Your domain will become open for registration again (disabled) if it is dead for:
Your domain will become open for registration again (disabled) if it is dead for:
<li>{{ delnewdays }} days if last seen less than {{ newdays }} days since registration</li>
<li>{{ delnewdays }} days if last seen less than {{ newdays }} days since registration</li>
<li>{{ delapprdays }} days if last seen less than {{ olddays }} days since registration</li>
<li>{{ delactdays }} days if last seen less than {{ olddays }} days since registration</li>
<li>{{ delstabdays }} days if last seen more than {{ olddays }} days since registration</li>
<li>{{ delstabdays }} days if last seen more than {{ olddays }} days since registration</li>
Domains that are inaccessible before the disabling date for {{ hidedays }} days, will be hidden from <a href="/alive">alive</a> list, removed from export lists, but will still be checked every hour.<br>
Domains that are inaccessible before the disabling date for {{ hidedays }} days, will be hidden from <a href="/alive">alive</a> list, removed from export lists, but will still be checked every hour.<br>
When domain dead for amount days stated above, it will be marked as disabled, opened for registration and will be checked once a day for availability at {{ fullhour }} o'clock UTC.
When domain dead for amount days stated above, it will be marked as disabled, opened for registration and will be checked once a day for availability at {{ fullhour }} o'clock UTC.
{% if approval %}
{% if activation %}
Your domain will generally be approved within {{ apprdelay }} hour(s). However, your domain must be alive within the last {{ apprseen }} hour(s) before the approval is due.
Your domain will appear in the listing within {{ actdelay }} hour(s). However, your domain must be alive within the last {{ actseen }} hour(s) before the activation is due.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -66,6 +66,24 @@
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<b>Terms of use:</b>
<li>Service owner is not responsible about content published on submitted domains</li>
<li>Submited domains processed automaticly. No human involved in process</li>
<li>Domains with offensive content will be hidden from the list
<li>they can be found using the search and jump links</li>
<li>adding <code>?all</code> to page address (like <code>/alive?all</code>) will show them</li>
<li>such domains won't be exported to subscriptions</li>
<li>if you disagree with some eepsite's content - we won't do anything, only specific categories might be hidden</li>
<li>Any complaints should be sent to <a href="http://sportloto.i2p" target="_blank">Sportloto</a></li>
<li>You can contact with reg.i2p site owners on Ilita IRC network (irc.ilita.i2p or irc.r4sas.i2p or irc.acetone.i2p) at #dev, #en or #ru channels</li>