@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
typedef struct studiohdr_s
int ident ;
int version ;
int32_t ident ;
int32_t version ;
char name [ 64 ] ;
int length ;
int32_t length ;
vec3_t eyeposition ; // ideal eye position
vec3_t min ; // ideal movement hull size
@ -155,76 +155,76 @@ typedef struct studiohdr_s
@@ -155,76 +155,76 @@ typedef struct studiohdr_s
vec3_t bbmin ; // clipping bounding box
vec3_t bbmax ;
int flags ;
int32_t flags ;
int numbones ; // bones
int boneindex ;
int32_t numbones ; // bones
int32_t boneindex ;
int numbonecontrollers ; // bone controllers
int bonecontrollerindex ;
int32_t numbonecontrollers ; // bone controllers
int32_t bonecontrollerindex ;
int numhitboxes ; // complex bounding boxes
int hitboxindex ;
int32_t numhitboxes ; // complex bounding boxes
int32_t hitboxindex ;
int numseq ; // animation sequences
int seqindex ;
int32_t numseq ; // animation sequences
int32_t seqindex ;
int numseqgroups ; // demand loaded sequences
int seqgroupindex ;
int32_t numseqgroups ; // demand loaded sequences
int32_t seqgroupindex ;
int numtextures ; // raw textures
int textureindex ;
int texturedataindex ;
int32_t numtextures ; // raw textures
int32_t textureindex ;
int32_t texturedataindex ;
int numskinref ; // replaceable textures
int numskinfamilies ;
int skinindex ;
int32_t numskinref ; // replaceable textures
int32_t numskinfamilies ;
int32_t skinindex ;
int numbodyparts ;
int bodypartindex ;
int32_t numbodyparts ;
int32_t bodypartindex ;
int numattachments ; // queryable attachable points
int attachmentindex ;
int32_t numattachments ; // queryable attachable points
int32_t attachmentindex ;
int studiohdr2index ;
int soundindex ; // UNUSED
int32_t studiohdr2index ;
int32_t soundindex ; // UNUSED
int soundgroups ; // UNUSED
int soundgroupindex ; // UNUSED
int32_t soundgroups ; // UNUSED
int32_t soundgroupindex ; // UNUSED
int numtransitions ; // animation node to animation node transition graph
int transitionindex ;
int32_t numtransitions ; // animation node to animation node transition graph
int32_t transitionindex ;
} studiohdr_t ;
// extra header to hold more offsets
typedef struct
int numposeparameters ;
int poseparamindex ;
int32_t numposeparameters ;
int32_t poseparamindex ;
int numikautoplaylocks ;
int ikautoplaylockindex ;
int32_t numikautoplaylocks ;
int32_t ikautoplaylockindex ;
int numikchains ;
int ikchainindex ;
int32_t numikchains ;
int32_t ikchainindex ;
int keyvalueindex ;
int keyvaluesize ;
int32_t keyvalueindex ;
int32_t keyvaluesize ;
int numhitboxsets ;
int hitboxsetindex ;
int32_t numhitboxsets ;
int32_t hitboxsetindex ;
int unused [ 6 ] ; // for future expansions
int32_t unused [ 6 ] ; // for future expansions
} studiohdr2_t ;
// header for demand loaded sequence group data
typedef struct
int id ;
int version ;
int32_t id ;
int32_t version ;
char name [ 64 ] ;
int length ;
int32_t length ;
} studioseqhdr_t ;
// bone flags
@ -245,9 +245,9 @@ typedef struct
@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct mstudiobone_s
char name [ MAXSTUDIONAME ] ; // bone name for symbolic links
int parent ; // parent bone
int flags ; // bone flags
int bonecontroller [ 6 ] ; // bone controller index, -1 == none
int32_t parent ; // parent bone
int32_t flags ; // bone flags
int32_t bonecontroller [ 6 ] ; // bone controller index, -1 == none
float value [ 6 ] ; // default DoF values
float scale [ 6 ] ; // scale for delta DoF values
} mstudiobone_t ;
@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ typedef struct mstudiobone_s
@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ typedef struct mstudiobone_s
typedef struct
int control ; // local transformation of this bone used to calc 3 point blend
int axis ; // axis to check
int32_t control ; // local transformation of this bone used to calc 3 point blend
int32_t axis ; // axis to check
vec3_t pos [ 6 ] ; // X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-
vec4_t quat [ 6 ] ; // X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-
} mstudioaxisinterpbone_t ;
@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ typedef struct
@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
int control ; // local transformation to check
int numtriggers ;
int triggerindex ;
int32_t control ; // local transformation to check
int32_t numtriggers ;
int32_t triggerindex ;
} mstudioquatinterpbone_t ;
// extra info for bones
@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ typedef struct
@@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ typedef struct
float poseToBone [ 3 ] [ 4 ] ; // boneweighting reqiures
vec4_t qAlignment ;
int proctype ;
int procindex ; // procedural rule
int32_t proctype ;
int32_t procindex ; // procedural rule
vec4_t quat ; // aligned bone rotation
int reserved [ 10 ] ; // for future expansions
int32_t reserved [ 10 ] ; // for future expansions
} mstudioboneinfo_t ;
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ typedef struct
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
int flags ;
int32_t flags ;
// general params
float length ; // how from from bone base, along bone, is tip
@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ typedef struct
@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
int parent ;
int aim ; // might be bone or attach
int32_t parent ;
int32_t aim ; // might be bone or attach
vec3_t aimvector ;
vec3_t upvector ;
vec3_t basepos ;
@ -367,19 +367,19 @@ typedef struct
@@ -367,19 +367,19 @@ typedef struct
// bone controllers
typedef struct
int bone ; // -1 == 0
int type ; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR, M
int32_t bone ; // -1 == 0
int32_t type ; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR, M
float start ;
float end ;
int rest ; // byte index value at rest
int index ; // 0-3 user set controller, 4 mouth
int32_t rest ; // byte index value at rest
int32_t index ; // 0-3 user set controller, 4 mouth
} mstudiobonecontroller_t ;
// intersection boxes
typedef struct
int bone ;
int group ; // intersection group
int32_t bone ;
int32_t group ; // intersection group
vec3_t bbmin ; // bounding box
vec3_t bbmax ;
} mstudiobbox_t ;
@ -387,25 +387,17 @@ typedef struct
@@ -387,25 +387,17 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
char name [ MAXSTUDIONAME ] ;
int numhitboxes ;
int hitboxindex ;
int32_t numhitboxes ;
int32_t hitboxindex ;
} mstudiohitboxset_t ;
# ifndef CACHE_USER
# define CACHE_USER
typedef struct cache_user_s
void * data ; // extradata
} cache_user_t ;
# endif
// demand loaded sequence groups
typedef struct
char label [ MAXSTUDIONAME ] ; // textual name
char name [ 64 ] ; // file name
cache_user_t cache ; // cache index pointer
int data ; // hack for group 0
int32_t cache ; // cache index pointer
int32_t data ; // hack for group 0
} mstudioseqgroup_t ;
// events
@ -417,8 +409,8 @@ typedef struct
@@ -417,8 +409,8 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
char name [ MAXSTUDIONAME ] ;
int flags ;
int bone ;
int32_t flags ;
int32_t bone ;
vec3_t org ; // attachment position
vec3_t vectors [ 3 ] ; // attachment vectors
} mstudioattachment_t ;
@ -433,29 +425,29 @@ typedef struct
@@ -433,29 +425,29 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
float scale [ 6 ] ;
unsigned shor t offset [ 6 ] ;
uint16_ t offset [ 6 ] ;
} mstudioikerror_t ;
typedef struct
int index ;
int32_t index ;
int type ;
int chain ;
int32_t type ;
int32_t chain ;
int bone ;
int attachment ; // attachment index
int32_t bone ;
int32_t attachment ; // attachment index
int slot ; // iktarget slot. Usually same as chain.
int32_t slot ; // iktarget slot. Usually same as chain.
float height ;
float radius ;
float floor ;
vec3_t pos ;
vec4_t quat ;
int ikerrorindex ; // compressed IK error
int32_t ikerrorindex ; // compressed IK error
int iStart ;
int32_t iStart ;
float start ; // beginning of influence
float peak ; // start of full influence
float tail ; // end of full influence
@ -464,23 +456,23 @@ typedef struct
@@ -464,23 +456,23 @@ typedef struct
float drop ; // how far down the foot should drop when reaching for IK
float top ; // top of the foot box
int unused [ 4 ] ; // for future expansions
int32_t unused [ 4 ] ; // for future expansions
} mstudioikrule_t ;
typedef struct
int chain ;
int32_t chain ;
float flPosWeight ;
float flLocalQWeight ;
int flags ;
int32_t flags ;
int unused [ 4 ] ; // for future expansions
int32_t unused [ 4 ] ; // for future expansions
} mstudioiklock_t ;
typedef struct
int endframe ;
int motionflags ;
int32_t endframe ;
int32_t motionflags ;
float v0 ; // velocity at start of block
float v1 ; // velocity at end of block
float angle ; // YAW rotation at end of this blocks movement
@ -493,25 +485,25 @@ typedef struct
@@ -493,25 +485,25 @@ typedef struct
char label [ MAXSTUDIONAME ] ; // animation label (may be matched with sequence label)
float fps ; // frames per second (match with sequence fps or be different)
int flags ; // looping/non-looping flags
int numframes ; // frames per animation
int32_t flags ; // looping/non-looping flags
int32_t numframes ; // frames per animation
// piecewise movement
int nummovements ; // piecewise movement
int movementindex ;
int32_t nummovements ; // piecewise movement
int32_t movementindex ;
int numikrules ;
int ikruleindex ; // non-zero when IK data is stored in the mdl
int32_t numikrules ;
int32_t ikruleindex ; // non-zero when IK data is stored in the mdl
int unused [ 8 ] ; // for future expansions
int32_t unused [ 8 ] ; // for future expansions
} mstudioanimdesc_t ;
// autoplaying sequences
typedef struct
shor t iSequence ;
shor t iPose ;
int flags ;
int16_ t iSequence ;
int16_ t iPose ;
int32_t flags ;
float start ; // beginning of influence
float peak ; // start of full influence
float tail ; // end of full influence
@ -524,55 +516,55 @@ typedef struct mstudioseqdesc_s
@@ -524,55 +516,55 @@ typedef struct mstudioseqdesc_s
char label [ MAXSTUDIONAME ] ; // sequence label
float fps ; // frames per second
int flags ; // looping/non-looping flags
int32_t flags ; // looping/non-looping flags
int activity ;
int actweight ;
int32_t activity ;
int32_t actweight ;
int numevents ;
int eventindex ;
int32_t numevents ;
int32_t eventindex ;
int numframes ; // number of frames per sequence
int32_t numframes ; // number of frames per sequence
int weightlistindex ; // weightlists
int iklockindex ; // IK locks
int32_t weightlistindex ; // weightlists
int32_t iklockindex ; // IK locks
int motiontype ;
int motionbone ; // index of pose parameter
int32_t motiontype ;
int32_t motionbone ; // index of pose parameter
vec3_t linearmovement ;
int autolayerindex ; // autolayer descriptions
int keyvalueindex ; // local key-values
int32_t autolayerindex ; // autolayer descriptions
int32_t keyvalueindex ; // local key-values
vec3_t bbmin ; // per sequence bounding box
vec3_t bbmax ;
int numblends ;
int animindex ; // mstudioanim_t pointer relative to start of sequence group data
int32_t numblends ;
int32_t animindex ; // mstudioanim_t pointer relative to start of sequence group data
// [blend][bone][X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR]
int blendtype [ 2 ] ; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR (same as paramindex)
int32_t blendtype [ 2 ] ; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR (same as paramindex)
float blendstart [ 2 ] ; // starting value (same as paramstart)
float blendend [ 2 ] ; // ending value (same as paramend)
byte groupsize [ 2 ] ; // 255 x 255 blends should be enough
byte numautolayers ; // count of autoplaying layers
byte numiklocks ; // IK-locks per sequence
int seqgroup ; // sequence group for demand loading
int entrynode ; // transition node at entry
int exitnode ; // transition node at exit
byte nodeflags ; // transition rules (really this is bool)
byte cycleposeindex ; // index of pose parameter to use as cycle index
byte fadeintime ; // ideal cross fade in time (0.2 secs default) time = (fadeintime / 100)
byte fadeouttime ; // ideal cross fade out time (0.2 msecs default) time = (fadeouttime / 100)
uint8_t groupsize [ 2 ] ; // 255 x 255 blends should be enough
uint8_t numautolayers ; // count of autoplaying layers
uint8_t numiklocks ; // IK-locks per sequence
int32_t seqgroup ; // sequence group for demand loading
int32_t entrynode ; // transition node at entry
int32_t exitnode ; // transition node at exit
uint8_t nodeflags ; // transition rules (really this is bool)
uint8_t cycleposeindex ; // index of pose parameter to use as cycle index
uint8_t fadeintime ; // ideal cross fade in time (0.2 secs default) time = (fadeintime / 100)
uint8_t fadeouttime ; // ideal cross fade out time (0.2 msecs default) time = (fadeouttime / 100)
int animdescindex ; // mstudioanimdesc_t [blend]
int32_t animdescindex ; // mstudioanimdesc_t [blend]
} mstudioseqdesc_t ;
typedef struct
char name [ MAXSTUDIONAME ] ;
int flags ; // ????
int32_t flags ; // ????
float start ; // starting value
float end ; // ending value
float loop ; // looping range, 0 for no looping, 360 for rotations, etc.
@ -580,7 +572,7 @@ typedef struct
@@ -580,7 +572,7 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct mstudioanim_s
unsigned shor t offset [ 6 ] ;
uint16_ t offset [ 6 ] ;
} mstudioanim_t ;
// animation frames
@ -588,35 +580,35 @@ typedef union
@@ -588,35 +580,35 @@ typedef union
byte valid ;
byte total ;
uint8_t valid ;
uint8_t total ;
} num ;
shor t value ;
int16_ t value ;
} mstudioanimvalue_t ;
// body part index
typedef struct
char name [ 64 ] ;
int nummodels ;
int base ;
int modelindex ; // index into models array
int32_t nummodels ;
int32_t base ;
int32_t modelindex ; // index into models array
} mstudiobodyparts_t ;
// skin info
typedef struct mstudiotex_s
char name [ 64 ] ;
unsigned in t flags ;
int width ;
int height ;
int index ;
uint32_ t flags ;
int32_t width ;
int32_t height ;
int32_t index ;
} mstudiotexture_t ;
// ikinfo
typedef struct
int bone ;
int32_t bone ;
vec3_t kneeDir ; // ideal bending direction (per link, if applicable)
vec3_t unused0 ; // unused
} mstudioiklink_t ;
@ -624,15 +616,15 @@ typedef struct
@@ -624,15 +616,15 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
char name [ MAXSTUDIONAME ] ;
int linktype ;
int numlinks ;
int linkindex ;
int32_t linktype ;
int32_t numlinks ;
int32_t linkindex ;
} mstudioikchain_t ;
typedef struct
byte weight [ 4 ] ;
signed char bone [ 4 ] ;
uint8_t weight [ 4 ] ;
int8_t bone [ 4 ] ;
} mstudioboneweight_t ;
// skin families
@ -643,21 +635,21 @@ typedef struct
@@ -643,21 +635,21 @@ typedef struct
char name [ 64 ] ;
int type ; // UNUSED
int32_t type ; // UNUSED
float boundingradius ; // UNUSED
int nummesh ;
int meshindex ;
int32_t nummesh ;
int32_t meshindex ;
int numverts ; // number of unique vertices
int vertinfoindex ; // vertex bone info
int vertindex ; // vertex vec3_t
int numnorms ; // number of unique surface normals
int norminfoindex ; // normal bone info
int normindex ; // normal vec3_t
int32_t numverts ; // number of unique vertices
int32_t vertinfoindex ; // vertex bone info
int32_t vertindex ; // vertex vec3_t
int32_t numnorms ; // number of unique surface normals
int32_t norminfoindex ; // normal bone info
int32_t normindex ; // normal vec3_t
int blendvertinfoindex ; // boneweighted vertex info
int blendnorminfoindex ; // boneweighted normal info
int32_t blendvertinfoindex ; // boneweighted vertex info
int32_t blendnorminfoindex ; // boneweighted normal info
} mstudiomodel_t ;
// vec3_t boundingbox[model][bone][2]; // complex intersection info
@ -665,19 +657,19 @@ typedef struct
@@ -665,19 +657,19 @@ typedef struct
// meshes
typedef struct
int numtris ;
int triindex ;
int skinref ;
int numnorms ; // per mesh normals
int normindex ; // UNUSED!
int32_t numtris ;
int32_t triindex ;
int32_t skinref ;
int32_t numnorms ; // per mesh normals
int32_t normindex ; // UNUSED!
} mstudiomesh_t ;
// triangles
typedef struct
shor t vertindex ; // index into vertex array
shor t normindex ; // index into normal array
shor t s , t ; // s,t position on skin
int16_ t vertindex ; // index into vertex array
int16_ t normindex ; // index into normal array
int16_ t s , t ; // s,t position on skin
} mstudiotrivert_t ;
# endif //STUDIO_H