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8 years ago
I2P tunnel configuration
tunnels.conf is designed to support multiple I2P tunnels. Must be located in ``~/.i2pd`` (per-user) or ``/var/lib/i2pd`` (system-wide).
This file uses .ini file format. It consists of multiple sections with unique name each.
Tunnel types
Section type is specified by *type* parameter.
Available tunnel types:
Type | Description
------------- | --------------------------------------
client | Client tunnel to remote I2P destination (TCP)
server | Generic server tunnel to setup any TCP service in I2P network
http | HTTP server tunnel to setup a website in I2P
irc | IRC server tunnel to setup IRC server in I2P
udpclient | Forwards local UDP endpoint to remote I2P destination
udpserver | Forwards traffic from N I2P destinations to local UDP endpoint
socks | Custom Socks proxy service to use I2P with
httpproxy | Custom HTTP proxy service to use I2P with
websocks | WebSocket interface to use I2P with
8 years ago
Client tunnels
Mnemonic: we can connect to someone as client
Must contain few mandatory parameters, some optional parameters might be also presented.
Example of client tunnel:
type = client
address =
port = 6668
destination = irc.echelon.i2p
keys = irc.dat
If *keys* is empty, transient keys will be created on every restart. If keys file is not found, new keys will be created and stored into specified file.
Client tunnels might share same local destination, if keys file contains same identity.
Optional parameters:
* address -- local interface tunnel binds to, '' for connections from local host only, '' for connections from everywhere. '' by default.
* signaturetype -- signature type for new keys. 0 (DSA), 1 (ECDSA-P256), 7 (EDDSA). 1 by default
7 years ago
* crytotype -- crypto type for new keys. Experimental. Should be alway 0
8 years ago
* destinationport -- connect to particular port at destination. 0 by default
So, with example above, if you telnet to on localhost, i2pd will connect to irc.echelon.i2p:6668
Server/generic tunnels
Mnemonic: we serving some service to others in network
Example of server tunnel:
type = server
host =
port = 25
keys = smtp-in.dat
*keys* must be presented, LeaseSet of address from keys file will be published. Server tunnel must use its own local destination.
Optional parameters:
* inport -- what port at local destination server tunnel listens to. Same as *port* by default.
* accesslist -- list of comma-separated of b32 address (without .b32.i2p) allowed to connect. Everybody is allowed by default.
* gzip -- turns internal compression off if set to false. true by default.
* signaturetype -- means signature type for new keys. 0 - DSA, 1- ECDSA-P256, 7 -EDDSA. 1 by default.
7 years ago
* crytotype -- crypto type for new keys. Experimental. Should be alway 0.
8 years ago
* enableuniquelocal -- if true, connection to local address will look like 127.x.x.x where x.x.x is first 3 bytes of incoming connection peer's ident hash. true by default.
Server/http tunnels
*http* tunnel works same way as server tunnel, but replace 'Host:' field in HTTP header to address provided in configuration.
Also resolves it if necessary.
Example of http tunnel:
type = http
host = ourwebsite.com
port = 80
keys = our-website.dat
Optional parameters:
* hostoverride -- value to send in 'Host:' header, default: the same as *host* parameter
* gzip -- should we compress contents at I2P level. default: true
8 years ago
Server/IRC tunnels
IRC tunnels are supposed to connect to an IRC server through WEBIRC.
It replaces IP address (usually to user's .b32 I2P address.
Optional parameters:
* webircpassword -- password to send with WEBIRC command
UDP Tunnels
There are 2 types of UDP tunnels: `udpclient` and `udpserver`
`udpclient` forwards 1 local UDP endpoint to 1 remote I2P destination
8 years ago
type = udpclient
destination = something.b32.i2p
port = 1194
* destination -- the I2P destination of a udpserver tunnel, required parameter
* address -- IP address to bind local UDP endpoint to, defaults to ``
* port -- port to bind local UDP endpoint to, required parameter
8 years ago
`udpserver` forwards traffic from N I2P destinations to 1 local UDP endpoint
8 years ago
type = udpserver
keys = openvpn.dat
port = 1194
* address -- IP address to use for local UDP endpoints, defaults to ``
* host -- IP address to forward traffic to, defaults to ``
* port -- UDP port to forward traffic on, required parameter
8 years ago
Socks proxy
Socks proxy interface can be defined in ``tunnels.conf``.
Example of Socks proxy:
type = socks
address =
port = 14447
keys = socks-keys.dat
* address -- local address Socks proxy binds to, defaults to ``
* port -- TCP port Socks proxy binds to
8 years ago
I2CP parameters
I2CP parameter are common for all tunnel types and specify setting for a local destination.
* inbound.length -- number of hops of an inbound tunnel. 3 by default; lower value is faster but dangerous
* outbound.length -- number of hops of an outbound tunnel. 3 by default; lower value is faster but dangerous
* inbound.quantity -- number of inbound tunnels. 5 by default
* outbound.quantity -- number of outbound tunnels. 5 by default
* crypto.tagsToSend -- number of ElGamal/AES tags to send. 40 by default; too low value may cause problems with tunnel building
* explicitPeers -- list of comma-separated b64 addresses of peers to use, default: unset
Other examples
# outgoing tunnel sample, to remote service
# mandatory parameters:
# * type -- always "client"
# * port -- local port to listen to
# * destination -- I2P hostname
8 years ago
# optional parameters (may be omitted)
# * keys -- our identity, if unset, will be generated on every startup,
# if set and file missing, keys will be generated and placed to this file
# * address -- local interface to bind
# * signaturetype -- signature type for new destination. 0 (DSA/SHA1), 1 (EcDSA/SHA256) or 7 (EdDSA/SHA512)
type = client
address =
port = 6668
destination = irc.postman.i2p
keys = irc-keys.dat
# incoming tunnel sample, for local service
# mandatory parameters:
# * type -- "server" or "http"
# * host -- IP address of our service
8 years ago
# * port -- port of our service
# * keys -- file with LeaseSet of address in i2p
# optional parameters (may be omitted)
# * inport -- optional, I2P service port, if unset - the same as 'port'
# * accesslist -- comma-separated list of I2P addresses, allowed to connect
8 years ago
# every address is b32 without '.b32.i2p' part
type = http
host =
port = 80
keys = site-keys.dat
type = server
host =
port = 6667
keys = irc.dat