* wire hud_fontscale so HUD font scaling can be used independently from
* allow small optimizatinons, like optional UTF-8 decoding, or not calling
SetRenderMode for each character
* even less copypasted code in text drawing between client code and console
* get rid of direct DrawCharacter calls when it can be just DrawString
* fix net_speeds, r_speeds with scaled console fonts
* try to fix MobilityAPI's pfnDrawCharacterScaled
* center keyboard keys in OSK code
The `.editorconfig` file in this repo is configured to trim all trailing
whitespace regardless of whether the line is modified.
Trims all trailing whitespace in the repository to make the codebase easier
to work with in editors that respect `.editorconfig`.
`git blame` becomes less useful on these lines but it already isn't very useful.
find . -type f -name '*.h' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+
find . -type f -name '*.c' -exec sed --in-place 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+