@ -40,33 +40,61 @@ namespace libt = libtorrent;
bool parseIPAddress ( QString _ip , libt : : address & address )
class DATIPv4Parser {
public :
_ip = _ip . trimmed ( ) ;
const char * tryParse ( const char * str , bool & ok ) {
unsigned char number = 0 ;
// Emule .DAT files contain leading zeroes in IPv4 addresses
// eg
// We need to remove them because both QHostAddress and Boost.Asio fail to parse them.
QStringList octets = _ip . split ( ' . ' , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
if ( octets . size ( ) = = 4 ) {
QString octet ; // it is faster to not recreate this object in the loop
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
octet = octets [ i ] ;
if ( ( octet [ 0 ] = = QChar ( ' 0 ' ) ) & & ( octet . count ( ) > 1 ) ) {
if ( ( octet [ 1 ] = = QChar ( ' 0 ' ) ) & & ( octet . count ( ) > 2 ) )
octet . remove ( 0 , 2 ) ;
octet . remove ( 0 , 1 ) ;
octets [ i ] = octet ;
const char * numberStart = str ;
char * endptr ;
for ( ; * str ; + + str ) {
if ( * str = = ' . ' ) {
m_buf [ number + + ] = static_cast < unsigned char > ( strtol ( numberStart , & endptr , 10 ) ) ;
if ( endptr ! = str ) {
break ;
if ( number = = 4 ) { // an IP might end with '.':
ok = true ;
return str + 1 ;
numberStart = str + 1 ;
# if 1
// The following is needed for parsing of a string with IP, but in the eMule files there is always a space after an IP,
// and this case is handled above
if ( str ! = numberStart ) {
m_buf [ number ] = static_cast < unsigned char > ( strtol ( numberStart , & endptr , 10 ) ) ;
if ( endptr = = str & & number = = 3 ) {
ok = true ;
return str + 1 ;
# endif
_ip = octets . join ( " . " ) ;
ok = false ;
return str + 1 ;
libt : : address_v4 : : bytes_type parsed ( ) const {
return m_buf ;
private :
libt : : address_v4 : : bytes_type m_buf ;
} ;
bool parseIPAddress ( const QByteArray & _ip , libt : : address & address )
DATIPv4Parser parser ;
boost : : system : : error_code ec ;
boost : : system : : error_code ec ;
address = libt : : address : : from_string ( _ip . toLatin1 ( ) . constData ( ) , ec ) ;
bool ok = false ;
parser . tryParse ( _ip . constData ( ) , ok ) ;
if ( ok )
address = libt : : address_v4 ( parser . parsed ( ) ) ;
address = libt : : address : : from_string ( _ip . constData ( ) , ec ) ;
return ! ec ;
return ! ec ;
@ -96,54 +124,58 @@ int FilterParserThread::parseDATFilterFile()
return ruleCount ;
return ruleCount ;
unsigned int nbLine = 0 ;
const QByteArray data = file . readAll ( ) ;
while ( ! file . atEnd ( ) & & ! m_abort ) {
int start = 0 ;
+ + nbLine ;
int endOfLine = - 1 ;
QByteArray line = file . readLine ( ) ;
// Ignoring empty lines
line = line . trimmed ( ) ;
if ( line . isEmpty ( ) ) continue ;
// Ignoring commented lines
if ( line . startsWith ( ' # ' ) | | line . startsWith ( " // " ) ) continue ;
// Line should be split by commas
while ( true ) {
QList < QByteArray > partsList = line . split ( ' , ' ) ;
start = endOfLine + 1 ;
if ( start > = data . size ( ) )
break ;
if ( data [ start ] = = ' # ' | | ( data [ start ] = = ' / ' & & data [ start + 1 ] = = ' / ' ) )
continue ;
endOfLine = data . indexOf ( ' \n ' , start ) ;
if ( endOfLine = = - 1 ) break ;
QVector < int > delimIndices = indicesOfDelimiters ( data , ' , ' , start , endOfLine ) ;
// Check if there is at least one item (ip range)
// Check if there is at least one item (ip range)
if ( partsList . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( delimIndices . isEmpty ( ) )
continue ;
continue ;
// Check if there is an access value (apparently not mandatory)
// Check if there is an access value (apparently not mandatory)
if ( partsList . size ( ) > 1 ) {
if ( delimIndices . size ( ) ) {
// There is possibly one
// There is possibly one
const int nbAccess = partsList . at ( 1 ) . trimmed ( ) . toInt ( ) ;
const QByteArray accesscode ( data . constData ( ) + delimIndices [ 0 ] + 1 , ( delimIndices [ 1 ] - 1 ) - ( delimIndices [ 0 ] + 1 ) + 1 ) ;
const int nbAccess = accesscode . toInt ( ) ;
// Ignoring this rule because access value is too high
// Ignoring this rule because access value is too high
if ( nbAccess > 127 )
if ( nbAccess > 127 )
continue ;
continue ;
// IP Range should be split by a dash
// IP Range should be split by a dash
QList < QByteArray > IPs = partsList . first ( ) . split ( ' - ' ) ;
QVector < int > delimIP = indicesOfDelimiters ( data , ' - ' , start , delimIndices [ 0 ] - 1 ) ;
if ( IPs . size ( ) ! = 2 ) {
if ( delim IP. size ( ) ! = 1 ) {
Logger : : instance ( ) - > addMessage ( tr ( " IP filter line %1 is malformed. Line is: %2 " ) . arg ( nbLine ) . arg ( QString ( line ) ) , Log : : CRITICAL ) ;
//Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr("IP filter line %1 is malformed. Line is: %2").arg(nbLine).arg(QString(line)), Log::CRITICAL);
continue ;
continue ;
libt : : address startAddr ;
libt : : address startAddr ;
if ( ! parseIPAddress ( IPs . at ( 0 ) , startAddr ) ) {
if ( ! parseIPAddress ( trim ( data , start , delimIP [ 0 ] - 1 ) , startAddr ) ) {
Logger : : instance ( ) - > addMessage ( tr ( " IP filter line %1 is malformed. Start IP of the range is malformed: %2 " ) . arg ( nbLine ) . arg ( QString ( IPs . at ( 0 ) ) ) , Log : : CRITICAL ) ;
//Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr(" IP filter line %1 is malformed. Start IP of the range is malformed: %2").arg(nbLine).arg(QString(IPs.at(0))), Log::CRITICAL);
continue ;
continue ;
libt : : address endAddr ;
libt : : address endAddr ;
if ( ! parseIPAddress ( IPs . at ( 1 ) , endAddr ) ) {
if ( ! parseIPAddress ( trim ( data , delimIP [ 0 ] + 1 , delimIndices [ 0 ] - 1 ) , endAddr ) ) {
Logger : : instance ( ) - > addMessage ( tr ( " IP filter line %1 is malformed. End IP of the range is malformed: %2 " ) . arg ( nbLine ) . arg ( QString ( IPs . at ( 1 ) ) ) , Log : : CRITICAL ) ;
//Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr(" IP filter line %1 is malformed. End IP of the range is malformed: %2").arg(nbLine).arg(QString(IPs.at(1))), Log::CRITICAL);
continue ;
continue ;
if ( startAddr . is_v4 ( ) ! = endAddr . is_v4 ( )
if ( startAddr . is_v4 ( ) ! = endAddr . is_v4 ( )
| | startAddr . is_v6 ( ) ! = endAddr . is_v6 ( ) ) {
| | startAddr . is_v6 ( ) ! = endAddr . is_v6 ( ) ) {
Logger : : instance ( ) - > addMessage ( tr ( " IP filter line %1 is malformed. One IP is IPv4 and the other is IPv6! " ) . arg ( nbLine ) , Log : : CRITICAL ) ;
//Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr(" IP filter line %1 is malformed. One IP is IPv4 and the other is IPv6!").arg(nbLine), Log::CRITICAL);
continue ;
continue ;
@ -153,7 +185,7 @@ int FilterParserThread::parseDATFilterFile()
+ + ruleCount ;
+ + ruleCount ;
catch ( std : : exception & ) {
catch ( std : : exception & ) {
Logger : : instance ( ) - > addMessage ( tr ( " IP filter exception thrown for line %1. Line is: %2 " ) . arg ( nbLine ) . arg ( QString ( line ) ) , Log : : CRITICAL ) ;
//Logger::instance()->addMessage(tr(" IP filter exception thrown for line %1. Line is: %2").arg(nbLine).arg(QString(line)), Log::CRITICAL);
@ -407,3 +439,46 @@ void FilterParserThread::run()
qDebug ( " IP Filter thread: finished parsing, filter applied " ) ;
qDebug ( " IP Filter thread: finished parsing, filter applied " ) ;
QVector < int > FilterParserThread : : indicesOfDelimiters ( const QByteArray & data , const char delimiter , const int start , const int end )
if ( start > = end ) return QVector < int > ( ) ;
QVector < int > indices ;
int index = start ;
while ( true ) {
index = data . indexOf ( delimiter , index ) ;
if ( index = = - 1 | | index > = end )
break ;
indices . append ( index ) ;
+ + index ;
return indices ;
QByteArray FilterParserThread : : trim ( const QByteArray & data , const int start , const int end )
if ( start > = end ) return QByteArray ( ) ;
int first = start ;
int last = end ;
for ( int i = start ; i < = end ; + + i ) {
if ( data [ i ] ! = ' ' ) {
first = i ;
break ;
for ( int i = end ; i > = start ; - - i ) {
if ( data [ i ] ! = ' ' ) {
last = i ;
break ;
if ( first > = last ) return QByteArray ( ) ;
return QByteArray ( data . constData ( ) + first , last - first + 1 ) ;