RaisedMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Torrent is already present"),tr("Torrent '%1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers haven't been merged because it is a private torrent.").arg(torrent->name()),QMessageBox::Ok);
RaisedMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Torrent is already present"),tr("Torrent '%1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers cannot be merged because it is a private torrent.").arg(torrent->name()),QMessageBox::Ok);
constQMessageBox::StandardButtonbtn=RaisedMessageBox::question(this,tr("Torrent is already present")
,tr("Torrent '%1' is already in the transfer list. Do you want to merge trackers from new source?").arg(torrent->name())
RaisedMessageBox::information(this,tr("Torrent is already present"),tr("Torrent '%1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers have been merged.").arg(torrent->name()),QMessageBox::Ok);
constQMessageBox::StandardButtonbtn=RaisedMessageBox::question(this,tr("Torrent is already present")
,tr("Torrent '%1' is already in the transfer list. Do you want to merge trackers from new source?").arg(torrent->name())
RaisedMessageBox::information(this,tr("Torrent is already present"),tr("Magnet link '%1' is already in the transfer list. Trackers have been merged.").arg(torrent->name()),QMessageBox::Ok);