2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
* Copyright ( c ) 1996 - 2002 , Valve LLC . All rights reserved .
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software , Inc . ( " Id Technology " ) . Id Technology ( c ) 1996 Id Software , Inc .
* All Rights Reserved .
* Use , distribution , and modification of this source code and / or resulting
* object code is restricted to non - commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC . All other use , distribution , or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC .
* * * */
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
This file contains " stubs " of class member implementations so that we can predict certain
weapons client side . From time to time you might find that you need to implement part of the
these functions . If so , cut it from here , paste it in hl_weapons . cpp or somewhere else and
add in the functionality you need .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
# include "extdll.h"
# include "util.h"
# include "cbase.h"
# include "player.h"
# include "weapons.h"
# include "nodes.h"
# include "soundent.h"
# include "skill.h"
// Globals used by game logic
const Vector g_vecZero = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
int gmsgWeapPickup = 0 ;
enginefuncs_t g_engfuncs ;
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
globalvars_t * gpGlobals ;
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
ItemInfo CBasePlayerItem : : ItemInfoArray [ MAX_WEAPONS ] ;
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void EMIT_SOUND_DYN ( edict_t * entity , int channel , const char * sample , float volume , float attenuation , int flags , int pitch ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
// CBaseEntity Stubs
2016-08-02 18:36:48 +05:00
int CBaseEntity : : TakeHealth ( float flHealth , int bitsDamageType ) { return 1 ; }
int CBaseEntity : : TakeDamage ( entvars_t * pevInflictor , entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , int bitsDamageType ) { return 1 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
CBaseEntity * CBaseEntity : : GetNextTarget ( void ) { return NULL ; }
int CBaseEntity : : Save ( CSave & save ) { return 1 ; }
int CBaseEntity : : Restore ( CRestore & restore ) { return 1 ; }
void CBaseEntity : : SetObjectCollisionBox ( void ) { }
2016-08-02 18:36:48 +05:00
int CBaseEntity : : Intersects ( CBaseEntity * pOther ) { return 0 ; }
void CBaseEntity : : MakeDormant ( void ) { }
int CBaseEntity : : IsDormant ( void ) { return 0 ; }
BOOL CBaseEntity : : IsInWorld ( void ) { return TRUE ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int CBaseEntity : : ShouldToggle ( USE_TYPE useType , BOOL currentState ) { return 0 ; }
2016-08-02 18:36:48 +05:00
int CBaseEntity : : DamageDecal ( int bitsDamageType ) { return - 1 ; }
2017-06-29 18:56:03 +05:00
CBaseEntity * CBaseEntity : : Create ( const char * szName , const Vector & vecOrigin , const Vector & vecAngles , edict_t * pentOwner ) { return NULL ; }
2017-07-21 00:52:09 +05:00
void CBaseEntity : : UpdateOnRemove ( void ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBaseEntity : : SUB_Remove ( void ) { }
// CBaseDelay Stubs
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseDelay : : KeyValue ( struct KeyValueData_s * ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int CBaseDelay : : Restore ( class CRestore & ) { return 1 ; }
int CBaseDelay : : Save ( class CSave & ) { return 1 ; }
// CBaseAnimating Stubs
int CBaseAnimating : : Restore ( class CRestore & ) { return 1 ; }
int CBaseAnimating : : Save ( class CSave & ) { return 1 ; }
// DEBUG Stubs
edict_t * DBG_EntOfVars ( const entvars_t * pev ) { return NULL ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void DBG_AssertFunction ( BOOL fExpr , const char * szExpr , const char * szFile , int szLine , const char * szMessage ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
// UTIL_* Stubs
void UTIL_PrecacheOther ( const char * szClassname ) { }
void UTIL_BloodDrips ( const Vector & origin , const Vector & direction , int color , int amount ) { }
void UTIL_DecalTrace ( TraceResult * pTrace , int decalNumber ) { }
void UTIL_GunshotDecalTrace ( TraceResult * pTrace , int decalNumber ) { }
void UTIL_MakeVectors ( const Vector & vecAngles ) { }
BOOL UTIL_IsValidEntity ( edict_t * pent ) { return TRUE ; }
void UTIL_SetOrigin ( entvars_t * , const Vector & org ) { }
BOOL UTIL_GetNextBestWeapon ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer , CBasePlayerItem * pCurrentWeapon ) { return TRUE ; }
void UTIL_LogPrintf ( char * , . . . ) { }
void UTIL_ClientPrintAll ( int , char const * , char const * , char const * , char const * , char const * ) { }
void ClientPrint ( entvars_t * client , int msg_dest , const char * msg_name , const char * param1 , const char * param2 , const char * param3 , const char * param4 ) { }
// CBaseToggle Stubs
int CBaseToggle : : Restore ( class CRestore & ) { return 1 ; }
int CBaseToggle : : Save ( class CSave & ) { return 1 ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseToggle : : KeyValue ( struct KeyValueData_s * ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
// CGrenade Stubs
void CGrenade : : BounceSound ( void ) { }
void CGrenade : : Explode ( Vector , Vector ) { }
void CGrenade : : Explode ( TraceResult * , int ) { }
void CGrenade : : Killed ( entvars_t * , int ) { }
void CGrenade : : Spawn ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
CGrenade * CGrenade : : ShootTimed ( entvars_t * pevOwner , Vector vecStart , Vector vecVelocity , float time ) { return 0 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
CGrenade * CGrenade : : ShootContact ( entvars_t * pevOwner , Vector vecStart , Vector vecVelocity ) { return 0 ; }
void CGrenade : : DetonateUse ( CBaseEntity * pActivator , CBaseEntity * pCaller , USE_TYPE useType , float value ) { }
void UTIL_Remove ( CBaseEntity * pEntity ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
struct skilldata_t gSkillData ;
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void UTIL_SetSize ( entvars_t * pev , const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax ) { }
CBaseEntity * UTIL_FindEntityInSphere ( CBaseEntity * pStartEntity , const Vector & vecCenter , float flRadius ) { return 0 ; }
Vector UTIL_VecToAngles ( const Vector & vec ) { return 0 ; }
CSprite * CSprite : : SpriteCreate ( const char * pSpriteName , const Vector & origin , BOOL animate ) { return 0 ; }
void CBeam : : PointEntInit ( const Vector & start , int endIndex ) { }
CBeam * CBeam : : BeamCreate ( const char * pSpriteName , int width ) { return NULL ; }
void CSprite : : Expand ( float scaleSpeed , float fadeSpeed ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
CBaseEntity * CBaseMonster : : CheckTraceHullAttack ( float flDist , int iDamage , int iDmgType ) { return NULL ; }
void CBaseMonster : : Eat ( float flFullDuration ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FShouldEat ( void ) { return TRUE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : BarnacleVictimBitten ( entvars_t * pevBarnacle ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : BarnacleVictimReleased ( void ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : Listen ( void ) { }
float CBaseMonster : : FLSoundVolume ( CSound * pSound ) { return 0.0 ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FValidateHintType ( short sHint ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : Look ( int iDistance ) { }
int CBaseMonster : : ISoundMask ( void ) { return 0 ; }
CSound * CBaseMonster : : PBestSound ( void ) { return NULL ; }
CSound * CBaseMonster : : PBestScent ( void ) { return NULL ; }
float CBaseAnimating : : StudioFrameAdvance ( float flInterval ) { return 0.0 ; }
void CBaseMonster : : MonsterThink ( void ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : MonsterUse ( CBaseEntity * pActivator , CBaseEntity * pCaller , USE_TYPE useType , float value ) { }
int CBaseMonster : : IgnoreConditions ( void ) { return 0 ; }
void CBaseMonster : : RouteClear ( void ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : RouteNew ( void ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FRouteClear ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FRefreshRoute ( void ) { return 0 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
BOOL CBaseMonster : : MoveToEnemy ( Activity movementAct , float waitTime ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : MoveToLocation ( Activity movementAct , float waitTime , const Vector & goal ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : MoveToTarget ( Activity movementAct , float waitTime ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : MoveToNode ( Activity movementAct , float waitTime , const Vector & goal ) { return FALSE ; }
int ShouldSimplify ( int routeType ) { return TRUE ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : RouteSimplify ( CBaseEntity * pTargetEnt ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FBecomeProne ( void ) { return TRUE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : CheckRangeAttack1 ( float flDot , float flDist ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : CheckRangeAttack2 ( float flDot , float flDist ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : CheckMeleeAttack1 ( float flDot , float flDist ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : CheckMeleeAttack2 ( float flDot , float flDist ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : CheckAttacks ( CBaseEntity * pTarget , float flDist ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FCanCheckAttacks ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
int CBaseMonster : : CheckEnemy ( CBaseEntity * pEnemy ) { return 0 ; }
void CBaseMonster : : PushEnemy ( CBaseEntity * pEnemy , Vector & vecLastKnownPos ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : PopEnemy ( ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : SetActivity ( Activity NewActivity ) { }
2017-06-29 18:56:03 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : SetSequenceByName ( const char * szSequence ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
int CBaseMonster : : CheckLocalMove ( const Vector & vecStart , const Vector & vecEnd , CBaseEntity * pTarget , float * pflDist ) { return 0 ; }
float CBaseMonster : : OpenDoorAndWait ( entvars_t * pevDoor ) { return 0.0 ; }
void CBaseMonster : : AdvanceRoute ( float distance ) { }
int CBaseMonster : : RouteClassify ( int iMoveFlag ) { return 0 ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : BuildRoute ( const Vector & vecGoal , int iMoveFlag , CBaseEntity * pTarget ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : InsertWaypoint ( Vector vecLocation , int afMoveFlags ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FTriangulate ( const Vector & vecStart , const Vector & vecEnd , float flDist , CBaseEntity * pTargetEnt , Vector * pApex ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : Move ( float flInterval ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : ShouldAdvanceRoute ( float flWaypointDist ) { return FALSE ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : MoveExecute ( CBaseEntity * pTargetEnt , const Vector & vecDir , float flInterval ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : MonsterInit ( void ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : MonsterInitThink ( void ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : StartMonster ( void ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : MovementComplete ( void ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int CBaseMonster : : TaskIsRunning ( void ) { return 0 ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
int CBaseMonster : : IRelationship ( CBaseEntity * pTarget ) { return 0 ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FindCover ( Vector vecThreat , Vector vecViewOffset , float flMinDist , float flMaxDist ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : BuildNearestRoute ( Vector vecThreat , Vector vecViewOffset , float flMinDist , float flMaxDist ) { return FALSE ; }
CBaseEntity * CBaseMonster : : BestVisibleEnemy ( void ) { return NULL ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FInViewCone ( CBaseEntity * pEntity ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FInViewCone ( Vector * pOrigin ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseEntity : : FVisible ( CBaseEntity * pEntity ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseEntity : : FVisible ( const Vector & vecOrigin ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : MakeIdealYaw ( Vector vecTarget ) { }
float CBaseMonster : : FlYawDiff ( void ) { return 0.0 ; }
float CBaseMonster : : ChangeYaw ( int yawSpeed ) { return 0 ; }
float CBaseMonster : : VecToYaw ( Vector vecDir ) { return 0.0 ; }
int CBaseAnimating : : LookupActivity ( int activity ) { return 0 ; }
int CBaseAnimating : : LookupActivityHeaviest ( int activity ) { return 0 ; }
void CBaseMonster : : SetEyePosition ( void ) { }
int CBaseAnimating : : LookupSequence ( const char * label ) { return 0 ; }
void CBaseAnimating : : ResetSequenceInfo ( ) { }
BOOL CBaseAnimating : : GetSequenceFlags ( ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseAnimating : : DispatchAnimEvents ( float flInterval ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : HandleAnimEvent ( MonsterEvent_t * pEvent ) { }
float CBaseAnimating : : SetBoneController ( int iController , float flValue ) { return 0.0 ; }
void CBaseAnimating : : InitBoneControllers ( void ) { }
float CBaseAnimating : : SetBlending ( int iBlender , float flValue ) { return 0 ; }
void CBaseAnimating : : GetBonePosition ( int iBone , Vector & origin , Vector & angles ) { }
void CBaseAnimating : : GetAttachment ( int iAttachment , Vector & origin , Vector & angles ) { }
int CBaseAnimating : : FindTransition ( int iEndingSequence , int iGoalSequence , int * piDir ) { return - 1 ; }
void CBaseAnimating : : GetAutomovement ( Vector & origin , Vector & angles , float flInterval ) { }
void CBaseAnimating : : SetBodygroup ( int iGroup , int iValue ) { }
int CBaseAnimating : : GetBodygroup ( int iGroup ) { return 0 ; }
Vector CBaseMonster : : GetGunPosition ( void ) { return g_vecZero ; }
void CBaseEntity : : TraceAttack ( entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , Vector vecDir , TraceResult * ptr , int bitsDamageType ) { }
2022-07-08 17:15:58 +03:00
void CBaseEntity : : FireBullets ( ULONG cShots , Vector vecSrc , Vector vecDirShooting , Vector vecSpread , float flDistance , int iBulletType , int iTracerFreq , int iDamage , entvars_t * pevAttacker , int TraverseMur ) { } //modif de Julien (TraverseMur)
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseEntity : : TraceBleed ( float flDamage , Vector vecDir , TraceResult * ptr , int bitsDamageType ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : MakeDamageBloodDecal ( int cCount , float flNoise , TraceResult * ptr , const Vector & vecDir ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FGetNodeRoute ( Vector vecDest ) { return TRUE ; }
int CBaseMonster : : FindHintNode ( void ) { return NO_NODE ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : ReportAIState ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : KeyValue ( KeyValueData * pkvd ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FCheckAITrigger ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
int CBaseMonster : : CanPlaySequence ( BOOL fDisregardMonsterState , int interruptLevel ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FindLateralCover ( const Vector & vecThreat , const Vector & vecViewOffset ) { return FALSE ; }
Vector CBaseMonster : : ShootAtEnemy ( const Vector & shootOrigin ) { return g_vecZero ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FacingIdeal ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : FCanActiveIdle ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : PlaySentence ( const char * pszSentence , float duration , float volume , float attenuation ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : PlayScriptedSentence ( const char * pszSentence , float duration , float volume , float attenuation , BOOL bConcurrent , CBaseEntity * pListener ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : SentenceStop ( void ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : CorpseFallThink ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : MonsterInitDead ( void ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : BBoxFlat ( void ) { return TRUE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : GetEnemy ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : TraceAttack ( entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , Vector vecDir , TraceResult * ptr , int bitsDamageType ) { }
2017-06-29 18:56:03 +05:00
CBaseEntity * CBaseMonster : : DropItem ( const char * pszItemName , const Vector & vecPos , const Vector & vecAng ) { return NULL ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
BOOL CBaseMonster : : ShouldFadeOnDeath ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBaseMonster : : RadiusDamage ( entvars_t * pevInflictor , entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , int iClassIgnore , int bitsDamageType ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : RadiusDamage ( Vector vecSrc , entvars_t * pevInflictor , entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , int iClassIgnore , int bitsDamageType ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : FadeMonster ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : GibMonster ( void ) { }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : HasHumanGibs ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
BOOL CBaseMonster : : HasAlienGibs ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
Activity CBaseMonster : : GetDeathActivity ( void ) { return ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT ; }
MONSTERSTATE CBaseMonster : : GetIdealState ( void ) { return MONSTERSTATE_ALERT ; }
Schedule_t * CBaseMonster : : GetScheduleOfType ( int Type ) { return NULL ; }
Schedule_t * CBaseMonster : : GetSchedule ( void ) { return NULL ; }
void CBaseMonster : : RunTask ( Task_t * pTask ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : StartTask ( Task_t * pTask ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
Schedule_t * CBaseMonster : : ScheduleFromName ( const char * pName ) { return NULL ; }
void CBaseMonster : : BecomeDead ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBaseMonster : : RunAI ( void ) { }
void CBaseMonster : : Killed ( entvars_t * pevAttacker , int iGib ) { }
int CBaseMonster : : TakeHealth ( float flHealth , int bitsDamageType ) { return 0 ; }
int CBaseMonster : : TakeDamage ( entvars_t * pevInflictor , entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , int bitsDamageType ) { return 0 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int CBaseMonster : : Restore ( class CRestore & ) { return 1 ; }
int CBaseMonster : : Save ( class CSave & ) { return 1 ; }
2022-07-08 17:15:58 +03:00
// modif de Julien
void CBaseMonster : : Gunflash ( void ) { } ;
void CBasePlayer : : TextAmmo ( TEXT_AMMMO ta_text ) { } ;
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
int TrainSpeed ( int iSpeed , int iMax ) { return 0 ; }
void CBasePlayer : : DeathSound ( void ) { }
int CBasePlayer : : TakeHealth ( float flHealth , int bitsDamageType ) { return 0 ; }
void CBasePlayer : : TraceAttack ( entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , Vector vecDir , TraceResult * ptr , int bitsDamageType ) { }
int CBasePlayer : : TakeDamage ( entvars_t * pevInflictor , entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , int bitsDamageType ) { return 0 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : PackDeadPlayerItems ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : RemoveAllItems ( BOOL removeSuit ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : SetAnimation ( PLAYER_ANIM playerAnim ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : WaterMove ( ) { }
BOOL CBasePlayer : : IsOnLadder ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBasePlayer : : PlayerDeathThink ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : StartDeathCam ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : StartObserver ( Vector vecPosition , Vector vecViewAngle ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : PlayerUse ( void ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : Jump ( ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : Duck ( ) { }
int CBasePlayer : : Classify ( void ) { return 0 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : PreThink ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : CheckTimeBasedDamage ( ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : UpdateGeigerCounter ( void ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : CheckSuitUpdate ( ) { }
2017-06-29 18:56:03 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : SetSuitUpdate ( const char * name , int fgroup , int iNoRepeatTime ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : UpdatePlayerSound ( void ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : PostThink ( ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : Precache ( void ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int CBasePlayer : : Save ( CSave & save ) { return 0 ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : RenewItems ( void ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int CBasePlayer : : Restore ( CRestore & restore ) { return 0 ; }
void CBasePlayer : : SelectNextItem ( int iItem ) { }
BOOL CBasePlayer : : HasWeapons ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBasePlayer : : SelectPrevItem ( int iItem ) { }
CBaseEntity * FindEntityForward ( CBaseEntity * pMe ) { return NULL ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
BOOL CBasePlayer : : FlashlightIsOn ( void ) { return FALSE ; }
void CBasePlayer : : FlashlightTurnOn ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : FlashlightTurnOff ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : ForceClientDllUpdate ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : ImpulseCommands ( ) { }
2022-07-08 17:15:58 +03:00
//modif de Julien 7/7/01
BOOL CBasePlayer : : IsInGaz ( ) { return FALSE ; } //Here
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : CheatImpulseCommands ( int iImpulse ) { }
int CBasePlayer : : AddPlayerItem ( CBasePlayerItem * pItem ) { return FALSE ; }
2017-07-23 21:41:05 +05:00
int CBasePlayer : : RemovePlayerItem ( CBasePlayerItem * pItem , bool bCallHoster ) { return FALSE ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : ItemPreFrame ( ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : ItemPostFrame ( ) { }
int CBasePlayer : : AmmoInventory ( int iAmmoIndex ) { return - 1 ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
int CBasePlayer : : GetAmmoIndex ( const char * psz ) { return - 1 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : SendAmmoUpdate ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : UpdateClientData ( void ) { }
BOOL CBasePlayer : : FBecomeProne ( void ) { return TRUE ; }
void CBasePlayer : : BarnacleVictimBitten ( entvars_t * pevBarnacle ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : BarnacleVictimReleased ( void ) { }
int CBasePlayer : : Illumination ( void ) { return 0 ; }
void CBasePlayer : : EnableControl ( BOOL fControl ) { }
Vector CBasePlayer : : GetAutoaimVector ( float flDelta ) { return g_vecZero ; }
Vector CBasePlayer : : AutoaimDeflection ( Vector & vecSrc , float flDist , float flDelta ) { return g_vecZero ; }
void CBasePlayer : : ResetAutoaim ( ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : SetCustomDecalFrames ( int nFrames ) { }
int CBasePlayer : : GetCustomDecalFrames ( void ) { return - 1 ; }
void CBasePlayer : : DropPlayerItem ( char * pszItemName ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
BOOL CBasePlayer : : HasPlayerItem ( CBasePlayerItem * pCheckItem ) { return FALSE ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
BOOL CBasePlayer : : SwitchWeapon ( CBasePlayerItem * pWeapon ) { return FALSE ; }
Vector CBasePlayer : : GetGunPosition ( void ) { return g_vecZero ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
const char * CBasePlayer : : TeamID ( void ) { return " " ; }
2017-06-29 18:56:03 +05:00
int CBasePlayer : : GiveAmmo ( int iCount , const char * szName , int iMax ) { return 0 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayer : : AddPoints ( int score , BOOL bAllowNegativeScore ) { }
void CBasePlayer : : AddPointsToTeam ( int score , BOOL bAllowNegativeScore ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void ClearMultiDamage ( void ) { }
void ApplyMultiDamage ( entvars_t * pevInflictor , entvars_t * pevAttacker ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void AddMultiDamage ( entvars_t * pevInflictor , CBaseEntity * pEntity , float flDamage , int bitsDamageType ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void SpawnBlood ( Vector vecSpot , int bloodColor , float flDamage ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int DamageDecal ( CBaseEntity * pEntity , int bitsDamageType ) { return 0 ; }
void DecalGunshot ( TraceResult * pTrace , int iBulletType ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void EjectBrass ( const Vector & vecOrigin , const Vector & vecVelocity , float rotation , int model , int soundtype ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void AddAmmoNameToAmmoRegistry ( const char * szAmmoname ) { }
int CBasePlayerItem : : Restore ( class CRestore & ) { return 1 ; }
int CBasePlayerItem : : Save ( class CSave & ) { return 1 ; }
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : Restore ( class CRestore & ) { return 1 ; }
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : Save ( class CSave & ) { return 1 ; }
2017-06-26 07:06:27 +05:00
float CBasePlayerWeapon : : GetNextAttackDelay ( float flTime ) { return flTime ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayerItem : : SetObjectCollisionBox ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayerItem : : FallInit ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayerItem : : FallThink ( void ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayerItem : : Materialize ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayerItem : : AttemptToMaterialize ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayerItem : : CheckRespawn ( void ) { }
CBaseEntity * CBasePlayerItem : : Respawn ( void ) { return NULL ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayerItem : : DefaultTouch ( CBaseEntity * pOther ) { }
void CBasePlayerItem : : DestroyItem ( void ) { }
int CBasePlayerItem : : AddToPlayer ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer ) { return TRUE ; }
void CBasePlayerItem : : Drop ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayerItem : : Kill ( void ) { }
void CBasePlayerItem : : Holster ( int skiplocal ) { }
void CBasePlayerItem : : AttachToPlayer ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer ) { }
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : AddDuplicate ( CBasePlayerItem * pOriginal ) { return 0 ; }
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : AddToPlayer ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer ) { return FALSE ; }
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : UpdateClientData ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer ) { return 0 ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
BOOL CBasePlayerWeapon : : AddPrimaryAmmo ( int iCount , char * szName , int iMaxClip , int iMaxCarry ) { return TRUE ; }
BOOL CBasePlayerWeapon : : AddSecondaryAmmo ( int iCount , char * szName , int iMax ) { return TRUE ; }
BOOL CBasePlayerWeapon : : IsUseable ( void ) { return TRUE ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : PrimaryAmmoIndex ( void ) { return - 1 ; }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : SecondaryAmmoIndex ( void ) { return - 1 ; }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
void CBasePlayerAmmo : : Spawn ( void ) { }
CBaseEntity * CBasePlayerAmmo : : Respawn ( void ) { return this ; }
void CBasePlayerAmmo : : Materialize ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CBasePlayerAmmo : : DefaultTouch ( CBaseEntity * pOther ) { }
2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : ExtractAmmo ( CBasePlayerWeapon * pWeapon ) { return 0 ; }
int CBasePlayerWeapon : : ExtractClipAmmo ( CBasePlayerWeapon * pWeapon ) { return 0 ; }
void CBasePlayerWeapon : : RetireWeapon ( void ) { }
2016-07-03 18:39:55 +05:00
void CSoundEnt : : InsertSound ( int iType , const Vector & vecOrigin , int iVolume , float flDuration ) { }
void RadiusDamage ( Vector vecSrc , entvars_t * pevInflictor , entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , float flRadius , int iClassIgnore , int bitsDamageType ) { }
2020-02-12 15:37:46 +07:00
void CSprite : : AnimateUntilDead ( void ) { }