# include <fstream>
# include <assert.h>
# include "mainwindow.h"
# include "ui_mainwindow.h"
# include "ui_statusbuttons.h"
# include "ui_routercommandswidget.h"
# include "ui_generalsettingswidget.h"
# include <sstream>
# include <QScrollBar>
# include <QMessageBox>
# include <QTimer>
# include <QFile>
# include <QFileDialog>
# include "RouterContext.h"
# include "Config.h"
# include "FS.h"
# include "Log.h"
# include "RouterContext.h"
# include "Transports.h"
# include "HTTPServer.h"
# ifndef ANDROID
# include <QtDebug>
# endif
# include "DaemonQT.h"
# include "SignatureTypeComboboxFactory.h"
std : : string programOptionsWriterCurrentSection ;
MainWindow : : MainWindow ( QWidget * parent ) :
QMainWindow ( parent )
# ifndef ANDROID
, quitting ( false )
# endif
, wasSelectingAtStatusMainPage ( false )
, showHiddenInfoStatusMainPage ( false )
, ui ( new Ui : : MainWindow )
, statusButtonsUI ( new Ui : : StatusButtonsForm )
, routerCommandsUI ( new Ui : : routerCommandsWidget )
, uiSettings ( new Ui : : GeneralSettingsContentsForm )
, routerCommandsParent ( new QWidget ( this ) )
, widgetlocks ( )
, i2pController ( nullptr )
, configItems ( )
, datadir ( )
, confpath ( )
, tunconfpath ( )
, tunnelsPageUpdateListener ( this )
ui - > setupUi ( this ) ;
statusButtonsUI - > setupUi ( ui - > statusButtonsPane ) ;
routerCommandsUI - > setupUi ( routerCommandsParent ) ;
uiSettings - > setupUi ( ui - > settingsContents ) ;
routerCommandsParent - > hide ( ) ;
ui - > verticalLayout_2 - > addWidget ( routerCommandsParent ) ;
//,statusHtmlUI(new Ui::StatusHtmlPaneForm)
ui - > statusButtonsPane - > setFixedSize ( 171 , 300 ) ;
ui - > verticalLayout - > setGeometry ( QRect ( 0 , 0 , 171 , ui - > verticalLayout - > geometry ( ) . height ( ) ) ) ;
setWindowTitle ( QApplication : : translate ( " AppTitle " , " I2PD " ) ) ;
//TODO handle resizes and change the below into resize() call
setFixedHeight ( 550 ) ;
ui - > centralWidget - > setFixedHeight ( 550 ) ;
onResize ( ) ;
ui - > stackedWidget - > setCurrentIndex ( 0 ) ;
ui - > settingsScrollArea - > resize ( uiSettings - > settingsContentsGridLayout - > sizeHint ( ) . width ( ) + 10 , 380 ) ;
QScrollBar * const barSett = ui - > settingsScrollArea - > verticalScrollBar ( ) ;
int w = 683 ;
int h = 3060 ;
ui - > settingsContents - > setFixedSize ( w , h ) ;
QPalette pal ( palette ( ) ) ;
pal . setColor ( QPalette : : Background , Qt : : red ) ;
ui - > settingsContents - > setAutoFillBackground ( true ) ;
ui - > settingsContents - > setPalette ( pal ) ;
QPalette pal ( palette ( ) ) ;
pal . setColor ( QPalette : : Background , Qt : : red ) ;
ui - > wrongInputLabel - > setAutoFillBackground ( true ) ;
ui - > wrongInputLabel - > setPalette ( pal ) ;
ui - > wrongInputLabel - > setVisible ( false ) ;
# ifndef ANDROID
createActions ( ) ;
createTrayIcon ( ) ;
# endif
textBrowser = new TextBrowserTweaked1 ( this ) ;
textBrowser - > setOpenLinks ( false ) ;
Qt : : LinksAccessibleByMouse | Qt : : LinksAccessibleByKeyboard |
Qt : : TextSelectableByMouse | Qt : : TextSelectableByKeyboard ) ; */
ui - > verticalLayout_2 - > addWidget ( textBrowser ) ;
childTextBrowser = new TextBrowserTweaked1 ( this ) ;
childTextBrowser - > setOpenLinks ( false ) ;
connect ( textBrowser , SIGNAL ( anchorClicked ( const QUrl & ) ) , this , SLOT ( anchorClickedHandler ( const QUrl & ) ) ) ;
pageWithBackButton = new PageWithBackButton ( this , childTextBrowser ) ;
ui - > verticalLayout_2 - > addWidget ( pageWithBackButton ) ;
pageWithBackButton - > hide ( ) ;
connect ( pageWithBackButton , SIGNAL ( backReleased ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( backClickedFromChild ( ) ) ) ;
scheduleStatusPageUpdates ( ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > statusPagePushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatusMainPage ( ) ) ) ;
showStatusMainPage ( ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > mainPagePushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatusMainPage ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > routerCommandsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatus_commands_Page ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > localDestinationsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatus_local_destinations_Page ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > leasesetsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatus_leasesets_Page ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > tunnelsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatus_tunnels_Page ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > transitTunnelsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatus_transit_tunnels_Page ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > transportsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatus_transports_Page ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > i2pTunnelsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatus_i2p_tunnels_Page ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( statusButtonsUI - > samSessionsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showStatus_sam_sessions_Page ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( textBrowser , SIGNAL ( mouseReleased ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( statusHtmlPageMouseReleased ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( textBrowser , SIGNAL ( selectionChanged ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( statusHtmlPageSelectionChanged ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( routerCommandsUI - > runPeerTestPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( runPeerTest ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( routerCommandsUI - > acceptTransitTunnelsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( enableTransit ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( routerCommandsUI - > declineTransitTunnelsPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( disableTransit ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > settingsPagePushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showSettingsPage ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > tunnelsPagePushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showTunnelsPage ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > restartPagePushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showRestartPage ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > quitPagePushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( showQuitPage ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > fastQuitPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( handleQuitButton ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > gracefulQuitPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( handleGracefulQuitButton ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > doRestartI2PDPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( handleDoRestartButton ( ) ) ) ;
# define OPTION(section,option,defaultValueGetter) ConfigOption(QString(section),QString(option))
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " conf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > configFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFolderChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " datadir " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > dataFolderLineEdit , uiSettings - > dataFolderBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " tunconf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " pidfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > pidFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > pidFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
daemonOption = initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " daemon " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
serviceOption = initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " service " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > clear ( ) ;
uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > insertItems ( 0 , QStringList ( )
< < QApplication : : translate ( " MainWindow " , " stdout " , 0 )
< < QApplication : : translate ( " MainWindow " , " file " , 0 )
) ;
initLogDestinationCombobox ( OPTION ( " " , " log " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox ) ;
logFileNameOption = initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " logfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > logFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initLogLevelCombobox ( OPTION ( " " , " loglevel " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logLevelComboBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " " , " host " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > routerExternalHostLineEdit , tr ( " Router external address -> Host " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " " , " port " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > routerExternalPortLineEdit , tr ( " Router external address -> Port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " ipv6 " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ipv6CheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " notransit " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > notransitCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " floodfill " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > floodfillCheckBox ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " " , " bandwidth " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bandwidthLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " " , " family " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > familyLineEdit ) ;
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " " , " netid " , [ ] { return " 2 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > netIdLineEdit , tr ( " NetID " ) ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_WIN
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " insomnia " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > insomniaCheckBox ) ;
initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " svcctl " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " close " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
# else
uiSettings - > insomniaCheckBox - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
# endif
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsoleEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsoleAddrLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP webconsole -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7070 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsolePortLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP webconsole -> Port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " auth " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsoleBasicAuthCheckBox ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " user " , [ ] { return " i2pd " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsoleUserNameLineEditBasicAuth ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " pass " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsolePasswordLineEditBasicAuth ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP proxy -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " port " , [ ] { return " 4444 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP proxy -> Port " ) ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " keys " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFilePushButton ) ;
initSignatureTypeCombobox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " signaturetype " , [ ] { return " 7 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > comboBox_httpPorxySignatureType ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " inbound.length " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyInboundTunnelsLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 5 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyInboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " outbound.length " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyOutBoundTunnLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " outbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 5 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyOutboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " port " , [ ] { return " 4447 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> Port " ) ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " keys " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > socksProxyKeyFilePushButton ) ;
initSignatureTypeCombobox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " signaturetype " , [ ] { return " 7 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > comboBox_socksProxySignatureType ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " inbound.length " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyInboundTunnelsLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyInboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outbound.length " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyOutBoundTunnLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyOutboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outproxy " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > outproxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> Outproxy address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outproxyport " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > outproxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> Outproxy port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samAddressLineEdit , tr ( " SAM -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7656 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samPortLineEdit , tr ( " SAM -> Port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " bob " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bobEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " bob " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bobAddressLineEdit , tr ( " BOB -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " bob " , " port " , [ ] { return " 2827 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bobPortLineEdit , tr ( " BOB -> Port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpAddressLineEdit , tr ( " I2CP -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7654 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpPortLineEdit , tr ( " I2CP -> Port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlAddressLineEdit , tr ( " I2PControl -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7650 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlPortLineEdit , tr ( " I2PControl -> Port " ) ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " password " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlPasswordLineEdit ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " cert " , [ ] { return " i2pcontrol.crt.pem " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlCertFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > i2pControlCertFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " key " , [ ] { return " i2pcontrol.key.pem " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > i2pControlKeyFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " upnp " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > enableUPnPCheckBox ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " upnp " , " name " , [ ] { return " I2Pd " ; } ) , uiSettings - > upnpNameLineEdit ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " precomputation " , " elgamal " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > useElGamalPrecomputedTablesCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " verify " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedVerifyCheckBox ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " file " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > reseedFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " urls " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedURLsLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " addressbook " , " defaulturl " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > addressbookDefaultURLLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " addressbook " , " subscriptions " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > addressbookSubscriptionsURLslineEdit ) ;
initUInt16Box ( OPTION ( " limits " , " transittunnels " , [ ] { return " 2500 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > maxNumOfTransitTunnelsLineEdit , tr ( " maxNumberOfTransitTunnels " ) ) ;
initUInt16Box ( OPTION ( " limits " , " openfiles " , [ ] { return " 0 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > maxNumOfOpenFilesLineEdit , tr ( " maxNumberOfOpenFiles " ) ) ;
initUInt32Box ( OPTION ( " limits " , " coresize " , [ ] { return " 0 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > coreFileMaxSizeNumberLineEdit , tr ( " coreFileMaxSize " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " trust " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxTrustEnable ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " trust " , " family " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > lineEditTrustFamily ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " trust " , " routers " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > lineEditTrustRouters ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " trust " , " hidden " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxTrustHidden ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " websockets " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxWebsocketsEnable ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " websockets " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > lineEdit_webSock_addr , tr ( " Websocket server -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " websockets " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7666 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > lineEdit_webSock_port , tr ( " Websocket server -> Port " ) ) ;
# undef OPTION
//widgetlocks.add(new widgetlock(widget,lockbtn));
widgetlocks . add ( new widgetlock ( uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox , uiSettings - > logDestComboEditPushButton ) ) ;
widgetlocks . add ( new widgetlock ( uiSettings - > logLevelComboBox , uiSettings - > logLevelComboEditPushButton ) ) ;
widgetlocks . add ( new widgetlock ( uiSettings - > comboBox_httpPorxySignatureType , uiSettings - > httpProxySignTypeComboEditPushButton ) ) ;
widgetlocks . add ( new widgetlock ( uiSettings - > comboBox_socksProxySignatureType , uiSettings - > socksProxySignTypeComboEditPushButton ) ) ;
loadAllConfigs ( ) ;
QObject : : connect ( uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( const QString & ) ) ,
this , SLOT ( logDestinationComboBoxValueChanged ( const QString & ) ) ) ;
logDestinationComboBoxValueChanged ( uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > currentText ( ) ) ;
ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > setGeometry ( QRect ( 0 , 0 , 621 , 451 ) ) ;
appendTunnelForms ( " " ) ;
uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
uiSettings - > configFileBrowsePushButton - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit - > setText ( confpath ) ;
uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileLineEdit - > setText ( tunconfpath ) ;
for ( QList < MainWindowItem * > : : iterator it = configItems . begin ( ) ; it ! = configItems . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
MainWindowItem * item = * it ;
item - > installListeners ( this ) ;
QObject : : connect ( uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileLineEdit , SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString & ) ) ,
this , SLOT ( reloadTunnelsConfigAndUI ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > addServerTunnelPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( addServerTunnelPushButtonReleased ( ) ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( ui - > addClientTunnelPushButton , SIGNAL ( released ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( addClientTunnelPushButtonReleased ( ) ) ) ;
# ifndef ANDROID
QObject : : connect ( trayIcon , SIGNAL ( activated ( QSystemTrayIcon : : ActivationReason ) ) ,
this , SLOT ( iconActivated ( QSystemTrayIcon : : ActivationReason ) ) ) ;
setIcon ( ) ;
trayIcon - > show ( ) ;
# endif
void MainWindow : : logDestinationComboBoxValueChanged ( const QString & text ) {
bool stdout = text = = QString ( " stdout " ) ;
uiSettings - > logFileLineEdit - > setEnabled ( ! stdout ) ;
uiSettings - > logFileBrowsePushButton - > setEnabled ( ! stdout ) ;
void MainWindow : : updateRouterCommandsButtons ( ) {
bool acceptsTunnels = i2p : : context . AcceptsTunnels ( ) ;
routerCommandsUI - > declineTransitTunnelsPushButton - > setEnabled ( acceptsTunnels ) ;
routerCommandsUI - > acceptTransitTunnelsPushButton - > setEnabled ( ! acceptsTunnels ) ;
void MainWindow : : showStatusPage ( StatusPage newStatusPage ) {
ui - > stackedWidget - > setCurrentIndex ( 0 ) ;
setStatusButtonsVisible ( true ) ;
statusPage = newStatusPage ;
showHiddenInfoStatusMainPage = false ;
if ( newStatusPage ! = StatusPage : : commands ) {
textBrowser - > setHtml ( getStatusPageHtml ( false ) ) ;
textBrowser - > show ( ) ;
routerCommandsParent - > hide ( ) ;
pageWithBackButton - > hide ( ) ;
} else {
routerCommandsParent - > show ( ) ;
textBrowser - > hide ( ) ;
pageWithBackButton - > hide ( ) ;
updateRouterCommandsButtons ( ) ;
wasSelectingAtStatusMainPage = false ;
void MainWindow : : showSettingsPage ( ) { ui - > stackedWidget - > setCurrentIndex ( 1 ) ; setStatusButtonsVisible ( false ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showTunnelsPage ( ) { ui - > stackedWidget - > setCurrentIndex ( 2 ) ; setStatusButtonsVisible ( false ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showRestartPage ( ) { ui - > stackedWidget - > setCurrentIndex ( 3 ) ; setStatusButtonsVisible ( false ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showQuitPage ( ) { ui - > stackedWidget - > setCurrentIndex ( 4 ) ; setStatusButtonsVisible ( false ) ; }
void MainWindow : : setStatusButtonsVisible ( bool visible ) {
ui - > statusButtonsPane - > setVisible ( visible ) ;
// see also: HTTPServer.cpp
QString MainWindow : : getStatusPageHtml ( bool showHiddenInfo ) {
std : : stringstream s ;
s < < " <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd \" > " ;
switch ( statusPage ) {
case main_page : i2p : : http : : ShowStatus ( s , showHiddenInfo ) ; break ;
case commands : break ;
case local_destinations : i2p : : http : : ShowLocalDestinations ( s ) ; break ;
case leasesets : i2p : : http : : ShowLeasesSets ( s ) ; break ;
case tunnels : i2p : : http : : ShowTunnels ( s ) ; break ;
case transit_tunnels : i2p : : http : : ShowTransitTunnels ( s ) ; break ;
case transports : i2p : : http : : ShowTransports ( s ) ; break ;
case i2p_tunnels : i2p : : http : : ShowI2PTunnels ( s ) ; break ;
case sam_sessions : i2p : : http : : ShowSAMSessions ( s ) ; break ;
default : assert ( false ) ; break ;
std : : string str = s . str ( ) ;
return QString : : fromStdString ( str ) ;
void MainWindow : : showStatusMainPage ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : main_page ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showStatus_commands_Page ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : commands ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showStatus_local_destinations_Page ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : local_destinations ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showStatus_leasesets_Page ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : leasesets ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showStatus_tunnels_Page ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : tunnels ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showStatus_transit_tunnels_Page ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : transit_tunnels ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showStatus_transports_Page ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : transports ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showStatus_i2p_tunnels_Page ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : i2p_tunnels ) ; }
void MainWindow : : showStatus_sam_sessions_Page ( ) { showStatusPage ( StatusPage : : sam_sessions ) ; }
void MainWindow : : scheduleStatusPageUpdates ( ) {
statusPageUpdateTimer = new QTimer ( this ) ;
connect ( statusPageUpdateTimer , SIGNAL ( timeout ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateStatusPage ( ) ) ) ;
statusPageUpdateTimer - > start ( 10 * 1000 /*millis*/ ) ;
void MainWindow : : statusHtmlPageMouseReleased ( ) {
if ( wasSelectingAtStatusMainPage ) {
QString selection = textBrowser - > textCursor ( ) . selectedText ( ) ;
if ( ! selection . isEmpty ( ) & & ! selection . isNull ( ) ) return ;
showHiddenInfoStatusMainPage = ! showHiddenInfoStatusMainPage ;
textBrowser - > setHtml ( getStatusPageHtml ( showHiddenInfoStatusMainPage ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : statusHtmlPageSelectionChanged ( ) {
wasSelectingAtStatusMainPage = true ;
void MainWindow : : updateStatusPage ( ) {
showHiddenInfoStatusMainPage = false ;
textBrowser - > setHtml ( getStatusPageHtml ( showHiddenInfoStatusMainPage ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event )
QMainWindow : : resizeEvent ( event ) ;
onResize ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : onResize ( )
if ( isVisible ( ) ) {
ui - > horizontalLayoutWidget - > resize ( ui - > horizontalLayoutWidget - > width ( ) , height ( ) ) ;
ui - > statusPage - > resize ( ui - > statusPage - > width ( ) , height ( ) ) ;
ui - > tunnelsPage - > resize ( ui - > tunnelsPage - > width ( ) , height ( ) ) ;
ui - > verticalLayoutWidget_6 - > resize ( ui - > verticalLayoutWidget_6 - > width ( ) , height ( ) - 20 ) ;
ui - > verticalLayoutWidget_6 - > height ( ) - ui - > label_5 - > height ( ) ) ; */
# ifndef ANDROID
void MainWindow : : createActions ( ) {
toggleWindowVisibleAction = new QAction ( tr ( " &Toggle the window " ) , this ) ;
connect ( toggleWindowVisibleAction , SIGNAL ( triggered ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( toggleVisibilitySlot ( ) ) ) ;
//quitAction = new QAction(tr("&Quit"), this);
//connect(quitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), QApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));
void MainWindow : : toggleVisibilitySlot ( ) {
setVisible ( ! isVisible ( ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : createTrayIcon ( ) {
trayIconMenu = new QMenu ( this ) ;
trayIconMenu - > addAction ( toggleWindowVisibleAction ) ;
trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon ( this ) ;
trayIcon - > setContextMenu ( trayIconMenu ) ;
void MainWindow : : setIcon ( ) {
QIcon icon ( " :/images/icon.png " ) ;
trayIcon - > setIcon ( icon ) ;
setWindowIcon ( icon ) ;
trayIcon - > setToolTip ( QApplication : : translate ( " MainWindow " , " i2pd " , 0 ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : iconActivated ( QSystemTrayIcon : : ActivationReason reason ) {
switch ( reason ) {
case QSystemTrayIcon : : Trigger :
case QSystemTrayIcon : : DoubleClick :
case QSystemTrayIcon : : MiddleClick :
setVisible ( ! isVisible ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
qDebug ( ) < < " MainWindow::iconActivated(): unknown reason: " < < reason < < endl ;
break ;
void MainWindow : : closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * event ) {
if ( quitting ) { QMainWindow : : closeEvent ( event ) ; return ; }
if ( trayIcon - > isVisible ( ) ) {
QMessageBox : : information ( this , tr ( " i2pd " ) ,
tr ( " The program will keep running in the "
" system tray. To gracefully terminate the program, "
" choose <b>Graceful Quit</b> at the main i2pd window. " ) ) ;
hide ( ) ;
event - > ignore ( ) ;
# endif
void MainWindow : : handleQuitButton ( ) {
qDebug ( " Quit pressed. Hiding the main window " ) ;
# ifndef ANDROID
quitting = true ;
# endif
close ( ) ;
QApplication : : instance ( ) - > quit ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : handleGracefulQuitButton ( ) {
qDebug ( " Graceful Quit pressed. " ) ;
ui - > gracefulQuitPushButton - > setText ( QApplication : : translate ( " MainWindow " , " Graceful quit is in progress " , 0 ) ) ;
ui - > gracefulQuitPushButton - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
ui - > gracefulQuitPushButton - > adjustSize ( ) ;
ui - > quitPage - > adjustSize ( ) ;
i2p : : context . SetAcceptsTunnels ( false ) ; // stop accpting tunnels
QTimer : : singleShot ( 10 * 60 * 1000 //millis
, this , SLOT ( handleGracefulQuitTimerEvent ( ) ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : handleDoRestartButton ( ) {
qDebug ( ) < < " Do Restart pressed. " ;
emit i2pController - > restartDaemon ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : handleGracefulQuitTimerEvent ( ) {
qDebug ( " Hiding the main window " ) ;
# ifndef ANDROID
quitting = true ;
# endif
close ( ) ;
qDebug ( " Performing quit " ) ;
QApplication : : instance ( ) - > quit ( ) ;
MainWindow : : ~ MainWindow ( )
qDebug ( " Destroying main window " ) ;
delete statusPageUpdateTimer ;
for ( QList < MainWindowItem * > : : iterator it = configItems . begin ( ) ; it ! = configItems . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
MainWindowItem * item = * it ;
item - > deleteLater ( ) ;
configItems . clear ( ) ;
//QMessageBox::information(0, "Debug", "mw destructor 1");
//delete ui;
//QMessageBox::information(0, "Debug", "mw destructor 2");
FileChooserItem * MainWindow : : initFileChooser ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * fileNameLineEdit , QPushButton * fileBrowsePushButton ) {
FileChooserItem * retVal ;
retVal = new FileChooserItem ( option , fileNameLineEdit , fileBrowsePushButton ) ;
MainWindowItem * super = retVal ;
configItems . append ( super ) ;
return retVal ;
void MainWindow : : initFolderChooser ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * folderLineEdit , QPushButton * folderBrowsePushButton ) {
configItems . append ( new FolderChooserItem ( option , folderLineEdit , folderBrowsePushButton ) ) ;
/*void MainWindow::initCombobox(ConfigOption option, QComboBox* comboBox){
configItems . append ( new ComboBoxItem ( option , comboBox ) ) ;
QObject : : connect ( comboBox , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( saveAllConfigs ( ) ) ) ;
} */
void MainWindow : : initLogDestinationCombobox ( ConfigOption option , QComboBox * comboBox ) {
configItems . append ( new LogDestinationComboBoxItem ( option , comboBox ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initLogLevelCombobox ( ConfigOption option , QComboBox * comboBox ) {
configItems . append ( new LogLevelComboBoxItem ( option , comboBox ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initSignatureTypeCombobox ( ConfigOption option , QComboBox * comboBox ) {
configItems . append ( new SignatureTypeComboBoxItem ( option , comboBox ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initIPAddressBox ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * addressLineEdit , QString fieldNameTranslated ) {
configItems . append ( new IPAddressStringItem ( option , addressLineEdit , fieldNameTranslated ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initTCPPortBox ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * portLineEdit , QString fieldNameTranslated ) {
configItems . append ( new TCPPortStringItem ( option , portLineEdit , fieldNameTranslated ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initCheckBox ( ConfigOption option , QCheckBox * checkBox ) {
configItems . append ( new CheckBoxItem ( option , checkBox ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initIntegerBox ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * numberLineEdit , QString fieldNameTranslated ) {
configItems . append ( new IntegerStringItem ( option , numberLineEdit , fieldNameTranslated ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initUInt32Box ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * numberLineEdit , QString fieldNameTranslated ) {
configItems . append ( new UInt32StringItem ( option , numberLineEdit , fieldNameTranslated ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initUInt16Box ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * numberLineEdit , QString fieldNameTranslated ) {
configItems . append ( new UInt16StringItem ( option , numberLineEdit , fieldNameTranslated ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : initStringBox ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * lineEdit ) {
configItems . append ( new BaseStringItem ( option , lineEdit , QString ( ) ) ) ;
NonGUIOptionItem * MainWindow : : initNonGUIOption ( ConfigOption option ) {
NonGUIOptionItem * retValue ;
configItems . append ( retValue = new NonGUIOptionItem ( option ) ) ;
return retValue ;
void MainWindow : : loadAllConfigs ( ) {
//BORROWED FROM ??? //TODO move this code into single location
std : : string config ; i2p : : config : : GetOption ( " conf " , config ) ;
std : : string datadir ; i2p : : config : : GetOption ( " datadir " , datadir ) ;
bool service = false ;
# ifndef _WIN32
i2p : : config : : GetOption ( " service " , service ) ;
# endif
i2p : : fs : : DetectDataDir ( datadir , service ) ;
i2p : : fs : : Init ( ) ;
datadir = i2p : : fs : : GetDataDir ( ) ;
// TODO: drop old name detection in v2.8.0
if ( config = = " " )
config = i2p : : fs : : DataDirPath ( " i2p.conf " ) ;
if ( i2p : : fs : : Exists ( config ) ) {
LogPrint ( eLogWarning , " Daemon: please rename i2p.conf to i2pd.conf here: " , config ) ;
} else {
config = i2p : : fs : : DataDirPath ( " i2pd.conf " ) ;
/*if (!i2p::fs::Exists (config)) {}*/
//BORROWED FROM ClientContext.cpp //TODO move this code into single location
std : : string tunConf ; i2p : : config : : GetOption ( " tunconf " , tunConf ) ;
if ( tunConf = = " " ) {
// TODO: cleanup this in 2.8.0
tunConf = i2p : : fs : : DataDirPath ( " tunnels.cfg " ) ;
if ( i2p : : fs : : Exists ( tunConf ) ) {
LogPrint ( eLogWarning , " FS: please rename tunnels.cfg -> tunnels.conf here: " , tunConf ) ;
} else {
tunConf = i2p : : fs : : DataDirPath ( " tunnels.conf " ) ;
this - > confpath = config . c_str ( ) ;
this - > datadir = datadir . c_str ( ) ;
this - > tunconfpath = tunConf . c_str ( ) ;
for ( QList < MainWindowItem * > : : iterator it = configItems . begin ( ) ; it ! = configItems . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
MainWindowItem * item = * it ;
item - > loadFromConfigOption ( ) ;
ReadTunnelsConfig ( ) ;
/** returns false iff not valid items present and save was aborted */
bool MainWindow : : saveAllConfigs ( ) {
QString cannotSaveSettings = QApplication : : tr ( " Cannot save settings. " ) ;
ui - > wrongInputLabel - > setVisible ( false ) ;
programOptionsWriterCurrentSection = " " ;
else logOption - > optionValue = boost : : any ( std : : string ( " stdout " ) ) ; */
daemonOption - > optionValue = boost : : any ( false ) ;
serviceOption - > optionValue = boost : : any ( false ) ;
std : : stringstream out ;
for ( QList < MainWindowItem * > : : iterator it = configItems . begin ( ) ; it ! = configItems . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
MainWindowItem * item = * it ;
if ( ! item - > isValid ( ) ) {
highlightWrongInput ( QApplication : : tr ( " Invalid value for " ) + " " + item - > getConfigOption ( ) . section + " :: " + item - > getConfigOption ( ) . option + " . " + item - > getRequirementToBeValid ( ) + " " + cannotSaveSettings , item - > getWidgetToFocus ( ) ) ;
return false ;
for ( QList < MainWindowItem * > : : iterator it = configItems . begin ( ) ; it ! = configItems . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
MainWindowItem * item = * it ;
item - > saveToStringStream ( out ) ;
using namespace std ;
QString backup = confpath + " ~ " ;
if ( QFile : : exists ( backup ) ) QFile : : remove ( backup ) ; //TODO handle errors
if ( QFile : : exists ( confpath ) ) QFile : : rename ( confpath , backup ) ; //TODO handle errors
ofstream outfile ;
outfile . open ( confpath . toStdString ( ) ) ; //TODO handle errors
outfile < < out . str ( ) . c_str ( ) ;
outfile . close ( ) ;
SaveTunnelsConfig ( ) ;
return true ;
void FileChooserItem : : pushButtonReleased ( ) {
QString fileName = lineEdit - > text ( ) . trimmed ( ) ;
fileName = QFileDialog : : getOpenFileName ( nullptr , tr ( " Open File " ) , fileName , tr ( " All Files (*.*) " ) ) ;
if ( fileName . length ( ) > 0 ) lineEdit - > setText ( fileName ) ;
void FolderChooserItem : : pushButtonReleased ( ) {
QString fileName = lineEdit - > text ( ) . trimmed ( ) ;
fileName = QFileDialog : : getExistingDirectory ( nullptr , tr ( " Open Folder " ) , fileName ) ;
if ( fileName . length ( ) > 0 ) lineEdit - > setText ( fileName ) ;
void BaseStringItem : : installListeners ( MainWindow * mainWindow ) {
QObject : : connect ( lineEdit , SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString & ) ) , mainWindow , SLOT ( saveAllConfigs ( ) ) ) ;
void ComboBoxItem : : installListeners ( MainWindow * mainWindow ) {
QObject : : connect ( comboBox , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , mainWindow , SLOT ( saveAllConfigs ( ) ) ) ;
void CheckBoxItem : : installListeners ( MainWindow * mainWindow ) {
QObject : : connect ( checkBox , SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ) , mainWindow , SLOT ( saveAllConfigs ( ) ) ) ;
void MainWindowItem : : installListeners ( MainWindow * mainWindow ) { }
void MainWindow : : appendTunnelForms ( std : : string tunnelNameToFocus ) {
int height = 0 ;
ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > setGeometry ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( std : : map < std : : string , TunnelConfig * > : : iterator it = tunnelConfigs . begin ( ) ; it ! = tunnelConfigs . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
const std : : string & name = it - > first ;
TunnelConfig * tunconf = it - > second ;
ServerTunnelConfig * stc = tunconf - > asServerTunnelConfig ( ) ;
if ( stc ) {
ServerTunnelPane * tunnelPane = new ServerTunnelPane ( & tunnelsPageUpdateListener , stc , ui - > wrongInputLabel , ui - > wrongInputLabel , this ) ;
int h = tunnelPane - > appendServerTunnelForm ( stc , ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents , tunnelPanes . size ( ) , height ) ;
height + = h ;
//qDebug() << "tun.height:" << height << "sz:" << tunnelPanes.size();
tunnelPanes . push_back ( tunnelPane ) ;
if ( name = = tunnelNameToFocus ) {
tunnelPane - > getNameLineEdit ( ) - > setFocus ( ) ;
//todo ui->settingsScrollArea->###scroll
continue ;
ClientTunnelConfig * ctc = tunconf - > asClientTunnelConfig ( ) ;
if ( ctc ) {
ClientTunnelPane * tunnelPane = new ClientTunnelPane ( & tunnelsPageUpdateListener , ctc , ui - > wrongInputLabel , ui - > wrongInputLabel , this ) ;
int h = tunnelPane - > appendClientTunnelForm ( ctc , ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents , tunnelPanes . size ( ) , height ) ;
height + = h ;
//qDebug() << "tun.height:" << height << "sz:" << tunnelPanes.size();
tunnelPanes . push_back ( tunnelPane ) ;
if ( name = = tunnelNameToFocus ) {
tunnelPane - > getNameLineEdit ( ) - > setFocus ( ) ;
//todo ui->settingsScrollArea->###scroll
continue ;
throw " unknown TunnelConfig subtype " ;
//qDebug() << "tun.setting height:" << height;
ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > setGeometry ( QRect ( 0 , 0 , 621 , height ) ) ;
QList < QWidget * > childWidgets = ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > findChildren < QWidget * > ( ) ;
foreach ( QWidget * widget , childWidgets )
widget - > show ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : deleteTunnelForms ( ) {
for ( std : : list < TunnelPane * > : : iterator it = tunnelPanes . begin ( ) ; it ! = tunnelPanes . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
TunnelPane * tp = * it ;
ServerTunnelPane * stp = tp - > asServerTunnelPane ( ) ;
if ( stp ) {
stp - > deleteServerTunnelForm ( ) ;
delete stp ;
continue ;
ClientTunnelPane * ctp = tp - > asClientTunnelPane ( ) ;
if ( ctp ) {
ctp - > deleteClientTunnelForm ( ) ;
delete ctp ;
continue ;
throw " unknown TunnelPane subtype " ;
tunnelPanes . clear ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : reloadTunnelsConfigAndUI ( std : : string tunnelNameToFocus ) {
deleteTunnelForms ( ) ;
for ( std : : map < std : : string , TunnelConfig * > : : iterator it = tunnelConfigs . begin ( ) ; it ! = tunnelConfigs . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
TunnelConfig * tunconf = it - > second ;
delete tunconf ;
tunnelConfigs . clear ( ) ;
ReadTunnelsConfig ( ) ;
appendTunnelForms ( tunnelNameToFocus ) ;
void MainWindow : : SaveTunnelsConfig ( ) {
std : : stringstream out ;
//validate and show red if wrong
for ( std : : list < TunnelPane * > : : iterator it = tunnelPanes . begin ( ) ; it ! = tunnelPanes . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
TunnelPane * tunpane = * it ;
if ( ! tunpane - > applyDataFromUIToTunnelConfig ( ) ) {
return ;
for ( std : : map < std : : string , TunnelConfig * > : : iterator it = tunnelConfigs . begin ( ) ; it ! = tunnelConfigs . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
const std : : string & name = it - > first ;
TunnelConfig * tunconf = it - > second ;
tunconf - > saveHeaderToStringStream ( out ) ;
tunconf - > saveToStringStream ( out ) ;
tunconf - > saveI2CPParametersToStringStream ( out ) ;
using namespace std ;
QString backup = tunconfpath + " ~ " ;
if ( QFile : : exists ( backup ) ) QFile : : remove ( backup ) ; //TODO handle errors
if ( QFile : : exists ( tunconfpath ) ) QFile : : rename ( tunconfpath , backup ) ; //TODO handle errors
ofstream outfile ;
outfile . open ( tunconfpath . toStdString ( ) ) ; //TODO handle errors
outfile < < out . str ( ) . c_str ( ) ;
outfile . close ( ) ;
i2p : : client : : context . ReloadConfig ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : TunnelsPageUpdateListenerMainWindowImpl : : updated ( std : : string oldName , TunnelConfig * tunConf ) {
if ( oldName ! = tunConf - > getName ( ) ) {
//name has changed
std : : map < std : : string , TunnelConfig * > : : const_iterator it = mainWindow - > tunnelConfigs . find ( oldName ) ;
if ( it ! = mainWindow - > tunnelConfigs . end ( ) ) mainWindow - > tunnelConfigs . erase ( it ) ;
mainWindow - > tunnelConfigs [ tunConf - > getName ( ) ] = tunConf ;
mainWindow - > saveAllConfigs ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : TunnelsPageUpdateListenerMainWindowImpl : : needsDeleting ( std : : string oldName ) {
mainWindow - > DeleteTunnelNamed ( oldName ) ;
void MainWindow : : addServerTunnelPushButtonReleased ( ) {
CreateDefaultServerTunnel ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : addClientTunnelPushButtonReleased ( ) {
CreateDefaultClientTunnel ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : setI2PController ( i2p : : qt : : Controller * controller_ ) {
this - > i2pController = controller_ ;
void MainWindow : : runPeerTest ( ) {
i2p : : transport : : transports . PeerTest ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : enableTransit ( ) {
i2p : : context . SetAcceptsTunnels ( true ) ;
updateRouterCommandsButtons ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : disableTransit ( ) {
i2p : : context . SetAcceptsTunnels ( false ) ;
updateRouterCommandsButtons ( ) ;
void MainWindow : : anchorClickedHandler ( const QUrl & link ) {
QString debugStr = QString ( ) + " anchorClicked: " + " \" " + link . toString ( ) + " \" " ;
qDebug ( ) < < debugStr ;
//QMessageBox::information(this, "", debugStr);
/* /?page=local_destination&b32=xx...xx */
QString str = link . toString ( ) ;
# define LOCAL_DEST_B32_PREFIX " / ?page=local_destination&b32="
static size_t LOCAL_DEST_B32_PREFIX_SZ = QString ( LOCAL_DEST_B32_PREFIX ) . size ( ) ;
if ( str . startsWith ( LOCAL_DEST_B32_PREFIX ) ) {
str = str . right ( str . size ( ) - LOCAL_DEST_B32_PREFIX_SZ ) ;
qDebug ( ) < < " b32: " < < str ;
pageWithBackButton - > show ( ) ;
textBrowser - > hide ( ) ;
std : : stringstream s ;
i2p : : http : : ShowLocalDestination ( s , str . toStdString ( ) ) ;
childTextBrowser - > setHtml ( QString : : fromStdString ( s . str ( ) ) ) ;
void MainWindow : : backClickedFromChild ( ) {
showStatusPage ( statusPage ) ;
void MainWindow : : highlightWrongInput ( QString warningText , QWidget * widgetToFocus ) {
ui - > wrongInputLabel - > setVisible ( true ) ;
ui - > wrongInputLabel - > setText ( warningText ) ;
if ( widgetToFocus ) widgetToFocus - > setFocus ( ) ;
showSettingsPage ( ) ;