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<h1 class="f-size-26 pb-10 mb-16 px-12 t-center f-normal">Quick Start Guide</h1>
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<i class="bi-info-circle mr-6 f-size-26 float-right p-16 c-0"></i>
<p class="c-0">
At this moment, latest version of twister software available in the source code only.
<p class="c-0">
The software provided as is, we do not provide any warancies and you install and use this software by your own risk.
<p class="c-0">
To make installation process more simplest, use
<a class="c-0" href="">twister-cli-installer (0.2)</a>
<a class="c-0" href="">twister-install (0.2.0 alpha)</a>
command-line sripts,<br /> untill the desktop and mobile applications will be released.
<p class="c-0">
If you need any help with installation issues, please use feedback link in the package selected.
<div class="my-36 p-16 b-c-5 b-2">
<i class="bi-exclamation-octagon mr-6 f-size-26 float-right p-16 c-4"></i>
<p class="c-4">
Pay attention, twister database is the open and distributed storage for the public activity, all requests sending thought independent peer nodes using BitTorrent protocol.
By sharing any messages to the network you will not be able to update or delete it.
<p class="c-4">
Twister is not anonimizing software. If your personal data is sensitive, you should care about the environment security first, before launch the node.
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<h2 class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16 px-12 f-normal">1. Install twister core</h2>
<div class="p-16 c-2">
Twister core is patched and independent fork of Bitcoin core, which provides user registration and authentication features.
Post distribution in this package uses kademlia DHT network and bittorrent-like swarms, both are provided by libtorrent.
Twister core needed to interact with the twisterverse network, using any kind of applications, provided in the next step.
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<div class="p-16">
<div class="p-16 b-c-101 bg-c-101 b-1 b-r-3">
<div class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16">Master Edition v1.0</div>
<div class="pb-10">Official, stable twister core node.</div>
<a class="c-3" href="">Download</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Compilation guide</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Feedback</a>
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<div class="p-16 b-c-103 bg-c-3 b-1 b-r-3">
<div class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16">TA Edition v1.1</div>
<div class="pb-10">Community-maintained twister core node, that includes official updates.</div>
<a class="c-3" href="">Download</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Compilation guide</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Feedback</a>
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<h2 class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16 px-12 f-normal">2. Choose application to interact with twister core</h2>
<div class="p-16 c-2">
Web application needed to interact with twister core ecosystem using web browser.
<div class="grid float-left w-33-100">
<div class="p-16">
<div class="p-16 b-c-101 bg-c-101 b-1 b-r-3">
<div class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16">Master Edition v1.0</div>
<div class="pb-10">Official, stable twister web app client.</div>
<a class="c-3" href="">Download</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Installation guide</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Feedback</a>
<div class="grid float-left w-33-100">
<div class="p-16">
<div class="p-16 b-c-102 bg-c-102 b-1 b-r-3">
<div class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16">Blaster Edition v1.0</div>
<div class="pb-10">Official, nigtly twister web app client that includes latest beta updates.</div>
<a class="c-3" href="">Download</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Installation guide</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Feedback</a>
<div class="grid float-left w-33-100">
<div class="p-16">
<div class="p-16 b-c-103 bg-c-3 b-1 b-r-3">
<div class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16">TA Edition v1.2</div>
<div class="pb-10">Community-based, web app client, that includes official Blaster updates and alternative features.</div>
<a class="c-3" href="">Download</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Installation guide</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Feedback</a>
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<h2 class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16 px-12 f-normal">3. Support the network</h2>
<div class="p-16 c-2">
<div class="pb-10 c-2">
To support the twister infrastructure, just start generating blocks and advertise.
<div class="pb-10 c-2">
Twister node is a storage (database) for the data of people you are following. <br />
Find and follow as many profiles as possible according to your interests or become <a class="c-2" href="">Twister Data Guardian</a> node.
<div class="pb-10 c-2">
Altertnatively, like Bitcoin, twister network requires a couple of special DNS servers (seeders) which provide an updated list of known peers.
If you have a 24×7 linux machine and you are able to add an special NS record to your domain, please consider running twister-seeder.
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<div class="p-16">
<div class="p-16 bg-c-101 b-1 b-c-101 b-r-3">
<div class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16">Master Edition v1.0</div>
<div class="pb-10">Official, stable twister-seeder node.</div>
<a class="c-3" href="">Download</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Installation guide</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Feedback</a>
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<div class="p-16">
<div class="p-16 b-c-103 bg-c-3 b-1 b-r-3">
<div class="bb-1 b-c-0 f-size-20 pb-10 mb-16">TA Edition v1.0</div>
<div class="pb-10">Community-maintained twister-seeder node.</div>
<a class="c-3" href="">Download</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Installation guide</a>
<a class="c-3" href="">Feedback</a>