Xash3D FWGS engine.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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sv_client.c - client interactions
Copyright (C) 2008 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "net_encode.h"
#include "net_api.h"
const char *clc_strings[clc_lastmsg+1] =
typedef struct ucmd_s
const char *name;
qboolean (*func)( sv_client_t *cl );
} ucmd_t;
static int g_userid = 1;
Returns a challenge number that can be used
in a subsequent client_connect command.
We do this to prevent denial of service attacks that
flood the server with invalid connection IPs. With a
challenge, they must give a valid IP address.
void SV_GetChallenge( netadr_t from )
int i, oldest = 0;
double oldestTime;
oldestTime = 0x7fffffff;
// see if we already have a challenge for this ip
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHALLENGES; i++ )
if( !svs.challenges[i].connected && NET_CompareAdr( from, svs.challenges[i].adr ))
if( svs.challenges[i].time < oldestTime )
oldestTime = svs.challenges[i].time;
oldest = i;
// this is the first time this client has asked for a challenge
svs.challenges[oldest].challenge = (COM_RandomLong( 0, 0xFFFF ) << 16) | COM_RandomLong( 0, 0xFFFF );
svs.challenges[oldest].adr = from;
svs.challenges[oldest].time = host.realtime;
svs.challenges[oldest].connected = false;
i = oldest;
// send it back
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, svs.challenges[i].adr, "challenge %i", svs.challenges[i].challenge );
int SV_GetFragmentSize( void *pcl, fragsize_t mode )
sv_client_t *cl = (sv_client_t*)pcl;
int cl_frag_size;
if( Netchan_IsLocal( &cl->netchan ))
// allow setting unreliable limit with "setinfo cl_urmax"
cl_frag_size = Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_urmax" ));
if( cl_frag_size == 0 )
return bound( FRAGMENT_MAX_SIZE, cl_frag_size, NET_MAX_MESSAGE );
cl_frag_size = Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_dlmax" ));
cl_frag_size = bound( FRAGMENT_MIN_SIZE, cl_frag_size, FRAGMENT_MAX_SIZE );
if( mode != FRAGSIZE_FRAG )
if( cl->extensions & NET_EXT_SPLITSIZE )
return cl_frag_size;
return 0; // original engine behaviour
// get in-game fragmentation size
if( cl->state == cs_spawned )
// allow setting in-game fragsize with "setinfo cl_frmax"
int frmax = Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_frmax" ));
if( frmax < FRAGMENT_MIN_SIZE || frmax > FRAGMENT_MAX_SIZE )
cl_frag_size = frmax;
cl_frag_size /= 2;// add window for unreliable
return cl_frag_size - HEADER_BYTES;
Rejects connection request and sends back a message
void SV_RejectConnection( netadr_t from, char *fmt, ... )
char text[1024];
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
Q_vsnprintf( text, sizeof( text ), fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
Con_Reportf( "%s connection refused. Reason: %s\n", NET_AdrToString( from ), text );
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "errormsg\n^1Server was reject the connection:^7 %s", text );
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n^1Server was reject the connection:^7 %s", text );
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "disconnect\n" );
for some reasons file can't be downloaded
tell the client about this problem
void SV_FailDownload( sv_client_t *cl, const char *filename )
if( !COM_CheckString( filename ))
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &cl->netchan.message, svc_filetxferfailed );
MSG_WriteString( &cl->netchan.message, filename );
Make sure connecting client is not spoofing
int SV_CheckChallenge( netadr_t from, int challenge )
int i;
// see if the challenge is valid
// don't care if it is a local address.
if( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ))
return 1;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHALLENGES; i++ )
if( NET_CompareAdr( from, svs.challenges[i].adr ))
if( challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge )
break; // valid challenge
#if 0
// g-cont. this breaks multiple connections from single machine
SV_RejectConnection( from, "bad challenge %i\n", challenge );
return 0;
SV_RejectConnection( from, "no challenge for your address\n" );
return 0;
svs.challenges[i].connected = true;
return 1;
Determine if client is outside appropriate address range
int SV_CheckIPRestrictions( netadr_t from )
if( sv_lan.value )
if( !NET_CompareClassBAdr( from, net_local ) && !NET_IsReservedAdr( from ))
return 0;
return 1;
Get slot # and set client_t pointer for player, if possible
We don't do this search on a "reconnect, we just reuse the slot
int SV_FindEmptySlot( netadr_t from, int *pslot, sv_client_t **ppClient )
sv_client_t *cl;
int i;
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients; i++, cl++ )
if( cl->state == cs_free )
*ppClient = cl;
*pslot = i;
return 1;
SV_RejectConnection( from, "server is full\n" );
return 0;
A connection request that did not come from the master
void SV_ConnectClient( netadr_t from )
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
char protinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
sv_client_t *cl, *newcl = NULL;
qboolean reconnect = false;
int nClientSlot = 0;
int qport, version;
int i, count = 0;
int challenge;
const char *s;
int extensions;
if( Cmd_Argc() < 5 )
SV_RejectConnection( from, "insufficient connection info\n" );
version = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
if( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
SV_RejectConnection( from, "unsupported protocol (%i should be %i)\n", version, PROTOCOL_VERSION );
challenge = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 2 )); // get challenge
// see if the challenge is valid (local clients don't need to challenge)
if( !SV_CheckChallenge( from, challenge ))
s = Cmd_Argv( 3 ); // protocol info
if( !Info_IsValid( s ))
SV_RejectConnection( from, "invalid protinfo in connect command\n" );
Q_strncpy( protinfo, s, sizeof( protinfo ));
if( !SV_ProcessUserAgent( from, protinfo ) )
// extract qport from protocol info
qport = Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( protinfo, "qport" ));
s = Info_ValueForKey( protinfo, "uuid" );
if( Q_strlen( s ) != 32 )
SV_RejectConnection( from, "invalid authentication certificate length\n" );
extensions = Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( protinfo, "ext" ) );
// LAN servers restrict to class b IP addresses
if( !SV_CheckIPRestrictions( from ))
SV_RejectConnection( from, "LAN servers are restricted to local clients (class C)\n" );
s = Cmd_Argv( 4 ); // user info
if( Q_strlen( s ) > MAX_INFO_STRING || !Info_IsValid( s ))
SV_RejectConnection( from, "invalid userinfo in connect command\n" );
Q_strncpy( userinfo, s, sizeof( userinfo ));
// check connection password (don't verify local client)
if( !NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) && sv_password.string[0] && Q_stricmp( sv_password.string, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" )))
SV_RejectConnection( from, "invalid password\n" );
// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients; i++, cl++ )
if( cl->state == cs_free || cl->state == cs_zombie )
if( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remote_address ) && ( cl->netchan.qport == qport || from.port == cl->netchan.remote_address.port ))
reconnect = true;
newcl = cl;
// A reconnecting client will re-use the slot found above when checking for reconnection.
// the slot will be wiped clean.
if( !reconnect )
// connect the client if there are empty slots.
if( !SV_FindEmptySlot( from, &nClientSlot, &newcl ))
Con_Reportf( S_NOTE "%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString( from ));
// find a client slot
ASSERT( newcl != NULL );
// build a new connection
// accept the new client
if( Q_strncpy( newcl->useragent, Cmd_Argv( 6 ), MAX_INFO_STRING ) )
const char *id = Info_ValueForKey( newcl->useragent, "i" );
if( *id )
//sscanf( id, "%llx", &newcl->WonID );
// Q_strncpy( cl->auth_id, id, sizeof( cl->auth_id ) );
sv.current_client = newcl;
newcl->edict = EDICT_NUM( (newcl - svs.clients) + 1 );
newcl->challenge = challenge; // save challenge for checksumming
7 years ago
if( newcl->frames ) Mem_Free( newcl->frames );
newcl->frames = (client_frame_t *)Z_Calloc( sizeof( client_frame_t ) * SV_UPDATE_BACKUP );
newcl->userid = g_userid++; // create unique userid
newcl->state = cs_connected;
newcl->extensions = extensions & (NET_EXT_SPLITSIZE);
// reset viewentities (from previous level)
memset( newcl->viewentity, 0, sizeof( newcl->viewentity ));
newcl->num_viewents = 0;
newcl->listeners = 0;
// initailize netchan
Netchan_Setup( NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport, newcl, SV_GetFragmentSize );
MSG_Init( &newcl->datagram, "Datagram", newcl->datagram_buf, sizeof( newcl->datagram_buf )); // datagram buf
Q_strncpy( newcl->hashedcdkey, Info_ValueForKey( protinfo, "uuid" ), 32 );
newcl->hashedcdkey[32] = '\0';
// build protinfo answer
protinfo[0] = '\0';
Info_SetValueForKey( protinfo, "ext", va( "%d",newcl->extensions ), sizeof( protinfo ) );
// send the connect packet to the client
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "client_connect %s", protinfo );
newcl->upstate = us_inactive;
newcl->connection_started = host.realtime;
newcl->cl_updaterate = 0.05; // 20 fps as default
newcl->delta_sequence = -1;
newcl->flags = 0;
// reset any remaining events
memset( &newcl->events, 0, sizeof( newcl->events ));
// parse some info from the info strings (this can override cl_updaterate)
Q_strncpy( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof( newcl->userinfo ));
SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );
SV_ClearResourceLists( newcl );
#if 0
memset( &newcl->resourcesneeded, 0, sizeof( resource_t ));
memset( &newcl->resourcesonhand, 0, sizeof( resource_t ));
newcl->resourcesneeded.pNext = newcl->resourcesneeded.pPrev = &newcl->resourcesneeded;
newcl->resourcesonhand.pNext = newcl->resourcesonhand.pPrev = &newcl->resourcesonhand;
newcl->next_messagetime = host.realtime + newcl->cl_updaterate;
newcl->next_sendinfotime = 0.0;
newcl->ignored_ents = 0;
newcl->chokecount = 0;
// reset stats
newcl->next_checkpingtime = -1.0;
newcl->packet_loss = 0.0f;
// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients; i++, cl++ )
if( cl->state >= cs_connected ) count++;
Log_Printf( "\"%s<%i><%i><>\" connected, address \"%s\"\n", newcl->name, newcl->userid, i, NET_AdrToString( newcl->netchan.remote_address ));
if( count == 1 || count == svs.maxclients )
svs.last_heartbeat = MAX_HEARTBEAT;
A connection request that came from the game module
edict_t *SV_FakeConnect( const char *netname )
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
int i, count = 0;
sv_client_t *cl;
if( !COM_CheckString( netname ))
netname = "Bot";
// find a client slot
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients; i++, cl++ )
if( cl->state == cs_free )
if( i == svs.maxclients )
return NULL; // server is full
userinfo[0] = '\0';
// setup fake client params
Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", netname, MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "model", "gordon", MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "topcolor", "1", MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "bottomcolor", "1", MAX_INFO_STRING );
// build a new connection
// accept the new client
sv.current_client = cl;
if( cl->frames ) Mem_Free( cl->frames ); // fakeclients doesn't have frames
memset( cl, 0, sizeof( sv_client_t ));
cl->edict = EDICT_NUM( (cl - svs.clients) + 1 );
cl->userid = g_userid++; // create unique userid
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT );
// parse some info from the info strings
Q_strncpy( cl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof( cl->userinfo ));
SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_RESEND_USERINFO );
cl->next_sendinfotime = 0.0;
// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients; i++, cl++ )
if( cl->state >= cs_connected ) count++;
cl = sv.current_client;
Log_Printf( "\"%s<%i><%i><>\" connected, address \"local\"\n", cl->name, cl->userid, i );
SetBits( cl->edict->v.flags, FL_CLIENT|FL_FAKECLIENT ); // mark it as fakeclient
cl->connection_started = host.realtime;
cl->state = cs_spawned;
if( count == 1 || count == svs.maxclients )
svs.last_heartbeat = MAX_HEARTBEAT;
return cl->edict;
Called when the player is totally leaving the server, either willingly
or unwillingly. This is NOT called if the entire server is quiting
or crashing.
void SV_DropClient( sv_client_t *cl, qboolean crash )
int i;
if( cl->state == cs_zombie )
return; // already dropped
if( !crash )
// add the disconnect
if( !FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT ) )
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &cl->netchan.message, svc_disconnect );
if( cl->edict && cl->state == cs_spawned )
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnClientDisconnect( cl->edict );
if( !FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT ) )
Netchan_TransmitBits( &cl->netchan, 0, NULL );
ClearBits( cl->flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT );
ClearBits( cl->flags, FCL_HLTV_PROXY );
cl->state = cs_zombie; // become free in a few seconds
cl->name[0] = 0;
if( cl->frames )
Mem_Free( cl->frames ); // release delta
cl->frames = NULL;
if( NET_CompareBaseAdr( cl->netchan.remote_address, host.rd.address ))
// throw away any residual garbage in the channel.
Netchan_Clear( &cl->netchan );
// clean client data on disconnect
memset( cl->userinfo, 0, MAX_INFO_STRING );
memset( cl->physinfo, 0, MAX_INFO_STRING );
COM_ClearCustomizationList( &cl->customdata, false );
// don't send to other clients
cl->edict = NULL;
// send notification to all other clients
SV_FullClientUpdate( cl, &sv.reliable_datagram );
// if this was the last client on the server, send a heartbeat
// to the master so it is known the server is empty
// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info
// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
for( i = 0; i < svs.maxclients; i++ )
if( svs.clients[i].state >= cs_connected )
if( i == svs.maxclients )
svs.last_heartbeat = MAX_HEARTBEAT;
void SV_BeginRedirect( netadr_t adr, int target, char *buffer, int buffersize, void (*flush))
if( !target || !buffer || !buffersize || !flush )
host.rd.target = target;
host.rd.buffer = buffer;
host.rd.buffersize = buffersize;
host.rd.flush = flush;
host.rd.address = adr;
host.rd.buffer[0] = 0;
void SV_FlushRedirect( netadr_t adr, int dest, char *buf )
if( sv.current_client && FBitSet( sv.current_client->flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT ))
switch( dest )
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, adr, "print\n%s", buf );
if( !sv.current_client ) return; // client not set
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &sv.current_client->netchan.message, svc_print );
MSG_WriteString( &sv.current_client->netchan.message, buf );
case RD_NONE:
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "SV_FlushRedirect: %s: invalid destination\n", NET_AdrToString( adr ));
void SV_EndRedirect( void )
if( host.rd.flush )
host.rd.flush( host.rd.address, host.rd.target, host.rd.buffer );
host.rd.target = 0;
host.rd.buffer = NULL;
host.rd.buffersize = 0;
host.rd.flush = NULL;
Returns a pointer to a static char for most likely only printing.
const char *SV_GetClientIDString( sv_client_t *cl )
static char result[MAX_QPATH];
if( !cl ) return "";
if( FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT ))
Q_strncpy( result, "ID_BOT", sizeof( result ));
else if( NET_IsLocalAddress( cl->netchan.remote_address ))
Q_strncpy( result, "ID_LOOPBACK", sizeof( result ));
else if( sv_lan.value )
Q_strncpy( result, "ID_LAN", sizeof( result ));
Q_snprintf( result, sizeof( result ), "ID_%s", MD5_Print( (byte *)cl->hashedcdkey ));
return result;
sv_client_t *SV_ClientById( int id )
sv_client_t *cl;
int i;
ASSERT( id >= 0 );
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < svgame.globals->maxClients; i++, cl++ )
if( !cl->state )
if( cl->userid == id )
return cl;
return NULL;
sv_client_t *SV_ClientByName( const char *name )
sv_client_t *cl;
int i;
ASSERT( name && *name );
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < svgame.globals->maxClients; i++, cl++ )
if( !cl->state )
if( !Q_strcmp( cl->name, name ) )
return cl;
return NULL;
void SV_TestBandWidth( netadr_t from )
int version = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
int packetsize = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 2 ));
byte send_buf[FRAGMENT_MAX_SIZE];
dword crcValue = 0;
byte *filepos;
int crcpos;
file_t *test;
sizebuf_t send;
// don't waste time of protocol mismatched
if( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
SV_RejectConnection( from, "unsupported protocol (%i should be %i)\n", version, PROTOCOL_VERSION );
test = FS_Open( "gfx.wad", "rb", false );
if( FS_FileLength( test ) < sizeof( send_buf ))
// skip the test and just get challenge
SV_GetChallenge( from );
// write the packet header
MSG_Init( &send, "BandWidthPacket", send_buf, sizeof( send_buf ));
MSG_WriteLong( &send, -1 ); // -1 sequence means out of band
MSG_WriteString( &send, "testpacket" );
crcpos = MSG_GetNumBytesWritten( &send );
MSG_WriteLong( &send, 0 ); // reserve space for crc
filepos = send.pData + MSG_GetNumBytesWritten( &send );
packetsize = packetsize - MSG_GetNumBytesWritten( &send ); // adjust the packet size
FS_Read( test, filepos, packetsize );
FS_Close( test );
CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crcValue, filepos, packetsize ); // calc CRC
MSG_SeekToBit( &send, packetsize << 3, SEEK_CUR );
*(uint *)&send.pData[crcpos] = crcValue;
// send the datagram
NET_SendPacket( NS_SERVER, MSG_GetNumBytesWritten( &send ), MSG_GetData( &send ), from );
void SV_Ack( netadr_t from )
Con_Printf( "ping %s\n", NET_AdrToString( from ));
Responds with short info for broadcast scans
The second parameter should be the current protocol version number.
void SV_Info( netadr_t from )
char string[MAX_INFO_STRING];
int i, count = 0;
int version;
// ignore in single player
if( svs.maxclients == 1 || !svs.initialized )
version = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
string[0] = '\0';
if( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
Q_snprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%s: wrong version\n", hostname.string );
for( i = 0; i < svs.maxclients; i++ )
if( svs.clients[i].state >= cs_connected )
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "host", hostname.string, MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "map", sv.name, MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "dm", va( "%i", (int)svgame.globals->deathmatch ), MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "team", va( "%i", (int)svgame.globals->teamplay ), MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "coop", va( "%i", (int)svgame.globals->coop ), MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "numcl", va( "%i", count ), MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "maxcl", va( "%i", svs.maxclients ), MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "gamedir", GI->gamefolder, MAX_INFO_STRING );
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "info\n%s", string );
Responds with long info for local and broadcast requests
void SV_BuildNetAnswer( netadr_t from )
char string[MAX_INFO_STRING];
int version, context, type;
int i, count = 0;
// ignore in single player
if( svs.maxclients == 1 || !svs.initialized )
version = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ));
context = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 2 ));
type = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 3 ));
if( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
// handle the unsupported protocol
string[0] = '\0';
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "neterror", "protocol", MAX_INFO_STRING );
// send error unsupported protocol
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "netinfo %i %i %s\n", context, type, string );
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "netinfo %i %i %s\n", context, type, "" );
else if( type == NETAPI_REQUEST_RULES )
// send serverinfo
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "netinfo %i %i %s\n", context, type, svs.serverinfo );
else if( type == NETAPI_REQUEST_PLAYERS )
string[0] = '\0';
for( i = 0; i < svs.maxclients; i++ )
if( svs.clients[i].state >= cs_connected )
edict_t *ed = svs.clients[i].edict;
float time = host.realtime - svs.clients[i].connection_started;
Q_strncat( string, va( "%c\\%s\\%i\\%f\\", count, svs.clients[i].name, (int)ed->v.frags, time ), sizeof( string ));
// send playernames
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "netinfo %i %i %s\n", context, type, string );
else if( type == NETAPI_REQUEST_DETAILS )
for( i = 0; i < svs.maxclients; i++ )
if( svs.clients[i].state >= cs_connected )
string[0] = '\0';
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "hostname", hostname.string, MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "gamedir", GI->gamefolder, MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "current", va( "%i", count ), MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "max", va( "%i", svs.maxclients ), MAX_INFO_STRING );
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "map", sv.name, MAX_INFO_STRING );
// send serverinfo
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "netinfo %i %i %s\n", context, type, string );
string[0] = '\0';
Info_SetValueForKey( string, "neterror", "undefined", MAX_INFO_STRING );
// send error undefined request type
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "netinfo %i %i %s\n", context, type, string );
Just responds with an acknowledgement
void SV_Ping( netadr_t from )
Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "ack" );
qboolean Rcon_Validate( void )
if( !Q_strlen( rcon_password.string ))
return false;
if( Q_strcmp( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), rcon_password.string ))
return false;
return true;
A client issued an rcon command.
Shift down the remaining args
Redirect all printfs
void SV_RemoteCommand( netadr_t from, sizebuf_t *msg )
static char outputbuf[2048];
char remaining[1024];
int i;
Con_Printf( "Rcon from %s:\n%s\n", NET_AdrToString( from ), MSG_GetData( msg ) + 4 );
Log_Printf( "Rcon: \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n", MSG_GetData( msg ) + 4, NET_AdrToString( from ));
SV_BeginRedirect( from, RD_PACKET, outputbuf, sizeof( outputbuf ) - 16, SV_FlushRedirect );
if( Rcon_Validate( ))
remaining[0] = 0;
for( i = 2; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++ )
Q_strcat( remaining, Cmd_Argv( i ));
Q_strcat( remaining, " " );
Cmd_ExecuteString( remaining );
else Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Bad rcon_password.\n" );
recalc ping on current client
int SV_CalcPing( sv_client_t *cl )
float ping = 0;
int i, count;
int idx, back;
client_frame_t *frame;
// bots don't have a real ping
if( FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT ) || !cl->frames )
return 5;
if( SV_UPDATE_BACKUP <= 31 )
back = SV_UPDATE_BACKUP / 2;
if( back <= 0 ) return 0;
else back = 16;
count = 0;
for( i = 0; i < back; i++ )
idx = cl->netchan.incoming_acknowledged + ~i;
frame = &cl->frames[idx & SV_UPDATE_MASK];
if( frame->ping_time > 0.0f )
ping += frame->ping_time;
if( count > 0 )
return (( ping / count ) * 1000.0f );
return 0;
Finangles latency and the like.
void SV_EstablishTimeBase( sv_client_t *cl, usercmd_t *cmds, int dropped, int numbackup, int numcmds )
double runcmd_time = 0.0;
int i, cmdnum = dropped;
if( dropped < 24 )
while( dropped > numbackup )
runcmd_time = (double)cl->lastcmd.msec / 1000.0;
while( dropped > 0 )
cmdnum = dropped + numcmds - 1;
runcmd_time += (double)cmds[cmdnum].msec / 1000.0;
for( i = numcmds - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
runcmd_time += cmds[i].msec / 1000.0;
cl->timebase = sv.time + sv.frametime - runcmd_time;
compute latency for client
float SV_CalcClientTime( sv_client_t *cl )
float minping, maxping;
float ping = 0.0f;
int i, count = 0;
int backtrack;
backtrack = (int)sv_unlagsamples.value;
if( backtrack < 1 ) backtrack = 1;
if( backtrack >= (SV_UPDATE_BACKUP <= 16 ? SV_UPDATE_BACKUP : 16 ))
backtrack = ( SV_UPDATE_BACKUP <= 16 ? SV_UPDATE_BACKUP : 16 );
if( backtrack <= 0 )
return 0.0f;
for( i = 0; i < backtrack; i++ )
client_frame_t *frame = &cl->frames[SV_UPDATE_MASK & (cl->netchan.incoming_acknowledged - i)];
if( frame->ping_time <= 0.0f )
ping += frame->ping_time;
if( !count ) return 0.0f;
minping = 9999.0f;
maxping = -9999.0f;
ping /= count;
for( i = 0; i < ( SV_UPDATE_BACKUP <= 4 ? SV_UPDATE_BACKUP : 4 ); i++ )
client_frame_t *frame = &cl->frames[SV_UPDATE_MASK & (cl->netchan.incoming_acknowledged - i)];
if( frame->ping_time <= 0.0f )
if( frame->ping_time < minping )
minping = frame->ping_time;
if( frame->ping_time > maxping )
maxping = frame->ping_time;
if( maxping < minping || fabs( maxping - minping ) <= 0.2f )
return ping;
return 0.0f;
Writes all update values to a bitbuf
void SV_FullClientUpdate( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
char info[MAX_INFO_STRING];
char digest[16];
MD5Context_t ctx;
int i;
// process userinfo before updating
SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
i = cl - svs.clients;
MSG_BeginServerCmd( msg, svc_updateuserinfo );
MSG_WriteUBitLong( msg, i, MAX_CLIENT_BITS );
MSG_WriteLong( msg, cl->userid );
if( cl->name[0] )
MSG_WriteOneBit( msg, 1 );
Q_strncpy( info, cl->userinfo, sizeof( info ));
// remove server passwords, etc.
Info_RemovePrefixedKeys( info, '_' );
MSG_WriteString( msg, info );
MD5Init( &ctx );
MD5Update( &ctx, (byte *)cl->hashedcdkey, sizeof( cl->hashedcdkey ));
MD5Final( digest, &ctx );
MSG_WriteBytes( msg, digest, sizeof( digest ));
else MSG_WriteOneBit( msg, 0 );
void SV_RefreshUserinfo( void )
sv_client_t *cl;
int i;
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients; i++, cl++ )
if( cl->state >= cs_connected )
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_RESEND_USERINFO );
this is send all movevars values when client connected
otherwise see code SV_UpdateMovevars()
void SV_FullUpdateMovevars( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
movevars_t nullmovevars;
memset( &nullmovevars, 0, sizeof( nullmovevars ));
MSG_WriteDeltaMovevars( msg, &nullmovevars, &svgame.movevars );
determine should we recalculate
ping times now
qboolean SV_ShouldUpdatePing( sv_client_t *cl )
if( FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_HLTV_PROXY ))
if( host.realtime < cl->next_checkpingtime )
return false;
cl->next_checkpingtime = host.realtime + 2.0;
return true;
// they are viewing the scoreboard. Send them pings.
return FBitSet( cl->lastcmd.buttons, IN_SCORE ) ? true : false;
qboolean SV_IsPlayerIndex( int idx )
if( idx > 0 && idx <= svs.maxclients )
return true;
return false;
This function and its static vars track some of the networking
conditions. I haven't bothered to trace it beyond that, because
this fucntion sucks pretty badly.
void SV_GetPlayerStats( sv_client_t *cl, int *ping, int *packet_loss )
static int last_ping[MAX_CLIENTS];
static int last_loss[MAX_CLIENTS];
int i;
i = cl - svs.clients;
if( host.realtime >= cl->next_checkpingtime )
cl->next_checkpingtime = host.realtime + 2.0;
last_ping[i] = SV_CalcPing( cl );
last_loss[i] = cl->packet_loss;
if( ping ) *ping = last_ping[i];
if( packet_loss ) *packet_loss = last_loss[i];
Called when a player connects to a server or respawns in
a deathmatch.
void SV_PutClientInServer( sv_client_t *cl )
static byte msg_buf[0x20200]; // MAX_INIT_MSG + some space
edict_t *ent = cl->edict;
sizebuf_t msg;
MSG_Init( &msg, "Spawn", msg_buf, sizeof( msg_buf ));
if( sv.loadgame )
// NOTE: we needs to setup angles on restore here
if( ent->v.fixangle == 1 )
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &msg, svc_setangle );
MSG_WriteVec3Angles( &msg, ent->v.angles );
ent->v.fixangle = 0;
if( svgame.dllFuncs.pfnParmsChangeLevel )
string name;
int i;
memset( &levelData, 0, sizeof( levelData ));
svgame.globals->pSaveData = &levelData;
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &msg, svc_restore );
Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s%s.HL2", DEFAULT_SAVE_DIRECTORY, sv.name );
COM_FixSlashes( name );
MSG_WriteString( &msg, name );
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, levelData.connectionCount );
for( i = 0; i < levelData.connectionCount; i++ )
MSG_WriteString( &msg, levelData.levelList[i].mapName );
svgame.globals->pSaveData = NULL;
// reset weaponanim
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &msg, svc_weaponanim );
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, 0 );
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, 0 );
sv.loadgame = false;
sv.paused = false;
if( Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "hltv" )))
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_HLTV_PROXY );
// need to realloc private data for client
SV_InitEdict( ent );
if( FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_HLTV_PROXY ))
SetBits( ent->v.flags, FL_PROXY );
else ent->v.flags = 0;
ent->v.netname = MAKE_STRING( cl->name );
ent->v.colormap = NUM_FOR_EDICT( ent ); // ???
// fisrt entering
svgame.globals->time = sv.time;
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnClientPutInServer( ent );
if( sv.background ) // don't attack player in background mode
SetBits( ent->v.flags, FL_GODMODE|FL_NOTARGET );
cl->pViewEntity = NULL; // reset pViewEntity
if( svgame.globals->cdAudioTrack )
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &msg, svc_stufftext );
MSG_WriteString( &msg, va( "cd loop %3d\n", svgame.globals->cdAudioTrack ));
svgame.globals->cdAudioTrack = 0;
// enable dev-mode to prevent crash cheat-protecting from Invasion mod
if( FBitSet( ent->v.flags, FL_GODMODE|FL_NOTARGET ) && !Q_stricmp( GI->gamefolder, "invasion" ))
SV_ExecuteClientCommand( cl, "test\n" );
// refresh the userinfo and movevars
// NOTE: because movevars can be changed during the connection process
// reset client times
cl->connecttime = 0.0;
cl->ignorecmdtime = 0.0;
cl->cmdtime = 0.0;
if( !FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT ))
int viewEnt;
// NOTE: it's will be fragmented automatically in right ordering
MSG_WriteBits( &msg, MSG_GetData( &sv.signon ), MSG_GetNumBitsWritten( &sv.signon ));
if( cl->pViewEntity )
viewEnt = NUM_FOR_EDICT( cl->pViewEntity );
else viewEnt = NUM_FOR_EDICT( cl->edict );
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &msg, svc_setview );
MSG_WriteWord( &msg, viewEnt );
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &msg, svc_signonnum );
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, 1 );
if( MSG_CheckOverflow( &msg ))
if( svs.maxclients == 1 )
Host_Error( "spawn player: overflowed\n" );
else SV_DropClient( cl, false );
// send initialization data
Netchan_CreateFragments( &cl->netchan, &msg );
Netchan_FragSend( &cl->netchan );
Resend the client viewentity (used for demos)
void SV_UpdateClientView( sv_client_t *cl )
int viewEnt;
if( cl->pViewEntity )
viewEnt = NUM_FOR_EDICT( cl->pViewEntity );
else viewEnt = NUM_FOR_EDICT( cl->edict );
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &cl->netchan.message, svc_setview );
MSG_WriteWord( &cl->netchan.message, viewEnt );
void SV_TogglePause( const char *msg )
if( sv.background ) return;
sv.paused ^= 1;
if( COM_CheckString( msg ))
SV_BroadcastPrintf( NULL, "%s", msg );
// send notification to all clients
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &sv.reliable_datagram, svc_setpause );
MSG_WriteOneBit( &sv.reliable_datagram, sv.paused );
Tell all the clients that the server is changing levels
void SV_BuildReconnect( sizebuf_t *msg )
MSG_BeginServerCmd( msg, svc_stufftext );
MSG_WriteString( msg, "reconnect\n" );
send delta communication encoding
void SV_WriteDeltaDescriptionToClient( sizebuf_t *msg )
int tableIndex;
int fieldIndex;
for( tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < Delta_NumTables(); tableIndex++ )
delta_info_t *dt = Delta_FindStructByIndex( tableIndex );
for( fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < dt->numFields; fieldIndex++ )
Delta_WriteTableField( msg, tableIndex, &dt->pFields[fieldIndex] );
Sends the first message from the server to a connected client.
This will be sent on the initial connection and upon each server load.
void SV_SendServerdata( sizebuf_t *msg, sv_client_t *cl )
string message;
int i;
// Only send this message to developer console, or multiplayer clients.
if(( host_developer.value ) || ( svs.maxclients > 1 ))
MSG_BeginServerCmd( msg, svc_print );
Q_snprintf( message, sizeof( message ), "\n^3BUILD %d SERVER (%i CRC)\nServer #%i\n", Q_buildnum(), sv.progsCRC, svs.spawncount );
MSG_WriteString( msg, message );
// send the serverdata
MSG_BeginServerCmd( msg, svc_serverdata );
MSG_WriteLong( msg, svs.spawncount );
MSG_WriteLong( msg, sv.worldmapCRC );
MSG_WriteByte( msg, cl - svs.clients );
MSG_WriteByte( msg, svs.maxclients );
MSG_WriteWord( msg, GI->max_edicts );
MSG_WriteWord( msg, MAX_MODELS );
MSG_WriteString( msg, sv.name );
MSG_WriteString( msg, STRING( svgame.edicts->v.message )); // Map Message
MSG_WriteOneBit( msg, sv.background ); // tell client about background map
MSG_WriteString( msg, GI->gamefolder );
MSG_WriteLong( msg, host.features );
// send the player hulls
for( i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_HULLS * 3; i++ )
MSG_WriteChar( msg, host.player_mins[i/3][i%3] );
MSG_WriteChar( msg, host.player_maxs[i/3][i%3] );
// send delta-encoding
SV_WriteDeltaDescriptionToClient( msg );
// now client know delta and can reading encoded messages
SV_FullUpdateMovevars( cl, msg );
// send the user messages registration
for( i = 1; i < MAX_USER_MESSAGES && svgame.msg[i].name[0]; i++ )
SV_SendUserReg( msg, &svgame.msg[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; i++ )
if( !sv.lightstyles[i].pattern[0] )
continue; // unused style
MSG_BeginServerCmd( msg, svc_lightstyle );
MSG_WriteByte( msg, i ); // stylenum
MSG_WriteString( msg, sv.lightstyles[i].pattern );
MSG_WriteFloat( msg, sv.lightstyles[i].time );
Sends the first message from the server to a connected client.
This will be sent on the initial connection and upon each server load.
static qboolean SV_New_f( sv_client_t *cl )
byte msg_buf[MAX_INIT_MSG];
char szRejectReason[128];
char szAddress[128];
char szName[32];
sv_client_t *cur;
sizebuf_t msg;
int i;
MSG_Init( &msg, "New", msg_buf, sizeof( msg_buf ));
if( cl->state != cs_connected )
return false;
// send the serverdata
SV_SendServerdata( &msg, cl );
// if the client was connected, tell the game .dll to disconnect him/her.
if(( cl->state == cs_spawned ) && cl->edict )
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnClientDisconnect( cl->edict );
Q_snprintf( szName, sizeof( szName ), "%s", cl->name );
Q_snprintf( szAddress, sizeof( szAddress ), "%s", NET_AdrToString( cl->netchan.remote_address ));
Q_snprintf( szRejectReason, sizeof( szRejectReason ), "Connection rejected by game\n");
// Allow the game dll to reject this client.
if( !svgame.dllFuncs.pfnClientConnect( cl->edict, szName, szAddress, szRejectReason ))
// reject the connection and drop the client.
SV_RejectConnection( cl->netchan.remote_address, "%s\n", szRejectReason );
SV_DropClient( cl, false );
return true;
// server info string
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &msg, svc_stufftext );
MSG_WriteString( &msg, va( "fullserverinfo \"%s\"\n", SV_Serverinfo( )));
// collect the info about all the players and send to me
for( i = 0, cur = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients; i++, cur++ )
if( !cur->edict || cur->state != cs_spawned )
continue; // not in game yet
SV_FullClientUpdate( cur, &msg );
// g-cont. why this is there?
memset( &cl->lastcmd, 0, sizeof( cl->lastcmd ));
Netchan_CreateFragments( &cl->netchan, &msg );
Netchan_FragSend( &cl->netchan );
return true;
The client is going to disconnect, so remove the connection immediately
static qboolean SV_Disconnect_f( sv_client_t *cl )
SV_DropClient( cl, false );
return true;
Dumps the serverinfo info string
static qboolean SV_ShowServerinfo_f( sv_client_t *cl )
Info_Print( svs.serverinfo );
return true;
static qboolean SV_Pause_f( sv_client_t *cl )
string message;
if( UI_CreditsActive( ))
return true;
if( !sv_pausable->value )
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "Pause not allowed.\n" );
return true;
if( FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_HLTV_PROXY ))
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "Spectators can not pause.\n" );
return true;
if( !sv.paused ) Q_snprintf( message, MAX_STRING, "^2%s^7 paused the game\n", cl->name );
else Q_snprintf( message, MAX_STRING, "^2%s^7 unpaused the game\n", cl->name );
SV_TogglePause( message );
return true;
Pull specific info from a newly changed userinfo string
into a more C freindly form.
void SV_UserinfoChanged( sv_client_t *cl )
int i, dupc = 1;
edict_t *ent = cl->edict;
string name1, name2;
sv_client_t *current;
const char *val;
if( !COM_CheckString( cl->userinfo ))
val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name" );
Q_strncpy( name2, val, sizeof( name2 ));
COM_TrimSpace( name2, name1 );
if( !Q_stricmp( name1, "console" ))
Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name", "unnamed", MAX_INFO_STRING );
val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name" );
else if( Q_strcmp( name1, val ))
Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name", name1, MAX_INFO_STRING );
val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name" );
if( !Q_strlen( name1 ))
Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name", "unnamed", MAX_INFO_STRING );
val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name" );
Q_strncpy( name2, "unnamed", sizeof( name2 ));
Q_strncpy( name1, "unnamed", sizeof( name1 ));
// check to see if another user by the same name exists
while( 1 )
for( i = 0, current = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients; i++, current++ )
if( current == cl || current->state != cs_spawned )
if( !Q_stricmp( current->name, val ))
if( i != svs.maxclients )
// dup name
Q_snprintf( name2, sizeof( name2 ), "%s (%u)", name1, dupc++ );
Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name", name2, MAX_INFO_STRING );
val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name" );
Q_strncpy( cl->name, name2, sizeof( cl->name ));
if( dupc == 1 ) // unchanged
Q_strncpy( cl->name, name1, sizeof( cl->name ));
// rate command
val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "rate" );
if( Q_strlen( val ))
cl->netchan.rate = bound( MIN_RATE, Q_atoi( val ), MAX_RATE );
else cl->netchan.rate = DEFAULT_RATE;
// movement prediction
if( Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_nopred" )))
ClearBits( cl->flags, FCL_PREDICT_MOVEMENT );
else SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_PREDICT_MOVEMENT );
// lag compensation
if( Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_lc" )))
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_LAG_COMPENSATION );
else ClearBits( cl->flags, FCL_LAG_COMPENSATION );
// weapon perdiction
if( Q_atoi( Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_lw" )))
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_LOCAL_WEAPONS );
else ClearBits( cl->flags, FCL_LOCAL_WEAPONS );
val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_updaterate" );
if( Q_strlen( val ))
if( Q_atoi( val ) != 0 )
int i = bound( 10, Q_atoi( val ), 300 );
cl->cl_updaterate = 1.0 / i;
else cl->cl_updaterate = 0.0;
// call prog code to allow overrides
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnClientUserInfoChanged( cl->edict, cl->userinfo );
val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "name" );
Q_strncpy( cl->name, val, sizeof( cl->name ));
ent->v.netname = MAKE_STRING( cl->name );
static qboolean SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( sv_client_t *cl )
Q_strncpy( cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), sizeof( cl->userinfo ));
if( cl->state >= cs_connected )
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_RESEND_USERINFO ); // needs for update client info
return true;
static qboolean SV_SetInfo_f( sv_client_t *cl )
Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_Argv( 2 ), MAX_INFO_STRING );
if( cl->state >= cs_connected )
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_RESEND_USERINFO ); // needs for update client info
return true;
static qboolean SV_Noclip_f( sv_client_t *cl )
edict_t *pEntity = cl->edict;
if( !Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_cheats" ) || sv.background )
return true;
if( pEntity->v.movetype != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP )
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "noclip ON\n" );
pEntity->v.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "noclip OFF\n" );
pEntity->v.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
return true;
static qboolean SV_Godmode_f( sv_client_t *cl )
edict_t *pEntity = cl->edict;
if( !Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_cheats" ) || sv.background )
return true;
pEntity->v.flags = pEntity->v.flags ^ FL_GODMODE;
if( !FBitSet( pEntity->v.flags, FL_GODMODE ))
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "godmode OFF\n" );
else SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "godmode ON\n" );
return true;
static qboolean SV_Notarget_f( sv_client_t *cl )
edict_t *pEntity = cl->edict;
if( !Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_cheats" ) || sv.background )
return true;
pEntity->v.flags = pEntity->v.flags ^ FL_NOTARGET;
if( !FBitSet( pEntity->v.flags, FL_NOTARGET ))
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "notarget OFF\n" );
else SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "notarget ON\n" );
return true;
static qboolean SV_Kill_f( sv_client_t *cl )
if( !SV_IsValidEdict( cl->edict ))
return true;
if( cl->edict->v.health <= 0.0f )
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "Can't suicide - already dead!\n");
return true;
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnClientKill( cl->edict );
return true;
static qboolean SV_SendRes_f( sv_client_t *cl )
byte buffer[MAX_INIT_MSG];
sizebuf_t msg;
if( cl->state != cs_connected )
return false;
MSG_Init( &msg, "SendResources", buffer, sizeof( buffer ));
if( svs.maxclients > 1 && FBitSet( cl->flags, FCL_SEND_RESOURCES ))
return true;
SetBits( cl->flags, FCL_SEND_RESOURCES );
SV_SendResources( cl, &msg );
Netchan_CreateFragments( &cl->netchan, &msg );
Netchan_FragSend( &cl->netchan );
return true;
static qboolean SV_DownloadFile_f( sv_client_t *cl )
const char *name;
if( Cmd_Argc() < 2 )
return true;
name = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
if( !COM_CheckString( name ))
return true;
if( !COM_IsSafeFileToDownload( name ) || !sv_allow_download.value )
SV_FailDownload( cl, name );
return true;
// g-cont. now we supports hot precache
if( name[0] != '!' )
if( sv_send_resources.value )
int i;
// security: allow download only precached resources
for( i = 0; i < sv.num_resources; i++ )
const char *cmpname = name;
if( sv.resources[i].type == t_sound )
cmpname += sizeof( DEFAULT_SOUNDPATH ) - 1; // cut "sound/" off
if( !Q_strncmp( sv.resources[i].szFileName, cmpname, 64 ) )
if( i == sv.num_resources )
SV_FailDownload( cl, name );
return true;
// also check the model textures
if( !Q_stricmp( COM_FileExtension( name ), "mdl" ))
if( FS_FileExists( Mod_StudioTexName( name ), false ) > 0 )
Netchan_CreateFileFragments( &cl->netchan, Mod_StudioTexName( name ));
if( Netchan_CreateFileFragments( &cl->netchan, name ))
Netchan_FragSend( &cl->netchan );
return true;
SV_FailDownload( cl, name );
return true;
if( Q_strlen( name ) == 36 && !Q_strnicmp( name, "!MD5", 4 ) && sv_send_logos.value )
resource_t custResource;
byte md5[32];
byte *pbuf;
int size;
memset( &custResource, 0, sizeof( custResource ) );
COM_HexConvert( name + 4, 32, md5 );
if( HPAK_ResourceForHash( CUSTOM_RES_PATH, md5, &custResource ))
if( HPAK_GetDataPointer( CUSTOM_RES_PATH, &custResource, &pbuf, &size ))
if( size )
Netchan_CreateFileFragmentsFromBuffer( &cl->netchan, name, pbuf, size );
Netchan_FragSend( &cl->netchan );
Mem_Free( pbuf );
SV_FailDownload( cl, name );
return true;
static qboolean SV_Spawn_f( sv_client_t *cl )
if( cl->state != cs_connected )
return false;
// handle the case of a level changing while a client was connecting
if( Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 )) != svs.spawncount )
SV_New_f( cl );
return true;
SV_PutClientInServer( cl );
// if we are paused, tell the clients
if( sv.paused )
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &sv.reliable_datagram, svc_setpause );
MSG_WriteByte( &sv.reliable_datagram, sv.paused );
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "Server is paused.\n" );
return true;
static qboolean SV_Begin_f( sv_client_t *cl )
if( cl->state != cs_connected )
return false;
// now client is spawned
cl->state = cs_spawned;
return true;
static qboolean SV_SendBuildInfo_f( sv_client_t *cl )
SV_ClientPrintf( cl, "Server running %s %s (build %i-%s, %s-%s)\n",
XASH_ENGINE_NAME, XASH_VERSION, Q_buildnum(), Q_buildcommit(), Q_buildos(), Q_buildarch() );
return true;
ucmd_t ucmds[] =
{ "new", SV_New_f },
{ "god", SV_Godmode_f },
{ "kill", SV_Kill_f },
{ "begin", SV_Begin_f },
{ "spawn", SV_Spawn_f },
{ "pause", SV_Pause_f },
{ "noclip", SV_Noclip_f },
{ "log", SV_ServerLog_f },
{ "setinfo", SV_SetInfo_f },
{ "sendres", SV_SendRes_f },
{ "notarget", SV_Notarget_f },
{ "info", SV_ShowServerinfo_f },
{ "dlfile", SV_DownloadFile_f },
{ "disconnect", SV_Disconnect_f },
{ "userinfo", SV_UpdateUserinfo_f },
{ "_sv_build_info", SV_SendBuildInfo_f },
void SV_ExecuteClientCommand( sv_client_t *cl, char *s )
ucmd_t *u;
Cmd_TokenizeString( s );
for( u = ucmds; u->name; u++ )
if( !Q_strcmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), u->name ))
if( !u->func( cl ))
Con_Printf( "'%s' is not valid from the console\n", u->name );
else Con_Reportf( "ucmd->%s()\n", u->name );
if( !u->name && sv.state == ss_active )
// custom client commands
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnClientCommand( cl->edict );
if( !Q_strcmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "fullupdate" ))
// resend the ambient sounds for demo recording
// resend all the decals for demo recording
// resend all the static ents for demo recording
// resend the viewentity
SV_UpdateClientView( cl );
void SV_TSourceEngineQuery( netadr_t from )
char answer[1024] = "";
int count = 0, bots = 0;
int index;
sizebuf_t buf;
if( svs.clients )
for( index = 0; index < svs.maxclients; index++ )
if( svs.clients[index].state >= cs_connected )
if( FBitSet( svs.clients[index].flags, FCL_FAKECLIENT ))
else count++;
MSG_Init( &buf, "TSourceEngineQuery", answer, sizeof( answer ));
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 'm' );
MSG_WriteString( &buf, NET_AdrToString( net_local ));
MSG_WriteString( &buf, hostname.string );
MSG_WriteString( &buf, sv.name );
MSG_WriteString( &buf, GI->gamefolder );
MSG_WriteString( &buf, GI->title );
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, count );
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, svs.maxclients );
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, PROTOCOL_VERSION );
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, Host_IsDedicated() ? 'D' : 'L' );
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 'W' );
if( Q_stricmp( GI->gamefolder, "valve" ))
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 1 ); // mod
MSG_WriteString( &buf, GI->game_url );
MSG_WriteString( &buf, GI->update_url );
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 0 );
MSG_WriteLong( &buf, (int)GI->version );
MSG_WriteLong( &buf, GI->size );
if( GI->gamemode == 2 )
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 1 ); // multiplayer_only
else MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 0 );
if( Q_strstr( GI->game_dll, "hl." ))
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 0 ); // Half-Life DLL
else MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 1 ); // Own DLL
else MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 0 ); // Half-Life
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, GI->secure ); // unsecure
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, bots );
NET_SendPacket( NS_SERVER, MSG_GetNumBytesWritten( &buf ), MSG_GetData( &buf ), from );
A connectionless packet has four leading 0xff
characters to distinguish it from a game channel.
Clients that are in the game can still send
connectionless packets.
void SV_ConnectionlessPacket( netadr_t from, sizebuf_t *msg )
char *args;
const char *pcmd;
char buf[MAX_SYSPATH];
int len = sizeof( buf );
// prevent flooding from banned address
if( SV_CheckIP( &from ) )
MSG_Clear( msg );
MSG_ReadLong( msg );// skip the -1 marker
args = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg );
Cmd_TokenizeString( args );
pcmd = Cmd_Argv( 0 );
Con_Reportf( "SV_ConnectionlessPacket: %s : %s\n", NET_AdrToString( from ), pcmd );
if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "ping" )) SV_Ping( from );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "ack" )) SV_Ack( from );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "info" )) SV_Info( from );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "bandwidth" )) SV_TestBandWidth( from );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "getchallenge" )) SV_GetChallenge( from );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "connect" )) SV_ConnectClient( from );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "rcon" )) SV_RemoteCommand( from, msg );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "netinfo" )) SV_BuildNetAnswer( from );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "s" )) SV_AddToMaster( from, msg );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "T" "Source" )) SV_TSourceEngineQuery( from );
else if( !Q_strcmp( pcmd, "i" )) NET_SendPacket( NS_SERVER, 5, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFj", from ); // A2A_PING
else if( svgame.dllFuncs.pfnConnectionlessPacket( &from, args, buf, &len ))
// user out of band message (must be handled in CL_ConnectionlessPacket)
if( len > 0 ) Netchan_OutOfBand( NS_SERVER, from, len, (byte*)buf );
else Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "bad connectionless packet from %s:\n%s\n", NET_AdrToString( from ), args );
The message usually contains all the movement commands
that were in the last three packets, so that the information
in dropped packets can be recovered.
On very fast clients, there may be multiple usercmd packed into
each of the backup packets.
static void SV_ParseClientMove( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
client_frame_t *frame;
int key, size, checksum1, checksum2;
int i, numbackup, totalcmds, numcmds;
usercmd_t nullcmd, *to, *from;
usercmd_t cmds[CMD_BACKUP];
float packet_loss;
edict_t *player;
model_t *model;
player = cl->edict;
frame = &cl->frames[cl->netchan.incoming_acknowledged & SV_UPDATE_MASK];
memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof( usercmd_t ));
memset( cmds, 0, sizeof( cmds ));
key = MSG_GetRealBytesRead( msg );
checksum1 = MSG_ReadByte( msg );
packet_loss = MSG_ReadByte( msg );
numbackup = MSG_ReadByte( msg );
numcmds = MSG_ReadByte( msg );
totalcmds = numcmds + numbackup;
net_drop -= (numcmds - 1);
if( totalcmds < 0 || totalcmds >= CMD_MASK )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "SV_ParseClientMove: %s sending too many commands %i\n", cl->name, totalcmds );
SV_DropClient( cl, false );
from = &nullcmd; // first cmd are starting from null-compressed usercmd_t
for( i = totalcmds - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
to = &cmds[i];
MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd( msg, from, to );
from = to; // get new baseline
if( cl->state != cs_spawned )
// if the checksum fails, ignore the rest of the packet
size = MSG_GetRealBytesRead( msg ) - key - 1;
checksum2 = CRC32_BlockSequence( msg->pData + key + 1, size, cl->netchan.incoming_sequence );
if( checksum2 != checksum1 )
Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "SV_UserMove: failed command checksum for %s (%d != %d)\n", cl->name, checksum2, checksum1 );
cl->packet_loss = packet_loss;
// freeze player for some reasons if loadgame was executed
if( GameState->loadGame )
// check for pause or frozen
if( sv.paused || !CL_IsInGame() || SV_PlayerIsFrozen( player ))
for( i = 0; i < numcmds; i++ )
cmds[i].msec = 0;
cmds[i].forwardmove = 0;
cmds[i].sidemove = 0;
cmds[i].upmove = 0;
cmds[i].buttons = 0;
if( SV_PlayerIsFrozen( player ))
cmds[i].impulse = 0;
VectorCopy( cmds[i].viewangles, player->v.v_angle );
net_drop = 0;
if( !player->v.fixangle )
VectorCopy( cmds[0].viewangles, player->v.v_angle );
SV_EstablishTimeBase( cl, cmds, net_drop, numbackup, numcmds );
if( net_drop < 24 )
while( net_drop > numbackup )
SV_RunCmd( cl, &cl->lastcmd, 0 );
while( net_drop > 0 )
i = numcmds + net_drop - 1;
SV_RunCmd( cl, &cmds[i], cl->netchan.incoming_sequence - i );
for( i = numcmds - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
SV_RunCmd( cl, &cmds[i], cl->netchan.incoming_sequence - i );
cl->lastcmd = cmds[0];
// adjust latency time by 1/2 last client frame since
// the message probably arrived 1/2 through client's frame loop
frame->ping_time -= ( cl->lastcmd.msec * 0.5f ) / 1000.0f;
frame->ping_time = Q_max( 0.0f, frame->ping_time );
model = SV_ModelHandle( player->v.modelindex );
if( model && model->type == mod_studio )
// g-cont. yes we using svgame.globals->time instead of sv.time
if( player->v.animtime > svgame.globals->time + sv.frametime )
player->v.animtime = svgame.globals->time + sv.frametime;
Parse resource list
void SV_ParseResourceList( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
int totalsize;
resource_t *resource;
int i, total;
resourceinfo_t ri;
total = MSG_ReadShort( msg );
SV_ClearResourceList( &cl->resourcesneeded );
SV_ClearResourceList( &cl->resourcesonhand );
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
resource = Z_Calloc( sizeof( resource_t ) );
Q_strncpy( resource->szFileName, MSG_ReadString( msg ), sizeof( resource->szFileName ));
resource->type = MSG_ReadByte( msg );
resource->nIndex = MSG_ReadShort( msg );
resource->nDownloadSize = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
resource->ucFlags = MSG_ReadByte( msg );
resource->pNext = NULL;
resource->pPrev = NULL;
ClearBits( resource->ucFlags, RES_WASMISSING );
if( FBitSet( resource->ucFlags, RES_CUSTOM ))
MSG_ReadBytes( msg, resource->rgucMD5_hash, 16 );
if( resource->type > t_world || resource->nDownloadSize > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
SV_ClearResourceList( &cl->resourcesneeded );
SV_ClearResourceList( &cl->resourcesonhand );
SV_AddToResourceList( resource, &cl->resourcesneeded );
totalsize = COM_SizeofResourceList( &cl->resourcesneeded, &ri );
if( totalsize != 0 && sv_allow_upload.value )
Con_DPrintf( "Verifying and uploading resources...\n" );
if( totalsize != 0 )
Con_DPrintf( "Custom resources total %.2fK\n", totalsize / 1024.0 );
if ( ri.info[t_model].size != 0 )
Con_DPrintf( " Models: %.2fK\n", ri.info[t_model].size / 1024.0 );
if ( ri.info[t_sound].size != 0 )
Con_DPrintf( " Sounds: %.2fK\n", ri.info[t_sound].size / 1024.0 );
if ( ri.info[t_decal].size != 0 )
Con_DPrintf( " Decals: %.2fK\n", ri.info[t_decal].size / 1024.0 );
if ( ri.info[t_skin].size != 0 )
Con_DPrintf( " Skins : %.2fK\n", ri.info[t_skin].size / 1024.0 );
if ( ri.info[t_generic].size != 0 )
Con_DPrintf( " Generic : %.2fK\n", ri.info[t_generic].size / 1024.0 );
if ( ri.info[t_eventscript].size != 0 )
Con_DPrintf( " Events : %.2fK\n", ri.info[t_eventscript].size / 1024.0 );
Con_DPrintf( "----------------------\n" );
totalsize = SV_EstimateNeededResources( cl );
if( totalsize > sv_uploadmax.value * 1024 * 1024 )
SV_ClearResourceList( &cl->resourcesneeded );
SV_ClearResourceList( &cl->resourcesonhand );
Con_DPrintf( "resources to request: %s\n", Q_memprint( totalsize ));
cl->upstate = us_processing;
SV_BatchUploadRequest( cl );
Parse a requested value from client cvar
void SV_ParseCvarValue( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
const char *value = MSG_ReadString( msg );
if( svgame.dllFuncs2.pfnCvarValue != NULL )
svgame.dllFuncs2.pfnCvarValue( cl->edict, value );
Con_Reportf( "Cvar query response: name:%s, value:%s\n", cl->name, value );
Parse a requested value from client cvar
void SV_ParseCvarValue2( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
string name, value;
int requestID = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
Q_strcpy( name, MSG_ReadString( msg ));
Q_strcpy( value, MSG_ReadString( msg ));
if( svgame.dllFuncs2.pfnCvarValue2 != NULL )
svgame.dllFuncs2.pfnCvarValue2( cl->edict, requestID, name, value );
Con_Reportf( "Cvar query response: name:%s, request ID %d, cvar:%s, value:%s\n", cl->name, requestID, name, value );
Parse a client packet
void SV_ExecuteClientMessage( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
qboolean move_issued = false;
client_frame_t *frame;
int c;
ASSERT( cl->frames != NULL );
// calc ping time
frame = &cl->frames[cl->netchan.incoming_acknowledged & SV_UPDATE_MASK];
// ping time doesn't factor in message interval, either
frame->ping_time = host.realtime - frame->senttime - cl->cl_updaterate;
// on first frame ( no senttime ) don't skew ping
if( frame->senttime == 0.0f ) frame->ping_time = 0.0f;
// don't skew ping based on signon stuff either
if(( host.realtime - cl->connection_started ) < 2.0f && ( frame->ping_time > 0.0f ))
frame->ping_time = 0.0f;
cl->latency = SV_CalcClientTime( cl );
cl->delta_sequence = -1; // no delta unless requested
// read optional clientCommand strings
while( cl->state != cs_zombie )
if( MSG_CheckOverflow( msg ))
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "incoming overflow for %s\n", cl->name );
SV_DropClient( cl, false );
// end of message
if( MSG_GetNumBitsLeft( msg ) < 8 )
c = MSG_ReadClientCmd( msg );
switch( c )
case clc_nop:
case clc_delta:
cl->delta_sequence = MSG_ReadByte( msg );
case clc_move:
if( move_issued ) return; // someone is trying to cheat...
move_issued = true;
SV_ParseClientMove( cl, msg );
case clc_stringcmd:
SV_ExecuteClientCommand( cl, MSG_ReadString( msg ));
if( cl->state == cs_zombie )
return; // disconnect command
case clc_resourcelist:
SV_ParseResourceList( cl, msg );
case clc_fileconsistency:
SV_ParseConsistencyResponse( cl, msg );
case clc_requestcvarvalue:
SV_ParseCvarValue( cl, msg );
case clc_requestcvarvalue2:
SV_ParseCvarValue2( cl, msg );
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "%s: clc_bad\n", cl->name );
SV_DropClient( cl, false );