* address -- local interface tunnel binds to, '' for connections from local host only, '' for connections from everywhere. '' by default.
* signaturetype -- signature type for new keys. 0 (DSA), 1 (ECDSA-P256), 7 (EDDSA). 1 by default
* crytotype -- crypto type for new keys. Experimental. Should be alway 0
* destinationport -- connect to particular port at destination. 0 by default
So, with example above, if you telnet to on localhost, i2pd will connect to irc.echelon.i2p:6668
* accesslist -- list of comma-separated of b32 address (without .b32.i2p) allowed to connect. Everybody is allowed by default.
* gzip -- turns internal compression off if set to false. true by default.
* signaturetype -- means signature type for new keys. 0 - DSA, 1- ECDSA-P256, 7 -EDDSA. 1 by default.
* crytotype -- crypto type for new keys. Experimental. Should be alway 0.
* enableuniquelocal -- if true, connection to local address will look like 127.x.x.x where x.x.x is first 3 bytes of incoming connection peer's ident hash. true by default.