Network tools Library for PHP with native Yggdrasil / IPv6 support
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

399 lines
8.1 KiB

namespace Yggverse\Net;
class Address
private ?string $_scheme = null;
private ?string $_host = null;
private ?string $_user = null;
private ?string $_pass = null;
private ?int $_port = null;
private ?string $_path = null;
private ?string $_query = null;
private ?string $_fragment = null;
private string $_separator = '/';
private array $_segments = [];
public function __construct(?string $address = null)
if ($address)
if ($scheme = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_SCHEME))
(string) $scheme
if ($user = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_USER))
(string) $user
if ($pass = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_PASS))
(string) $pass
if ($host = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_HOST))
(string) $host
if ($port = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_PORT))
(int) $port
if ($path = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_PATH))
(string) $path
if ($query = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_QUERY))
(string) $query
if ($fragment = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT))
(string) $fragment
public function isAbsolute(): bool
return ($this->_scheme && $this->_host);
public function isRelative(): bool
return !$this->isAbsolute();
public function getScheme(): ?string
return $this->_scheme;
public function setScheme(?string $value): void
$this->_scheme = $value;
public function getHost(): ?string
return $this->_host;
public function setHost(?string $value): void
$this->_host = $value;
public function getUser(): ?string
return $this->_user;
public function setUser(?string $value): void
$this->_user = $value;
public function getPass(): ?string
return $this->_pass;
public function setPass(?string $value): void
$this->_pass = $value;
public function getPort(): ?int
return $this->_port;
public function setPort(?int $value): void
$this->_port = $value;
public function getPath(): ?string
return $this->_path;
public function setPath(?string $value): void
if (false !== strpos($value, '\\'))
$this->_segments = explode(
$this->_path = $value;
public function getSegments(): array
return $this->_segments;
public function getQuery(): ?string
return $this->_query;
public function setQuery(?string $value): void
$this->_query = $value;
public function getFragment(): ?string
return $this->_fragment;
public function setFragment(?string $value): void
$this->_fragment = $value;
public function getSeparator(): string
return $this->_separator;
public function setSeparator(?string $value): void
$this->_separator = $value;
public function get(
bool $scheme = true,
bool $user = true,
bool $pass = true,
bool $host = true,
bool $port = true,
bool $path = true,
bool $query = true,
bool $fragment = true,
): string
$address = '';
if ($scheme && $this->getScheme())
$address .= sprintf(
if ($user && $this->getUser())
if ($pass && $this->getPass())
$address .= sprintf(
$address .= sprintf(
if ($host && $this->getHost())
$address .= $this->getHost();
if ($port && $this->getPort())
$address .= sprintf(
if ($path && $this->getPath())
if (!str_starts_with($this->getPath(), $this->getSeparator()))
$address .= $this->getSeparator();
$address .= $this->getPath();
if ($query && $this->getQuery())
$address .= sprintf(
if ($fragment && $this->getFragment())
$address .= sprintf(
return $address;
public function toAbsolute(
\Yggverse\Net\Address $base
): bool
if ($this->isAbsolute())
return true;
if ($base->isRelative())
return false;
if (str_starts_with((string) $this->getPath(), $this->getSeparator()))
return true;
if ($path = $this->getPath())
$prefix = array_reverse(
$navigate = true;
$postfix = [];
foreach ($this->getSegments() as $index => $segment)
if ($segment == '.')
if ($navigate && $segment == '..')
if (empty($prefix[$index]))
return false;
$navigate = false;
$postfix[] = $segment;
return true;
return false;
// @TODO deprecated, legacy needs only
public function getAbsolute(
\Yggverse\Net\Address $base
): ?string
if ($this->toAbsolute($base))
return $this->get();
return null;