" -generatei2pdestination "+_("Generate an I2P destination, print it and exit.")+"\n"+
" -generatei2pdestination "+_("Generate an I2P destination, print it and exit.")+"\n"+
" -i2p=1 "+_("Enable I2P.")+"\n"+
" -i2p=1 "+_("Enable I2P.")+"\n"+
" -onlynet=i2p "+_("Enable I2P only mode.")+"\n"+
" -onlynet=i2p "+_("Enable I2P only mode.")+"\n"+
" -i2psessionname=<session name> "+_("Name of an I2P session. If it is not specified, value will be \"Anoncoin-client\"")+"\n"+
" -i2psessionname=<session name> "+_("Name of an I2P session. If it is not specified, value will be \"Gostcoin-client\"")+"\n"+
" -samhost=<ip or host name> "+_("Address of the SAM bridge host. If it is not specified, value will be \"\".")+"\n"+
" -samhost=<ip or host name> "+_("Address of the SAM bridge host. If it is not specified, value will be \"\".")+"\n"+
" -samport=<port> "+_("Port number of the SAM bridge host. If it is not specified, value will be \"7656\".")+"\n"+
" -samport=<port> "+_("Port number of the SAM bridge host. If it is not specified, value will be \"7656\".")+"\n"+
" -mydestination=<pub+priv i2p-keys> "+_("Your full destination (public+private keys). If it is not specified, the client will geneterate a random destination for you. See below (Starting wallet with a permanent i2p-address) more details about this option.")+
" -mydestination=<pub+priv i2p-keys> "+_("Your full destination (public+private keys). If it is not specified, the client will geneterate a random destination for you. See below (Starting wallet with a permanent i2p-address) more details about this option.")+