Eugene Shalygin
8 years ago
2 changed files with 34 additions and 8 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
# function for parsing version variables that are set in version.pri file |
# the version identifiers there are defined as follows: |
# VER_MAJOR = 3 |
# VER_MINOR = 4 |
# VER_BUGFIX = 0 |
# VER_BUILD = 0 |
# VER_STATUS = alpha |
function(read_version priFile outMajor outMinor outBugfix outBuild outStatus) |
file(STRINGS ${priFile} _priFileContents REGEX "^VER_.+") |
# message(STATUS "version.pri version contents: ${_priFileContents}") |
# the _priFileContents variable contains something like the following: |
# VER_MAJOR = 3;VER_MINOR = 4;VER_BUGFIX = 0;VER_BUILD = 0;VER_STATUS = alpha # Should be empty for stable releases! |
set(_regex "VER_MAJOR += +([0-9]+);VER_MINOR += +([0-9]+);VER_BUGFIX += +([0-9]+);VER_BUILD += +([0-9]+);VER_STATUS += +([0-9A-Za-z]+)?") |
# note quotes around _regex, they are needed because the variable contains semicolons |
string(REGEX MATCH "${_regex}" _tmp "${_priFileContents}") |
if (NOT _tmp) |
message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not detect project version number from ${priFile}") |
endif() |
# message(STATUS "Matched version string: ${_tmp}") |
set(${outMajor} ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} PARENT_SCOPE) |
set(${outMinor} ${CMAKE_MATCH_2} PARENT_SCOPE) |
set(${outBugfix} ${CMAKE_MATCH_3} PARENT_SCOPE) |
set(${outBuild} ${CMAKE_MATCH_4} PARENT_SCOPE) |
set(${outStatus} ${CMAKE_MATCH_5} PARENT_SCOPE) |
endfunction() |
Reference in new issue