@ -19,11 +19,16 @@ Table is sorted by status.
@@ -19,11 +19,16 @@ Table is sorted by status.
| Linux(x86) | Supported | @a1batross, @mittorn | |
| Linux(amd64) | Supported | @mittorn | |
| *BSD | Supported | @nekonomicon | |
| Linux(arm) | In progress | @a1batross, @mittorn | |
| Android | In progress | @a1batross, @mittorn | |
| Haiku | Incomplete | not maintained | Port was for Old Engine |
| macOS | Incomplete | not maintained | Port was for Old Engine |
| Emscripten | Incomplete | not maintained | Port was for Old Engine |
| iOS | Incomplete | not maintained | Port was for Old Engine |
| PSVita | Not merged | not maintained | [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/vitaXash3D) |
| Switch | Not merged | not maintained | [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/switchports/xash3d-switch) |
| Linux(arm) | Supported | @a1batross, @mittorn | |
| Android | Supported | @a1batross, @mittorn | |
| Linux(elbrus) | In progress | @a1batross, @mittorn | Rare and eventual access to e2k machine |
| Android/Linux(aarch64) | In progress | @a1batross | |
| Linux(mipsel) | In progress | @mittorn | |
| MotoMAGX | In progress | @a1batross | |
| Haiku | Incomplete, Old Engine | not maintained | |
| Emscripten | Incomplete, Old Engine | not maintained | |
| PSVita | Not merged, Old Engine | not maintained | [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/vitaXash3D) |
| Switch | Not merged, Old Engine | not maintained | [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/switchports/xash3d-switch) |
| 3DS | Not merged, Old Engine | not maintained | [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/masterfeizz/Xash3DS) |
| macOS | Deprecated | not maintained | See GitHub issue #61 |
| iOS | Deprecated | not maintained | See GitHub issue #61 |