mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:41:17 +00:00
- Fixed plugin update && fixed btjunkie search plugin
This commit is contained in:
@ -331,6 +331,7 @@ class misc : public QObject{
static float getPluginVersion(QString filePath) {
QFile plugin(filePath);
qDebug("%s plugin does not exist, returning 0.0", filePath.toUtf8().data());
return 0.0;
if(!plugin.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){
@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ class misc : public QObject{
line = line.split(' ').last();
line.replace("\n", "");
version = line.toFloat();
qDebug("plugin version: %.2f", version);
qDebug("plugin %s version: %.2f", filePath.toUtf8().data(), version);
@ -352,76 +352,34 @@ void SearchEngine::updateNova() {
QFile::copy(":/search_engine/novaprinter.py", misc::qBittorrentPath()+"search_engine"+QDir::separator()+"novaprinter.py");
QString subDir = misc::qBittorrentPath()+"search_engine"+QDir::separator()+"engines"+QDir::separator();
QDir search_subDir(":/search_engine/engines");
QStringList files = search_subDir.entryList();
QString destDir = misc::qBittorrentPath()+"search_engine"+QDir::separator()+"engines"+QDir::separator();
QDir shipped_subDir(":/search_engine/engines/");
QStringList files = shipped_subDir.entryList();
QString file;
foreach(file, files){
filePath = search_subDir.path()+QDir::separator()+file;
QString shipped_file = shipped_subDir.path()+QDir::separator()+file;
// Copy python classes
if(file.endsWith(".py")) {
if(misc::getPluginVersion(filePath) > misc::getPluginVersion(subDir+file) ) {
QFile::copy(filePath, subDir+file);
if(misc::getPluginVersion(shipped_file) > misc::getPluginVersion(destDir+file) ) {
qDebug("shippped %s is more recent then local plugin, updating", file.toUtf8().data());
if(QFile::exists(destDir+file)) {
qDebug("Removing old %s", (destDir+file).toUtf8().data());
qDebug("%s copied to %s", shipped_file.toUtf8().data(), (destDir+file).toUtf8().data());
QFile::copy(shipped_file, destDir+file);
} else {
// Copy icons
if(file.endsWith(".png")) {
if(!QFile::exists(subDir+file)) {
QFile::copy(filePath, subDir+file);
if(!QFile::exists(destDir+file)) {
QFile::copy(shipped_file, destDir+file);
// void SearchEngine::novaUpdateDownloaded(QString url, QString filePath){
// float version_on_server = getNovaVersion(filePath);
// qDebug("Version on qbittorrent.org: %.2f", version_on_server);
// float my_version = getNovaVersion(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"nova.py");
// if(version_on_server > my_version){
// if(QMessageBox::question(this,
// tr("Search plugin update -- qBittorrent"),
// tr("Search plugin can be updated, do you want to update it?\n\nChangelog:\n")+getNovaChangelog(filePath, my_version),
// tr("&Yes"), tr("&No"),
// QString(), 0, 1)){
// return;
// }else{
// qDebug("Updating search plugin from qbittorrent.org");
// QFile::remove(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"nova.py");
// QFile::copy(filePath, misc::qBittorrentPath()+"nova.py");
// QFile::Permissions perm=QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner | QFile::ExeOwner | QFile::ReadUser | QFile::WriteUser | QFile::ExeUser | QFile::ReadGroup | QFile::ReadGroup;
// QFile(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"nova.py").setPermissions(perm);
// }
// }else{
// if(version_on_server == 0.0){
// if(url == "http://www.dchris.eu/nova/nova.zip"){
// qDebug("*Warning: Search plugin update download from primary server failed, trying secondary server...");
// downloader->downloadUrl("http://hydr0g3n.free.fr/nova/nova.py");
// }else{
// QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Search plugin update")+" -- "+tr("qBittorrent"),
// tr("Sorry, update server is temporarily unavailable."));
// }
// }else{
// QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Search plugin update -- qBittorrent"),
// tr("Your search plugin is already up to date."));
// }
// }
// // Delete tmp file
// QFile::remove(filePath);
// }
// void SearchEngine::handleNovaDownloadFailure(QString url, QString reason){
// if(url == "http://www.dchris.eu/nova/nova.zip"){
// qDebug("*Warning: Search plugin update download from primary server failed, trying secondary server...");
// downloader->downloadUrl("http://hydr0g3n.free.fr/nova/nova.py");
// }else{
// // Display a message box
// QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Search plugin download error"), tr("Couldn't download search plugin update at url: %1, reason: %2.").arg(url).arg(reason));
// }
// }
// Slot called when search is Finished
// Search can be finished for 3 reasons :
// Error | Stopped by user | Finished normally
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#VERSION: 1.00
#VERSION: 1.01
#AUTHORS: Fabien Devaux (fab@gnux.info)
from novaprinter import prettyPrinter
import urllib
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ class btjunkie(object):
name = 'btjunkie'
def search(self, what):
dat = urllib.urlopen(self.url+'/search?q=%s'%what).read().decode('utf8', 'replace')
dat = urllib.urlopen(self.url+'/search?q=%s&o=52'%what).read().decode('utf8', 'replace')
# I know it's not very readable, but the SGML parser feels in pain
section_re = re.compile('(?s)href="/torrent\?do=download.*?<tr>')
torrent_re = re.compile('(?s)href="(?P<link>.*?do=download[^"]+).*?'
section_re = re.compile('(?s)href="/torrent.*?<tr>')
torrent_re = re.compile('(?s)href="(?P<link>.*?[^"]+).*?'
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
isohunt: 1.00
torrentreactor: 1.00
btjunkie: 1.00
btjunkie: 1.01
mininova: 1.00
piratebay: 1.00
Reference in New Issue
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