* signaturetype -- signature type for new keys. 0 (DSA), 1 (ECDSA-P256), 7 (EDDSA), 11 (RedDSA). RSA signatures (4,5,6) are not allowed and will be changed to 7. 7 by default
* signaturetype -- signature type for new keys. 0 (DSA), 1 (ECDSA-P256), 7 (EDDSA), 11 (RedDSA). RSA signatures (4,5,6) are not allowed and will be changed to 7. 7 by default
* cryptotype -- crypto type for new keys. Experimental. Should be always 0
* cryptotype -- crypto type for new keys. Experimental. Should be always 0
* destinationport -- connect to particular port at destination. 0 by default
* destinationport -- connect to particular port at destination. 0 by default
* keepaliveinterval -- send ping to the destination after this interval in seconds. 0 by default meaning no pings
So, given the example above, if you connected to on localhost, i2pd would tunnel that to irc.echelon.i2p:6668
So, given the example above, if you connected to on localhost, i2pd would tunnel that to irc.echelon.i2p:6668