@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
* Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent .
* Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent .
* Copyright ( C ) 2018 Mike Tzou ( Chocobo1 )
* Copyright ( C ) 2014 Vladimir Golovnev < glassez @ yandex . ru >
* Copyright ( C ) 2014 Vladimir Golovnev < glassez @ yandex . ru >
* Copyright ( C ) 2006 Ishan Arora and Christophe Dumez < chris @ qbittorrent . org >
* Copyright ( C ) 2006 Ishan Arora and Christophe Dumez < chris @ qbittorrent . org >
@ -30,242 +31,257 @@
# include "requestparser.h"
# include "requestparser.h"
# include <QDebug>
# include <QDebug>
# include <QDir >
# include <QRegularExpression >
# include <QStringList>
# include <QStringList>
# include <QUrl>
# include <QUrl>
# include <QUrlQuery>
# include <QUrlQuery>
const QByteArray EOL ( " \r \n " ) ;
# include "base/utils/string.h"
const QByteArray EOH ( " \r \n \r \n " ) ;
inline QString unquoted ( const QString & str )
if ( ( str [ 0 ] = = ' \" ' ) & & ( str [ str . length ( ) - 1 ] = = ' \" ' ) )
return str . mid ( 1 , str . length ( ) - 2 ) ;
return str ;
using namespace Http ;
using namespace Http ;
using QStringPair = QPair < QString , QString > ;
RequestParser : : ErrorCode RequestParser : : parse ( co nst QByteArray & data , R equest & r equest , uint maxContentLength )
return RequestParser ( maxContentLength ) . parseHttpRequest ( data , request ) ;
const QByteArray EOH = QByteArray ( CRLF ) . repeated ( 2 ) ;
RequestParser : : RequestParser ( uint maxContentLength )
const QByteArray viewWithoutEndingWith ( const QByteArray & in , const QByteArray & str )
: m_maxContentLength ( maxContentLength )
if ( in . endsWith ( str ) )
return QByteArray : : fromRawData ( in . constData ( ) , ( in . size ( ) - str . size ( ) ) ) ;
return in ;
RequestParser : : ErrorCode RequestParser : : parseHttpRequest ( const QByteArray & data , Request & request )
QList < QByteArray > splitToViews ( const QByteArray & in , const QByteArray & sep , const QString : : SplitBehavior behavior = QString : : KeepEmptyParts )
m_request = Request ( ) ;
// mimic QString::split(sep, behavior)
// Parse HTTP request header
if ( sep . isEmpty ( ) )
const int headerEnd = data . indexOf ( EOH ) ;
return { in } ;
if ( headerEnd < 0 ) {
qDebug ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " incomplete request " ;
return IncompleteRequest ;
if ( ! parseHttpHeader ( data . left ( headerEnd ) ) ) {
QList < QByteArray > ret ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " header parsing error " ;
return BadRequest ;
int head = 0 ;
while ( head < in . size ( ) ) {
int end = in . indexOf ( sep , head ) ;
if ( end < 0 )
end = in . size ( ) ;
// omit empty parts
const QByteArray part = QByteArray : : fromRawData ( ( in . constData ( ) + head ) , ( end - head ) ) ;
if ( ! part . isEmpty ( ) | | ( behavior = = QString : : KeepEmptyParts ) )
ret + = part ;
head = end + sep . size ( ) ;
// Parse HTTP request message
return ret ;
if ( m_request . headers . contains ( " content-length " ) ) {
int contentLength = m_request . headers [ " content-length " ] . toInt ( ) ;
if ( contentLength < 0 ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " bad request: content-length is negative " ;
return BadRequest ;
if ( contentLength > static_cast < int > ( m_maxContentLength ) ) {
const QByteArray viewMid ( const QByteArray & in , const int pos , const int len = - 1 )
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " bad request: message too long " ;
return BadRequest ;
// mimic QByteArray::mid(pos, len) but instead of returning a full-copy,
// we only return a partial view
if ( ( pos < 0 ) | | ( pos > = in . size ( ) ) | | ( len = = 0 ) )
return { } ;
const int validLen = ( ( len < 0 ) | | ( pos + len ) > = in . size ( ) )
? in . size ( ) - pos
: len ;
return QByteArray : : fromRawData ( in . constData ( ) + pos , validLen ) ;
QByteArray content = data . mid ( headerEnd + EOH . length ( ) , contentLength ) ;
bool parseHeaderLine ( const QString & line , QStringMap & out )
if ( content . length ( ) < contentLength ) {
qDebug ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " incomplete request " ;
// [rfc7230] 3.2. Header Fields
return IncompleteRequest ;
const int i = line . indexOf ( ' : ' ) ;
if ( i < = 0 ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " invalid http header: " < < line ;
return false ;
if ( ( contentLength > 0 ) & & ! parseContent ( content ) ) {
const QString name = line . leftRef ( i ) . trimmed ( ) . toString ( ) . toLower ( ) ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " message parsing error " ;
const QString value = line . midRef ( i + 1 ) . trimmed ( ) . toString ( ) ;
return BadRequest ;
out [ name ] = value ;
return true ;
// qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
RequestParser : : RequestParser ( )
// qDebug() << "HTTP Request header:";
// qDebug() << data.left(headerEnd) << "\n";
request = m_request ;
RequestParser : : ParseResult RequestParser : : parse ( const QByteArray & data )
return NoError ;
// Warning! Header names are converted to lowercase
return RequestParser ( ) . doParse ( data ) ;
bool RequestParser : : parseStartingLine ( const QString & line )
RequestParser : : ParseResult RequestParser : : doParse ( const QByteArray & data )
const QRegExp rx ( " ^([A-Z]+) \ \ s + ( \ \ S + ) \ \ s + HTTP / \ \ d \ \ . \ \ d $ " ) ;
// we don't handle malformed requests which use double `LF` as delimiter
const int headerEnd = data . indexOf ( EOH ) ;
if ( headerEnd < 0 ) {
qDebug ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " incomplete request " ;
return { ParseStatus : : Incomplete , Request ( ) , 0 } ;
if ( rx . indexIn ( line . trimmed ( ) ) > = 0 ) {
const QString httpHeaders = QString : : fromLatin1 ( data . constData ( ) , headerEnd ) ;
m_request . method = rx . cap ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! parseStartLines ( httpHeaders ) ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " header parsing error " ;
return { ParseStatus : : BadRequest , Request ( ) , 0 } ;
QUrl url = QUrl : : fromEncoded ( rx . cap ( 2 ) . toLatin1 ( ) ) ;
const int headerLength = headerEnd + EOH . length ( ) ;
m_request . path = url . path ( ) ; // Path
// Parse GET parameters
// handle supported methods
QListIterator < QPair < QString , QString > > i ( QUrlQuery ( url ) . queryItems ( ) ) ;
if ( ( m_request . method = = HEADER_REQUEST_METHOD_GET ) | | ( m_request . method = = HEADER_REQUEST_METHOD_HEAD ) )
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
return { ParseStatus : : OK , m_request , headerLength } ;
QPair < QString , QString > pair = i . next ( ) ;
if ( m_request . method = = HEADER_REQUEST_METHOD_POST ) {
m_request . gets [ pair . first ] = pair . second ;
bool ok = false ;
const int contentLength = m_request . headers [ HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH ] . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ! ok | | ( contentLength < 0 ) ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " bad request: content-length invalid " ;
return { ParseStatus : : BadRequest , Request ( ) , 0 } ;
if ( contentLength > MAX_CONTENT_SIZE ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " bad request: message too long " ;
return { ParseStatus : : BadRequest , Request ( ) , 0 } ;
return true ;
if ( contentLength > 0 ) {
const QByteArray httpBodyView = viewMid ( data , headerLength , contentLength ) ;
if ( httpBodyView . length ( ) < contentLength ) {
qDebug ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " incomplete request " ;
return { ParseStatus : : Incomplete , Request ( ) , 0 } ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " invalid http header: " < < line ;
if ( ! parsePostMessage ( httpBodyView ) ) {
return false ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " message body parsing error " ;
return { ParseStatus : : BadRequest , Request ( ) , 0 } ;
bool RequestParser : : parseHeaderLine ( const QString & line , QPair < QString , QString > & out )
return { ParseStatus : : OK , m_request , ( headerLength + contentLength ) } ;
int i = line . indexOf ( QLatin1Char ( ' : ' ) ) ;
if ( i = = - 1 ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " invalid http header: " < < line ;
return false ;
out = qMakePair ( line . left ( i ) . trimmed ( ) . toLower ( ) , line . mid ( i + 1 ) . trimmed ( ) ) ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " unsupported request method: " < < m_request . method ;
return true ;
return { ParseStatus : : BadRequest , Request ( ) , 0 } ; // TODO: SHOULD respond "501 Not Implemented"
bool RequestParser : : parseHttpHeader ( const QByteArray & data )
bool RequestParser : : parseStartLines ( const QString & data )
QString str = QString : : fromUtf8 ( data ) ;
// we don't handle malformed request which uses `LF` for newline
QStringList lines = str . trimmed ( ) . split ( EOL ) ;
const QVector < QStringRef > lines = data . splitRef ( CRLF , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
QStringList headerLines ;
// [rfc7230] 3.2.2. Field Order
foreach ( const QString & line , lines ) {
QStringList requestLines ;
if ( line [ 0 ] . isSpace ( ) ) { // header line continuation
for ( const auto & line : lines ) {
if ( ! headerLines . isEmpty ( ) ) { // really continuation
if ( line . at ( 0 ) . isSpace ( ) & & ! requestLines . isEmpty ( ) ) {
headerLines . last ( ) + = QLatin1Char ( ' ' ) ;
// continuation of previous line
headerLines . last ( ) + = line . trimmed ( ) ;
requestLines . last ( ) + = line . toString ( ) ;
else {
else {
headerLines . append ( line ) ;
requestLines + = line . toString ( ) ;
if ( headerLines . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( requestLines . isEmpty ( ) )
return false ; // Empty header
QStringList : : Iterator it = headerLines . begin ( ) ;
if ( ! parseStartingLine ( * it ) )
return false ;
return false ;
+ + it ;
if ( ! parseRequestLine ( requestLines [ 0 ] ) )
for ( ; it ! = headerLines . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
QPair < QString , QString > header ;
if ( ! parseHeaderLine ( * it , header ) )
return false ;
return false ;
m_request . headers [ header . first ] = header . second ;
for ( auto i = + + ( requestLines . begin ( ) ) ; i ! = requestLines . end ( ) ; + + i ) {
if ( ! parseHeaderLine ( * i , m_request . headers ) )
return false ;
return true ;
return true ;
QList < QByteArray > RequestParser : : splitMultipartData ( const QByteArray & data , const QByteArray & boundary )
bool RequestParser : : parseRequestLine ( const QString & line )
QList < QByteArray > ret ;
// [rfc7230] 3.1.1. Request Line
QByteArray sep = boundary + EOL ;
const int sepLength = sep . size ( ) ;
int start = 0 , end = 0 ;
const QRegularExpression re ( QLatin1String ( " ^([A-Z]+) \ \ s + ( \ \ S + ) \ \ s + HTTP \ \ / ( \ \ d \ \ . \ \ d ) $ " )) ;
if ( ( end = data . indexOf ( sep , start ) ) > = 0 ) {
const QRegularExpressionMatch match = re . match ( line ) ;
start = end + sepLength ; // skip first boundary
while ( ( end = data . indexOf ( sep , start ) ) > = 0 ) {
if ( ! match . hasMatch ( ) ) {
ret < < data . mid ( start , end - EOL . length ( ) - start ) ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " invalid http header: " < < line ;
start = end + sepLength ;
return false ;
// last or single part
// Request Methods
sep = boundary + " -- " + EOL ;
m_request . method = match . captured ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( end = data . indexOf ( sep , start ) ) > = 0 )
ret < < data . mid ( start , end - EOL . length ( ) - start ) ;
// Request Target
const QUrl url = QUrl : : fromEncoded ( match . captured ( 2 ) . toLatin1 ( ) ) ;
m_request . path = url . path ( ) ;
// parse queries
QListIterator < QStringPair > i ( QUrlQuery ( url ) . queryItems ( ) ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
const QStringPair pair = i . next ( ) ;
m_request . gets [ pair . first ] = pair . second ;
return ret ;
// HTTP-version
m_request . version = match . captured ( 3 ) ;
return true ;
bool RequestParser : : parseContent ( const QByteArray & data )
bool RequestParser : : parsePostMessage ( const QByteArray & data )
// Parse message content
// parse POST message-body
qDebug ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " Content-Length: " < < m_request . headers [ " content-length " ] ;
const QString contentType = m_request . headers [ HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE ] ;
qDebug ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " data.size(): " < < data . size ( ) ;
const QString contentTypeLower = contentType . toLower ( ) ;
// Parse url-encoded POST data
// application/x-www-form-urlencoded
if ( m_request . headers [ " content-type " ] . startsWith ( " application/x-www-form-urlencoded " ) ) {
if ( contentTypeLower . startsWith ( CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_ENCODED ) ) {
QUrl url ;
QListIterator < QStringPair > i ( QUrlQuery ( data ) . queryItems ( QUrl : : FullyDecoded ) ) ;
url . setQuery ( data ) ;
QListIterator < QPair < QString , QString > > i ( QUrlQuery ( url ) . queryItems ( QUrl : : FullyDecoded ) ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
QPair < QString , QString > pair = i . next ( ) ;
const QStringPair pair = i . next ( ) ;
m_request . posts [ pair . first ] = pair . second ;
m_request . posts [ pair . first ] = pair . second ;
return true ;
return true ;
// Parse multipart/form data (torrent file)
// multipart/form-data
if ( contentTypeLower . startsWith ( CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA ) ) {
data has the following format ( if boundary is " cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5 " )
// [rfc2046] 5.1.1. Common Syntax
- - cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = \ " Filename \"
PB020344 . torrent
- - cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = \ " torrentfile " ; filename = \ " PB020344.torrent \"
Content - Type : application / x - bittorrent
- - cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = \ " Upload \"
Submit Query
// find boundary delimiter
- - cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5 - -
const QLatin1String boundaryFieldName ( " boundary= " ) ;
* */
const int idx = contentType . indexOf ( boundaryFieldName ) ;
QString contentType = m_request . headers [ " content-type " ] ;
if ( idx < 0 ) {
if ( contentType . startsWith ( " multipart/form-data " ) ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " Could not find boundary in multipart/form-data header! " ;
const QRegExp boundaryRegexQuoted ( " boundary= \" ([ \\ w'() + , - \ \ . / : = \ \ ? ] + ) \ " " ) ;
const QRegExp boundaryRegexNotQuoted ( " boundary=([ \\ w'() + , - \ \ . / : = \ \ ? ] + ) " ) ;
QByteArray boundary ;
if ( boundaryRegexQuoted . indexIn ( contentType ) < 0 ) {
if ( boundaryRegexNotQuoted . indexIn ( contentType ) < 0 ) {
qWarning ( ) < < " Could not find boundary in multipart/form-data header! " ;
return false ;
return false ;
else {
boundary = " -- " + boundaryRegexNotQuoted . cap ( 1 ) . toLatin1 ( ) ;
const QByteArray delimiter = Utils : : String : : unquote ( contentType . midRef ( idx + boundaryFieldName . size ( ) ) ) . toLatin1 ( ) ;
if ( delimiter . isEmpty ( ) ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " boundary delimiter field emtpy! " ;
return false ;
else {
boundary = " -- " + boundaryRegexQuoted . cap ( 1 ) . toLatin1 ( ) ;
// split data by "dash-boundary"
const QByteArray dashDelimiter = QByteArray ( " -- " ) + delimiter + CRLF ;
QList < QByteArray > multipart = splitToViews ( data , dashDelimiter , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
if ( multipart . isEmpty ( ) ) {
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " multipart empty " ;
return false ;
qDebug ( ) < < " Boundary is " < < boundary ;
// remove the ending delimiter
QList < QByteArray > parts = splitMultipartData ( data , boundary ) ;
const QByteArray endDelimiter = QByteArray ( " -- " ) + delimiter + QByteArray ( " -- " ) + CRLF ;
qDebug ( ) < < parts . size ( ) < < " parts in data " ;
multipart . push_back ( viewWithoutEndingWith ( multipart . takeLast ( ) , endDelimiter ) ) ;
foreach ( const QByteArray & part , parts ) {
for ( const auto & part : multipart ) {
if ( ! parseFormData ( part ) )
if ( ! parseFormData ( part ) )
return false ;
return false ;
@ -273,71 +289,60 @@ Submit Query
return true ;
return true ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " unknown content type: " < < qPrintable ( contentType ) ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " unknown content type: " < < contentType ;
return false ;
return false ;
bool RequestParser : : parseFormData ( const QByteArray & data )
bool RequestParser : : parseFormData ( const QByteArray & data )
// Parse form data header
const QList < QByteArray > list = splitToViews ( data , EOH , QString : : KeepEmptyParts ) ;
const int headerEnd = data . indexOf ( EOH ) ;
if ( headerEnd < 0 ) {
qDebug ( ) < < " Invalid form data: \n " < < data ;
return false ;
QString headerStr = QString : : fromUtf8 ( data . left ( headerEnd ) ) ;
if ( list . size ( ) ! = 2 ) {
QStringList lines = headerStr . trimmed ( ) . split ( EOL ) ;
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " multipart/form-data format error " ;
QStringMap headers ;
foreach ( const QString & line , lines ) {
QPair < QString , QString > header ;
if ( ! parseHeaderLine ( line , header ) )
return false ;
return false ;
headers [ header . first ] = header . second ;
QStringMap disposition ;
const QString headers = QString : : fromLatin1 ( list [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( ! headers . contains ( " content-disposition " )
const QByteArray payload = viewWithoutEndingWith ( list [ 1 ] , CRLF ) ;
| | ! parseHeaderValue ( headers [ " content-disposition " ] , disposition )
| | ! disposition . contains ( " name " ) ) {
QStringMap headersMap ;
qDebug ( ) < < " Invalid form data header: \n " < < headerStr ;
const QVector < QStringRef > headerLines = headers . splitRef ( CRLF , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
return false ;
for ( const auto & line : headerLines ) {
if ( line . trimmed ( ) . startsWith ( HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION , Qt : : CaseInsensitive ) ) {
// extract out filename & name
const QVector < QStringRef > directives = line . split ( ' ; ' , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
if ( disposition . contains ( " filename " ) ) {
for ( const auto & directive : directives ) {
UploadedFile ufile ;
const int idx = directive . indexOf ( ' = ' ) ;
ufile . filename = disposition [ " filename " ] ;
if ( idx < 0 )
ufile . type = disposition [ " content-type " ] ;
continue ;
ufile . data = data . mid ( headerEnd + EOH . length ( ) ) ;
m_request . files . append ( ufile ) ;
const QString name = directive . left ( idx ) . trimmed ( ) . toString ( ) . toLower ( ) ;
const QString value = Utils : : String : : unquote ( directive . mid ( idx + 1 ) . trimmed ( ) ) . toString ( ) ;
headersMap [ name ] = value ;
else {
m_request . posts [ disposition [ " name " ] ] = QString : : fromUtf8 ( data . mid ( headerEnd + EOH . length ( ) ) ) ;
else {
return true ;
if ( ! parseHeaderLine ( line . toString ( ) , headersMap ) )
return false ;
bool RequestParser : : parseHeaderValue ( const QString & value , QStringMap & out )
int pos = value . indexOf ( QLatin1Char ( ' ; ' ) ) ;
if ( pos = = - 1 ) {
out [ " " ] = value . trimmed ( ) ;
return true ;
out [ " " ] = value . left ( pos ) . trimmed ( ) ;
// pick data
const QLatin1String filename ( " filename " ) ;
const QLatin1String name ( " name " ) ;
QRegExp rx ( " ; \\ s*([^=; \" ]+) \\ s*= \\ s*( \" [^ \" ]* \" |[^ \" ; \\ s]+) \\ s* " ) ;
if ( headersMap . contains ( filename ) ) {
while ( rx . indexIn ( value , pos ) = = pos ) {
m_request . files . append ( { filename , headersMap [ HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE ] , payload } ) ;
out [ rx . cap ( 1 ) . trimmed ( ) ] = unquoted ( rx . cap ( 2 ) ) ;
pos + = rx . cap ( 0 ) . length ( ) ;
else if ( headersMap . contains ( name ) ) {
if ( pos ! = value . length ( ) )
m_request . posts [ headersMap [ name ] ] = payload ;
else {
// malformed
qWarning ( ) < < Q_FUNC_INFO < < " multipart/form-data header error " ;
return false ;
return false ;
return true ;
return true ;