mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:21:08 +00:00
Merge branch 'original' (except gldebug, msaa)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1495,14 +1495,33 @@ for parsing half-life scripts - hud.txt etc
static client_sprite_t *pfnSPR_GetList( char *psz, int *piCount )
client_sprite_t *pList;
int index, numSprites = 0;
cached_spritelist_t *pEntry = &clgame.sprlist[0];
int slot, index, numSprites = 0;
char *afile, *pfile;
string token;
byte *pool;
if( piCount ) *piCount = 0;
// see if already in list
// NOTE: client.dll is cache hud.txt but reparse weapon lists again and again
// obviously there a memory leak by-design. Cache the sprite lists to prevent it
for( slot = 0; slot < MAX_CLIENT_SPRITES && pEntry->szListName[0]; slot++ )
pEntry = &clgame.sprlist[slot];
if( !Q_stricmp( pEntry->szListName, psz ))
if( piCount ) *piCount = pEntry->count;
return pEntry->pList;
if( slot == MAX_CLIENT_SPRITES )
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "SPR_GetList: overflow cache!\n" );
return NULL;
if( !clgame.itemspath[0] ) // typically it's sprites\*.txt
COM_ExtractFilePath( psz, clgame.itemspath );
@ -1513,50 +1532,48 @@ static client_sprite_t *pfnSPR_GetList( char *psz, int *piCount )
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
numSprites = Q_atoi( token );
if( !cl.video_prepped ) pool = cls.mempool; // static memory
else pool = com_studiocache; // temporary
Q_strncpy( pEntry->szListName, psz, sizeof( pEntry->szListName ));
// name, res, pic, x, y, w, h
// NOTE: we must use com_studiocache because it will be purge on next restart or change map
pList = Mem_Alloc( pool, sizeof( client_sprite_t ) * numSprites );
pEntry->pList = Mem_Alloc( cls.mempool, sizeof( client_sprite_t ) * numSprites );
for( index = 0; index < numSprites; index++ )
if(( pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token )) == NULL )
Q_strncpy( pList[index].szName, token, sizeof( pList[index].szName ));
Q_strncpy( pEntry->pList[index].szName, token, sizeof( pEntry->pList[0].szName ));
// read resolution
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
pList[index].iRes = Q_atoi( token );
pEntry->pList[index].iRes = Q_atoi( token );
// read spritename
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
Q_strncpy( pList[index].szSprite, token, sizeof( pList[index].szSprite ));
Q_strncpy( pEntry->pList[index].szSprite, token, sizeof( pEntry->pList[0].szSprite ));
// parse rectangle
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
pList[index].rc.left = Q_atoi( token );
pEntry->pList[index].rc.left = Q_atoi( token );
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
pList[index].rc.top = Q_atoi( token );
pEntry->pList[index].rc.top = Q_atoi( token );
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
pList[index].rc.right = pList[index].rc.left + Q_atoi( token );
pEntry->pList[index].rc.right = pEntry->pList[index].rc.left + Q_atoi( token );
pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token );
pList[index].rc.bottom = pList[index].rc.top + Q_atoi( token );
pEntry->pList[index].rc.bottom = pEntry->pList[index].rc.top + Q_atoi( token );
if( piCount ) (*piCount)++;
if( index < numSprites )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "SPR_GetList: unexpected end of %s (%i should be %i)\n", psz, numSprites, index );
Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "unexpected end of %s (%i should be %i)\n", psz, numSprites, index );
if( piCount ) *piCount = pEntry->count;
Mem_Free( afile );
return pList;
return pEntry->pList;
@ -3624,6 +3641,7 @@ static event_api_t gEventApi =
static demo_api_t gDemoApi =
@ -3897,7 +3915,7 @@ qboolean CL_LoadProgs( const char *name )
CL_InitTempEnts ();
if( !R_InitRenderAPI()) // Xash3D extension
MsgDev( D_WARN, "CL_LoadProgs: couldn't get render API\n" );
Con_Reportf( S_WARN "CL_LoadProgs: couldn't get render API\n" );
CL_InitEdicts (); // initailize local player and world
CL_InitClientMove(); // initialize pm_shared
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ void CL_ParseStaticEntity( sizebuf_t *msg )
ent->prevstate = state;
// statics may be respawned in game e.g. for demo recording
if( cls.state == ca_connected )
if( cls.state == ca_connected || cls.state == ca_validate )
ent->trivial_accept = INVALID_HANDLE;
// setup the new static entity
@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ void CL_RegisterResources( sizebuf_t *msg )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "client world model is NULL\n" );
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "client world model is NULL\n" );
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ void CL_ClearTempEnts( void )
cl_tempents[i].next = &cl_tempents[i+1];
cl_tempents[i].entity.trivial_accept = INVALID_HANDLE;
cl_tempents[GI->max_tents-1].next = NULL;
cl_free_tents = cl_tempents;
@ -2843,6 +2843,23 @@ void CL_AddEntityEffects( cl_entity_t *ent )
dl->die = cl.time + 0.001;
dl->radius = 200;
// studio models are handle muzzleflashes difference
if( FBitSet( ent->curstate.effects, EF_MUZZLEFLASH ) && ent->model->type == mod_alias )
dlight_t *dl = CL_AllocDlight( ent->index );
vec3_t fv;
ClearBits( ent->curstate.effects, EF_MUZZLEFLASH );
dl->color.r = dl->color.g = dl->color.b = 100;
VectorCopy( ent->origin, dl->origin );
AngleVectors( ent->angles, fv, NULL, NULL );
dl->origin[2] += 16.0f;
VectorMA( dl->origin, 18, fv, dl->origin );
dl->radius = COM_RandomFloat( 200, 231 );
dl->die = cl.time + 0.1;
dl->minlight = 32;
@ -409,6 +409,13 @@ typedef struct
rgba_t textColor;
} gameui_draw_t;
typedef struct
char szListName[MAX_QPATH];
client_sprite_t *pList;
int count;
} cached_spritelist_t;
typedef struct
// centerprint stuff
@ -505,6 +512,8 @@ typedef struct
ref_overview_t overView; // overView params
color24 palette[256]; // palette used for particle colors
cached_spritelist_t sprlist[MAX_CLIENT_SPRITES]; // client list sprites
client_textmessage_t *titles; // title messages, not network messages
int numTitles;
@ -928,9 +928,9 @@ void R_AliasDynamicLight( cl_entity_t *ent, alight_t *plight )
VectorAdd( lightDir, dist, lightDir );
finalLight[0] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.r ) * ( add * 512.0f );
finalLight[1] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.g ) * ( add * 512.0f );
finalLight[2] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.b ) * ( add * 512.0f );
finalLight[0] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.r ) * ( add / 256.0f ) * 2.0f;
finalLight[1] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.g ) * ( add / 256.0f ) * 2.0f;
finalLight[2] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.b ) * ( add / 256.0f ) * 2.0f;
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ void R_DrawStretchRaw( float x, float y, float w, float h, int cols, int rows, c
tex->size = cols * rows * 4;
tex->width = cols;
tex->height = rows;
if( dirty )
@ -806,6 +806,59 @@ typedef float GLmatrix[16];
#define WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB 0x2001
#define WGL_DRAW_TO_BITMAP_ARB 0x2002
#define WGL_NEED_PALETTE_ARB 0x2004
#define WGL_SWAP_METHOD_ARB 0x2007
#define WGL_SHARE_DEPTH_ARB 0x200C
#define WGL_SHARE_ACCUM_ARB 0x200E
#define WGL_SUPPORT_GDI_ARB 0x200F
#define WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB 0x2011
#define WGL_STEREO_ARB 0x2012
#define WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB 0x2013
#define WGL_COLOR_BITS_ARB 0x2014
#define WGL_RED_BITS_ARB 0x2015
#define WGL_RED_SHIFT_ARB 0x2016
#define WGL_GREEN_BITS_ARB 0x2017
#define WGL_GREEN_SHIFT_ARB 0x2018
#define WGL_BLUE_BITS_ARB 0x2019
#define WGL_BLUE_SHIFT_ARB 0x201A
#define WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB 0x201B
#define WGL_ALPHA_SHIFT_ARB 0x201C
#define WGL_ACCUM_BITS_ARB 0x201D
#define WGL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS_ARB 0x2020
#define WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB 0x2022
#define WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB 0x2023
#define WGL_AUX_BUFFERS_ARB 0x2024
#define WGL_SWAP_EXCHANGE_ARB 0x2028
#define WGL_SWAP_COPY_ARB 0x2029
#define WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB 0x202B
#define WGL_SAMPLES_ARB 0x2042
// helper opengl functions
GLenum ( APIENTRY *pglGetError )(void);
const GLubyte * ( APIENTRY *pglGetString )(GLenum name);
@ -1279,5 +1332,4 @@ void ( APIENTRY *pglGenVertexArrays )( GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays );
GLboolean ( APIENTRY *pglIsVertexArray )( GLuint array );
void ( APIENTRY * pglSwapInterval) ( int interval );
extern void *pglGetProcAddress( const GLubyte * );
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
static gltexture_t r_textures[MAX_TEXTURES];
static gltexture_t *r_texturesHashTable[TEXTURES_HASH_SIZE];
static byte data2D[BLOCK_SIZE_MAX*BLOCK_SIZE_MAX*4]; // intermediate texbuffer
static byte data2D[1024]; // intermediate texbuffer
static int r_numTextures;
static rgbdata_t r_image; // generic pixelbuffer used for internal textures
@ -400,7 +400,13 @@ static size_t GL_CalcTextureSize( GLenum format, int width, int height, int dept
case GL_RGB8:
case GL_RGB:
size = width * height * depth * 4;
size = width * height * depth * 3;
case GL_RGB5:
size = (width * height * depth * 3) / 2;
case GL_RGBA4:
size = (width * height * depth * 4) / 2;
@ -531,10 +537,27 @@ static void GL_SetTextureDimensions( gltexture_t *tex, int width, int height, in
width = (width + 3) & ~3;
height = (height + 3) & ~3;
int step = (int)gl_round_down->value;
int scaled_width, scaled_height;
for( scaled_width = 1; scaled_width < width; scaled_width <<= 1 );
if( step > 0 && width < scaled_width && ( step == 1 || ( scaled_width - width ) > ( scaled_width >> step )))
scaled_width >>= 1;
for( scaled_height = 1; scaled_height < height; scaled_height <<= 1 );
if( step > 0 && height < scaled_height && ( step == 1 || ( scaled_height - height ) > ( scaled_height >> step )))
scaled_height >>= 1;
width = scaled_width;
height = scaled_height;
#if 1 // TESTTEST
width = (width + 3) & ~3;
height = (height + 3) & ~3;
if( width > maxTextureSize || height > maxTextureSize || depth > maxDepthSize )
if( tex->target == GL_TEXTURE_1D )
@ -684,7 +707,7 @@ static void GL_SetTextureFormat( gltexture_t *tex, pixformat_t format, int chann
// NOTE: not all the types will be compressed
int bits = glw_state.desktopBitsPixel;
switch( GL_CalcTextureSamples( channelMask ) )
switch( GL_CalcTextureSamples( channelMask ))
case 1: tex->format = GL_LUMINANCE8; break;
case 2: tex->format = GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8; break;
@ -1134,7 +1157,7 @@ static qboolean GL_UploadTexture( gltexture_t *tex, rgbdata_t *pic )
if(( pic->width * pic->height ) & 3 )
// will be resampled, just tell me for debug targets
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "GL_UploadTexture: %s s&3 [%d x %d]\n", tex->name, pic->width, pic->height );
Con_Reportf( "GL_UploadTexture: %s s&3 [%d x %d]\n", tex->name, pic->width, pic->height );
buf = pic->buffer;
@ -1965,30 +1988,6 @@ static rgbdata_t *R_InitParticleTexture( texFlags_t *flags )
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitSkyTexture( texFlags_t *flags )
int i;
// skybox texture
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
((uint *)&data2D)[i] = 0xFFFFDEB5;
*flags = 0;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.width = r_image.height = 16;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
return &r_image;
@ -1996,11 +1995,12 @@ R_InitCinematicTexture
static rgbdata_t *R_InitCinematicTexture( texFlags_t *flags )
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.width = r_image.height = 256;
r_image.width = 640; // same as menu head
r_image.height = 100;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
r_image.buffer = NULL;
@ -2059,403 +2059,22 @@ static rgbdata_t *R_InitBlackTexture( texFlags_t *flags )
static rgbdata_t *R_InitBlankBumpTexture( texFlags_t *flags )
void R_InitDlightTexture( void )
int i;
if( tr.dlightTexture != 0 )
return; // already initialized
// default normalmap texture
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
data2D[i*4+0] = 127;
data2D[i*4+1] = 127;
data2D[i*4+2] = 255;
*flags = TF_NORMALMAP;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.width = r_image.height = 16;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitBlankDeluxeTexture( texFlags_t *flags )
int i;
// default normalmap texture
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
data2D[i*4+0] = 127;
data2D[i*4+1] = 127;
data2D[i*4+2] = 0; // light from ceiling
*flags = TF_NORMALMAP;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.width = r_image.height = 16;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitAttenTextureGamma( texFlags_t *flags, float gamma )
int i;
// 1d attenuation texture
r_image.width = 256;
r_image.height = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.width = BLOCK_SIZE;
r_image.height = BLOCK_SIZE;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
r_image.buffer = NULL;
for( i = 0; i < r_image.width; i++ )
float atten = 255 - bound( 0, 255 * pow((i + 0.5f) / r_image.width, gamma ) + 0.5f, 255 );
// clear attenuation at ends to prevent light go outside
if( i == (r_image.width - 1) || i == 0 )
atten = 0.0f;
data2D[(i * 4) + 0] = (byte)atten;
data2D[(i * 4) + 1] = (byte)atten;
data2D[(i * 4) + 2] = (byte)atten;
data2D[(i * 4) + 3] = (byte)atten;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitAttenuationTexture( texFlags_t *flags )
return R_InitAttenTextureGamma( flags, 1.5f );
static rgbdata_t *R_InitAttenuationTexture2( texFlags_t *flags )
return R_InitAttenTextureGamma( flags, 0.5f );
static rgbdata_t *R_InitAttenuationTexture3( texFlags_t *flags )
return R_InitAttenTextureGamma( flags, 3.5f );
static rgbdata_t *R_InitAttenuationTextureNoAtten( texFlags_t *flags )
// 1d attenuation texture
r_image.width = 256;
r_image.height = 1;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
memset( data2D, 0xFF, r_image.size );
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitAttenTexture3D( texFlags_t *flags )
vec3_t v = { 0, 0, 0 };
int x, y, z, d, size, size2, halfsize;
float intensity;
if( !GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT ))
return NULL;
// 3d attenuation texture
r_image.width = 32;
r_image.height = 32;
r_image.depth = 32;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * r_image.depth * 4;
size = 32;
halfsize = size / 2;
intensity = halfsize * halfsize;
size2 = size * size;
for( x = 0; x < r_image.width; x++ )
for( y = 0; y < r_image.height; y++ )
for( z = 0; z < r_image.depth; z++ )
v[0] = (( x + 0.5f ) * ( 2.0f / (float)size ) - 1.0f );
v[1] = (( y + 0.5f ) * ( 2.0f / (float)size ) - 1.0f );
if( r_image.depth > 1 ) v[2] = (( z + 0.5f ) * ( 2.0f / (float)size ) - 1.0f );
intensity = 1.0f - sqrt( DotProduct( v, v ) );
if( intensity > 0 ) intensity = intensity * intensity * 215.5f;
d = bound( 0, intensity, 255 );
data2D[((z * size + y) * size + x) * 4 + 0] = d;
data2D[((z * size + y) * size + x) * 4 + 1] = d;
data2D[((z * size + y) * size + x) * 4 + 2] = d;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitDlightTexture( texFlags_t *flags )
// solid color texture
r_image.width = BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT;
r_image.height = BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
memset( data2D, 0x00, r_image.size );
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitDlightTexture2( texFlags_t *flags )
// solid color texture
r_image.width = BLOCK_SIZE_MAX;
r_image.height = BLOCK_SIZE_MAX;
r_image.flags = IMAGE_HAS_COLOR;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4;
r_image.buffer = data2D;
memset( data2D, 0x00, r_image.size );
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitNormalizeCubemap( texFlags_t *flags )
int i, x, y, size = 32;
byte *dataCM = data2D;
float s, t;
vec3_t normal;
return NULL;
// normal cube map texture
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
for( y = 0; y < size; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < size; x++ )
s = (((float)x + 0.5f) * (2.0f / size )) - 1.0f;
t = (((float)y + 0.5f) * (2.0f / size )) - 1.0f;
switch( i )
case 0: VectorSet( normal, 1.0f, -t, -s ); break;
case 1: VectorSet( normal, -1.0f, -t, s ); break;
case 2: VectorSet( normal, s, 1.0f, t ); break;
case 3: VectorSet( normal, s, -1.0f, -t ); break;
case 4: VectorSet( normal, s, -t, 1.0f ); break;
case 5: VectorSet( normal, -s, -t, -1.0f); break;
VectorNormalize( normal );
dataCM[4*(y*size+x)+0] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[0]);
dataCM[4*(y*size+x)+1] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[1]);
dataCM[4*(y*size+x)+2] = (byte)(128 + 127 * normal[2]);
dataCM[4*(y*size+x)+3] = 255;
dataCM += (size*size*4); // move pointer
r_image.width = r_image.height = size;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4 * 6;
r_image.flags |= (IMAGE_CUBEMAP|IMAGE_HAS_COLOR); // yes it's cubemap
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitDlightCubemap( texFlags_t *flags )
int i, x, y, size = 4;
byte *dataCM = data2D;
int dx2, dy, d;
return NULL;
// normal cube map texture
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
for( x = 0; x < size; x++ )
dx2 = x - size / 2;
dx2 = dx2 * dx2;
for( y = 0; y < size; y++ )
dy = y - size / 2;
d = 255 - 35 * sqrt( dx2 + dy * dy );
dataCM[( y * size + x ) * 4 + 0] = bound( 0, d, 255 );
dataCM[( y * size + x ) * 4 + 1] = bound( 0, d, 255 );
dataCM[( y * size + x ) * 4 + 2] = bound( 0, d, 255 );
dataCM += (size * size * 4); // move pointer
r_image.width = r_image.height = size;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4 * 6;
r_image.flags |= (IMAGE_CUBEMAP|IMAGE_HAS_COLOR); // yes it's cubemap
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitGrayCubemap( texFlags_t *flags )
int size = 4;
byte *dataCM = data2D;
return NULL;
// gray cubemap - just stub for pointlights
memset( dataCM, 0x7F, size * size * 6 * 4 );
r_image.width = r_image.height = size;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4 * 6;
r_image.flags |= (IMAGE_CUBEMAP|IMAGE_HAS_COLOR); // yes it's cubemap
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitWhiteCubemap( texFlags_t *flags )
int size = 4;
byte *dataCM = data2D;
return NULL;
// white cubemap - just stub for pointlights
memset( dataCM, 0xFF, size * size * 6 * 4 );
r_image.width = r_image.height = size;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4 * 6;
r_image.flags |= (IMAGE_CUBEMAP|IMAGE_HAS_COLOR); // yes it's cubemap
r_image.buffer = data2D;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
return &r_image;
static rgbdata_t *R_InitVSDCTCubemap( texFlags_t *flags )
// maps to a 2x3 texture rectangle with normalized coordinates
// +-
// XX
// YY
// ZZ
// stores abs(dir.xy), offset.xy/2.5
static byte data[4*6] =
0xFF, 0x00, 0x33, 0x33, // +X: <1, 0>, <0.5, 0.5>
0xFF, 0x00, 0x99, 0x33, // -X: <1, 0>, <1.5, 0.5>
0x00, 0xFF, 0x33, 0x99, // +Y: <0, 1>, <0.5, 1.5>
0x00, 0xFF, 0x99, 0x99, // -Y: <0, 1>, <1.5, 1.5>
0x00, 0x00, 0x33, 0xFF, // +Z: <0, 0>, <0.5, 2.5>
0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0xFF, // -Z: <0, 0>, <1.5, 2.5>
r_image.width = r_image.height = 1;
r_image.size = r_image.width * r_image.height * 4 * 6;
r_image.flags |= (IMAGE_CUBEMAP|IMAGE_HAS_COLOR|IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA); // yes it's cubemap
r_image.buffer = data;
r_image.type = PF_RGBA_32;
return &r_image;
tr.dlightTexture = GL_LoadTextureInternal( "*dlight", &r_image, TF_NOMIPMAP|TF_CLAMP|TF_ATLAS_PAGE, false );
@ -2478,29 +2097,14 @@ static void R_InitBuiltinTextures( void )
textures[] =
{ "*default", &tr.defaultTexture, R_InitDefaultTexture },
{ "*particle", &tr.particleTexture, R_InitParticleTexture },
{ "*white", &tr.whiteTexture, R_InitWhiteTexture },
{ "*gray", &tr.grayTexture, R_InitGrayTexture },
{ "*black", &tr.blackTexture, R_InitBlackTexture },
{ "*particle", &tr.particleTexture, R_InitParticleTexture },
{ "*cintexture", &tr.cinTexture, R_InitCinematicTexture }, // force linear filter
{ "*dlight", &tr.dlightTexture, R_InitDlightTexture },
{ "*dlight2", &tr.dlightTexture2, R_InitDlightTexture2 },
{ "*atten", &tr.attenuationTexture, R_InitAttenuationTexture },
{ "*atten2", &tr.attenuationTexture2, R_InitAttenuationTexture2 },
{ "*atten3", &tr.attenuationTexture3, R_InitAttenuationTexture3 },
{ "*attnno", &tr.attenuationStubTexture, R_InitAttenuationTextureNoAtten },
{ "*normalize", &tr.normalizeTexture, R_InitNormalizeCubemap },
{ "*blankbump", &tr.blankbumpTexture, R_InitBlankBumpTexture },
{ "*blankdeluxe", &tr.blankdeluxeTexture, R_InitBlankDeluxeTexture },
{ "*lightCube", &tr.dlightCubeTexture, R_InitDlightCubemap },
{ "*grayCube", &tr.grayCubeTexture, R_InitGrayCubemap },
{ "*whiteCube", &tr.whiteCubeTexture, R_InitWhiteCubemap },
{ "*atten3D", &tr.attenuationTexture3D, R_InitAttenTexture3D },
{ "*sky", &tr.skyTexture, R_InitSkyTexture },
{ "*vsdct", &tr.vsdctCubeTexture, R_InitVSDCTCubemap },
{ "*black", &tr.blackTexture, R_InitBlackTexture }, // not used by engine
{ "*cintexture", &tr.cinTexture, R_InitCinematicTexture }, // intermediate buffer to renderer cinematic textures
size_t i, num_builtin_textures = sizeof( textures ) / sizeof( textures[0] ) - 1;
size_t i, num_builtin_textures = ARRAYSIZE( textures ) - 1;
for( i = 0; i < num_builtin_textures; i++ )
@ -165,31 +165,17 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
int cinTexture; // cinematic texture
int skyTexture; // default sky texture
int defaultTexture; // use for bad textures
int particleTexture;
int whiteTexture;
int grayTexture;
int blackTexture;
int particleTexture;
int defaultTexture; // use for bad textures
int solidskyTexture; // quake1 solid-sky layer
int alphaskyTexture; // quake1 alpha-sky layer
int lightmapTextures[MAX_LIGHTMAPS];
int dlightTexture; // custom dlight texture
int dlightTexture2; // big dlight texture (for big lightmaps)
int attenuationTexture; // normal attenuation
int attenuationTexture2;// dark attenuation
int attenuationTexture3;// bright attenuation
int attenuationTexture3D;// 3D attenuation
int attenuationStubTexture;
int blankbumpTexture;
int blankdeluxeTexture;
int normalizeTexture;
int dlightCubeTexture; // dynamic cubemap
int vsdctCubeTexture; // Virtual Shadow Depth Cubemap Texture
int grayCubeTexture;
int whiteCubeTexture;
int skyboxTextures[6]; // skybox sides
int cinTexture; // cinematic texture
int skytexturenum; // this not a gl_texturenum!
int skyboxbasenum; // start with 5800
@ -325,6 +311,7 @@ int GL_FindTexture( const char *name );
void GL_FreeTexture( GLenum texnum );
void GL_FreeImage( const char *name );
const char *GL_Target( GLenum target );
void R_InitDlightTexture( void );
void R_TextureList_f( void );
void R_InitImages( void );
void R_ShutdownImages( void );
@ -573,6 +560,8 @@ typedef struct
GLint max_vertex_uniforms;
GLint max_vertex_attribs;
GLint max_multisamples;
int color_bits;
int alpha_bits;
int depth_bits;
@ -643,6 +632,7 @@ extern convar_t *gl_texture_lodbias;
extern convar_t *gl_texture_nearest;
extern convar_t *gl_lightmap_nearest;
extern convar_t *gl_keeptjunctions;
extern convar_t *gl_round_down;
extern convar_t *gl_detailscale;
extern convar_t *gl_wireframe;
extern convar_t *gl_polyoffset;
@ -216,15 +216,15 @@ int R_CountSurfaceDlights( msurface_t *surf )
static float g_trace_fraction;
static vec3_t g_trace_lightspot;
static float g_trace_fraction;
static qboolean R_RecursiveLightPoint( model_t *model, mnode_t *node, float p1f, float p2f, colorVec *cv, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, qboolean debug )
static qboolean R_RecursiveLightPoint( model_t *model, mnode_t *node, float p1f, float p2f, colorVec *cv, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end )
float front, back, frac, midf;
int i, map, side, size;
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ static qboolean R_RecursiveLightPoint( model_t *model, mnode_t *node, float p1f,
side = front < 0;
if(( back < 0 ) == side )
return R_RecursiveLightPoint( model, node->children[side], p1f, p2f, cv, start, end, debug );
return R_RecursiveLightPoint( model, node->children[side], p1f, p2f, cv, start, end );
frac = front / ( front - back );
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ static qboolean R_RecursiveLightPoint( model_t *model, mnode_t *node, float p1f,
midf = p1f + ( p2f - p1f ) * frac;
// co down front side
if( R_RecursiveLightPoint( model, node->children[side], p1f, midf, cv, start, mid, debug ))
if( R_RecursiveLightPoint( model, node->children[side], p1f, midf, cv, start, mid ))
return true; // hit something
if(( back < 0 ) == side )
@ -330,15 +330,7 @@ static qboolean R_RecursiveLightPoint( model_t *model, mnode_t *node, float p1f,
// go down back side
return R_RecursiveLightPoint( model, node->children[!side], midf, p2f, cv, mid, end, debug );
int R_LightTraceFilter( physent_t *pe )
if( !pe || pe->solid != SOLID_BSP || pe->info == 0 )
return 1;
return 0;
return R_RecursiveLightPoint( model, node->children[!side], midf, p2f, cv, mid, end );
@ -354,6 +346,8 @@ colorVec R_LightVec( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec3_t lspot )
int i, maxEnts = 1;
colorVec light, cv;
if( lspot ) VectorClear( lspot );
if( cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->lightdata )
light.r = light.g = light.b = light.a = 0;
@ -391,7 +385,7 @@ colorVec R_LightVec( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec3_t lspot )
VectorClear( g_trace_lightspot );
g_trace_fraction = 1.0f;
if( !R_RecursiveLightPoint( pe->model, pnodes, 0.0f, 1.0f, &cv, start_l, end_l, lspot != NULL ))
if( !R_RecursiveLightPoint( pe->model, pnodes, 0.0f, 1.0f, &cv, start_l, end_l ))
continue; // didn't hit anything
if( g_trace_fraction < last_fraction )
@ -624,10 +624,7 @@ static void LM_UploadBlock( qboolean dynamic )
height = gl_lms.allocated[i];
if( host.features & ENGINE_LARGE_LIGHTMAPS )
GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.dlightTexture2 );
else GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.dlightTexture );
GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.dlightTexture );
pglTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, BLOCK_SIZE, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, gl_lms.lightmap_buffer );
@ -878,10 +875,7 @@ void R_BlendLightmaps( void )
if( host.features & ENGINE_LARGE_LIGHTMAPS )
GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.dlightTexture2 );
else GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.dlightTexture );
GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.dlightTexture );
newsurf = gl_lms.dynamic_surfaces;
for( surf = gl_lms.dynamic_surfaces; surf != NULL; surf = surf->info->lightmapchain )
@ -2120,6 +2114,9 @@ void GL_BuildLightmaps( void )
tr.realframecount = 1;
nColinElim = 0;
// setup the texture for dlights
// setup all the lightstyles
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
convar_t *r_sprite_lerping;
convar_t *r_sprite_lighting;
char sprite_name[MAX_QPATH];
char group_suffix[8];
static uint r_texFlags = 0;
static int sprite_version;
@ -67,12 +68,12 @@ static dframetype_t *R_SpriteLoadFrame( model_t *mod, void *pin, mspriteframe_t
// build uinque frame name
if( FBitSet( mod->flags, MODEL_CLIENT )) // it's a HUD sprite
Q_snprintf( texname, sizeof( texname ), "#HUD/%s_%s_%i%i.spr", mod->name, group_suffix, num / 10, num % 10 );
Q_snprintf( texname, sizeof( texname ), "#HUD/%s(%s:%i%i).spr", sprite_name, group_suffix, num / 10, num % 10 );
gl_texturenum = GL_LoadTexture( texname, pin, pinframe->width * pinframe->height * bytes, r_texFlags, NULL );
Q_snprintf( texname, sizeof( texname ), "#%s_%s_%i%i.spr", mod->name, group_suffix, num / 10, num % 10 );
Q_snprintf( texname, sizeof( texname ), "#%s(%s:%i%i).spr", sprite_name, group_suffix, num / 10, num % 10 );
gl_texturenum = GL_LoadTexture( texname, pin, pinframe->width * pinframe->height * bytes, r_texFlags, NULL );
@ -223,6 +224,9 @@ void Mod_LoadSpriteModel( model_t *mod, const void *buffer, qboolean *loaded, ui
Q_strncpy( sprite_name, mod->name, sizeof( sprite_name ));
COM_StripExtension( sprite_name );
if( numi == NULL )
rgbdata_t *pal;
@ -273,15 +277,15 @@ void Mod_LoadSpriteModel( model_t *mod, const void *buffer, qboolean *loaded, ui
switch( frametype )
Q_strncpy( group_suffix, "one", sizeof( group_suffix ));
Q_strncpy( group_suffix, "frame", sizeof( group_suffix ));
pframetype = R_SpriteLoadFrame( mod, pframetype + 1, &psprite->frames[i].frameptr, i );
Q_strncpy( group_suffix, "grp", sizeof( group_suffix ));
Q_strncpy( group_suffix, "group", sizeof( group_suffix ));
pframetype = R_SpriteLoadGroup( mod, pframetype + 1, &psprite->frames[i].frameptr, i );
Q_strncpy( group_suffix, "ang", sizeof( group_suffix ));
Q_strncpy( group_suffix, "angle", sizeof( group_suffix ));
pframetype = R_SpriteLoadGroup( mod, pframetype + 1, &psprite->frames[i].frameptr, i );
@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ void R_StudioDynamicLight( cl_entity_t *ent, alight_t *plight )
uint lnum;
dlight_t *dl;
if( !plight || !ent )
if( !plight || !ent || !ent->model )
if( !RI.drawWorld || r_fullbright->value || FBitSet( ent->curstate.effects, EF_FULLBRIGHT ))
@ -1402,16 +1402,7 @@ void R_StudioDynamicLight( cl_entity_t *ent, alight_t *plight )
VectorSet( lightDir, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
else VectorSet( lightDir, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );
if( ent == RI.currententity )
int sequence = bound( 0, ent->curstate.sequence, m_pStudioHeader->numseq - 1 );
mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + sequence;
if( FBitSet( pseqdesc->flags, STUDIO_LIGHT_FROM_ROOT ))
Matrix3x4_OriginFromMatrix( g_studio.lighttransform[0], origin );
else VectorCopy( ent->origin, origin );
else VectorCopy( ent->origin, origin );
VectorCopy( ent->origin, origin );
VectorSet( vecSrc, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] - lightDir[2] * 8.0f );
light.r = light.g = light.b = light.a = 0;
@ -1521,9 +1512,9 @@ void R_StudioDynamicLight( cl_entity_t *ent, alight_t *plight )
VectorAdd( lightDir, dist, lightDir );
finalLight[0] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.r ) * ( add * 512.0f );
finalLight[1] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.g ) * ( add * 512.0f );
finalLight[2] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.b ) * ( add * 512.0f );
finalLight[0] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.r ) * ( add / 256.0f ) * 2.0f;
finalLight[1] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.g ) * ( add / 256.0f ) * 2.0f;
finalLight[2] += LightToTexGamma( dl->color.b ) * ( add / 256.0f ) * 2.0f;
@ -3681,15 +3672,8 @@ void CL_InitStudioAPI( void )
if( !clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetStudioModelInterface )
Con_DPrintf( "InitStudioAPI " );
if( clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetStudioModelInterface( STUDIO_INTERFACE_VERSION, &pStudioDraw, &gStudioAPI ))
Con_DPrintf( "- ok\n" );
Con_DPrintf( "- failed\n" );
// NOTE: we always return true even if game interface was not correct
// because we need Draw our StudioModels
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void R_DrawSkyBox( void )
if( tr.skyboxTextures[r_skyTexOrder[i]] )
GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.skyboxTextures[r_skyTexOrder[i]] );
else GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.skyTexture ); // stub
else GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, tr.grayTexture ); // stub
pglBegin( GL_QUADS );
MakeSkyVec( RI.skyMins[0][i], RI.skyMins[1][i], i );
@ -764,8 +764,8 @@ void CL_CharEvent( int key )
if( cls.key_dest == key_console && !Con_Visible( ))
if((char)key == ',' || (char)key == '?' )
return; // don't pass ',' when we open the console
if((char)key == '`' || (char)key == '?' )
return; // don't pass '`' when we open the console
// distribute the key down event to the apropriate handler
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ convar_t *r_lockfrustum;
convar_t *r_traceglow;
convar_t *r_dynamic;
convar_t *r_lightmap;
convar_t *gl_round_down;
convar_t *vid_displayfrequency;
convar_t *vid_fullscreen;
@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ void GL_InitCommands( void )
gl_wireframe = Cvar_Get( "gl_wireframe", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE|FCVAR_SPONLY, "show wireframe overlay" );
gl_msaa = Cvar_Get( "gl_msaa", "0", FCVAR_GLCONFIG, "MSAA samples. Use with caution, engine may fail with some values" );
gl_stencilbits = Cvar_Get( "gl_stencilbits", "8", FCVAR_GLCONFIG, "pixelformat stencil bits (0 - auto)" );
gl_round_down = Cvar_Get( "gl_round_down", "2", FCVAR_RENDERINFO, "round texture sizes to nearest POT value" );
// these cvar not used by engine but some mods requires this
gl_polyoffset = Cvar_Get( "gl_polyoffset", "2.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "polygon offset for decals" );
@ -1451,12 +1451,12 @@ void FS_Init( void )
if( FS_CheckNastyPath( fs_basedir, true ))
// this is completely fatal...
Sys_Error( "FS_Init: invalid base directory \"%s\"\n", fs_basedir );
Sys_Error( "invalid base directory \"%s\"\n", fs_basedir );
if( FS_CheckNastyPath( fs_gamedir, true ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "FS_Init: invalid game directory \"%s\"\n", fs_gamedir );
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "invalid game directory \"%s\"\n", fs_gamedir );
Q_strncpy( fs_gamedir, fs_basedir, sizeof( fs_gamedir )); // default dir
@ -1472,7 +1472,7 @@ void FS_Init( void )
if( !hasGameDir )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "FS_Init: game directory \"%s\" not exist\n", fs_gamedir );
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "game directory \"%s\" not exist\n", fs_gamedir );
if( hasBaseDir ) Q_strncpy( fs_gamedir, fs_basedir, sizeof( fs_gamedir ));
@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ void FS_Init( void )
stringlistfreecontents( &dirs );
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "FS_Init: done\n" );
Con_Reportf( "FS_Init: done\n" );
void FS_AllowDirectPaths( qboolean enable )
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void Host_InitDecals( void )
if( t ) Mem_Free( t );
Con_DPrintf( "InitDecals: %i decals\n", num_decals );
Con_Reportf( "InitDecals: %i decals\n", num_decals );
@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ model_t *Mod_LoadModel( model_t *mod, qboolean crash );
model_t *Mod_ForName( const char *name, qboolean crash, qboolean trackCRC );
qboolean Mod_ValidateCRC( const char *name, CRC32_t crc );
void Mod_NeedCRC( const char *name, qboolean needCRC );
void Mod_PurgeStudioCache( void );
void Mod_FreeUnused( void );
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "gl_local.h"
#include "enginefeatures.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "server.h" // LUMP_ error codes
#include "server.h"
static model_info_t mod_crcinfo[MAX_MODELS];
static model_t mod_known[MAX_MODELS];
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static void Mod_FreeModel( model_t *mod )
@ -160,11 +160,10 @@ Mod_FreeAll
void Mod_FreeAll( void )
model_t *mod;
int i;
for( i = 0, mod = mod_known; i < mod_numknown; i++, mod++ )
Mod_FreeModel( mod );
for( i = 0; i < mod_numknown; i++ )
Mod_FreeModel( &mod_known[i] );
mod_numknown = 0;
@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ model_t *Mod_FindName( const char *filename, qboolean trackCRC )
if( i == mod_numknown )
if( mod_numknown == MAX_MODELS )
Host_Error( "Mod_ForName: MAX_MODELS limit exceeded\n" );
Host_Error( "MAX_MODELS limit exceeded (%d)\n", MAX_MODELS );
@ -259,7 +258,7 @@ Loads a model into the cache
model_t *Mod_LoadModel( model_t *mod, qboolean crash )
char tempname[64];
char tempname[MAX_QPATH];
long length = 0;
qboolean loaded;
byte *buf;
@ -373,7 +372,7 @@ model_t *Mod_LoadModel( model_t *mod, qboolean crash )
if( FBitSet( p->flags, FCRC_CHECKSUM_DONE ))
if( currentCRC != p->initialCRC )
Host_Error( "Mod_ForName: %s has a bad checksum\n", tempname );
Host_Error( "%s has a bad checksum\n", tempname );
@ -406,7 +405,7 @@ Mod_PurgeStudioCache
free studio cache on change level
void Mod_PurgeStudioCache( void )
static void Mod_PurgeStudioCache( void )
int i;
@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ void *COM_LoadLibrary( const char *dllname, int build_ordinals_table, qboolean d
if( !hInst->hInstance )
Con_DPrintf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - failed\n", dllname );
Con_Reportf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - failed\n", dllname );
COM_FreeLibrary( hInst );
return NULL;
@ -797,13 +797,13 @@ void *COM_LoadLibrary( const char *dllname, int build_ordinals_table, qboolean d
if( !LibraryLoadSymbols( hInst ))
Con_DPrintf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - failed\n", dllname );
Con_Reportf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - failed\n", dllname );
COM_FreeLibrary( hInst );
return NULL;
Con_DPrintf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - ok\n", dllname );
Con_Reportf( "LoadLibrary: Loading %s - ok\n", dllname );
return hInst;
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Determine if client is outside appropriate address range
int SV_CheckIPRestrictions( netadr_t from )
if( !sv_lan.value )
if( sv_lan.value )
if( !NET_CompareClassBAdr( from, net_local ) && !NET_IsReservedAdr( from ))
return 0;
@ -757,7 +757,9 @@ static char *SV_ReadEntityScript( const char *filename, int *flags )
ents = FS_LoadFile( entfilename, NULL, true );
if( !ents && lumplen >= 10 )
// at least entities should contain "{ "classname" "worldspawn" }\0"
// for correct spawn the level
if( !ents && lumplen >= 32 )
FS_Seek( f, lumpofs, SEEK_SET );
ents = Z_Malloc( lumplen + 1 );
@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ qboolean SV_GetSaveComment( const char *savename, char *comment )
int i, tag, size, nNumberOfFields, nFieldSize, tokenSize, tokenCount;
char *pData, *pSaveData, *pFieldName, **pTokenList;
string name, description;
string mapName, description;
file_t *f;
if(( f = FS_Open( savename, "rb", true )) == NULL )
@ -2201,7 +2201,7 @@ qboolean SV_GetSaveComment( const char *savename, char *comment )
return 0;
name[0] = '\0';
mapName[0] = '\0';
comment[0] = '\0';
FS_Read( f, &size, sizeof( int ));
@ -2280,7 +2280,7 @@ qboolean SV_GetSaveComment( const char *savename, char *comment )
else if( !Q_stricmp( pFieldName, "mapName" ))
Q_strncpy( name, pData, nFieldSize );
Q_strncpy( mapName, pData, nFieldSize );
// move to start of next field.
@ -2293,11 +2293,27 @@ qboolean SV_GetSaveComment( const char *savename, char *comment )
FS_Close( f );
// at least mapname should be filled
if( Q_strlen( name ) > 0 )
if( Q_strlen( mapName ) > 0 )
time_t fileTime;
const struct tm *file_tm;
string timestring;
int flags;
// now check for map problems
flags = SV_MapIsValid( mapName, GI->sp_entity, NULL );
if( FBitSet( flags, MAP_INVALID_VERSION ))
Q_strncpy( comment, va( "<map %s has invalid format>", mapName ), MAX_STRING );
return 0;
if( !FBitSet( flags, MAP_IS_EXIST ))
Q_strncpy( comment, va( "<map %s is missed>", mapName ), MAX_STRING );
return 0;
fileTime = FS_FileTime( savename, true );
file_tm = localtime( &fileTime );
@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
// sequence flags
#define STUDIO_LOOPING 0x0001
#define STUDIO_LIGHT_FROM_ROOT 0x8000 // get lighting point from root bonepos not from entity origin
// bone flags
#define STUDIO_HAS_NORMALS 0x0001
Reference in New Issue
Block a user