Browse Source

ref_soft: Extend edge drawing with zbuffer support, draw transparent brushes with it

mittorn 6 years ago
  1. 103
  2. 118
  3. 157
  4. 564


@ -947,106 +947,3 @@ void R_RenderWorld (void) @@ -947,106 +947,3 @@ void R_RenderWorld (void)
R_RecursiveWorldNode (RI.currentmodel->nodes, 15);
not covered by edge drawing
void R_DrawBrushModel(cl_entity_t *pent)
int i;
vec_t dot;
msurface_t *psurf;
int numsurfaces;
mplane_t *pplane;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
float minmaxs[6];
int clipflags, k;
model_t *pmodel;
vec3_t oldorigin;
VectorCopy (modelorg, oldorigin);
insubmodel = true;
if( !pent || !pent->model )
pmodel = pent->model;
if (pmodel->type != mod_brush)
if (pmodel->nummodelsurfaces == 0)
return; // clip brush only
#if 1
// FIXME: use bounding-box-based frustum clipping info?
RotatedBBox (pmodel->mins, pmodel->maxs,
RI.currententity->angles, mins, maxs);
VectorAdd (mins, RI.currententity->origin, minmaxs);
VectorAdd (maxs, RI.currententity->origin, (minmaxs+3));
clipflags = R_BmodelCheckBBox (minmaxs);
if (clipflags == BMODEL_FULLY_CLIPPED)
return; // off the edge of the screen
R_RotateBmodel ();
VectorCopy (RI.currententity->origin, r_entorigin);
VectorSubtract (r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);
//VectorSubtract (r_origin, RI.currententity->origin, modelorg);
r_pcurrentvertbase = pmodel->vertexes;
// calculate dynamic lighting for bmodel
for( k = 0; k < MAX_DLIGHTS; k++ )
dlight_t *l = gEngfuncs.GetDynamicLight( k );
if( l->die < gpGlobals->time || !l->radius )
/*VectorCopy( l->origin, oldorigin ); // save lightorigin
Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( RI.objectMatrix, l->origin, origin_l );
VectorCopy( origin_l, l->origin ); // move light in bmodel space
R_MarkLights( l, 1<<k, clmodel->nodes + clmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode );
VectorCopy( oldorigin, l->origin ); // restore lightorigin*/
R_MarkLights( l, 1<<k, pmodel->nodes + pmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode );
psurf = &pmodel->surfaces[pmodel->firstmodelsurface];
numsurfaces = pmodel->nummodelsurfaces;
//R_TransformFrustum ();
for (i=0 ; i<numsurfaces ; i++, psurf++)
// find which side of the node we are on
pplane = psurf->plane;
dot = DotProduct (modelorg, pplane->normal) - pplane->dist;
// draw the polygon
if (((psurf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) && (dot < -BACKFACE_EPSILON)) ||
(!(psurf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) && (dot > BACKFACE_EPSILON)))
// FIXME: use bounding-box-based frustum clipping info?
R_BuildPolygonFromSurface( psurf );
R_ClipAndDrawPoly( pent->curstate.renderamt / 255, !!(psurf->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB), true );
// put back world rotation and frustum clipping
// FIXME: R_RotateBmodel should just work off base_vxx
VectorCopy (base_vpn, vpn);
VectorCopy (base_vup, vup);
VectorCopy (base_vright, vright);
VectorCopy (oldorigin, modelorg);
R_TransformFrustum ();


@ -981,6 +981,109 @@ void D_SkySurf (surf_t *s) @@ -981,6 +981,109 @@ void D_SkySurf (surf_t *s)
D_DrawZSpans (s->spans);
qboolean alphaspans;
void D_AlphaSpans16 (espan_t *pspan);
void D_BlendSpans16 (espan_t *pspan, int alpha );
void TurbulentZ8 (espan_t *pspan, int alpha );
Normal surface cached, texture mapped surface
void D_AlphaSurf (surf_t *s)
d_zistepu = s->d_zistepu;
d_zistepv = s->d_zistepv;
d_ziorigin = s->d_ziorigin;
if(s->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY)
if (!s->insubmodel) // wtf? how it is possible?
// FIXME: we don't want to do all this for every polygon!
// TODO: store once at start of frame
RI.currententity = s->entity; //FIXME: make this passed in to
// R_RotateBmodel ()
VectorSubtract (RI.vieworg, RI.currententity->origin, local_modelorg);
TransformVector (local_modelorg, transformed_modelorg);
R_RotateBmodel (); // FIXME: don't mess with the frustum,
// make entity passed in
pface = s->msurf;
if( !pface )
#if 1
if( pface->flags & SURF_CONVEYOR )
miplevel = 1;
miplevel = 0;
float dot;
float normal[3];
if ( s->insubmodel )
VectorCopy( pface->plane->normal, normal );
// TransformVector( pface->plane->normal, normal);
dot = DotProduct( normal, vpn );
VectorCopy( pface->plane->normal, normal );
dot = DotProduct( normal, vpn );
if ( pface->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK )
dot = -dot;
if ( dot > 0 )
printf( "blah" );
miplevel = D_MipLevelForScale(s->nearzi * scale_for_mip * pface->texinfo->mipadjust);
if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB )
cacheblock = R_GetTexture(pface->texinfo->texture->gl_texturenum)->pixels[0];
cachewidth = 64;
D_CalcGradients (pface);
TurbulentZ8( s->spans, RI.currententity->curstate.renderamt * 7 / 255 );
// FIXME: make this passed in to D_CacheSurface
pcurrentcache = D_CacheSurface (pface, miplevel);
cacheblock = (pixel_t *)pcurrentcache->data;
cachewidth = pcurrentcache->width;
D_CalcGradients (pface);
if( RI.currententity->curstate.rendermode == kRenderTransAlpha )
D_BlendSpans16(s->spans, RI.currententity->curstate.renderamt * 7 / 255 );
VectorCopy (world_transformed_modelorg,
VectorCopy (base_vpn, vpn);
VectorCopy (base_vup, vup);
VectorCopy (base_vright, vright);
R_TransformFrustum ();
@ -994,6 +1097,10 @@ void D_SolidSurf (surf_t *s) @@ -994,6 +1097,10 @@ void D_SolidSurf (surf_t *s)
d_zistepu = s->d_zistepu;
d_zistepv = s->d_zistepv;
d_ziorigin = s->d_ziorigin;
if(s->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY)
if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB )
if (s->insubmodel)
@ -1008,7 +1115,11 @@ void D_SolidSurf (surf_t *s) @@ -1008,7 +1115,11 @@ void D_SolidSurf (surf_t *s)
// make entity passed in
if( alphaspans )
RI.currententity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(0); //r_worldentity;
pface = s->msurf;
@ -1017,6 +1128,7 @@ void D_SolidSurf (surf_t *s) @@ -1017,6 +1128,7 @@ void D_SolidSurf (surf_t *s)
#if 1
if( pface->flags & SURF_CONVEYOR )
miplevel = 1;
@ -1130,7 +1242,9 @@ void D_DrawSurfaces (void) @@ -1130,7 +1242,9 @@ void D_DrawSurfaces (void)
#if 1
if(s->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY)
if( alphaspans )
D_AlphaSurf (s);
else if(s->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY)
D_BackgroundSurf (s);
else if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB )
D_TurbulentSurf (s);
@ -1151,7 +1265,7 @@ void D_DrawSurfaces (void) @@ -1151,7 +1265,7 @@ void D_DrawSurfaces (void)
D_DrawflatSurfaces ();
RI.currententity = NULL; //&r_worldentity;
//RI.currententity = NULL; //&r_worldentity;
VectorSubtract (RI.vieworg, vec3_origin, modelorg);
R_TransformFrustum ();


@ -1403,6 +1403,163 @@ void R_DrawBEntitiesOnList (void) @@ -1403,6 +1403,163 @@ void R_DrawBEntitiesOnList (void)
insubmodel = false;
extern qboolean alphaspans;
void R_DrawBrushModel(cl_entity_t *pent)
int i, clipflags;
vec3_t oldorigin;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
float minmaxs[6];
mnode_t *topnode;
int k;
edge_t ledges[NUMSTACKEDGES +
((CACHE_SIZE - 1) / sizeof(edge_t)) + 1];
surf_t lsurfs[NUMSTACKSURFACES +
((CACHE_SIZE - 1) / sizeof(surf_t)) + 1];
if ( !RI.drawWorld )
if (auxedges)
r_edges = auxedges;
r_edges = (edge_t *)
(((long)&ledges[0] + CACHE_SIZE - 1) & ~(CACHE_SIZE - 1));
if (r_surfsonstack)
surfaces = (surf_t *)
(((long)&lsurfs[0] + CACHE_SIZE - 1) & ~(CACHE_SIZE - 1));
surf_max = &surfaces[r_cnumsurfs];
// surface 0 doesn't really exist; it's just a dummy because index 0
// is used to indicate no edge attached to surface
memset(&surfaces[0], 0, sizeof(surf_t));
R_SurfacePatch ();
VectorCopy (modelorg, oldorigin);
insubmodel = true;
//r_dlightframecount = r_framecount;
if (!RI.currentmodel)
if (RI.currentmodel->nummodelsurfaces == 0)
return; // clip brush only
//if ( currententity->flags & RF_BEAM )
if (RI.currentmodel->type != mod_brush)
// see if the bounding box lets us trivially reject, also sets
// trivial accept status
RotatedBBox (RI.currentmodel->mins, RI.currentmodel->maxs,
RI.currententity->angles, mins, maxs);
#if 0
mins[0] = mins[0] - 100;
mins[1] = mins[1] - 100;
mins[2] = mins[2] - 100;
maxs[0] = maxs[0] + 100;
maxs[1] = maxs[1] + 100;
maxs[2] = maxs[2] + 100;
VectorAdd (mins, RI.currententity->origin, minmaxs);
VectorAdd (maxs, RI.currententity->origin, (minmaxs+3));
clipflags = R_BmodelCheckBBox (minmaxs);
if (clipflags == BMODEL_FULLY_CLIPPED)
return; // off the edge of the screen
//clipflags = 0;
topnode = R_FindTopnode (minmaxs, minmaxs+3);
if (!topnode)
return; // no part in a visible leaf
alphaspans = true;
VectorCopy (RI.currententity->origin, r_entorigin);
VectorSubtract (r_origin, r_entorigin, modelorg);
//VectorSubtract (r_origin, RI.currententity->origin, modelorg);
r_pcurrentvertbase = RI.currentmodel->vertexes;
// FIXME: stop transforming twice
R_RotateBmodel ();
// calculate dynamic lighting for bmodel
// this will reset RI.currententity, do we need this?
//R_PushDlights ();
/*if (clmodel->firstmodelsurface != 0)
for (k=0 ; k<r_refdef2.numDlights ; k++)
R_MarkLights (&r_refdef2.dlights[k], 1<<k,
clmodel->nodes + clmodel->firstnode);
// calculate dynamic lighting for bmodel
for( k = 0; k < MAX_DLIGHTS; k++ )
dlight_t *l = gEngfuncs.GetDynamicLight( k );
if( l->die < gpGlobals->time || !l->radius )
/*VectorCopy( l->origin, oldorigin ); // save lightorigin
Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( RI.objectMatrix, l->origin, origin_l );
VectorCopy( origin_l, l->origin ); // move light in bmodel space
R_MarkLights( l, 1<<k, clmodel->nodes + clmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode );
VectorCopy( oldorigin, l->origin ); // restore lightorigin*/
R_MarkLights( l, 1<<k, RI.currentmodel->nodes + RI.currentmodel->hulls[0].firstclipnode );
// RI.currentmodel = tr.draw_list->solid_entities[i]->model;
// RI.currententity = tr.draw_list->solid_entities[i];
RI.currententity->topnode = topnode;
//ASSERT( RI.currentmodel == tr.draw_list->solid_entities[i]->model );
if (topnode->contents >= 0)
// not a leaf; has to be clipped to the world BSP
r_clipflags = clipflags;
R_DrawSolidClippedSubmodelPolygons (RI.currentmodel, topnode);
// falls entirely in one leaf, so we just put all the
// edges in the edge list and let 1/z sorting handle
// drawing order
//ASSERT( RI.currentmodel == tr.draw_list->solid_entities[i]->model );
R_DrawSubmodelPolygons (RI.currentmodel, clipflags, topnode);
RI.currententity->topnode = NULL;
// put back world rotation and frustum clipping
// FIXME: R_RotateBmodel should just work off base_vxx
VectorCopy (base_vpn, vpn);
VectorCopy (base_vup, vup);
VectorCopy (base_vright, vright);
VectorCopy (oldorigin, modelorg);
R_TransformFrustum ();
insubmodel = false;
alphaspans = false;


@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. @@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "r_local.h"
pixel_t *r_turb_pbase, *r_turb_pdest;
short *r_turb_pz;
fixed16_t r_turb_s, r_turb_t, r_turb_sstep, r_turb_tstep;
int r_turb_izistep, r_turb_izi;
int *r_turb_turb;
static int r_turb_spancount;
int alpha;
void D_DrawTurbulent8Span (void);
@ -115,6 +118,36 @@ void D_DrawTurbulent8Span (void) @@ -115,6 +118,36 @@ void D_DrawTurbulent8Span (void)
} while (--r_turb_spancount > 0);
void D_DrawTurbulent8ZSpan (void)
int sturb, tturb;
sturb = ((r_turb_s + r_turb_turb[(r_turb_t>>16)&(CYCLE-1)])>>16)&63;
tturb = ((r_turb_t + r_turb_turb[(r_turb_s>>16)&(CYCLE-1)])>>16)&63;
if (*r_turb_pz <= (r_turb_izi >> 16))
pixel_t btemp = *(r_turb_pbase + (tturb<<6) + sturb);
if( alpha == 7 )
*r_turb_pdest = btemp;
*r_turb_pdest = BLEND_ALPHA( alpha, btemp, *r_turb_pdest);
r_turb_izi += r_turb_izistep;
r_turb_s += r_turb_sstep;
r_turb_t += r_turb_tstep;
} while (--r_turb_spancount > 0);
#endif // !id386
@ -250,6 +283,146 @@ void Turbulent8 (espan_t *pspan) @@ -250,6 +283,146 @@ void Turbulent8 (espan_t *pspan)
} while ((pspan = pspan->pnext) != NULL);
void TurbulentZ8 (espan_t *pspan, int alpha1)
int count;
fixed16_t snext, tnext;
float sdivz, tdivz, zi, z, du, dv, spancountminus1;
float sdivz16stepu, tdivz16stepu, zi16stepu;
alpha = alpha1;
r_turb_turb = sintable + ((int)(gpGlobals->time*SPEED)&(CYCLE-1));
r_turb_sstep = 0; // keep compiler happy
r_turb_tstep = 0; // ditto
r_turb_pbase = (unsigned char *)cacheblock;
sdivz16stepu = d_sdivzstepu * 16;
tdivz16stepu = d_tdivzstepu * 16;
zi16stepu = d_zistepu * 16;
r_turb_izistep = (int)(d_zistepu * 0x8000 * 0x10000);
r_turb_pdest = (d_viewbuffer +
(r_screenwidth * pspan->v) + pspan->u);
r_turb_pz = d_pzbuffer + (d_zwidth * pspan->v) + pspan->u;
count = pspan->count;
// calculate the initial s/z, t/z, 1/z, s, and t and clamp
du = (float)pspan->u;
dv = (float)pspan->v;
sdivz = d_sdivzorigin + dv*d_sdivzstepv + du*d_sdivzstepu;
tdivz = d_tdivzorigin + dv*d_tdivzstepv + du*d_tdivzstepu;
zi = d_ziorigin + dv*d_zistepv + du*d_zistepu;
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
r_turb_izi = (int)(zi * 0x8000 * 0x10000);
r_turb_s = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (r_turb_s > bbextents)
r_turb_s = bbextents;
else if (r_turb_s < 0)
r_turb_s = 0;
r_turb_t = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (r_turb_t > bbextentt)
r_turb_t = bbextentt;
else if (r_turb_t < 0)
r_turb_t = 0;
// calculate s and t at the far end of the span
if (count >= 16)
r_turb_spancount = 16;
r_turb_spancount = count;
count -= r_turb_spancount;
if (count)
// calculate s/z, t/z, zi->fixed s and t at far end of span,
// calculate s and t steps across span by shifting
sdivz += sdivz16stepu;
tdivz += tdivz16stepu;
zi += zi16stepu;
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
snext = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (snext > bbextents)
snext = bbextents;
else if (snext < 16)
snext = 16; // prevent round-off error on <0 steps from
// from causing overstepping & running off the
// edge of the texture
tnext = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (tnext > bbextentt)
tnext = bbextentt;
else if (tnext < 16)
tnext = 16; // guard against round-off error on <0 steps
r_turb_sstep = (snext - r_turb_s) >> 4;
r_turb_tstep = (tnext - r_turb_t) >> 4;
// calculate s/z, t/z, zi->fixed s and t at last pixel in span (so
// can't step off polygon), clamp, calculate s and t steps across
// span by division, biasing steps low so we don't run off the
// texture
spancountminus1 = (float)(r_turb_spancount - 1);
sdivz += d_sdivzstepu * spancountminus1;
tdivz += d_tdivzstepu * spancountminus1;
zi += d_zistepu * spancountminus1;
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
snext = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (snext > bbextents)
snext = bbextents;
else if (snext < 16)
snext = 16; // prevent round-off error on <0 steps from
// from causing overstepping & running off the
// edge of the texture
tnext = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (tnext > bbextentt)
tnext = bbextentt;
else if (tnext < 16)
tnext = 16; // guard against round-off error on <0 steps
if (r_turb_spancount > 1)
r_turb_sstep = (snext - r_turb_s) / (r_turb_spancount - 1);
r_turb_tstep = (tnext - r_turb_t) / (r_turb_spancount - 1);
r_turb_s = r_turb_s & ((CYCLE<<16)-1);
r_turb_t = r_turb_t & ((CYCLE<<16)-1);
D_DrawTurbulent8ZSpan ();
r_turb_s = snext;
r_turb_t = tnext;
} while (count > 0);
} while ((pspan = pspan->pnext) != NULL);
@ -570,6 +743,397 @@ void D_DrawSpans16 (espan_t *pspan) @@ -570,6 +743,397 @@ void D_DrawSpans16 (espan_t *pspan)
} while ((pspan = pspan->pnext) != NULL);
FIXME: actually make this subdivide by 16 instead of 8!!!
void D_AlphaSpans16 (espan_t *pspan)
int count, spancount;
pixel_t *pbase, *pdest;
fixed16_t s, t, snext, tnext, sstep, tstep;
float sdivz, tdivz, zi, z, du, dv, spancountminus1;
float sdivz8stepu, tdivz8stepu, zi8stepu;
int izi, izistep;
short *pz;
sstep = 0; // keep compiler happy
tstep = 0; // ditto
pbase = (unsigned char *)cacheblock;
sdivz8stepu = d_sdivzstepu * 8;
tdivz8stepu = d_tdivzstepu * 8;
zi8stepu = d_zistepu * 8;
izistep = (int)(d_zistepu * 0x8000 * 0x10000);
pdest = (d_viewbuffer +
(r_screenwidth * pspan->v) + pspan->u);
pz = d_pzbuffer + (d_zwidth * pspan->v) + pspan->u;
count = pspan->count;
// calculate the initial s/z, t/z, 1/z, s, and t and clamp
du = (float)pspan->u;
dv = (float)pspan->v;
sdivz = d_sdivzorigin + dv*d_sdivzstepv + du*d_sdivzstepu;
tdivz = d_tdivzorigin + dv*d_tdivzstepv + du*d_tdivzstepu;
zi = d_ziorigin + dv*d_zistepv + du*d_zistepu;
izi = (int)(zi * 0x8000 * 0x10000);
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
s = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (s > bbextents)
s = bbextents;
else if (s < 0)
s = 0;
t = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (t > bbextentt)
t = bbextentt;
else if (t < 0)
t = 0;
// calculate s and t at the far end of the span
if (count >= 8)
spancount = 8;
spancount = count;
count -= spancount;
if (count)
// calculate s/z, t/z, zi->fixed s and t at far end of span,
// calculate s and t steps across span by shifting
sdivz += sdivz8stepu;
tdivz += tdivz8stepu;
zi += zi8stepu;
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
snext = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (snext > bbextents)
snext = bbextents;
else if (snext < 8)
snext = 8; // prevent round-off error on <0 steps from
// from causing overstepping & running off the
// edge of the texture
tnext = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (tnext > bbextentt)
tnext = bbextentt;
else if (tnext < 8)
tnext = 8; // guard against round-off error on <0 steps
sstep = (snext - s) >> 3;
tstep = (tnext - t) >> 3;
// calculate s/z, t/z, zi->fixed s and t at last pixel in span (so
// can't step off polygon), clamp, calculate s and t steps across
// span by division, biasing steps low so we don't run off the
// texture
spancountminus1 = (float)(spancount - 1);
sdivz += d_sdivzstepu * spancountminus1;
tdivz += d_tdivzstepu * spancountminus1;
zi += d_zistepu * spancountminus1;
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
snext = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (snext > bbextents)
snext = bbextents;
else if (snext < 8)
snext = 8; // prevent round-off error on <0 steps from
// from causing overstepping & running off the
// edge of the texture
tnext = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (tnext > bbextentt)
tnext = bbextentt;
else if (tnext < 8)
tnext = 8; // guard against round-off error on <0 steps
if (spancount > 1)
sstep = (snext - s) / (spancount - 1);
tstep = (tnext - t) / (spancount - 1);
// Drawing phrase
if (sw_texfilt->value == 0.0f)
pixel_t btemp;
btemp = *(pbase + (s >> 16) + (t >> 16) * cachewidth);
if (*pz <= (izi >> 16))
*pdest = btemp;
*pz = izi >> 16;
izi += izistep;
s += sstep;
t += tstep;
} while (--spancount > 0);
else if (sw_texfilt->value == 1.0f)
if (*pz <= (izi >> 16))
int idiths = s;
int iditht = t;
int X = (pspan->u + spancount) & 1;
int Y = (pspan->v)&1;
pixel_t btemp;
//Using the kernel
idiths += kernel[X][Y][0];
iditht += kernel[X][Y][1];
idiths = idiths >> 16;
idiths = idiths ? idiths -1 : idiths;
iditht = iditht >> 16;
iditht = iditht ? iditht -1 : iditht;
btemp = *(pbase + idiths + iditht * cachewidth);
*pdest = btemp;
*pz = izi >> 16;
s += sstep;
t += tstep;
} while (--spancount > 0);
} while (count > 0);
} while ((pspan = pspan->pnext) != NULL);
FIXME: actually make this subdivide by 16 instead of 8!!!
void D_BlendSpans16 (espan_t *pspan, int alpha)
int count, spancount;
pixel_t *pbase, *pdest;
fixed16_t s, t, snext, tnext, sstep, tstep;
float sdivz, tdivz, zi, z, du, dv, spancountminus1;
float sdivz8stepu, tdivz8stepu, zi8stepu;
int izi, izistep;
short *pz;
sstep = 0; // keep compiler happy
tstep = 0; // ditto
pbase = (unsigned char *)cacheblock;
sdivz8stepu = d_sdivzstepu * 8;
tdivz8stepu = d_tdivzstepu * 8;
zi8stepu = d_zistepu * 8;
izistep = (int)(d_zistepu * 0x8000 * 0x10000);
pdest = (d_viewbuffer +
(r_screenwidth * pspan->v) + pspan->u);
pz = d_pzbuffer + (d_zwidth * pspan->v) + pspan->u;
count = pspan->count;
// calculate the initial s/z, t/z, 1/z, s, and t and clamp
du = (float)pspan->u;
dv = (float)pspan->v;
sdivz = d_sdivzorigin + dv*d_sdivzstepv + du*d_sdivzstepu;
tdivz = d_tdivzorigin + dv*d_tdivzstepv + du*d_tdivzstepu;
zi = d_ziorigin + dv*d_zistepv + du*d_zistepu;
izi = (int)(zi * 0x8000 * 0x10000);
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
s = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (s > bbextents)
s = bbextents;
else if (s < 0)
s = 0;
t = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (t > bbextentt)
t = bbextentt;
else if (t < 0)
t = 0;
// calculate s and t at the far end of the span
if (count >= 8)
spancount = 8;
spancount = count;
count -= spancount;
if (count)
// calculate s/z, t/z, zi->fixed s and t at far end of span,
// calculate s and t steps across span by shifting
sdivz += sdivz8stepu;
tdivz += tdivz8stepu;
zi += zi8stepu;
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
snext = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (snext > bbextents)
snext = bbextents;
else if (snext < 8)
snext = 8; // prevent round-off error on <0 steps from
// from causing overstepping & running off the
// edge of the texture
tnext = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (tnext > bbextentt)
tnext = bbextentt;
else if (tnext < 8)
tnext = 8; // guard against round-off error on <0 steps
sstep = (snext - s) >> 3;
tstep = (tnext - t) >> 3;
// calculate s/z, t/z, zi->fixed s and t at last pixel in span (so
// can't step off polygon), clamp, calculate s and t steps across
// span by division, biasing steps low so we don't run off the
// texture
spancountminus1 = (float)(spancount - 1);
sdivz += d_sdivzstepu * spancountminus1;
tdivz += d_tdivzstepu * spancountminus1;
zi += d_zistepu * spancountminus1;
z = (float)0x10000 / zi; // prescale to 16.16 fixed-point
snext = (int)(sdivz * z) + sadjust;
if (snext > bbextents)
snext = bbextents;
else if (snext < 8)
snext = 8; // prevent round-off error on <0 steps from
// from causing overstepping & running off the
// edge of the texture
tnext = (int)(tdivz * z) + tadjust;
if (tnext > bbextentt)
tnext = bbextentt;
else if (tnext < 8)
tnext = 8; // guard against round-off error on <0 steps
if (spancount > 1)
sstep = (snext - s) / (spancount - 1);
tstep = (tnext - t) / (spancount - 1);
// Drawing phrase
if (sw_texfilt->value == 0.0f)
if (*pz <= (izi >> 16))
pixel_t btemp;
btemp = *(pbase + (s >> 16) + (t >> 16) * cachewidth);
if( alpha != 7 )
btemp = BLEND_ALPHA( alpha, btemp, *pdest);
*pdest = btemp;
//*pz = izi >> 16;
izi += izistep;
s += sstep;
t += tstep;
} while (--spancount > 0);
else if (sw_texfilt->value == 1.0f)
int idiths = s;
int iditht = t;
int X = (pspan->u + spancount) & 1;
int Y = (pspan->v)&1;
if (*pz <= (izi >> 16))
pixel_t btemp;
//Using the kernel
idiths += kernel[X][Y][0];
iditht += kernel[X][Y][1];
idiths = idiths >> 16;
idiths = idiths ? idiths -1 : idiths;
iditht = iditht >> 16;
iditht = iditht ? iditht -1 : iditht;
btemp = *(pbase + idiths + iditht * cachewidth);
if( alpha != 7 )
btemp = BLEND_ALPHA( alpha, btemp, *pdest);
*pdest = btemp;
//*pz = izi >> 16;
izi += izistep;
s += sstep;
t += tstep;
} while (--spancount > 0);
} while (count > 0);
} while ((pspan = pspan->pnext) != NULL);
