Xash3D FWGS engine.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2283 lines
57 KiB

s_main.c - sound engine
Copyright (C) 2009 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "con_nprint.h"
#include "gl_local.h"
#include "pm_local.h"
#define SND_CLIP_DISTANCE 1000.0f
dma_t dma;
byte *sndpool;
static soundfade_t soundfade;
channel_t channels[MAX_CHANNELS];
sound_t ambient_sfx[NUM_AMBIENTS];
rawchan_t *raw_channels[MAX_RAW_CHANNELS];
qboolean snd_ambient = false;
qboolean snd_fade_sequence = false;
listener_t s_listener;
int total_channels;
int soundtime; // sample PAIRS
int paintedtime; // sample PAIRS
static int trace_count = 0;
static int last_trace_chan = 0;
static byte s_fatphs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8]; // PHS array for snd module
convar_t *s_volume;
convar_t *s_musicvolume;
convar_t *s_show;
convar_t *s_mixahead;
convar_t *s_lerping;
convar_t *s_ambient_level;
convar_t *s_ambient_fade;
convar_t *s_combine_sounds;
convar_t *snd_foliage_db_loss;
convar_t *snd_gain;
convar_t *snd_gain_max;
convar_t *snd_gain_min;
convar_t *s_refdist;
convar_t *s_refdb;
convar_t *s_cull; // cull sounds by geometry
convar_t *s_test; // cvar for testing new effects
convar_t *s_phs;
// dB = 20 log (amplitude/32768) 0 to -90.3dB
// amplitude = 32768 * 10 ^ (dB/20) 0 to +/- 32768
// gain = amplitude/32768 0 to 1.0
_inline float Gain_To_dB( float gain ) { return 20 * log( gain ); }
_inline float dB_To_Gain ( float dB ) { return pow( 10, dB / 20.0f ); }
_inline float Gain_To_Amplitude( float gain ) { return gain * 32768; }
_inline float Amplitude_To_Gain( float amplitude ) { return amplitude / 32768; }
// convert sound db level to approximate sound source radius,
// used only for determining how much of sound is obscured by world
_inline float dB_To_Radius( float db )
float S_GetMasterVolume( void )
float scale = 1.0f;
if( !s_listener.inmenu && soundfade.percent != 0 )
scale = bound( 0.0f, soundfade.percent / 100.0f, 1.0f );
scale = 1.0f - scale;
return s_volume->value * scale;
void S_FadeClientVolume( float fadePercent, float fadeOutSeconds, float holdTime, float fadeInSeconds )
soundfade.starttime = cl.mtime[0];
soundfade.initial_percent = fadePercent;
soundfade.fadeouttime = fadeOutSeconds;
soundfade.holdtime = holdTime;
soundfade.fadeintime = fadeInSeconds;
qboolean S_IsClient( int entnum )
return ( entnum == s_listener.entnum );
// free channel so that it may be allocated by the
// next request to play a sound. If sound is a
// word in a sentence, release the sentence.
// Works for static, dynamic, sentence and stream sounds
void S_FreeChannel( channel_t *ch )
ch->sfx = NULL;
ch->name[0] = '\0';
ch->use_loop = false;
ch->isSentence = false;
// clear mixer
memset( &ch->pMixer, 0, sizeof( ch->pMixer ));
SND_CloseMouth( ch );
void S_UpdateSoundFade( void )
float f, totaltime, elapsed;
// determine current fade value.
// assume no fading remains
soundfade.percent = 0;
totaltime = soundfade.fadeouttime + soundfade.fadeintime + soundfade.holdtime;
elapsed = cl.mtime[0] - soundfade.starttime;
// clock wrapped or reset (BUG) or we've gone far enough
if( elapsed < 0.0f || elapsed >= totaltime || totaltime <= 0.0f )
// We are in the fade time, so determine amount of fade.
if( soundfade.fadeouttime > 0.0f && ( elapsed < soundfade.fadeouttime ))
// ramp up
f = elapsed / soundfade.fadeouttime;
else if( elapsed <= ( soundfade.fadeouttime + soundfade.holdtime )) // Inside the hold time
// stay
f = 1.0f;
// ramp down
f = ( elapsed - ( soundfade.fadeouttime + soundfade.holdtime ) ) / soundfade.fadeintime;
f = 1.0f - f; // backward interpolated...
// spline it.
f = SimpleSpline( f );
f = bound( 0.0f, f, 1.0f );
soundfade.percent = soundfade.initial_percent * f;
if( snd_fade_sequence )
S_FadeMusicVolume( soundfade.percent );
if( snd_fade_sequence && soundfade.percent == 100.0f )
S_StopAllSounds( false );
snd_fade_sequence = false;
All new sounds must traceline once,
but cap the max number of tracelines performed per frame
for longer or looping sounds to SND_TRACE_UPDATE_MAX.
qboolean SND_ChannelOkToTrace( channel_t *ch )
int i, j;
// always trace first time sound is spatialized
if( ch->bfirstpass ) return true;
// if already traced max channels, return
if( trace_count >= SND_TRACE_UPDATE_MAX )
return false;
// search through all channels starting at g_snd_last_trace_chan index
j = last_trace_chan;
for( i = 0; i < total_channels; i++ )
if( &( channels[j] ) == ch )
ch->bTraced = true;
return true;
// wrap channel index
if( ++j >= total_channels )
j = 0;
// why didn't we find this channel?
return false;
reset counters for traceline limiting per audio update
void SND_ChannelTraceReset( void )
int i;
// reset search point - make sure we start counting from a new spot
// in channel list each time
last_trace_chan += SND_TRACE_UPDATE_MAX;
// wrap at total_channels
if( last_trace_chan >= total_channels )
last_trace_chan = last_trace_chan - total_channels;
// reset traceline counter
trace_count = 0;
// reset channel traceline flag
for( i = 0; i < total_channels; i++ )
channels[i].bTraced = false;
Select a channel from the dynamic channel allocation area. For the given entity,
override any other sound playing on the same channel (see code comments below for
qboolean SND_FStreamIsPlaying( sfx_t *sfx )
int ch_idx;
for( ch_idx = NUM_AMBIENTS; ch_idx < MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS; ch_idx++ )
if( channels[ch_idx].sfx == sfx )
return true;
return false;
Select a channel from the dynamic channel allocation area. For the given entity,
override any other sound playing on the same channel (see code comments below for
channel_t *SND_PickDynamicChannel( int entnum, int channel, sfx_t *sfx, qboolean *ignore )
int ch_idx;
int first_to_die;
int life_left;
int timeleft;
// check for replacement sound, or find the best one to replace
first_to_die = -1;
life_left = 0x7fffffff;
if( ignore ) *ignore = false;
if( channel == CHAN_STREAM && SND_FStreamIsPlaying( sfx ))
if( ignore )
*ignore = true;
return NULL;
for( ch_idx = NUM_AMBIENTS; ch_idx < MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS; ch_idx++ )
channel_t *ch = &channels[ch_idx];
// Never override a streaming sound that is currently playing or
// voice over IP data that is playing or any sound on CHAN_VOICE( acting )
if( ch->sfx && ( ch->entchannel == CHAN_STREAM ))
if( channel != CHAN_AUTO && ch->entnum == entnum && ( ch->entchannel == channel || channel == -1 ))
// always override sound from same entity
first_to_die = ch_idx;
// don't let monster sounds override player sounds
if( ch->sfx && S_IsClient( ch->entnum ) && !S_IsClient( entnum ))
// try to pick the sound with the least amount of data left to play
timeleft = 0;
if( ch->sfx )
timeleft = 1; // ch->end - paintedtime
if( timeleft < life_left )
life_left = timeleft;
first_to_die = ch_idx;
if( first_to_die == -1 )
return NULL;
if( channels[first_to_die].sfx )
// don't restart looping sounds for the same entity
wavdata_t *sc = channels[first_to_die].sfx->cache;
if( sc && sc->loopStart != -1 )
channel_t *ch = &channels[first_to_die];
if( ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == channel && ch->sfx == sfx )
if( ignore ) *ignore = true;
// same looping sound, same ent, same channel, don't restart the sound
return NULL;
// be sure and release previous channel if sentence.
S_FreeChannel( &( channels[first_to_die] ));
return &channels[first_to_die];
Pick an empty channel from the static sound area, or allocate a new
channel. Only fails if we're at max_channels (128!!!) or if
we're trying to allocate a channel for a stream sound that is
already playing.
channel_t *SND_PickStaticChannel( const vec3_t pos, sfx_t *sfx )
channel_t *ch = NULL;
int i;
// check for replacement sound, or find the best one to replace
for( i = MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS; i < total_channels; i++ )
if( channels[i].sfx == NULL )
if( VectorCompare( pos, channels[i].origin ) && channels[i].sfx == sfx )
if( i < total_channels )
// reuse an empty static sound channel
ch = &channels[i];
// no empty slots, alloc a new static sound channel
if( total_channels == MAX_CHANNELS )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "S_PickStaticChannel: no free channels\n" );
return NULL;
// get a channel for the static sound
ch = &channels[total_channels];
return ch;
search through all channels for a channel that matches this
soundsource, entchannel and sfx, and perform alteration on channel
as indicated by 'flags' parameter. If shut down request and
sfx contains a sentence name, shut off the sentence.
returns TRUE if sound was altered,
returns FALSE if sound was not found (sound is not playing)
int S_AlterChannel( int entnum, int channel, sfx_t *sfx, int vol, int pitch, int flags )
channel_t *ch;
int i;
if( S_TestSoundChar( sfx->name, '!' ))
// This is a sentence name.
// For sentences: assume that the entity is only playing one sentence
// at a time, so we can just shut off
// any channel that has ch->isSentence >= 0 and matches the entnum.
for( i = NUM_AMBIENTS, ch = channels + NUM_AMBIENTS; i < total_channels; i++, ch++ )
if( ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == channel && ch->sfx && ch->isSentence )
if( flags & SND_CHANGE_PITCH )
ch->basePitch = pitch;
if( flags & SND_CHANGE_VOL )
ch->master_vol = vol;
if( flags & SND_STOP )
S_FreeChannel( ch );
return true;
// channel not found
return false;
// regular sound or streaming sound
for( i = NUM_AMBIENTS, ch = channels + NUM_AMBIENTS; i < total_channels; i++, ch++ )
if( ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == channel && ch->sfx == sfx )
if( flags & SND_CHANGE_PITCH )
ch->basePitch = pitch;
if( flags & SND_CHANGE_VOL )
ch->master_vol = vol;
if( flags & SND_STOP )
S_FreeChannel( ch );
return true;
return false;
always ramp channel gain changes over time
returns ramped gain, given new target gain
float SND_FadeToNewGain( channel_t *ch, float gain_new )
float speed, frametime;
if( gain_new == -1.0 )
// if -1 passed in, just keep fading to existing target
gain_new = ch->ob_gain_target;
// if first time updating, store new gain into gain & target, return
// if gain_new is close to existing gain, store new gain into gain & target, return
if( ch->bfirstpass || ( fabs( gain_new - ch->ob_gain ) < 0.01f ))
ch->ob_gain = gain_new;
ch->ob_gain_target = gain_new;
ch->ob_gain_inc = 0.0f;
return gain_new;
// set up new increment to new target
frametime = s_listener.frametime;
speed = ( frametime / SND_GAIN_FADE_TIME ) * ( gain_new - ch->ob_gain );
ch->ob_gain_inc = fabs( speed );
// ch->ob_gain_inc = fabs( gain_new - ch->ob_gain ) / 10.0f;
ch->ob_gain_target = gain_new;
// if not hit target, keep approaching
if( fabs( ch->ob_gain - ch->ob_gain_target ) > 0.01f )
ch->ob_gain = ApproachVal( ch->ob_gain_target, ch->ob_gain, ch->ob_gain_inc );
// close enough, set gain = target
ch->ob_gain = ch->ob_gain_target;
return ch->ob_gain;
drop gain on channel if sound emitter obscured by
world, unbroken windows, closed doors, large solid entities etc.
float SND_GetGainObscured( channel_t *ch, qboolean fplayersound, qboolean flooping )
float gain = 1.0f;
vec3_t endpoint;
int count = 1;
pmtrace_t tr;
if( fplayersound ) return gain; // unchanged
// during signon just apply regular state machine since world hasn't been
// created or settled yet...
if( !CL_Active( ))
gain = SND_FadeToNewGain( ch, -1.0f );
return gain;
// don't do gain obscuring more than once on short one-shot sounds
if( !ch->bfirstpass && !ch->isSentence && !flooping && ( ch->entchannel != CHAN_STREAM ))
gain = SND_FadeToNewGain( ch, -1.0f );
return gain;
// if long or looping sound, process N channels per frame - set 'processed' flag, clear by
// cycling through all channels - this maintains a cap on traces per frame
if( !SND_ChannelOkToTrace( ch ))
// just keep updating fade to existing target gain - no new trace checking
gain = SND_FadeToNewGain( ch, -1.0 );
return gain;
// set up traceline from player eyes to sound emitting entity origin
VectorCopy( ch->origin, endpoint );
tr = CL_TraceLine( s_listener.origin, endpoint, PM_STUDIO_IGNORE );
if(( tr.fraction < 1.0f || tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid ) && tr.fraction < 0.99f )
// can't see center of sound source:
// build extents based on dB sndlvl of source,
// test to see how many extents are visible,
// drop gain by g_snd_obscured_loss_db per extent hidden
vec3_t endpoints[4];
int i, sndlvl = DIST_MULT_TO_SNDLVL( ch->dist_mult );
vec3_t vecl, vecr, vecl2, vecr2;
vec3_t vsrc_forward;
vec3_t vsrc_right;
vec3_t vsrc_up;
float radius;
// get radius
if( ch->radius > 0 ) radius = ch->radius;
else radius = dB_To_Radius( sndlvl ); // approximate radius from soundlevel
// set up extent endpoints - on upward or downward diagonals, facing player
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) VectorCopy( endpoint, endpoints[i] );
// vsrc_forward is normalized vector from sound source to listener
VectorSubtract( s_listener.origin, endpoint, vsrc_forward );
VectorNormalize( vsrc_forward );
VectorVectors( vsrc_forward, vsrc_right, vsrc_up );
VectorAdd( vsrc_up, vsrc_right, vecl );
// if src above listener, force 'up' vector to point down - create diagonals up & down
if( endpoint[2] > s_listener.origin[2] + ( 10 * 12 ))
vsrc_up[2] = -vsrc_up[2];
VectorSubtract( vsrc_up, vsrc_right, vecr );
VectorNormalize( vecl );
VectorNormalize( vecr );
// get diagonal vectors from sound source
VectorScale( vecl, radius, vecl2 );
VectorScale( vecr, radius, vecr2 );
VectorScale( vecl, (radius / 2.0f), vecl );
VectorScale( vecr, (radius / 2.0f), vecr );
// endpoints from diagonal vectors
VectorAdd( endpoints[0], vecl, endpoints[0] );
VectorAdd( endpoints[1], vecr, endpoints[1] );
VectorAdd( endpoints[2], vecl2, endpoints[2] );
VectorAdd( endpoints[3], vecr2, endpoints[3] );
// drop gain for each point on radius diagonal that is obscured
for( count = 0, i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
// UNDONE: some endpoints are in walls - in this case, trace from the wall hit location
tr = CL_TraceLine( s_listener.origin, endpoints[i], PM_STUDIO_IGNORE );
if(( tr.fraction < 1.0f || tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid ) && tr.fraction < 0.99f && !tr.startsolid )
// skip first obscured point: at least 2 points + center should be obscured to hear db loss
if( ++count > 1 ) gain = gain * dB_To_Gain( SND_OBSCURED_LOSS_DB );
// crossfade to new gain
gain = SND_FadeToNewGain( ch, gain );
return gain;
The complete gain calculation, with SNDLVL given in dB is:
GAIN = 1/dist * snd_refdist * 10 ^ (( SNDLVL - snd_refdb - (dist * snd_foliage_db_loss / 1200)) / 20 )
for gain > SND_GAIN_THRESH, start curve smoothing with
GAIN = 1 - 1 / (Y * GAIN ^ SND_GAIN_POWER)
where Y = -1 / ( (SND_GAIN_THRESH ^ SND_GAIN_POWER) * ( SND_GAIN_THRESH - 1 ))
gain curve construction
float SND_GetGain( channel_t *ch, qboolean fplayersound, qboolean flooping, float dist )
float gain = snd_gain->value;
if( ch->dist_mult )
// test additional attenuation
// at 30c, 14.7psi, 60% humidity, 1000Hz == 0.22dB / 100ft.
// dense foliage is roughly 2dB / 100ft
float additional_dB_loss = snd_foliage_db_loss->value * (dist / 1200);
float additional_dist_mult = pow( 10, additional_dB_loss / 20 );
float relative_dist = dist * ch->dist_mult * additional_dist_mult;
// hard code clamp gain to 10x normal (assumes volume and external clipping)
if( relative_dist > 0.1f )
gain *= ( 1.0f / relative_dist );
else gain *= 10.0f;
// if gain passess threshold, compress gain curve such that gain smoothly approaches 1.0
float snd_gain_comp_power = SND_GAIN_COMP_EXP_MAX;
int sndlvl = DIST_MULT_TO_SNDLVL( ch->dist_mult );
float Y;
// decrease compression curve fit for higher sndlvl values
if( sndlvl > SND_DB_MED )
// snd_gain_power varies from max to min as sndlvl varies from 90 to 140
snd_gain_comp_power = RemapVal((float)sndlvl, SND_DB_MED, SND_DB_MAX, SND_GAIN_COMP_EXP_MAX, SND_GAIN_COMP_EXP_MIN );
// calculate crossover point
Y = -1.0f / ( pow( SND_GAIN_COMP_THRESH, snd_gain_comp_power ) * ( SND_GAIN_COMP_THRESH - 1 ));
// calculate compressed gain
gain = 1.0f - 1.0f / (Y * pow( gain, snd_gain_comp_power ));
gain = gain * snd_gain_max->value;
if( gain < snd_gain_min->value )
// sounds less than snd_gain_min fall off to 0 in distance it took them to fall to snd_gain_min
gain = snd_gain_min->value * ( 2.0f - relative_dist * snd_gain_min->value );
if( gain <= 0.0f ) gain = 0.001f; // don't propagate 0 gain
if( fplayersound )
// player weapon sounds get extra gain - this compensates
// for npc distance effect weapons which mix louder as L+R into L, R
if( ch->entchannel == CHAN_WEAPON )
gain = gain * dB_To_Gain( SND_GAIN_PLAYER_WEAPON_DB );
// modify gain if sound source not visible to player
gain = gain * SND_GetGainObscured( ch, fplayersound, flooping );
return gain;
using a 'fat' radius
qboolean SND_CheckPHS( channel_t *ch )
mleaf_t *leaf;
if( !s_phs->value )
return true;
if( !ch->dist_mult && ch->entnum )
return true; // no attenuation
if( ch->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH )
if( Mod_BoxVisible( ch->absmin, ch->absmax, s_listener.pasbytes ))
return true;
leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf( ch->origin, cl.worldmodel->nodes );
if( CHECKVISBIT( s_listener.pasbytes, leaf->cluster ))
return true;
return false;
void S_SpatializeChannel( int *left_vol, int *right_vol, int master_vol, float gain, float dot, float dist )
float lscale, rscale, scale;
rscale = 1.0f + dot;
lscale = 1.0f - dot;
// add in distance effect
if( s_cull->value ) scale = gain * rscale / 2;
else scale = ( 1.0f - dist ) * rscale;
*right_vol = (int)( master_vol * scale );
if( s_cull->value ) scale = gain * lscale / 2;
else scale = ( 1.0f - dist ) * lscale;
*left_vol = (int)( master_vol * scale );
*right_vol = bound( 0, *right_vol, 255 );
*left_vol = bound( 0, *left_vol, 255 );
void SND_Spatialize( channel_t *ch )
vec3_t source_vec;
float dist, dot, gain = 1.0f;
qboolean fplayersound = false;
qboolean looping = false;
wavdata_t *pSource;
// anything coming from the view entity will allways be full volume
if( S_IsClient( ch->entnum ))
if( !s_cull->value )
ch->leftvol = ch->master_vol;
ch->rightvol = ch->master_vol;
// sounds coming from listener actually come from a short distance directly in front of listener
fplayersound = true;
pSource = ch->sfx->cache;
if( ch->use_loop && pSource && pSource->loopStart != -1 )
looping = true;
if( !ch->staticsound )
if( !CL_GetEntitySpatialization( ch ) || !SND_CheckPHS( ch ))
// origin is null and entity not exist on client
ch->leftvol = ch->rightvol = 0;
ch->bfirstpass = false;
// source_vec is vector from listener to sound source
// player sounds come from 1' in front of player
if( fplayersound ) VectorScale( s_listener.forward, 12.0f, source_vec );
else VectorSubtract( ch->origin, s_listener.origin, source_vec );
// normalize source_vec and get distance from listener to source
dist = VectorNormalizeLength( source_vec );
dot = DotProduct( s_listener.right, source_vec );
// for sounds with a radius, spatialize left/right evenly within the radius
if( ch->radius > 0 && dist < ch->radius )
float interval = ch->radius * 0.5f;
float blend = dist - interval;
if( blend < 0 ) blend = 0;
blend /= interval;
// blend is 0.0 - 1.0, from 50% radius -> 100% radius
// at radius * 0.5, dot is 0 (ie: sound centered left/right)
// at radius dot == dot
dot *= blend;
if( s_cull->value )
// calculate gain based on distance, atmospheric attenuation, interposed objects
// perform compression as gain approaches 1.0
gain = SND_GetGain( ch, fplayersound, looping, dist );
// don't pan sounds with no attenuation
if( ch->dist_mult <= 0.0f ) dot = 0.0f;
// fill out channel volumes for single location
S_SpatializeChannel( &ch->leftvol, &ch->rightvol, ch->master_vol, gain, dot, dist * ch->dist_mult );
// if playing a word, set volume
VOX_SetChanVol( ch );
// end of first time spatializing sound
if( CL_Active( )) ch->bfirstpass = false;
Start a sound effect for the given entity on the given channel (ie; voice, weapon etc).
Try to grab a channel out of the 8 dynamic spots available.
Currently used for looping sounds, streaming sounds, sentences, and regular entity sounds.
NOTE: volume is 0.0 - 1.0 and attenuation is 0.0 - 1.0 when passed in.
Pitch changes playback pitch of wave by % above or below 100. Ignored if pitch == 100
NOTE: it's not a good idea to play looping sounds through StartDynamicSound, because
if the looping sound starts out of range, or is bumped from the buffer by another sound
it will never be restarted. Use StartStaticSound (pass CHAN_STATIC to EMIT_SOUND or
void S_StartSound( const vec3_t pos, int ent, int chan, sound_t handle, float fvol, float attn, int pitch, int flags )
wavdata_t *pSource;
sfx_t *sfx = NULL;
channel_t *target_chan, *check;
int vol, ch_idx;
qboolean bIgnore = false;
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
sfx = S_GetSfxByHandle( handle );
if( !sfx ) return;
vol = bound( 0, fvol * 255, 255 );
if( pitch <= 1 ) pitch = PITCH_NORM; // Invasion issues
if( S_AlterChannel( ent, chan, sfx, vol, pitch, flags ))
if( flags & SND_STOP ) return;
// fall through - if we're not trying to stop the sound,
// and we didn't find it (it's not playing), go ahead and start it up
if( !pos ) pos = RI.vieworg;
if( chan == CHAN_STREAM )
SetBits( flags, SND_STOP_LOOPING );
// pick a channel to play on
if( chan == CHAN_STATIC ) target_chan = SND_PickStaticChannel( pos, sfx );
else target_chan = SND_PickDynamicChannel( ent, chan, sfx, &bIgnore );
if( !target_chan )
if( !bIgnore )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "dropped sound \"%s%s\"\n", DEFAULT_SOUNDPATH, sfx->name );
// spatialize
memset( target_chan, 0, sizeof( *target_chan ));
VectorCopy( pos, target_chan->origin );
target_chan->staticsound = ( ent == 0 ) ? true : false;
target_chan->use_loop = (flags & SND_STOP_LOOPING) ? false : true;
target_chan->localsound = (flags & SND_LOCALSOUND) ? true : false;
target_chan->dist_mult = (attn / SND_CLIP_DISTANCE);
target_chan->master_vol = vol;
target_chan->entnum = ent;
target_chan->entchannel = chan;
target_chan->basePitch = pitch;
target_chan->isSentence = false;
target_chan->radius = 0.0f;
target_chan->sfx = sfx;
// initialize gain due to obscured sound source
target_chan->bfirstpass = true;
target_chan->ob_gain = 0.0f;
target_chan->ob_gain_inc = 0.0f;
target_chan->ob_gain_target = 0.0f;
target_chan->bTraced = false;
pSource = NULL;
if( S_TestSoundChar( sfx->name, '!' ))
// this is a sentence
// link all words and load the first word
// NOTE: sentence names stored in the cache lookup are
// prepended with a '!'. Sentence names stored in the
// sentence file do not have a leading '!'.
VOX_LoadSound( target_chan, S_SkipSoundChar( sfx->name ));
Q_strncpy( target_chan->name, sfx->name, sizeof( target_chan->name ));
sfx = target_chan->sfx;
if( sfx ) pSource = sfx->cache;
// regular or streamed sound fx
pSource = S_LoadSound( sfx );
target_chan->name[0] = '\0';
if( !pSource )
S_FreeChannel( target_chan );
SND_Spatialize( target_chan );
// If a client can't hear a sound when they FIRST receive the StartSound message,
// the client will never be able to hear that sound. This is so that out of
// range sounds don't fill the playback buffer. For streaming sounds, we bypass this optimization.
if( !target_chan->leftvol && !target_chan->rightvol )
// looping sounds don't use this optimization because they should stick around until they're killed.
if( !sfx->cache || sfx->cache->loopStart == -1 )
// if this is a streaming sound, play the whole thing.
if( chan != CHAN_STREAM )
S_FreeChannel( target_chan );
return; // not audible at all
// Init client entity mouth movement vars
SND_InitMouth( ent, chan );
for( ch_idx = NUM_AMBIENTS, check = channels + NUM_AMBIENTS; ch_idx < MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS; ch_idx++, check++)
if( check == target_chan ) continue;
if( check->sfx == sfx && !check->pMixer.sample )
// skip up to 0.1 seconds of audio
int skip = COM_RandomLong( 0, (long)( 0.1f * check->sfx->cache->rate ));
S_SetSampleStart( check, sfx->cache, skip );
Restore a sound effect for the given entity on the given channel
void S_RestoreSound( const vec3_t pos, int ent, int chan, sound_t handle, float fvol, float attn, int pitch, int flags, double sample, double end, int wordIndex )
wavdata_t *pSource;
sfx_t *sfx = NULL;
channel_t *target_chan;
qboolean bIgnore = false;
int vol;
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
sfx = S_GetSfxByHandle( handle );
if( !sfx ) return;
vol = bound( 0, fvol * 255, 255 );
if( pitch <= 1 ) pitch = PITCH_NORM; // Invasion issues
// pick a channel to play on
if( chan == CHAN_STATIC ) target_chan = SND_PickStaticChannel( pos, sfx );
else target_chan = SND_PickDynamicChannel( ent, chan, sfx, &bIgnore );
if( !target_chan )
if( !bIgnore )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "dropped sound \"%s%s\"\n", DEFAULT_SOUNDPATH, sfx->name );
// spatialize
memset( target_chan, 0, sizeof( *target_chan ));
VectorCopy( pos, target_chan->origin );
target_chan->staticsound = ( ent == 0 ) ? true : false;
target_chan->use_loop = (flags & SND_STOP_LOOPING) ? false : true;
target_chan->localsound = (flags & SND_LOCALSOUND) ? true : false;
target_chan->dist_mult = (attn / SND_CLIP_DISTANCE);
target_chan->master_vol = vol;
target_chan->entnum = ent;
target_chan->entchannel = chan;
target_chan->basePitch = pitch;
target_chan->isSentence = false;
target_chan->radius = 0.0f;
target_chan->sfx = sfx;
// initialize gain due to obscured sound source
target_chan->bfirstpass = true;
target_chan->ob_gain = 0.0f;
target_chan->ob_gain_inc = 0.0f;
target_chan->ob_gain_target = 0.0f;
target_chan->bTraced = false;
pSource = NULL;
if( S_TestSoundChar( sfx->name, '!' ))
// this is a sentence
// link all words and load the first word
// NOTE: sentence names stored in the cache lookup are
// prepended with a '!'. Sentence names stored in the
// sentence file do not have a leading '!'.
VOX_LoadSound( target_chan, S_SkipSoundChar( sfx->name ));
Q_strncpy( target_chan->name, sfx->name, sizeof( target_chan->name ));
// not a first word in sentence!
if( wordIndex != 0 )
VOX_FreeWord( target_chan ); // release first loaded word
target_chan->wordIndex = wordIndex; // restore current word
VOX_LoadWord( target_chan );
if( target_chan->currentWord )
target_chan->sfx = target_chan->words[target_chan->wordIndex].sfx;
sfx = target_chan->sfx;
pSource = sfx->cache;
sfx = target_chan->sfx;
if( sfx ) pSource = sfx->cache;
// regular or streamed sound fx
pSource = S_LoadSound( sfx );
target_chan->name[0] = '\0';
if( !pSource )
S_FreeChannel( target_chan );
SND_Spatialize( target_chan );
// NOTE: first spatialization may be failed because listener position is invalid at this time
// so we should keep all sounds an actual and waiting for player spawn.
// apply the sample offests
target_chan->pMixer.sample = sample;
target_chan->pMixer.forcedEndSample = end;
// Init client entity mouth movement vars
SND_InitMouth( ent, chan );
Start playback of a sound, loaded into the static portion of the channel array.
Currently, this should be used for looping ambient sounds, looping sounds
that should not be interrupted until complete, non-creature sentences,
and one-shot ambient streaming sounds. Can also play 'regular' sounds one-shot,
in case designers want to trigger regular game sounds.
Pitch changes playback pitch of wave by % above or below 100. Ignored if pitch == 100
NOTE: volume is 0.0 - 1.0 and attenuation is 0.0 - 1.0 when passed in.
void S_AmbientSound( const vec3_t pos, int ent, sound_t handle, float fvol, float attn, int pitch, int flags )
channel_t *ch;
wavdata_t *pSource = NULL;
sfx_t *sfx = NULL;
int vol, fvox = 0;
float radius = SND_RADIUS_MAX;
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
sfx = S_GetSfxByHandle( handle );
if( !sfx ) return;
vol = bound( 0, fvol * 255, 255 );
if( pitch <= 1 ) pitch = PITCH_NORM; // Invasion issues
if( S_AlterChannel( ent, CHAN_STATIC, sfx, vol, pitch, flags ))
if( flags & SND_STOP ) return;
// pick a channel to play on from the static area
ch = SND_PickStaticChannel( pos, sfx );
if( !ch ) return;
VectorCopy( pos, ch->origin );
ch->entnum = ent;
CL_GetEntitySpatialization( ch );
if( S_TestSoundChar( sfx->name, '!' ))
// this is a sentence. link words to play in sequence.
// NOTE: sentence names stored in the cache lookup are
// prepended with a '!'. Sentence names stored in the
// sentence file do not have a leading '!'.
// link all words and load the first word
VOX_LoadSound( ch, S_SkipSoundChar( sfx->name ));
Q_strncpy( ch->name, sfx->name, sizeof( ch->name ));
sfx = ch->sfx;
if( sfx ) pSource = sfx->cache;
fvox = 1;
// load regular or stream sound
pSource = S_LoadSound( sfx );
ch->sfx = sfx;
ch->isSentence = false;
ch->name[0] = '\0';
if( !pSource )
S_FreeChannel( ch );
// never update positions if source entity is 0
ch->staticsound = ( ent == 0 ) ? true : false;
ch->use_loop = (flags & SND_STOP_LOOPING) ? false : true;
ch->localsound = (flags & SND_LOCALSOUND) ? true : false;
ch->master_vol = vol;
ch->dist_mult = (attn / SND_CLIP_DISTANCE);
ch->entchannel = CHAN_STATIC;
ch->basePitch = pitch;
ch->radius = radius;
// initialize gain due to obscured sound source
ch->bfirstpass = true;
ch->ob_gain = 0.0;
ch->ob_gain_inc = 0.0;
ch->ob_gain_target = 0.0;
ch->bTraced = false;
SND_Spatialize( ch );
void S_StartLocalSound( const char *name, float volume, qboolean reliable )
sound_t sfxHandle;
int channel = CHAN_AUTO;
if( reliable ) channel = CHAN_STATIC;
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
sfxHandle = S_RegisterSound( name );
S_StartSound( NULL, s_listener.entnum, channel, sfxHandle, volume, ATTN_NONE, PITCH_NORM, flags );
grab all static sounds playing at current channel
int S_GetCurrentStaticSounds( soundlist_t *pout, int size )
int sounds_left = size;
int i;
if( !dma.initialized )
return 0;
for( i = MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS; i < total_channels && sounds_left; i++ )
if( channels[i].entchannel == CHAN_STATIC && channels[i].sfx && channels[i].sfx->name[0] )
if( channels[i].isSentence && channels[i].name[0] )
Q_strncpy( pout->name, channels[i].name, sizeof( pout->name ));
else Q_strncpy( pout->name, channels[i].sfx->name, sizeof( pout->name ));
pout->entnum = channels[i].entnum;
VectorCopy( channels[i].origin, pout->origin );
pout->volume = (float)channels[i].master_vol / 255.0f;
pout->attenuation = channels[i].dist_mult * SND_CLIP_DISTANCE;
pout->looping = ( channels[i].use_loop && channels[i].sfx->cache->loopStart != -1 );
pout->pitch = channels[i].basePitch;
pout->channel = channels[i].entchannel;
pout->wordIndex = channels[i].wordIndex;
pout->samplePos = channels[i].pMixer.sample;
pout->forcedEnd = channels[i].pMixer.forcedEndSample;
return ( size - sounds_left );
grab all static sounds playing at current channel
int S_GetCurrentDynamicSounds( soundlist_t *pout, int size )
int sounds_left = size;
int i, looped;
if( !dma.initialized )
return 0;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS && sounds_left; i++ )
if( !channels[i].sfx || !channels[i].sfx->name[0] || !Q_stricmp( channels[i].sfx->name, "*default" ))
continue; // don't serialize default sounds
looped = ( channels[i].use_loop && channels[i].sfx->cache->loopStart != -1 );
if( channels[i].entchannel == CHAN_STATIC && looped && !CL_IsQuakeCompatible())
continue; // never serialize static looped sounds. It will be restoring in game code
if( channels[i].isSentence && channels[i].name[0] )
Q_strncpy( pout->name, channels[i].name, sizeof( pout->name ));
else Q_strncpy( pout->name, channels[i].sfx->name, sizeof( pout->name ));
pout->entnum = (channels[i].entnum < 0) ? 0 : channels[i].entnum;
VectorCopy( channels[i].origin, pout->origin );
pout->volume = (float)channels[i].master_vol / 255.0f;
pout->attenuation = channels[i].dist_mult * SND_CLIP_DISTANCE;
pout->pitch = channels[i].basePitch;
pout->channel = channels[i].entchannel;
pout->wordIndex = channels[i].wordIndex;
pout->samplePos = channels[i].pMixer.sample;
pout->forcedEnd = channels[i].pMixer.forcedEndSample;
pout->looping = looped;
return ( size - sounds_left );
void S_InitAmbientChannels( void )
int ambient_channel;
channel_t *chan;
for( ambient_channel = 0; ambient_channel < NUM_AMBIENTS; ambient_channel++ )
chan = &channels[ambient_channel];
chan->staticsound = true;
chan->use_loop = true;
chan->entchannel = CHAN_STATIC;
chan->dist_mult = (ATTN_NONE / SND_CLIP_DISTANCE);
chan->basePitch = PITCH_NORM;
void S_UpdateAmbientSounds( void )
mleaf_t *leaf;
float vol;
int ambient_channel;
channel_t *chan;
if( !snd_ambient ) return;
// calc ambient sound levels
if( !cl.worldmodel ) return;
leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf( s_listener.origin, cl.worldmodel->nodes );
if( !leaf || !s_ambient_level->value )
for( ambient_channel = 0; ambient_channel < NUM_AMBIENTS; ambient_channel++ )
channels[ambient_channel].sfx = NULL;
for( ambient_channel = 0; ambient_channel < NUM_AMBIENTS; ambient_channel++ )
chan = &channels[ambient_channel];
chan->sfx = S_GetSfxByHandle( ambient_sfx[ambient_channel] );
// ambient is unused
if( !chan->sfx )
chan->rightvol = 0;
chan->leftvol = 0;
vol = s_ambient_level->value * leaf->ambient_sound_level[ambient_channel];
if( vol < 0 ) vol = 0;
// don't adjust volume too fast
if( chan->master_vol < vol )
chan->master_vol += s_listener.frametime * s_ambient_fade->value;
if( chan->master_vol > vol ) chan->master_vol = vol;
else if( chan->master_vol > vol )
chan->master_vol -= s_listener.frametime * s_ambient_fade->value;
if( chan->master_vol < vol ) chan->master_vol = vol;
chan->leftvol = chan->rightvol = chan->master_vol;
rawchan_t *S_FindRawChannel( int entnum, qboolean create )
int i, free;
int best, best_time;
size_t raw_samples = 0;
rawchan_t *ch;
if( !entnum ) return NULL; // world is unused
// check for replacement sound, or find the best one to replace
best_time = 0x7fffffff;
best = free = -1;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_RAW_CHANNELS; i++ )
ch = raw_channels[i];
if( free < 0 && !ch )
free = i;
else if( ch )
int time;
// exact match
if( ch->entnum == entnum )
return ch;
time = ch->s_rawend - paintedtime;
if( time < best_time )
best = i;
best_time = time;
if( !create ) return NULL;
if( free >= 0 ) best = free;
if( best < 0 ) return NULL; // no free slots
if( !raw_channels[best] )
raw_samples = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES;
raw_channels[best] = Mem_Calloc( sndpool, sizeof( *ch ) + sizeof( portable_samplepair_t ) * ( raw_samples - 1 ));
ch = raw_channels[best];
ch->max_samples = raw_samples;
ch->entnum = entnum;
ch->s_rawend = 0;
return ch;
static uint S_RawSamplesStereo( portable_samplepair_t *rawsamples, uint rawend, uint max_samples, uint samples, uint rate, word width, word channels, const byte *data )
uint fracstep, samplefrac;
uint src, dst;
if( rawend < paintedtime )
rawend = paintedtime;
fracstep = ((double) rate / (double)SOUND_DMA_SPEED) * (double)(1 << S_RAW_SAMPLES_PRECISION_BITS);
samplefrac = 0;
if( width == 2 )
const short *in = (const short *)data;
if( channels == 2 )
for( src = 0; src < samples; samplefrac += fracstep, src = ( samplefrac >> S_RAW_SAMPLES_PRECISION_BITS ))
dst = rawend++ & ( max_samples - 1 );
rawsamples[dst].left = in[src*2+0];
rawsamples[dst].right = in[src*2+1];
for( src = 0; src < samples; samplefrac += fracstep, src = ( samplefrac >> S_RAW_SAMPLES_PRECISION_BITS ))
dst = rawend++ & ( max_samples - 1 );
rawsamples[dst].left = in[src];
rawsamples[dst].right = in[src];
if( channels == 2 )
const char *in = (const char *)data;
for( src = 0; src < samples; samplefrac += fracstep, src = ( samplefrac >> S_RAW_SAMPLES_PRECISION_BITS ))
dst = rawend++ & ( max_samples - 1 );
rawsamples[dst].left = in[src*2+0] << 8;
rawsamples[dst].right = in[src*2+1] << 8;
for( src = 0; src < samples; samplefrac += fracstep, src = ( samplefrac >> S_RAW_SAMPLES_PRECISION_BITS ))
dst = rawend++ & ( max_samples - 1 );
rawsamples[dst].left = ( data[src] - 128 ) << 8;
rawsamples[dst].right = ( data[src] - 128 ) << 8;
return rawend;
static void S_RawEntSamples( int entnum, uint samples, uint rate, word width, word channels, const byte *data, int snd_vol )
rawchan_t *ch;
if( snd_vol < 0 )
snd_vol = 0;
if( !( ch = S_FindRawChannel( entnum, true )))
ch->master_vol = snd_vol;
ch->dist_mult = (ATTN_NONE / SND_CLIP_DISTANCE);
ch->s_rawend = S_RawSamplesStereo( ch->rawsamples, ch->s_rawend, ch->max_samples, samples, rate, width, channels, data );
ch->leftvol = ch->rightvol = snd_vol;
void S_RawSamples( uint samples, uint rate, word width, word channels, const byte *data, int entnum )
int snd_vol;
if( entnum < 0 ) snd_vol = 256; // bg track or movie track
if( snd_vol < 0 ) snd_vol = 0; // fixup negative values
S_RawEntSamples( entnum, samples, rate, width, channels, data, snd_vol );
static void S_PositionedRawSamples( int entnum, float fvol, float attn, uint samples, uint rate, word width, word channels, const byte *data )
rawchan_t *ch;
if( entnum < 0 || entnum >= GI->max_edicts )
if( !( ch = S_FindRawChannel( entnum, true )))
ch->master_vol = bound( 0, fvol * 255, 255 );
ch->dist_mult = (attn / SND_CLIP_DISTANCE);
ch->s_rawend = S_RawSamplesStereo( ch->rawsamples, ch->s_rawend, ch->max_samples, samples, rate, width, channels, data );
uint S_GetRawSamplesLength( int entnum )
rawchan_t *ch;
if( !( ch = S_FindRawChannel( entnum, false )))
return 0;
return ch->s_rawend <= paintedtime ? 0 : (float)(ch->s_rawend - paintedtime) * DMA_MSEC_PER_SAMPLE;
void S_ClearRawChannel( int entnum )
rawchan_t *ch;
if( !( ch = S_FindRawChannel( entnum, false )))
ch->s_rawend = 0;
Free raw channel that have been idling for too long.
static void S_FreeIdleRawChannels( void )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_RAW_CHANNELS; i++ )
rawchan_t *ch = raw_channels[i];
if( !ch ) continue;
if( ch->s_rawend >= paintedtime )
if(( paintedtime - ch->s_rawend ) / SOUND_DMA_SPEED >= S_RAW_SOUND_IDLE_SEC )
raw_channels[i] = NULL;
Mem_Free( ch );
static void S_ClearRawChannels( void )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_RAW_CHANNELS; i++ )
rawchan_t *ch = raw_channels[i];
if( !ch ) continue;
ch->s_rawend = 0;
static void S_SpatializeRawChannels( void )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_RAW_CHANNELS; i++ )
rawchan_t *ch = raw_channels[i];
vec3_t source_vec;
float dist, dot;
if( !ch ) continue;
if( ch->s_rawend < paintedtime )
ch->leftvol = ch->rightvol = 0;
// spatialization
if( !S_IsClient( ch->entnum ) && ch->dist_mult && ch->entnum >= 0 && ch->entnum < GI->max_edicts )
if( !CL_GetMovieSpatialization( ch ))
// origin is null and entity not exist on client
ch->leftvol = ch->rightvol = 0;
VectorSubtract( ch->origin, s_listener.origin, source_vec );
// normalize source_vec and get distance from listener to source
dist = VectorNormalizeLength( source_vec );
dot = DotProduct( s_listener.right, source_vec );
// for sounds with a radius, spatialize left/right evenly within the radius
if( ch->radius > 0 && dist < ch->radius )
float interval = ch->radius * 0.5f;
float blend = dist - interval;
if( blend < 0 ) blend = 0;
blend /= interval;
// blend is 0.0 - 1.0, from 50% radius -> 100% radius
// at radius * 0.5, dot is 0 (ie: sound centered left/right)
// at radius dot == dot
dot *= blend;
// don't pan sounds with no attenuation
if( ch->dist_mult <= 0.0f ) dot = 0.0f;
// fill out channel volumes for single location
S_SpatializeChannel( &ch->leftvol, &ch->rightvol, ch->master_vol, 1.0f, dot, dist * ch->dist_mult );
ch->leftvol = ch->rightvol = ch->master_vol;
static void S_FreeRawChannels( void )
int i;
// free raw samples
for( i = 0; i < MAX_RAW_CHANNELS; i++ )
if( raw_channels[i] )
Mem_Free( raw_channels[i] );
memset( raw_channels, 0, sizeof( raw_channels ));
void S_ClearBuffer( void )
SNDDMA_BeginPainting ();
if( dma.buffer ) memset( dma.buffer, 0, dma.samples * 2 );
SNDDMA_Submit ();
MIX_ClearAllPaintBuffers( PAINTBUFFER_SIZE, true );
stop all sounds for entity on a channel.
void S_StopSound( int entnum, int channel, const char *soundname )
sfx_t *sfx;
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
sfx = S_FindName( soundname, NULL );
S_AlterChannel( entnum, channel, sfx, 0, 0, SND_STOP );
void S_StopAllSounds( qboolean ambient )
int i;
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
total_channels = MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS; // no statics
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++ )
if( !channels[i].sfx ) continue;
S_FreeChannel( &channels[i] );
// clear all the channels
memset( channels, 0, sizeof( channels ));
// restart the ambient sounds
if( ambient ) S_InitAmbientChannels ();
S_ClearBuffer ();
// clear any remaining soundfade
memset( &soundfade, 0, sizeof( soundfade ));
void S_UpdateChannels( void )
uint endtime;
int samps;
if( !dma.buffer ) return;
// updates DMA time
soundtime = SNDDMA_GetSoundtime();
// soundtime - total samples that have been played out to hardware at dmaspeed
// paintedtime - total samples that have been mixed at speed
// endtime - target for samples in mixahead buffer at speed
endtime = soundtime + s_mixahead->value * SOUND_DMA_SPEED;
samps = dma.samples >> 1;
if((int)(endtime - soundtime) > samps )
endtime = soundtime + samps;
if(( endtime - paintedtime ) & 0x3 )
// the difference between endtime and painted time should align on
// boundaries of 4 samples. this is important when upsampling from 11khz -> 44khz.
endtime -= ( endtime - paintedtime ) & 0x3;
MIX_PaintChannels( endtime );
Don't let sound skip if going slow
void S_ExtraUpdate( void )
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
S_UpdateChannels ();
Called once each time through the main loop
void SND_UpdateSound( void )
int i, j, total;
channel_t *ch, *combine;
con_nprint_t info;
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
// if the loading plaque is up, clear everything
// out to make sure we aren't looping a dirty
// dma buffer while loading
// update any client side sound fade
// release raw-channels that no longer used more than 10 secs
s_listener.entnum = cl.viewentity; // can be camera entity too
s_listener.frametime = (cl.time - cl.oldtime);
s_listener.waterlevel = cl.local.waterlevel;
s_listener.active = CL_IsInGame();
s_listener.inmenu = CL_IsInMenu();
s_listener.paused = cl.paused;
VectorCopy( RI.vieworg, s_listener.origin );
VectorCopy( cl.simvel, s_listener.velocity );
AngleVectors( RI.viewangles, s_listener.forward, s_listener.right, s_listener.up );
if( cl.worldmodel != NULL )
Mod_FatPVS( s_listener.origin, FATPHS_RADIUS, s_listener.pasbytes, world.visbytes, false, !s_phs->value );
// update general area ambient sound sources
combine = NULL;
// update spatialization for static and dynamic sounds
for( i = NUM_AMBIENTS, ch = channels + NUM_AMBIENTS; i < total_channels; i++, ch++ )
if( !ch->sfx ) continue;
SND_Spatialize( ch ); // respatialize channel
if( !ch->leftvol && !ch->rightvol )
// try to combine static sounds with a previous channel of the same
// sound effect so we don't mix five torches every frame
// g-cont: perfomance option, probably kill stereo effect in most cases
if( i >= MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS && s_combine_sounds->value )
// see if it can just use the last one
if( combine && combine->sfx == ch->sfx )
combine->leftvol += ch->leftvol;
combine->rightvol += ch->rightvol;
ch->leftvol = ch->rightvol = 0;
// search for one
combine = channels + MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS;
for( j = MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS; j < i; j++, combine++ )
if( combine->sfx == ch->sfx )
if( j == total_channels )
combine = NULL;
if( combine != ch )
combine->leftvol += ch->leftvol;
combine->rightvol += ch->rightvol;
ch->leftvol = ch->rightvol = 0;
// debugging output
if( CVAR_TO_BOOL( s_show ))
info.color[0] = 1.0f;
info.color[1] = 0.6f;
info.color[2] = 0.0f;
info.time_to_live = 0.5f;
for( i = 0, total = 1, ch = channels; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++, ch++ )
if( ch->sfx && ( ch->leftvol || ch->rightvol ))
info.index = total;
Con_NXPrintf( &info, "chan %i, pos (%.f %.f %.f) ent %i, lv%3i rv%3i %s\n",
i, ch->origin[0], ch->origin[1], ch->origin[2], ch->entnum, ch->leftvol, ch->rightvol, ch->sfx->name );
// to differentiate modes
if( s_cull->value && s_phs->value )
VectorSet( info.color, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
else if( s_phs->value )
VectorSet( info.color, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
else if( s_cull->value )
VectorSet( info.color, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
else VectorSet( info.color, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
info.index = 0;
Con_NXPrintf( &info, "room_type: %i ----(%i)---- painted: %i\n", idsp_room, total - 1, paintedtime );
S_StreamBackgroundTrack ();
S_StreamSoundTrack ();
// mix some sound
S_UpdateChannels ();
console functions
void S_Play_f( void )
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
Con_Printf( S_USAGE "play <soundfile>\n" );
S_StartLocalSound( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), VOL_NORM, false );
void S_Play2_f( void )
int i = 1;
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
Con_Printf( S_USAGE "play <soundfile>\n" );
while( i < Cmd_Argc( ))
S_StartLocalSound( Cmd_Argv( i ), VOL_NORM, true );
void S_PlayVol_f( void )
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
Con_Printf( S_USAGE "playvol <soundfile volume>\n" );
S_StartLocalSound( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 2 )), false );
void S_Say_f( void )
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
Con_Printf( S_USAGE "speak <soundfile>\n" );
S_StartLocalSound( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), 1.0f, false );
void S_SayReliable_f( void )
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
Con_Printf( S_USAGE "spk <soundfile>\n" );
S_StartLocalSound( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), 1.0f, true );
void S_Music_f( void )
int c = Cmd_Argc();
// run background track
if( c == 1 )
// blank name stopped last track
else if( c == 2 )
string intro, main, track;
char *ext[] = { "mp3", "wav" };
int i;
Q_strncpy( track, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), sizeof( track ));
Q_snprintf( intro, sizeof( intro ), "%s_intro", Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
Q_snprintf( main, sizeof( main ), "%s_main", Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
const char *intro_path = va( "media/%s.%s", intro, ext[i] );
const char *main_path = va( "media/%s.%s", main, ext[i] );
if( FS_FileExists( intro_path, false ) && FS_FileExists( main_path, false ))
// combined track with introduction and main loop theme
S_StartBackgroundTrack( intro, main, 0, false );
else if( FS_FileExists( va( "media/%s.%s", track, ext[i] ), false ))
// single non-looped theme
S_StartBackgroundTrack( track, NULL, 0, false );
else if( c == 3 )
S_StartBackgroundTrack( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_Argv( 2 ), 0, false );
else if( c == 4 && Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 3 )) != 0 )
// restore command for singleplayer: all arguments are valid
S_StartBackgroundTrack( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_Argv( 2 ), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 3 )), false );
else Con_Printf( S_USAGE "music <musicfile> [loopfile]\n" );
void S_StopSound_f( void )
S_StopAllSounds( true );
void S_SoundFade_f( void )
int c = Cmd_Argc();
float fadeTime = 5.0f;
if( c == 2 )
fadeTime = bound( 1.0f, atof( Cmd_Argv( 1 )), 60.0f );
S_FadeClientVolume( 100.0f, fadeTime, 1.0f, 0.0f );
snd_fade_sequence = true;
void S_SoundInfo_f( void )
Con_Printf( "Audio: DirectSound\n" );
Con_Printf( "%5d channel(s)\n", 2 );
Con_Printf( "%5d samples\n", dma.samples );
Con_Printf( "%5d bits/sample\n", 16 );
Con_Printf( "%5d bytes/sec\n", SOUND_DMA_SPEED );
Con_Printf( "%5d total_channels\n", total_channels );
S_PrintBackgroundTrackState ();
qboolean S_Init( void )
if( Sys_CheckParm( "-nosound" ))
Con_Printf( "Audio: Disabled\n" );
return false;
s_volume = Cvar_Get( "volume", "0.7", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "sound volume" );
s_musicvolume = Cvar_Get( "MP3Volume", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "background music volume" );
s_mixahead = Cvar_Get( "_snd_mixahead", "0.12", 0, "how much sound to mix ahead of time" );
s_show = Cvar_Get( "s_show", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "show playing sounds" );
s_lerping = Cvar_Get( "s_lerping", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "apply interpolation to sound output" );
s_ambient_level = Cvar_Get( "ambient_level", "0.3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "volume of environment noises (water and wind)" );
s_ambient_fade = Cvar_Get( "ambient_fade", "1000", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "rate of volume fading when client is moving" );
s_combine_sounds = Cvar_Get( "s_combine_channels", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "combine channels with same sounds" );
snd_foliage_db_loss = Cvar_Get( "snd_foliage_db_loss", "4", 0, "foliage loss factor" );
snd_gain_max = Cvar_Get( "snd_gain_max", "1", 0, "gain maximal threshold" );
snd_gain_min = Cvar_Get( "snd_gain_min", "0.01", 0, "gain minimal threshold" );
s_refdist = Cvar_Get( "s_refdist", "36", 0, "soundlevel reference distance" );
s_refdb = Cvar_Get( "s_refdb", "60", 0, "soundlevel refernce dB" );
snd_gain = Cvar_Get( "snd_gain", "1", 0, "sound default gain" );
s_cull = Cvar_Get( "s_cull", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "cull sounds by geometry" );
s_test = Cvar_Get( "s_test", "0", 0, "engine developer cvar for quick testing new features" );
s_phs = Cvar_Get( "s_phs", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "cull sounds by PHS" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "play", S_Play_f, "playing a specified sound file" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "play2", S_Play2_f, "playing a group of specified sound files" ); // nehahra stuff
Cmd_AddCommand( "playvol", S_PlayVol_f, "playing a specified sound file with specified volume" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "stopsound", S_StopSound_f, "stop all sounds" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "music", S_Music_f, "starting a background track" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "soundlist", S_SoundList_f, "display loaded sounds" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "s_info", S_SoundInfo_f, "print sound system information" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "s_fade", S_SoundFade_f, "fade all sounds then stop all" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "+voicerecord", Cmd_Null_f, "start voice recording (non-implemented)" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "-voicerecord", Cmd_Null_f, "stop voice recording (non-implemented)" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "spk", S_SayReliable_f, "reliable play a specified sententce" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "speak", S_Say_f, "playing a specified sententce" );
if( !SNDDMA_Init( host.hWnd ))
Con_Printf( "Audio: sound system can't be initialized\n" );
return false;
sndpool = Mem_AllocPool( "Sound Zone" );
soundtime = 0;
paintedtime = 0;
// clear ambient sounds
memset( ambient_sfx, 0, sizeof( ambient_sfx ));
MIX_InitAllPaintbuffers ();
SX_Init ();
S_InitScaletable ();
S_StopAllSounds ( true );
S_InitSounds ();
VOX_Init ();
return true;
// =======================================================================
// Shutdown sound engine
// =======================================================================
void S_Shutdown( void )
if( !dma.initialized ) return;
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "play" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "playvol" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "stopsound" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "music" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "soundlist" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "s_info" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "s_fade" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "+voicerecord" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "-voicerecord" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "speak" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "spk" );
S_StopAllSounds (false);
S_FreeRawChannels ();
S_FreeSounds ();
VOX_Shutdown ();
SX_Free ();
SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
MIX_FreeAllPaintbuffers ();
Mem_FreePool( &sndpool );