mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:21:08 +00:00
ref: add ref_null renderer that does nothing
This was sitting in my git stash for months. Let's publish it now.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
r_context.c -- null renderer context
Copyright (C) 2023-2024 a1batross
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <string.h>
#include "xash3d_types.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "cvardef.h"
#include "xash3d_mathlib.h"
#include "ref_api.h"
* this initially was made to be able to run full client
* in hazardous^Wheadless environments
* but might be a starting point for new renderers as well
static ref_api_t gEngfuncs;
static ref_globals_t *gpGlobals;
static void R_SimpleStub( void )
static void R_SimpleStubInt( int )
static void R_SimpleStubUInt( unsigned int )
static void R_SimpleStubBool( qboolean )
static qboolean R_Init( void )
return true;
static const char *R_GetConfigName( void )
return NULL;
static qboolean R_SetDisplayTransform( ref_screen_rotation_t rotate, int x, int y, float scale_x, float scale_y )
return true;
static void GL_SetupAttributes( int safegl )
static qboolean R_AddEntity( struct cl_entity_s *clent, int type )
return true;
static void CL_AddCustomBeam( cl_entity_t *pEnvBeam )
static void R_ProcessEntData( qboolean allocate, cl_entity_t *entities, unsigned int max_entities )
static const byte *R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer( unsigned int idx )
return NULL;
static int GL_LoadTextureFromBuffer( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pic, texFlags_t flags, qboolean update )
return 0;
static void GL_ProcessTexture( int texnum, float gamma, int topColor, int bottomColor )
static void R_SetupSky( const char *skyname )
static void R_DrawStretchRaw( float x, float y, float w, float h, int cols, int rows, const byte *data, qboolean dirty )
static void R_DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, int texnum )
static void R_DrawTileClear( int texnum, int x, int y, int w, int h )
static void FillRGBA( float x, float y, float w, float h, int r, int g, int b, int a )
static int WorldToScreen( const vec3_t world, vec3_t screen )
VectorClear( screen );
return 0;
static qboolean VID_ScreenShot( const char *filename, int shot_type )
return false;
static qboolean VID_CubemapShot( const char *base, uint size, const float *vieworg, qboolean skyshot )
return false;
static colorVec R_LightPoint( const float *p )
colorVec c = { 0 };
return c;
static void R_DecalShoot( int textureIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, vec3_t pos, int flags, float scale )
static int R_CreateDecalList( struct decallist_s *pList )
return 0;
static float R_StudioEstimateFrame( cl_entity_t *e, mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, double time )
return 0.0f;
static void R_StudioLerpMovement( cl_entity_t *e, double time, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles )
static void R_InitSkyClouds( struct mip_s *mt, struct texture_s *tx, qboolean custom_palette )
static void GL_SubdivideSurface( model_t *mod, msurface_t *fa )
static void R_GetSpriteParms( int *frameWidth, int *frameHeight, int *numFrames, int currentFrame, const model_t *pSprite )
*frameWidth = *frameHeight = *numFrames = 0;
static int R_GetSpriteTexture( const model_t *m_pSpriteModel, int frame )
return 0;
static void Mod_LoadMapSprite( struct model_s *mod, const void *buffer, size_t size, qboolean *loaded )
*loaded = false;
static qboolean Mod_ProcessRenderData( model_t *mod, qboolean create, const byte *buffer )
return false;
static void Mod_StudioLoadTextures( model_t *mod, void *data )
static void CL_DrawParticles( double frametime, particle_t *particles, float partsize )
static void CL_DrawTracers( double frametime, particle_t *tracers )
static void CL_DrawBeams( int fTrans, BEAM *beams )
static qboolean R_BeamCull( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, qboolean pvsOnly )
return false;
static int RefGetParm( int parm, int arg )
return 0;
static void GetDetailScaleForTexture( int texture, float *xScale, float *yScale )
*xScale = *yScale = 1.0f;
static void GetExtraParmsForTexture( int texture, byte *red, byte *green, byte *blue, byte *alpha )
*red = *green = *blue = *alpha = 0;
static float GetFrameTime( void )
return 0.0f;
static void R_SetCurrentEntity( struct cl_entity_s *ent )
static void R_SetCurrentModel( struct model_s *mod )
static int GL_FindTexture( const char *name )
return 0;
static const char *GL_TextureName( unsigned int texnum )
return NULL;
static const byte *GL_TextureData( unsigned int texnum )
return NULL;
static int GL_LoadTexture( const char *name, const byte *buf, size_t size, int flags )
return 0;
static int GL_CreateTexture( const char *name, int width, int height, const void *buffer, texFlags_t flags )
return 0;
static int GL_LoadTextureArray( const char **names, int flags )
return 0;
static int GL_CreateTextureArray( const char *name, int width, int height, int depth, const void *buffer, texFlags_t flags )
return 0;
static void DrawSingleDecal( struct decal_s *pDecal, struct msurface_s *fa )
static float *R_DecalSetupVerts( struct decal_s *pDecal, struct msurface_s *surf, int texture, int *outCount )
return NULL;
static void R_EntityRemoveDecals( struct model_s *mod )
static void AVI_UploadRawFrame( int texture, int cols, int rows, int width, int height, const byte *data )
static void GL_Bind( int tmu, unsigned int texnum )
static void GL_LoadTextureMatrix( const float *glmatrix )
static void GL_TexGen( unsigned int coord, unsigned int mode )
static void GL_UpdateTexSize( int texnum, int width, int height, int depth )
static void GL_DrawParticles( const struct ref_viewpass_s *rvp, qboolean trans_pass, float frametime )
static colorVec LightVec( const float *start, const float *end, float *lightspot, float *lightvec )
colorVec c = { 0 };
return c;
static struct mstudiotex_s *StudioGetTexture( struct cl_entity_s *e )
return NULL;
static void GL_RenderFrame( const struct ref_viewpass_s *rvp )
static void GL_OrthoBounds( const float *mins, const float *maxs )
static qboolean R_SpeedsMessage( char *out, size_t size )
return false;
static byte *Mod_GetCurrentVis( void )
return NULL;
static void *R_GetProcAddress( const char *name )
return NULL;
static void Color4f( float r, float g, float b, float a )
static void Color4ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a )
static void TexCoord2f( float u, float v )
static void Vertex3fv( const float *worldPnt )
static void Vertex3f( float x, float y, float z )
static void Fog( float flFogColor[3], float flStart, float flEnd, int bOn )
static void ScreenToWorld( const float *screen, float *world )
static void GetMatrix( const int pname, float *matrix )
static void FogParams( float flDensity, int iFogSkybox )
static void CullFace( TRICULLSTYLE mode )
static void VGUI_SetupDrawing( int *pColor )
static void VGUI_EnableTexture( qboolean enable )
static void VGUI_CreateTexture( int id, int width, int height )
static void VGUI_UploadTexture( int id, const char *buffer, int width, int height )
static void VGUI_UploadTextureBlock( int id, int drawX, int drawY, const byte *rgba, int blockWidth, int blockHeight )
static void VGUI_DrawQuad( const vpoint_t *ul, const vpoint_t *lr )
static void VGUI_GetTextureSizes( int *width, int *height )
*width = *height = 0;
static int VGUI_GenerateTexture( void )
return 0;
static ref_interface_t gReffuncs =
.R_Init = R_Init,
.R_Shutdown = R_SimpleStub,
.R_GetConfigName = R_GetConfigName,
.R_SetDisplayTransform = R_SetDisplayTransform,
.GL_SetupAttributes = GL_SetupAttributes,
.GL_InitExtensions = R_SimpleStub,
.GL_ClearExtensions = R_SimpleStub,
.R_GammaChanged = R_SimpleStubBool,
.R_BeginFrame = R_SimpleStubBool,
.R_RenderScene = R_SimpleStub,
.R_EndFrame = R_SimpleStub,
.R_PushScene = R_SimpleStub,
.R_PopScene = R_SimpleStub,
.GL_BackendStartFrame = R_SimpleStub,
.GL_BackendEndFrame = R_SimpleStub,
.R_ClearScreen = R_SimpleStub,
.R_AllowFog = R_SimpleStubBool,
.GL_SetRenderMode = R_SimpleStubInt,
.R_AddEntity = R_AddEntity,
.CL_AddCustomBeam = CL_AddCustomBeam,
.R_ProcessEntData = R_ProcessEntData,
.R_Flush = R_SimpleStubUInt,
.R_ShowTextures = R_SimpleStub,
.R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer = R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer,
.GL_LoadTextureFromBuffer = GL_LoadTextureFromBuffer,
.GL_ProcessTexture = GL_ProcessTexture,
.R_SetupSky = R_SetupSky,
.R_Set2DMode = R_SimpleStubBool,
.R_DrawStretchRaw = R_DrawStretchRaw,
.R_DrawStretchPic = R_DrawStretchPic,
.R_DrawTileClear = R_DrawTileClear,
.FillRGBA = FillRGBA,
.FillRGBABlend = FillRGBA,
.WorldToScreen = WorldToScreen,
.VID_ScreenShot = VID_ScreenShot,
.VID_CubemapShot = VID_CubemapShot,
.R_LightPoint = R_LightPoint,
.R_DecalShoot = R_DecalShoot,
.R_DecalRemoveAll = R_SimpleStubInt,
.R_CreateDecalList = R_CreateDecalList,
.R_ClearAllDecals = R_SimpleStub,
.R_StudioEstimateFrame = R_StudioEstimateFrame,
.R_StudioLerpMovement = R_StudioLerpMovement,
.CL_InitStudioAPI = R_SimpleStub,
.R_InitSkyClouds = R_InitSkyClouds,
.GL_SubdivideSurface = GL_SubdivideSurface,
.CL_RunLightStyles = R_SimpleStub,
.R_GetSpriteParms = R_GetSpriteParms,
.R_GetSpriteTexture = R_GetSpriteTexture,
.Mod_LoadMapSprite = Mod_LoadMapSprite,
.Mod_ProcessRenderData = Mod_ProcessRenderData,
.Mod_StudioLoadTextures = Mod_StudioLoadTextures,
.CL_DrawParticles = CL_DrawParticles,
.CL_DrawTracers = CL_DrawTracers,
.CL_DrawBeams = CL_DrawBeams,
.R_BeamCull = R_BeamCull,
.RefGetParm = RefGetParm,
.GetDetailScaleForTexture = GetDetailScaleForTexture,
.GetExtraParmsForTexture = GetExtraParmsForTexture,
.GetFrameTime = GetFrameTime,
.R_SetCurrentEntity = R_SetCurrentEntity,
.R_SetCurrentModel = R_SetCurrentModel,
.GL_FindTexture = GL_FindTexture,
.GL_TextureName = GL_TextureName,
.GL_TextureData = GL_TextureData,
.GL_LoadTexture = GL_LoadTexture,
.GL_CreateTexture = GL_CreateTexture,
.GL_LoadTextureArray = GL_LoadTextureArray,
.GL_CreateTextureArray = GL_CreateTextureArray,
.GL_FreeTexture = R_SimpleStubUInt,
.DrawSingleDecal = DrawSingleDecal,
.R_DecalSetupVerts = R_DecalSetupVerts,
.R_EntityRemoveDecals = R_EntityRemoveDecals,
.AVI_UploadRawFrame = AVI_UploadRawFrame,
.GL_Bind = GL_Bind,
.GL_SelectTexture = R_SimpleStubInt,
.GL_LoadTextureMatrix = GL_LoadTextureMatrix,
.GL_TexMatrixIdentity = R_SimpleStub,
.GL_CleanUpTextureUnits = R_SimpleStubInt,
.GL_TexGen = GL_TexGen,
.GL_TextureTarget = R_SimpleStubUInt,
.GL_TexCoordArrayMode = R_SimpleStubUInt,
.GL_UpdateTexSize = GL_UpdateTexSize,
.GL_Reserved0 = NULL,
.GL_Reserved1 = NULL,
.GL_DrawParticles = GL_DrawParticles,
.LightVec = LightVec,
.StudioGetTexture = StudioGetTexture,
.GL_RenderFrame = GL_RenderFrame,
.GL_OrthoBounds = GL_OrthoBounds,
.R_SpeedsMessage = R_SpeedsMessage,
.Mod_GetCurrentVis = Mod_GetCurrentVis,
.R_NewMap = R_SimpleStub,
.R_ClearScene = R_SimpleStub,
.R_GetProcAddress = R_GetProcAddress,
.TriRenderMode = R_SimpleStubInt,
.Begin = R_SimpleStubInt,
.End = R_SimpleStub,
.Color4f = Color4f,
.Color4ub = Color4ub,
.TexCoord2f = TexCoord2f,
.Vertex3fv = Vertex3fv,
.Vertex3f = Vertex3f,
.Fog = Fog,
.ScreenToWorld = ScreenToWorld,
.GetMatrix = GetMatrix,
.FogParams = FogParams,
.CullFace = CullFace,
.VGUI_DrawInit = R_SimpleStub,
.VGUI_DrawShutdown = R_SimpleStub,
.VGUI_SetupDrawingText = VGUI_SetupDrawing,
.VGUI_SetupDrawingRect = VGUI_SetupDrawing,
.VGUI_SetupDrawingImage = VGUI_SetupDrawing,
.VGUI_BindTexture = R_SimpleStubInt,
.VGUI_EnableTexture = VGUI_EnableTexture,
.VGUI_CreateTexture = VGUI_CreateTexture,
.VGUI_UploadTexture = VGUI_UploadTexture,
.VGUI_UploadTextureBlock = VGUI_UploadTextureBlock,
.VGUI_DrawQuad = VGUI_DrawQuad,
.VGUI_GetTextureSizes = VGUI_GetTextureSizes,
.VGUI_GenerateTexture = VGUI_GenerateTexture,
int EXPORT GetRefAPI( int version, ref_interface_t *funcs, ref_api_t *engfuncs, ref_globals_t *globals );
int EXPORT GetRefAPI( int version, ref_interface_t *funcs, ref_api_t *engfuncs, ref_globals_t *globals )
if( version != REF_API_VERSION )
return 0;
// fill in our callbacks
memcpy( funcs, &gReffuncs, sizeof( ref_interface_t ));
memcpy( &gEngfuncs, engfuncs, sizeof( ref_api_t ));
gpGlobals = globals;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# mittorn, 2018
def options(opt):
def configure(conf):
def build(bld):
source = 'r_context.c',
target = 'ref_null',
features = 'c',
defines = 'REF_DLL',
use = 'engine_includes sdk_includes werror',
install_path = bld.env.LIBDIR,
subsystem = bld.env.MSVC_SUBSYSTEM
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ SUBDIRS = [
Subproject('3rdparty/gl4es', lambda x: not x.env.DEDICATED and x.env.GL4ES),
Subproject('ref/gl', lambda x: not x.env.DEDICATED and (x.env.GL or x.env.NANOGL or x.env.GLWES or x.env.GL4ES)),
Subproject('ref/soft', lambda x: not x.env.DEDICATED and not x.env.SUPPORT_BSP2_FORMAT and x.env.SOFT),
Subproject('ref/null', lambda x: not x.env.DEDICATED and x.env.NULL),
Subproject('3rdparty/mainui', lambda x: not x.env.DEDICATED),
Subproject('3rdparty/vgui_support', lambda x: not x.env.DEDICATED),
Subproject('stub/client', lambda x: not x.env.DEDICATED),
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ REFDLLS = [
RefDll('gles2', False, 'GLWES'),
RefDll('gl4es', False),
RefDll('gles3compat', False),
RefDll('null', False),
def options(opt):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user