@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ |
#include <QFileDialog> |
#include <QFileDialog> |
#include <QMessageBox> |
#include <QMessageBox> |
#include <QInputDialog> |
#include <QInputDialog> |
#include <QDomDocument> |
#include <QSystemTrayIcon> |
#include <QSystemTrayIcon> |
#include <QSettings> |
#include "options_imp.h" |
#include "options_imp.h" |
#include "misc.h" |
#include "misc.h" |
@ -100,9 +100,8 @@ options_imp::options_imp(QWidget *parent):QDialog(parent){ |
if(! QFile::exists(savePath)){ |
if(! QFile::exists(savePath)){ |
saveOptions(); |
saveOptions(); |
} |
} |
if(!loadOptions()){ |
// Load options
std::cerr << "Warning: Couldn't load options" << '\n'; |
loadOptions(); |
} |
// Connect signals / slots
// Connect signals / slots
connect(disableUPLimit, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(disableUpload(int))); |
connect(disableUPLimit, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(disableUpload(int))); |
connect(disableDLLimit, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(disableDownload(int))); |
connect(disableDLLimit, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(disableDownload(int))); |
@ -161,373 +160,257 @@ options_imp::options_imp(QWidget *parent):QDialog(parent){ |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// save options to options.xml file
void options_imp::saveOptions(){ |
bool options_imp::saveOptions(){ |
QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent"); |
QString savePath; |
QDomDocument doc("options"); |
QDomElement root; |
QDomElement tag, tag2; |
QDomText optionValue; |
QString xml; |
FILE *f; |
QFile file; |
// Getting HOME evironment variable
savePath = misc::qBittorrentPath() + "options.xml"; |
// Check if min port < max port
// Check if min port < max port
checkPortsLogic(); |
checkPortsLogic(); |
// Generate XML
settings.beginGroup("Options"); |
root = doc.createElement("options"); |
// Main options
doc.appendChild(root); |
settings.beginGroup("Main"); |
// Main Options
settings.setValue("DLLimit", getLimits().first); |
tag = doc.createElement("save_path"); |
settings.setValue("UPLimit", getLimits().second); |
root.appendChild(tag); |
settings.setValue("MaxConnecs", getMaxConnec()); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(txt_savePath->text()); |
settings.setValue("PortRangeMin", getPorts().first); |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
settings.setValue("PortRangeMax", getPorts().second); |
tag = doc.createElement("dl_limit"); |
settings.setValue("ShareRatio", getRatio()); |
root.appendChild(tag); |
settings.setValue("DHTPort", getDHTPort()); |
if(spin_download->isEnabled()){ |
settings.setValue("ScanDir", getScanDir()); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(spin_download->value()).c_str()); |
// End Main options
}else{ |
settings.endGroup(); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(-1).c_str()); |
// Language options
} |
settings.beginGroup("Language"); |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
settings.setValue("Locale", getLocale()); |
tag = doc.createElement("up_limit"); |
// End Language options
root.appendChild(tag); |
settings.endGroup(); |
if(spin_upload->isEnabled()){ |
// IPFilter options
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(spin_upload->value()).c_str()); |
settings.beginGroup("IPFilter"); |
}else{ |
bool enabled = isFilteringEnabled(); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(-1).c_str()); |
settings.setValue("Enabled", enabled); |
} |
if(enabled){ |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
settings.setValue("File", filterFile->text()); |
tag = doc.createElement("max_connec"); |
} |
root.appendChild(tag); |
// End IPFilter options
if(spin_max_connec->isEnabled()){ |
settings.endGroup(); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(spin_max_connec->value()).c_str()); |
// Proxy options
}else{ |
settings.beginGroup("Proxy"); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(-1).c_str()); |
enabled = isProxyEnabled(); |
} |
settings.setValue("Enabled", enabled); |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
if(enabled){ |
tag = doc.createElement("port_range"); |
settings.setValue("IP", getProxyIp()); |
root.appendChild(tag); |
settings.setValue("Port", getProxyPort()); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("port_min"); |
enabled = isProxyAuthEnabled(); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
settings.beginGroup("Authentication"); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(spin_port_min->value()).c_str()); |
settings.setValue("Enabled", enabled); |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
if(enabled){ |
tag2 = doc.createElement("port_max"); |
settings.setValue("Username", getProxyUsername()); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
settings.setValue("Password", getProxyPassword()); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(spin_port_max->value()).c_str()); |
} |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
settings.endGroup(); |
tag = doc.createElement("ratio"); |
} |
root.appendChild(tag); |
// End Proxy options
if(spin_ratio->isEnabled()){ |
settings.endGroup(); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(spin_ratio->value()).c_str()); |
// Misc options
}else{ |
settings.beginGroup("Misc"); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("0"); |
settings.beginGroup("TorrentAdditionDialog"); |
} |
enabled = useAdditionDialog(); |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
settings.setValue("Enabled", enabled); |
tag = doc.createElement("DHT"); |
if(!enabled){ |
root.appendChild(tag); |
settings.setValue("SavePath", getSavePath()); |
if(disableDHT->isChecked()){ |
} |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("0"); |
settings.endGroup(); |
}else{ |
settings.beginGroup("Behaviour"); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("1"); |
settings.setValue("ConfirmOnExit", getConfirmOnExit()); |
} |
settings.setValue("ClearFinishedDownloads", getClearFinishedOnExit()); |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
settings.setValue("GoToSystray", getGoToSysTrayOnMinimizingWindow()); |
tag = doc.createElement("DHTPort"); |
settings.endGroup(); |
root.appendChild(tag); |
settings.setValue("PreviewProgram", getPreviewProgram()); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(misc::toString(getDHTPort()).c_str()); |
// End Misc options
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
settings.endGroup(); |
if(scanDir->isEnabled()){ |
if(getUseOSDAlways()){ |
tag = doc.createElement("scan_dir"); |
settings.setValue("OSDEnabled", 1); |
root.appendChild(tag); |
}else{ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(scanDir->text()); |
if(getUseOSDWhenHiddenOnly()){ |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
settings.setValue("OSDEnabled", 2); |
} |
}else{ |
// IPFilter Settings
settings.setValue("OSDEnabled", 0); |
if(filterGroup->isEnabled()){ |
} |
tag = doc.createElement("ipFilter_File"); |
} |
root.appendChild(tag); |
settings.endGroup(); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(filterFile->text()); |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
} |
// Proxy Settings
if(groupProxy->isEnabled()){ |
tag = doc.createElement("proxy_settings"); |
root.appendChild(tag); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("proxy_ip"); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(proxy_ip->text()); |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("proxy_port"); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(proxy_port->text()); |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
// Proxy Authentication
if(groupProxyAuth->isEnabled()){ |
tag2 = doc.createElement("proxy_username"); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(proxy_username->text()); |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("proxy_password"); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(proxy_password->text()); |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
} |
} |
// GUI stuff
tag = doc.createElement("gui_settings"); |
root.appendChild(tag); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("goToSysTrayOnMinimizing"); |
if(check_goToSysTray->isChecked()){ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("true"); |
}else{ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("false"); |
} |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("clearFinishedOnExit"); |
if(clearFinished_checkBox->isChecked()){ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("true"); |
}else{ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("false"); |
} |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("confirmOnExit"); |
if(confirmExit_checkBox->isChecked()){ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("true"); |
}else{ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("false"); |
} |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("previewing"); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(preview_program->text()); |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
tag2 = doc.createElement("displayOSD"); |
if(alwaysOSD->isChecked()){ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("true"); |
}else{ |
if(someOSD->isChecked()){ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("partial"); |
}else{ |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode("false"); |
} |
} |
tag2.appendChild(optionValue); |
tag.appendChild(tag2); |
// Language Settings
tag = doc.createElement("locale"); |
root.appendChild(tag); |
optionValue = doc.createTextNode(getLocale()); |
tag.appendChild(optionValue); |
xml = doc.toString(); |
// Write XML file to HD
f = fopen((const char*)savePath.toUtf8(), "w"); |
if (!f){ |
std::cerr << "Error: Couldn't create file " << (const char*)savePath.toUtf8() << " for saving!" << '\n'; |
return false; |
} |
if (!file.open(f, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)){ |
std::cerr << "Error: Couldn't open file " << (const char*)savePath.toUtf8() << " for saving!" << '\n'; |
return false; |
} |
file.write((const char*)xml.toUtf8(), xml.length()); |
file.close(); |
if(fclose(f) == EOF){ |
std::cerr << "Error: Couldn't close file " << (const char*)savePath.toUtf8() << " after saving!" << '\n'; |
return false; |
} |
// set infobar text
// set infobar text
emit status_changed(tr("Options saved successfully!")); |
emit status_changed(tr("Options saved successfully!")); |
// Disable apply Button
// Disable apply Button
applyButton->setEnabled(false); |
applyButton->setEnabled(false); |
return true; |
} |
} |
bool options_imp::isFilteringEnabled() const{ |
bool options_imp::isFilteringEnabled() const{ |
return activateFilter->isChecked(); |
return activateFilter->isChecked(); |
} |
} |
// Load options from options.xml file
void options_imp::loadOptions(){ |
bool options_imp::loadOptions(){ |
int value; |
QString savePath; |
float floatValue; |
QDomDocument doc("options"); |
QString strValue; |
QDomElement root; |
QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent"); |
QDomElement tag, tag2; |
// Check if min port < max port
QDomText optionValue; |
checkPortsLogic(); |
QString xml; |
settings.beginGroup("Options"); |
FILE *f; |
// Main options
QFile file; |
settings.beginGroup("Main"); |
int tmp; |
value = settings.value("DLLimit", -1).toInt(); |
float tmpFloat; |
if(value < 0){ |
// Getting savepath for options.xml
savePath = misc::qBittorrentPath() + "options.xml"; |
// Read XML file on HD
f = fopen((const char*)savePath.toUtf8(), "r"); |
if (!f){ |
return false; |
} |
if (!file.open(f, QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){ |
return false; |
} |
if (!doc.setContent(&file)) { |
file.close(); |
return false; |
} |
file.close(); |
if(fclose(f) == EOF){ |
std::cerr << "Error: Couldn't close file " << (const char*)savePath.toUtf8() << " after reading!" << '\n'; |
return false; |
} |
// Loading option from XML
root = doc.firstChildElement("options"); |
this->txt_savePath->setText(root.firstChildElement("save_path").text()); |
tmp = root.firstChildElement("dl_limit").text().toInt(); |
if(tmp == -1){ |
disableDLLimit->setChecked(true); |
disableDLLimit->setChecked(true); |
spin_download->setEnabled(false); |
spin_download->setEnabled(false); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
disableDLLimit->setChecked(false); |
disableDLLimit->setChecked(false); |
spin_download->setEnabled(true); |
spin_download->setEnabled(true); |
this->spin_download->setValue(tmp); |
spin_download->setValue(value); |
} |
} |
tmp = root.firstChildElement("up_limit").text().toInt(); |
value = settings.value("UPLimit", -1).toInt(); |
if(tmp == -1){ |
if(value < 0){ |
disableUPLimit->setChecked(true); |
disableUPLimit->setChecked(true); |
spin_upload->setEnabled(false); |
spin_upload->setEnabled(false); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
disableUPLimit->setChecked(false); |
disableUPLimit->setChecked(false); |
spin_upload->setEnabled(true); |
spin_upload->setEnabled(true); |
this->spin_upload->setValue(tmp); |
spin_upload->setValue(value); |
} |
value = settings.value("MaxConnecs", -1).toInt(); |
if(value < 0){ |
disableMaxConnec->setChecked(true); |
spin_max_connec->setEnabled(false); |
}else{ |
disableMaxConnec->setChecked(false); |
spin_max_connec->setEnabled(true); |
spin_max_connec->setValue(value); |
} |
} |
tmpFloat = root.firstChildElement("ratio").text().toFloat(); |
spin_port_min->setValue(settings.value("PortRangeMin", 6881).toInt()); |
if(tmpFloat == 0){ |
spin_port_max->setValue(settings.value("PortRangeMax", 6889).toInt()); |
floatValue = settings.value("ShareRatio", 0).toDouble(); |
if(floatValue == 0){ |
disableRatio->setChecked(true); |
disableRatio->setChecked(true); |
spin_ratio->setEnabled(false); |
spin_ratio->setEnabled(false); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
disableRatio->setChecked(false); |
disableRatio->setChecked(false); |
spin_ratio->setEnabled(true); |
spin_ratio->setEnabled(true); |
this->spin_ratio->setValue(tmpFloat); |
spin_ratio->setValue(floatValue); |
} |
} |
tag = root.firstChildElement("DHT"); |
value = settings.value("DHTPort", 6881).toInt(); |
if(!tag.isNull()){ |
if(value < 0){ |
if(tag.text().toInt() == 0){ |
disableDHT->setChecked(true); |
disableDHT->setChecked(true); |
groupDHT->setEnabled(false); |
groupDHT->setEnabled(false); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
disableDHT->setChecked(false); |
disableDHT->setChecked(false); |
groupDHT->setEnabled(true); |
groupDHT->setEnabled(true); |
if(value < 1000){ |
value = 6881; |
} |
} |
spin_dht_port->setValue(value); |
} |
} |
tag = root.firstChildElement("DHTPort"); |
strValue = settings.value("ScanDir", QString()).toString(); |
if(!tag.isNull()){ |
if(!strValue.isEmpty()){ |
if(tag.text().toInt() < 1000){ |
spin_dht_port->setValue(6881); |
}else{ |
spin_dht_port->setValue(tag.text().toInt()); |
} |
} |
tmp = root.firstChildElement("max_connec").text().toInt(); |
if(tmp == -1){ |
disableMaxConnec->setChecked(true); |
spin_max_connec->setEnabled(false); |
}else{ |
disableMaxConnec->setChecked(false); |
spin_max_connec->setEnabled(true); |
this->spin_max_connec->setValue(tmp); |
} |
tag = root.firstChildElement("port_range"); |
this->spin_port_min->setValue(tag.firstChildElement("port_min").text().toInt()); |
this->spin_port_max->setValue(tag.firstChildElement("port_max").text().toInt()); |
tag = root.firstChildElement("scan_dir"); |
if(!tag.isNull()){ |
enableScan_checkBox->setChecked(true); |
enableScan_checkBox->setChecked(true); |
scanDir->setEnabled(true); |
scanDir->setEnabled(true); |
scanDir->setText(tag.text()); |
scanDir->setText(strValue); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
enableScan_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
enableScan_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
scanDir->setEnabled(false); |
scanDir->setEnabled(false); |
} |
} |
// Load IPFilter Settings
// End Main options
tag = root.firstChildElement("ipFilter_File"); |
settings.endGroup(); |
if(!tag.isNull()){ |
// Language options
settings.beginGroup("Language"); |
strValue = settings.value("Locale", "en_GB").toString(); |
setLocale(strValue); |
// End Language options
settings.endGroup(); |
// IPFilter options
settings.beginGroup("IPFilter"); |
if(settings.value("Enabled", false).toBool()){ |
strValue = settings.value("File", QString()).toString(); |
if(strValue.isEmpty()){ |
activateFilter->setChecked(false); |
filterGroup->setEnabled(false); |
}else{ |
activateFilter->setChecked(true); |
activateFilter->setChecked(true); |
filterGroup->setEnabled(true); |
filterGroup->setEnabled(true); |
filterFile->setText(tag.text()); |
filterFile->setText(strValue); |
processFilterFile(tag.text()); |
processFilterFile(strValue); |
} |
}else{ |
}else{ |
activateFilter->setChecked(false); |
activateFilter->setChecked(false); |
filterGroup->setEnabled(false); |
filterGroup->setEnabled(false); |
} |
} |
// Load proxy settings
// End IPFilter options
tag = root.firstChildElement("proxy_settings"); |
settings.endGroup(); |
if(!tag.isNull()){ |
// Proxy options
settings.beginGroup("Proxy"); |
if(settings.value("Enabled", false).toBool()){ |
strValue = settings.value("IP", QString()).toString(); |
if(strValue.isEmpty()){ |
enableProxy_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
groupProxy->setEnabled(false); |
}else{ |
enableProxy_checkBox->setChecked(true); |
enableProxy_checkBox->setChecked(true); |
groupProxy->setEnabled(true); |
groupProxy->setEnabled(true); |
proxy_ip->setText(tag.firstChildElement("proxy_ip").text()); |
proxy_ip->setText(strValue); |
proxy_port->setValue(tag.firstChildElement("proxy_port").text().toInt()); |
proxy_port->setValue(settings.value("Port", 8080).toInt()); |
tag2 = tag.firstChildElement("proxy_username"); |
settings.beginGroup("Authentication"); |
if(!tag2.isNull()){ |
if(settings.value("Enabled", false).toBool()){ |
enableProxyAuth_checkBox->setChecked(true); |
enableProxyAuth_checkBox->setChecked(true); |
groupProxyAuth->setEnabled(true); |
groupProxyAuth->setEnabled(true); |
proxy_username->setText(tag2.text()); |
proxy_username->setText(settings.value("Username", QString()).toString()); |
proxy_password->setText(tag.firstChildElement("proxy_password").text()); |
proxy_password->setText(settings.value("Password", QString()).toString()); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
enableProxyAuth_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
enableProxyAuth_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
groupProxyAuth->setEnabled(false); |
groupProxyAuth->setEnabled(false); |
} |
} |
settings.endGroup(); |
} |
}else{ |
}else{ |
enableProxyAuth_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
enableProxy_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
enableProxy_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
groupProxyAuth->setEnabled(false); |
groupProxy->setEnabled(false); |
groupProxy->setEnabled(false); |
} |
} |
// Locale Settings
// End Proxy options
tag = root.firstChildElement("locale"); |
settings.endGroup(); |
if(!tag.isNull()){ |
// Misc options
setLocale(tag.text()); |
settings.beginGroup("Misc"); |
} |
settings.beginGroup("TorrentAdditionDialog"); |
// Gui Settings
if(settings.value("Enabled", true).toBool()){ |
tag = root.firstChildElement("gui_settings"); |
checkAdditionDialog->setChecked(true); |
if(!tag.isNull()){ |
groupSavePath->setEnabled(false); |
if(tag.firstChildElement("goToSysTrayOnMinimizing").text() == "false"){ |
check_goToSysTray->setChecked(false); |
}else{ |
check_goToSysTray->setChecked(true); |
} |
if(tag.firstChildElement("clearFinishedOnExit").text() == "false"){ |
clearFinished_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
}else{ |
clearFinished_checkBox->setChecked(true); |
} |
if(tag.firstChildElement("confirmOnExit").text() == "false"){ |
confirmExit_checkBox->setChecked(false); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
confirmExit_checkBox->setChecked(true); |
checkAdditionDialog->setChecked(false); |
} |
groupSavePath->setEnabled(true); |
preview_program->setText(tag.firstChildElement("previewing").text()); |
txt_savePath->setText(settings.value("SavePath", QString()).toString()); |
QString OSDValue = tag.firstChildElement("displayOSD").text(); |
} |
if(OSDValue == "false"){ |
settings.endGroup(); |
settings.beginGroup("Behaviour"); |
confirmExit_checkBox->setChecked(settings.value("ConfirmOnExit", true).toBool()); |
clearFinished_checkBox->setChecked(settings.value("ClearFinishedDownloads", true).toBool()); |
check_goToSysTray->setChecked(settings.value("GoToSystray", true).toBool()); |
settings.endGroup(); |
preview_program->setText(settings.value("PreviewProgram", QString()).toString()); |
// End Misc options
settings.endGroup(); |
value = settings.value("OSDEnabled", 1).toInt(); |
if(value == 0){ |
neverOSD->setChecked(true); |
neverOSD->setChecked(true); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
if(OSDValue == "partial"){ |
if(value == 2){ |
someOSD->setChecked(true); |
someOSD->setChecked(true); |
}else{ |
}else{ |
alwaysOSD->setChecked(true); |
alwaysOSD->setChecked(true); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
settings.endGroup(); |
// Disable apply Button
// Disable apply Button
applyButton->setEnabled(false); |
applyButton->setEnabled(false); |
return true; |
} |
} |
// return min & max ports
// return min & max ports
// [min, max]
// [min, max]
std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> options_imp::getPorts() const{ |
std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> options_imp::getPorts() const{ |
return std::make_pair(this->spin_port_min->value(), this->spin_port_min->value()); |
return std::make_pair(this->spin_port_min->value(), this->spin_port_max->value()); |
} |
} |
int options_imp::getDHTPort() const{ |
int options_imp::getDHTPort() const{ |