Browse Source

filesystem: make all archive searchpath functions private

Alibek Omarov 2 years ago
  1. 17
  2. 191
  3. 341
  4. 173


@ -182,22 +182,11 @@ searchpath_t *FS_FindFile( const char *name, int *index, qboolean gamedironly ); @@ -182,22 +182,11 @@ searchpath_t *FS_FindFile( const char *name, int *index, qboolean gamedironly );
// pak.c
int FS_FileTime_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename );
int FS_FindFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *path );
void FS_PrintInfo_PAK( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size );
void FS_Close_PAK( searchpath_t *search );
void FS_Search_PAK( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive );
file_t *FS_OpenFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char *mode, int pack_ind );
qboolean FS_AddPak_Fullpath( const char *pakfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags );
// wad.c
int FS_FileTime_WAD( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename );
int FS_FindFile_WAD( searchpath_t *search, const char *path );
void FS_PrintInfo_WAD( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size );
void FS_Close_WAD( searchpath_t *search );
void FS_Search_WAD( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive );
byte *FS_LoadWADFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *sizeptr, qboolean gamedironly );
qboolean FS_AddWad_Fullpath( const char *wadfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags );
@ -211,13 +200,7 @@ void FS_WatchFrame( void ); @@ -211,13 +200,7 @@ void FS_WatchFrame( void );
// zip.c
int FS_FileTime_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename );
int FS_FindFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *path );
void FS_PrintInfo_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size );
void FS_Close_ZIP( searchpath_t *search );
void FS_Search_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive );
byte *FS_LoadZIPFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *sizeptr, qboolean gamedironly );
file_t *FS_OpenFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char *mode, int pack_ind );
qboolean FS_AddZip_Fullpath( const char *zipfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags );


@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ FS_OpenPackedFile @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ FS_OpenPackedFile
Open a packed file using its package file descriptor
file_t *FS_OpenFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char *mode, int pack_ind )
static file_t *FS_OpenFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char *mode, int pack_ind )
dpackfile_t *pfile;
@ -240,83 +240,12 @@ file_t *FS_OpenFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char @@ -240,83 +240,12 @@ file_t *FS_OpenFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char
Adds the given pack to the search path.
The pack type is autodetected by the file extension.
Returns true if the file was successfully added to the
search path or if it was already included.
If keep_plain_dirs is set, the pack will be added AFTER the first sequence of
plain directories.
qboolean FS_AddPak_Fullpath( const char *pakfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags )
searchpath_t *search;
pack_t *pak = NULL;
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( pakfile );
int i, errorcode = PAK_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN;
for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next )
if( search->type == SEARCHPATH_PAK && !Q_stricmp( search->pack->filename, pakfile ))
if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = true;
return true; // already loaded
if( already_loaded )
*already_loaded = false;
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "pak" ))
pak = FS_LoadPackPAK( pakfile, &errorcode );
if( pak )
string fullpath;
search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( searchpath_t ));
search->pack = pak;
search->type = SEARCHPATH_PAK;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
search->flags |= flags;
search->printinfo = FS_PrintInfo_PAK;
search->close = FS_Close_PAK;
search->openfile = FS_OpenFile_PAK;
search->filetime = FS_FileTime_PAK;
search->findfile = FS_FindFile_PAK;
search->search = FS_Search_PAK;
fs_searchpaths = search;
Con_Reportf( "Adding pakfile: %s (%i files)\n", pakfile, pak->numfiles );
// time to add in search list all the wads that contains in current pakfile (if do)
for( i = 0; i < pak->numfiles; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( COM_FileExtension( pak->files[i].name ), "wad" ))
Q_snprintf( fullpath, MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", pakfile, pak->files[i].name );
FS_AddWad_Fullpath( fullpath, NULL, flags );
return true;
if( errorcode != PAK_LOAD_NO_FILES )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_AddPak_Fullpath: unable to load pak \"%s\"\n", pakfile );
return false;
int FS_FindFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *path )
static int FS_FindFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *path )
int left, right, middle;
@ -345,7 +274,13 @@ int FS_FindFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *path ) @@ -345,7 +274,13 @@ int FS_FindFile_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *path )
return -1;
void FS_Search_PAK( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive )
static void FS_Search_PAK( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive )
string temp;
const char *slash, *backslash, *colon, *separator;
@ -385,17 +320,35 @@ void FS_Search_PAK( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *patter @@ -385,17 +320,35 @@ void FS_Search_PAK( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *patter
int FS_FileTime_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename )
static int FS_FileTime_PAK( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename )
return search->pack->filetime;
void FS_PrintInfo_PAK( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size )
static void FS_PrintInfo_PAK( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size )
Q_snprintf( dst, size, "%s (%i files)", search->pack->filename, search->pack->numfiles );
void FS_Close_PAK( searchpath_t *search )
static void FS_Close_PAK( searchpath_t *search )
if( search->pack->files )
Mem_Free( search->pack->files );
@ -403,3 +356,81 @@ void FS_Close_PAK( searchpath_t *search ) @@ -403,3 +356,81 @@ void FS_Close_PAK( searchpath_t *search )
close( search->pack->handle );
Mem_Free( search->pack );
Adds the given pack to the search path.
The pack type is autodetected by the file extension.
Returns true if the file was successfully added to the
search path or if it was already included.
If keep_plain_dirs is set, the pack will be added AFTER the first sequence of
plain directories.
qboolean FS_AddPak_Fullpath( const char *pakfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags )
searchpath_t *search;
pack_t *pak = NULL;
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( pakfile );
int i, errorcode = PAK_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN;
for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next )
if( search->type == SEARCHPATH_PAK && !Q_stricmp( search->pack->filename, pakfile ))
if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = true;
return true; // already loaded
if( already_loaded )
*already_loaded = false;
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "pak" ))
pak = FS_LoadPackPAK( pakfile, &errorcode );
if( pak )
string fullpath;
search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( searchpath_t ));
search->pack = pak;
search->type = SEARCHPATH_PAK;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
search->flags |= flags;
search->printinfo = FS_PrintInfo_PAK;
search->close = FS_Close_PAK;
search->openfile = FS_OpenFile_PAK;
search->filetime = FS_FileTime_PAK;
search->findfile = FS_FindFile_PAK;
search->search = FS_Search_PAK;
fs_searchpaths = search;
Con_Reportf( "Adding pakfile: %s (%i files)\n", pakfile, pak->numfiles );
// time to add in search list all the wads that contains in current pakfile (if do)
for( i = 0; i < pak->numfiles; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( COM_FileExtension( pak->files[i].name ), "wad" ))
Q_snprintf( fullpath, MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", pakfile, pak->files[i].name );
FS_AddWad_Fullpath( fullpath, NULL, flags );
return true;
if( errorcode != PAK_LOAD_NO_FILES )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_AddPak_Fullpath: unable to load pak \"%s\"\n", pakfile );
return false;


@ -154,6 +154,48 @@ static const char *W_ExtFromType( signed char lumptype ) @@ -154,6 +154,48 @@ static const char *W_ExtFromType( signed char lumptype )
return "";
Serach for already existed lump
static dlumpinfo_t *W_FindLump( wfile_t *wad, const char *name, const signed char matchtype )
int left, right;
if( !wad || !wad->lumps || matchtype == TYP_NONE )
return NULL;
// look for the file (binary search)
left = 0;
right = wad->numlumps - 1;
while( left <= right )
int middle = (left + right) / 2;
int diff = Q_stricmp( wad->lumps[middle].name, name );
if( !diff )
if(( matchtype == TYP_ANY ) || ( matchtype == wad->lumps[middle].type ))
return &wad->lumps[middle]; // found
else if( wad->lumps[middle].type < matchtype )
diff = 1;
else if( wad->lumps[middle].type > matchtype )
diff = -1;
else break; // not found
// if we're too far in the list
if( diff > 0 ) right = middle - 1;
else left = middle + 1;
return NULL;
@ -362,184 +404,35 @@ static wfile_t *W_Open( const char *filename, int *error ) @@ -362,184 +404,35 @@ static wfile_t *W_Open( const char *filename, int *error )
return wad;
qboolean FS_AddWad_Fullpath( const char *wadfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags )
searchpath_t *search;
wfile_t *wad = NULL;
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( wadfile );
int errorcode = WAD_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN;
for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next )
if( search->type == SEARCHPATH_WAD && !Q_stricmp( search->wad->filename, wadfile ))
if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = true;
return true; // already loaded
if( already_loaded )
*already_loaded = false;
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "wad" ))
wad = W_Open( wadfile, &errorcode );
if( wad )
search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( searchpath_t ));
search->wad = wad;
search->type = SEARCHPATH_WAD;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
search->flags |= flags;
search->printinfo = FS_PrintInfo_WAD;
search->close = FS_Close_WAD;
search->openfile = FS_OpenFile_WAD;
search->filetime = FS_FileTime_WAD;
search->findfile = FS_FindFile_WAD;
search->search = FS_Search_WAD;
fs_searchpaths = search;
Con_Reportf( "Adding wadfile: %s (%i files)\n", wadfile, wad->numlumps );
return true;
if( errorcode != WAD_LOAD_NO_FILES )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_AddWad_Fullpath: unable to load wad \"%s\"\n", wadfile );
return false;
Serach for already existed lump
static dlumpinfo_t *W_FindLump( wfile_t *wad, const char *name, const signed char matchtype )
int left, right;
if( !wad || !wad->lumps || matchtype == TYP_NONE )
return NULL;
// look for the file (binary search)
left = 0;
right = wad->numlumps - 1;
while( left <= right )
int middle = (left + right) / 2;
int diff = Q_stricmp( wad->lumps[middle].name, name );
if( !diff )
static int FS_FileTime_WAD( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename )
if(( matchtype == TYP_ANY ) || ( matchtype == wad->lumps[middle].type ))
return &wad->lumps[middle]; // found
else if( wad->lumps[middle].type < matchtype )
diff = 1;
else if( wad->lumps[middle].type > matchtype )
diff = -1;
else break; // not found
// if we're too far in the list
if( diff > 0 ) right = middle - 1;
else left = middle + 1;
return NULL;
return search->wad->filetime;
reading lump into temp buffer
static byte *W_ReadLump( wfile_t *wad, dlumpinfo_t *lump, fs_offset_t *lumpsizeptr )
static void FS_PrintInfo_WAD( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size )
size_t oldpos, size = 0;
byte *buf;
// assume error
if( lumpsizeptr ) *lumpsizeptr = 0;
// no wads loaded
if( !wad || !lump ) return NULL;
oldpos = FS_Tell( wad->handle ); // don't forget restore original position
if( FS_Seek( wad->handle, lump->filepos, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "W_ReadLump: %s is corrupted\n", lump->name );
FS_Seek( wad->handle, oldpos, SEEK_SET );
return NULL;
buf = (byte *)Mem_Malloc( wad->mempool, lump->disksize );
size = FS_Read( wad->handle, buf, lump->disksize );
if( size < lump->disksize )
Con_Reportf( S_WARN "W_ReadLump: %s is probably corrupted\n", lump->name );
FS_Seek( wad->handle, oldpos, SEEK_SET );
Mem_Free( buf );
return NULL;
if( lumpsizeptr ) *lumpsizeptr = lump->disksize;
FS_Seek( wad->handle, oldpos, SEEK_SET );
return buf;
Q_snprintf( dst, size, "%s (%i files)", search->wad->filename, search->wad->numlumps );
loading lump into the tmp buffer
byte *FS_LoadWADFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *lumpsizeptr, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
int index;
search = FS_FindFile( path, &index, gamedironly );
if( search && search->type == SEARCHPATH_WAD )
return W_ReadLump( search->wad, &search->wad->lumps[index], lumpsizeptr );
return NULL;
int FS_FileTime_WAD( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename )
return search->wad->filetime;
void FS_PrintInfo_WAD( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size )
Q_snprintf( dst, size, "%s (%i files)", search->wad->filename, search->wad->numlumps );
int FS_FindFile_WAD( searchpath_t *search, const char *path )
static int FS_FindFile_WAD( searchpath_t *search, const char *path )
dlumpinfo_t *lump;
signed char type = W_TypeFromExt( path );
@ -582,10 +475,15 @@ int FS_FindFile_WAD( searchpath_t *search, const char *path ) @@ -582,10 +475,15 @@ int FS_FindFile_WAD( searchpath_t *search, const char *path )
return -1;
void FS_Search_WAD( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive )
static void FS_Search_WAD( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive )
string wadpattern, wadname, temp2;
signed char type = W_TypeFromExt( pattern );
@ -662,3 +560,128 @@ void FS_Search_WAD( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *patter @@ -662,3 +560,128 @@ void FS_Search_WAD( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *patter
qboolean FS_AddWad_Fullpath( const char *wadfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags )
searchpath_t *search;
wfile_t *wad = NULL;
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( wadfile );
int errorcode = WAD_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN;
for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next )
if( search->type == SEARCHPATH_WAD && !Q_stricmp( search->wad->filename, wadfile ))
if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = true;
return true; // already loaded
if( already_loaded )
*already_loaded = false;
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "wad" ))
wad = W_Open( wadfile, &errorcode );
if( wad )
search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( searchpath_t ));
search->wad = wad;
search->type = SEARCHPATH_WAD;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
search->flags |= flags;
search->printinfo = FS_PrintInfo_WAD;
search->close = FS_Close_WAD;
search->openfile = FS_OpenFile_WAD;
search->filetime = FS_FileTime_WAD;
search->findfile = FS_FindFile_WAD;
search->search = FS_Search_WAD;
fs_searchpaths = search;
Con_Reportf( "Adding wadfile: %s (%i files)\n", wadfile, wad->numlumps );
return true;
if( errorcode != WAD_LOAD_NO_FILES )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_AddWad_Fullpath: unable to load wad \"%s\"\n", wadfile );
return false;
reading lump into temp buffer
static byte *W_ReadLump( wfile_t *wad, dlumpinfo_t *lump, fs_offset_t *lumpsizeptr )
size_t oldpos, size = 0;
byte *buf;
// assume error
if( lumpsizeptr ) *lumpsizeptr = 0;
// no wads loaded
if( !wad || !lump ) return NULL;
oldpos = FS_Tell( wad->handle ); // don't forget restore original position
if( FS_Seek( wad->handle, lump->filepos, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "W_ReadLump: %s is corrupted\n", lump->name );
FS_Seek( wad->handle, oldpos, SEEK_SET );
return NULL;
buf = (byte *)Mem_Malloc( wad->mempool, lump->disksize );
size = FS_Read( wad->handle, buf, lump->disksize );
if( size < lump->disksize )
Con_Reportf( S_WARN "W_ReadLump: %s is probably corrupted\n", lump->name );
FS_Seek( wad->handle, oldpos, SEEK_SET );
Mem_Free( buf );
return NULL;
if( lumpsizeptr ) *lumpsizeptr = lump->disksize;
FS_Seek( wad->handle, oldpos, SEEK_SET );
return buf;
loading lump into the tmp buffer
byte *FS_LoadWADFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *lumpsizeptr, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
int index;
search = FS_FindFile( path, &index, gamedironly );
if( search && search->type == SEARCHPATH_WAD )
return W_ReadLump( search->wad, &search->wad->lumps[index], lumpsizeptr );
return NULL;


@ -146,7 +146,12 @@ static void FS_EnsureOpenZip( zip_t *zip ) @@ -146,7 +146,12 @@ static void FS_EnsureOpenZip( zip_t *zip )
static void FS_EnsureOpenZip( zip_t *zip ) {}
void FS_CloseZIP( zip_t *zip )
static void FS_CloseZIP( zip_t *zip )
if( zip->files )
Mem_Free( zip->files );
@ -159,7 +164,12 @@ void FS_CloseZIP( zip_t *zip ) @@ -159,7 +164,12 @@ void FS_CloseZIP( zip_t *zip )
Mem_Free( zip );
void FS_Close_ZIP( searchpath_t *search )
static void FS_Close_ZIP( searchpath_t *search )
FS_CloseZIP( search->zip );
@ -412,6 +422,12 @@ file_t *FS_OpenFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char @@ -412,6 +422,12 @@ file_t *FS_OpenFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename, const char
return FS_OpenHandle( search->zip->filename, search->zip->handle, pfile->offset, pfile->size );
byte *FS_LoadZIPFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *sizeptr, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
@ -551,79 +567,34 @@ byte *FS_LoadZIPFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *sizeptr, qboolean gamediron @@ -551,79 +567,34 @@ byte *FS_LoadZIPFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *sizeptr, qboolean gamediron
return NULL;
qboolean FS_AddZip_Fullpath( const char *zipfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags )
searchpath_t *search;
zip_t *zip = NULL;
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( zipfile );
int errorcode = ZIP_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN;
for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next )
if( search->type == SEARCHPATH_ZIP && !Q_stricmp( search->zip->filename, zipfile ))
if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = true;
return true; // already loaded
if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = false;
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "pk3" ) )
zip = FS_LoadZip( zipfile, &errorcode );
if( zip )
string fullpath;
int i;
search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( searchpath_t ) );
search->zip = zip;
search->type = SEARCHPATH_ZIP;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
search->flags |= flags;
search->printinfo = FS_PrintInfo_ZIP;
search->close = FS_Close_ZIP;
search->openfile = FS_OpenFile_ZIP;
search->filetime = FS_FileTime_ZIP;
search->findfile = FS_FindFile_ZIP;
search->search = FS_Search_ZIP;
fs_searchpaths = search;
Con_Reportf( "Adding zipfile: %s (%i files)\n", zipfile, zip->numfiles );
// time to add in search list all the wads that contains in current pakfile (if do)
for( i = 0; i < zip->numfiles; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( COM_FileExtension( zip->files[i].name ), "wad" ))
Q_snprintf( fullpath, MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", zipfile, zip->files[i].name );
FS_AddWad_Fullpath( fullpath, NULL, flags );
return true;
if( errorcode != ZIP_LOAD_NO_FILES )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_AddZip_Fullpath: unable to load zip \"%s\"\n", zipfile );
return false;
int FS_FileTime_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *filename )
return search->zip->filetime;
void FS_PrintInfo_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, char *dst, size_t size )
Q_snprintf( dst, size, "%s (%i files)", search->zip->filename, search->zip->numfiles );
int FS_FindFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *path )
int left, right, middle;
@ -651,6 +622,12 @@ int FS_FindFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *path ) @@ -651,6 +622,12 @@ int FS_FindFile_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, const char *path )
return -1;
void FS_Search_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive )
string temp;
@ -691,3 +668,71 @@ void FS_Search_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *patter @@ -691,3 +668,71 @@ void FS_Search_ZIP( searchpath_t *search, stringlist_t *list, const char *patter
qboolean FS_AddZip_Fullpath( const char *zipfile, qboolean *already_loaded, int flags )
searchpath_t *search;
zip_t *zip = NULL;
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( zipfile );
int errorcode = ZIP_LOAD_COULDNT_OPEN;
for( search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next )
if( search->type == SEARCHPATH_ZIP && !Q_stricmp( search->zip->filename, zipfile ))
if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = true;
return true; // already loaded
if( already_loaded ) *already_loaded = false;
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "pk3" ) )
zip = FS_LoadZip( zipfile, &errorcode );
if( zip )
string fullpath;
int i;
search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Calloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( searchpath_t ) );
search->zip = zip;
search->type = SEARCHPATH_ZIP;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
search->flags |= flags;
search->printinfo = FS_PrintInfo_ZIP;
search->close = FS_Close_ZIP;
search->openfile = FS_OpenFile_ZIP;
search->filetime = FS_FileTime_ZIP;
search->findfile = FS_FindFile_ZIP;
search->search = FS_Search_ZIP;
fs_searchpaths = search;
Con_Reportf( "Adding zipfile: %s (%i files)\n", zipfile, zip->numfiles );
// time to add in search list all the wads that contains in current pakfile (if do)
for( i = 0; i < zip->numfiles; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( COM_FileExtension( zip->files[i].name ), "wad" ))
Q_snprintf( fullpath, MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", zipfile, zip->files[i].name );
FS_AddWad_Fullpath( fullpath, NULL, flags );
return true;
if( errorcode != ZIP_LOAD_NO_FILES )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "FS_AddZip_Fullpath: unable to load zip \"%s\"\n", zipfile );
return false;
