= 0 && $date[0] <= 9999 && is_numeric($date[0]) && is_numeric($date[0])) { } } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid date array `' . print_r($date, true) . '` passed to Twister\Date, array must have 3 members!'); } } elseif (is_object($str) && !method_exists($str, '__toString')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Passed object must have a __toString method'); } } $this->str = (string) $str; } /** * Create a Twister\Date object or returns null * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.construct.php * * * @param mixed $str Value to modify, after being cast to string * @param string $encoding The character encoding * @return new Twister\Date isntance or false on failure * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an array or object without a * __toString method is passed as the first argument */ public static function create($time = 'now', $timezone = null) { return new static($time, $timezone); } /** * Check if a given value or values are valid * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.checkdate.php * * Date::check('0000-00-00') === false * Date::check('2017-08-05') === true * Date::check('2017', '08, '05') === true * Date::check(['2017', '08, '05']) === true * Date::check([2017, 8, 5]) === true * Date::check(['year' => 2017, 'month' => 8, 'day' => 5]) === true * Date::check([8, 5, 2017]) === true - year is 3rd array member, same as `checkdate` and MUST be over 100 * Date::check([30, 4, 2017]) === false - year is 3rd array member, same as `checkdate` BUT `day` MUST be 2nd param and `month` MUST be 3rd param like `checkdate()` * * @param mixed $str Value to modify, after being cast to string * @return new Twister\Date isntance or false on failure * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an array or object without a * __toString method is passed as the first argument */ public static function check(...$params) { return self::normalize(...$params) !== false; } /** * Normalize a given value or values to MySQL date format (YYYY-MM-DD) * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.checkdate.php * * Date::check('0000-00-00') === false * Date::check('2017-08-05') === true * Date::check('2017', '08, '05') === true * Date::check(['2017', '08, '05']) === true * Date::check([2017, 8, 5]) === true * Date::check(['year' => 2017, 'month' => 8, 'day' => 5]) === true * Date::check([8, 5, 2017]) === true - year is 3rd array member, same as `checkdate` and MUST be over 100 * Date::check([30, 4, 2017]) === false - year is 3rd array member, same as `checkdate` BUT `day` MUST be 2nd param and `month` MUST be 3rd param like `checkdate()` * * @param mixed $str Value to modify, after being cast to string * @return new Twister\Date isntance or false on failure * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an array or object without a * __toString method is passed as the first argument */ public static function normalize(...$params) { switch (count($params)) { case 2: if ( ! is_bool($params[1])) { if (is_string($params[1])) // $params[1] can be a format like 'Y-m-d h:i' or whatever, we need to `extract` the date component to match '~^...$~' below { // TODO: extract date from format } return false; } else { if ($params[1] === true) { $date = $params[0]; if (is_string($date) && $date === '0000-00-00') { return $date; // `true` allows 0000-00-00 } } } case 1: $date = $params[0]; if (is_string($date)) { if (preg_match('~^([1-9]\d\d\d)[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$~', $date, $matches) === 1) { return checkdate($matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]) ? $date : false; // checkdate(month, day, year) } else { // ... can we match other date formats? // http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php } } else if (is_array($date)) { if (isset($date[0]) && isset($date[1]) && isset($date[2])) { $year = $date[0]; // $date[0] could be month $month = $date[1]; // $date[1] could be day $day = $date[2]; // $date[2] could be year if (is_numeric($year) && is_numeric($month) && is_numeric($day)) { if ($day >= 1000 && $year <= 12 && $month <= 31) { $year = $date[2]; $month = $date[0]; $day = $date[1]; } } else { return false; } } else if (isset($date['year']) && isset($date['month']) && isset($date['day'])) { $year = $date['year']; $month = $date['month']; $day = $date['day']; if ( ! is_numeric($year) || ! is_numeric($day)) { return false; } if ( ! is_numeric($month)) { if (is_string($month)) { switch (strtolower($month)) { case 'jan'; $month = 1; break; case 'feb'; $month = 2; break; case 'mar'; $month = 3; break; case 'apr'; $month = 4; break; case 'may'; $month = 5; break; case 'jun'; $month = 6; break; case 'jul'; $month = 7; break; case 'aug'; $month = 8; break; case 'sep'; $month = 9; break; case 'oct'; $month = 10; break; case 'nov'; $month = 11; break; case 'dec'; $month = 12; break; case 'january'; $month = 1; break; case 'february'; $month = 2; break; case 'march'; $month = 3; break; case 'april'; $month = 4; break; // case 'may'; $month = 5; break; // same case 'june'; $month = 6; break; case 'july'; $month = 7; break; case 'august'; $month = 8; break; case 'september'; $month = 9; break; case 'october'; $month = 10; break; case 'november'; $month = 11; break; case 'december'; $month = 12; break; default: return false; } } else { return false; } } } else if (isset($date['tm_year']) && isset($date['tm_mon']) && isset($date['tm_mday'])) { // extract a date from strptime() // http://php.net/manual/en/function.strptime.php $year = $date['tm_year']; // "tm_year" Years since 1900 $month = $date['tm_mon']; // "tm_mon" Months since January (0-11) $day = $date['tm_mday']; // "tm_mday" Day of the month (1-31) if ( ! is_numeric($year) || ! is_numeric($month) || ! is_numeric($day)) { return false; } $year += 1900; // WARNING: untested! $month++; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } break; case 3: // because the 2nd param (month) might be a string, I don't want to copy the string matching months code! return self::normalize($params); } $year = (int) $year; $month = (int) $month; $day = (int) $day; if ($year < 1000 || $month < 1 || $day < 1 || $day > 31 || $month > 12 || $year > 9999) { return false; } if (checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { return $year . '-' . ($month < 10 ? '0' : null) . $month . '-' . ($day < 10 ? '0' : null) . $day; } return false; } /** * Returns the value in $str. * * @return string The current value of the $str property */ public function __toString() { return $this->str; } /** * * @param string $start start date * @param string $end end date * @return true/false if the date is between a date range ... */ public function between($start, $end) { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); } /** * Returns the timestamp * * @return int The unix timestamp ... or number of days ??? */ public function count() { return strlen($this->str); } /** * Convert any date format into valid MySQL date format 'YYYY-MM-DD' * eg. YYYY.MM.DD -> YYYY-MM-DD * * @return */ public function dasherize() { return $this->delimit('-'); } /** * * @param string $delimiter * @return */ public function delimit($delimiter) { $str = \preg_replace('~([^A-Z\b])([A-Z])~', '\1-\2', \trim($this->str)); $str = \preg_replace('~[-_\s]+~', $delimiter, \strtolower($str)); return new static($str); } /** * Returns true if the string contains a date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' * Alternative patterns: * '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} [0-2][0-3]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/' * '/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/' * '/^([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$/' * * @return string[]|null Returns an array with 'year', 'month' and 'day' * from a matching date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD', or null on failure */ public function getDate($pattern = null) { $pattern = $pattern ?? '/^(?P[12]\d\d\d)-(?P0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?P0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$/'; return preg_match($pattern, $this->str, $matches) === false ? null : $matches; } /** * Gets a hash code of the internal string. * * @param string|null $algo Algorithm name supported by the hash() library, defaults to 'md5' * @return string */ public function hash($algo = 'md5', $raw_output = false) { return new static(hash($algo, $this->str, $raw_output)); } /** * Gets a hash code of the internal string. * * @param string|null $algo Algorithm name supported by the hash() library, defaults to 'md5' * @return string */ public function getHash($algo = 'md5', $raw_output = false) { return new static(hash($algo, $this->str, $raw_output)); } /** * * @return Human readable string format, eg. 24 October 1977 */ public function humanize() { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); return static::create( str_replace(['_id', '_'], ['', ' '], $this->str), $this->encoding)->trim()->upperCaseFirst(); } /** * * @return */ public function isBlank() { return $this->str === null || $this->str === '0000-00-00'; } /** * Returns true if the string contains a date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' AND is a valid Gregorian date * * All date patterns MUST have 3x (..) * * Alternative patterns: * '/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/' * '/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) [0-2][0-3]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/' * '/^([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$/' * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.checkdate.php * * @return bool Whether or not $str contains a matching date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' */ public static function isDate($pattern = '~^([1-9]\d\d\d)[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$~') { return preg_match($pattern, $this->str, $matches) === 1 && checkdate($matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]); // checkdate(month, day, year) } /** * Gets an MD5 hash code of the internal date. Return result can be raw binary or hex by default * * @param bool|null $raw_output return the raw binary bytes or hex values of the md5 hash * @return string */ public function md5($raw_output = false) { return hash('md5', $this->str, $raw_output); } /** * * @param mixed $offset The index to check * @return boolean Whether or not the index exists */ public function offsetExists($offset) { throw new Exception('TODO'); switch($offset) { case 0: return (bool) substr($this->str, 0, 4); // 0123-56-89 case 1: return (bool) substr($this->str, 5, 2); case 2: return (bool) substr($this->str, 8, 2); case 'year': return (bool) substr($this->str, 0, 4); // 0123-56-89 case 'month': return (bool) substr($this->str, 5, 2); case 'day': return (bool) substr($this->str, 8, 2); } return false; } /** * * @param mixed $offset The index from which to retrieve the char * @return mixed The character at the specified index * @throws \OutOfBoundsException If the positive or negative offset does * not exist */ public function offsetGet($offset) { throw new Exception('TODO'); switch($offset) { case 'year': return substr($this->str, 0, 4); // 0123-56-89 case 'month': return substr($this->str, 5, 2); case 'day': return substr($this->str, 8, 2); case 0: return substr($this->str, 0, 4); // 0123-56-89 case 1: return substr($this->str, 5, 2); case 2: return substr($this->str, 8, 2); } return false; } /** * Implements part of the ArrayAccess interface, but throws an exception * when called. This maintains the immutability of Stringy objects. * * @param mixed $offset The index of the character * @param mixed $value Value to set * @throws \Exception When called */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { throw new Exception('TODO'); switch($offset) { case 'year': return $value; // 0123-56-89 case 'month': return $value; case 'day': return $value; case 0: return $value; // 0123-56-89 case 1: return $value; case 2: return $value; } throw new Exception(''); } /** * Implements part of the ArrayAccess interface, but throws an exception * when called. This maintains the immutability of Stringy objects. * * @param mixed $offset The index of the character * @throws \Exception When called */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { throw new Exception('TODO'); } /** * Gets a SHA1 (160-bit) hash code of the internal string. Return result can be raw binary or hex by default * * @param bool|null $raw_output return the raw binary bytes or hex values of the SHA1 hash * @return string */ public function sha1($raw_output = false) { return hash('sha1', $this->str, $raw_output); } /** * Gets a SHA-256 hash code of the internal string. Return result can be raw binary or hex by default * * @param bool|null $raw_output return the raw binary bytes or hex values of the SHA-256 hash * @return string */ public function sha256($raw_output = false) { return hash('sha256', $this->str, $raw_output); } /** * Gets a SHA-384 hash code of the internal string. Return result can be raw binary or hex by default * * @param bool|null $raw_output return the raw binary bytes or hex values of the SHA-384 hash * @return string */ public function sha384($raw_output = false) { return hash('sha384', $this->str, $raw_output); } /** * Gets a SHA-512 hash code of the internal string. Return result can be raw binary or hex by default * * @param bool|null $raw_output return the raw binary bytes or hex values of the SHA-512 hash * @return string */ public function sha512($raw_output = false) { return hash('sha512', $this->str, $raw_output); } /* * A str_shuffle() wrapper function. * * @return static Object with a shuffled $str */ public function shuffle() { return new static(str_shuffle($this->str)); } /** * Converts the string into an URL slug. This includes replacing non-ASCII * characters with their closest ASCII equivalents, removing remaining * non-ASCII and non-alphanumeric characters, and replacing whitespace with * $replacement. The replacement defaults to a single dash, and the string * is also converted to lowercase. The language of the source string can * also be supplied for language-specific transliteration. * * @param string $replacement The string used to replace whitespace * @param string $language Language of the source string * @return static Object whose $str has been converted to an URL slug */ public function slugify($replacement = '-', $language = 'en') { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); $stringy = $this->toAscii($language); $stringy->str = str_replace('@', $replacement, $stringy); $quotedReplacement = preg_quote($replacement); $pattern = "/[^a-zA-Z\d\s-_$quotedReplacement]/u"; $stringy->str = preg_replace($pattern, '', $stringy); return $stringy->toLowerCase()->delimit($replacement) ->removeLeft($replacement)->removeRight($replacement); } /** * Returns true if the string begins with $substring, false otherwise. * By default, the comparison is case-sensitive, * but can be made insensitive by setting $caseSensitive to false. * * @param string $substring The substring to look for * @param bool $caseSensitive Whether or not to enforce case-sensitivity * @return bool Whether or not $str starts with $substring */ public function startsWith($substring, $caseSensitive = true) { return ($caseSensitive ? strpos($this->str, $substring) : stripos($this->str, $substring)) === 0; } /** * Returns true if the string begins with any of $substrings, false * otherwise. By default the comparison is case-sensitive, but can be made * insensitive by setting $caseSensitive to false. * * @param string[] $substrings Substrings to look for * @param bool $caseSensitive Whether or not to enforce * case-sensitivity * @return bool Whether or not $str starts with $substring */ public function startsWithAny($substrings, $caseSensitive = true) { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); if (empty($substrings)) { return false; } foreach ($substrings as $substring) { if ($this->startsWith($substring, $caseSensitive)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the substring beginning at $start, and up to, but not including * the index specified by $end. If $end is omitted, the function extracts * the remaining string. If $end is negative, it is computed from the end * of the string. * * @param int $start Initial index from which to begin extraction * @param int $end Optional index at which to end extraction * @return static Object with its $str being the extracted substring */ public function slice($start, $end = null) { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); if ($end === null) { $length = $this->length(); } elseif ($end >= 0 && $end <= $start) { return static::create('', $this->encoding); } elseif ($end < 0) { $length = $this->length() + $end - $start; } else { $length = $end - $start; } return $this->substr($start, $length); } /** * Splits the string with the provided regular expression, returning an * array of Stringy objects. An optional integer $limit will truncate the * results. * * @param string $pattern The regex with which to split the string * @param int $limit Optional maximum number of results to return * @return static[] An array of Stringy objects */ public function split($pattern, $limit = null) { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); if ($limit === 0) { return []; } // mb_split errors when supplied an empty pattern in < PHP 5.4.13 // and HHVM < 3.8 if ($pattern === '') { return [static::create($this->str, $this->encoding)]; } $regexEncoding = $this->regexEncoding(); $this->regexEncoding($this->encoding); // mb_split returns the remaining unsplit string in the last index when // supplying a limit $limit = ($limit > 0) ? $limit += 1 : -1; static $functionExists; if ($functionExists === null) { $functionExists = function_exists('\mb_split'); } if ($functionExists) { $array = \mb_split($pattern, $this->str, $limit); } else if ($this->supportsEncoding()) { $array = \preg_split("/$pattern/", $this->str, $limit); } $this->regexEncoding($regexEncoding); if ($limit > 0 && count($array) === $limit) { array_pop($array); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $array[$i] = static::create($array[$i], $this->encoding); } return $array; } /** * Strip all whitespace characters. This includes tabs and newline * characters, as well as multibyte whitespace such as the thin space * and ideographic space. * * @return static Object with whitespace stripped */ public function stripWhitespace() { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); return $this->regexReplace('[[:space:]]+', ''); } /** * Returns the length of the string. strlen() wrapper. * * @return int The number of characters in $str given the encoding */ public function strlen() { return strlen($this->str); } /** * Returns the substring beginning at $start with the specified $length. * It differs from the mb_substr() function in that providing a $length of * null will return the rest of the string, rather than an empty string. * * @param int $start Position of the first character to use * @param int $length Maximum number of characters used * @return static Object with its $str being the substring */ public function substr($start, $length = null) { return new static($length === null ? substr($this->str, $start) : substr($this->str, $start, $length)); } /** * Surrounds $str with the given substring. * * @param string $substring The substring to add to both sides * @return static Object whose $str had the substring both prepended and appended */ public function surround($substring) { return new static($substring . $this->str . $substring); } /** * Returns a case swapped version of the string. * * @return static Object whose $str has each character's case swapped */ public function swapCase() { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); $stringy = static::create($this->str, $this->encoding); $encoding = $stringy->encoding; $stringy->str = preg_replace_callback( '/[\S]/u', function ($match) use ($encoding) { if ($match[0] == \mb_strtoupper($match[0], $encoding)) { return \mb_strtolower($match[0], $encoding); } return \mb_strtoupper($match[0], $encoding); }, $stringy->str ); return $stringy; } /** * Returns a string with smart quotes, ellipsis characters, and dashes from * Windows-1252 (commonly used in Word documents) replaced by their ASCII * equivalents. * * @return static Object whose $str has those characters removed */ public function tidy() { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); $str = preg_replace([ '/\x{2026}/u', '/[\x{201C}\x{201D}]/u', '/[\x{2018}\x{2019}]/u', '/[\x{2013}\x{2014}]/u', ], [ '...', '"', "'", '-', ], $this->str); return static::create($str, $this->encoding); } /** * Returns a trimmed string with the first letter of each word capitalized. * Also accepts an array, $ignore, allowing you to list words not to be capitalized. * * @param array $ignore An array of words not to capitalize * @return static Object with a titleized $str */ public function titleize($ignore = null) { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); $stringy = static::create($this->trim(), $this->encoding); $encoding = $this->encoding; $stringy->str = preg_replace_callback( '/([\S]+)/u', function ($match) use ($encoding, $ignore) { if ($ignore && in_array($match[0], $ignore)) { return $match[0]; } $stringy = new Stringy($match[0], $encoding); return (string) $stringy->toLowerCase()->upperCaseFirst(); }, $stringy->str ); return $stringy; } /** * Returns an ASCII version of the string. A set of non-ASCII characters are * replaced with their closest ASCII counterparts, and the rest are removed * by default. The language or locale of the source string can be supplied * for language-specific transliteration in any of the following formats: * en, en_GB, or en-GB. For example, passing "de" results in "äöü" mapping * to "aeoeue" rather than "aou" as in other languages. * * @param string $language Language of the source string * @param bool $removeUnsupported Whether or not to remove the * unsupported characters * @return static Object whose $str contains only ASCII characters */ public function toAscii($language = 'en', $removeUnsupported = true) { trigger_error('Function not implemented yet'); $str = $this->str; $langSpecific = $this->langSpecificCharsArray($language); if (!empty($langSpecific)) { $str = str_replace($langSpecific[0], $langSpecific[1], $str); } foreach ($this->charsArray() as $key => $value) { $str = str_replace($value, $key, $str); } if ($removeUnsupported) { $str = preg_replace('/[^\x20-\x7E]/u', '', $str); } return static::create($str, $this->encoding); } /** * Returns a base64 encoded string object. * * @return static base64 encoded string object */ public function toBase64() { return new static(base64_encode($this->str)); } /** * Alias of toBoolean() * * @return bool A boolean value for the string */ public function toBool() { return $this->toBoolean(); } /** * Returns a boolean representation of the given logical string value. * For example, 'true', '1', 'on' and 'yes' will return true. 'false', '0', * 'off', and 'no' will return false. In all instances, case is ignored. * For other numeric strings, their sign will determine the return value. * In addition, blank strings consisting of only whitespace will return false. * For all other strings, the return value is a result of a boolean cast. * * @return bool A boolean value for the string */ public function toBoolean() { $key = ctype_lower($this->str) ? $this->str : strtolower($this->str); if (isset(self::$boolMap[$key])) return self::$boolMap[$key]; if (is_numeric($this->str)) return intval($this->str) > 0; return (bool) \str_replace(\str_split(" \t\n\r\0\x0B"), '', $this->str); } /** * Converts all characters in the string to lowercase. * * @return static Object with all characters of $str being lowercase */ public function toLower() { return new static(\strtolower($this->str)); } /** * Converts all characters in the string to lowercase. * * @return static Object with all characters of $str being lowercase */ public function toLowerCase() { return new static(\strtolower($this->str)); } /** * Converts each tab in the string to some number of spaces, as defined by * $tabLength. By default, each tab is converted to 4 consecutive spaces. * * @param int $tabLength Number of spaces to replace each tab with * @return static Object whose $str has had tabs switched to spaces */ public function toSpaces($tabLength = 4) { return new static(\str_replace("\t", \str_repeat(' ', $tabLength), $this->str)); } /** * Converts each occurrence of some consecutive number of spaces, as * defined by $tabLength, to a tab. By default, each 4 consecutive spaces * are converted to a tab. * * @param int $tabLength Number of spaces to replace with a tab * @return static Object whose $str has had spaces switched to tabs */ public function toTabs($tabLength = 4) { return new static(\str_replace(\str_repeat(' ', $tabLength), "\t", $this->str)); } /** * Converts the first character of each word in the string to uppercase. * * @return static Object with all characters of $str being title-cased */ public function toTitleCase() { return new static(\ucwords($this->str)); // return new static(\mb_convert_case($this->str, \MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8')); } /** * Converts all characters in the string to uppercase. * * @return static Object with all characters of $str being uppercase */ public function toUpper() { return new static(\ctype_upper($this->str)); } /** * Converts all characters in the string to uppercase. * * @return static Object with all characters of $str being uppercase */ public function toUpperCase() { return new static(\ctype_upper($this->str)); } /** * Returns a string with whitespace removed from the start and end of the string. * Supports the removal of unicode whitespace. * Accepts an optional string of characters to strip instead of the defaults. * * @param string $character_mask Optional string of characters to strip * @return static Object with a trimmed $str */ public function trim(string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B") { return new static(\trim($this->str, $character_mask)); } /** * Returns a string with whitespace removed from the start of the string. * Supports the removal of unicode whitespace. Accepts an optional * string of characters to strip instead of the defaults. * * @param string $chars Optional string of characters to strip * @return static Object with a trimmed $str */ public function trimLeft(string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B") { return new static(\ltrim($this->str, $character_mask)); } /** * Returns a string with whitespace removed from the end of the string. * Supports the removal of unicode whitespace. Accepts an optional * string of characters to strip instead of the defaults. * * @param string $chars Optional string of characters to strip * @return static Object with a trimmed $str */ public function trimRight(string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B") { return new static(\rtrim($this->str, $character_mask)); } /** * Truncates the string to a given length. If $substring is provided, and * truncating occurs, the string is further truncated so that the substring * may be appended without exceeding the desired length. * * @param int $length Desired length of the truncated string * @param string $substring The substring to append if it can fit * @return static Object with the resulting $str after truncating */ public function truncate($length, $substring = '') { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); $stringy = static::create($this->str, $this->encoding); if ($length >= $stringy->length()) { return $stringy; } // Need to further trim the string so we can append the substring $substringLength = \mb_strlen($substring, $stringy->encoding); $length = $length - $substringLength; $truncated = \mb_substr($stringy->str, 0, $length, $stringy->encoding); $stringy->str = $truncated . $substring; return $stringy; } /** * Converts the first character of the supplied string to upper case. * * @return static Object with the first character of $str being upper case */ public function ucFirst() { return new static(\ucfirst($this->str)); } /** * Returns a lowercase and trimmed string separated by underscores. * Underscores are inserted before uppercase characters (with the exception * of the first character of the string), and in place of spaces as well as dashes. * * @return static Object with an underscored $str */ public function underscored() // AKA snake_case { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); return $this->delimit('_'); } /** * Returns an UpperCamelCase version of the supplied string. It trims * surrounding spaces, capitalizes letters following digits, spaces, dashes * and underscores, and removes spaces, dashes, underscores. * * @return static Object with $str in UpperCamelCase */ public function upperCamelize() { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); return $this->camelize()->upperCaseFirst(); } /** * Converts the first character of the supplied string to upper case. * * @return static Object with the first character of $str being upper case */ public function upperCaseFirst() { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); $first = \mb_substr($this->str, 0, 1, $this->encoding); $rest = \mb_substr($this->str, 1, $this->length() - 1, $this->encoding); $str = \mb_strtoupper($first, $this->encoding) . $rest; return static::create($str, $this->encoding); } /** * Returns the replacements for the toAscii() method. * * @return array An array of replacements. */ protected function charsArray() { if (isset(self::$charsArray)) return self::$charsArray; return self::$charsArray = [ '0' => ['°', '₀', '۰', '0'], '1' => ['¹', '₁', '۱', '1'], '2' => ['²', '₂', '۲', '2'], '3' => ['³', '₃', '۳', '3'], '4' => ['⁴', '₄', '۴', '٤', '4'], '5' => ['⁵', '₅', '۵', '٥', '5'], '6' => ['⁶', '₆', '۶', '٦', '6'], '7' => ['⁷', '₇', '۷', '7'], '8' => ['⁸', '₈', '۸', '8'], '9' => ['⁹', '₉', '۹', '9'], 'a' => ['à', 'á', 'ả', 'ã', 'ạ', 'ă', 'ắ', 'ằ', 'ẳ', 'ẵ', 'ặ', 'â', 'ấ', 'ầ', 'ẩ', 'ẫ', 'ậ', 'ā', 'ą', 'å', 'α', 'ά', 'ἀ', 'ἁ', 'ἂ', 'ἃ', 'ἄ', 'ἅ', 'ἆ', 'ἇ', 'ᾀ', 'ᾁ', 'ᾂ', 'ᾃ', 'ᾄ', 'ᾅ', 'ᾆ', 'ᾇ', 'ὰ', 'ά', 'ᾰ', 'ᾱ', 'ᾲ', 'ᾳ', 'ᾴ', 'ᾶ', 'ᾷ', 'а', 'أ', 'အ', 'ာ', 'ါ', 'ǻ', 'ǎ', 'ª', 'ა', 'अ', 'ا', 'a', 'ä'], 'b' => ['б', 'β', 'ب', 'ဗ', 'ბ', 'b'], 'c' => ['ç', 'ć', 'č', 'ĉ', 'ċ', 'c'], 'd' => ['ď', 'ð', 'đ', 'ƌ', 'ȡ', 'ɖ', 'ɗ', 'ᵭ', 'ᶁ', 'ᶑ', 'д', 'δ', 'د', 'ض', 'ဍ', 'ဒ', 'დ', 'd'], 'e' => ['é', 'è', 'ẻ', 'ẽ', 'ẹ', 'ê', 'ế', 'ề', 'ể', 'ễ', 'ệ', 'ë', 'ē', 'ę', 'ě', 'ĕ', 'ė', 'ε', 'έ', 'ἐ', 'ἑ', 'ἒ', 'ἓ', 'ἔ', 'ἕ', 'ὲ', 'έ', 'е', 'ё', 'э', 'є', 'ə', 'ဧ', 'ေ', 'ဲ', 'ე', 'ए', 'إ', 'ئ', 'e'], 'f' => ['ф', 'φ', 'ف', 'ƒ', 'ფ', 'f'], 'g' => ['ĝ', 'ğ', 'ġ', 'ģ', 'г', 'ґ', 'γ', 'ဂ', 'გ', 'گ', 'g'], 'h' => ['ĥ', 'ħ', 'η', 'ή', 'ح', 'ه', 'ဟ', 'ှ', 'ჰ', 'h'], 'i' => ['í', 'ì', 'ỉ', 'ĩ', 'ị', 'î', 'ï', 'ī', 'ĭ', 'į', 'ı', 'ι', 'ί', 'ϊ', 'ΐ', 'ἰ', 'ἱ', 'ἲ', 'ἳ', 'ἴ', 'ἵ', 'ἶ', 'ἷ', 'ὶ', 'ί', 'ῐ', 'ῑ', 'ῒ', 'ΐ', 'ῖ', 'ῗ', 'і', 'ї', 'и', 'ဣ', 'ိ', 'ီ', 'ည်', 'ǐ', 'ი', 'इ', 'ی', 'i'], 'j' => ['ĵ', 'ј', 'Ј', 'ჯ', 'ج', 'j'], 'k' => ['ķ', 'ĸ', 'к', 'κ', 'Ķ', 'ق', 'ك', 'က', 'კ', 'ქ', 'ک', 'k'], 'l' => ['ł', 'ľ', 'ĺ', 'ļ', 'ŀ', 'л', 'λ', 'ل', 'လ', 'ლ', 'l'], 'm' => ['м', 'μ', 'م', 'မ', 'მ', 'm'], 'n' => ['ñ', 'ń', 'ň', 'ņ', 'ʼn', 'ŋ', 'ν', 'н', 'ن', 'န', 'ნ', 'n'], 'o' => ['ó', 'ò', 'ỏ', 'õ', 'ọ', 'ô', 'ố', 'ồ', 'ổ', 'ỗ', 'ộ', 'ơ', 'ớ', 'ờ', 'ở', 'ỡ', 'ợ', 'ø', 'ō', 'ő', 'ŏ', 'ο', 'ὀ', 'ὁ', 'ὂ', 'ὃ', 'ὄ', 'ὅ', 'ὸ', 'ό', 'о', 'و', 'θ', 'ို', 'ǒ', 'ǿ', 'º', 'ო', 'ओ', 'o', 'ö'], 'p' => ['п', 'π', 'ပ', 'პ', 'پ', 'p'], 'q' => ['ყ', 'q'], 'r' => ['ŕ', 'ř', 'ŗ', 'р', 'ρ', 'ر', 'რ', 'r'], 's' => ['ś', 'š', 'ş', 'с', 'σ', 'ș', 'ς', 'س', 'ص', 'စ', 'ſ', 'ს', 's'], 't' => ['ť', 'ţ', 'т', 'τ', 'ț', 'ت', 'ط', 'ဋ', 'တ', 'ŧ', 'თ', 'ტ', 't'], 'u' => ['ú', 'ù', 'ủ', 'ũ', 'ụ', 'ư', 'ứ', 'ừ', 'ử', 'ữ', 'ự', 'û', 'ū', 'ů', 'ű', 'ŭ', 'ų', 'µ', 'у', 'ဉ', 'ု', 'ူ', 'ǔ', 'ǖ', 'ǘ', 'ǚ', 'ǜ', 'უ', 'उ', 'u', 'ў', 'ü'], 'v' => ['в', 'ვ', 'ϐ', 'v'], 'w' => ['ŵ', 'ω', 'ώ', 'ဝ', 'ွ', 'w'], 'x' => ['χ', 'ξ', 'x'], 'y' => ['ý', 'ỳ', 'ỷ', 'ỹ', 'ỵ', 'ÿ', 'ŷ', 'й', 'ы', 'υ', 'ϋ', 'ύ', 'ΰ', 'ي', 'ယ', 'y'], 'z' => ['ź', 'ž', 'ż', 'з', 'ζ', 'ز', 'ဇ', 'ზ', 'z'], 'aa' => ['ع', 'आ', 'آ'], 'ae' => ['æ', 'ǽ'], 'ai' => ['ऐ'], 'ch' => ['ч', 'ჩ', 'ჭ', 'چ'], 'dj' => ['ђ', 'đ'], 'dz' => ['џ', 'ძ'], 'ei' => ['ऍ'], 'gh' => ['غ', 'ღ'], 'ii' => ['ई'], 'ij' => ['ij'], 'kh' => ['х', 'خ', 'ხ'], 'lj' => ['љ'], 'nj' => ['њ'], 'oe' => ['œ', 'ؤ'], 'oi' => ['ऑ'], 'oii' => ['ऒ'], 'ps' => ['ψ'], 'sh' => ['ш', 'შ', 'ش'], 'shch' => ['щ'], 'ss' => ['ß'], 'sx' => ['ŝ'], 'th' => ['þ', 'ϑ', 'ث', 'ذ', 'ظ'], 'ts' => ['ц', 'ც', 'წ'], 'uu' => ['ऊ'], 'ya' => ['я'], 'yu' => ['ю'], 'zh' => ['ж', 'ჟ', 'ژ'], '(c)' => ['©'], 'A' => ['Á', 'À', 'Ả', 'Ã', 'Ạ', 'Ă', 'Ắ', 'Ằ', 'Ẳ', 'Ẵ', 'Ặ', 'Â', 'Ấ', 'Ầ', 'Ẩ', 'Ẫ', 'Ậ', 'Å', 'Ā', 'Ą', 'Α', 'Ά', 'Ἀ', 'Ἁ', 'Ἂ', 'Ἃ', 'Ἄ', 'Ἅ', 'Ἆ', 'Ἇ', 'ᾈ', 'ᾉ', 'ᾊ', 'ᾋ', 'ᾌ', 'ᾍ', 'ᾎ', 'ᾏ', 'Ᾰ', 'Ᾱ', 'Ὰ', 'Ά', 'ᾼ', 'А', 'Ǻ', 'Ǎ', 'A', 'Ä'], 'B' => ['Б', 'Β', 'ब', 'B'], 'C' => ['Ç','Ć', 'Č', 'Ĉ', 'Ċ', 'C'], 'D' => ['Ď', 'Ð', 'Đ', 'Ɖ', 'Ɗ', 'Ƌ', 'ᴅ', 'ᴆ', 'Д', 'Δ', 'D'], 'E' => ['É', 'È', 'Ẻ', 'Ẽ', 'Ẹ', 'Ê', 'Ế', 'Ề', 'Ể', 'Ễ', 'Ệ', 'Ë', 'Ē', 'Ę', 'Ě', 'Ĕ', 'Ė', 'Ε', 'Έ', 'Ἐ', 'Ἑ', 'Ἒ', 'Ἓ', 'Ἔ', 'Ἕ', 'Έ', 'Ὲ', 'Е', 'Ё', 'Э', 'Є', 'Ə', 'E'], 'F' => ['Ф', 'Φ', 'F'], 'G' => ['Ğ', 'Ġ', 'Ģ', 'Г', 'Ґ', 'Γ', 'G'], 'H' => ['Η', 'Ή', 'Ħ', 'H'], 'I' => ['Í', 'Ì', 'Ỉ', 'Ĩ', 'Ị', 'Î', 'Ï', 'Ī', 'Ĭ', 'Į', 'İ', 'Ι', 'Ί', 'Ϊ', 'Ἰ', 'Ἱ', 'Ἳ', 'Ἴ', 'Ἵ', 'Ἶ', 'Ἷ', 'Ῐ', 'Ῑ', 'Ὶ', 'Ί', 'И', 'І', 'Ї', 'Ǐ', 'ϒ', 'I'], 'J' => ['J'], 'K' => ['К', 'Κ', 'K'], 'L' => ['Ĺ', 'Ł', 'Л', 'Λ', 'Ļ', 'Ľ', 'Ŀ', 'ल', 'L'], 'M' => ['М', 'Μ', 'M'], 'N' => ['Ń', 'Ñ', 'Ň', 'Ņ', 'Ŋ', 'Н', 'Ν', 'N'], 'O' => ['Ó', 'Ò', 'Ỏ', 'Õ', 'Ọ', 'Ô', 'Ố', 'Ồ', 'Ổ', 'Ỗ', 'Ộ', 'Ơ', 'Ớ', 'Ờ', 'Ở', 'Ỡ', 'Ợ', 'Ø', 'Ō', 'Ő', 'Ŏ', 'Ο', 'Ό', 'Ὀ', 'Ὁ', 'Ὂ', 'Ὃ', 'Ὄ', 'Ὅ', 'Ὸ', 'Ό', 'О', 'Θ', 'Ө', 'Ǒ', 'Ǿ', 'O', 'Ö'], 'P' => ['П', 'Π', 'P'], 'Q' => ['Q'], 'R' => ['Ř', 'Ŕ', 'Р', 'Ρ', 'Ŗ', 'R'], 'S' => ['Ş', 'Ŝ', 'Ș', 'Š', 'Ś', 'С', 'Σ', 'S'], 'T' => ['Ť', 'Ţ', 'Ŧ', 'Ț', 'Т', 'Τ', 'T'], 'U' => ['Ú', 'Ù', 'Ủ', 'Ũ', 'Ụ', 'Ư', 'Ứ', 'Ừ', 'Ử', 'Ữ', 'Ự', 'Û', 'Ū', 'Ů', 'Ű', 'Ŭ', 'Ų', 'У', 'Ǔ', 'Ǖ', 'Ǘ', 'Ǚ', 'Ǜ', 'U', 'Ў', 'Ü'], 'V' => ['В', 'V'], 'W' => ['Ω', 'Ώ', 'Ŵ', 'W'], 'X' => ['Χ', 'Ξ', 'X'], 'Y' => ['Ý', 'Ỳ', 'Ỷ', 'Ỹ', 'Ỵ', 'Ÿ', 'Ῠ', 'Ῡ', 'Ὺ', 'Ύ', 'Ы', 'Й', 'Υ', 'Ϋ', 'Ŷ', 'Y'], 'Z' => ['Ź', 'Ž', 'Ż', 'З', 'Ζ', 'Z'], 'AE' => ['Æ', 'Ǽ'], 'Ch' => ['Ч'], 'Dj' => ['Ђ'], 'Dz' => ['Џ'], 'Gx' => ['Ĝ'], 'Hx' => ['Ĥ'], 'Ij' => ['IJ'], 'Jx' => ['Ĵ'], 'Kh' => ['Х'], 'Lj' => ['Љ'], 'Nj' => ['Њ'], 'Oe' => ['Œ'], 'Ps' => ['Ψ'], 'Sh' => ['Ш'], 'Shch' => ['Щ'], 'Ss' => ['ẞ'], 'Th' => ['Þ'], 'Ts' => ['Ц'], 'Ya' => ['Я'], 'Yu' => ['Ю'], 'Zh' => ['Ж'], ' ' => ["\xC2\xA0", "\xE2\x80\x80", "\xE2\x80\x81", "\xE2\x80\x82", "\xE2\x80\x83", "\xE2\x80\x84", "\xE2\x80\x85", "\xE2\x80\x86", "\xE2\x80\x87", "\xE2\x80\x88", "\xE2\x80\x89", "\xE2\x80\x8A", "\xE2\x80\xAF", "\xE2\x81\x9F", "\xE3\x80\x80", "\xEF\xBE\xA0"], ]; } /** * Returns language-specific replacements for the toAscii() method. * For example, German will map 'ä' to 'ae', while other languages * will simply return 'a'. * * @param string $language Language of the source string * @return array An array of replacements. */ protected static function langSpecificCharsArray($language = 'en') { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); $split = preg_split('/[-_]/', $language); $language = strtolower($split[0]); static $charsArray = []; if (isset($charsArray[$language])) { return $charsArray[$language]; } $languageSpecific = [ 'de' => [ ['ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'Ä', 'Ö', 'Ü' ], ['ae', 'oe', 'ue', 'AE', 'OE', 'UE'], ], 'bg' => [ ['х', 'Х', 'щ', 'Щ', 'ъ', 'Ъ', 'ь', 'Ь'], ['h', 'H', 'sht', 'SHT', 'a', 'А', 'y', 'Y'] ] ]; if (isset($languageSpecific[$language])) { $charsArray[$language] = $languageSpecific[$language]; } else { $charsArray[$language] = []; } return $charsArray[$language]; } /** * Adds the specified amount of left and right padding to the given string. * The default character used is a space. * * @param int $left Length of left padding * @param int $right Length of right padding * @param string $padStr String used to pad * @return static String with padding applied */ protected function applyPadding($left = 0, $right = 0, $padStr = ' ') { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); $stringy = static::create($this->str, $this->encoding); $length = \mb_strlen($padStr, $stringy->encoding); $strLength = $stringy->length(); $paddedLength = $strLength + $left + $right; if (!$length || $paddedLength <= $strLength) { return $stringy; } $leftPadding = \mb_substr(str_repeat($padStr, ceil($left / $length)), 0, $left, $stringy->encoding); $rightPadding = \mb_substr(str_repeat($padStr, ceil($right / $length)), 0, $right, $stringy->encoding); $stringy->str = $leftPadding . $stringy->str . $rightPadding; return $stringy; } /** * Returns true if $str matches the supplied pattern, false otherwise. * * @param string $pattern Regex pattern to match against * @return bool Whether or not $str matches the pattern */ protected function matchesPattern($pattern) { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); $regexEncoding = $this->regexEncoding(); $this->regexEncoding($this->encoding); $match = \mb_ereg_match($pattern, $this->str); $this->regexEncoding($regexEncoding); return $match; } /** * Alias for mb_ereg_replace with a fallback to preg_replace if the * mbstring module is not installed. */ protected function eregReplace($pattern, $replacement, $string, $option = 'msr') { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); static $functionExists; if ($functionExists === null) { $functionExists = function_exists('\mb_split'); } if ($functionExists) { return \mb_ereg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string, $option); } else if ($this->supportsEncoding()) { $option = str_replace('r', '', $option); return \preg_replace("/$pattern/u$option", $replacement, $string); } } /** * Alias for mb_regex_encoding which default to a noop if the mbstring * module is not installed. */ protected function regexEncoding() { trigger_error('Function ' . __METHOD__ . ' not implemented yet'); static $functionExists; if ($functionExists === null) { $functionExists = function_exists('\mb_regex_encoding'); } if ($functionExists) { $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array('\mb_regex_encoding', $args); } } /** * Returns a string with whitespace removed from the start and end of the string. * Supports the removal of unicode whitespace. * Accepts an optional string of characters to strip instead of the defaults. * * @param string $character_mask Optional string of characters to strip * @return static Object with a trimmed $str */ public function rtrim(string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B") { return new static(\rtrim($this->str, $character_mask)); } function __get($name) { switch ($name) { case 'length': return \strlen($this->str); default: if ( ! ctype_lower($name)) $name = strtolower($name); if (self::$hashAlgos === null) self::$hashAlgos = array_flip(hash_algos()); // set the hash algorithms as keys for faster lookup with isset() instead of in_array()! if (isset(self::$hashAlgos[$name])) // we converted the hash name to lowercase above so we can safely support this: $this->Sha256 return hash($name, $this->str); //--- Start of alias and mixed-case properties ---// switch ($name) { // possible mixed-case variants `normalized` to lowercase. eg. `Scheme` => `scheme` case 'length': return \strlen($this->str); } } } static function curdate($format = 'Y-m-d') { return new static(date($format)); } }