i];
return ret;
const base_uint operator-() const
base_uint ret;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
ret.pn[i] = ~pn[i];
return ret;
double getdouble() const
double ret = 0.0;
double fact = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
ret += fact * pn[i];
fact *= 4294967296.0;
return ret;
base_uint& operator=(uint64_t b)
pn[0] = (unsigned int)b;
pn[1] = (unsigned int)(b >> 32);
for (int i = 2; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
return *this;
base_uint& operator^=(const base_uint& b)
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] ^= b.pn[i];
return *this;
base_uint& operator&=(const base_uint& b)
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] &= b.pn[i];
return *this;
base_uint& operator|=(const base_uint& b)
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] |= b.pn[i];
return *this;
base_uint& operator^=(uint64_t b)
pn[0] ^= (unsigned int)b;
pn[1] ^= (unsigned int)(b >> 32);
return *this;
base_uint& operator|=(uint64_t b)
pn[0] |= (unsigned int)b;
pn[1] |= (unsigned int)(b >> 32);
return *this;
base_uint& operator<<=(unsigned int shift)
base_uint a(*this);
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
int k = shift / 32;
shift = shift % 32;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
if (i+k+1 < WIDTH && shift != 0)
pn[i+k+1] |= (a.pn[i] >> (32-shift));
if (i+k < WIDTH)
pn[i+k] |= (a.pn[i] << shift);
return *this;
base_uint& operator>>=(unsigned int shift)
base_uint a(*this);
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
int k = shift / 32;
shift = shift % 32;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
if (i-k-1 >= 0 && shift != 0)
pn[i-k-1] |= (a.pn[i] << (32-shift));
if (i-k >= 0)
pn[i-k] |= (a.pn[i] >> shift);
return *this;
base_uint& operator+=(const base_uint& b)
uint64_t carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
uint64_t n = carry + pn[i] + b.pn[i];
pn[i] = n & 0xffffffff;
carry = n >> 32;
return *this;
base_uint& operator-=(const base_uint& b)
*this += -b;
return *this;
base_uint& operator+=(uint64_t b64)
base_uint b;
b = b64;
*this += b;
return *this;
base_uint& operator-=(uint64_t b64)
base_uint b;
b = b64;
*this += -b;
return *this;
base_uint& operator++()
// prefix operator
int i = 0;
while (++pn[i] == 0 && i < WIDTH-1)
return *this;
const base_uint operator++(int)
// postfix operator
const base_uint ret = *this;
return ret;
base_uint& operator--()
// prefix operator
int i = 0;
while (--pn[i] == (uint32_t)-1 && i < WIDTH-1)
return *this;
const base_uint operator--(int)
// postfix operator
const base_uint ret = *this;
return ret;
friend inline bool operator<(const base_uint& a, const base_uint& b)
for (int i = base_uint::WIDTH-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (a.pn[i] < b.pn[i])
return true;
else if (a.pn[i] > b.pn[i])
return false;
return false;
friend inline bool operator<=(const base_uint& a, const base_uint& b)
for (int i = base_uint::WIDTH-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (a.pn[i] < b.pn[i])
return true;
else if (a.pn[i] > b.pn[i])
return false;
return true;
friend inline bool operator>(const base_uint& a, const base_uint& b)
for (int i = base_uint::WIDTH-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (a.pn[i] > b.pn[i])
return true;
else if (a.pn[i] < b.pn[i])
return false;
return false;
friend inline bool operator>=(const base_uint& a, const base_uint& b)
for (int i = base_uint::WIDTH-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (a.pn[i] > b.pn[i])
return true;
else if (a.pn[i] < b.pn[i])
return false;
return true;
friend inline bool operator==(const base_uint& a, const base_uint& b)
for (int i = 0; i < base_uint::WIDTH; i++)
if (a.pn[i] != b.pn[i])
return false;
return true;
friend inline bool operator==(const base_uint& a, uint64_t b)
if (a.pn[0] != (unsigned int)b)
return false;
if (a.pn[1] != (unsigned int)(b >> 32))
return false;
for (int i = 2; i < base_uint::WIDTH; i++)
if (a.pn[i] != 0)
return false;
return true;
friend inline bool operator!=(const base_uint& a, const base_uint& b)
return (!(a == b));
friend inline bool operator!=(const base_uint& a, uint64_t b)
return (!(a == b));
std::string GetHex() const
char psz[sizeof(pn)*2 + 1];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(pn); i++)
sprintf(psz + i*2, "%02x", ((unsigned char*)pn)[sizeof(pn) - i - 1]);
return std::string(psz, psz + sizeof(pn)*2);
void SetHex(const char* psz)
// skip leading spaces
while (isspace(*psz))
// skip 0x
if (psz[0] == '0' && tolower(psz[1]) == 'x')
psz += 2;
// hex string to uint
const char* pbegin = psz;
while (::HexDigit(*psz) != -1)
unsigned char* p1 = (unsigned char*)pn;
unsigned char* pend = p1 + WIDTH * 4;
while (psz >= pbegin && p1 < pend)
*p1 = ::HexDigit(*psz--);
if (psz >= pbegin)
*p1 |= ((unsigned char)::HexDigit(*psz--) << 4);
void SetHex(const std::string& str)
std::string ToString() const
return (GetHex());
unsigned char* begin()
return (unsigned char*)&pn[0];
unsigned char* end()
return (unsigned char*)&pn[WIDTH];
const unsigned char* begin() const
return (unsigned char*)&pn[0];
const unsigned char* end() const
return (unsigned char*)&pn[WIDTH];
unsigned int size() const
return sizeof(pn);
uint64_t GetLow64() const
assert(WIDTH >= 2);
return pn[0] | (uint64_t)pn[1] << 32;
// unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int nType=0, int nVersion=PROTOCOL_VERSION) const
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int nType, int nVersion) const
return sizeof(pn);
template<typename Stream>
// void Serialize(Stream& s, int nType=0, int nVersion=PROTOCOL_VERSION) const
void Serialize(Stream& s, int nType, int nVersion) const
s.write((char*)pn, sizeof(pn));
template<typename Stream>
// void Unserialize(Stream& s, int nType=0, int nVersion=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
void Unserialize(Stream& s, int nType, int nVersion)
s.read((char*)pn, sizeof(pn));
friend class uint160;
friend class uint256;
typedef base_uint<160> base_uint160;
typedef base_uint<256> base_uint256;
// uint160 and uint256 could be implemented as templates, but to keep
// compile errors and debugging cleaner, they're copy and pasted.
// uint160
/** 160-bit unsigned integer */
class uint160 : public base_uint160
typedef base_uint160 basetype;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
uint160(const basetype& b)
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = b.pn[i];
uint160& operator=(const basetype& b)
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = b.pn[i];
return *this;
uint160(uint64_t b)
pn[0] = (unsigned int)b;
pn[1] = (unsigned int)(b >> 32);
for (int i = 2; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
uint160& operator=(uint64_t b)
pn[0] = (unsigned int)b;
pn[1] = (unsigned int)(b >> 32);
for (int i = 2; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
return *this;
explicit uint160(const std::string& str)
explicit uint160(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vch)
if (vch.size() == sizeof(pn))
memcpy(pn, &vch[0], sizeof(pn));
*this = 0;
inline bool operator==(const uint160& a, uint64_t b) { return (base_uint160)a == b; }
inline bool operator!=(const uint160& a, uint64_t b) { return (base_uint160)a != b; }
inline const uint160 operator<<(const base_uint160& a, unsigned int shift) { return uint160(a) <<= shift; }
inline const uint160 operator>>(const base_uint160& a, unsigned int shift) { return uint160(a) >>= shift; }
inline const uint160 operator<<(const uint160& a, unsigned int shift) { return uint160(a) <<= shift; }
inline const uint160 operator>>(const uint160& a, unsigned int shift) { return uint160(a) >>= shift; }
inline const uint160 operator^(const base_uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return uint160(a) ^= b; }
inline const uint160 operator&(const base_uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return uint160(a) &= b; }
inline const uint160 operator|(const base_uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return uint160(a) |= b; }
inline const uint160 operator+(const base_uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return uint160(a) += b; }
inline const uint160 operator-(const base_uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return uint160(a) -= b; }
inline bool operator<(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a < (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator<=(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a <= (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator>(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a > (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator>=(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a >= (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator==(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a == (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator!=(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a != (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator^(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a ^ (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator&(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a & (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator|(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a | (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator+(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a + (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator-(const base_uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a - (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator<(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a < (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator<=(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a <= (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator>(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a > (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator>=(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a >= (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator==(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a == (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator!=(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a != (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator^(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a ^ (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator&(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a & (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator|(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a | (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator+(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a + (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator-(const uint160& a, const base_uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a - (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator<(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a < (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator<=(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a <= (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator>(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a > (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator>=(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a >= (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator==(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a == (base_uint160)b; }
inline bool operator!=(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a != (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator^(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a ^ (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator&(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a & (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator|(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a | (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator+(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a + (base_uint160)b; }
inline const uint160 operator-(const uint160& a, const uint160& b) { return (base_uint160)a - (base_uint160)b; }
// uint256
/** 256-bit unsigned integer */
class uint256 : public base_uint256
typedef base_uint256 basetype;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
uint256(const basetype& b)
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = b.pn[i];
uint256& operator=(const basetype& b)
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = b.pn[i];
return *this;
uint256(uint64_t b)
pn[0] = (unsigned int)b;
pn[1] = (unsigned int)(b >> 32);
for (int i = 2; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
uint256& operator=(uint64_t b)
pn[0] = (unsigned int)b;
pn[1] = (unsigned int)(b >> 32);
for (int i = 2; i < WIDTH; i++)
pn[i] = 0;
return *this;
explicit uint256(const std::string& str)
explicit uint256(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vch)
if (vch.size() == sizeof(pn))
memcpy(pn, &vch[0], sizeof(pn));
*this = 0;
inline bool operator==(const uint256& a, uint64_t b) { return (base_uint256)a == b; }
inline bool operator!=(const uint256& a, uint64_t b) { return (base_uint256)a != b; }
inline const uint256 operator<<(const base_uint256& a, unsigned int shift) { return uint256(a) <<= shift; }
inline const uint256 operator>>(const base_uint256& a, unsigned int shift) { return uint256(a) >>= shift; }
inline const uint256 operator<<(const uint256& a, unsigned int shift) { return uint256(a) <<= shift; }
inline const uint256 operator>>(const uint256& a, unsigned int shift) { return uint256(a) >>= shift; }
inline const uint256 operator^(const base_uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return uint256(a) ^= b; }
inline const uint256 operator&(const base_uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return uint256(a) &= b; }
inline const uint256 operator|(const base_uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return uint256(a) |= b; }
inline const uint256 operator+(const base_uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return uint256(a) += b; }
inline const uint256 operator-(const base_uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return uint256(a) -= b; }
inline bool operator<(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a < (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator<=(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a <= (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator>(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a > (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator>=(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a >= (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator==(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a == (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator!=(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a != (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator^(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a ^ (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator&(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a & (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator|(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a | (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator+(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a + (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator-(const base_uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a - (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator<(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a < (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator<=(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a <= (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator>(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a > (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator>=(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a >= (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator==(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a == (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator!=(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a != (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator^(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a ^ (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator&(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a & (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator|(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a | (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator+(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a + (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator-(const uint256& a, const base_uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a - (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator<(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a < (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator<=(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a <= (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator>(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a > (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator>=(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a >= (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator==(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a == (base_uint256)b; }
inline bool operator!=(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a != (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator^(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a ^ (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator&(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a & (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator|(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a | (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator+(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a + (base_uint256)b; }
inline const uint256 operator-(const uint256& a, const uint256& b) { return (base_uint256)a - (base_uint256)b; }