mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:21:08 +00:00
engine: studio.h: add Paranoia 2: The Savior structures and macros.
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
#define MIPLEVELS 4
#define VERTEXSIZE 7
#define MAXLIGHTMAPS 4 // max light styles per face
#define MAXDYNLIGHTS 8 // maximum dynamic lights per one pixel
#define NUM_AMBIENTS 4 // automatic ambient sounds
// model types
@ -12,16 +12,18 @@
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
#pragma once
typedef struct mstudioevent_s
int frame;
int event;
int type;
char options[64];
char options[MAXEVENTSTRING];
} mstudioevent_t;
#endif // STUDIO_EVENT_H
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
#pragma once
#ifndef STUDIO_H
#define STUDIO_H
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
#define IDSEQGRPHEADER (('Q'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'I') // little-endian "IDSQ"
// studio limits
#define MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES 65536 // max triangles per model
#define MAXSTUDIOVERTS 16384 // max vertices per submodel
#define MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES 256 // total animation sequences
#define MAXSTUDIOSKINS 256 // total textures
@ -40,14 +39,13 @@ Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
#define MAXSTUDIOMODELS 32 // sub-models per model
#define MAXSTUDIOBODYPARTS 32 // body parts per submodel
#define MAXSTUDIOGROUPS 16 // sequence groups (e.g. barney01.mdl, barney02.mdl, e.t.c)
#define MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS 512 // max frames per sequence
#define MAXSTUDIOMESHES 256 // max textures per model
#define MAXSTUDIOEVENTS 1024 // events per model
#define MAXSTUDIOPIVOTS 256 // pivot points
#define MAXSTUDIOBLENDS 16 // max anim blends
#define MAXSTUDIOCONTROLLERS 32 // max controllers per model
#define MAXSTUDIOATTACHMENTS 64 // max attachments per model
#define MAXSTUDIOBONEWEIGHTS 4 // absolute hardware limit!
#define MAXSTUDIOCONTROLLERS 8 // max controllers per model
#define MAXSTUDIOATTACHMENTS 4 // max attachments per model
#define MAXSTUDIONAME 32 // a part of specs
#define MAX_STUDIO_LIGHTMAP_SIZE 256 // must match with engine const!!!
// client-side model flags
#define STUDIO_ROCKET (1U<<0) // leave a trail
@ -62,6 +60,7 @@ Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
#define STUDIO_TRACE_HITBOX (1U<<9) // always use hitbox trace instead of bbox
#define STUDIO_FORCE_SKYLIGHT (1U<<10) // always grab lightvalues from the sky settings (even if sky is invisible)
#define STUDIO_HAS_BUMP (1U<<16) // loadtime set
#define STUDIO_STATIC_PROP (1U<<29) // hint for engine
#define STUDIO_HAS_BONEINFO (1U<<30) // extra info about bones (pose matrix, procedural index etc)
#define STUDIO_HAS_BONEWEIGHTS (1U<<31) // yes we got support of bone weighting
@ -71,14 +70,24 @@ Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
#define STUDIO_NF_CHROME 0x0002
#define STUDIO_NF_NOMIPS 0x0008 // ignore mip-maps
#define STUDIO_NF_NOSMOOTH 0x0010 // don't smooth tangent space
#define STUDIO_NF_SMOOTH 0x0010 // smooth tangent space
#define STUDIO_NF_ADDITIVE 0x0020 // rendering with additive mode
#define STUDIO_NF_MASKED 0x0040 // use texture with alpha channel
#define STUDIO_NF_NORMALMAP 0x0080 // indexed normalmap
#define STUDIO_NF_SOLID 0x0800
#define STUDIO_NF_GLOSSMAP 0x0100 // glossmap
#define STUDIO_NF_LUMA 0x0400 // self-illuminate parts
#define STUDIO_NF_ALPHASOLID 0x0800 // use with STUDIO_NF_MASKED to have solid alphatest surfaces for env_static
#define STUDIO_NF_TWOSIDE 0x1000 // render mesh as twosided
#define STUDIO_NF_HEIGHTMAP 0x2000
#define STUDIO_NF_NODRAW (1<<16) // failed to create shader for this mesh
#define STUDIO_NF_NODLIGHT (1<<17) // failed to create dlight shader for this mesh
#define STUDIO_NF_NOSUNLIGHT (1<<18) // failed to create sun light shader for this mesh
#define STUDIO_NF_HAS_ALPHA (1<<20) // external texture has alpha-channel
#define STUDIO_NF_HAS_DETAIL (1<<21) // studiomodels has detail textures
#define STUDIO_NF_COLORMAP (1<<30) // internal system flag
#define STUDIO_NF_UV_COORDS (1<<31) // using half-float coords instead of ST
@ -92,26 +101,44 @@ Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
#define STUDIO_LX 0x0040
#define STUDIO_LY 0x0080
#define STUDIO_LZ 0x0100
#define STUDIO_AX 0x0200
#define STUDIO_AY 0x0400
#define STUDIO_AZ 0x0800
#define STUDIO_AXR 0x1000
#define STUDIO_AYR 0x2000
#define STUDIO_AZR 0x4000
#define STUDIO_RLOOP 0x8000 // controller that wraps shortest distance
#define STUDIO_LXR 0x0200
#define STUDIO_LYR 0x0400
#define STUDIO_LZR 0x0800
#define STUDIO_LINEAR 0x1000
#define STUDIO_RESERVED 0x4000 // g-cont. reserved one bit for me
#define STUDIO_RLOOP 0x8000 // controller that wraps shortest distance
// bonecontroller types
#define STUDIO_MOUTH 4 // hardcoded
// sequence flags
#define STUDIO_LOOPING 0x0001
#define STUDIO_LOOPING 0x0001 // ending frame should be the same as the starting frame
#define STUDIO_SNAP 0x0002 // do not interpolate between previous animation and this one
#define STUDIO_DELTA 0x0004 // this sequence "adds" to the base sequences, not slerp blends
#define STUDIO_AUTOPLAY 0x0008 // temporary flag that forces the sequence to always play
#define STUDIO_POST 0x0010 //
#define STUDIO_ALLZEROS 0x0020 // this animation/sequence has no real animation data
#define STUDIO_BLENDPOSE 0x0040 // to differentiate GoldSrc style blending from Source style blending (with pose parameters)
#define STUDIO_CYCLEPOSE 0x0080 // cycle index is taken from a pose parameter index
#define STUDIO_REALTIME 0x0100 // cycle index is taken from a real-time clock, not the animations cycle index
#define STUDIO_LOCAL 0x0200 // sequence has a local context sequence
#define STUDIO_HIDDEN 0x0400 // don't show in default selection views
#define STUDIO_IKRULES 0x0800 // sequence has IK-rules
#define STUDIO_ACTIVITY 0x1000 // Has been updated at runtime to activity index
#define STUDIO_EVENT 0x2000 // Has been updated at runtime to event index
#define STUDIO_WORLD 0x4000 // sequence blends in worldspace
#define STUDIO_LIGHT_FROM_ROOT 0x8000 // get lighting point from root bonepos not from entity origin
// bone flags
#define STUDIO_HAS_NORMALS 0x0001
#define STUDIO_HAS_VERTICES 0x0002
#define STUDIO_HAS_BBOX 0x0004
#define STUDIO_HAS_CHROME 0x0008 // if any of the textures have chrome on them
// autolayer flags
#define STUDIO_AL_POST 0x0001 //
#define STUDIO_AL_SPLINE 0x0002 // convert layer ramp in/out curve is a spline instead of linear
#define STUDIO_AL_XFADE 0x0004 // pre-bias the ramp curve to compense for a non-1 weight,
// assuming a second layer is also going to accumulate
#define STUDIO_AL_NOBLEND 0x0008 // animation always blends at 1.0 (ignores weight)
#define STUDIO_AL_LOCAL 0x0010 // layer is a local context sequence
#define STUDIO_AL_POSE 0x0020 // layer blends using a pose parameter instead of parent cycle
typedef struct studiohdr_s
@ -160,10 +187,10 @@ typedef struct studiohdr_s
int attachmentindex;
int studiohdr2index;
int soundindex;
int soundindex; // UNUSED
int soundgroups;
int soundgroupindex;
int soundgroups; // UNUSED
int soundgroupindex; // UNUSED
int numtransitions; // animation node to animation node transition graph
int transitionindex;
@ -200,17 +227,60 @@ typedef struct
int length;
} studioseqhdr_t;
// bone flags
#define BONE_ALWAYS_PROCEDURAL 0x0001 // bone is always procedurally animated
#define BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_SPHERE 0x0002 // bone aligns to the screen, not constrained in motion.
#define BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_CYLINDER 0x0004 // bone aligns to the screen, constrained by it's own axis.
#define BONE_FIXED_ALIGNMENT 0x0010 // bone can't spin 360 degrees, all interpolation is normalized around a fixed orientation
#define BONE_USED_BY_HITBOX 0x00000100// bone (or child) is used by a hit box
#define BONE_USED_BY_ATTACHMENT 0x00000200// bone (or child) is used by an attachment point
#define BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX 0x00000400// bone (or child) is used by the toplevel model via skinned vertex
#define BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE 0x00000800
// bones
typedef struct mstudiobone_s
char name[32]; // bone name for symbolic links
char name[MAXSTUDIONAME]; // bone name for symbolic links
int parent; // parent bone
int flags; // ??
int flags; // bone flags
int bonecontroller[6]; // bone controller index, -1 == none
float value[6]; // default DoF values
float scale[6]; // scale for delta DoF values
} mstudiobone_t;
typedef struct
int control; // local transformation of this bone used to calc 3 point blend
int axis; // axis to check
vec3_t pos[6]; // X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-
vec4_t quat[6]; // X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-
} mstudioaxisinterpbone_t;
typedef struct
float inv_tolerance; // 1.0f / radian angle of trigger influence
vec4_t trigger; // angle to match
vec3_t pos; // new position
vec4_t quat; // new angle
} mstudioquatinterpinfo_t;
typedef struct
int control; // local transformation to check
int numtriggers;
int triggerindex;
} mstudioquatinterpbone_t;
// extra info for bones
typedef struct
@ -222,6 +292,78 @@ typedef struct
int reserved[10]; // for future expansions
} mstudioboneinfo_t;
#define JIGGLE_IS_RIGID 0x02
#define JIGGLE_IS_BOING 0x80 // simple squash and stretch sinusoid "boing"
typedef struct
int flags;
// general params
float length; // how from from bone base, along bone, is tip
float tipMass;
// flexible params
float yawStiffness;
float yawDamping;
float pitchStiffness;
float pitchDamping;
float alongStiffness;
float alongDamping;
// angle constraint
float angleLimit; // maximum deflection of tip in radians
// yaw constraint
float minYaw; // in radians
float maxYaw; // in radians
float yawFriction;
float yawBounce;
// pitch constraint
float minPitch; // in radians
float maxPitch; // in radians
float pitchFriction;
float pitchBounce;
// base spring
float baseMass;
float baseStiffness;
float baseDamping;
float baseMinLeft;
float baseMaxLeft;
float baseLeftFriction;
float baseMinUp;
float baseMaxUp;
float baseUpFriction;
float baseMinForward;
float baseMaxForward;
float baseForwardFriction;
// boing
float boingImpactSpeed;
float boingImpactAngle;
float boingDampingRate;
float boingFrequency;
float boingAmplitude;
} mstudiojigglebone_t;
typedef struct
int parent;
int aim; // might be bone or attach
vec3_t aimvector;
vec3_t upvector;
vec3_t basepos;
} mstudioaimatbone_t;
// bone controllers
typedef struct
@ -242,6 +384,13 @@ typedef struct
vec3_t bbmax;
} mstudiobbox_t;
typedef struct
int numhitboxes;
int hitboxindex;
} mstudiohitboxset_t;
#ifndef CACHE_USER
#define CACHE_USER
typedef struct cache_user_s
@ -253,16 +402,126 @@ typedef struct cache_user_s
// demand loaded sequence groups
typedef struct
char label[32]; // textual name
char label[MAXSTUDIONAME]; // textual name
char name[64]; // file name
cache_user_t cache; // cache index pointer
int data; // hack for group 0
} mstudioseqgroup_t;
// events
#include "studio_event.h"
#define STUDIO_ATTACHMENT_LOCAL (1<<0) // vectors are filled
// attachment
typedef struct
int flags;
int bone;
vec3_t org; // attachment position
vec3_t vectors[3]; // attachment vectors
} mstudioattachment_t;
#define IK_SELF 1
#define IK_WORLD 2
#define IK_GROUND 3
#define IK_RELEASE 4
#define IK_UNLATCH 6
typedef struct
float scale[6];
unsigned short offset[6];
} mstudioikerror_t;
typedef struct
int index;
int type;
int chain;
int bone;
int attachment; // attachment index
int slot; // iktarget slot. Usually same as chain.
float height;
float radius;
float floor;
vec3_t pos;
vec4_t quat;
int ikerrorindex; // compressed IK error
int iStart;
float start; // beginning of influence
float peak; // start of full influence
float tail; // end of full influence
float end; // end of all influence
float contact; // frame footstep makes ground concact
float drop; // how far down the foot should drop when reaching for IK
float top; // top of the foot box
int unused[4]; // for future expansions
} mstudioikrule_t;
typedef struct
int chain;
float flPosWeight;
float flLocalQWeight;
int flags;
int unused[4]; // for future expansions
} mstudioiklock_t;
typedef struct
int endframe;
int motionflags;
float v0; // velocity at start of block
float v1; // velocity at end of block
float angle; // YAW rotation at end of this blocks movement
vec3_t vector; // movement vector relative to this blocks initial angle
vec3_t position; // relative to start of animation???
} mstudiomovement_t;
// additional info for each animation in sequence blend group or single sequence
typedef struct
char label[MAXSTUDIONAME]; // animation label (may be matched with sequence label)
float fps; // frames per second (match with sequence fps or be different)
int flags; // looping/non-looping flags
int numframes; // frames per animation
// piecewise movement
int nummovements; // piecewise movement
int movementindex;
int numikrules;
int ikruleindex; // non-zero when IK data is stored in the mdl
int unused[8]; // for future expansions
} mstudioanimdesc_t;
// autoplaying sequences
typedef struct
short iSequence;
short iPose;
int flags;
float start; // beginning of influence
float peak; // start of full influence
float tail; // end of full influence
float end; // end of all influence
} mstudioautolayer_t;
// sequence descriptions
typedef struct mstudioseqdesc_s
char label[32]; // sequence label
char label[MAXSTUDIONAME]; // sequence label
float fps; // frames per second
int flags; // looping/non-looping flags
@ -275,14 +534,14 @@ typedef struct mstudioseqdesc_s
int numframes; // number of frames per sequence
int numpivots; // number of foot pivots
int pivotindex;
int weightlistindex; // weightlists
int iklockindex; // IK locks
int motiontype;
int motionbone;
int motiontype;
int motionbone; // index of pose parameter
vec3_t linearmovement;
int automoveposindex;
int automoveangleindex;
int autolayerindex; // autolayer descriptions
int keyvalueindex; // local key-values
vec3_t bbmin; // per sequence bounding box
vec3_t bbmax;
@ -291,40 +550,33 @@ typedef struct mstudioseqdesc_s
int animindex; // mstudioanim_t pointer relative to start of sequence group data
// [blend][bone][X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR]
int blendtype[2]; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR
float blendstart[2]; // starting value
float blendend[2]; // ending value
int blendparent;
int blendtype[2]; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR (same as paramindex)
float blendstart[2]; // starting value (same as paramstart)
float blendend[2]; // ending value (same as paramend)
byte groupsize[2]; // 255 x 255 blends should be enough
byte numautolayers; // count of autoplaying layers
byte numiklocks; // IK-locks per sequence
int seqgroup; // sequence group for demand loading
int entrynode; // transition node at entry
int exitnode; // transition node at exit
int nodeflags; // transition rules
byte nodeflags; // transition rules (really this is bool)
byte cycleposeindex; // index of pose parameter to use as cycle index
byte fadeintime; // ideal cross fade in time (0.2 secs default) time = (fadeintime / 100)
byte fadeouttime; // ideal cross fade out time (0.2 msecs default) time = (fadeouttime / 100)
int nextseq; // auto advancing sequences
int animdescindex; // mstudioanimdesc_t [blend]
} mstudioseqdesc_t;
// events
#include "studio_event.h"
// pivots
typedef struct
typedef struct
vec3_t org; // pivot point
int start;
int end;
} mstudiopivot_t;
// attachment
typedef struct
char name[32];
int type;
int bone;
vec3_t org; // attachment point
vec3_t vectors[3];
} mstudioattachment_t;
int flags; // ????
float start; // starting value
float end; // ending value
float loop; // looping range, 0 for no looping, 360 for rotations, etc.
} mstudioposeparamdesc_t;
typedef struct mstudioanim_s
@ -361,6 +613,22 @@ typedef struct mstudiotex_s
int index;
} mstudiotexture_t;
// ikinfo
typedef struct
int bone;
vec3_t kneeDir; // ideal bending direction (per link, if applicable)
vec3_t unused0; // unused
} mstudioiklink_t;
typedef struct
int linktype;
int numlinks;
int linkindex;
} mstudioikchain_t;
typedef struct
byte weight[4];
@ -375,8 +643,8 @@ typedef struct
char name[64];
int type;
float boundingradius;
int type; // UNUSED
float boundingradius; // UNUSED
int nummesh;
int meshindex;
@ -401,7 +669,7 @@ typedef struct
int triindex;
int skinref;
int numnorms; // per mesh normals
int normindex; // normal vec3_t
int normindex; // UNUSED!
} mstudiomesh_t;
// triangles
Reference in New Issue
Block a user